Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1929, p. 2

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iiiijiemiay mini 1 1031 twinki 1 i wlukli 1ittii stail ikl jttfl ilnr r what you urcl aurm so lilh ml in hu sky i wlnlli twlukli nil thr night in tin lurk him iky yim krrp ami ittui through my riirtaln pi r pur ynu in vi r rhut your eye i 111 hi- un in in thr iky pi 0iii jfitp yriflb giuirt gtnnj llllllr olll lilc last klslivih it wa i u wuioin menu tunis urrlprn for new ami novel ilulin llnuulmld it ran mid sinrerfcuaim noni jhtuct illire thlk nnclcty of oum prrn ii rifiinn miumiuit ui mil i in run about thr holr or tin fifth clli and all yoii have to do is try its flavour esse- m anil j mi i ight ll i hough rwlnkh bright nnd tiny park i iruvillrr in thr dark i know nnt what you m tw nkli llttli itnr w- i wah th lull in t i i nva fid in my life j- i ii ill vet tim in do hlii chronicles of ginger farm vvrlltm specially far thr free preim hy j1idv o quady thliui uiiiilii it tin i ii ry uiu imlljli ulli alllin wl m i ho hurt inlktt it urprl i it uh thin thinn i poibly o uiiiiih i jl i id u i i tit i had iwn of hi id mlllon ar him had cmildn t invi urrlflrnd nation allan n und him it un fact thought rvirylhinu n like thi hy place mil iicemid umj iwy milton hud ii twit authorities ny of good him ekrrplnu nit thr least doubt but how whin and where according to tut it tin nrn of that i ha vi uhnl floors mr lt it vrr po ihlt for n unman on one ninn rurm to plan a r tern nno ki cp to it it may answer very wrll when tin re la hired help in thr hou i but iy ti m dcfeau il own ends wimii thi fnrnn ri wife i also chnn boy gurdenor chlcki n chn cr in chief und itrji ril troubli pnv nter if you have n doubt about the matter il ten lu my recent pergonal exprrli per ail h lustration whlrh l not meant in lw an exciptton providing the rule but tui al most everyday occurrence n common with the majority of farm er s wives i like if i can to bake un i rlday a clean saturday a wbih mun day o iron tuesday s etc etc hero is the renult uf my lori planning on friday tin mind was in the kait oven would not get hot cooking adly cur lailid saturday a sixteen monlhti old heifer wa terribly rick medicine to be given with molavilj evi ry thrty hour- ii ii i warm drtnki al frequent intervals partner away in thi field vi i prcforcr had to give the drench a job i had nmarkid in tin rami trail rhi ii itandolph iiuwirtd ii himivi a blf miarril with thi m inanemrnt i upnoac but i in vi r thouuht you nrr much on flylit randy ixclalnil mlltmi fiimieitlvily i thouuht thiy mn almul thr tuun inf i rut mblnullnn of eln um laucc company u clorj- iti doon i aimlnit thim lunlly ulirti the dnrumenl hnd ap nth yltldd their in t morncl n i urn itnidnlili wpn nail i thi u itm r tnnd 1 hi pnpi rn wrn ikh l fully anln to undrr mil hi mniirtlnn with nil tu in iirllnn itandnlph n n nlgnatlnn nt it pirtlrlnr tlnie ad hern a wiyn- and miirh rwrlo ity hnd ijcrn nnms mid lo many hi examination qinni d rllmax of luti ri i in thi very irnifhy i tlfnitlon aft r tin untial pr mm iry miftlonn he wan nrkei va ll l v v complete kiiflwiedri iiiimny hud you irk for in ntlmni llllit with word much wa deurmliud to b 111 thjiji ijoyr ami i allan there wan ii i with flau on tin rquarc ju i dropped nut i aluayi think exicutlei or mumiij i r laki nil re mndblllty for tin qnai ii nt thlnit i an only hand mi twrrtd muum but i nni r l bit for what my mmi iiiiik db or ilm j not do and tin n ulun tin tmubli wan i nsree with milt w re jt t tmidti n f the clock the otlicr foxlowu wliiu tin pendulum and if th handa do not n rlui r thi aftalri iit i win tumn point of tin tlv mwl it ci i ry omii it 4 i kin i 1 ti in ponnful i all ilnch whlti pjiir cupful iliilly dlcid r i i tnhlrrikminful honey hi at tin yolk until lemonrolnred add the alt iwppcr and honi y ml i niul fold in th rtlffly beaten egi vvliltif add half uie relerys and thru turn ll dlcl unln will nr a rd mni ii i pan cnjk nlnw- ly until hmwiiifl op lyittnni turn omelet an nvi r mid lirnwn