Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1929, p. 2

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you vcre uudna your money lor 0 lea ted their placet well were all cp nt tiny rntltialannp yes and ull preicnt and uccounted or declared theodore uldgcway willf 2k alcrtncia under that nhowed his keen ode meeting an thry ho continued drawling interest in uud uiem illdmwuy nd your wt name or thai rllow has bert the slump hannt it fat hail just then the slump came down the alley from the direction of the limn ho tilted a chair oca inn t the wall of the iihnck slumped down on it and watched his wife who wu carrying water from the pump in preparation for the morrowa washing he was fond of his family but he had came back to the dingy village and had fallen into nji lit leas wayn talk about indiana going back to their blankets mr benton tiald in db- guil after all tliat training and travel youd think c yea wed think and think but it wouldnt do any good his wile answer ed quickly do you recall those lines we read in the youllm- companion yearn ago all arr uuncumca what they always nhould bo what we jmc timer are we always coulc be i dont you remember how we used to argue over that idea it always upset iu me and i could never moke up my mind i u hig together bltn of family history whether the lines were true or not but 7 t m marvelled thin jlvea and air in therr am fresh water you re a rldgewuy cousin anne ami grandmother la u ftldgewuy im peters wii and you must be johns daughter i should nay uncle john which of you is aunt cecilys contribution i am answered celeste nmlllnu cecily ludgeway married a dalbc dont you know your fumlly history no confuted theodore my father died when i uui four and my mother married again i dont really kilo thing about my itldgewuy relatlvli cept that they extol somewhere and that my dad woa the oldest itidgeway and by tliat mime token remarked john porringer im named after uncle john my mother woa the baby of tin family cora itldgewuy and she known the family tree with all of its ramifica tions during uie pleasant meal that follow- had a laughing time plec- thcy at the fact that they were come ugaln and poke around thoroughly oh hrrcn what were looking for she pounced on a mall box wrapped in pujwr thr shade of the yellow rock there were four small volumct of enngi in it old bailnus hymns patriotic tunes songs their family had loved especially do you know what it la asked theodore qrandmother tuu collected here the rtidgcjyay special nong3 and liad them publlahec for un sec collected bj tciluibeth stratton uldgcway and dedi cated to my grandchildren lets nee monagc the maple leaf in hen i looked at that picture i teemed v all flrnt cousins meeting each other for to realize that with all my advantages 1 j 11 the first lime there in british columbia ana opportunities i do not live up to h t h h m where sixty or more yeara before their my bcot oil the time then why should i expect bob crofton on a few months training and a few months travel to do it you can laugh at me if you want to there were tears in her eyea but i wanted uumc two children to have u picture of their father at his bent i mr benton did not laugh grandparents had hewed out u hom themselves in the virgin forest land with the dessert came u ipjalnlly wrlt- 1 ten note fur each i want yuu to start on a treasure r hunt jo to tile llbrury advance into uie room nine feet turn six feet to your left and improve your knowledge f history i arundniother wllut does slie uieu11 puzzled anne i but theodore was already 011 his way there died some years ago in michigan u ubrarv thc uthcrl al hls hiclfl a man whose ambition was to moke a w much lolsl ml thcy vast fortune in lumber like most men d qft thc lnd ilum of feet of ability who keep but one purpose in uc1 ttj four uncd up haat m thcy vlcw i f aces a b book case seven feet high filled with books on historical subjects each tokc a section suggested ce leste whatever we are to find will lumber king fortune deals moat philosopher in thc many with whom kindly he became midst of success he was a little grayhaired stoop- ul one iit iu volume ahouldcred man whom strangers seldom eagerly they pawed through the books noticed unless he looked at them with to dlscover ut laat m ft jondcrous v hls keen little eyes then they knew he umc on ft lowcr four bnmu txuuu uos no ordinary man one summer he was wandering through a remote corner of his plncclad empire when he discovered a man chop ping trees is thta your timber asked thc ojd man innocently as he sat down on the noble trunk which the woodman had just felled no said thc chopper resting to chut with the stranger whoic it ts oh it bclongt to old ward he owm ull thin timber youre cutting 11 for him then not exactly ive got my own winter o wood to get ln ward would be mad if he knew that canadian fine hllk with thc note umc on a illy made minutely c attatched these are just to rciuleul you that yuu were canadians before you