Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1929, p. 5

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gf a 3to e ffjggg inunnnas mav i 10 w rnr l ituvtt u hi 4 want to want tn i n with my ilf mill wi ll lit for mi m if to knnw nltl a duj i io hy lo ic my if hrnlght in thr and lint mi if for hut i want t i i wnnt i l and inn in tl jw if i want to i i ion t w ml t i tin dint i am ij rhow i never can li 1 j lire what oil i know what nth i itrvrr ran fool mynrlf ami no whatever happen i want to he uelf re ik cling and con cleuce free ihcd it with my head r ret nil nj n n rrnprrl triili for fnim and j- 1 unit i r bluir and empty il jf from me may never we i may never know john janiuns qeiimon tho minister cald last night uys he don t be afraid of atvln if your life aln l nothui to other folks why whata the use of llvln 7 1 nil t tl a centtowmb buyln a dinner i tell lou our mini- teds prime lie la but j couldn t aulte determine whin i heard him glvln ltjlflht and left juit who was hit by tlic eennon of course uicrc couldn t be no mistake wtun ho talked of ions whjded prayln 1 or helen and johnson tney cot and eco w led at every word he waa sayln and the minister he went on to say there o various kinds of ctuatln and religions as good for every day aa it lo to bring to mecttn i don t think much of uie man that glvee the loud aniens at my nrcnchln and upend ills time tho folio win wick in chcatln and ovcrrcachln j ruc3 thai doe was bitter ior a man like jones to owailcr but i noticed he dldn t open his mouth wot once after that to holler hurrah saya i for the minister of course i catd it quiet qlvc us oonil more- of this open talk it a very rcfrcahln diet the mlnktcr hit cm every time and when he spoke of fashion and a rlggln out in bowa and things aa woman a rutin passion and ncomln to church to sec the styles i couldn t lillp a wtnkln and a nudgln my wife and soya thato you and i ucso it sot her thlnkln baya i to myself that sermon a not uut man is a queer creation and im much afraid that most o the talks wouldn t take the application now if he had cald a word about my personal mode o cumin id have cone to work to riant myself and not sat there agvlnnln just then tlu minister cays saya he and now i ve como to the fellers who ve lost their lhower by uiln uiclr frlends ab a sort o moral wnbrcllcrs qo home saya he and find your fault instead of huntln your brothers lo home lie says and wear the coaut you vc tried to fit the others my wife she nudged and drown he winked and there was loto o nmllln and lota o lookln at our pew it cot my blood a bllln oayn i to myself our minister u crctltn a little bitter 1 11 tell him when incctln b out that i aln s at all umt kind of critter ilarperi uaatlnc pavino the plteacheru balajty a few of us old crtmtca were toaepicr the other evening and naturally we cot to talking of old umeo the conversa tion eventually turned to the subject of paying the preacher wc talked of the method of the early days of meetina the deficits of his salary by donation parties surprize parties and other plans then in vague when an old chap who hod spent hla boyliood in tho state of maine spoko up and said i think can tell you a story alans that line which beats any of your plans we all sold go ahead and here a his preacher s salary yam everyone said that rev george wltham who was called elder wllliom in our church woo a good man but he wasn t popular all admitted that ho had sterling principles and that his sermons were sound lo doctrine yet few people liked him he was austere and uncompromising he came down terribly hard on blnncrn and as nearly every body sins sometimes the cider had oc casion as uie years paused to reprove almost everyone who attended church at the old chapel moreover he seldom reproved with gentleness even great sin ners aru