other nhlr rum ut n hot platter i prlnule over the mnluliii nlery whlrh linn uei n bruwn- i in hat cm fat fold ov r riirt nerw i nrf i liinmh for two iimeloll vry or ihi with exrru fjiftldim whau vir wi n you over galled lri to your judmik tit rinrdlnit tin odvunttoty nl trniiartlon only in an incld wi r iimi id to in vi tlnftti the n liability it othot- ilrmr with which ornli thi blltnij un done vhlt part i imk ilil pulp iry 11 fjurliik lin ytur of ynnr mrvln alu icci n lo hi- until 1 mr llosw 11 did you man thin h rated r prlvati and ronfldmtlnl corr poudence li mon nllr no tut into hot e re not to blame how rltflit llnil iild allan if ynu re sure thr firm elnck is uninb nd your own wutrh rlnht uould 1 in not no by uur own time ju t uhal i did un handy wimi timn in lenv vupr iwn watch nl home lauuheu allan or kiep ii in tin jtwelhry shop for iipairi addid milton rntcrlnfl into hi it nd i rlimnt why ild you n lii i had m rjmal rca out for dulnr ro will iui ttalo uum7 i would rntlpr imt ft nrcit did you iver haw i uiclopi iff rrunlf i ilnei in the firm t oprratloun i jjtfu wr mmic thldri i dd nut imdenland and thi y jurphxcd you at llim uld you iv r i thl docum nf aid th lawyi r handing ifandolpji a jiit i jmilt lie glanced mi it w niiiii nl and an ye morcovtr it lb lo mhlrh got i matter o opln u kandnlph lrtrimrtilnifnmnir wv hut haven i ynu heard ihe rumor that hli home life in nfit milu- what ii rhnulil l the apothecary miijnnnlcd in till i in truth it haa projudlnd un ayaln him and very likely nthrra frl the ran way i hnd uutujjht nf ofli rln the nan nf j m lllucjohn i here wan nllrnci for n moment but rem to in- the flllcnre r pproval ilnally the town clerk npoke hut what oljout that bunlnet i nrtlnn of lib out wet7 you i i lory i refi r to he added ileart raid oktlieal mended or courre tcemn lo hie uioiibh even admitting its a nlandcr i wed in nnfor u pjit forward a man hki llaitlnan who we knew wni never itoafit ill i ii oi iii ni j mixed up in anythliik nf the kind linve tin llllil lurded rmdy for the hut mnrtlnan lined u ir a nvi n b n on and plnr in an open ln man nbjectrd tl edltnr of tho lnii have tin nvi n vi ry hot ii that vlllaite nrwrpapr hiat might br llje nn at will rnr over at once a hruubht un nrralpit him to hurt the four pntiml fillet rrrpilrej about forty rorlcty wljy not take jerry harlow inlnuu to rona after routtllu twopty hen always been rl around amniiflnt mliiulci add a little hot water when i un nnd he rtanibi pretty well ai fc done place on a plattir nnd rerve with i know j- fnim dlppum in the n wr couldn t net alon with him the apothecary raid promptly he cranky that you might ray he brown i cooked vcrrtahlr- ipirulih for tliln dlh filicrn 1 1 mon iii 1 li mon i jts3 cupu mnjur 1 lubl pikin mi ui d bull r tia itminrul all rind of out lemon peel from li mon and dice tin ill cord in r i red- iuat hht udd mtjnr jradimllv rind nuind hltu r salt nnd hake between two cruil nvi n i450 drarcen after dun hi at to moderate 3s0 continue baking 30 mln llj eppt npu y 1 ciifj ruuar i i mull bunch mini i ruji wiak tin nr tnirr i nliiuui i lrnl juto nili julei ohlh ndd apd lne uh tht r malnlnu tikrummcr heifer t em to remember be nt say a word nbut what waa hut drenched lo th- jtln n b many l nnv t matter don t you think he tlntei in my llfi but alwayn with water ln omethinb lurked up his yea larnely why did y nut lit tlint be k nllir mola never befn iumtiie tin m hiuir i u thi until l down the front l1 ini djci and un my juu and be for i kill in thl ink tlurc was mola- v i on i vi ry latch arid door handle in tin ordinary way cicely i tin hclfin nnd i an un bent of f ri nda but th r wi rr certainly tlmi lonl weekend when we win hardly on pi aklns urma and jet i oi fool i n iugh when siu looked at me with in r ur at bevechlnu eyes tt put my arm around hrr neck and ay doit dk utile lilirir don t die we dldn i ixjxct lo e in r allvi bunday in u rill ii u but she woj and it yrt and ap parcntly on th hluh road to r covi ry but nhe still takei up julti a bit of tlnn