murvliiiiri j imltv w cat la in ir li r mlra i r uri mamuvl waiiion mronriifi do ruiturduy may 4 1030 lit fit atulrrw a ctiurch clurlph liy lit v ii liiirlimtuut curry kllw neighborhood news i nashauawlya mr howard juintc of iliuiilllon vli it- led lilwllir mrs utwnnrj king ovrr mixmuviir klnif nml mr john aitkin th ulin ilaihur nr mr iuiil l aviriii vullrf wlui mr ami urn if i till in writ itf iwrt uhortrnfid wllllatrc i inlr wptu n mmi fit mm mary walton ami he luu lic john c watson uriuden onto ijiivphkhd in nrluin township mi monday may 0 1030 qtorac mlirp y liert nurd do yrarn slai i at filn late rralilrnut asnrtoii lrufnlnr tojnn tip on frllay may 3 i m0 h fc hall in lili 74ui year in mimouiam owackiiami ii iii lovlntf inrmory of our dear moi r wlio passed awny may u lojtf pocf he thy rrrt 0ar mother tin sweet to breathe lliy namw in ue we loved yon very dear in death wc do uie tame in that brlaht celestial city where no tear bedims uie eye in that house of many mansions wa bhnil meet you by and by thk pauclv fflhg attatt 3fttt intern thultopav may 0 1030 jl n icinu over riuniliiy kufwuln ix11ooi ttkwut tlu follouilnd is uw sundlnb of out pupils i ttutfrrln uclmnl n u mo 10 kwnunluk for uio month of april in order of merit or jv mantarel mclean jr iv grace hlntoft vernm joo knirnt rnnrlll or iii jack mclean jr iii mhimi iafle llla oakley hilly merrltt jean mclean angela ronclll mary ryder jr ii cliarlei mill laura bonus joan wall amelia topelll ualvllle lion us br i ileatrlce menlit john drake or pr qtilnta tonelll lilt pr charlie wall carney bon is clarence bonus jr pr tommy bonun botible tonolll denotes examinations jnlssed denoteii equal roarks n e hall teacher uululfoutjk motlier a memory on plower for cimdoy tlie twenty fourtli of may in just two weeks tim county council cession was lield in milton yesterday nurllngtan ta rate has been act for uib year at 40 mills every po of tint paw phkos iiaa lis own intarestlnff features repair are being made thl week to uie roof of kn church mrs w riuck anil mri c bell were ultors at uie paixonage on thursday tlie canvass for hydro contract 1 pro ctedlng ir all wlio want uie service will sign up now the improvement so ions needed will coon be here tlie guild of uie presbyterian church held lis closing meeting for uie season on tlmrsday evening of hut week wlui excellent atuuidanch a good pro ramnie and a social evening was much enjoyed during uie evening ur and mm- gam olaby were presented wlui a cet of silver knives and forkxj tlie cjianjre of time of uie morning mtlkcara helps uie nun to net into uielr fields earlier and seeding will soon be flnuiied umkhouoe add mr and lira arrowomlui of toronto visited at mrs flwae on nnn tills is axcetulon day churved om a leffal holiday in the province quebec oardenlna operations have been halted by uie cold weauier of uie paat fortnlslit how mlxa may brighten up bit and show you can be uie meule month of may you usually ore riikiroiiill mnuwrn d iy wwlrru will lw in id in uwi ohurrlilll churrh on flutuluy mm lit v cuhw4h will il 1w r th rtddryi mr john clrulf hue the foil ndnt ion ulnm l i uii u u d for hln nt w ham tlia re iedliuc of cihurrhlll o uicu ry ih now uelt nd vim cud and will w com lileud in a f w duyii mrs hilti or hulllnufail wlio luui liern vkllliik her daiiuhter mm itnbert worne huh been nnrlnunly hi mu ilrownlrn lion also been 111 at tllfl hkint home lloui are now liaiuvltvtf nicely kounk k61io0l ihe fnllowlng in the april rtnort for i j mo flchno or iv howard araf walldco hwackhamrr jr w ltta owackhnme dduflas autlirje or iil hobert oterrllt klwood jahnitton ohella aanun f i rail olhtop i yln crlpiis grace qraff jr iii mary crlpp nana hwaek- hnmer heatrlce orarf da a denny jwuniei ltavldwil jr ii clifford oterrllt norman an dereon ur i lyla kvana aluna a lb win jr i ward oraff bllllu tjurrltb