Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1929, p. 2

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jiluiuiday may 0 10311 uotlirath hay lt uv ry day u mother day xjfukts rwws unw uu nit lur way at d lw uiity i vory wlu ra oh imvir it t in r tyrs b wet v lui urn of uirrow or rcul and never ruu lo tare cimo itrown up chll ircii and rolc tliat you can linar your mouuirs volcn a day for hrrl fur you slw nave liinu ycuru of lovo and umlca brave 1 or you her youth was siwnt there was no weight of hurt or care loo heavy for lur utrmiftli lo iwtir oho i illowed wheru yotr wmit her course and lur love sublime you could drucul on all the time shu jffrir lrrih ghurt shirif the penalty of pride 11y ilaluly tfakniflon kkoll no day or night chr utl apart on which to open wldo lwr 1m art and welcome you within tl ere was no hour you would not bo rirl in ix r thought and ttumory tliouifh you were bluck us sin tlioiiffh sklen were gray or tkka were blue mot once has she forgotten you lut every day be uotlutra day willi lovtkand roses straw lirr way and sfnllis of toy and prldal conie brown up children to tlie knee where long juo you usad ta be and tiiivtir turn aaidi oil uuvcr ittt her eyes grow wet with uini bcauaa lier bubts forit tdaaf gueal chronicles of ginger farm wriiiea hpelouy lot- tim prwt by judy outtady sines lost weelc our family lias in- creased by laps and bounds our barn yard family lw it understood tuesday forenoon uier arrived a tilfer calf tuaaday afternoon a bcsiuemau wed nesday morning dolay prestmud us with twin calves but unfortunately neither of uicra lived we were certaltlly sorry to lose thfctn for uiay were very trua to lyp uiclr marking proclaimed uiem to be tlie progeny of our pure bred ayr shire aire on tuesday jinnlc our grand mother cat of venerable ge produced ber annual family four in number and on pridsy and saturday tho ejilcker lialxhed yes they actually hatched in glvcui uicm about three cuy before fairnatch tootblrjpbrf chicks fromtoimaatina nine wer inumi waticinu tat down it the in ud of lh long table and nurveyd the mmuv com i read tlit burnt bcmin tho wutnry vegt table uiup and tlio heavy biscuits then he ulur d up and down tliu tal ic nl ii iu score or rai of lmucra present gay i he axkid carcantlcally who ailing thin me is tufiallicr a belligerent figure npjwarcd in thy d u rwoy icudlinrnulo tlio cook shack it wnn jumla iervli he wore oi apron that wv uld not have suffered n damnifcd r nutation hy intimate association with t tub and hla florid face te pennd in ita rusty color hy the heat of urn stove jded further to ills lounieaa i did li nnnounced and the salted peanut unit don t like my grub can lump hi ho lumpy enough now if i can see tralifhtl day where a andy out ton andy outton replied louis vtrvu wjuiertngly u taking hla vacation vacation i interrupted watklns a camp cook taking a vacation i how think of that arcn t ws getting all aot up in tlio world when cooks take vacations oay why don t you take a vacation liuht if i uirov ono of uicse alnkera at you you d go to tlio hoiiplta1 up until now tlie loggers had been en joying thla cxcluinge of wlln but with the pinch liltter cook getting iie worst of tlio argument uio nympatliy of the men went to pervu oay i lntcrnipj qlmnaon tho tlrai boss wlio lnvltd you to come around here turning your noaft up at the grub and insulting our cool eh you been off eating at swell hotel for a week selling a jag or two of lumber for turner but that don t elve jou leave to make pervu tlierc feel bad b cauce tliu tuive got toxlot while his back was turned and scorched the beans another voice broke in lets tako ken watklns out and duck him in the creek i maybe that 11 cool him off that was a happy suggestion half tlie loggers started to their feet an aiiotlusr insuuit tliey would hr toned the critic hand and foot wm uthmxwc- jaltbciowhtiie glwnconliniiniim hij drmd hi tho hliell and foe their death i am afraid daughter was roaponalbl i nave the uilrty nine ciilcks to two hens and so far there lias not betn a casualty five more liens are set so x hope for a hundred chlciui anyway i think every one moat love tlie wee fluffy talnc and as for uie cjuuirtn wliy mry makv as mucli fuss