Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1929, p. 1

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ejje jttt i i r t lifth ctir no filfitrd rrufepfi 1iiuksday i vlning augubl i 102 acton ontaimhcanada riluksday lvi nino august i 1020 uut iim uf gamiun acton minister rev i- poole ii d ilinoniiii willow run it c m wright m a i lonuito t no p ii ii d loronto mr leonard i niiy nrgunht of lurui j mini hupll i church innmlo will pr ijl it tin organ induing and m 111111 mr pi nny 1 olul it in jnrvli 0l1 1 t chun h will ulini during the itriln iliundtiy 7 30 p m praln and pmyi r hi rvln i itvi iiyhody wllcomi jlrrnltijlrrtuti knox church acton 10 on a m sunday bt hool lcinon iii i liatr 1 i 1 a it 1 1 00 a m hi v c cj junes d d campbell villi 7 00 p m rev c o junes b d camplirllvllli strangers leaving addrcmi wltli the iiobcrs will be milled upon by the pastor artnu tfluiitint bijutrri pahior a iorsytii wi lltngton slntt 10 00 a m dibit school 1100 a in subject the church d ihr lordi suppi r the ordinary of thi curd n supper will be ob crvnl at thi cln 1 of thin rcrvlcc 700 p m- subject a i oinlly story 3 poverty thursday 7 jo p in prayer met tins i rlday august 2 a 00 p m ladli aid will moot at uia lioino of mm near hvbitvnnnwnmmn unclaoq1ficd small advertisements i nows the time to 1 save on 1 for early fall or next seasons wear every coat in stock reduced up to sk 495 word minimum charge joe per inacili i ok nrnt qiirum 1 to rent luiy drive in apply richard blanch j 3 willow street i or sali upright cabinet arnmopunni in per fict condition with 20 ri cords cheap apply sox 0 i rel press i or sale lawn mower lawn roller baby cur- tluge refrljilrotor hall rack leather couch dining room suite kitchen tnblc apply no 2 cre3cen i i or sale choice clover honey 10 cciiu per pound in your own containers i red smith 4 3 phone 511 rock wood t ann ol thanks the family of lh late ronald mc donald wth to thank the frlcndi an j neighbors for their kind exprctjlops of nympathy and thoughtful dudu in the lon of a father und broilur notici if the part vi ho stole tht mbtormcter from a car in acton on sunday night u 111 return tunic immediately by mull or oilierwlt no action will be taken unless returned by saturday proceidmii will be tnrted for praioutlnn car oi thanks mm w ii dabcock and family wili to thank all their many friends und neighbors for the kind expression of uymputhy nlso benrdmoro a co em ployees of iolc leather tannery woodmen loyal i rut hlucj women u institute and oil others for floral tribute in their itcrpl aad bereavement in the lou of the liutbund mid father j tlnd1 us van thi ndtrs for the nt raping brushing and waterworks tank t i r will be nceived by the linden igned until saturday august 3 1029 ut lwcivc o cloek noon for particulars apply to c w wiu111 supi rintendcnl uf wuli wurki tlie lowest or any tendi r nol urcinrlly utctplid un i armdr clerk shoes wo carry u complete line of mm ilrjvj and i- 1 tic bhocs iluy luur slitws here und save frani 25 vlnple ifciif ltinoniy store wondeklani i illhay mxnuht s itu miihiih of the devil drama willi j ho cjiibtrrl com rdl iludl 1 li lliiblilt car saluitdav aikjiivt 3 the shield of iltinur mtlhlramu ulth n 11 llamlll of 1 hy tiulllvi r ejlory n c ikulann atl monda1 aixillsr 5 kukiike mil d ft cim tin itory lt liiar luiuii i piuhtr utarrlii doliiut itl itl i of rninona faux no 8 of i lu riiuil rtekoit bu coninly cnutlon n it u itiouy cv son whiitiacr the type of coat you hne in mind you stnnd a jood eliiiiile of liiutnif it here and at about liulf it s usual ir lee too i wced c oats plum tailored coats and diessy models of supple woollens nehly fur trimmed sils fot e vli yone in tile chopsinj even for larje uoiillii up in sie 1h all hijjher priced c at that orifinnlly sold from 5s jiatoo now iteiuur up to 12 95 for rrsulur up to 10 75 fur 995 itrftuur up to 24 q5 for 1295 ilreuur up to s20 75 tor 1495 lucular up to 530 75 for 1995 regular up to vt ah summer merchandise at clearance prices with i i tist v iiik of summer weather et to come thebi el u inoe pnes afford rieh opportunity for you to enjoy the v t u inn