Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1929, p. 2

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gfye ait mt 3ttt tyttaa inuiuiiiav auciunr i loao i it you run in i p your hair itflfin nil limit l you an ihriirliu thelrn and want inn you to too if you can hold your tongui when nthrni huh k you hut nml i allowance for un ir mocking too heart and nrrvc long aftrr tin lrn if yon run font you and rlnrw in let p your 1 urn and hold mi to it when there a nothing i xn jit the will which nayn lo you hold on i if you can tuil with cmwtbi and kxcp i your loclci loo or walk with flhlckn nor lone ycur common rtnzr if licit in r foi r nnr luvlna friend can hurt you if women dull you prrak ln self- defi nw if you run nmlle with not a hat to fit you if you cun filidi but never nhed a tear yourn 1 1 the larth and everything that in it and which in more you ii be a lady dear ily v l olieplierd kytiyjmmbimmbiip3i m i ity jaui j lay weekly story henry waldon the man i1y jani oijiiohn sjfflmgaifflaffigftfflsmmtthffla ef chronicles of ginger farm written rpeeully tar the fr vrmm by judv oqttady lnhy wadhom certainly wnulrt not hnvi in i n i elected by u neulptur tut n modi 1 for hupi ihlii driplti tin flict thnt he wqji hitting nenr tin girl he adored alwivc iii olhcra in the world dorothy i allium felt oorry for him and told hlirufio- don t tuku it niueh ui heart iii nry i like you in apt i iidndt thnt in ant i think i like yuii b tt r tlinj any oilier man hut i don l love you ilea ily boy do you think yuu have the right to unit mc u mnrry you you were junt radualcd u day i ki ow j uu have job in ricvclnnd i food jno 1 lilt u can t cupikirt a wife vvjiat have you ever dime ui fihow mc thnt joy can really do things a phi ilcu kappa i key cvcii in civil engineering in far from being a badge of rucciri henry lifted hli head from his handn and looked at uie alrl hlij cyra drank in her dark beauty he lonecd to cllup licr in hbi arms but hr dared not when he noticed the level black eyen cuing into ills own and the firmly molded white chin ho knew further pleading wan unclcnfl oh i oupporc i have nothing but my sheepskin to offer you dorothy ii ui voice was low but it trembled with emotion it a the thought of your going to dee moines tomorrow whllo i must go to cleveland a thousand miles be tween un and i don t know when 1 11 sec 1 ou again i cant let you go so far away dorothy the girl omlled rather tenderly do you remember the mg mccor- mack sang the other night oomewherc it enda something llko this doesn t it we 11 meet come time somewhere cheer up henry rlolng an the gong lout saturday all farming operations took a back neat getting alslke in bafutt the next rain wan of no importance and the problematic outcome of the alfufo need crop was a mere detail tlia chil dren were on uie tiptoe of expectancy why 7 it was the annual ounday ocliool ran ul cloning hour for the sorority picnic and uio first time umy had been oune just promise mo thnt you ii work allowed to go ouch excited voice mch i h and even a thousand mllcn may eager fncen and about every ten minutes not be on insuperable barrier they were inquiring if it were not yet henry silently look her outstretched tjmo to start time hung heavy for them i hand then left the house but it went quick enough for me pinal- several months later henry waldron ly we were ready lunches bathing suits i wafl cated ln the office of the president and towels were packed and money boxes at uw van dorn construction company rifled for spending money of their very richard van dora had a cuccecsful air own after a short train journey we or- i tlu well befitted him as ohloo moat rived at the public park which was o important contractor almlfbiympted imglvlmryaathf eiumcc atdtltl highest prices paid for butter fat vh i s a iuiai business diivctory halion cream butter co miiion am m ion liis riioinnon wwwvrv afion branch those joyous liotini t nit i d awaj and mnny a hr irt thnt thtn wim t within the tomb nov darkly dun hi and hcarn no nmrc thoat lvuilnu uu i and thin twill iil whrii i am goin that tuni fill pull rhull till ring on and other bardi ihnll rliynu tin dtlh and nlng thv prnl nci v bells water fortonjaiiinf deep water iat swlm- mlng and oh boy a merrygoround where