on monday lt looked mllicr like rain nnd an i wanuil lo b l the ret or my uardrn in i pltioiied washing and went rluhl uhiad wlu sccdlnfl turstsiy monilllk i dnivl into the nursery for the pin nth i had ordered iur doirn tomatoes one doien cauliriowcr and two doxen early cabbaqc alo aatern balaiii and petunias for the archway i got a root of pink rambler for one side and cobla vine for the other alter dinner i worked away uk a trujan and got thcrrt all in and then oh joy it start cd to rain and the plants arc standluu up ni if thiy had never been trans planted wedm day i tidied up tin house in iicurral and the kitchen and pantry in particular i have the halls faction of knowing the harden 13 finished and ulc hclfcr recovcrlnb but there it to wedneiday nlffht and no washing done no coke in hie house and nothtiiff for dinner to morrow so there is mil much need lo tell you what i ii tw do liib on 1 huriduy the question is how much should i luxvc accomplished by keeping u snum very utue i am afraid but jiat of course la one of the joys of r arming ah who would be a farmers wlfc7 who would i would wiiy not docn t very advantage havt its drawbacks i shall never forget taklnr ihe chll dren for their flral visit to uic city we stayed five days and ii was four days loo long tin man of the house used to get up and get his own break rant i hi chllfrcn thlrtt en and nf len years of ayr got theirs and look their mother a cup of tea the rest of us had breakfast about nine o clock letlmes later how to keep my sleeve ild allan when they uxre alone always a clo mouthed fellow you kin could till just whnl in wn think nn about n mnd d muuill that s no though i do jlvi him crldlt in thinking for himself hi tt vit em thing ju l txcausi lvirybody did them ii th lr draw ulwuyi si einn to carry i back of hi in nd has in lit avlng bunk he i m to speak lii ana nlckrrd nbubly udd rouchi d n st pluyi if thrill t un that gefi 1 he information contained in that paper wan thoroughly convloninij to my bclf it could not havi ijeell to any qm csc i did not know lint th hh r m in cxuunce l the present lme u wru itiund in n parcel of doru in uln pi dully slgni it or inltialnd by yi urs u did you put ii there i did not let me look at that pap r said the pr siding jucge after r adlng lt carefully he turned ti randolph and aid personally i hnvi n high opinion of your integrity hi you under the protection of the i nit b kind enough to tell un all you kiiuv about thin matt r itandnlph procrrdid to xplaln that fellow tn had linnpl u d tin n jkirt b fore- iiiul ntlon d that h had i rious mlsglv- whole iiiki regarding a major paragraph dealing it was about mm thing which with the osw is or a subsidiary concern matter much that niiolh r fellow involving over two million dollars which hav paaed on without qulrm he f arcd were entirely worthier but you n number the fuin handy made which wire counted on glltcdgc and that bunduy basi ball mutch put tfvi an imposing nipearuncc of subll his tool on 11 though he iiad moot ll l balance iictl he barely lack fellow uguliif i him ci rtuln and uboluu knowledge ol s i know yi l iil acted the gentle tlils but as he anxiously turned un hi never trli d to domliili r lh mailer ovi r in his own mind the llmt liu wltli tin m as lar aj f r clohlng arrived and huvlno nn carli broke with ihtm i nllri iy ei gagi mi nl hint evening he resolved ui liav hi eliwumnl unsigned until the morning thinking that in the meantime h might guther fresh knowledge from un oulsidr source mr boswcll and a mr casley who was manager of thb suspicious concni had linn engaged in a long interview in private and hnd left un bulldlut ju l in fore itandolph aa in went into thr cloakroom he nottcxd ii pap r lying on the floor which he supposed one of them might have diop pi d and glancing over it noticed ihut it was a memo of m caslcy a giving full in formation as ui ihe standing of hia concern entirely contralto lory lo the statemliil given to handolph and incor poraud in th report in a moment the whnl truth flashed through