ocomlna kvana or prltlier edith warren jtrry quthria int primer audrey mcai qr jr primer min a crlpiis muriel bvl tlie ajiterlnk denotca examinations missed vora m ilmt learner rmri rinnrrrrtrtnac inva wtftiniynnirvr ritfet rror tlie fraarmwotk of uie new addition to uie ualton- glove co la erected and uie roof u almost completed heave majton la improvlnff bis residence an bower avenue by the er uon of a handsome modern verandah- weve liad aufflclent cold and wet weather the past week ooxaa bright warm days will be duly appreciated now tlie auiietlc club a big meet and old boys lie union commenca just seven weeks from saturday tlie advertised prices in acton stores and uie quality of goods displayed are making acton an attxaouve aliopplng centre for uiu district tlie duke of pevonililre chapter of uie lode held uielr regular montluy dieeung on tuesday evening at uie home of mrs r u mcdonald ur james quvenson toronto sang a solo at knox church on sunday morn ing very acceptably lie is ft tolout in at paul a churcli toronto candy flowers hooka are all vry nice for your little marks of apprecla tlon but your motlier really wants you oct to lier if you possibly can far bun- day a change has been made in die c n r steam line time table the correct tlmei of arrival at acton will be found in uie usual place on page five tlie temporary bridge at ouwmer ville was walied away lost wek by tlie high water it luu bun rejilaoed by a hlglier and stronger ana which was open ed for traffic on buudoy tlie ouur evening a ualnbtroet resident undarlook la count uie cars pau- lng on ull uioroughfayo in unt coarse of an hour blie counted 2ors and u not quite sure uiat a few wer not tnlawd tlie tarmaeadam roadway on mill street u dulntegratlng in several place between main street intersection and john street immediate attention should be tlven it as uie luile are dolly becom- tna urftw to kep uie old hoys and glru informed of uie big celebration in acton and the report of uiose ocuvltlea in con nection with it you can have tirs phek pe forwarded to tliem from now until uie end of august for 0c mrs u and i desire tn join uie 1 11 be there club and are looking for ward to meeting many old friend reads another note from an acton old boy you 11 find uie name in the special column on pace three uii week a ana new masonic temple building at oihawo i to be opened and dedi cated tomorrow evening 10th but several brethren in acton nave been favored with invitations to uie interest ing ceremony and banquet to fallow diaries a lovell ft returned soldier lis been appointed clerk of caledon township ui place of w m wllus wlio resigned to take a place as travelling salesman for road machinery ur mr lovell reside at alton and received tlie appointment out of 13 applicanta it may seem early to rewind you but the pass pfii hoi already ordcasi one of uie finest and most reasonably priced lines of cliristmas cords it lias aver been our prlvuge to secure they will not be ready to allow however be fore november this is just a little ad vonce up dsy mrs rosa and ur and wru edge ol hamilton spent tlie weekend wiui mr and mrs w ullllere lorine mitchell spent uie weekend in georgetown mr and ura il tarxwell and family moved to georgetown uils week tlie women insutute lield its annual meeung at uie parsonage on thursday aftrrnoon th rfyf jjtlrm tilfftfd nrej tfiiliai vlivmtrmlnanc wm gowdy pjwannil vbv 7niijtfttm ijhfa tu miat ktockwood lost pjklay evening a number of people ftom acton put on a good programme in tuo parts first part being several selec lions by sixteen piece orcliestra vocal solo instrumental duets and choruses uie second part was token up wlui a pliy too much married which produced a good deal of mirth among uiose pres ent tlie musical numbers were excel lent and uie artists deserve credit for their painstaking efforts we would