ullp artott 3xtt yrgbfi uujiuinav may j3 illd ton a rointn vpinino vfliiltff lovo in passion old love u iuiaco 4irh ii lov a fashion npvi r to ceaui ynunu love s a enrol old love a u psalm child lovo 1h wild love old lovr in calm lihy win c for ckpture peep heart for tin l jdnwn love u silver wnll for the went old love in gold love old love la hett kntherlnc leo ilaten chronicles of ginger farm written bpwully for tlie fife vrmm by juiv ooslady 01n 3hrw jlrnfij ftljurt gdnry at burnt stick portage iiy qi ouol allan lnqi and ii 8j hurl rain rain and still more lain xi it were not against mv principle i would write about it as it u i must find comeuilns more intcrestlnn more insplr inn and es irritating than the caprices of tha elements apcaklng of weauier reminds me of trains feet and roblru three very reliable forecasters of j aeauier conditions aa i write a train approncjil1 tho crocsina and fives its ti i note or warning which one con canity imagine to be like the weird wall lug or an irlrh bonsliee only before ram docs tl tound uiub wc hear it and need up the work but seldom win tlic raoe then wc have feet of all uie curses known to man i believe uioee troubles which afflict our pedal extremities arc tlie wont i am not urn least of sul ferers and on cure as there is rain camlns my feet mako a very feeling protest yes indeed very feeling so feel lng tliat i go from slippers to shoes j shoes to pumps and back again to slip pen in my endeavor to drown their pro gnostications ouch being the case you can well imagine how greatly apprecia tive i was when in reading a short story by john oalsworuiy he descrlljed one of his characters as liavlng feet that were like barometers in their sun- ccptlblllty to weauieir bjs cheerful singing and thought the lllht thrnl rxclalmrd carr irui ui sou 11 have to rkou with the gang over at c on kfitduikcag and i 011 re the only other man at the yards hci that id tiint with that rnglno 1 d tjo myn if hut with this high water tilt rinlng i cant leave bo it h up to y 11 lien cnn you ntnrt in half an hour yen sir ijrii wilron answered promptly 1 11 be ready any time the 1u1ml1 nnd the dynamite are puck oome grub and he back here at 0 45 churn ottid the eupwhitendrnt nuclng at hu watch the find run of imucr may be along almost any time ow it ul don t want trouble wave ot t get thoe flashboardii off burnt ick portage dam the quickest wo know spontaneity of joyous sound was merely uie result of exuberant spirits now alas a neighbor has enllflhufntd our ig norance with the result uiat our ap preciation of the robins song is consider ably diminished by the fact uiat it too is a harbinger of wet weather me thinks the weatherman must have had military training perhaps as com pany ocrgcantslajar else why should lie co delight in calling haiti mark time i and then watch fanners step to the music at present we con only be grateful to htm on one score and uiat is bad weauier gives us a rest from treating oats for smut of orf the clink- lng coughing blinding weeping jobs it is the worst we go after it in the ap proved way l o spray the oats shovel it back and forth like a child ploying in sarulplla ohovelllng choking spraying and coughing js continued with occasional quick trips to uie barn door to all our lungs with unadulterated fresh air until the supply of formaldehyde and water is exhausted then how thankfully we cover uie small mountain of seed with bags and blankets pat ourselves an the back with a sense of satisfaction from a job well done and feel ourselves on terms of equality with uie early clnis tlan martyrs the chickens canunue to flourish in fact they have ceased to be sweet fluffy utile tilings and have entered their first stage of ugliness beaks and feet being more prominent titan fluff and feauiera the casualty list stands at one verdict returned at the inquest death uirough mlkadvdnture cause or causes unknown three more days and i shall have five more liens coming off in speaking of hatching i am al ways in a quandary wliat hatches is it the hens chickens or eggs eggs could not natch without ehlckeuwith in them clucks eduld not hatch with out liens or incubators to bring them to bt state of hatcliablllty and liens could no hatch without eggs to cover each one is absolutely dependent upon the other two la it then equally correct to speak of any ef the three as hatching i dan t know perhaps x never will know to i shall continue to sidestep the issue by saying the liens come offl last monday just as i was nicely started