were transplanted plnd grandfathers den to tuc what an ancestor uf yours has to tell grandmother ormidfalher den win re do yoi uppoie that ls tin ioirim asked am another us they hurried uljout the luuc lloor of thc hum ubmilihully built iprcudlii numiion choi anne tngmi the song and the cousins strolled buck up the nlope and across the lawn to the house lustily aluglng uicir clear young voices ringing cheerily on the mofnlnn nir but wasnt there an other note asked anne disappointed there ut a note cried celeste upon investigation i was so excited over uir gongbooks i didnt look farther she read aloud now dresa and meet me at break fast each armed glth a guess as to what the treasure really is i have brought you here to find then our dominion day celebration will begin and will not end until midnight o ran dmo the r what do you suppose the real trea sure can be something tangible or patriotism chicagos a nice city anne gigglid us she and celeste caught their i know a treasure ive found sajd cclcite and gave her cousins hand an affectionate squeeze let dress and meet downstairs 1 gave her a brief nod and passed on but her mother halted and touched her arm louise here- li ola moore she said utwtaiftttilt md grecud klla cordially and ella had rrcovurod from tlio cmuarraament f t nillrnn iiuy nflltjtl ted pleasantly as thcy parted mrs ilenton invited ella to call during the ride homeward thc daughter suspected that the thought of we i do ruminate together hope the boys will hurry tool as a mutter of fact when thc two girls cool and dainty in their fluffy summer gowns come down john and theodore were already on the broad porch have a look said theodore ive juit been convening with the head gardener sixteen hundred acres of ridge way land he about us i didnt get thc sweep of thc thing last night it is beautiful exclaimed celeste und practically untouched the woods part i mean and all thc northern half the gong sounded and rather nervous ly the four gucili went inside thc ttniughl meeting with the grandmother none of ninll tou them had ecn ilnce babyhood was atperhup hand anne grubbed johns arm for ihouithlle support i feci suddenly wpak she wallec left make 111 111 i iirodor through his u dlnliik room her attlude toward ella was lingering pleasantly in her mother n mind v trifle impatiently but with dutiful af fection she reflected upon what she deem ed her mothers uldfashloncd and rather overcome lent lous ways mother would have me entertaining all the girls i ever knew in grammar school she mused to herself later 1x1 mother und daughter wore tated on thc shaded plnixaiu thc after noon louise asked with sweet- tcmjcrcd tolcrunee in her voice whats wrong mother dui thinking of a little experience of my rtrlhood dnyb replied mrs sen- ton our meeting with klla moore re tailed it wry vividly to me a slight flush crept over louises face i should love to hear it mother hc cald you have heard me sicak of uia academy in my old town began mrs lit- n ton my desk male and dearest friend wns cfllc house a bright clever ctrl i loved her dearly the fact tliat her father was one of thc wealthiest men in the country mattered little to us we were inseparable and eftie was a dear sister to me when the time came for ua to leave thc academy eftle wnil auay to college and i found em ployment in the mllllney store hi our little town fir thc first time i rcalucd the difference between our stations in life how dear efllc was to me how hurry to much i missed her no one ever knew the ver- i effles four years in college passed and olcge i heard of her and read of her in tile society columns of our papers one dny who should descent upon our little mil unery store but eftle and her haughty mother thc milliner gave them her own per sonal attention i was only an assistant in our little back room 1 listened to elites voice obeying a sudden impute i stepped uut looked full at efllc and smiled if she had not recognized me at all i might have thought she hid foigottfii me but she knew me instantly and gave me ju t the barest chilliest it hurt blcauie i was young and 11 lh- uorki must be like the 11 und narrow life about mc ii might have been mere iiieis on effles part her life full she never knew how empty line w ceremony of it anyway j in a muitiinl louise w drawing celestes arm liur mother s chair with i mi the four entered the her waist tcum stood like f- xpict to dud fax fron she bur the piuui mil pluno iiiudf whrr liaifw wouldnt lie remarked thc llttl would bo mad7 well i should think he might hes an stingy about thc wood an if he expected to uie it all himself have you cut much of it ive got about eight cords stowed away where huve you got 11 continued the old man in his squeaky voice the woodman showed hlin where 11 was hidden the proprietor grinned as he started awaw slowly saying much obliged to you for im old ward thc millionaire was as simple in his 1 theodore habits ait any woodman in the morn- graph albumi in lug he rose at four oclock