wel come uicm anouier time if uiey see fit to return again in the near future ihe entertainment was glvan jn terrace gardens tlu v p a of uie united church held a pleasant social time in uie town hall friday evening ur il quuman of ounnyliome parm ouelpli township coiiduotod services in uie united church on sunday lie was present uie week previous and wilt bo present next sunday for uie occasion rev ur jones of nassagaweya con ducted service in uie presbyterian church on sunday at uie conclusion uie roaming service lie announced uie vacancy due to uie removal of rev l e gasselin to another cluurge as mentioned in last week jaeva in reference to urs a j ucaiears moving to uie dates it is prairie cnlcn wis cousin instead of eton rapids mich miss jean torrance returned to simcoe un sunday after being home for ft monui uniting on lier rnouir wlio is now wltli her daughter urs wubert j guild harris olreel ur harwood aosselln in company with his mouier and brothers motored victoria harbor for uie weekend miss edna u pearen of dundas was lioma far uie week-end- uiss may watson or toronto was itome far uie weekend ur johnston hewat of olmcoe wa home far the weekend lr clarence lynclt of guclph and sister miss icatiilccrj were home for sun day hannocknimn tlie meeting of ltio women znsulutn will be held at the home of ubt qre on wednesday may lflth everybody welcome j mr b lowrle who ha iwen in tokyo japan for the past three yeary sails for hoinenlilit week tlie following lo uio report of han- nockbum ucliool for uie month of april or iv marjorle cross ada eprowl viola smiui senior thld dorouiy clarrldge jessie crou iulph denny jr iil teiva wiley burt wauon arclile macdohald margart hender son n betty olarrldg annte uo- cullougli br primer lloyd james harold gor dan elmer denny jr primer erma wolson lome cross jean scott kdlui denny clifford mo- donajd hector mcdonald those marked with an asterisk missed examinations jcan orr teacher gukkintilsc kiool i ik foil iwliuf 1 1 th riiw rl of 1 u no ii 1 rln f r miirrli und april lliom iniirkrd u n pn a nt for ull i xuinln- ntloiin ill iv 1 vi lyn ivuitn hononi jumr t mccnitf hoiiorn ijiu porlll j iv marjory mccaltf lionor jvih rt allan kvollun iunnlxtrt lloyd mriciown euie ni loon 40111 porrn tell ii joan mann honor jean illll t marlon leslie luwnou mecdt- rhrmi kenneth mcdonald or ii ran west honor gordon mckrown 1 lule maude jenu altknn jr ii rolen mccultf honor don- hn mcplml roin purest irene alt- ii lome nelium grunt allan ilielma forrlcon or pr douglas mcdoiml i klleeii trims ton jr pr rvallnr mccaly wllma west arlhur khlron m oroanpiau toner clean fresh footwear wn unt t lk front with tin v ry imji awrunciit of ioolwear la ull uus mid iniitu- iilu with tlui exception or nnn or lu c id r 1 till to route our stork lu nil lurt cry i rlr 1 for the tumid quail urn wt urn nhowliitf ur inch hllirr tltun oura an luui lwrn pnvid to tn several llmcn in ihr lout f i uf day our ulock in not alt in the wlndown pjia ink us for what you require harrisons we buy and fdl for cash cimmi i oolwear nt lwt oulklfl 1 rices notice during the month of may june and july th pure bred perclieroh stallion villy 113047 imported from prance on wuionthday and yiiuusoay of eacl week will be at lite stablh of mr it u davidson lot 3d second line knqueslng for ser vice calvin campbeloj moffat ownftt acton ontahio antliony was uie scene of a happy gauier- lng an tlmrsday may 3 when tlie scotch block circle of uie w a of idnox pres byterian church sent out invitations to a birthday tea and reception to mrs an- uiony to celebrate lier 7ui anniversary about sixty five ladles called and spent a social hour with uie hostess wlio re celved with her daughters urs herb cleave mrs w c bessey and urs h wilson while uie ladles of uie circle served in uie dining room where table were arranged in groups tlie