Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1929, p. 4

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tjii iiomf or ffilir artmt 3firv jimw nr ui vv n in i i it i ss ss t itiirl i t r 1 r ii unhid statoi irivwlmuiiu in cnnndii of the total or fi 712 oh 000 unit h and forcirn ciipitnl mve tltl in cniiiidii tin- hiricit nniotint h 2 lh 7110 000 i held hy united state tnvc tor nntrll come next with 3 2 20 r 1 7 0h and the holdnifi of nil nthei cnuntrte ajrtjnte t21s 710 000 nccordinj lo iiil iiiil t compilation capital from outside uiiiniril i not however the dominating factor in nnadiiin untciprt l tor it i e tntmied hat he iwllii r und os pei tent of the eapltlll invtltllllll t in tlil dniiituuriii is held by canadion t they n have f s7im7l0oo inve ted nhrond or this amount shli 20 000 rrin the united slates 111 dis000 jn the mrilisk i u and j r j h00 in all other eounti les neighborhood news 0akvhit when jy ti com ft to out lutrlliik of vnyn ukt oia uphill road ai i itusim ha 1 1 s ti i n hni s hi v a iionipron r novo- iscnuu tin i iiidvnl in rr unci taken up residence hit i irnt fltrirt on iiiirriny veiling tlir it unl nf lidu- nltm will m it nni it in likely at 111 mi tlnii it niw clinirmitn of urn hoard h iii hi n lecti il nrwfl ml li miirjnrlo i trtrr hiu iiccrn fully jiiovid in r third year orln coiirnn nt tlir it ronto ujilvrrlly minn cora mcomun mm ii fj dov i nor find mm wllbort prntt rtre in ot tnwu lhe work nt the icfwtrrn lltnr cop until n mrn j irvln of tlir upper mlil din road iittrndn ti funtral nf lior sinter mm ilinry maillll at ijriliuinln on irlday luit mm o w mrnollly and mm lioy flhnw returned in saturday from furopr where they had been travelling fur nevornl montlin thry visited many of the chief polnln or interest in the old landii otar mr nnd mm v c durrougliii have moved into clillderlinune idue for tlir mmhior months mlw fdlth wlffm left town lout thurn tiny on turvwmllilny trip to uio home in rnulnnd jo waai and ilaughtor mm k d ecurrcmcnts these retiuiremcnts include owning jnrdnn loft on qnturday lant for an and drivihk ar for not less than two years without visit m cleveland nnd other ii fl points an aceident himnp ft elenr record from reckless dnv in rum u h rurruit hint the hughes nig and drivnift while intoxicated and also the keep n thr canirr at coiborw ondition an iniliiccnicnt in new york state into drivers have been offered a real inducement for carefulness in the shape of a la h piemiuni to be allowed hy the lending insurance com pii mils accord m lo the new merit kntinj plan the line fill driver will obtnin a ten per cent reduction in his insurance rnte if he meets ccrtntn in j ini of hnikes and steering jear in good some suell encouragement of careful driving us tiler new york plan provides would be welcomed in tin country in fact it would seem to be overdue st mnry s journal arpus t atn etn has finally boon i ikon over ty onr nf thr big oil compnnlo ilccoid abonoffown is your money earning 10 with safety plus profit possibilities v ywn wottld ui to etur priktlir a m cotnituny with a tan- utiuout moxitlily divi dend record for the punt 9 yjir fill in nd rrlil the coun ixilw vovqu ix dk i urn oh hill icti io ihort iluhtod a vorklnu hlniolf to druth woti hi nluht not to do with it wrll e ran l w i win n tin iwuui iln t liokliitf ao n tin h krop on nliovelliitf all i ho tlmnl card co irunartf unit dyrrtf uvkwtl ontario business directory british international 330 iuy sri thuksa ivining june 13 ih2 a onesided story the prominence given to the few who won money the rnfjish crti and c alcutta sweepstakes on the from pages of metropolitan dailies last week lb such that would be d an u business acai-ljfrclwiuceiivoiiuy-hftktft-before- n jtill pubucand not make muihon or the thousands who squandered small amounts and lost and why hot also mention the amounts that are made from these events h the promoters without any chance of loss no matter who wmb the race the telling of only one side of the stor and the playing up of a feature in the headlines that two widows held lucky tickets gives