on on extra heavy wash my son came and invited me very earnestly to go and dig worms and was quite surprised at my unwillingness to do so ills great ambition for a little while was to go flailing so with a bent pin on a piece of string tied to a willow cane and a fey worms which lie managed to find lie started off tnd all uie joys and sor rows of fulilng were hu after a while he returned jn great glee with a fish about tliree indies long ills delight and my approval fired him with enutustasin anew and he sallied forth once more with a fixed intention of catching suck ers for supper may all his efforts in life be crowned wlui equal aueeess for lc due time lie returned with two little suckers and i with fltung solemnity cooked uiem for supper one for pat and one for ulster tlie other day pat and x were out driving and passed a peculiar tree with the trunk shaped like a capital 0 on its side look mummy cried pat see what a funny tree i spes god made it grow that way to make us laugh don rj you did i correct him indeed no why should i uather i felt myself corrected did not tie in his childish faith teach us a lesson i felt that se ourselves could not do better than emulate a little child in his conception of ood should wo not be liappler to remember more ojtcn that lie la juit as responsible for our joy and laughter as our tears and sorrow lien n olue eyes sparkled as lie strode t n among the piles of pulp wood toward the shacks where the crew lived to lire na re for the long and dangerous trip down the snaking reachrs of tlie moose- look carr gazed for a moment critically after the auiletlo figure of hla new eighteen year old assistant then frown ing slightly lie turned away to hid old uncle hamlin get uie launch into shape and to make ready the high explosive it s certainly taking a chance just at uils time muttered the superintend ent out well its uie boys tryout han ho the stuff in him well see wc ii seel at half pact twelve uiat afternoon lien reached uie rapids above dumt gtlek the engine had worked perfacuy ho deftly guided the launch uirough the hlte water round mollyliocket point ic nurrlng exhaust of the two cylinders made music to hia earn presently he ihut off the battery onu drifting wlui ilir current of the iwolrr rlvrr swung 1 ut into the ari ula storage jnlt above 1 11 dam already a droning roar a dull and vibrant booming drirtod upwind to hu cin it seem0 to nil earth and iky at tlie ouier end of uie taxc uirea ins wvteifvelroi mendous forty fooltoxcantoitciaar green water boiled over upon the apion of uie dam tvcll uierc it is he said to lilmselt pretty tjulck run all right x cucju if uie super knew id made it beore jno o clock ho d uilnk x was going coma getting out uie dynamite that he liad brought to work wlui he prepared th- cnrtrldge for its task of destruction tlic process occasionally used in uie umber rcglonn for blowing oft uie fla4v boardu of a dam in case of a sudden freshet in order to protect the main structure by draining away part of uie voter in simple a dynamite cartridge iasuspendod fronva wooden orate frame ind the cliorge is allowed to float down ilui uie current qometlmen uiecharge in exploded by a long wire and an dec- j- c spark controlled from uie boat sometimes a detonating charge is used ui be set off on contact with the boards along uie hip of uie darn- in uie present case carr had decided that the detonaung charge would be simpler and uiat it would have fewer risks when den had made cure uiat the ugly looking cartridge swung clear and hat uie fulminate was properly placed he carefully laid the crooned sticks into the current uiat bore down uie middle of uid lake and pushed ucm away from uie launch then remembering what carr had told him about keeping clear of the dam farther from it uie better he started uie motor and began to turn up- trcam in a wide curve hut suddenly he uttered a nharp cry bf astonishment and stared down uie like in horror stopping uie engine he at there for a moment wlui all ills at tentlon rlvlted on what he aaw as the laun had circled j lllld dls iwud wlmllay behind a wooded point near the dam there less ulan a bun dred yards above uie dam a canoe was anchored in it sat two men ashing ignoring uie signs tackfd on scores of treia about uie snot uiey had ventured out upon uils dangerous body of water there they sat serenely fuildng while uie annihilating charge of dynamite drifted down upon uiem who they were or whence they had come ben had no idea all lie knew was uiat if he did not worn