tf mii ii l mimmei fabhiunh til small expense d e iviacdonald bros ltd i uojh ontakio te ol it morio juality and service j various ncwa items arlon llnwlem iviu at milton i at llio biiwllim tournament at milton on i in day two acton bowlcrn carried olf fir t prlw in thi mixed douuen mrn d ii i indray received u china tea ret uwl mr ii i ifarrlan an electric read ing lamp acton bowlcra have born ii eiirlmi tin ir nharc of the bowllnit honom thli yiar maynr haifa condition i hi lute l nptirtt trom st joji ph i ho ipltul uuelph rt ipi ctltig tli cotidl tlun of mayor dale of oiorclovn an ju i fair lie li making a bravi t iii lit for lift hln injun tl left arm 1 jiouivir nlvlnu tin doctors eon idiiami t mieiiii owiiik ui tht dual dhiblllty of tin burn i and fraclurei he in nul in t i ry i rltkul condition ill church i ulplt in aukuhi il v c i pool d d mlnlnt r of the unlit ii church will take hh holltuyn luilnu the in un tli of augunt j puplll i upply committee tuea bei n foi nntc in i eurlnit vt ry acct ptubk uupp next buuday tin pulpit will be oceupled by lt v c m wright maud latt iimoelate of rev dr plducun in uluur blrtet united church loronto he gotj about september 1 to the piuitarntu of one of tin big churched of orange n j 1 or the but two sundays of augurt rev j w rat of loronto who hud a moot licet ful in lull try in acton come yeani ago wu ut the preaehcr iii i many frit ut here will be glad to have the opportiiiiitj uf hearing lum again ar i mil t mi nli for auguiit 11 arc n it yet eompllled but will be duly announced cnoil apple crop i xpeated in ilaltan ivtiythlng polntu to a nplcndld upplc cup in tilt big orchardn along the lake iiont in thin county according to agrl- eultuinl reprcrcntatlvc a p macvonncj 1 hi aiea includes the important apple ihtrlct around burllnulon bronte and oak villi i be moat popular varieties l rmin wi the mclntorh und spy und a ittl deal of the fruit uoea to a spcclul tnide i here bin jeerl p jot ot troubjj tlth uphl and except from the cared lor aujniin1inubiiyiliiujllulm dulybutl the coiniminitys social side of life vlfihorn to and rroni toun durfiip the vital week an glejinwl by the free preflh f tour home print pnpea five centi leittrrrri 3utn krfit alhi5r1 wiiall loronto albert whale dlid at hln home 11 j hukcilou avenue l roronui on sunday evening in hi i n venty eighth yeur lie vus burled at mount 1leaiant cimettry yeilcdny mi whale wan iwrn in read i ti atllibl brown and innbel smith lll ll1 n cngagtd in holidaying in toronto ill ldwlna marnhair nt tin wk tud here toronto 1 blinluci torotito for mure thi iurn he was pn di era t d by hlii wife visited h years ago and 1 nirvlvid by tcven ii ughlt rs und nix ion who are residing in loronto with tit i xct ptton of one live i in sxnlu monica call mitriay smith 1- holiday i iir- in crc iiiurr mtli lil i iiticji mr a o smith mri clarenn kt nlncr of toroi te ape nt tin utiktiid with acton friends ml margin rite currlr is b pending hollilu at uraham i crcwnouu conn n mr u i mrn m pallant and babe vl hid frit nd i in wlarton over the wek- mr n adit r of i hub ton penn vlrlt id hi nliet mri m pallant here lart wei k mi r i mae hymon and fugcne mc- phirwin an hollduylng at wanna a hcieh uid mi i roy wannbrough of vl lit tl ihi ir parents here over mr w u 1 orb i a id mbta morjorle o loronto m it tht wetk end with mr and mr n forbes kraiffilftnsiarnimsittmcl mr and mr i o dluck mnry and uorli of toronto vb lit d acton relutlvei and frli ml on hundny i mr und mr it u watibbrnucb vi lud tin iramiiilulrmnii o rock j lu wk this weeks specials 29c 25c 3mak 111 s 9c hans lui zdc ci hid foi 1 ass loi s per dut m ini h1ns ei dorcn 20c 1 lb k oc- j i ikkus lui cjok 65c loss jul- i hi i i i- lui 101bgfor57i shinill s uinti jlll fill shirrim s nfhapiik juk foi 25c 25c shimff s niil jelly jc fin zdc 1nh al1 pel dueil 180 i pineapple miiimu jl1 lade i jelly iowder ljj il ain olivi b op j hi i he juib i or uuc pickles 39c otli own lluk 1limilll is in 19c 4r 29c 69c 4 rr 15c 2 ii a hams oi c i si g soap 1 n ilekels fm zjc o 11115 for luc i 1 1 lox pi i hi llle cam ed sc white store i w kims iluini- 2d at