only one side of th- story hundreds of widow didn l win olonj with myriads of other unfortunates who could ill afford to lose the srnnll nmounts used lo purchase tickets but who are baited on by just such stones is uere iven premier position in the news columns lust week utttjufihtwfttft acsktfmutirp hnhlmrin care and ora deration in our twelve years or so of attending the sessici s of municipal bodies in auon none of these bodies iii our recollection have received hi largely a signed petition as that presented to the school bonrd last wednesday cvcnine the icqucst of these citizens was carefully put and ably piescn ted by represen alive citizens the requests weie courteously asked and courteously leceivcd ihc iction of the board in postponing their decision until a later meeting of the board would seem to allow the giving of the consjd era 1 10 n promised to the request a large section of the public have by siliiihl this petition made their wishes quite clear on the matter the episode has been watched by other municipalities the federation of teachers and the department of lducution the disposition of the hem will undoubtedly be watched by these same bodies and places that huvc followed the course thus far pursued acton will be judged hy the decision mado as representatives chosen by rihe people of acton ihc hoard will make the decision whatever that decision may be it should be guided i by only one thought the maintaining of acton s best interests and reputation throughout the province and elsewhere if it is not in accord with public f opinion locally thit mailer can be remedied by the voters themselves at the nominations and elections in november and december but if in rhe settlement the stigma that has been atiatched to acton and the teacher u not removed a very poor piece of states mnnship will have been executed and damage done that will be irreparable keeping the tux itatc down an interesting session of public bodies each year the one where the estimate of the expenditure of the ycur is made and the tax rate set accordingly i we uttended two such meetings lust week that of the public school board and the council it would i do any rateiaytrs jood u attend such a session and note ihc caie with which these bodies endeuvor to i curtail the expenditure of the town s money and keep i the tax i ale at the same figure or lower and still ipiqvidc fit jnipio eineiits required i he special ses fsjon of the c ouneil that dealt with this one hem took between two and three horns be to re it could be octtled of course tlieie welti iiiiprovem n is devoutly luislled for ly cvely utlcn as well as ihc couueillors i tllflt we i e included ill the est i mate some of them irttunined in the final estimate hut most of them had to be deleted to n ihc ninouui down to what could 1 1c raised without nici easing tltt i ix rate it ended lip with the baie necessities inly to he accomplished if his yea i as in otlu r year s i lie uncontrollable ex pctullturc hat his to he luiscd by he c ounci each ycur is a faetoi that is ohm overlooked by the iivcruge i itepayei s i he school board was able to nil like a request foi a it amount thuu last ycal which in turn assisted the t ouneil in providing for lie del entitle debt of the new school and sort of balanced up in nupiovcinent received mid little add i the tiijcpayii ihc county rate is the most vcrious faetoi to contend with in the past four or bve years the amount to be raised as actons share as gone from in the nctgitborhood of s km lo over 0 000 other improvements have been voted upon ly the people and the money must bo raised to meet ihese obligations i he entailment of expenditure lia resulted in ihc keeping of the lax rate at the lime amount a last year i he constant oversight ot he public bodies in miuiilaininp the rate nt the 17 lulls uill of course be appreciated by hie taxpuyecs decision in i nvor of i nrmem a decision of the txchequcr cotrrt of canada m en n s a u ultimate saving of millions of dollars to the c anadian wheat pool the world 3 largest farmers lo operative marketing organization which has