one could get a splendid long ride for five conta there was absolutely nothing in the way of amusements for grownups yet an i looked around from time to time i could not find one bared looking bld our comnctltora face among the mouey collection of nraf wc w c jxaxz tfrbrtiy3ir biimfctig our ls rccmhd vrkcriadlls musician buy it ua1 to mc a mo t uurriii anil welcome sight to run ncro in v jurab friend john hill up and dr l it id on the street ujnln last utk aft r hi long tuo montlis of illness i mil i woo struck all of a limp ln n thl gladsome sight c mc to vuluii john i 1 i i ovlk meat pie gih lift on r ini ut and nilubl3 into i in hum ltd ikn i mix with li un mill of un dlum in mi lauci mill lahh pni hour 2 tabic- 1 n bull it hi on will ultli onion null jii ii r i lc ill i liftovir univy muii i iitn iiiiiii if polbh cover wltli i ihm i criit bl cult do uh or 1 i i it u r in i hid p duio mix d u ih null i in li inlj h iilm nit call b idcl il lulu if d in ill ilukl in ii in ii l imii unul hi i ru li i cook ui biimud mil liliud uirouili h j pi u 1 u id i is one of my oldcrt frkniti van can i understand thli wiilii i il11 you it li about im vtnty ytarn olnci i lir nm i him and it l nearly ni loiijf a thai lultl alncfl i nmt r mtrnvtr jflllljilililuw money mujt on u live cliii tin whktli i cine i uhu chlijl loabt l mi thin lie u on ml uilhi i i it t i add t cup i illi- itaddquil uaalldlptru asegtatt3uzasstszui been making since you i a iot oi io ercp john have been with un and realize that you mct hlm laat ttcl utur know your subject better than mafltj hls accustomed haunl collegebred engineers tlic proposition i mon and is this wc bid a little too low on our last state highway job in order to under- j to make a fair materials 233ii ny ok a wood hi looltliik at hr r f i ulld pa xd i uumn yun rit had relay mln- min iilm l junt mm huiik frum a yiirnpern trip and iln iiijlid on an i fainly tonlli and whni ant lmmy as hn did i hi rum hnm lt ci a mi hio si i i and t ut t 11 tin truth i wmi in a oflle cun 1 ln u ill linn all thi way dv r itoth comclng to luil llmj joinj ittiljm dover i ttundny ant lminyi iiiqcl by inar- ijiini la in re fur a vlall and inn nltc ant uniuy inurduccd hi r to a yung man witch lu a nelbur uf un and pa says it mu t bi u can of juv at int nltr beeux liny havi both told each a nother then i ho nairn n all rttldy and that li a nine llji y arc in luv muuday iu tuk iihrlp up ty the cltty today and ho was all xciud when lie got home ttinlti hl ned h waa cimic- inr a lung the st up in he cltty ai d he uuii a barber shop witch had a film up and it war lor m n onllc he il- marked to rm in a whlnper thnt he wish hi cud aforci cucliy luxury once and a wile ituidny jane was n trying to atart a aripiuilnt with mc today when we was a walking homl afur wl had a cupplo conci nt my xpents she red ulic thot nil goid looking people ton iiud and cluck on there self ed thnt waiuuil trcw and to prove it i iu t hi r ir uhc thot i was conitrauil j lit dlddcnt nay anything but she glvl mi a kiiidu dirty look which i dout no by wim day ant liiiniy wassent ln a vi ry icood yunior today nhc kc allied to bi klnda- lilui all day and whin pa ant her what wuji the mutter ihc red she went to sleep a wirrylng about turn tiling and thm morning when she awoke up rhc ctitldeiit n member what it was and it klnda wlrryn her u ihlr iluy pa- and ma wentkowfitjfw there plcrhure took tit sihitrr thnpmiujmt the red rone tci fjuirantec means what it aya if not hntiified return tlic unuued part in the package and the grocer will refund your money fl0 redrose red rose orange pekoe is extra good j a mcnivcn i im ml sun mu l i 1 i im comer i o hox 31 fl i iu k m a ion oni t luftoij a lunch to keep you h j dp j h joi 1 rlek btrcct f t hhmotq zf rur 111 j i 4ujr3ijaaraiarkzr46z24qrs molhcr id lathcra bit ikteru na5 ncl1 do la to bm ttat the cuuco brouun tai apontajitou wloty ot the wl hlahwny commuiiloncr children acemed lnfectloiu imd rom ba- p b drtven ta tw0 btanlno to dud there waa very little to be niche betore the concrete u laid the heard o petualcnt volcea each child mvn tn ua will bo enormous wid the toot hu or her tum ot every djnuaemerit i proctlcnlly aa aood nd utue irlenda and little atrantri u pped and olanced keenly