ion oni et s dance spoiesored try cim citizens uni on tin mum strict piiveiuent acton friday august 2nd 1nc in to j oclock om and niv danls silt it i iiavidsojg ooh manadlll mii musk hy acton citliim hand i ia gentw i7i and u ia ii in a lad ihrrr ii br lleitly of uiiuimho big commercial orchards whose owncrn are devoted to fruit growing exclusively and the e plantations have received every attention in the way of consistent spray ing and cultivating wc are rofng to iiuvl one of the wggct npplo crops wc ever had remarked mr macvanncl i uncral of aijed hallonlan ml u catherine lejuc 153 pearson avenue loronto whoi death occurred iu her home saturday night was laid to rt l i ut day afternoon in the family i iol in ihe cemetery ut aienwllllams i ho chief mounieri were mrs euim m irrl i liter und mt3 hattic m camp b ii meet butli of utiom resided with mu ieillc samuel leslie wark worth uhlo br ther mrs leslie and miss ida win and daughter of samuel leslie chark l a amble principal of dal luehuy public tie hool brant ford nephew and ml harriet leslie washington 1 it nil ct i jil lute mlis leslie wai bum ut ulenullllanis she was a daugh- ler uf john leslie a pioneer farmer of l one lug iownshlp whose farm was uteded to him by the crown and remained in tin family ulmeut 100 years mlai li lie hid resided in toronto a number ol ytiu she was a member of ersklnc uiiitiii church there the trosrr uron wed dine uavenpi rt unlttd church toronto vua the eene of u verj pretty ueddlug in biuu relay julj jd when ljva hazel t nlj tlauyliter of mr und mrs james dion iorunto wun unlttd bi marriube l i rank ounglt son of mr and mri o a lratr lorotilo by the rev r j 1 ullli tile bride entered the church on tin arm of her brother mr h v ol nir iv utwaui line rn if mr albt rt whale at toronto on wtdnc day tiftemoon mu u r hilly haydnn of torrmto is pindlng a vvitk or co nt uie home of iv r und mrs lrnit rook en mli aubrey allan and lloyd d 1 nrbt of detroit mich motored home and pent tin weekend hen mr mid mr william rogers of hnmll ton vl lltd ut tin home- of mr and mre lrni tjttolii entr tin week end mr und mr i hugh moruunsan hugh und juiiu of hamilton rpent the week end with atton nlatlvci and friends mr it l ourvin of loronto vniud hli tujyth r und ibter mn r e qarln und ml mnrtiirel ourvin thb wecx mkii in in suiufler und myrtle new- iiiun uf kilciit ner are visiting at the home of mr and mm august an demon mi it w suwurt and margaret jt in of weston are i pending u week at tht hiiuir of mr and mrn j h rud- 1 f ntu i william ii ftabcocit the funeral of the late william ii ilfibcock wan held on tuibdny afternoon from hviltomc in the ulncnco of re a c btcwnrt m a pa tor a iorcjth om elated william 11 bnbcock uas botn in rhorold on october 24 10do atei the death uf hln parents ut the age of i two yearn hr lived with his aunt ut palermo later with hlji brother ocoiqe at st catharines where he attended college and later moved to gait on october 20 1004 he was joined in mar- 1 riugc to pauline ooodsky and a couple of years after they moved to acton where he baa lived until hln denth eight yearn ago mr ilubcock was seriously injured at the tannery of ilcardmotc a co from uhlch injuries he never recovered and itui a great nuflcrer but always tried to keep up ills work dropiy developed but he still insisted on going tu work und was at tils place of duty un saturday morning but was taken worse by night and gradually grew weaker with the heat and his great pain and parsed away sunday morning at eleven o clock there arc left to moum lib loss his wife three cdno and one daughter clarence tor onto william gordon and dorothy at home two brothers qcargc of st catharines walter of toronto ile was u member of the woodmen lodge und in religion wad an anglican the poll- blarcra were messrs ii aulstou q murray j- dobble- j wackier t olbbona mnjiscy those attending irum n dii- mr l larenee general interest news llidi sehool principal i death of mi llonorwl vtular the death occurred op wednesday at the school hoard ijiiaki him numiium ot rev t l kcrminii djumcu i i i r mn r t pastor of plrst united church tlicre nt