large tabic jelth its lace cloth was centred with a two story birthday cake wlui 74 candies in pink and white and banked with pink tulle and spring flower mrs anthony wlio is quite active despite her years was presented ului a bosket of pale pink camauons one- for every year by her six daughters mrs pred howes listowel mrs il q wilson acton mrs j a leslie aylmer urs horb cleave mrs ii bingham and mr w c bessey of georgetown while mrs hugh black of esqueslng made tho cake and presented it on behalf of tlie circle flowers for mothers day tor the convenience of our many customers mothers day tlowcra will be linndled from tlie ito re oppoiitrj coxes gflrajrq qn maltv street tulips i10sbs carnations used farm equipment 111 hoe champion drill 3 13 hoe champion drill 3 pkbiuno manure opreeder 4 uasbbyiianrtie manura spreader jetodhope anderson manure sprtadcr 0 no 4 prost t wood binder 7 foot cut 7 no 13 dk laval cream separ ator 500 ibn capacity 0 no 13 dk laval cream separ ator 700 lbs capacity 0 no 1 london continuous natch concrete mixer 10 m h p gixoon johnny-on- the opot engine 113 ii p london engine 123 h p lister canuck en glne 1 130 ii v stover engine oopd as new pioneer equipment company yelepbae ibs 10 woolwich street gualph oatario highway grocr pastry tloui 24 lbs tor grnnulnted sugar 10 b for fancy blue rose rice 3 lbs for weck end special 90c c prunes 50 60 size lbs for 25c 25c 2 oranges fair sue oc dozen for odc westons or mccormicica sodno i lb packet iq z for cttfc our leader broom 0 string the beat mode for sunmmd sctdlcss 01 scded rmsms 2 plcts li c toddy or vi tonl lb vc vi ih for uc a surprise soup ho llf bars tor dzc aylmer cliolcc tiinntoes larpe 2j size tin ff m 2 tins for zitlc choicosiltrfd pens no 3 sieve no 2 size tins 2 tins for loc del monte tnncy crosby corn no 2 10c 80c highway grocer w ninsbitt proprietor younfc street acton phone 189 evebton motorists from acton to mount parest xpertencd quite a lot of snow enroute ou saturday morning on a form lawn near kenllworui a couple of clilldren were observed puttlng tho finishing touches on a life sited snow man rauier on unusual occupation for kiddles ui uie me rr to monui of may may so far answers pretty fully uie descrtpuon given by j whltcambe itlley he says i just abominate us protolvat a few glint of sunshine bits of green about the umber lands leaves burstlnffasre and tticro uien blest if i dont woke up next mamltig and find it snowing again ttiats about int wti ve liad uie past week msslniuta fieuteue for drunkaa drivers a sentence of uilrty days in jail for motorists who drive wlille intoxicated u a fitting punlilmiant said hon w ii price attomeyaetieral on ttuhday tlw senunce at prtient far a lirt olfetue b from seven to thirty day and if a convicted parson guts lew uutn the maximum lie it lucky sold uie atlor ueyoeneral he is not caiutuiplaung raising uie penalty but 1 in ac 3rd wlui imposition of uib maxunuui sentence giltl guide news tlia outdo met as usual on wed lijtdtty nlght with ft ijjndld croud present xiw meeting wnt ou in lu resmur inaiuir uid utter prt ultii pot li sauis tlie couust bocuits cloae hi kocll ultootilkjf and ch ouldt 1 rtxivlus hard tu hav lier owu poiucu- ur patrol ftt th hesul of uie list t um sm1 q th m miss kaudeen miller of guclph spent the weekend with lior friend uus norma uerron tlicy ako called on mr and urs j p benluun jr town line ur and ura nixon cole and douglas of georgetown were sunday visitors at the liame of mr and urs o jestln ur and urs james ulne and family also ur norman drexter of ustden spent sunday with ur and ura irwin hamilton and family miss minnie hamilton of ouelpb was ajo at the some liome over uie weikend mr j e uerron was in toronto on tuesday on a business trip also col head spent tuesday in uie queen j city i ura w talbot u spendinj a few dajs in guclph with