over them as if they liad never seen a chicken before one year x decided not to raise any chicks and then i vent to see a oelchbor who had just got fcome jmtched out it was quit too much for mi x atrajjht way came home and set the broody btfis wiilct x luul ot shut up speaking olluus runlnds me of an articls i read in the paper tlie other day in which the writer apeke of tlie farm as being the ideal place lo raise chicken but deplored the fact that the kverag farm er is behind the times in hla method he said there are many farmers who still keep poultry instead of poultry keep- in them- rattier neatly put i thought and x am afraid we nul confess it being true except for those who mako a real business of it doesn t th average farmer look upon hens as i ncessary evil rather than money makers no one con deny tliey are good forgvral watch uiem in the tomato patch and see liow tliey appreciate tlie vitotnlne contained therein or kave them near tlie strawberry bed or the raspberry cones and they will soon save you that bock aching job of picking fruit they miso hold wltli the best authori ties and believe in deep cultivation bf the coll as you may pauibly know if by citance you and uuy luve cultivat ed your perennial bed but their eyes are not always on tlie ground indeed not whn cherries are in season tliey are veritable birds of the air uowevnr perltaps it may be just as well not to dwell on tlieae tilings over much jut now it might have a uetloraung effect upon the mortality or tlie chicks l partner was away to the city the other day to as soon as i knew lie was safely off tlie premises x dropped everything as it were picked up tlie muresao brush and attacked the back kitchen now i liad been longing to got at it but how can one work with interfering molm butting in all the unw wanting to know wliat one is doing and flow long before the muss is cleared away oont uiesc men love liouso- cleanlng time tliey like to see the bouse look tidy and clean and make many would be helpful suggestions but let it inconvenience tliem in any one aliape or farm and lumaecleanlng there after becomes a crime so we poor liouse wives must choose between a neglected liouse or a dlsgrunted husband we are forever finding ourselves between the devil and tlie deep blue sea- pardon tlie expression but i cannot think of any otlier words which so aptly describe the situation on second thoughts perhaps it la not such a happy almlie after all for it is liable to start a controversy in speaking of our husbands if we make comparison about themselves and housecleaning wo are bound to create a difference of opinion as to which meant hy tlie dayll and which uie deep sea well readers at tliat i leave 1l tile subject la now open for discussion but don t liold me responsible for any subsequent hard foiling i liave jiut liad a wonderful collection of books and magasines lent to me no time to read them you think usy tlie day never dawn that finds me too busy to read it u meat and drink to tut and i always feel sorry when i bear people gjuy tluv have no tune to read in fact x get more than sorry i loe patience for lsut readnj duty we owe to ourselves i low can we ltaweiunfflrrnrd anil ktp abreast oithc 4hls if we neglect to read education suruly aliould not finish with our lut day of school tliero is always same thins to iram something new to read about and far self advancement reading is surely tlie haxia of education so 1 for one say while i have vision let me read and after tliat 111 try the urallle system i tcoih wuftv a minute itoya i have a bcttertctrme tliat w i rm it the guy who tant put up with uinj cooking we 11 make that boy do the cooking hlm- sclfl whbopee tliat a tlie medicine i if he don t cook tasty and flavor the grub right we won t do a thing but drown him i kenneth gave tlio crowd one startled look lie could have borne the duck lng wltliout any trouble what was a llltle cold water on a wann day hav- i lag tha job of cook thrust upon him hi tills unexpected fashion however look his breath it was a thankless job at best and one for which hcwoa ill- fitted because of a number of qelects chief of which was uiat he knew mighty little about cooking well he put him self in for it and lie would