ot uie played happily tocether aa ono bll family i young man to observe the ellect of hln i worda henry waa starlns at him ln l u f v amazement the prcldenl rather a nettled at bl apparent attitude of a normal chm but their nervou i umb y bu now not nlilita reat waa all thejomdl tn pre- ryuunj lkl wl m u yul a nz t s uf ffwttaa tnj c your promol ij not to make o ma dtuy ilealdes il give you 16 per cent of tlie amount you save tin company henry was still silent van dom turned to his desk report here tomorrow with your decision lie ordered remember if you orxld wrong your job is the forfeit w cant tolerate men who nfuse to obey good day the boy arose his brain in a whirl comparisons imagine those same chil dren and parents token to a show by way of a treat tlwy would enjoy it at uie time no doubt but childish nerves would be overwrought llttla limbs by enforced idleness be deprived of natural activity and lnitcad of going home a liappuy tired- crowd of children we should and perverse cantankerous unreasonable boys and girls of every age there would i wated cries of uummyi want this j waljed filow aowuhb iom and paddy buy me thai and sounds of ho for nours fltmg uie biggest scoldings and stoppings and tired parents batuc o hlfl 1fc cl d t m hu tmselves with nerves on edge impa- lmnd3 wna ft of k tlenuy wondering how on earth they were im do for true ho dc i u chudren p whispered it will kill mc but i must parently so hard to please tmw yoi u bucccm wn wln you t1 as we were preparing to leave the pic- ce ducc when i sacrifice even honor nlc grounds on qaturday a neighbor very r you dear you must love me kindly offered us a ride homofn their car j bowed his head on uie table and instead of going by train so we very will- remained a long ume ulent plnsily tngly climbed into their- goodnatured he brobc gnyo ane more i bt t pord which alnlost eocmed to expand as j finely enisled face smiling out from thc pords wjll to accommodate an over m- photograph gave one more searching creasing number of people and parcels questioning glance into uie frank clear the ride home ln uie cool of the even- c and the room henry waldron ing was surely an end to a perfect day nod decided the ccenlc beauty for doscrlpuon needs m t 0 clock the noxt morning he the pen of a poet or uie brush of an wa with head erect and swinging artist to do it jusuce omall wonder 1 1 stride into the office of president van thought aa we passed along umt tlil f t eniurc to my that it was not jul in thc tort keep r i v or jolui thc coal dealer or even jnl n pni one of our oldi t citizens that th i e u who saw hfm and greeted hlm t hum hi unl of but john uil estcenied loc il nuslr mil ian dondmoctcr of acton culz n u nit dand or lender of the methodist cliinr- join which they first thought or when mi a hill was seen again i i nui music b gulden ton ui flattered to uarj thl veiurnbli man appearance an eminent wrltir on mu lc ha ild mill music once udmltted to tin uul ci i comes a sort of rplril and ncr dies tt wonders perturbedly through tin h ilu i and galleries or memorj and i oft n i heard again distinct and living an win i i it first displaced the wavcleu of thc ulr j j so it has been with our frlmd mid fellowcltlztn who lui done o much to keep alive thc i pirlt of mulc in hl adopted town and to provide acccptabl music for uie edification and devotion of the community i have ald that it li six or ntn decades since lint km w john i lilt as a musician there hai ju t lali ly come into my minds ample ivkluin that mr hill was ready to jicrlnri lime and no doubt other iniploynn nu that hi mlht provldl mu ic for in pit niure of other i auay tuck ui 18t john coplnl mu li for the band trail witui 11 fmni tin air of the orlj inal turn to utt tlu varli u instrument plad bj tin nn mliir oi thc bond i haw b fori in liu till sheet of john cairn ron b md l k vftilch was iinjiared l mr hill in llii j qn which l lnserlbd john cuiiinu i eb clarionet book kiti i have iil o fdtir b irpintl by ir hill for u quarultt i mil in uhj which contain the follow ln iilkctloni of music nolo trim erlbul for eb corni t bb comet hh tenor and lib uasa ai follows aiiii1y in im kawautiia district j mi ei k companlonnblc i mlcirtublt hotel i or a secluded thr- backwmid you will find