and rescue them in some way they must inevitably be caught in uie explosion and chatter d into bits or ele be sucked down to instant death in uie surging macl- trom below uie dam sctung both hollowed palms to his novith he shouted wlui the lira strcngui jf his lungs uck uiercl od back on shore then he waved his amu in the dlrec l n of the land a derfjve jeer came faintly back to him and one of the men mockingly ivcd lib cap den raw uiat u was useless to try 1 wiirn those city men or to drive them ill nothing remained except to pur u th- cartridge that deadly thing ugged by the strong undercurrent tad already floatrd a long distance away from him there was no time to lose ic turned an uie switch tlien seizing the starting crank he clapped it on he shaft and flung all his strcngui upon uie handle bnanl twff pin brtfften at a riaw by the sud trrmendous strain ujwjii it spun htnflghtd jwu the luki in pursuit bf th dnumlte caught in the tlrst strong lug of hi surface current hen knew that lift wan travelling fast tint kpructu on the near cr bank slid rapidly post lilrn ilien u suction like that of the ouur ddta of a whlrliiool began to pull ut hu legs riie waters moved in oily swirl un naturally ninonlh with here an iipbub- tiling break that betokened the tretpen doua forces below yet he swam strongly forward v ing ing himself shoulders freo at every n roke he cleft tlio surfuce the drifting croasi pieces wtre now much nearer catching bin breath he nliouted once more at the mm in the canoe astonished and alarmed uiey were at last hauling up their anchor stone now they were swliujlng the canoe round a plan muhlealy flashed into hurnilnd help help he screamed and dplashwd the water violently as if lie were exhausted and drowning tlio ruse served 1u purpose lor now tlio men laying to uirtr paddles began to breast the current and head toward him up the lake they crept every mo ment farther from the dam once den i shouted more eagerly uuui ever he struck out for uiat elusive deadlly frame now only a hundred feet ahead dut now a twisting eddy slued him round he fought it like a living foe but it pvoved too strong it drew him back and down his head went under when lie came up again confused half blinded feu sense of dlrecuon was gone he struck out but as ha cleowd hu eyes of vater he saw uiat lie was mak ing toward uia bonk loud in tils ears boomed uie thunder of uie flood pouring over uie dam faster faster still uio current sucked him along terror ctruck him he knewl uiat now he could not reach the dyna i niltc and uiat even if he could it would do no good no time now to get uiat fulminate off i he panted the shore ivc got to reach it as he flung himself desperately to uard uio shore a cry rang over the 1 limn who ktp in toikh wlui nimirung kctlvltlim trim tuy to iuy will no d nibl in interiaum to know that ho ward ur- c mb tleortlury of tlie aru n aniitnur athletic club wh urn bpoitiortng tlio illu lie union tuid athmla mfh june jo july 1 was in hu orhiml tuyii a irhoolnmu of fcoirie of tlm iimimtn of the greulest uporllim chilis of tlie pnnt day he has- aupplli d ua with the oj 1 v im luformatwn lor n uunihi r of yiurs he was a clawi- 1111 te with art lions ut wislmount ac u dc my which u in wcstiitnunt qurlwc adjoining the city of umiuvi ut wui a great ull round auitile at u3hy he wus a btar being one of tin iry few running half hicks wlio eould i c equally well with eluier toot nr thai i he wan one ut the great ul u n on u gym floor hut in hikk h was the leading btar in lib tuy i hud the whght to nmkn him a rugixd deluicrnian h had the speel wmt h ruukrd him iui one of thr greatest imrt- nkkllinoith mr dunn hud run in to sind tti hiur with hrr oil friend urn nuur i m you have new m lghuru in the 1 nw r u ukj uli nuhl ua nhi tlm w urf tirr wrap ii u a rtjinf to mt it itrupird kilt it do you like thrnl ur tluter lifted lur liuiuu in u i iitty tiolimi of ii biiulr do i like tlirmf my dcur i hardly his hiy iicxtd mr unlghlmirh wici a month uud uh for knowing people nliu doors away llhe looked pi udlttuly at titr friend she was uluidcr and inknve and look lire hard vi 11 have to chooiul she cried of roiirkc will and uir children como llrnt und tlun thrtf art rrtabxlitircli dulhis mid your old friends und uie little time tture lit uift i fiwil an if i must give wlure it really counts fui 1 go down melglilwirliood houut once a work i have a club tin re wi are trying to reach lonaly iris and wonun not sluip dlrla tlmy hav coiupanloiuhli at least but the tontdy ohm off