have to see it through one thing dead sure i cant do worse than this i he declared ah right all right we ro nil from ulscoury and wo have to be sliownl it wav fortunate that tills had hap pened at dinner time for it was custom to cook dinner and supper together so supper had been prepared by pcrvls as soon as the moal was over watklns body who dors know or not i lhat compliment won llui all right you took mn- nt a disadvantage what do ynu wont inn to do what 11 i give them to oat for break fast have nny bacon a lot of white ntuff nnd noma brown i lui laughed heartily alloc the brown tliatn brcakfaat bacon tlu white a salt bacon to boll with ollc that brown junt an thin as you cxn put it in tho oven and cook it slowly don t have a big nro don t cook it till it looks dead brown but slop jut one mch this iudo of tlui color you want it wluii it cools fjlow cookliig keeps the uinoke flavor i now you re ehoullngl give me aomc more secrets i ii ahotf that bunch all tlie bacon wa ve ever had down there xploded when you i hit it with your fork have any egg- lggal whoever heard of eggs in log camp i but 111 get cornel two to the man scrambled and put on toast how about that ill have to read em instructions what to do with eggs on ouitt but that 11 take in sir minds off met then some earn flakes biscuit butter and molowwu that ii hold em down till noon wluta get ting me lii how m x going to feed em for dinner what about a pot of soup how do you make good soup potatoes onions cabbage carrots all shucks you sound ilka a toed catalogue we have same filler in cons i ii nulp you tills much you bring up tliat filler and a bunch of potatoes and all tile other vegetables you can gee hold of pepper and salt and vinegar iii help you mix it up and well coo in the wash pot after supper this evening thato the medicine day lisa youte great ill iio that very thing ir i have to work alt night watklns hurried back to tlie camp filled a large clolli sock willi the neces sary provisions heaved his burden on hirlr pnd p uicimj put at you if it wouldn t 1 ruk uitn a nilllu a plocm tafler bring waihrl rleii y u r hlrj i for thn new t hik ut oenip f will a ruul guiiul uroaiifd icnntiitii and i ik h ijiliwily on hl rhalr immin in u unity u lat umoiiiit of purn ticrvo clrciiii hlaikks and u frbndly young girl had iftuihluhed hla rrputalion as a cxwikl lhrr- would lw no way of gutting out of it turin r was one wlio lielleved hi feetliihf his iiiiiii ktrmintli was a cook for ull tlmi and he inlitterrd sadly they say incllnalliui has about evtrry tiling to do with making a mail carter i mont caret ra arc happciiaol that u how kenneth wntkhu loarnnd lhat it nevur pya to grumble about tlie i an idiot q nn tow he became uie iwst cook n hog jowl mountain f- had mannuith ttt vtvl hjlhhouti 1 111 churoli u fine hiunt bj to tsk t yo ir watch every few t lnuli e 1 dally if its front cover shuts with a mini in thin way you indicate uiat you can hi lime and that you cannot txll a gomi sermon when being tulured to a seat in church to stop after uie usher lias start od down the nlsle la proper ha like to walk down alone and lut feels to lup- py when he turns around and finds you are not tliere tlie proper time to carry on u whupcr- cd conversation til church 1 during th nermon along toward uie end wlien the preacher wonts to bring hi urgumerts to a climax always keep youf eyes open during prayer in church so tliat you may ex amine uie styles 2 scraps of paper aliould be strewn on uie floor of public waiting rooms land in thu door aim lney are nt lwm nave arrive at pubutf nauuuruig oil tlinc and always insist oil taking your scat during uie first number xvopie love to have you pass u front of uietr during uie most besuuful part of a so lection street car when a genueman of fer his seat to a lady a atony glance and a stiff nod will indicate tliat he has simply done hie duty at lnusicalel and ednoertg uie enjoy ment of your neighbors is increased when you wlusper and talk low in tills way you aliow real musical taste and superior ability because you do not have to listen in awder to know the selection uiat b being played i 3 customers aliould treat salcspeopu especially women as inferiors ticket agents should