ii snlnry of 2500 for the i mt kmilml wan ror ne nrty year colllini year ui honored mlnuter of the methodist 1 i church the pulpit supply committee 1 ik mutti r of t ngiiglnu a malt prin inr united cliurch acton iad him in illtl fur acton continuation school wan vlcw m l supply for augunt ii durlnff fl lally settled at a dpcclul hoard meeting nrv mr poole fl vacation 01 luenduy afternoon i an uppllcnnt interview d the mcltibcrn molm car abandoned at seventh hjitn of tin hoard on iiiturduy and a npccinl at four o clock yesterday inaminp meeting wus callrd for uaturduy nt one inouir cur nuilcn from loronto wu i clock 1 nn tee ucnwiclt attended at the cnpttlzcd and left in the ditch at the hid tune and place but no other members of h the highway nt the rcvcntll line comer t it hoard wero pn ent we undcrrtand and abandoned by the thief mr miller tie met ling was hi id elsewhere tiirjvho liven at that corner immediately 1 it parrot did nut reci ivc notlco of the notified chief jackson of acorgetown nieitliig from the lecrcuxry wc prtrume uho waij on luc scene n short time later hie nuion was tjint the secrctnry wan i hi torontd police department wna com- not informed of the meeting munlcated with and tlio car mm taken on i uli day tin fsek pnuin received back to toronto before noon yesterday rotlec of a meeting nt one a clock all uj be restored to its owner the nuthdrl- tle are after the thief who stole the car from toronto raptbit hunday bcliikll hcnla the baptist sunday school picnic waj held on saturday afternoon at eldorudo park games and other amusements tin mi uibt rn of the hoard were prercnt the idltor attinded mr c l lnwr- et ce of illshlrton was preient to per- onnlly lute rvlew the hoard regarding hi uppllcatlun which among others imd been forwarded to the chairman of the iioavd the mnttcr uf arrangement of iiuhjects war discussed mr lawrence is ullj qualified for the position and in a piovldcd an afternoon of pleasure and hichelor of arts graduate of queen a enjoyment which was culminated by a university he has had considerable ex- spcndld picnic supper nt which nil the peilencc in teaching in high schools picnickers did ample justice after oup- lnd has tauuht the past few yearn as per the races were run on with the i rluclpal of pleshcrton high school he following results sack race boys eiue ttns willfnff to arrange the continuing of cole percy elliott wheelbarrow race teuchltig the upper school subjects which boys prank jones and earlo cola vle- b ive been given nt acton school he is torla cross race boys albert ooje prcd- a iiieclollnt in mathematics die crewcon victoria cross race glil moved by mrs a i havlll seconded isabel crcwson helen wet cap race by o r agnew and resolved that the r llcutlon of mr c l lawrence as i rlnclpul of actun continuation school ul an annual cnlury of 2 500 be and is hireby accepted duties to commence septtmber 3 1020 the above motion wan carried unan- boya earlo cole prank jones sock raev girls annie pomytli ethel stark balloon iuce girls iuby allen ethel wood sewing race vivian mcmullen e woodj isly by the hoard it is marathon swimming quite a usual occurrence for walter dabcock toronto mr and mrs prcd bnbcock milton mr and mrs robe walford ana orncc oalt mrs cornell preston mr and mm clnudc thornc and alf mr and mm scatter mrs jaeger mr and mm d burlctt mrs wnlter thome and elinor mrs oady and jean mr h qoodsky mrs watchhome and lome icitchcner mm bar roil mrs newlove mr art nealovc mlw dorotliy newlovc ml hutchison lillngton the horul tributes included pillow family wreath beard more co unplujeei soli leather tun nery wreath wow wreuth leijul true blues pray womt n s institute spray mr and mrs p halt and plor ence wreath mr and mrs i home spray mr und mrs uarron und family miruy eniployten b a m shoe i victory rerun to spray mrs uliliop ocorgc and alfn d spray mr und mm suundcru and i loreiile pruy lu and mrs creus und am ii y hpruy mr und mrs tate npruy lawrence thanked the hoard tor acton bathc ond l tojorsake ihir eonldt ration nnd ucc ptancc of 0ie thing pta locally for a dip in lu- application the tank at edgowood or other