in forutni rouura by uutnselvia it uetns dread fill that buy woman ahmild be loiifily ian i liuve so inuchl tim brown eyes dimmed wlui tear 1 nil hrr frknd patted her hand cares nlngiy you re a dour marjory ulster i chrekrm of his time and hl sh mjulonly don t work ymireelf u dchui ovr htiw tipifc ailmrt jonluig gosnlngr- he struggled hu- strcngui of which he had been so con fident seemed to fall rapidly in uiat cold green cruel water but he fought grimly on a languor a numbing weak ness began to noucsa htm counting lils strokes umlng uiem to keep uiem slow and effective he wallowed slowly forward then he heard the voice again ii heard a swash and dip of foaming pad dies tlic long green body of the canoe loomep up before him help i he gasped this umo lri earn est he gripped uio gunwale dut one of uie men beat him off wl the flat of hia blade mo nol not there i shouted uie man orab uie stem you ii swamp us den had just enough strcngui and self control left to obey tlie canoe slid past and his fingers clutched uie stem opent he clung gulping choking bresui- uccs x shore quick uie second man erlrd and they bent to uietr paddles for a time den clinging tight knew little what happened dut presenuy the canoe entered ahnal water over which arched friendly firs and spruces i then a terrific crash eluttered the i sky cchoes flung themselves back from wooded mountains a curtain water surged high above uie dam and than in a smother of spray dropped backv doth canoeists started violently and capsized uielr craft then draggled half stunned spent they and den crawl ed up uie bank just lntlmo to escape the frouilng wave of uie backwash that spread across uie lake as a hundred uiousand tons or water suddenly re leaned leaped down uie jagged gorge be low tlie two men u dan saved were jooitiarringlon and ldward potter boui of new york potter was a director hi the very company upon whose property he and harrington were trespassing the handsome gold watch uiat den carries bears boui men s names engraved upon the inner case togeuier wlui dens own name and uie brief inscrlpuon dumt ouck portage may 17 1025 feared by all itnalkeepera and he was rcnponslhlft lor many a broken board at uie old montreal arena he nrat b prominence while playing u uh he old kenora thutles and from1hn on became a star ad was tuci a drawing card that while in pittsburg llrtumiii with uie woro come and ie llou play at uie arena were used on uy street cars to attract uu crowds anouier great player who was also a weatmount boy was lester patrick man ager of the new ynrk flangiru bit year champions and uils year runners- and it is rauier a oolncldence uiat uie managers of uie two finalists in uie nhl should tie former schoolmate bom and brought up in uie same dis trict- lester was also 9 tar liockey player in his day and uie greatelt exlubltlon of grit ever sliown in a hockey arena was displayed in a final cluuiiplonalilp jxxnc in ottawa soma years ago which uie writ r witnessed wlui uie score tied on the round and uie montreal wan derers for whom lester was ploying practically beaten and demoralised he stick handled hut way uirough uie whole ottawa team uiree umea before scoring uie winning goal lester s brother prank whose name- la now being hooked up with promoter harmon of chicago was also one of uie great all round auiletes produced in canada prank was a great bock on uie ur lonely people hints all noiuence mrs ulster responded re jecting sympathy that water u boil ing at ust is it sull your pernicious custom to take cream instead of lenion in your tea two woks later mrs flutter slopping r chat wlui tlie head worker at nttlgldiorliood house found a stranger there this la mrs woodward miss lilllls id che li a new friend olie is particularly interested in your club and wonts to visit il wliy of course mrs olater return ed with quick enuuislaam its not hair so big as most of lite clubs but uiat a because we find uiem one by one it a for lonely people you know mrs woodward smiled a utile wlsuul- ly x know uiat a why x wanted to come you see im lonely myself i suppose xm foolish but x came from a little town where every one knew every one else and uie change to a city where in uiree month not a single neighbor lias called oil cried mrs olater due stopped on uie landing and her lace was full of syinpauiy tell me where you litre and 111 coll id love to ofl wisconsin avenue 370 one stopped bewildered at mrs dialers ex pression o my dear mrs olater exclaimed i live on uiat very square and x pre tend to