mr and urs r talbot i suffolk atrvet urs talbot being ill at piesent on thursday afternoon may 3 tbe annual business meeung of uie evcrton women a insutute met fn uie annex of th churdi of christ tlie president ulss jean mclean conducted the meet log and after uie usual routine of bus iim luui been disposed of uie roll call answered lo by paying of fees uie onloers were then appointed as fallows presid ent mrs edwin barber vice president miss j mclean secretary treasurer mrs thompson stawart assistant sacra uiry treasurer urs d h paiker or gahlst ulss j mclean assistant organ- jt ura john stewart district director mus k- qarbcr repreuntauve to du irlct annual uoetlng urs d a ucuu ian ura b daxber mus ii barber plowcr committee mrs d mcpliedraii mrs d ii parker and urs wm ushcr- uood programme committee urs w talbot urs w peivoy urs w head and uie president and secretary auditors ulss e barber and uri q q robertson plans were made for the coming year urs w peavoy was of flctally appointed by jlie members to act as a trustee nn uie cemeury board die meeting closed hi uie usual way ur kirrtt uuntcr uf acton spent a few days last week with his aunts mrs o lorce and ulss margaret buntor mr and un o a llolwrufln called uii ur and mrs n robertson ataclcn uunday jr and mrs l duscnberry oud daughter june mr and mrs p aibbous add sons of toronto called at tbe bora of mrs it u slnians on sunday we are fetad to report uiat ulss lqls uecutelion dauahtcr of ur and urs t d uecutclieoii is improving and la able to bo around fciii ur and unlalvui miller of uramp- ton spent uwi wwttiul at uie utters luue ur and ur w smiui atverton conisr i ur b n bluioii and ur a bluiplwrd- son called qhfilviut in a ton ou uunday abimwil of uw riuatoo of tlw cevtuury uuojd ws held at uie home of mr hiijold huiitli town ium uuoday uviiiuig i ur and urd d 11 iwbii ouuu and alclilu of clilelplt tmhad utx ut ftud i ur ajcdiw cwnpcmll fcriu on buiuuy specials for friday saturday presli seedless q rnisins 2 lbs for jc soap chips fine fluffy nnkes 2 lbs oc loibs granulated sugar 54c cabh and cabby ou delivered with oudlits iodized shake ie halt 10c pink tree matches 3 for 25c carnation milk 3 for 14c fresh rolled oats 5 25c fancy rli salmon 4 s for 19c pork and rjfj aylmer marm large jcr 29 harry homes oh custard 2 tins for zdc aunt dinah molasses tin fancy blue rose rice 2 tb17c dutch sets 15c 8tcpl uniaas garden seeds kellogg s pep brnn rinkes 2 for 25c westons creamy cracifer sodas 1 pound bag tor 16c tilt heat soda illicuit you ever tasted flowersrfor mothers day rose boudoilrf cncji snapdragons pw doisn pot roses in bloom scarlet ptl pmf cacfj geraniums pink white and scarlet each yic will be glad to place geraniums and cut flowers at jour ordurtj on any grave- in fairview cemetery 25c 5c anil qjfc 2 a visit to our grcnliunws now wjll afford you excellent selections of spring ihajij anfl pcrenniajji fairview nurseries phone m a u bishop and sons oonsns promptly delivered remember hills for westonb bisruitb pitono your order to ahllstiuxt hills pl acton weeks specials from pattersons meat market pork fresh hums by the piece per lb i resit sujfc pork by ihe piece per lb shoulder jtoum of pork per lb ilflljljjp pork pickkd side pork by tflq plerj per lb pickled cottage rolla wholq or half plr ir dacon and iui choice side jliicon by the piece per lb home ncndcrcij i urd per lb 25c and 26c 25c 30c 25c 11c 2hc ice extra cmok i dairy butttk pr lb 42c pattersons meat shop phonk 178 your order promitlv dllivklleo absolutely selling out of ladies wear ladus all silk sqnimer advanced style dresses f0 a some sleeveless 10 all shades special value at ujjd ladies stllmt undcrwoar heavy kntt bloonilrs lattst jt shadog all sizes special price i afc step l5 p sfiotjcs will dctp lulf rtfjularly z 19 f1 a special sale prieo ijhkj 195 125 159 49c 20c 175 