mrlnwrcnerwill imrrwt t mavr spaubualuoxi w th mrs mwrcncc nnd family to a 1l harrhjon hfid rnthcr a far joumry r fdenci for him was ronnldered and iinnulngrnuiusibrtmtfaelur rt ujrncc for hlm was considered and mrn havlll and mrs wilson were dele- guted to help arrange this detail thh oddihllows picnic i nt ttk pi tch of toronto and ldllh w1l u meadow vali vlslud aclon ie honit of mrs j c nt lwin lust lo orfetowu milton and ii ram p lodged have spirndld outiii at lidarado lark ir und mr v h rumlcy and joan i mu dorl johndone u ft tlili mom- iti pi nil u touplt of wieki at wosuga lr ii if atl und drc pt iii i blui nurgt tie alth mohair hut u liiuleh und any shoes and blocking slit earrled u bouquet of yellow rases and buby s breath the bridesmaid mu ltnniu andrew wore u dreaj of pule jellow jiorgetu ulth moluilr hat und eluckliu to mutch and carried a bouquet of pink roen the groom waj attended by tli bride u brotlier mr juniei harold uron mr olmrlej bailey i und mr churles jtedcrick ihitt were ushers during the algiihig of vllic regiu- tt r mbu dorothy nicol orgnnlt played bidding mulc afterward a reception v iu held it ijikevlew hall keele strut where a bullet luncheon wnj served ihe brides mother mm james dron wore u drim uf nuvy blue flat crepe with hut to mutch uf mohair und the groom in ulier mrs o a i ruer wore u dniu u riguud crepe und nuvy blue mohair ii it among tlie out uf town gtrulf klrt mr and mrj lred cleave mr und mr ii v dron und mr r dron of at ti n mi and mrs robert wuuon of 1 uk uood mr mid mrs george druu multifield mr and mm wm young liln mr und mrj prunk llrlmocouibe montreal afler the reception lho huppy toupli lefl fur u motor honeymoon trip ui mr and mm victor vl uock- wood ihe bride wore n navy bluu uieotiii mill wit iut to uiatcli and wilt tin iiin 0 gift a fox tr hie li kim s ili lo tht bridcsmuld wiu a iiili i luu und to tht bcit uniii u pearl it hurt slue u pin on their return mr end mi lrieer will reside ul tin lit mi f the groom a parents nhtlt mr und mis u a iriwer uro touting wist mi itltu illle uid albtrta uojtt tf nn sound opt nt several duyn ut uic hi tut ol mr and mn win lands- birouhh lien und mn a miuun ittendi d mu dlum i und lour uf inspection by tin co inty council of llu county build imp ii balurday milit rs liny und btunlcy dutchbum uf 1 trli have bun holidaying at ihi liuiiit of mr and mrn l a iclng the pu i threi weeks mr uid mn hurry mainprise billy helen und jack nnd mu malmie main prise mouirtd to toronto and vbilted lor a ltt- tjujo tht re this week wi k uid vliiton ut mapll hurst ul hi in of mr und mrs r j kerr wcr- mr mid mr jurau rue and mas ttilhk und frit ml of 1oret mr kir mil mri ixunurd pennj orgimlht lol t of jurvk street baptist itinuui ait npcndlpu tljo week tr luid mr j hud on oung ijvsihaij racrs irrtatinj i urra itrxurdhig the ilajc bull in tha llullon county league 111 u uiu is the final slundllitj lulli ii ciunl league win n ull i mi i hud bit n pluytd ki mn 1 o johnston mr roy john um mri r rutnshnu and miss mm be ii huimhutt r n of saskutoon p nt tin vlk cud lth friends at nlnguru 1 alii mr c huvni of omlph n mr lurl nullurd and master buwart f wliulor spint lieit lueday a the home of mr und mr tl h urown and with iitht r frl nets in town 1 mr unit mri i trie bnn ot itllch inn hlietil a f v dnya lusl week with his pur nl hiitlng i rlduy afternoon to ipmit u wctk tu tlti duja illli friends in i in nu and olln r polnes mi j ciiilbruth of acton announces llu i ntiun mi ul if in r daughter jessie to uobi rl s lliuihopt sun ol mrs nticl liu lilt mi oiorgi ueurliopc of culimilie indiana marriage to take place ijuli tl in a un u it mr an 1 mr- jos w utile and mrs 1 i urt u und mlu llvn peuren miss amy i i lu mid mr it 1 j ihnuttin at- uiitli i tl rum tul of ul lutt mlis rule 1j hi i i i nit formerly i f olen mill in ilu mi mil mi jiuntn c ulum of kiltntl ii i itlu u lld frit nils in aeton nil tli tilt i a i vtik mr t hejni i 11 a l 4u p mild tin 11 uir und tirlit mill in aeto mi nl j u tu ib ut tlllily ytjln uuj wliill lu left 1 h llltltl liuttliiu uvlrugn r a loll ai i ui li i l ueuoll mlih i i iyi i tip ah u