Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1929, p. 5

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m jrlv-na- till uojjf ok 1 artmt vm irwifl mrnlc co alun wrjily ncwipitr an lati n le irr u i i q rtc i vision c w n a 1i1l alton 1 11 i i klss i m i r 1 every tl lax rvr n 1 tlr 1 rrl 1 it u una m ii strrei at i t tl r- n i tl i a i c i f r ear i iv i oiti i cl argcl 11 i i t f tl r u ir i state lie lair t wit i i ripll arc ij i ti in i air i ll r a i ire ul cl advi jitimm katis f r inrnll unclaail fcl a uclicn a i her c mm tl c itr- w ii lc i i i cl ol nn d a dm is ijiiio a i i roprlclor ti i 1 1 unni s r i 1 rial an i ii ci ufh c ltd lie ice another propowd i lie government liii hntilly ct its font on the prnpo cd extra t2 ootl e noiijil iiulenmity and till ill pittot hemjf favored it i mid liy niembcri of nil piirtiti the favoritism to the proposal doei not however prend to the public at larfte if any party dcirc a decrgon in that rfiipec a verdict will toon he rendered tt that party includes the proposed re muni indemnity in their platform and pa to the people for n mandiitc ton many of the canadian c ectomte are working the entire year for n smaller mount and it n very hard to grasp an appreciation t the pnnderoif- duties that demand such an in c en c ty f proposed some members may by thee conscientious activity eem to warrant more than other aird omc other- by their inactivity would selm due for a reduction rather than- an increase perhaps the matter could thus be adjusted without costinj the country ony increased amount thursday evening june 20 1020 neighborhood news mint wartm w piatt unit oliver ahent left on ffuu day i veiling for qimtw c on a lulling trip mill kathleen donkln of lowbaiikti spent the wrrk end al her home her kimlurorn are at work surveying 11 rail t ijtrrrt iwlwrm itfrman and th dundafl highway lint drill ji pilgrims passed through hern this morning on i heir way to niagara yaa mluh vrlmu cm hi of nurllngton him been upiuilnlrd to the tench in if atatf of thn mlllon puhllr hclinal and will cain- mriico untlpk after tlut summer vacatlo i local strawberries have made appear ance in the stores rain u badly ueedod or the quality and crop will both suffer tlie u c ii u rf man construction com pany of toronto which was the suc cessful tenderer for the contract of wid ening and deepen inn the canal lion already brought up equipment on friday nlht last burglars tried to gain an entrance to the premises of tlie dominion quire drant direct by prying open the hack door into the store room two of the hooks were forced and tlie door damaged but apparently they were frightened away datette gkougftown perpetual care coming it will be good news to citizens and former rcsld enta to know thru the council is seriously considering the adoption of the perpetual care for fairvicw the odd plot nnd not the general appearance ot f thic flnalmnuofnltiy t all attended to properly all will welcome tins under taking of the council this year and await the details of the proposal tlie editonnla at a district press meeting in arthur last week one of the most lively topics of discussion was on the editorial page of the weekly newspapers the qucs tion rather drew the meeting up into sides and vn handled by those weeklies who conduct 3uch a pagt and those who only occasionally write such mutter or do not attempt to eivc editorial opinion the frcl prlss hair followed the lead of the city dailies and tltc editorial has been a feature to be dealt with the same as any other department of the paper in every issue judpinp from comments we have passed on to us deahrrg with articles that have appeared here it is an interesting feature nnd hence the reason for its continuance the views expressed in them arc the opinions of the editor they may be wrong and t is just as well thut there ure others who hold viowa ftt variance still they are tiven in uoh sincerity that wc are willing to put thern in print for cither the ridicule or tho praise thin thy invariably bring about sonic of the weeklies occasionally rmsa a week with their editorial we have felt like it too sometimes ip tie rush of other piaticrtt but wc have so tar felt that we could t relinquish the subject and do justice to the community wo enjoyed the argument at arthur but came home more persuaded than ever to continue these columns the establishment of actona storey in our visits about town thepast week among the business places a question that was asked