perhaps entitled to courtesy but they got little of umt from uie elder as a consequence his salary which was always small ivda apt to be painfully in arrears no one teemed to care very much to help make it up as the season advanced and cold woallicr came on it was u shameful fact tliat the good man and hli sister aunt olive who lived with htm were at times in actual want for tlu bare necessaries of life this was the cast one november more than half tho salary for the entire year remained unpaid and in reaponsa to a pointed and well nigh pathetic appeal for it from the pulpit one sunday some waggish jwreon uftr service suggested that a grabbag be resorted to as a de vice to rtti-i- tlie necessary funds it had been proposed an a joke but tlte idea appeared lo hud favor especial ly with the young people my cousin addison hi particular who just at that time was not on uie very best of terms with tlm elder i imagine addison sua iwcted umt a grab hag would be du tasteful to tin austere old elder and such ludeed wan the case when uie projict was arit nuiilluiicd tn his hear- big he vetoed ii instantly declaring uiat iw would not benefit by anything ilka a raifl lottery or ouier game of etianro nevcruuieut addison continued to pro mote the sxlutiu a to colli ct vrhus for uie grab bttg otlure assisted tlecui tug h u mud jokcoii uie ruler tiww wai opposition luwr on th part of puuiy church member who duukad uu uu oi rmirluiif and cluuu urbuln llu pnuitoldrs uirfom chucd tla naiiui from grab bag to debt lifter liny ul i tiu d to i pi iik of prlfeii and tulud tin itwirbit and ihry 1 1 re idrxt in ia no lilanu nut lo provld n jfirt i vi n thiiiiili vi n trill in l fir meli and i u ryji ilrnn lh ilir ml dually indui i d to ein- til ui tin plan in inrily iut di d llui jirnr miii ltut ha mid tlin rliulch itiw- ird ifiimil to hiivi the i nti rtahinu nt ni uk mi ctiiiu hyini it huik pluce nt ihn nrhiwilliou in tin old uijiili irlit lliough tin old uquln my gnind- jutli r lilmn if iltcllmd to he pri lit a th wdk pumi uk orliilual plan nut li in imirh mollified and expandid olfu win piieiiiid that would by no i ii aim into a bait om via a uu it hep that had comi to lx a nu lumen it tlu wilbur bam aclcll on lioiight it tor i ixty rrnt fjoini oin jpive him a whit toed puppy a woman contributed n tuptrfluiu but pn lty mottled cut that nhc shiank from huvlnn killed addlion took everything that won offered i oitio paid two dollarn for a very uug white calf that could he adver- i d for veal and five dollnrn for a itlth runt of a yrarllng colt with a while face which a farmer named urnlcy had concluded wns not worth wintering he bought two old roorterr id a small gander and gut a little black pig from another farmer riilrr wan moreover a multiplicity af nanlmate nrtlekn one womun gave n heel for pinning flax ihcro were two id blue army overcoats an antiquated mil hat an old plow a hoc a new tin ouckrt an ear tnimiiel a fine bean pot a spare rib of pork a bunhcl of pota toes a firkin half rull of butter a con federate hlatury of the civil war o ramed picture of aeprno washington uu ancient crow cut caw an accordion ind so on adduin took anything that he thought uould add m the fun eould be adveruned on tho fifty great yrllow porurn that lie had had printed at the vlllngo ncwrpapcr office the pont i i rtatcd thai the gifts to the cstlmnt- d value of three hundred dollars would handed out to patron i but it wain ited who had e lima ted the valui is evi ry pa ion wai pilimted a gift of one oit a hundred sticks of cluulng ouin and u hundred and fitly n tic lea of undy were bought with which to pad out uie list of seven hundred grabs jr tickets which it was decided to offer the public at twenty cents a grab adduon and the oilier promotera of ji project uiought it best to preserve o sumo extent tin