his brain e ry thing was as clear as day but uil was a conlldenual document tin was not upposid to know of its existence hi placed it back on the floor and paw ri out the last one leaving the building li it hits document was found among hlch had pns d through srt naiirrifraw m io in itoitln naush water lo covct lut in b luinn nr t plnrn nf ti r hbn inrd and quite u few sliced onlonn and lot it rni k i bout un hour add enough ginted raw potatocfl to thicken lt a little som iunllier rrlrn and cara way id may ti idded wldlr cookinil i to inrlch mi rinvnr whei lp hour is up put in ui kraut nnd rvtok ufi tn if mlnttn egyptian dllioiri hrtlaf flake ope run ualmon and mx with me cup died clcry mix thoroughly with ouiilj salad dressing place let- tuci leaves on a chop plate so that trny rmch out to the odge of the plate in thr cntr heap th xlmon mix ture pyramid fashion press lightly into thi idea orir dozn stiiflcd ollvea havlnb tin red op thi on is id arrange around th i dge tu n or thn e lomulotfi njlced with a bill if coltngl chlcii moblened ulth nilad dressing hi centre of each bitwcen itch sllc of tomaui place a small i ndlsh with its grei n stem up ward chains rlnclpl i in raid yet he never r lt though he wa ulr i n hit team and llley lo t ugh hi di f ltlou and ome win iiinugh at him hi i like i us you say a lltlli r s r rimrad oi mrtlili piiiple rcpcl llim irtnrlplr ls all right bu uneh box unc an iimhn lla an awk ward thing lo carry soini time al mighty handy though in an emcr i ncy i can t ii you mill i don t sup imlrf it was a vlry great mailer in tiiu cac oucvs handy and ikwwi ii hat u bit of a tilt dren from disturbing the peace i did buslm not know one bright morning after rfii they were dressed i let them out in tin given sticet all went well for a while but u presently i heard what 1 thought wa nn undue noise und looked out i ht re unui 1 saw pat with u dirty wooden box to which he had hid a piece of string and pint- was pulling it along the side wulk llkr u slclgli it wa- si nn body s garbamr tr uix and it wan mil empty which fail lml tin tin unn loudly proclaimed us tiny lllv rattled log tin r or eume hurtling out n w on to tin side wulk the stale of m l hu mind can bi ixlur imagined than din wl iilbefl winn my holiday was ol an end i was quite relieved lo return tu muliili i a rm life 1u dlsadvunlagen wen nolh j ing und an for thr children well th i first thing tiny did wos u grl on un lr srr kiddle cars and ride round and round j w ihe room llkr somcuung pouesscd r nn one iijoys a trip tn thr city w is u hitter limn 1 now llmt thr chlldn n un oldiri it 1 a splendid relaxation to attend tuiw visit ihi suirrs bruwi e among books old and new tioar good munla join in thr crowd and catch fit ellng glimp i s here and therr or qu slioi conirdy and druitiu yes and tragedy mispl ions w in ing rnuclcd day by du hour iiy hour i ii iswrll s here hi our very mid i yls i en y inquiry nun it all from tin nowd in thr dargaln ing chuigid baseimut to tin utrrs at night but i ways i hnd thr best part of gol a lot of mynu rv about it will havr lo wait developments suggest d milton for v ral years itandolph had been in the i mploy of a large financial cstab itshmml of which andrew uiswell wus manager und practically domlnaud the i whole firm kieu and aggn jlve ikv well was widely known uj u suci e isful maul pulalor and shrewd jxreuluuir in the fluuiiclul world handy cold r liar rlni teadlly in uosuilh stlmutlon until i now he wiis chii r iiceouiiiunt und had lieen pioiiilsid iii managership nf thr d partm nt hls truightforward is methods in wid knowledi of and his absoluli n liability had him u riputallon quite beyond ill hutrhiirat as a rakm citoi as ubh tiling eondltlonn kwheai should lie not strictly n grain crops 1th crop suited to lnatern canada he overlooked cereal crop and not replace our com human o for bunds plirime tumid him 1 u nut r a uir pelip in il irru il a big i h si lllippllj hi 1 ui in hplmdll p 1 s in r oiiii nirniik v iv in n u lied the 11 1 f t iiki whnl lad h pp n ii