among the various business people was how long hove you been in business in acton in many places we could recollect ourscjves the details of the business careers on mill and main streets there were a number how ever that we couldn t just eet dated properly of course the oldest store in acton that has been con dueled by the same family is that of mr j c hill and this store is now in charge of his nephew mr j g lindsay this business wns established in i8b4 the oldest merchants who are still conducting bus i ess in aetuu me kenney liros it is fifty three years sinee kenney bros opened their store here and l hey have been in business ever since then wc found too thut just a few duys previous tc con federation in i8b7 the late thomas statham deliver ed bread to acton he continued to supply broad to acton from georgetown for uiktidqil years and tlun remtned to acton and the huhincaa la now con djicted by his daughter mrs m edwards th n there is nelson co whotte business was purchased here in 188b or j887 from mr haslctt and has all through the years since been conducted by the mem bers of this family a 1 brown was also past our r cjllcction with hk commencement here in acton ii 18011 afttr these the other husiuess people came within rur recollections of from thirty years down to those who have been est thlishcd m the past year being c in iiuitivcly yt uiil we didn t cluss them us anion k the old miners whin wi l uld recollect their sturt in a succt sful biimhs liter n the old home town perhaps wi ire nii i lehnil on the preserves of i he old man of the bij clock tower when wo meiitini these ficts but that is readily heooillltcd for we culled on some biimiiwss men whom wc had j one to school with and oiluis whose sturt in actor just eemed u ft w years ij o imagine that is what i i s off on this tnieh m of them said he had t ven in business for nearly twenty years could it be sibli vci ihcatii n wns necessary and it was t unci in in apprenticeship agreement that the i ei nt ed oi lentil with mr h p moore the firmer editor n m ly js i lj when the initiatory t jirs win i nii lilic 1 on a new devil nt tin i id i ins oft uc and now we hcljn to realize why the old man nvils in the former days whn a jotinj iiuin imds much if mtciv i in flu uetivilie iliout town m iej ard to ik business men and store- we know he uill ulcept i ur apology for the purlion iiij uf his t ic hi tune and at m mi time ho will dol the subjici tin justice it deserves and give thein uresinij detail on these instance good crop pnwfpecu the following interesting crop report as fur nished by the bank of montreal would seem to in dicatc that the crops m spite of their late start were now progressing fitvorably nnd promising good yields it says in part in the prairie provinces seeding is about completed with the exception of a umall acreapc of coarse grains germination and carl growth were retarded by cold weather but with the warm weather now prevailing crops arc making rapid proprcss there is generally sufficient moisture for the present but good rains will be needed soon over large areas in northern saskatchewan and north eastern alberta in ontario fall wheat continues to make excellent progress very little having bodi damaged from any cause and prospects are that the crop will he above the average all clovers are look j ag well arid indications point to a good average hay crop seeding was fully two weeks late owipg to cold weather and this was the case also in the man n n on lake erie over one htrndredworff me provinces in british columbia nearly all the prcmnt crops are late but the outlook his become promising i- w n j it r licit of milton waa n v i r in town on monday mr and mini o a anderen of tor onto were viol torn in uiwn on oaturday mra we tlie rale and mrs c ihwlgiwn arc vultlns with i dentin in ndor mrn a a henry of toronto vultc decree town friends over tlie weekend a monster onuise celebration will be held in deorifelown on july 13th when the countlei of peel duflerln welllne- ton and wentworth will unite with hnlton county on that date major l grant was at hamilton but thursday attending the funeral of the late blr john olbaon the major aiu deceased were old friend and had bun associated in uie mllltla for many years mrs ji p deatey was away last sat urday attending uie 8u annual reunion i ol tlie webb family of holdlmond i county at the pork south of clieapolde who are sulwlantifll citbienfl a news article in the mail and empire the other morning