about i is km farmer members the decision is to the effect dn that money accumulated hy the pool from the frac iional charges made on every bushel ot wheat for elevator and commercial reserves cannot be subjected lo the c anadian i ederal or provincial income tax the c anadian lxcheqtier court holds that the money deducted for elevator and commercial reserves is held hy the pool as agent for the formers for a certain time but it is to be accounted fotjii the farmers hbhrfrorjirrthe3ntritalv rirnncrtv mim mlnnb ynunff left init week i visit in winnipeg and chicago mr nnd mm n alnnlcy of toronto nptnt on nil ay with mm a devereaux mm tucr of ilaljeybury is vbiltlnu at the homo of her father mr ralph ilojia mr bnmuol iclrlc iiao been apnolntd by order in council a justice of the peace in and for the county of hal ton about twenty nvc ofticera and me hen of credit lodge paid a fraternal inlt to 8 ian ley lode toronto on tuen mt j a mcniven ltivuuijui und uurufft 0flco nnd reoldrnc oorjur tfowri avenue nnd ilflln utrtl wo aii why you should place your furs in our care it cost no more lo store your furi in our nci modern vaults l hey are as good os any in the dominion uf anadii limn to place them in the care of furriers wnh es modern equipment we arc manufacturing furriers and therefore know the previous care your i uri imuld receive 2 12 of your own fair valuation in thirtyotic yearn not a dollar lwt on f un knlrtwttd lo v lafontaines fur store t ililiux sthlirr h phone 122 gublph phunr no 33 p o lldx 3w malfold nash taiimcr m a narrutrr hallekor nury rllle cauvtrymner vie rphbvman iii1u acton ow money l1tjt on mohtoaou loor d30a m toftflop m cutturdays 13 00 o cloelt t j spakham tlarrbiur rolulter nury rukua phone j 33 ohick miix htheft acton next to uaptut qhurch ifoum 0 00 a m to 600 p m dkntal du j m bfli d d s l d s dental rutmii oliicl- mill and frederick otrmu phone m dh j h johnson ddsldit nul rarg office mill otrrel in th coopr niock i xcatls if the poolwre to pa mconic jnujiori tjfc 4c c t ionst it cuetnot five up to the contract with the members and pay buck these temporary deductions when the time comes it might have llccn done otherwise etion from the school board meeting our ejection from the school board meeting and consequent re iiistateineiil seems to hove been created in misunderstanding and continues so enshrouded by other editors i lie editor of the alliston herald in cominentinl on ihc episode in a recent editorial say s what w c cannot understand is why a news paper mini will admit any discussion in the matter of the piess attending meetings of the board the board can not shut the newspaper man out neither can it nor any of its members withhold ony informs lion concerning public business from the newspaper in an ir from any ciitzen ii is the same with civic matters a citien or a newspaper man may walk into any c ouneil meeting and take what he likes the rej oilers invide ihc committee meetings from which they aie entitled to take information for publica tion what the editor of the allistoil herald does not understand is the fact that acton school board has li dy meinhcrs on it and in such a case one cannot without regard to chivalry and courtesy stand for all the rights that might be demanded if mere in n were alone on the board yes brother i ii tut t the matter tmghthave been hnndled by demanding our rights but we shuddered in spite of our yeais of rn irried life at such a rude unchival rous answer to he ladies demands mrn wilfred prejiton and family and mm bwun apciit the week end with mr and mro t mcdonald nl lunra ialb mr and mrn krrd flednhaw and con unl diiutfhlrr iillc and yvonne of hocheau r n y arc vlbiunu with mr and mri ii ilcdaliuw whllt operation the aandcr machine ot th i smith at stone ltd electrical w irk i on monday afternoon about 3 ocloclt sydney mulme had hlo left hand riktrv nn tfh mnilrm ltinfrnu me uxjoujcrjq2rvat uw jttuaxiltuiicqllno and lb la quite evident xb rnfn n to break even ot the end of the year georgetown public school puld day nwi held in the pork on monday afternoon there wan a large