h pc mu mm y 1 mail befell faulhtu l nil ill i niu ii ut 111 u w il in 1 ii il u n vu n iiunpel to hi r li ll jb u ju tl 14 ju 1 m i il b l j4 j u jjj w k tli v 10 lli a in ij uj tl h i h un h it iiu wm ie ui ulurd u 1 m it lutllii ri p f 7 12 1 ml ii iknolly uih rutin oulhur- n ulblhil j f it ml nj iu um 11 muiquiriu ho ill urine i ollllllll t u jk u u j 1 lllini mtuy tliultntii murjoric ii f tthovny u 4 14 i j 14j un muu int hnivn and murjorle hi 11 c u 1 hiuun of 3 t i j jjj in ml r f thi sunday belt nil lieu up ah it h it if mn iltui a c tiliwurl an hull 1 1 l 11 lit u at iub 10 iol opp nl nl avt luu 10 jll ii ull j rtuvlng k thi iiinuni r ti tl in or rev and 114 101 u m tuv iliiluiuii ilea h kliiinrdiu ie uiun and oukvllli lint lllttl llu u u mllii u tli for mttind iiliu r rt 11 it ht all tu chiinh liiidui party hi i iii t in id u lb ti un uf mi u 1 111 111 1 111 lull 11 1l plu ii 1 1 i 11 iiilui i 1 vrly 11 u in wtituinlhy ivinliu aiiiii l 1 wulih fm lurtlll hliinlni llu i nun ti lo j a iu th will h ij will now m il mllluii to lit lib llu li itiin t huitipl in lip iuitl tht rlih iii triiu u i tl nut i und tipteuloi i ut it iilliuu in thi tj a h a iluy oil for th ftuii i un i ju main su i lo llu uutuiln i humploruhlp in rrow nlehl si veil hundred oddfellows rtbekulu and their frunda held u mol enjoyable pcnlc ul lldorndo park on saturday it was the first annual dl trlct picnic eomprlitiig aclon hriuuptou qcorgcloun und mllum viui thtlr bller lubekuil idgcs und it wus u gnut sucecs tlie clrand mnsur uf the onturlo jurlidlclloii a u curscuddtn iorunto was tht dlsllngulhed gul t ror the tic easlon and he preenud ihe prlzjj ul uie conclusion of the run und uddreus id the lurge gathering in the evening others pridil were d d o m ld mcwilirler cjeorn umn r r p wul on n o acton john caron n q georgetown archie mcnab n o mil ton john mcmullen n g ooldcn btur linmpum mm h patlcrwin n g pcerlcc rebikulu hrumiiton mrs jas meclcllan n g cvtnlng star rebcka milton and mu mary vunatlur ver- den rebcknlis oeorgctoun ii h holme nnd wm wtliinmi both of acton jto o i j04 v on the prizes for the hldest oddfellows und mm cusiell georgetown for tin oldest relukah ut uie picnic mr holtnca wus utlttlited into godlrich no 12 in ib 14 j4 yeara ago und b u post noble grand of goderlch lodge mr wllllunet has been an oddfellow foi jj years mr albert contea uf golden slur brunip ten won tlie prlzi for tin lurest family ul ihe picnic wllti nine on the grounds aolou clllzetifi band provided mulc in tlie uflerntxiti und evening riu mjfttull louniuttteul between lile four lodges wiej keenly eonle in uie hrst uume motun und brunip ton met und the latter nine won rather easily by i 17 to o in wlnnipi uucd up uobllljll i o ileum c bartlett lb hillgartner jb hate ss slilrwood 3b ramsay mltehell cooier oullleld milton were represented by hblop rumu y e crowt 1 b mcmillan 2b rundull ss mcnubb jb chtlioiiu luibb armslmi outfield i hi iteond game txlwetu uuiiu lown luid acton wus smurtly pluy ed lit urge uiwn winning ty i i 1 i in loumi were ueurgltown rllclili p staple ton c ford lb lueus b luck ui mcdowell 3b curson urudley spenec oullleld aclon ceulunun p wuter house c bulmun lb lclrkncs jb i adumipu ss aiidirwm jb sniltli rum ity und wnum oulfli id oeorgetown und urumpton mel in the fliial and tile puwirful oiorgrtown buttery rllcitic unil stupli um were too mueli for tloldt n slur hu lust uy j to surtl it in j mil in j ml lwo ctm teeulivt iiumi runs fir liu lo- ra vie tilt ir slui utorgi limit tield i ommuutl fruiu the sec uid liiiiliigs who ii uie my ti rlfius mr x pro ildul greul uinustuieiil bill turly in tht ttrtt rnoun p n g w couii i urunip b i ldinlfltd wm litig georgetown iii th ginlleinan in pu juhii mid won lirite public utilities commis sion special meeting- held to arrange for additional 100 horse power as required by iteardmono s company ipeclul meeting of the public utilities coiuinv ion wu- held on tuesday aflcr- i kii with ull the coinnilslonern present und chulrm in king preildlng the various quolulloni for trannform- lii were coteildered purchase of which b mnjirj lo upply bcardmorc