l l tin icawaitha lakf ivorn iti d r ml tin n ollir teniibi iwu howllii biiiluliki iuid tlic iiihino iiachernl and pa suggested that i hi rhud put it in his pocket so they have put off haveing there picshuro took until sum time when mebby ma can look pleosantcr hln nil i uk oil n rlund tin re i ry to tc tfet matter national hall tumpli te infor- thl mslly nc- hsrlf dr thomnit n tiitlnioiiinl of its it it if whoever tries r e id tor cuts or con- pi uln ir burn i tor pains r bi dy well know that the ll i if and need no guar- iik wliy thl oil is in uie i dom that executive was busy at his greatest poets of every age have found in acsii dnd paid no attention to uie young nature a theme for their best work i man after nvc or ten minutes however bheljcy discovered a poem in a cloud j i deigned to glance up where henry tennyson ln the wash of uu wavca pops j vos sull standing saw happiness for the man what wish well he grun and cum n fw n he grunted henry answered in clear tones uuuj have decided mr van dorn that sensibilities why we do not better ap- honor means more to mc than success predate uie beauty that is ours conxcquenuy atuiough i dislike disobey- the world is too much with us late and ing my employers i muit refuse to com- coon j ply wlui your demand of yesterday van dorn dropped thc papers ln his ijttle wc sec in nature umt la ours wortu worth and care a few paternal acres bound put wordsworth explains to our dormant octung and spending wr lay waste i powers bliiu holy vole moonlight on i he uike hark tlu herald aiim 1 good humor quudrill hark i what mum ilio in uil hour lord of hols the lord is my light ullfhty jehovah calmly she pa did god save thc quito tlic noufl arl written like ceippcrfilnte he tunc the ucceuu uil ruu bun and scale ore idl liven aa puiicttliuiiily correct and rven us if printed and llmiofjruphcd i fancy that while thli intricate work i hands and swung around in his chair w a labor uf ion in mr hills part lie coolly eyed henry lor a couple of it was taittn very much for granted by minutes i un members ill the band who played how often one bears fartu poplo cay wci1 lc ally gasped arm t you thi tune cerululy theie wtre few win tnat the country la very beautiful and all a uo1 yung fellow do you recall js4d taard thee seledliiii played lrum tii uiot but they have not uie umc to on- i vouj j wan vacant ir v n-ft-h- predate it to op- wliy oh why will uicy persist tn think ing such a thing it is not time we noed tt is vision now much time docs it take a man to lift his eyes front the ploughing and see for a few seconds uie subtle movement of the leaves vary eg with every shade of green tn uie early spring when his wife pegs her warut ing out on thc line docs it interfere with her work to any great extent to notice the rythmic sway of uie ripening grain in the breeze there are all kintu of things that wc may see if wc will as wo shake our duster from uie bed room window all these little beauty pic tures wc can imprint upon our momory as accurately as upon uie film of a camera we can carry uiem around wlh your job was vacant if you refused henry a face was pjj did not fallor but his voice to time who had any they cost in long c taking effort on tin repti ii or what i ii id pillu f tin hand wen j always keep my promlw and nittiilcr ilrt in trumjhjiliih mid wrltlnr i promise you also that you wont get a the muiic and then in tiuthltiit the job wlui any other large contractor do rnberu how to pluy tlm able to kcp uiat harmoniously any you belli ve i m promise i do the executive looked for several minutes ll twinkle appeared in his eyes he arose and opened thr sld door of hta office outside was tlu door to another office bic that he asked brusquely hi nry looked und said nothing on the glai panel of the other door was painted tlic legend henry waldron assistant oineral hupcrliucndcnt van dom op ncd the door mid uttered nod tkllfully and uu li it t intii ky i hklde 1 ru i whlth ulal wi u j young man to follow and samcumo when we are employ- a cd ln a more or less mundane con take our pictures out and look at them as it were to look at uunn can not possibly lntercfcrc with our work in fact it may speed uilngs up for if wo can keep our minds off uie monot ony of an irksome job it is