nnuiy u ki hiii vld nlly preserved for interrupted the lawyer low nouilng about how it came ale itandolph thru nfit r u iiiil of thought lie added pos i janitor may have picked it up c d it tin re surml wu proved correct on ini iny i f tin junltor who wa mr 1 isi i 11 in going through pup is hud vldeiilly not din this ull imiiortunt document ii i n fniin cu i yi pocket in tin i nil ii liul not been inland li y m story mr culth r hail i r uiliu horn 1 hud mudt ii wii ii nut imiikdiutriy and it t mi llow11 so thai u t it tin fiisl thing in th mom studlit silo t lui ed li 11 lull i igiimimt und w llquldutoi i ills mui itandolph i ui roiiin rl the tu from mi tiud m in un following o daily lunntlnn npiearrd md hr wus plld ulth ny quurlirn oruvi uii il rigurdlng lomt juulglal hlr foi him that it i wun illy only th li 1 have ijo ith lh nftlfje aceountant wi ri bout the bu i i illy that too iitani y ii v stock consumption buckwheat ha tpeclul features which give the crop both dhtct and ludirrcl omirces of revenue to the fumier lluckwhmt hus a varlnty of uses it is well known that the flour mode from this rrop roinmniidi u high favor in making uriddh cuko and the jx putar ity of un crop for this purpose creates u lulrly ateady dimand uuckwiuat can be u ed ao a feed for live slock although th f t ulng value ui the grain is less than in wheat oats or barley the grain however makcj an excellent puuluj f i cd on account of its unnunlly succulent leafy growth buckwheat serves a useful purpose as a mother crop for wceou iedy land can be kept clean cultivated til mid june or later then seeded to buckwheat the quick rrmlnoton and growth prevent weed development tlic foci that buckwheat will thrive on comparatively poor light land makes 11 an cxcell lit crop for lhls type of soil and uiji to plough under as a green inunure il thick suirulinl sums dc ruy very quickly leaving lin mill in n b tt r eoiidlilou in so far as plant food und ginernl physical condition ln con eerned on hruvy soils buckwlleul on uceount th nntur of ils rtxil synlem t nd ui loosen up thi sol leaving it in u more rrlabl porus condition i he elulin mad that buckw h at will i liliauuid mon sol acidity or lack or italnol ulun nllnr lerrals is undoubt idly trut und for this reason it can often b grown on land ijuil would theiwlse iimutu lldi llurkwhial ha beii usi d as a nurse cup for swrtl clover with good results whrn this practln is followed the com liinatloii run bi tut mini und used as n s illlng crop tin ubundu i vicious i hie old wa cnptaln had uttered no crlllrlmnu apil made no ruggcntlmm n iw hli eyes twinkled humorously an he danced round at the parly geems an though ltd easy lo lak lip n but ngalnnt almort anvbody doe n t it he aked cnrloun when you eomt lo think how tew people there are ln thin community that arc fit to oaoc1iic with ip raking it the other w ny round though r pore if i were really urovc to it id have to admit that i vc done things im uvmmid of thlnun im try ing lo foriiot nnd to kind o cover up ll domi better things how ahou1 tbx r nl or ye all perfect if you ore i ii have hi gel nft thin committee a yt before i contaminate ye otticrwnya i riould tell e that foi thr sake of the cause i for one could manage lo worry along with any of the men you vc mcntloriod if they can mu no my nctird on way the gossips have ouue it i con ntand thelrn and p r aps if they and i both pulled together and you nil backed us up wr could give the liouilpa aoniethul mon improvln to loik xlhlul ith nnd wrote upon them the four names ham- that had beetrmentinneit ttcflriioll qamthc the fifth director shall be tin whose name in on the slip th captain draws he said ihla niw corn stalk paper h all right but it has its drawbacks not very long ago a drayman attempted to deliver several renmn of this paper to the p v otllce the door was locked the dray man jlu1 left 11 ui front of the office a cow wandered down the ntrcrl and had a wonderful frost of this new tad paper the owner or the cow took hir home milked her as usual and de lv