original idea of d iulbig but to faclliate matters thly lad to resort to uie plan of uinfl pastc- ooard lagn numbered trom one up to en hundred all shaken up together a bag the bag of tags was to oc hung in front of uie teachers desk cnvejllcnt to grab from and a corres pending 1ft of numbers with uie names of tho gifts opposite them was to be iupppcd up on uie desk where addison mtjriiiertntotptllcirxi iirnl inrrrriiiiriirrngr i vrt ill i nm di lo krrp jiy jmt oil mnally with tin aid of u lantern and ii i tnl by jhiidcru nnil nin lli u i tit hi r lift nut i tin hut llu llttlfl munp itlrkid mid lill hut w pulled ami ptinhid ii ulonic uu miowy rond to thn old hqulrt i and nt luiitlh nfti r much r latter tird it in mm itahl at break fast tlu mxt morning the old imilr aiuid what hud ramed uln nr i h had huird nt the i tnhle the nluhl in ion that wi a ni ii leading home her new borne hal li nd ivpliilmd flhe dr w it lion i nt th elder a i rnb hnit o itriiiupl what i hall i do with it i mm xelnimril plnlnlivi ly jhn old ilqitlrc inld si me thing aiout linvlnic ni many honm an we could winter thin went out in rcn uie aril mnl i ho roll hnd got loosi in the night and won tiylng lo thru it its nor inlo the nnul t n t llm old kmilrrt i urnl out latijehliil in furt tin n wilh ii t urn i fliotit in m iv i yi m i xn it jinor l u i in irnbby llltli fniitiin lo ki d to ho alili j and hriul ft uul iain out in th pi tun without iiuller throughout noviml r its mat rrnwn thick und ihauicy was of u quei r pepper and salt o i nml ihi i tubby llttlo mnn and tail rull of burn till me grnmp what to do with iii 1 i in pleadeil her ryes wi rn actually full nf tinrn why irjlel don t feel too bad hliout jit h inld i cue ji wove got foddei inrnnli we will ki i p it a whlti and i it hn i a good eyo and plenty of i k looks like ihn knox brood thut jiiuy make a god homo yet iv ej it nt llm farm we did for two mrs and in illrn n enre thr old nay- nir enme true tliat tho e laugh loudrst who laugh tail hut that h mnrcely a part f thl i i lory i i al r unit morning l in odarn und ad dl mi riiinlid up in in mijr tuk n in fnim tho grub hag afh r u durtlnji what intel actually in n paid for glf hi th n remained n hundred and two ol- lart mid nfti i n a nin on tin- 1 way in rhurch ihey took the monly round trf the purnnwige and handed it over lo ridir wltham ife made nvutlnn of it and of the amount at the rlnre of iiih si rmon that dny it hns ronu opportunely he nuld i give thanks n tlu iird for it hut not for tin wny nnd means by which it wan obtnhild coualn tlicodora alsqconnr5it l t nit at the k with him to toko die money nnd inako change saturday evening uie lccond of december was set as the date for the rand cvenl during that day the gifts u e collected at tho schoolhousc uiougn uie live clock wan not brought there till late in the afternoon artdlaan nnd other helpers had driven nboul two days pi evluuly putting up the postern and uuierwlac advertising the debtlifter throughout the town and two adjoining towrui there was good sleighing at the jine and the public response was nearly jr quite as great oj was expected 3 claim come jingling up the achool- e slowly filled to il utmost capacity even o clock it was difficult for late jmcrs to crowd tn meanwhile from the slicd at ono end of uie schoollwuse i lie gander was heard quailing the uters were squawking the puppy alilnlug loudly and uicrc was an oc visional boa from the old cosset addison made a speech oood friend he said this isn t a lottery rhcrcs a gift for everyone who pays hla or her twenty cents cvcry cent of uie proceeds goes to niflcr wiuiam- i hope therefore uiat you will not be back ward about giving at least one grab at thu bag which you see before you three hundred dollars worth of gifts you know and every grab gets one one thing more among