would seem to deplore the fact that rum running had ceased from port colborno the article 2 l i of th tuwrrngrctnhqtsprrlure of hie rum runners boarding bouse mistresses have difficulty in getting warders who ore as inoffensive and prompt in paying their bills as the men who slept during the daytime and worked all night all of which would just seem doubtful at least it would seem one would like to hear from some substantial citizens other than boarding house mistresses who had other substantial things at heart than the filling of their rooming houses and the maintaining of their revenue continuing the same report says one port colborne resident who went into the game in a small way and gradually increased his business until he menaced the prestige of the syndicate went broke in a way the reporter was assured is not unusuaj he had three boats in an effort to clean up in one swoop he dispatched all three loaded heavi ty at one time he captained the flagship of his small fleet upon arrival at dunkirk n v his own work mr i blackjacked him sold his liquor and disap pea re d after scuttling the three boats that was last summer now just how many really substantial residents would regret lostngmen or this type from any decent community the argument is too ridiculous to continue mrs j d mackenzie mlates jean and maorjory and master kenneth mackenzie attended uie graduation exercises at the western hospital toronto lost week when muts margaret wallace was one of the graduation class al the convocation exercises of uie toronto univerafly held last week convocation llall john r barber qcorcetown received uie degree of mauler art herald- editorial notes the painters ore busy these days painting the business places and residences it all adds greatly to the appearance for the home comers the examination times arc at hand when the estmg of tjie study of the year will be tried any of the delinquencies of the year will at this time b found a serious handicap hamilton has voted in favor of daylight saving my it s fine to live in a community where this re setting of the clocks in the summer months isn t an annual point of controversy be ready to welcome the old boys and girls home show them how we have improved acton since they left they will be pleased at the work that has been carried on during their absence misses e mcintosh and orflce allies pie of toronto are visiting wlui ur and mrs e miller miss mame willis was successful in passing her third year in mcmaster unl verslty and will dow enter in her fourth year uia mary e itott has returned home from a trip to stratford london chat ham rldgctown woodstock and quelph proi john patterson magistrate dr margaret patterson of toronto were recent guestd of mr and urn robt ncsliltt and family miss mildred hell was successful in her examinations at victoria college unl verslty of toronto she wih now be entering fourth year mr elgin laughlln was elected prcsl dent of peel junior parmcra association at their annual piclnlo and business meeting on oaturday nrcve james juuuce of the village itccve james mcicuinan and deputy reeve henry wheeler of the township attended t ic june cession of county council at auclph uits week we understand the school trustees have accepted resignations from miss mckln ney principal and miss mllloy prune r teacher miss martha bmllh has been engaged for the primer room for the next term mr and mrs james long recently received word that prank martin son of the late or ii s martin and mra marun furmerty of erin was successful in the recent examinations giving him the degree of m d at ann arbor mich advoctc milton ellis u visiting friends in the toll of week end aceidcnts both from motor cars and drowning mishaps would socm to indicate that a safer and saner method of spending sunday would be at home und attending the church services after the ball game on saturday the realization is quite apparent that the development of some of the local boys with the bat is imperative if acton is to hold any position in the league other than the bottom afcton is on the air these days the announce ments from station crrb concerning the big cele bration here undoubtedly reached a large audience of listeners who will be interested in the big doings here on june 2i to july 1 1 he merchants and everyone arc joining in ex tending a welcome to the old boys and girls actjvi ties will sturt m earnest next week when the decora tions on the mam streets begin to take form und don then holiday