red the milk the next day ail the milk customers wire iplttlng paer wads now you tell onel windsor colo pnudre valley rtiiltors oi janus william cirahnin ntr- nf thi vllln of aclol oi nlleman who died on tin fourteenth day of april id20 and all other parties having claims ngalnnt his estate ore n qiihi d to i end to the undersigned olicilor tbelr full names addresses and jll pa lulml und the tiatui f uny held by them anr this notice bring glvi n pursuant 0 section 31 flf the tniuoeq ao it 0 1 10j7 chapter 150 nolle lb h reb glvin thai un uiid after the slxui day of july 102d tio executrix will pmcerd ui dl tribute the ansotn of the said junils william oruham i nrtlea legally entltli d then w iii not be rrnponslblc for of which she has not hi notlci duled uils sixth day or ji ada hopkins lxrculrlx uy ii n purmir acton ontario her solicitor 40 3 urltlcs ong the and she iy claims received 1120 se onrspecial dip y newest motor car color ties vt nouxtri iosi hoiteof colors on any modt i tn m so wide yon hae almost nidmdual distimiu 1 n spetial color slnw and see for yourself thi n tolor oniiiiniticns from which you may t hoist il si and remember this is onl ui feature to the great array of ihu s bssex the challenirer has swep idd tlu v h h tied notice to creditor 1 lie crt illtors of mornan crewson lau of acton well driller who died on uic thlrtrinth day of may 102d and til othr partlrn having claims against his rstutt an r quirt d u send to rl r tun 1 rslgned solicitor their full names tuitlnnsm nnd descriptions full partlcu ins of th lr claims and ui naluu of th tcurlties if nny held by them and this notice brtug given pursuant stction 51 ol til trusters act it s 0 10j7 chapter iso notice la hereby 1 u 11 llmt on and uf ti r the sixth duy july 1020 the executors will pioceed ui distribute hit ass ts of the said morgan 1 w on uniting the parties li gully en tilled ihenln and un y will not be n lainslbli for any claims nf whith thi y linvt n it thin rrcilved notice diutl tills sixth day of june 1ujj lhljj cittwbon arid alxlllt fcjjwin chippj zulmizx the challe n g a acton motor sales acton ontario exit ilia 1111 llim eterlstlr pit ull nil auppod i w ijf tht run nguged by i lute in june j iui a llveluk 1 iwe ptun i i i l lui urrjh kwhrut urlng plants t conditions ullvrly pioi 1 crop for my 11 n kmi id luultry feud i a d rick c 11 11 ottawa out tin nliu tun our which wr i iy pit a advantages k plrasur havr plei city handy wus irdrnd i ul t tl home millions utltlnm in u dully puj ugurdliig di vr missing did win roultl tluv hiii rrsjhnslble ihe misl of folks snltl u m t ins i 1 lilng- d 11 y uld r books wa it n 1 urul 1 1 no would nfit in 1 t itiouiiiiuila in m tloticd willi ul inffrpauu i wlilel properly in ii lig to yutj7 urn lo mr ueulilunully wmj lj i ought to aevrr niy lllurtoj st ots iilatiiiii i lit k wiuu ti ulli 1 it del nf tin fi ul gn h hitliu jolk havt u m la lak luinlnl rarity foun notice to irrditors ui 1 dll r mm ida and lui 1 f th village of acton wldo ul d on or about thi hrvriitonlh day of april 1u0 und ail othrr pirtltn hnv ing riiilm against hr uuu ur re ipilnd in send to tin untltr lin d solicit 1 lh lr lull numn aldn s and des 1 pilous full partlriflurs if tip lr eluitus und hi iiutuit of thr i rurllli s if any hi id by hi t look frit v mlliln i luurtni ls ih 1 un hy some sluivi 1 lrumi nt wan suld to have been intni durtd into llinipe iiom thr east othrr nay it wan u wtstirn invention 11 wan certainly known lo lumpeui navlgatom as early as the twelfth century quyot de pixivlnn whnr satirical bible u upjmisrd to havi bun coin pie led ln 1305 described u contrivance of hallom which nevrr derrlvrd thi m they have an ugly brown stout whlrh at tracts imn jass llt iwd dk npnny ful and skllfu iltlllg u pp u td p d pap rs and shortly an i wing under th i mnny wltnescs and sulisullury vidi im n gurdlng maiinir in whit h uetil ihe oc i ft 1 1 und slut in puitd by han- puper i did ought lo ruin the firm iuiiiii roundi n ippi in d lo pick l uflei httttriut fulph or umhr signed by