teach other people wj r llllflll ur tl 11 id t hu flol u fultlif ill in 1 ii iii iii y 1 frl 1 1 iii idi m 11 are vi jin in is the v an ity of uuitii to vanity dim 1 house ob home wlui an air of triumph edna uaixe flung open uia apartment door of her apartment there moryl maybe nbw joull acknowledge theres someuunff to l cald for working after your married mary cor us h looked and in spite of hrcelf her eyes grew wuuui tlie sec ictary uiat kdna liad just bought was attly uie kind uiat she and phil had dreamed of liavlng when their ship came in ocnulne antique came from charles tan said edna there a a whole lot f hbtory abuut it bring uiat unbellev lug husband of yours over and see if it on t convert him oh phil ian t preventing me from worklngl mary cried loyally c lna laughed oh isn t ho then v hy don t you do it7 you gave up two thousand dollars a year to get married think what uiat would do for your house i its just that we boui fool uiat making horn- is about tlio biggest profession there is big enough to fill a woman s time if she does it in a big way mary icrons the boat and jingled down against t auscd uucirlalii how to say what was he side den 1 hand struck uio bottom i in her mind rating with fearful force but ho never ian t that ju t what im saying rn felt uio pain por now the engine i dno continuld that you d liavc 11 ins uortli no more than 10 much junk chance to have a real home uien wiui- t vaa impoudblr to start it by throwing out nl kinds of makeshifts id like to h wheel by hand ben had often tried know where v h ih played hockey first wiul the montreal victorian and broke into pro hockey wlui uie renfrew millionaires those wlio follow liackey especially reading pacific coast liackey news knhw prank patrick woj uio liockey cxr of uie coast opraguc and odle clegliom were also farmer wectmount boys wlui opraguo being uie best all round athlete of uie two he specialised in lacrosse iftr motorcycling and needs no introduction to uie hockey fans one of uie greatest defcnccmcn uie n ij l lias ever seen and liad he been able to control ids temper on the ice his name would have beep engraved on uie liackey roll as uie greatest player of oil times dut al- uiough ho used very rough tactics at times he woa alco very popular and uie opposing players also gava him credit as being game to uie core odlea name is also well known uils year having man aged uie pittsburg pirates and next year lie is slated for uie montreal can adlens we doubt very much if sporting history will reveal any facts uiat con duplicate the above conditions in uiat five former great auileuc stars ore at uie same ume acupg in managerial position with leading sporting clubs and at uie same umo all ave having liad uulr preliminary thlctlc training in uie same district there were many lesser aunetle stars turned out by westmount but uie above names stand out at the present time at least as the greatest of them all tlio people of this community can now understand how secretary mccomb with tus audctlc lhsunet so firmly imbued n his system year after year keeps him self busy promoung sport and recreation and now uiat wo have in uils commun ity a club like uie acton amateur auileuc clit to pro and- control athletics and recreation we can ail do our share by sporting it to uie full extent of our ability whose fault was uiat retorted then warmly lianas mrs slater uiey oliook that ir hurt 11 wuy with i1i111 tt i in variably rliurinluu to w 111 11 t in 1hr uiat he his u dry inn 1 ii 11 vji i a third uutt iiih jiidgiiiiit 1 f in 1 1 1111 roiiiinnnly ihnwd und tin frl nl uli lake uu pll in wlili h 11 f hi particular vault a luii b rn ifi fully treuti d und iiiukei jl 11 ajr und 1 ir 1 if ing admonition in tun- to lmv i i frank lumt hlthrly rikrnbd 1 hi v u id t a frit ml wliru admlnl nil 1 j uily im nlow to hrul mill uny u r in nl hun dhmgreiiiiiil r frl u 11 1 ilk y atun uiem again ihrrfnn th frl ud who nrr di i reft millet a on ml in 1 in iils nennlllvr than vunlly liometlinia howi vi r ii ii hurd f r ivni a in oil s inllmiifi f rli 1 d to t ii uh ir self rrufucl md 1 mid vimmy ixulti ir bubly vanity in 1111 with in t j pt reijwet for thcmcclvtn 1 n a rtnln 1 1 11 d uiat do not really rntllli ih in i u ivopld wh an vain ntx u t ii ir rtr n re pretty lire u xilm nv r lit hi dress yt t ptoplr uh tiovr n ju j r self rp4ct muy give an 11111 h linn 1 d thnught to thrlv drvi n th t uli ur vain about 11 the dllhrnm ii in ui fart uiat uiey do not rrptclally prld and cjiufcul uithiaelven n tin ultracllv