liable to get done that much quicker i have such a wonderful collection of pictures but it takes lunger to write about thrm than to look at them and as unvc arc busy days ttlcy must be left until i i have more leisure i am trying to get in a utue sewing before we stsrt drawing hi tlic wheat yesterday i made a washing suit for pat and today a dress for molly last night we had a gtorta and how glad wc were to hear the rabi tlic flowers have made very little pro gress just lately and uu peapods were drying up instead of filling out but we hope for great things now and tlia paper says showers again for today tlu wlicat is practically ready to cut some fanners have t lie in cut and stookdd but ours u in a somewhat expand position and u i suppose takes longer to ripen ilowivar in due course of time ours too wul bi cut stocked and we iiope stacked ui th motf tn good condition to wait ut uirdi- as henry reached the door suddenly you have a visitor waiting for mr waldron thc president said i bi lleve you luic un i my nlicr bi fore hci i t you this li tin i every scne und hlm silently memory and it auspicious iprlngs f mrrow n jnyjic r w ii lor what it maki with john hill n speech of tin in compreuid into infinite i inm tin impr venerubli mu iclun r nur with william fjli kibpuin lliut hath no mu it in hlini if mid t nut moved by touiord of vicct biuiiiu th fur tnusons stratngims and polio risjhindid closely with ih miij cnrlyb whin lit in miiiieuu how mueli hi a mu ii ui uu light i iii i ki n fully bi 11 canadian national exhibition tgwojntcf ijiit anmvcjarv of tin world lirkcsr uniuil ovpmltlnn the ihew uln low i if ii limns iliiiu h dirt 1 ml ilu m mi uli an i v ml coolnjbb in danger whin the natives of thc gold coa hinti rland capture d lieutenant ilender- hoii an lnglbih army officer they got into a wordy dlcusiion an to how they would kill him the victim listened an- xlounly but with outward calmness oil well laid thc lieutenant at la i i cannot be bothered wlui your aruinenl i ni cry slicpy let mc know whin you have decided and off to itip hi appimnlly went i be unexpected performance saved hli llli ii u calm tudlltorcnoo persuaded uainory s men that they were dealing lth mime one of immense importance nwllliii to take on themselves he reiminslblllty for his dcaui they cant him unharmed to bumory court in the jlinlnl country once aunln lieutenant icndcmon aavoij mm if by a ilk exhibition of courage lie found fcfwnory on a throne surround ed by many warriors yet when motioned to do homagi on hli hands and knee i iil did iiotliliiij of ihc sort he sat down on tin thrum bcldc bamory and ahixik that momircb warmly by tile hand i hanks u hu cixilncs and assurance he mi accepted as the representative of n gn t overeln in t ad of a captlvi i dooint d to death tie talked to samory 1 thi piiin und samory talked to hlia i hu i niliion which might have nd d in many african mlulon have i ndid in a u rrlbh silence and sub ptelini of uiipiukablt horror may end in a wilti ibli bu is of future relutlmn ututoi clniil ijrltuin and thc moham- tntdiuis of wi li rn africa tomort ov at noontiirre enjoy a bowl of keliog- corn flakee with fruit and cool milk prepare it in a jiffy at home or order it in any cafeteria or restaurant kelloggs actually make you cooler theyre so easy to digest they supply nourishment without heating the body baml thing my father s mayor boy and when in rid motor inpi go nhiad iw to pay any utttntioi rules i hats nothing rnllted his friend my luthiri u truck driver bragged a wmll j in a parade uu d he doesn t have i to any traffic ku corn rinlr ro brokfal dcllciau with fi n their criipnen md flavor it pay i mrlcuro of k tlmy eiavo llmt orlllual wo alwy eti crip lool for ihc rcdaud cr0 mdc by kellogg in london ileal fur lummer luncba upppr qr utt or honey ddet ciiietrn deliglif hong wlinevar you buy corn qslf ijor flavor dicotrad for kallogps i pacirigo at all grocr on dinar ontario standapd royaltfes p i cur to be i ad bat ji arid pj gwxl dvid id- v rr inch in rniatl i dl ucn for the aikliij i u bl bitlcn to you h dwvson t o no 3g nuampton d itrlrt i utlve haif priilijs lor j tew tr corn fiakes tma corn flakes acton monument works i at i in old nt ellb- m bul on ihut lloo i 1 r during the t- i 1 u nt 