the girts here tonight there is much live stock you can hear their plalnuvc voices out there in the died it la oamesuy requested that the winners pi these living gifts will take uicm away this very night and not leave them to the rigors of whiter in uiat cold alicd de klpd to these humble cicalurcs that arc about to be yours the push for the grabs was so brisk unit for a lime theodora hod all she could do to make change while addison sing songed uie number and the name of the gift wlui humorous comments the gift rewarding my own twenty cents was a suck of candy numbered 130 cousin halstead drew tho old bat tered silk hat and at once put it on there was a shout when elsie wilbur drew the old cosset sheep which had to b- led back to the wilbur barn our joung neighbor icotc edwards got the toed puppy some who paid or two grabs drew only gum and were loudly rallied by uie onlookers aunt sarah murch drew uie motued net cat oh land she cried we vc got four cats at our place now thus uie fun wont on for on hour o- more till about six hundred grabs were made and most of the substantial gifts were bestowed after umt the grab bing dragged a hujc in spite of all the vorbal sumulauon uiat addison could live it at ten o clock uie list showed hat only uitrty tags xemalncd ungrnb bed in uie bag dut by that ume a hood many people had gone out of oyulty to the old elder theodora uien rabbed twice and got gum not to be undone in generosity cousin grabbed three times in succession and her third rob a number 41 landed uie little runt- of a yearling colt nn her hands i o dear i what uhall i do wlui it he cried in constcmallun wliy did i grab that hut time well yuu did and you must gel your coll away from iilre said addlon ileal a the rule uut that utile wild coltt how can i ellen remonstrated and what shall i do willi it afterwards i vc no place to keep a colt uut gel it away lis almost sunday i want to clce up here und lock the rhoolhouse said addison ellen hurriedly appealed to mo and o halrtead under his tall hat for help but halts merely said tun t my colt county manager wantei lty chnndinn life ami rnnce coniiuiny experience in not csentiiil hut the ituin wc wnnl hiiwt nlrcndy be miccowful jit bin uii liit of biliincfih nnd ambit ioiti for hicrcjuu opportunity nml cnriunfm wc nre prepared to offer trnininf nnd finnncini i i it corrwptirderce confidents apply iiox 31 tree press omen whoopeelwhoopfwhoa at the opening dance edge wood eden mills may 24 th old nnd new dnnces a big lime come elliott b 7 piece orchestra dancing 0 till 1 men 75o ladies 25c tlic ill be there club which mu in acton on june 29 30 and july i 1020 gfflteop whl you need them both evety morning shredded a baking expert tot light flatly pie emir use 2 ttbjejpoonj iciu p cup of punty flout itut j oijjttxjr puty tn ott lwi feu tad i i j tiuttcmou toot at tkoma la klalllitlr vafntuiuh id cm a utu buiw tod soll-rj- saj sot fir iwj phm heat with oil the brah of the whois wheat j rullsize kjl biscuits make sure you get the original shredded wheat- the fullsize biscuits that fill the cereal dish save the fwlwr inserts in ry shredded wheat package fur storage time is here wc iiuvl uimot finished our new fur storage plant one of the most modern in canada r an invitation is extended to all to eonil in and sec this summer home for your furs our rate is only 2 per cent or your own valuation write or thone or if you wiflli send u your turn liy express injured wc will pay collecl latontaines fur store 95 quebec street ci ii7i di4 phone 122 uutlm 1 ractical manuiacturinc rukricrs 530 flour in itcttyv hooid chutd r luilio tuatlun ckno lutty tell of tier lwikliitf eoruiiocj wlui furlty yumr utui lii fevtiry uutulay wodiiokuy uiid imjy iiuuiilnjtd botwwu 0 ajul 10 uoloejc daylight uvliiu time tjeing a goodyear selected dealer wc can