appearance tliat tflvlng mint uud ih ught to uie matter thmlrys on one subject uio vanity or man i universal dms any man hvr who reup ly doubts uiat he hai a srimr nr humor what man if a friend duuhud that iil had it would not c ududi umt thr person capable of entertaining ruch a doubt was seriously diflclrnt in jnu 1- j llgence pity rathrr than r jntmrnt would be uio emotion jlrat tjir- out lion would aspire the only vanity uiat nr one can ever wound 1 a man sat lsfactlon wlui lib own cenw of humor f and the first sip will convince you it is h- sauda tea fresh from the gardens thcwholc family profits from delcolight tmfotmeks work w rauur lliirmigh lli t licl of ucirieu njliiii nml rim- ning water tin- iiillrn pfiow up under llir intturncc o a brighter iiappt hmu tatvn worlc in rattier in many ways ani jii arm procitn liiggrr k kaiiwrym iillrli utar for dia f lirhl y ci fi pii ont 1rio i m 0 cihtysubb uorogs moduct ivevp beauty new comfort new smoothness and mr ernie wyer who assisted by handling uie entries for uie 1038 civic holiday auileuc meet here and wlio is uie energetic and liardworklng secre tary af uie monarch auileuc club of toronto who are staging uie first can adian national marauion itace at tor onto on may 34 was recenuy elected at meeung at boston first vice president nl uie national marathon runners as sociation ernie has also done good work for our orcat athletic meet here on dominion day and hi one particular important new features lacnanj fugimt kin it iltarlrr cramlilaft ijiiftt mai btartwfi ami cimtttmt rdt ttifm hull vr ukritafimg grcalrr t cttmtm y f ofitratioa and ufiirtp ttufirevrd i mik imltgrat trilk itmitiom til fow stf cmimrmimg nfu sfirihg tun extensive cleasxng auction sale townaillp op eramosa vabm stock imrlements gkain hay flousqiold effects tlie undersigned lias received uistruc- uons from n il bulcie to sell by public aucuon at lot 7 7th line eramoaa 3 tnlle northcast nf rockwood and 1 mile below everton mllca off highway no 7 on tulsday may 28 1029 at one o clock sharp uie following the improved plymouth is today ex iiibitinc new standards of performance economy comfort and beauty beyond com panson in the field of low priced motor can chrysler encineen have treated many new refinements in plymouth s fjmous chrjslcr silver dome tpe cncnc i hese include loncer stroke and an increase in piston displacement a heavier crankshaft laner inicrhjiiejhlc bearings larcer connectinc rods a nn ij debiincd tjiicm of full pressure lubrication these and a number of other improvements have accomplished 111 xejull im pi mouth a remarkable type of perform jiilc comfort and economy hereto fore unlookcd for in a low priced motor car now more than ever is plymouth brick and flexible in piilup now more than ever is plymouth smooth and tnct through all gears and all speeds come see the improved full srt plymouth in all the clory of its new sprinctmic coloring take one out and tee how it parklcs jn j shines in action cwfl820raaduifiuukrumbu s50 2 drsjm s60 ttunuz s70 dtlttx ctuf l rumhu ut jj70 4 dr sjan ssw all trtcttf 0 a if mjiar onurt tududiu tfatlarj facltrj tqutpitnt frtikt atij lax txira wsmmmwrm canada s lowest priced full size cab h a coxe chryuler and imymoulh salcw and service lhone gg acton ontario postpone uie 1 arranged or pen beans form a very excellent and popular garden vegetable in most parts of canada fortunately uiey grow par ucularly well in northern ontario where uie quality la unsurpassed at uie dominion experimental otauon kapuskaslng ontario an experiment has been conducted for a number of yearn in order to datarrnjno what rates of planting would glvtkllio best results and be uu mast satisfactory gcnorally two varieties wero used the seed was plant ed in rows so feet in icngui and 3ft hiclws apart cfver a five voir period uio fallowing yields in quarts per uilrty foot row luu baen obtained round pod kid ney wav when planted two uicluu apart in uie row 13 3 four inches 10 8 sis indies 7 1 btrlngud omii imd two lncluis 13 s four inch la 8 uid sis incites 8 1 tlieu ngurus would mem to uullcau tliat two biches la a very fcuod diuiio for planting beaiu u uils rau lias glvoii uit urgcit yield wiui boui varlclu ui- cludod hi uie teat and uie quality was alao qultd fcu parlor to uiat obtained in u10 ouior laus trud experimental rvrnl note often tried know where you d find a prctuer one hut bcrore and failed j than niuio uila minute up he stood wildeyed trembling and it la lovely mary replied and 3 could envy you your