ac co llli jiddltlonul power required by tills in tuufiictory this firm b adding 100 i tec power la the loadalrendy installed movtd by 11 j kerr seconded by a fl uxiii lllt we purchase three 100 it v a traniformcrs from the maloney lit uii co ut 010 00 each details as pt r ihtlr iigiiemcnl of july 20 carried movtd by r j kerr seconded by a jum ii unit we purchase 3 000 feet of no 0 cci pi r wire at t2f os per hundred cairled 111 i djuitment in uie iicwclsan ac- kunl wu niuluully settled by resolution ihe alton citizens hand requested il utilriult ii for tlie section of main street to be u id for it strecl dance on friday a u ii l 2 lb superintendent was in iructcd to arrunge utb detail womans institute picnic t itjuyublc aflrmoau spent ut the homo f mr mid mrs i red denny i in beuullful furni hunic or mr and wi 1 led denny wus uic locution chosen tut u pleount guthertug on wednesday afternoon of lmt week when the women o institute held their unnunl picnic un the puclou- luwu mr mid mm denny uelcoiiit d uic ludlci und their friends ihe ulteruoon was spent in ball games und race j 1 lie folowing ure uic prhu- winners hoyt 0 ymni mid under lome muules clwuod collier girls b years und under lucy denny beutrlcc woods soys tu 10 yturi herblc cook blllle collier glrk 1 to 10 years lavcnic smith doru denny hoys 11 to is years william hall girb ii lo lo years grace can la young ludici rucc marie lantz luuru hull reluy ruei ludlea uur 40 jcarn mrs luntzs li um mrs gumble a team 1 um race mrs collier mrs mccut obtucli race ladles under 40 mrs muaki mrs ftbaislll gruiidmouiers itacc mrs mccul- ejiuun mrs colllur kicking uie tjhoc mrs j j slcwurt mrs r l duvldbou objuclc luet for all mrs j j slcwarl mus marie uintx aflcr ihe rucc a picnic lunch was iivtd on liu luwn mid nil returned hi tin liuvlug ipriil n dt ilghliul ufter trmning ciiuiubijoiu tan delusa xv most often confined to a two by abx bath tub and neither are entering tlie mora- than swim at the canadian national lxhlbluon leaving acton just before six o clock the pair arrived at waxags beach on ihe georgian bay tzxtly alter eight o clock had a swim in the waters of the bay and returned to acton and home by midnight the trip of iso rdlcs or no was not for the tale purpose of having a swim mrs harrison beth and margaret and miss lottie masjn who hud been holidaying nt wasaga returned to acton with them street dance tomorrow night to morrow night b uie night of tlie olrcct dance of acton citizens hand the dancing commences at nine o clocx and continues until two par the modem uncas th band will provide the miudc pnd for the oldtune dances an orchestra will provide the rhythm mr it l davidson will be uie floo manager the charge is 47 c and toil loi genu and 23c and tax for ladles there is no charge for spectators tlie centre area of the pavement on miin tired commencing at mill street will be tl c location tlicre is plenty of parkins space available without charge tlie booths will to in charge of the junior i o d e who arc raising funds for supplying a new curtain at the town hail the proceeds from uie dance are to complete payment on the band s new uniforms the causes are worthy and real evening s enjoyment is assured a pretty july wedding pretty wedding took place in town on july 31 when margaret daughter of mm bennett nnd the late robert ben nett became uie bride of mr j p elmer lerry of ketucby rev c l poole ii d officiated and uic wedding was solemnized nt the hmno of uie bride lake avenue acton the wedding music w as played by miss margaret watson of toronto nnd miss ulllon king of preston song during the signing of uie ngistcr the bride who wan given in marriage by her uncle mr isaac ben in it of georgetown wore an imported ensemble of rose lace and georgette and cjrriod a shower bouquet of butterfly rosea nnd lllyotthcvailey alter uia ceremony a buffet luncheon was served end uic couple later left far a trip west ihe bride travelled in a sand and brown inscmblc with hat uid allocs to match- on their return uicy will make their home in brant ford tannery team wins rit game of the herlc ruyed with he chicken dinner as the