1mu i in acion in hu mil fuud uorbnian i ucli year tidiness for vu john nicol clih b k i ui i pi h him slopped you his llf hi lxpn rutin i lliut to break by i tongue was in from its moorings ocirolliy he crlrd henry the girl advanced und ik r soft unit- riielrclrit ills neck i he dour slamim d as president van dorn hasuly left the roam uut neither henry nor dorutlij heard it after several minutes thc girl spoke my uncle telegraphed me day before yesterday to come she whlapcrcd lie said he was going lo test you and he knew you d come out all right it bin 1 1 fi uiat sign on the door that made mc jrii realise that i loved ynu though its a sign on another door in my hi art says henry waldron han mm innii mud thai hu j in ui ui melody lliut lit i hi harmony of h fr when by 11 i i in tlic world w logical wouli inn e hd int thi thing i f it th i us dm in it tin it hlllth l its uu 1 ll l rltht to b 1 i thi r that li iriii hi ma mini i hi i there a li ears u he kuihlnu of a rill thr altiuiik f u rrl uil thiiu t u tin n hmi a would a pact v6ur asuiio too tus mhlcicy os dr j d icclloggs asuuua itenicdy u not something uiat u merdly tn b lup ftr it is to be tmpectad it ukkurt ftuu to bring re liar and in your owri individual cad it will da tui kantt bd unlvnrssi has lkii uu hucuj at thiw frfaiild relilady uuit ovoit 0tl4 uzliil ed wltli uiu dimitum ow it to hunsdlf to try it- wlicn you leavs the steamer lie lie of tiuiaganil you are in a quiet rjtreflt scouilugly uiauiands of miles from the noisy workaday world peace and quirt or tlw olilf laws of uits forest kingdom tviinty miles from uie nearest aulomo- liu ald a hundtvd from a street car undxr tlm lordly trws of tfinagomt black bau lake uoiit and maitkbiangc la in wait for tlu fulummn ln uie liumnutttbhs uks live qiiahit indian sattlriiienta uw uiagidrlcciit scnry and uu ntany ollur attractinnj fciinply cii 1 1 im aewociatcd utilil you ud uinl akk your ctuuidlon national agent for literature ajidklfonuauou ou iviiiibi- appy thing fin d hi i ian t olh rr tllltl to lii- ippi ariiiut ic liui uiaitt lit hill und hi hn in emu ru of this liupplu u lhrough his louu ud uf tit v favorite uvocallin judging frum bin pn nl und nrivuy 1 mil ctuifltlt lit i am fortuuuti i iiuuiih i l t l ioriti bshlbitlou iliiiu tht ni nth of aujiu to find my filtiid john nlttini mruplur ed in our of tin eu i h ill on ih i ekhlbluon lawn mar tin mud itaml imtinlng willi d voiit und nthrull d onjoynn nt to tin nuinli pridurtd by ih noted handi etigai d in id 1 xhtblti in cxtciitlre for th gnat t aiitiu il f llvul to bi found unywii re to hi muiiduiii lphtn i h ik mr will ami i w ill tint i n ly i njoy my if in m int him t nj iy hltimelf unci umu in tht iiappy fa hli n unl nl i l 1 1 rouktii wkigiiy mara i hon swim ui yacluii j mur luircnu n y vj ic ii i where quality ismhjghasprlcesat picnic specials sardines bruaawlck bd special lob 9 beams ji i 1 ml i afi mu it vlw clt lull nj ot the ci jutlni the four vj m t i in 1 weel ill aujluw and tb- fcicnili jni i l in u us 1 irt 1 u in iiclvcbulll in paste or sandwlcbee with perk no x tins 3 5 tins 21 to taits at sxcul gulu jjj crab meat iaii u napkins m u ai ljn ii 1 s 17 i os ii h i i sr i si iti it i oui in oi 1v1s l uiy sr cutters per tin jo ul- ll crt buttei fines tt pjsccurized 81 swl i i pickii s coiini i hi i 111 pi t k s pas i i s a llonilfcssciiilkl n al u i itj apple jelly ffi hn djsl i 1 adit latll lllil i tt lltllx nljll i hr j j uini musi ltl- 111 nt m s musiaii ji bi ckll 1 s ha ii i ulll s- hf 24c 40c 1 t ll ul tlir la m cream1stt 3 issf c special soinniu orcoiufdyf soap lo bar 4x noll lo lls un 11 i if nua 11 ltiili- miuirul tj u r lhilr llllltkllll aiit 111 im to lu mill street acton ontario h u i uby i hiii nth dij i will prth nd mid lli una n puriu- i ml llll let i act i- t hapl i uo notice li uiu in uul lifter the nine- f au i l il the ljtlcuuirs t dl ti ll ut tin lueta of uln n wullaet among itlid thin to and p iiinibir for any huvo nut then i i ally u t li u bit h t uhl 111 elaluu of i celti nnlii dattithl ilhl bill day of july 1000 tlahah itirillmia wai 1jkul und clloiaiu wai 1 at 1 iknuturu ily 11 n 1 irmir ait tlohcltor thitarlo their ilj kutwrliitlukw rr all muunant

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