old secretary to dls if i let mycclf i must run long edna ive salad to make j j i 1 iiorfljeflbay marc 13 years chest may woa responsible for giving acton a nut 1 10 years kar field by arranging with lhitlay to daniy co m t uiat uiey hod already wlth cait al foot ueuer 3 yctn 1 due in june heifer 3 years with calf at foot itoan cow in calf red cow bred fresh 2 man uu calf at foot black and white cow fresh 3 monuis jersey cow fresh calf at foot jersey cow due in june white cow due in june part jersey oow due hi june blue cow due in june 3 baby ileef is not prcvl ously sold pale the oars i he gasped on his knees traction ir fell pawing for thrm under the teat old uncle hamlin had forgotten to put hrm in im drifting down tool he said ruj in a ftw mlnilua well ail be and togctlirrt what would he not tiavr given ti h tve had a cartridge with an clcctrl i thcr lih wire attactxdl now wlui no way t lop or to control uie terrific explosive 1 r n while iil felt lumscir lost i l th acroa the shining aurfaci of uie bike j she was un in could still see uie chlwii sticks oa to the office hey i floated ever farther ahead df the lrlftlng launch wliat sliuuld he do no child slujdld bd allowed to aurfer ui bour 1tvm worms wluul prompt tllcf con be gvt hi a simple bdt htrunor rvmedj moufi orvc moral cx terminator lirt you are again i edna respond rd with delicatessen shop on every corner you don t catch me wearing my s if out in a kitchen ha rank lnef i riclency i hurrying home mary wondered eally was inefficient icr- pi it would be more sensible to work ing enough anyway to get makeshifts was tilad unit ihll liadlo go back office tliat night hhc wanted think uie matter out really to aetuc the thing tn do iil declared lly abandoning all oitarta to save uie la to balance uu gains and losses rriiaijers he could easily save his own idna a galiui arc cosy i urn 1 lure and ifc i ho wotuni sliorv of the lake cluthen and trips now what dora alio wus no more than two hundred yardshial in ouier words what have i to away iio could swim uiat distance in few minutes hut ha could never on account of uie uikk tanglds of brush roach uie daw in urns to prevent uu and how 1 in yid having her caustroplm on uie ouiar aliore was uieuirea uie chance to give icsie t porujis trail down which lie could run ici and to lo balance uio old secretary well ia aunb marys vlult for one uilng her hiart how olie did enjoy itl and th- following letter was received from toy lewis of hamilton collegiate in- iutut relay team which is uie chajn- nlonahlp team of america the readers will recall an item published two weeks ago referring to uie- whining or uie hamilton collegiate runners at phlla dolphin and marquette the fallowing letter was received from ray in reply to a letter uie auileuc club sent congratu latlng him and hli team upon their splendid achievements hamilton may 0 1030 tlie acton amateur auileuc club acton ontario dear uirb i have received your letter of congratulations and on belialf of the team i wish to thank you most hearuly we appreciate your in t rci chown toward our team we iidiic uiat our one or two wins will interest uie boys of your high uchool and help to stimulate auileucs in your centre wishing you uie greatest success in your foruicomtng athletic en dcavar yours sincerely raymond o lewis acton aa a sporting centre u becoming well known tlie athletic club received in uie mall thu week some advertising matter from thr new york ij loom ers a ladles snrtbull organisation rcquesuug bookings for ball games a photo of this team can be seen in tin pass press window and it may bt poulblc to arrange u game wlui uits team on th- local diamond succihm vtta uii uown wmen lie couui run ct and to take care uf utue paul utrklng on a farm and 1 in nvf mlnuutf but uiat sliore was a j uhllo lila mother la in the lionilta and nickels to buy a uxtboo 1 ouarter of a mile away i lixet old mrs orangtr would tnlui m umbltl us young f hhould he saw hluimlf or try to save j running in and uu girls love dropping bi th- uiniinntwtn in ni licsd jibing oihemivhr u dmkud in htotiuy btrlopina off hu oat and lour ing urf his klioas lie fcpnuw to uie rail hu uui uuimji aiid lpd uj over uw side wlui a ircnirnduu kpbuli ju struck mw water uluniwd clean under and cainj up tnll f hwy fcttrlkliia- out vlgimutuly he headed por iiarmtfl to stimulate a uins am bltlon by bubi sting the pi iblllty uiat may tomu day bee imc iircsldent not so cuslomary as it una was la true of cnunu uiat ir uie man wlio will be president in