him win put forward much i weight was given to his numr an an nual he port had been drafted by him it was acr led giving ull facta tu con ih ctlon with the company a aflulrs ul mod ui the very dutt of aiulgiimiul i ihla wan not nlgnrd by him it wus said for tin rcmiun thut il lacki d the tliiul ll y l r llvl of howrll and that llandolph to which the needl ikilnu which they lmd bud left the employ of the in have rubber on thin tlone and aflcr h of hut own accord ttard tuck into a straw they merely iwcll immedlnuly upon seeing thai y put it in water in which the straw c ut luubc hat i if cauteft it lo wlm thru tlic uiltit luma i had gone through ami des- i dirrcuy toward the north star with trov a lmkljta an iwpim wh hp biirh crlalnty that it will never fall thought could possibly h- uu d tohi ouyot wroti samiit the curorw jeilmhmu him hu tomplet- knowudg it wre tt iww thing hut other writing of th ulr biulniiu and hla uior- ievl that the kngluh hi tl twelfth i oughgolng gnu p of all u gal impllra cnlury iwd alri ady mounuil llw nwtlle nll1 lo mukc t wuk lf y tn a plvtit and mi duim away wlui ulu destruction vi ry complete nobody ii ktntw anil water ajipcared wu u bliutio imrckuiarly ui ii lt u inly i li ottbli hi bin ii actually nljllr dldl kinds if hal i inoat freyuciilly anting the ti g to injure the firm i illlk alltl uubh niuini if with ii my own eour c poclated wlui tin highlands or to mi i ronf sil that whlt hi u tin r luurikkid j plentirul on the down and mmi i aid lu lh tiurt ls hllrrr bl lhwi lu un inc of your integruy couiiuil u an in it mos1 peculiar puj you i at ulu1 much f w imu ifllnehlnttly mudt a great sacrlllci for ark i b n known mitiut liulplt and yiur tour r has brn thor- blt b the producl of peeiul cul ighly ju llllnl uy rln unistaiicift youi b prosaic markrl gurdi ip f i whv irfi occur among 4tlur though trur hrauie itleally a ll hua t o 11 this i unn i milt i lllll hi vi itusut pin it ti if july a d iu2d noiird ti iilslrlbuli uld m itllila anderson il hy ntltlnl thtrui i u ixmilbu fur u hus unt then ihlrlht intly eouje uli not ptlsjlbly havi foisein img p rli nt hus i ouviuci d mft that not jy will tin tvllutoer soon r or lot r id hlinsill ulpikd uji by evrnlualitlco it ill o that soon or int wr inert with is wlili h tall out thi lasl ri serves of ii b ing whlili ti t thr innermost illii of our stuls uiu if we have no nrvi of fulth of thuruilrr of grlji hlglur lhliiis wr arc inevitably lot havt hud ihi fveryliody llki id d riser v n and you ft wer judgr uld be rtqulicd by prowiili whltn heather elloilld h slilind a luck brlngrr is un om n ijgn hon ctrlaln highland ci11114 whose chleliuln included hrutlnr hi tip lr badge have ulwayu nguidid whiu speclnicna u lucky on thr othir hand anclint oacllc tradition associated it with misfortune mid diuth whale vr uie origin of heaun r luck belief undoubtedly k a great 1020 ved iiollci duy of mny caltl maitlfcn 1iansln hy 11 n riii notice to jnditt uu rnillloi 01 f the village ut lied op the klghte lid ull other pt her istuti lau acloji ipliiitt r who nth day of fllay 10j1 rijia having ctalim are required to t f i when tht ciown prince fred r- lu wooed prlne as vletorla al ul by prrst illlng lu r with a flprlff mahint itim 11 uki d him if viu tould b ylhlng rlsi hu said bilng mu an uduiid of while hiulhi wulthlug a bull tii judtt he ml oul of lo uu undersigned solicitor their full mldriwuit uid di tcrlpllous fifll pwil uulaiu of hiclr clalpn and the nature of th aeciiriiliu any held by tem and this miliar being glvri puruuiit to tuition 31 qf the n intent aot it h o iu2j chapter 130 notice ui hereby iutn that on and after the voond day of july 103f ihr kxcciuor wl pniooiil to distribute the u of hieaaj4 annie tunlglll among lh parllt 7 gaily tn till d unit to and ho will iwf iw rn unn ibu for any 1 la imn of wliuh hu not thin norivrtt notlco iialrd hu tlltrtleth dy of mny i0j0 montla1h cfcniiul uaiu ily ii n iiiinr uulltltoe ontario hit iu3 mill street aeton ontario

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