and by nine descend d to tin at night his house was always dark and plgiona his family in bed ceieile turned tin pug while they men who put on airs were more than looked njnmluud chain d und frequently he could stand a promoter from thc smiled over the faces that gazed buck east who prided himself on wearing the at them in fashion- of u bygone day finest clothes that extravagance could isome hud their nanus inscribed txnralh buy once called at ills house in ui lu lin brlt imtsoiiui sketches country a the visitor diuvt into lh 1 edwurd itldgewuy who was thr winding roadway he noticed an old man hl hore and insuntly killed hi with a hose sprinkling thc lawn ls widdlng to mki mutlli here he cried uikc my horse i ni wtusllr iigluncl aged tw the old man laid down the hoar and years read anne aloud 1 pructlted two suld colclo to jolui i ndfather 1 den us discover- up the bruud fllglit of stulrs i unit led to tin second moor ii was u nolcmnltkiklng room with an ulr of dln- 1 i hm- nlthoiigh 11 fir wus la kl r udy to llht in u11 big ilrepluce tin- curtulut j wen drawn und the lumps were lighted beverui aucotrul pot trulti hung on uie uttlnb it i tapestried wallt and eagerly the young i people poked around antl u hind them hpli d u sluclc of photo- 1 a cabinet and the four like a flock of i took thc horses bridle while the pro moter went up to the front door and handed his card to thc maid saying that he wanted to see uie master of the house you just saw hiiii said th maid wlierc hes holding your horse the promoter hurried hack with a pro fusion of myologies the little old man just grinned he did no business with the promoter hekve salads this bumuku the summer salad u valuable not merely lee a uie it rod tains light alkaline foods that ure nveded to balance thc acidproducing food eaten but aufjtbj- cauu it serves to satisfy llw bppftlm and nil u10 stomach without furnlhlttg too many calorics to a ileal torturrul bojy ocrv a salad with evjy duuir vh- tlinugh it to be tlie aukiplait of a eoud half a banaiia luilt fui onuig lew rluurlea oji uttucd 1o4vb wilii a tjudi it droulns will da lirva 1l lee cold aiid j it will lus rolulhw by all ftunlly said fiu4iu allku its a duguerreolype suid celeite i wajm t he hwtct ind young to die i he cousins passed on to the next jihoto- grupli on ubsorbet were they in dis covering the contents of these tut red oluuh volumes of the past family glory thai they almost forgot their treasure hunt when quite accidentally they stumbled upon their quarry this time they found four gold und enameled pins thc maple leaf cuuudus emblem cun ningly and beautifully contrived hi 1u red and yellow autumnal tliits all four recipient hajldled the gifts reverently the maple leaf that thoir forlx urs hud so loved und honored i heres u note suld john us he fasten ed his muple leuf to his dinner rout now to bed for tomorrow the countryside is coming ui welcome thc new generation of hldgewuya and you must get some beauty nleep youll be awakened in time in the morning orondmother why its eleven fouruen john ox- cuilnifid anne and celeute unus intertwined slipped upuir tognuur and stayed chatting a half luiur hi annas room a smull dulnty old lady sat al the in ud of the tubh she had snowy white hair lopiied by a luce cap a lacy built i luvinder scurf was wrupcd about her i t 111 ti shoulders over u lavender silk gown home i her face was small and white but from n asked i it looked out cyit of velvet big and lug ui try bnwn like celestes welcome my dears she said dune forward one at a time so i limy set you ted you re oldest your first you r just like your fauicrt and jack my babys soul time goes uhi fust dear lioy and annie i and oliui stic klvid euch one and bade eu h ik muted theq her moment of w istf uliu si puvcd and ntu- smiled wlp- liii hi r iyts on u dainty bit of luce to you uie my four oldest gratidchll- dnii will you must furgive on old lidy hi 1 udden whim about receiving jou the wuy i did i was homo all uie 1 time but 1 fell siy uboul mcctliitf you ahy well wine tiling tike u i thought now if these youngj people meet one another and me all ut tje same lime then will be u certain constraint a irtulu formality so 1 will bo callod uwuy uj lo my own room and in a miniiti you must sec if you can find tlic lust item of your treasure hunt anne lookt d uruund her with shin ing eytn i know ive found someuilna und lt11 a marvellous treasure to me a ii iindmolhcr to reully know and a i dun l know how to word it u feeling of kinship uf fumlly pride and love we v found our cousins said cc- 1 st- ys ontlnued john tod and i were talking it over this morning before i the girls lame down funny weve so the hral much in onimon win n weve nover met crease un before weve found friendship iliutn it iheotlope supplemented weve only known one anollicr since lost evintng und yet wtjeel like old friend anne sparkled ycattiiafs tlu word i wuiited oh araiidiiuither im so grateful to you for having me come i am too said