stakes all i u uir u itvdial at ihr level crossing un main street in aclon lit thuruluy afternoon no ono injured jtlc lust ihurduy afternoon a motor ui und rudtul lollllon occurred at lha main bin el crovlng of uie canadian nulliinul electric hallway ul acton whlih forttiuuu ly n tilled in damtiac itjbllc uf milton itl ulrli i folio tl under helen hluckbunic giorg town katharine m nut mil urn i boyn tl und under llerui ilnliiei hrutnp lon hilly mucull eh ilrumplun girl u and uudi huz i wulkt r utuigt town i prune i ilirsj urumpton lioyj 0 rtnd until r hi ut mx nlv n utortt town hruti minul- milton girlt ljnuduntitr hiwril wulkt r giiirgitown hi h walk i r gi oiiccliiwn ixiys 1 j und uudi r ah xuudir mi nub mllluii arnold vurli y hiiimptoii gltli 1 and undi r 1 linn cn limn giorgi town ii it wulki r cm rgtlown ixiyi ij mid undi r arnold vurlty hruuipt in altxiuiiler mi null milton ladli opt n mui mlunli sitr mil lioti town ml 111 in c i ll un uottit town too m i iiuh up ii ml t uplclon will ulliuni 1 ut nun nut i ii cliavt llu nt town r itkper liimiipliiii pop ruet luu lltxilt mil mis k uiu hrumptou 1 pplug loiiu i ni mr k vouiur und jot mil lull urmnptou nut liul i hull i imp till in f tl ljuuettueii ju luilui aeluu mi cornell of milton was driving hu cluvr til umrltig cur viuth on muu slini und wiu apparently wulchum uiiither lui lumltig fiuin uie other dluetluti und did not hear or sec the i j4 rudlul iipprouchliig llle crcwltig from out iph llle radial wus uluwhig up tor uie auillou ju it east ol tlie ciusstuu uml mr cointll suy he wus driving at j ibriul niteeu uuiuu perhour ihe auto wu1 lilt on uie rlghl rear uluduumtl mid puihud sideways by the rttllul to tin iilgl ul uie uisdwuy ihe i ii rear wliei 1 struck u uuull on uu th if llu track mid the cur overturned all llu spoke i of the left rcur wheel win biukru uu wbiethleld nnd top were iiuuhitl mitl tht wliolt tar was mure ti i ls badly illinium d t j u 1 jtul i irugi ci in ii wil uninjiiiril numbei- of pi j tli n ln wnriilm whtlu a combined aclon t aiming co and iliurduiurc l co bull team apparently bud the pull un one of uie wishbones as u ey stepped into uic town team last i inht nnd slugged bill nuun s offerings all over uic park lied greer and bui water house u lh uirec base hits and home runs mre the heroes of ihe game and had peerless bui guessing on what to feed them bul anything that went near the i 1 tu wus drifted towards the pond some funs believe uiul pluyuig the i mas of ball the tannery team played i isl night no team in hnltou county could beat uic ui unfortunately uic weather interrupted i ic gome scvcrul umcs and quite a con troversy arose on to whether last nights juine alio uid be declared a win or not i he m aim tiers of the two teams are yet i mulng tills mutter over as both teams me curkllng over uils chicken dinner uhlch u uubig lo be erved lo the wln- i mg team alur lust nluhls u uuj kulcy and liln ht me run boys were crowing while i mu lt lshmuii mid his home hens vow uid dtclarr that the next game will tell u dlftcrent talc i in ut xi game wft be played on siiurduy august 10 und a ludlcj ball l un with a good it aii i lo upiieuc the i ton glrb ubtg cuguged it wus conveyed portituutely mr r ihat uu crikj iui oiuidid and it in dlllleiilt ui uiul i tuntl ju i iiow llu incident hup ptntd ui u tliur vlcw of uu truck may 1 1 hud fur ivnul htuidrtd dt ul this h lot mid it would only sum to be i pluhud by tin fail ihjil ini uiotorl is aumtltii wu ot t upii d with pu ing the olhii tui und fulling to un or ht ar the rudlul old unit in w ilumi ul th utud llu el dance 1 rlduy cvliilin luflht the lvlning iukal ukjilsti 11 hi wui wulklug rutin r uietrudtly down tin strei t the n ult uf u visit to ills tlun wlii hi thoiilhl hi saw hln wife making doubtful progress in tlie wi iiiiui s direction he uirew hb arm boiil her mid to hb horror discovered thi wus u totul trungi r seuie mr lie tu x d thikighl you wire mwlfe in diugust i here vtuidrr i ilkti tier ti hu li 1 1 you aid fin the 1 i ht t jutulutid n ultukiu vuu talk ju llu hand ulint djiill lo morrow

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