uttirc acton will be eridial i i its rci p tion to the home comers mrs r hamilton mr and mrs i halter of waterdown visited friends in town last friday mrs tl white left an ounday last tor a few weeks visit with her daughter mrs a j sloane stratford mrs j h clements of kamloops b c has b6oji visiting at the homes of messrs w u and h m clements mr d 3 robertson is in uu west where he has large business interests he is accompanied by his son alex mil ion is about to lose one of our oldest and most highly cstoemod resl dents in the person of mr henry whui cup who with his daughter mua whin cup are shortly to take up their resl dence hi brantfard iccionner mr and mrs a j816ane of stratford visited their parents here on sunday lost thos boyd of ottawa u visiting his sister mrs cunningham commercial qtrcet mrs jos kentncr la seriously 111 at the home of her daughter mrs stanley xard her friends hope she will soon take a turn towards recovery mrs duff widow of the late thomas duff celebrated her dsnd birthday here on friday last and was uie recipient of many flowers and congratulations mrs duff who is one of milton s oldest resl dents is enjoying good health a targe number of members oftra falgar lodge sons of england muton motored to a all on sunday afternoon lost where uicy attended divine service with members of the local lodge the i aradc was one of the largest ever seen ii call champion oku oil a nth iionemansir a writer hi mcchim magaklnn sv thai in thn mprliig of 1b7i lui was in urn city of mlun and uicrc before uui hotel when lm was utaylng lit saw an immnnm rmwd slmut a beautiful luirse which three grooms wcri luildlng with tllrtlculty a group of italian officers in dill uniform wer walling near on ulfilr own horses hint evidently wane grand ceremonial was about to take plaeo prttbmttly he was told that general orant was to review the pride and ftowor of the italian urmy the flying jleraagllerl and in a few moments tlie garter ap iwnrcd irrupt very plainly in civilians clothnh lie wulkrd nut of the houl tulle tin- notlrhd and prctuntty one of the nhlrers who had dismounted and was standing in tlm hallway to receive him remarked why does not general grunt comet there ho go- said uie american pointing to the simply dressed figure tim italians gave a doubtful laugli no said one that cannot be he but a the general very evidently stood waiting far them they advanced re chvcd him and took him to hi horse uhlch was making frantic and almost i miccksfiii efforts to escape from three stalwart grooms a more wicked looking creature it would be difficult to describe nnd from the aly looks which passed among the elegant young officers it l- mott ceenied as if they had of net pur pose assigned their guest an untamabl steed not yet broken but oenoral grant looked at the horse and his face lighted with admiration wheth r he was not well or merely as sumed a sort of helplessness could not be determined but in mounting he ac cepted the aid of two officers and from an apparent stiffness had some difficulty in getlng his right leg oyer the saddle once in the seat liowever lie grasped uie reins settled himself straightened his farm and assumed ao perfecuy uie atr of a horseman that u aliout of apn plause went up from the crowd tlie liorse after a few plunges discovered j that he had found hu master and start ed off in a gentle trot the riersagllerl perform all uielr man ouevres at a run and for two hours most of the time with his hottm at a gallop acncrnl grant kept them moving when he returned- to tlie hotel his escort themselves rather ruffled by fatigue were lauot in ttxprcsxlorui or wonder and ad miration and uie great american was still as calm as if he had not been iri uie saddle at all amt ov iiioumnf time walls for no man hut man ha to walt for his tltiin mot to lm utile to 1 cur povurly in u shameful thing but not lo know haw in chase it away by work it a mora uhnmcfiil thing yt 1 hrmm qard co ouaners and icrt fuixph onfattlo buuhicbb directory bower avcnur and the 1 lily itesld 11u1 may 8uu be seen occupied there cveningn cutting the lawns homf new auto jokes d iu where ther life is dull is plenty of parking upace roularbeeenlioriiurt luts- nm s t thlrtfcs to geuier sold the automobile instructor to his pupil kindly nurse have you ever run a temperauire7 0 paucnt no hut pve driven nearly every other kind of a car one person is struck by an auto mobile in this country every forty two seconds says an informative contempor ary he