attendance o puplb and the different eventa were lie nly conumud it was a ffrcat day for tlu puplli and we understand it i tit n if the board and blart to un unniial event herald 2 milton ic 1 ranees ckm visiting her pr d clements lrn hami and chll spent the week end umtorial notcs it is a fuct of interest that with a population that anks 28 1 h among the countries of the world canada fifth in loial exports and tlrtrd in total turnover of rade i he old boys and girls hack again for the re union i the home folks will be glad to again will soon be coining just two weeks and velcouie them to acton ii nf io would rally all thai is possible to the the liquor control act have tried to true a speech of the ontario liberal leader as ng appro vnl of the act as now being carried in ontario i i turns s r yield prineipi i far mudi in the pn mices of production in canuda ipei one it is estimated that tutput was atiout is mx mm pounds an f 0h km pounds over last years output bun it appears that the rice of quebec the was this the total increase a sample shipment of canadian eegs to buenos anes argentine made by the canadian federal de j iitiiicni of agiicultute has according lo cable ad viie of the iniadian covcriiment trade commis sionei iluti created a very favorable 1 h mivii in of toronto is nui mr and mrs w rtv h w and mi dnn f klujiejn with h r parent hare mrs 3 it liiwj and miss m bcwh ulll iruvr fir the roast the middle of the month and on thr way will visit iiunili und relatives at chicago win ntpcji mid other western pouiti the many frlenda here and ehiewhcre f mr j h amen who was suddenly trlcklii with hint is a abort time ago nt tin h me ur hlfl daughter mro igunun nufu 1 with whom he resides will i iliimd u i irn that he la muk log gn d pnuni uiwardi recovery kef niur wl ure pleaded u b e i c uuwen out ai uln ufti r hh seriuuu illness mr and mm c h stuart of alder hot visited friends hi re on sunday mrn luchurdon of vancouver la visit o scott victoria avenue c doji3 who spent the winter in niagara llls n y has returned u milton provincial constable oeo cookmwi haa bun transferred from icjtchcner to mil tun tlil county council will meet on tueo day loth inat the principal business will be the equalization of the osuctm mint fur which townahlp town and i ilium clerks will b required to bring their rolli fir 1020 to the meeting milton public school board hjefl en aged miss velma smith of burlington muia marjqrle irving aah mlas ocorg uia htarcy milton and e w baylcy of lowvllle to fill vacancies on the stait cuucd by the rculgnauona of mrs j v mccallum and mlaaca il jlawej m walker and elsie stewart champion log mr ii arlington tlu i i kit to iytis s fn mr oto ohcnt and family moved u urlninby on tuesday where ur ohcnt 1 iii p irctiased u fruit farm mr j lnierson tanslcy lias opened up ai ice cream parlor at the residence f oe llrown port nclion hoy alton manager of the national drug co brunch at calgary is spending a few days here will his parent mr and mrs 1 11 alton brant street the lions club annual convention was held at london on monday and luesday burlington club was not rei re ncnted as the delegates appointed were unable to attend the 1lremcn s drill team commenced pructler at the rink last night prcpuia lory for the annual tournament in august nine members of the burlington cltl ceils band went to milton sunday nighty and assisted the milton band in eon in ell in wlui the church parade of uic canadian legion of that place mr wui shurpc returned home on sunday from a ten day motor trip to li ndun mitchell st thomas and clod urlch me made the trip with his son ircd of london mrs kenneth dunham uf y wh were married last prlduy und ure njxnduig uiclr honey moon in canada were visitors at the h nit f thi ir uncle constable dunham it d mrn punhum on monduy i ix ell ver basket iuctory tmc of the 1 wh s uioit lniortanl industries was and the prospects for a good completely destroyed by hrr last night hi the dominion in the argentine ih nr brukt ul hirl atcr rlbht o el ek and nly the excellent work of lite i tul flir hrlgudi saved the