ftjag people to understand uiat uuy abi nuisance a gruff supercilious manrsk the casj- toticilblrauori flowed freely ttwoyummuie camp and returned ahowed him howto rntun potatoes and eabbage nnc tkow much bacon to put hi for seasoning uie proper amount of pepper salt and so on tliey put ail uie material into uie wash pot and jcenneui built a fire uien uiay sat down in the glow and talked wliile uie pot boiled after two liours uie sub stance was down low and tliey ladled it out into a couple of wafer buckets you 11 have to bring tho buckets back to nlghf lisa pointed out to him watklns groaned ho was beginning to realise now what a terruiteooat his criticism was necessitating pride was a bad pile of lumber to have around one i how much easier it would have been to have token a ducking i he carried the concciltratd coup back down to uie camp however sneaked it into uio kitchen washed uie buckets and took them back it was almost midnight when he liad uie bacon sliced and every- uilng ready for breakfact the alarm clock fetched him up wlui jerfcwncn it couuded at four uie next morning posad kenneui rubbed hla eyes then he remembered he cami out of his bunk with est way to ribeomplisli thu clerks aliould leueustomei know uiat u huh u uuu inoai was over watxins out of his bunk wlui a jump when strolled with forced nonclialanca back james came sleepily into the kitchen 7 into tlie kitchen pcrvu rellnauoiicd his lie had uie are started hoy uiat alarm a uw duoy uony a parson lias been carried safely through on emergency wlicre it would have been easy to give up defeated lu cause of anoltiers faith hi idm qotne- tlmes it ta a motliera conndeiice uiat austjuns hlrn eloiimrumes tliat certainly of a friend uiat lie con and will make eood li uie life buoy which keeps him from going under a successful business woman lus sold uiat at one time early in lier caroer oli met a serlui of rver which led her to feel uiat failure was inevitable t ulw was facing- tlu future dlsliesruued aliiio4 dokpalrlng wluni a friend came hi and offirvd lo knd lier money if slur iitmlid it tile money was welcome shu uw prt uist counted mot was tlu crtluty uutl home one believed hi her tjjad took a new grip on lieroouri kcmt6pl tho ltlii and in a aliort uni4 br iwtlneaf whs an a paying basis nut all of you jtav ukuiy to lnd ty a rrtaud lit a tnt plmod but dl of ym caul gtw uw votxaomaem whlcb tains mad lnpirt hcamtvumc that your t y wblr uul stands btwen 1 colled apron wlui a grin the loggers crowded into uie doorway he ought embroider some flowers on uiat apron yah but just wall till ha starts to sandpaper tncgrcac off uie dirty dial 10 i there were many ouicr remarks of the came order unui watklns lost patience nd grabbed a stick of stove uood haul your no count freight out of here i he commanded uy grip a not any lo strong and uils stick of wood might fly loose and knock somebody s teeui outl wlien uio place was cleared watklns tumed to james fogln uio kltclun boy usy what do jou know about this business around here lie ecliood james with an injured look i liopa you don t expect me to know anyuilng about cooking i watklns glared at him nobody would expect you lo know anyuilng about any uilngl uuscle those dirty dlbhes in here and soap uni good and make it snappy james clattered around noisily and carried out uie dishes watklns sat down uioughtfully he was in for it good enough for him he reflected for talking co fast neveruielcss the food liad been awful by some liook or crook he was going to do better tliat much he was determined upon as uio kitchen boy sloslied at the dishes in uio tub waudna took slock of uie supplies on hand a case of evaporated milk a sack of yankee beans a two bushel poke of potatoes five hams an armful of white colt meat a dozen coltusfe hams ard meal flour iftead and coon for one thing he mused hla eye on the case of milk j 11 give uiccc bullies a sample of lec cream for to morrow a dinner i dldn t ladle out cream for a year far nouilngl besides n moss of good tec cream will help to soouie uiclr feelings over uie rest of the grub i got uioac duties done i announced james watklns went over and looked at the stock of heavy platen and uilck cups on uio plsnk table between uio