must be in pretty bad shape by this time whoever he is why don t you put an the brake when you park the car asked the n is tractor but they told me uie car was fully equipped i we know a member of the younger generation who declined aji invltauan to attend a liorse show recenuy on uie ground that he d already seen a horse policeman angrily when i blew my wh ute why dldn t you stop7 the airl driver you whlsue so beautifully i just had to go on for fear you d atop how old it your son asked the visitor well replied the dad hes reached that age when he thinks the most im portant thing to pass tsn l his cxamnat ion but the car ahead the big car was speeding through uie village at a mild forty five miles an hour henry dear said the mortlsts wife 1 dnn t think you ought to be driving so fast why not asked henry inuplaa well explained his wife i nuve flcllng that uie policeman who is shouung and running behind us doesn t xactly like it bmlth it is not the cast of uie car uial worries the average motorist but uie upkeep jones and someumes the turnover browns drug store october 1st 1896 july 1st 1929 with the completion of ulmost thirty three years in business here we arc tnking tins opportunity to extend our thanks b all customers for their valued pntronage and our welcome to ad home comers may have to visitors wc offer too any facilities which over the holday during all these years wc have endeavored to have in stock the best quality drugs and merchandise procurable lot king nlwii to the hest interests of our cujtunei and patrons l his store the home of the bell telephone c itnl for twenly five years to the very day was the first in acto i to lake up radio as a line or business has been specially interested in radio broadcast mg since radio broadcistinp commenced nndet contintiestobe so ii a noorstfps tor all thboiiphombomerb a t brown dr j a mcnivtn 1 hyslelaii uml bureau i and itrftld avenue nnd 1 lulu lu i iigai i h ni ni j p o box aia 1iaroid nasii 1akmih m a ilurrl rr knllrllnr notary pul lie conveyatirer i te i i illtvman i1mck ac ton ou mon1 v i i nt on mokiaaokfl jlourr 0 30 a m li r 00 p m oalurdnyn 12 00 cloclt dr j m hc1 l i d b i d s dental buret on on icl mhl at d prodi rick ctroou phonp d dr j ii johnson dds lds dental hurgeon oiticc mill btrra in thi cooper ijltck rn rpnond i mlhchaantous trancis nunan itosbblnder account books of all kindn made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound muling neatly and promptly done wyndham direct quelph ont over williams store r j kerr auctioneer nnd real diuito twenty yearn experience list youit property with me acton ontario the new improved gyproc greater structural strength takes any decoration fjdrbproof run 3 thickness new improved dge gypkqc sasfffireproof waltboard j b fireproof tor su by mckenzie j- acton ont a well groomed and aristocrat ch ivy s leb 7 5 royal sedan capa bi 1985 i he milton reformer ays if there is u busier little town in the country than milton wc would like to know where it is is editor white making a bid for sightseeing trips hundreds of com mum itch will claim that milton has nothing on them just us we would invite his inspection of acton for com pal tson purposes i he lxi critncc of ni any motor is is who have be come involved in highway crashes through no fault of i their own point lo the need for compulsory unto i niburaiict not infrequently bus a line new ear been i smashed iij by an inosponsible diivtt who docs not eair insinuate and who hub no usefs upon which to i liilize any erson who can really afford to drive a ear should be able to carry insurance smicoe re former oakville mrs p c burrtmghr and con hoy arc occupying their summer home on the esplanade charlie qgong of the yorkshire cafe litre uted on a narcotic drug charge came txforc judge cilut on friday and was duclutrgcd mr und mrs w j pleuty were callpdj to w ingham lost week owing to uie un chpectc death of the formers ulster miss flo pleuty who hissed away on tuesday as uie result of the operation t the wlngham huspltal record a or don leaver has picked several quarts of strawberries to day this is ttt flrat oakvllle berries the members of uio masonic lodge j attrndrd fit judes church on sunday luonilug whan right w dm rev h it young of toronto wau preacher n truilr m clitic was appointed to the office t f chairman of the hoard of edu cullon f r the balance f the year t n in ill n of rninteei nuhy and shlpliy al the hoard meeting w k mcllvccii renewed the offer f