surround log buildings and confined thr fire to the fmuiry prupcr ihc large warehouse i ntalnhig thrcv million berry buxca and biuikets was saved also alex ecclcs and the house and barn whleh were only oeperatcd by alley wayn firtunately tnerc was no high wind uik the showers early in uie i nlng hud wet the roofs of the houses in the vicinity which ulw helied i ut a or lulls sltuauou el ate tie mr and umkirk impression j so 000 acres taken up hy scttlei i 1028 eight jlc cent was in such northerly bluckauiith ship us i i met albeit saskatchewan and the er distncl alberta i he migration north of rli an i ii districts fence u ward was most pronounced in ihc fcaee hivcr region where 4 mm homesteads were taken up last year in this distnet there ure still available 10 000 000 acres of fertile land capable of adding millions of dollars to the annual value of the dominion s crops the actum of sir rsme howard in voluntarily making the british rmbussy m washington come under the same standing us other parts of the capital regurdlcss of privileges thut might he retain ed will do much towurd showing u friendly desire to observe the laws of the country in which the em hussy is maintained with such un example from the iiiiikiuns the musses will undoubtedly hint uioie respect for he prohibition luw the man with asthma almost longs ti r death u end his buffering he ncem uhrud inly yearn nf endless tounciu with lntcrvuls of rest which arc thcmnrlveii fraught with never ceasing fear of renew ed uttucka 1 t him turn u dr j d kolltggn asthma iteniedy and ku iw uhat ti mpletc relist it can give let him but un it faithfully and he will hud i i uv thm u a thing of the putt stilj 1alkinc mrs cliry i hear that luna is uik lug f getting marrli d again mr ony i illdn t kn w hr wut evir marrud mtn ore hh twun t 1 aid he u u ulltlilg of it syccemaac uvtng fulfdl hopes ot the young and a i ownart foj x3uild ujj your savings in the bank of montreal where small accounts are welcomed and encouraged to grow into larger ones bank of montreal aishi established 1817 in excess of 900000000 j the ford car is an economical car to own fokd scrviee is available n vciy country in ihe world a gallon of gasoline takes you 20 to jo miles iii consumption ts unusually icon omical lire mileage is lengthened h the lif hincss of the car and smuorh even braking and its re murkubk balance wear is lessened through use of 2s hall and roller hearings modeiute liiltiul cost ilitan- low depreciation ycur after ytnr if you prefer to buy from in i me u will hud i ur trine payuieik 1 ian in st alti active un in und arrange for u demon mintion you will know thuu that i tall tint car is established in the light car world v7 nortoit motors acton georgetown and noryal district i oui naus and slkvicl phoni3 h acton i iruutotic iirw aw oil lxide italuriiw llnktry ke clinreuilt i rue air o u it l i al i pay mini nan is mosi a i 1 k a c 1 i v l our- f the safest securities to be tiad sole as a dank and pays good dividends every roanlb information gladly gjten for uie oxking without obugatlon to oa il w dawson r o box la kkamfton outrtct repraenlatlte have openings rr a fn laj afvbta season 1929 wool wanted h it harbour liuliburi buj for guelph worsted and eplnnul co u1 be in acton at tbi c- n ii stauun to buy vool on utf following dates june g june is june 20 in kockwood at cordon s llattness suol june 1 14 mma si lltgheot market price wuj be paid isriam uarfcrl laar mol puet to toe mills the door of opportunity ihiwi small aovi will open the imr lo wliatcver you are seeking optometry uh value lo tlie iublk a d havaok claclpb ontiru ii v and town 111 hill nts arc almost foi iced tu kbufrc their eyes utudents clerics pro- feuiuinal men uaenen and many others work their eyes en- leaaly tlir light is often too bright or uki dim ew it u little wonder that so many must tid their eyes wltti glajltes yet how fortunate that there uj u vl uitice we welcome you an a patient continue j nxl wi- subiurnptloiui for all majjwdju taken at the fra pf oflice i si j ju

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