cracks of which uio water dripped ho picked up a plate and uie first thing hla eyea fell upon was a film of oily refuse upon its surface bay do you call these dishes clean cleonl grumbled james pcovht ily well i reckon i uot well i dont you get a wiggle on and wash thftcc blooming dbdics clean how you going to get cm any clean er demanded james it is a good thing for tha human race uitwb loom wluiout knowing 1l only for a second did watklns hesitate he had seen his mother toko uie dun cf uie duhca wlui boiling hater you licave uiac duhra back hi uio tub and pour a lot of hot water on em i were going to run uibi dump right from now lltj0m they afa employed ui purpoaes o orna- c when rm uiiar i loud splash mdicatea real enjoyment o not lift your arm at uie dining table alue your elbow to uie edge and dive for uie food fill your mouui as full as possible it will stretch a lot cruiclxe ufft food unsparingly to moke the cook feel good 8 never aay good horning in a cheerful tons itauusr start uie day wlui a grouch and krow pleasant gradually boys should always answer thcr mouter gruffly in uils way they show uiat uiey are becoming manly do not bouier to wear good looking clouies at liome because uie people uiere do not count tlie outsiders are uie onca you wmit lo please parents should command uielr cldl dren in a harsh and loud manner oen- ucnetfl might scare uiorn or make them soft charles a ucalplne at ifomt to llfel a llttlo hirlirnt will nanutlims allow uwt chum irtln mufiliior clrurly uian m urrat uct mr lunir nt ihltlni hi 1 irmmnjln urtlrlt tcllii u ithtry of kitwln llootli unit rv 11 uie jthuily heart of thtf man wliom the worl 1 knew as funimm acutr mr llutton called upon mr booth onn afternoon at the allwmarle hotel h new york and found him lit uu miy rhalr with a pipe hi his mouth the long chat which mailed was not 1111 dbiuirbo 1 mr booth was hi great te quct and lhifore loig a waiter nutred and t ut a card into hla hand tell the buly unit mr booth u fit kbed was uie quiet answer and on inrturntlal leader in mow york society went away dlsai pointed a fnw minutes inter a second culler a man honorably known uirouahout tlie country turned away without seeing mr booth yt another turd was utnt down with the elalement lhat mr b00u1 was engaged and a gentleman and bin wife whom frw people would have refused to receive became convinced that uie actor wrs an exception ta the nilr but at left camr a name that met wlui a df ft rent fate qhow the 4 up said the now intereatml cur and mr hutlon put 011 ills overcoat to leave i lie room he was not allowed to depart the lady was a friend of his and would be glad la so him ho was aaaured j thereupon he waited curious to di cover uie idenuty of uie person who could obtain ail audience with uie man who had been too tlrd lo see the daughter of one of the moat distinguish ed men of science in uie country or a judge of tho supreme court of uie united ntatca or a bishop and hla wife the door opened and in walked black betty thrt old negro servant wlio had nursed ur booth u daughter when alia wan a baby and had taken the malt tender caro of jils wife when alio was alowly dying and liad been a lifelong friend to uieirt all clio had left ur boouie service after his daughter mar riage and had been reecnuy married lieraelf filie kbtaed maxsa edwin a hand slioolc hands cordially wlui mr llutton and lot herself be placed in uie most comfortable rocking choir tlien she be gan to talk familiarly about her own attain and ur iloouia ohe could not urford to go to uie uieatre no mo alio said but she wanted her husband to see massa edwin puy could she have a pass for two uiat night he wrote um pass at suice and put it into her hand blie reaa it and re turned it wiui a shake of iisr head they was onlyniggej5jhcjttiuvtjit a demonstration upim pwrte chrysler performance lesership dnvt 11 chrysler 7 or and you c innot help but undcrctiind why chrysler hiiccihufuhy mam tarns tin pcrformnncc icndcrnhip to try out 11 chryicr in traffic 19 o rfnin u ihrillmij new conception of lirtw i r 4l t i i wmihiruciiou which lojtcitfcr yet it 14 only lotficu thur ciryjlcr should iivo fiucli perform 11 rice if you were io havc4jjnctor car tn- nccredtoyouroruc