give extra value in all price fields what ever your car may be there is no need to send far away for tire bargains mr and mrs o a o matthews billy and graham toronto mr and mrs p j browninff toronto mr and mrs gordon ilayward tor onto mr and mrs qtanley matthews and donald toronto miss lorna kennedy toronto miss ettlo dllln toronto mrs jennie matthews toronto mr and mrs r o black mary and doris toronto mr and mrs o t mclam toronto mr and mm w d frlclt toronto mr rtobcrt qluhons toronto mr and mm balmnn and torlc tor onto mr james jones detroit mr archie jones detroit mr qeorco agncw jr detroit mr nnd mrs ri l wanshrouah tor- nto miss katie chalmers owen hound mr and mrs harry illflby ouclph mr und mrs harry obhca ouclph mr d m henderson oalt mr tom mochrlc aurora mr l d forbes windsor mrs m oreuff toronto mm w oalbraltli hamilton mrs ii pickard hamuton mr john precious and family tor onto mr mclvln dron aylmer mr and mrs lorho iicwltl stratford mimyillprt-tt- rnil rhy srain 11v ho waitv altqumait idity wull wi today and tl 1 d tlldl 1 ii t i iii ii ll tdllll 11111 i n ii i mi in wiin my nn r but t ii m llli ii fmmv om io k hrrn jf i hi rfy i i n tn ii t wii ii ni wil ri i th uln i i iii r hut 11 i what yt u find n tin nit i ii 1 1 ii wat r nn ii n uh n jotl rut it hittirdiiy fa told mn i it iy tint ilm nut iji it lnu now mid by id il rthuny pn nt fnr mm b cur hn had ju t ilmil h d ninkdnii uu injmlnt crl i m hi lr woldhrrottfeftnt- mjss lois malanc auclph miss katlilecn kelly ouelph mr and mrs wm mcjtabb toronto mr clioo symon toronto mr edwin hoadknlrht ifamllton mr und mrn harold itecd ochawa mr and mrs s s huilscii and family o olivillc ur and mm alex trotter auelpht mr and mrs chas dccliite toronto mr and mrs nell mcdonald mlcsan haxcl and jean of hastings mr and mrs w e homlln messrs clwcll lome howard and mlas cvcljm toronto jennie mcdouaall and mcjutrs donald gordon and jack of toronto mr and mrs w j held and family of toronto mr and mm t morris and mr it morris of toronto i mm c cullcn newcastle mr and mrs wm mcoalrlli palmer slon mr and mm b iccnyon vlncland mr fred ward toronto mr j v coleman montreal mr and mrs chas b gamble of kcnmprc n y mlas q clarrjdtfc brampton i mlas mary smith toronto mr telford kcnncy hamilton mr angus kennedy merrttton mr ed huffman pantlac mich mr and mm j l kinney toronto i mr lloyd icenney montreal mus ollvo cooper fusllnch mr earl cooper toronto i mr rtobcrt close quelph mr chas elliott hamilton miss ncsflle blllott toronto i mr albert pupal toronto mr and mrs c c henderson messrs i ralph and arthur and mlii edna of toronto mr and mrs john kennedy detroit mr mervln kennedy owen sound mr harold kennedy detroit dr w o c kenncy welland miss nora kenncy auclph mr chafl klrknecs toronto mr and mm ii 6 ntcloln ouclpli mr stanley mackie toronto mr and mm j d lake powacssii ontario mr eubcne mcpherson toronto mr james abraham and miss hilda abraham barrlc ont mr james newman itcd lake on tarla mr and mrs mitchell cobban win nlpcff man mr edwin maddock toronto mr james lawson geneva n y mr w h spelffht toronto mm a maddock misses gwendolyn and doris maddock toronto mr and mm wlllard mcveigh uuf falo n y mr and mrs lawrence king nas ooffawcya mm frjdcncc cook mr itank cook and miss kathleen cook of toronto miss edna mcarthur toronto mm blanche brooks toronto mr and mrs leonard armstrong mil vcrton ontario mr and mm duncan mcdonald brueqbrldffe dr and mrs forrester tlf btrutiord mr mid mrs wlntcrbuni toronto mr and mm fred kydcr arkell mrs alex ranishaw olid mlj jeuilc kuuuhaw toronto mr and mm win swackhumcr lor onto mr j w a lojby montreal quebec mr and ma harlcy brlanall and family of toronto i ho boutcn for him in t cn outlday lliej i a kind t t ildi i cprpnit up amonit ni l und ant i mnij nnd pa tin mi to think m bby a n in irk i made