25c 1000 taney trim bloomtra with brassiere ro mutch best quality only tull fashioned hose regular 1 75 sale price children 8 fancy crepe dresses from 4 to 10 years tor children s pantie dresses all bizrs tor tost dye prints all shades special price per yard ladies rayon house dresses all shudeb sich to s2 sale price ladleb vests to go ut teach boys 2 pair innt suits all shudc hi tweedb special 1rnl mens drtss caps lorgt vunuy to ciioosl fiom r special each x ljc unusual pricl cuts in men i dress shirts neckband stlc i iiiky broadcloth woven madras well made size from 14 to 18 special value ut men s tancy mali hose 2 pair for 125 25c lverytiinu in our blorc in now at tlu- iowii4t priceh i tr hi ird of n tlrt tpwn take advanlaki f iliu sjilt alm rikanif pi1ksrinr and itl paihint 1mini vi i oyvlsr pricix central clothing dry goods store btakkman uiock mill stttp kv aflon specials for the week hi s i ine dri ss shirts ju i s doen in tin lot ot i uie broadcloth blurt ill blue stripes willi collar lo match good value at 12 00 f special tllil week for 10 now ititoaix i otii sunns n i d valm special tin week for sles 12 12 11 v 4 sand blue mil hihu collnr attached good value nt 3 each rt afk menstus 5 doen men s 4 in hand pure silk tie jo d iy price tf for this tic is 80c special this week for 0ic mens work shirts wc have 5 dozen only in size 15 i5j jo a hirt that will 1ivc any amount ot hard wear s hi i hi rt is worth f aa si 25 special for tl ull ends or linoleum at reduced prices xhe e ends arc nil a yards wide and some have 3 y2 4 vi yards in length the pattern is pood call and look them over specials in grocer cp 15c 30c 25c choice large prunes 1 lb tor plum jam jar tor swrrt biscuits 1 lb for 7 pure castile soap o cuk tor zijc 5 com tout soap n bars for ic cooking tics 1 lb 10c 4 jelly powders 25c mclean co p aricer bros store news silcials tor this wixk smoked picnic hams per lb cottage rolls whole or half per lb tor saturday only side bncon by the piece 01 sliced per lb 25c 32c 30c the choicest cuts of home killed beef pork nnd vcflt arc alvuys procurnblc at our counters the hif hest st uidard of quality with the right cuts at the rl prices special assortment of polish sausage summer sausage and a full line of cooked ments of tlw best quality only also dill pickles r parker bros quality and service butchlrs fhonclg delivery nt all tunca weekend specials granulated sugar 10 lbs for 2 grape fruit for 6p g white napthu soap for brunswick sardines 3 for swdq matches i packet for 3 split peas lbs for 2lavol1ne packets for clothes pins dozen for pras cutis for 4 55c 14c 25c 20c 27c 25c 25c 10c 25c kara corree i lb for christie s wafers as sorted hluors i ki 2sultanu ruisnib lbs for maple i enf bran i packet for new carrois blineheb tor dundee marmalade i stone jar for rinso packets for 3 palm olive soup cius for lil white pastry flour 21 lbs for 3 dui i st 3 60c 5c 22c 14c 25c 15c 25c 24c 90c nelson co mill street acton phone 37 the chain hardware has arrived- talhi t s ihndwiirc stoic in acton mw titillated with the alliunee hum of hardware stoics i h inks to your apprceiu in i f the values wc offered dui iuj om sale wc arc now m tk iil a full range of joods from oui alliance purchasini ili ind paisiuj the benefit on to you all goods marked a feature uf our chain hardwatc store is that now ult loods are plainly marked und displayed in open counted you c in uhjic in a iid shop around yourself us ou desire window dnj 1 lys and counter displays urc ull plainly marked with price tickets tlie prices on the quality of loods wc can now offer with our chain huying will tell the stor best if ou don t see the article you wunt get our juotaions they will surprise ou watch for ouh puiujshm quotaiions as examples each wkfck op chajn store kayins talbots chain hardware store mill and main sinwu phone 71 aoloil ontario