you wptild v unquestionably insjivt on every mw ol the advunccmentfl in desiri ond conhtniclion which iorftthcr tttfkc ueuausnrt flhlhtff orchwtnxe p a second paper shsujsceived- sllenuy but wlui anouier and aull more decided alioki of lier lieod ouuiclng over her alioulder mr llutton read pass my friend beuy blank and party to my box uils avenlng edwin baoui and betty occupied uie box car acceleration can be whnl tnfi nitc biifcty has been attained in ciirysllrn weatherproof internal expanding wlietl hydraulic brnkei to open the throttle wide on the broad hijhway 1 o feel the centura tidnof steady tltorllei s hnjh speed to negotiate a steep rudc or a winding hill 14 to relink the caus faction of boundlesi energy and power cyer at your command pcrformanee t ylludtr lil git warnom tuclns rf chrytltf ultvr dem firlttelfit 7 i il geouutst tltklij trauitlaff crattltkafi i t rtf trati4f iolktrw iitrar tyrul fiiilsu lautu and rtmns rluft rtabtjstutl miuullngs clinyhl in lx lajy tljut firitsj fitm im u swq clirviiill 75 nims hub itylti prietj from si98s ta sj010 wit astixtr auprusif o h h imdttr odtarit itlmt tttudarj facttry tquimtut ffttylt mj taxn txtra 2 3 d chrysler v chhyslnil motors product cfiryfllctand piyinmiju4li and servietr- phone h actortublario- tiib bekt sugar indubtity in canada tlie producuon of sugar beets grown for beet sugar in canada in 1034 ac cording to the dominion bureau of sta tistics was 205 177 tons from 31 111 acres an average yield per acre of q0 tons as cuiard with iso noo tons from 17 041 acres or an average per acre of 0 87 tons in 1d33 tlie total value of tlie roots grown in 1034 was 91 704 701 an compared wlui 11 033 835 in 1033 the total production or refined beetroot sugar in 1034 was 86 770 70rf pounds of uie value of 0 103 045 in 1033 uie corresponding figures were 3d 433 160 hjotnrdsof uhj value of 03 745300 dur- 1 lng 1034 two canadian sugar beetroot factories waro in operation a uilrd fac tory has been eatabllslied at raymond alberta and during uie season of 1035 i 3t reported uie acreage planted in sugar beets well over 6 000 and uie produc uan is esumated at fl 00 tons on average yield per harvested acre of p 70 tans en vaht sneered james i ceo you running uiu outfit right you pickle your zaza and build up a uru to heat come waterl he stood over uio outraged kitchen boj unul james carried out thctc lnstruc tlons when towards half past tuo in the arte moon tlie work was done wat kins fared forui to carry nut a plan that he had formed in his mind bcav lug tlie 1 camp lie took a trail which at uie end of a half mlk rame out cabin tills was where a young woman lisa ueade lived he found lua in uie aliadc of tlie moon vines uuy i sure put my foot bito lit ho told lur he reeled tlie details of uie last few liours im up against it but lui going to sliow uiat no count bunch j hat a wluit you g t for being u handy with your crlucuml a person ought not to ctiluuu now uicre you gol you re going to lay nobody lias a rlsht to kiu ujilttw lie can do better that a iioniiiu i can t mskjr a fcuiui rbjl turn fiuh but i tan smell u tlw trouble wlui ulou folks wlto don t kiuiw liow to do some udng uiat a furcod on cut ut uwy just go bteaabig around and biolu oil awful job of uiuum tit uwlr ignorance but look at butt ha proclaimed beating lu clteat i earns to you i cams lo konis- goes off at four hear you come out of uiat mattress at four o clock see this is uio last time i build are for youl every man carries his own end of uio rail in uicse parts 1 huh i anortcd james kenneui put uio bacon in uie oven and made uio coffee lisa liad told how to prepare it a spoonful of coffee for each cup and a spoonful for uie pot let simmer on uie back of tsl stove bring to a quick boll and boll for one minute then put back on tha olovo what you reading op tliat there pap er wondered james suspiciously you shut up and tend to your own builncssl kenneth had not missed it much wlien he had cald ho would have to instruct uie woodsmen how to eat eggs an toast once started however he heard uie lag i gera begin to exclaim this here eats fine i oay boys masucate that bacon oay thats shore swell baconl came uie straw boss volcw well u shore la tills must bo high prlped