o ant rmmy in tin in uu e m o il i act her if rln ur plny ii ball and she rrplyid und mn rnd why no child why do you a k iuul i told lier that i herd nm my th it mi bbj when ant immy kicked oil w ed ill ua a new ottomobfel thnli nil tbey wa to it bum folks ii nil wo trjlnir l muki a mountcn out of u ant mil mundny mlji iux wn- here thl cvn init and she was raying that ilio lt trub bled with inhlbhliuni of um i ind und ant emmy n rt aln dlddi nt ran what kind it wan nhc bet tur new t nlr be tukt woi cure it tur day thl evnliik home inim tlu bridj pirty i i t h r what wood huppen 1 i mt plrkb i i ice crctm knni and pi m f iliol food cuki and rum r ddl h and 1 few pritzrl and b d 1 w d un doubllrly get mil irk but i ind a good jnak on h r lx lii i dlddi nt t ct nick much and i it lin nwl wtnrday mui olunl witch li ii k il teccher wiin at an ik ii c tod i and i he nit ant emm if h ilk d iciplliu und ant ininy id uh 111 1 th ni brolll if thty wn red nice nnd i r li tblrduj ant i mmy 1 it i r ko i today und hi nt it ui nt in iti li dice it wn wlim abe wa a jung jurl nnd went to tioo and shi diddi nt ttilnk they jiad reily made very mutch pro grc t brcue frum what lu rud it m tiny till a tryinit u find ihi ln t common multiple wltln lit much ue ccs it earned like to her sefviqe for all for every clsis of account uusincis or pergonal farming or commercial tlic facilities are provided in the banof motreal the service of tins bank is adapted to all nnd tlie quality or that service is the same wherever and whenever it is rendered wc shall hcplcnscd to have you consult with our nearest branch manager bank of montrjeal estseltshcd i8i7 a bankjvhere srtiall accounts arc welcome it ip gyproc makes old homes young by nailing the smooth rigid fireproof gyproc sheets rightovcrthefade walls and ceilipgs jind thciicxorai3nk fan majtc tlic omft liomftt innsotbfc rrr it wn ut a mhul id a s nth n church one obdurate ul t ully re ni ted tht elder exhortation yo lec its di wa lid ih ah dm got a problem ah dm li w all gwtne git mall hirt on ov ill muh um whrn all gi li to alory dut aln t in problem reluiltd uie lldah y pr ibli m i h i j i wim get yo but on ovah jo h jrn gwmc for sale hy j b mckenzie acton ont chysuin 75 royal shoan 1b5 fhdjsr out utr witth titm jlri ve it and you 7 know chrysler performance is different chrysler enjoys ita universal prestige and popularity becuusc chrysler is unique among motor cars there is no olhr motor car perform ance quite like chrysler performance so silky in power so flushing in pick up so steudy in speed bo untiring to drive so disciplined in control hiis is understandable w hen you check the list of chrysler engine enntf de vclopmcnts included in both the 65 and thc75 cliussn und body features und combinations of features to be enjoyed only in chrysler cars chrysler offers in the final unulysis something more than just u motor car a delightful new phase u thrilling new experience in motoring performance you can pay more and still not equal the performance or the intrinsic value that chrysler 65 und 75 both give you at their remurkubl moderate prices ask any chrysler dealer for u demon stration und learn the difference cimrsllk 65 btuim oufit jjm 2 lumr stdam si3io 4 door wan slfolt thr olkrr hwb ityut u thto cliuysult 5 rmyul stjxw sims cu with ruvltlr irati j9ts ajjr mriih ruaut itai x2010 a otkf uj iiylt u s30s0 if wkt tl xtra 411 pr s f o tl tmdit onuris tntlujiug xtandard j laiy cqvipmtut jrtikt od taxtt txtra chrysler cllinsllh moluits pitouucr h a coxe thrler ami plj mouth iiiles und stricc 1iiinu hh cton ontario rartinsenour f 100 pure paint and varnishes jf special product for every purpose- for every surface a s looxplire marbleire neutone varmoieuh woooiac i h forsaleby w d talbot acton

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