celeste ive been uloue m mih uruiidmother spoke next and her eyea weie more velvety than ever ttiey shone with happiness then you have found the measure she said softly the treasure i wunted you to find one aji- ntlmr and one anothers frlrndshlp you children hardly knew uie oil urs existed so se pa ruled have been your uvea l hat is why i allrd you bark tie re where your fathers und mothers my hoys und girls played so happily together for u m iny yeui n prleiidshlp that is the treasure i you huve ull guessed it und no juu shall ull lutvc equal ruwards itescntly she spoke 1 in her kneeling by anna about and there was u estni i am ulad to have u mother like you mother darling i urn so thankful yon told me about yourscl and your friend i hod thought it was hardly worth whllr to be nice to people whom i dldu t particularly cure about i was wrong of course as wrong as i could be i can tire tliat iur way is bcstthut of being kind und cnurtoous to all nkw ikiit on oiouulindnks8 tly colorblind olor ell this is urn conclusion from experiments carried out by prof krunk allen of the university of manitoba ut winnipeg some of whlrli huve been reported to thc optlcul fxicluty of america bay dr l liies weeks science new york the juucliuiury by which u human eye sees dllterent colors is just three times more complicated profissor allen bcllevts than has usually bteii imagined in addition to the nerve messages sent to the brain from an eye which is receiv ing colored light there exist uie can ad lun physicist believes two other nervoui mechanisms which act ln the reverse direction one of these is a way sending messages from the brain to thc eye increasing the sensitivity of that organ the other sends messages de creasing that sensitivity it is as though on ostroiuimcr ut tlu cycplece uf a telescope shouted up to a workman on thc dome to open ur close a silt through which light was entering uie instrument ii very strong red or green or violet light enters the eye thc watchman hi ends down a message to dr- eyes scusluvlty to thut kind if light so that the bright color can still bo seen wiuiout paralysing the eyes machinery if thc light on the other hand is very weak the brain orders a correstondtng increase of sensitivity in some individuals professor allen believes the proper balance of these weakening or strengthening messages gcli upset as though the workman ut the telescope silt misunderstood the orders of the astrono mer sometimes the eyes sensitivity li derreswd too much i hat makes thc oidlnary type of colorblindness in othi r eyes the sensitivity u too greatly increased that makes another kind of false kind of color vision lncc colors in which the ryes sensitivity is not increas- lo he weaker in comparison only the iiiilnfonni el incline thc ugony 1 the knowing ours apply llol- curn hciuover and gtt rvluif luway roct and comment when you heap coals of fire on your enemys head do not have uicm so hot that he misunderstands your motives oi tifng rich quickly is not always dif ficult but it is always dangerous ndchlldrcn und iirritjnuili ruwiihhr ra few minute- hlldrri chlldre before death cai to her oranny do you kn are sinking with a last flush from 1 eyes she rlplled no no i hill i know until im dulnr i ing it is only one slip ibrouf air ciood nttitit lhlldr 11 ruamz rid uiem hlj acion ontario satm4rtw2st coj j stretelt ibau nwstyle ttatdm the ford car fuel system filler cap liter upout croon flltafl yno btid provant plash tnpf tit roil fjh filler opening as gunge d fuel lino main ihut off valve ai filter rburetor connection simple safe and dependable thb ford car fuel system iwalmplc because it is direct gravity flow docu away witi forced feed a short feed line with n mlui- mum of elbows and connectlonu is easy to service and eliminates approximately 100 parts required by tho vacuum tank or fuel pump system the nine gallon tank in ho placed 1iat it 1 well protected from front or rear end coiiimon any overflow runs off on the imuiul with no bcrious results miicu the only piint of possible bpark contact ib tlie rear end of the oxhauat three screens instcid of one an in most fuel systems prevent torejim matter reaching the tank a bolld htcel dash dep urates the ford yus tank from the engine- the fias kuaie on the dash of the ford car id controlled by u ulmplc float as dhow n ii diagram being more direct dimple and accurate than any other type another point of driving convenience made possible by the gravity flow bystein id the ei e with which the tank may be fdled hile he driver supervises the operation without moving from behind the wheel jf drlvoit j3iwr 11 yourwll mjlns m there u no b dotlcr test ford car feu t ur os rjwtc ol t if i mtlj an hutir mh ysw mnji fujj tuji urt to la 0 vila ytt ialtun 3kltrvnnif uou injiirm iktfl yrvot tumlum lik 1 arrtinye ft ytt r lchiumtratlon ride with the ncarcit lnil dealer norton motors acton georgetown and norval district t

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