baconl i aln t never ct no bacon any wheres uiat tasted like uils except once when i et breakfast up at old man sol meade a uiat hla gal lisa cooked i kenneui gave a start could the boss suspect anyuilng no apparcnuy not simpson added loudly boys rollyour tongue over that coffee say uikts real coffee the meh cleared out after uie meal and until uie last of them hod scatter ed kenneui could hear curprised oxpres- lona of praise now came uio morn ing a work he mixed up the soup and put it on the ulove to simmer uien lie made uie custard for uie ice cream ho sent james to uio commissary for corned beer canned pork and beans and other utand bys in general it was against turners rules to feed tlie camp out of uio stare but uils was a des pcrate oase kenneth figured along about uie middle of uie fore noon simpson came by uie door hey watklns turner a coming out on uie eleven o clock put his name in tho pot kenneth groaned ills namcj been in uie pot all the time as much as it ever wilt get in uicrcl at twelve the men clattered in ken neui could hear tho booming voice of j turmr act a wiggle on you and muscle uiat grub in l he commanded james and uio kitchen hoy obeyed nny i iccuncuxjieoidtunicrsay to uie kitchen boy you beat ins out of part of my dinner you washed oil but week a grease off uils plate i boyd uiu here plates actually clean tin men fell to caung then came the cjaculatloiiu boys this coup is great oay this soup wasn t mado in a lag camp couldn t been a camp cook that would make make soup ilka uils would fall down deadl the eating wail on kenneth sat down on a backless chair watching the performance uirough uio door us could not- rrfraln from a lordly pose and on lnntr censo of victory two clrcum stances had combined to create this sue clss lisas magiitncaut aid and his own native wit in following directions alii right james lets haul in tlie lec cream t ice cream gasped the men tunur said nothing asked no cmbar rasslng qurstluna the men cleaned up uie cream hey uicrc finally called turner kenneth watklns come out of uiat holel kenneui stood in the doorway the men wrc grinning broadly when did you learn lo be a cat k jiw thla i outfht lo shoot you you rir fired on your rtgular job by gum i kenneth felt as uiough hla kneea would give way undor him blmpson was grinning fromear to ear turner wtnt an ihluk of a man wlio can cook jlku uils lyliuit around liere and iiimim phyliilt shut inouuil here lve bn so unujual hi the manufacture a scouring tliee hills and woods all ovar low priced motor car uiat assures uie lot a tfook to man uie camps ovr on enjoyment of smooth partition opd satis ho- jowl whim we split uie dummy line tying uerfornianri to tli0stldj loud make two outfits boys id throw owuer gems op thought tho great leader is hot mode by uie i great event uiat call him but by all i uie long days of unconscious training uiat havo proceeded it you need not tell all uie truui unless ta uiose wlio have a right to know it all but let all you tell ba truui hor ace mann it is never too soon to get ready to do a great task pr john it matt he uiat prayeui foe another is heard for himself jewish proverb a man a character is revealed by uie uilnga lie does not core for palth la a principle by which to live not a problem to be solved ceirconoucst lories plato is the greatest of vie which is it brings the archer pome his how his arrowb or his aim pkcibely balanced motob 1 suhxs smootn plymouth pkofokmance in uie field of cport perfect balance is essential to uie champion wheuier an individual or a winning team diamond or gridiron the well balanced football team is uie one uiat finishes tho season at the head of uie list tlie golfer wlio has rhyuim of motion and uio ability to time and balance lunulf properly is tho one who succeeds in plnylng uie course in par business it is uie well balanced organisation that functions smoouily renders uie moot useful service and shows greatest profits in all phases of lire in sport in business in men in machines balance la essential to sue cess j in an automobile engine according to p o saucrbrey factory manager of the plymouth motor corporation at da trolt seventy ave per cent of lb smoothness of operation and freedom from