ldfio could be lo- kasle 3paru a j rated today he would very like i uirklng on a farm and saving his spare book out of uio a numbrrvd ipplng bj the uiousanda itl uils fortunate land luiw ir ii w ever will ur ririsldenl 1 hat unit matter or niret cluirr if mirn meant rrarlnim uu top imut iii bt duuppolntril 1 iutr ud it ruaclilng tlio ploco wt are fitted it 11 girls in when they canity to town and hob x musjit forget tli way lie adi res liang init rrtujui uio kitchen murya ryu worn u lining now uud dnly tlie answer liad uoiur u her furniture can make a lovely liouse but for and filling it tlie worker wlio en- it needj people doing ol sorts of lioniely joys hla work and wlio doca it well is evuryday things and btlug happy in irttun much of u mcotkj as the luad uf a linn to jnttke a liouie 80 hogs york bow with 0 pigs one month old york bow wlui 0 pigs one month old york bow duo about time or sale these are bows from o a c stock 0 pigs about md lbs d pigs a month old 11 plga 3 monuis old id pigs 2 monuia old sow and 10 pigs one week aid poultttya few liens orchard equumknt 3 appli presses otcnclu packing table j stamps 3 33 foot extenskm ladders 2 otratght ladders a number of picking qaskeu implements binder maooey liar rls 7 foot cut mower masscy harris 0 foot cut nearly new fllccl hay hake masscy uarrui 10 foot nearly new 2 row corn culuvator maury harris 3 drum otccl itollcr lllsccll culuvator 13 loout mauey honis disc moucy harris 13 foot harrows pulpcr 3 single purruw plows t nearly new 3 furrow walking plow manure bprcadcr 3 ituggy loics new idea panning mill cliatliam open uuggy ton lluggy blolghs cutter gteel prum 45 gallons bet of ailiigs pig troughs ttone truck ubcuii with 13 foot bos and sliclvlng masey harria parm wagon fctrel wheels hay hack wlllflutrccs 10 root utock ruck crow liars iiwit hole opoon and iucktr crosscut baw lagging chain porks horn etc tunilp bower fex teiiblon pipes fur blraw blower oroui occd bower grain cradle ica uarvcu ter ucuiflcr pence locto 3 jocks 1 tactically new lkilu wagon 3i inch tin i 2 bills for hay itack cut una ho quntillty of lumber ouier aruclca too nun crous to mm lion harnkilli 3 beta ot team iturnuia odd collars 0nj and hay nd hay iioubkhold eypkotu -t- 3 duiing i ot m tables 1 couch icluhcn clialra gouillnc lamp 3 office clialra 1 btrctclier ilodsttads iledruoin drescrs dlslics and bralers wash tubs dairy utxiislls melotte cream blparalor churn iluttrr howl and print etc rohlyivlly no rfklhvk as tilt iaqm it sou ttkmtmultt the dati timt and plack ok tiiih ball ikhmu 110 00 und under tauli over uiat amount 10 miuitlui en tilt will br ulvm ui lunilhlnu approvid j lut uoich ipiirovrd by uu- iu yal hank htickwood 4 uir lor cosh liaby uecf hay and oruln culi u j kki aucuauser ptioilo 30 acton out it o 1uouuom chrk 40 j emdip- dejl maix icorn carrolls a quoiiuty or oats tuamutyl km trtotm m lu t says mrs dollar- wise a law nowor wuou mitlm ttuti itji nw ju it jailint enjttiitj on o tor oj tu and tustrtjj attittlinf my tkrfjlu titoppinf uuli plannij it llti corrla luvcui plttt lnallu nu la itnj o konj winn n uijl rmj attttm 8icul choice quality whole grain rice 3 mm- fr the fictile may 14- ulflkul cutonaltun sack ity ha 24c 43c sslmoa vttlory cut at dlttd lin 17c 33t slkw ktllie uid i v ccmj bj ldby i 1 lu 22 i stfduw pklikq brand n urn bjiiall in 1 sc l i jutland bran i i in 15t piuj tuu cuk aoilcd j lu 25c labtlw piute j uu 25c dij bmi ubl lt oil ai 27c iuj luur ui ion lor ft shj paanuu fancy jumba lb 2ttc speeiaieagim brand milk s2 3 butter cnuiuy lb 3v cheese valvmla mr brltuh enigilra c shopping week special king oscar kipper snacks 4 tins 18 pii wll napnlu soap so ban 36 mclarao a lnviniu puddings csicmlata ciuiare jq iptclal impmaldqv clftger ale carton of siac cuottw 4 splal aylmr foaey tij bii pineapple 19 sptcul table figs qioicv suiyrtiaa 3 tgh 21 spehtu hlctm ixidchiue funcy salad asparagus c juicy lixiiwi vimu jib icul cbolc llafat tins tuna meat io sall tluk so 4 dx u anj t n tnj lltt fotlatalnf 11 iti j piojutt pact maal puim or tad pa jay lit 1 rvtcconnclu a itloala puu i iinc 3 luu 25c f muonotlih a pwtiua aclad ar 2 ii al a ptckua uaortad f ir 25c 33c 37c 45c saucls tl p par bollu 27c lluima sauca bollla holl uoh iauca bll 27c i tin a bll 33c i a i ton a bll scoll taylo a lu 10c mall vuiaaar wlulcol lall bollu 15c 20f i cum llau uvoww jk i i oimw a 1 it bkg ike ovahw tu kof 7sc 135 i 3 lie i sjmsclij arena aiwsru mclat queen olives 19 1u hjj 2sr mill street acitori ontario vatwa t zjttiouz icki