the ll ma club to the school board t prusiriuv a i lay ground equipment for the wrttwood school this generous oner phased members of the board who will t ik rutt in the installation i he wtuhy w m s met in wei n s lay at uie home at mrs p a pursier und mrs c n puh ulss mt rgan t llr utte was the bjtccuu sneaker mrs wright orr wan the gnrat of mm kyrhiuuii in hamilton ou ruattay and attended the tervue of tile free church llurlmaur in first united ollurih i lie ij vine leauur factory n tlie du daji highway is now ow- ruling und i v cut from oakvllle arr employe 1 tin i 11 li uiiu ipaud moro lielp will souu b rlhulrcti utar till chryalcr 75 royal sedan ia a wcl groomtd car the moment you ionic at it you get the impressionof personality refinement and capability the very first mile you drive it or ride in it confirms the imprrssion that its appearance gives you find it pwrrformance all that thn norm chrysler im phes inflexible powder eager speed and easy control you find its riding qualities well beyond any previous ex perietice or expectation and probably you will find the low price 1985 fob factory the climax of all the surprises that this remarkable car has in store for you a demonstration will con viucc you that chrysler per for man ce cannot he had in any other car at any price soub distinctive featuiiws of thd royal 5edan interior appointments in formal good taste broadcloth or fnu molnir uphouti ry in bur mony with extirior color nimlinutunn optional without ixtru tost in te ri j r f lit lugs of ortiitic pittiru richly finished padded armnits and a broad curpitid footrail both oriiauw ntul mid cuiiifortuljh diep toft cushion spriiili 11 s iriiif oiuplt te reli ixatian cltr sl it al lo 1460 six it 1 1 c llll sti tyttt lo 1010 it v1 1 m 1 biliojf myh 4h pruti f a faclwij ju t u or ontario tu lujiug il frtibt at j ari txira chryslekt5 mlfisiiit morohs iiiodiki chrysler uiul plynwuui halri and service u h a c9xe lmtnc ob acton onturio vaiimenl foi yoitt monoir x11e- mtt o n cnyr poraiion off era reeonrl standard royalties one of the aaflnt gccurluis to be had bafe as a dank and pays good dividends every month information gladly given f uio asking wluiout oultgutlon to you h v dawson p o box 2g nuampton dltrlct rtprllntutlve have openlnca far 11 i cw local notice to ci editor tl l credit ra ol mora in crowson he uf acun well drill r who died 1 the thirteenth day of mny 1020 and 1 other panic 1 hnvlnu clalnn against 1 1 estate an required l ltid to the 1 irslgnrd cullcluir their lull names a ircssca ond denerlplioiu full porticu- 113 of their clulmn and th nature of lh bccurltl a if any held by them ai d thl- 1 utk being kivlii pumuant h ctim ol f tht r-rusul- act r q o 1027 chapter 150 notice is hereby ulvi11 that ou and after the ilxth day rf july 1d20 the executors v111 proceed to distribute the assets of ihc said morgan cruvwn among the 1 artltb legally en titled thento and thty will not be rc- panslblc for any claims of which tury have not then received notice dalcd thh sixth d y o june 1030 pred crdwbon and aloeil edwin crippo executors notice to creditors h lriill rs t jam s william tlrahani late of hil viiioul uf acton itlrman uh ill d 1 11 the fourteenth day of a ru 1020 und all other paruea having claims against ills estate are ilrld to send to the undersigned solicitor their full names addresses and dccrlpllons lull particulars of their lulms und the nuttirr uf the nt curl lies it any held by them anc thb notice uotug given pursuant section 61 of the tru ttca act r b 0 103t chapter 150 notice lo hereby given thut un nnd tiler the filxtll day of july 11 d lhe executrix will proceed lo dlitriuulc the eets of the said jamci wimtain oral mm among uie parties legully entitled thereto and she ill not be resrn nblblc for any claims 01 which nhe hieti 1 t th n received tjotlci dated thl nlxth tl iy f june 1020 ada hoi kinu lccutrlx uy ii n piirn r a i n ontario her boltclu r 40 3 the dooi of oppoitumty rhefae small ada will open the uoor to wliutccr ou are setliinj optometry uh vidtil to the public uy a 11 ha va1 ciurlph onurio a ha11 ww holl hu 1111 n v lit 1 b ll i 1 y uh all of i umln tl i l koi lrly ii i itlclul t 1 m li 1 in l i i 1 ii i 1 1 1 1 1 it it 11 v ill 11 lug t rhll ir 11 ii j 1 1 ui 1 ui r allj know tt c 1 111 n r yoir i hire j 1 ilel uftt r in i mil in ill 11 i 1 tonlliiurd nest week subhcnptiuilh for all mtiiuinea raken nt 1 lie 1 rt vru ollicc

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