vibration depends on uie proper balancing- of parts that go nilo it unless each principal movlmpart re ceives uie most careful attention hi bal onchig uie motor will not liave uie amooumoss of operation and uie power sufficient to enable it to operate wlui complete satisfaction hot only is it necessary to balance each individual port but the entire assembly must balance to strict prearranged 11ml hi 1 1 th plymouth engine for instance nch connecting rod and piston must bo balanced to within one ten ui on ounce before it possea finalr approval by uie ui- spsolors tlie most delicate operation and uie one moat important to amooui and pow erful operation of the engine is uist of balancing uio cronksliart in a rotat lug uhaft lack or balance is counteracted by dotermlnhig uie point of unbalance and offsetting it by addbfg weight or drilling at the point of overweight preourly built and cclenuflcally de signed machines arc used in balancing the plymouui crankshaft tticse ma chlnea not only determine uie amount unbalance in any crankshaft but also show where it must be drilled in order to place the crankshaft in proper bed once in addition it toils accurately uie amount or drilling necessary plymouui cruuluhafls must balance wluitn two tenths of an inch ounce or on ounce of avoirdupois weight laid within two tenths uf an inch of uie fulcrum centre of uie crankshaft the crankshaft la uie iackbaiic of ho engine much depends upon uio pre alstan wlui which it is built ouicr parts that must be balanced properly in order to insure nniooth easy and efficient op eniuun i f the engine include clutch cranl- gears and flywheel not only indl vldually but as a uull hi th 1 lymuuui engine the entire as mbly of pistons connecting rods at kshafta gmrs clutch and hywlirets must be jn fcierfict static balance as a wliole it is uch precision of workmanship earn600to 10 00 a day l- dlutapit tfou mafawueiatt- idouiniom schools iu km titt6tono wtflvfamm says mrs douarwise pineapples preserve tiia fox of mrs wlfgins war a wo begons xpruion fib d run a bis lull at taa stor flood reason foriupreuiatif my tliir quout j lb way to bay is caih at carroll pricsa tb milu ahaal uij navar dread a meoatary criiu them now trl cuiiom tap at piiuappu m kdtntuubkllr ail itia ytar uj pnul tcn rt offering kmil hui iiulufnuntu lo crtt i jat tlnnanj w1in tltm tltttuful u up u u npfcud ilia i pnm ull mtivtnc- alto tla advaniaf of dm ufuai on xty prrirrving ytxir p nsappl now our stotca arc nippl ail willi finri culian tril sfianldi uivck 4 law current pticaa atk lor our ipmal prxm hy d special vtoy fhuml red cojmw draoa tuut 2 i n spful ckupo fig baas salfltiost x8 sfumafh ayutur taucy ix wiiau bji duufr its 7t sauar kruil ld4y 1 uu tit dd carrott 3a 2 una 21c ainaragu tina jubj a t lb ran via sockryr ialmon coriwl on or clover lf ua oiicvcn hadoie ror oram n ptr tin tancy u 10iup pal lummu dcan h rtan ma wood spccial carroll tuwu crcanury u3 put straw lrrry jam 39 metwj tufoaia sltj wulaa soi coral ahm otttttm 2a 1 dad biuiui 2d im logjtrttra tut tor swift sifa laiiwlriig sjulw slu urgd uckgc sdaj cruu bowroaa jar 34c sandwtdi somsj ixaialjr lunib ir 20c sic ol va od cttuum a ul 19c iui oay muiui a shoe palish casv butter d 39 oldailxiii umtlp rn and llavory prr iu 2te a iat0au ob vclvi ita q wrskl lb patucr ioc succo bacon tary mjj curtd wr lb 30c cottag colls jmjj m ijci rrd iran tl 24 cocoanut 5 pastby ttouh tatvoji i ud 24 lb- ujc m baking powdch carroll pure no a f lb i 2ti slldixss oalslnfjl monu lid i1jj 2 cxgi 35c tatkas cuuaahrrvr u quai iy per ir special cut quy cabfw ap x sl jumbo ttljnis utitu uujluw is24itir u 2 it swltt munls sj curavgood we iba 25c pcacucs califovwu ewaporawj cl otcc qual y lb 19c salted hianuts tuwl ed fancy ual ty lb 2c special rfc whrf icing sugar 3 19 soda biscuits viwmtcntn iuumct cucumhcs picscu lday hrmajui niw ouvcs cl fu guiwwul p i no mill street acton ontario if you expect to sell you must advertise it paysiouse runs 100 pure paint and varnishes c9 special product cor every purpose- for every surface loaxpure paimt or inhitar marbieite for hsrdioood floors i neutoke the fljftujia bh paint forsalebtj w d talbot actoh

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