jcfjw sttt t rifiy i nil cw no o thursday tvi ning august 0 1020 acton ontario canada thursday tv ning august 0 1020 six homeprint pires five ccnta qhjurrlj vnntv wulltb flljurrlr of humihu acton mhiiuur uev i vaou ii parsonnpr willow direct 10 00 n m sunday school lesson daniel am ii ui i i u 1100 a m the mlnlur 7 00 p m tin- mini ur thursday h- 30 p in irul j and prnyr service evlfrybody wi iomi llrrnliijlrnuii knox ciiiiklil acton 10 00 a m bin day f eh x lruian daniel am nig thr i l n 1100 a m llev pi irr mathlcson d a morrlauin 7 00 p m rev prtrr mathlesotl d a morris tan atrangers leaving aduriji with tha islutrn will hp called upon by the pastor artmi ttapttat gjiuli pabtoba fousytw wellington q tree t 10 00 a m bible school 11 00 a m oubjrct the mlitonary enterprise 7 0op m subject a family story self respect wednesday 0 00 p m women a mission circle wll meet at uic home or urn near thursday 7 30 p m prayer meeting evtoybody welcome unclaqqificd small advertisements jadk stewart cleaner dyer regular call and deliver servico to acton tuesday thursday and saturday mornings ob peompt and efficient see vice phone 69 acton odorless cleaning truecolor dyeing rte shoes w carry a cauapkte una of mna heavy and fine bhee bay your shoe here ami rave from 25 to sfll maple leaf economy store wonderland friday august 0 wheel of ufo wuli the p piilar richard din comedy creation romany liivf coh r c1uji1l hatuudav auguht 10 wcwt of zanzibar in which loti chanty brtiin lib btraugrnt glfu if bluxam makeup and sinister mystery to thr irrecn comedy new wrlnklis vox nrws monday auoijht i slain of sand a zani grey story no 0 of the pinal reckoning comedy ruby llin r l gkkuoity 4 son wmmmxnmmmmmmmtiiuffifmmwtmti qeneral interest news water tower to be word minimum charge joe per fmcrlinn notice the beauty parlor will be closed until l august 34 i j russell fob sale choice clover honey 10 cents per pound in your own c tai era fred smith 3 phone 50 rockwood gravel for sahf all kind or tnael for rod building ond cement work orders promptly de livered 0 3 oh lantz notice lira near wishes to announce that the j beauty rarlor will be closed rrom monday evening august 13 until monday august 10 notice mr d o cameron barrister or tor onto who is attending to the law practice 01 leroy dale georgetown will tx in the ofice every tuesday and friday house for cent comfortable five roomed house tor rent immediate possession can be given apply lost on friday evening a illuo beaded bag containing purse and pair of gloves valued us keepsake finder kindly leave at free prlss office after inventory clearances provide hundreds of opportunities for savings here stock tnkini in over rnd wc find m each department items where quantities arc small color and size ranges are broken discontinued lines and oddment there must be cleared at once and to hasten the clearance we have drastically reduced the prices these reductions pcovide rich opportunity for real savings on ijood usable merchandise get your share of tho savinr summer merchandise clearing the values will amaze you still a full sn weeks of real summer weather ahead of us a six weeks which perhaps includes your vacatio dozens of occa when you ii weight coats heres your opportunity to own them at a trivial outlay were anxious to allrvvuud jutbtrttf tblu nat the thin magistrate o p maxwell of qt thomas on saturday advised chief of police daniel oral mm of port fltanley to devote come of hla attention to young women bauiera wlio allow an inclina tion to promrnade the village strceut in ccanty attire he had just let a youth oil on eimprndrii sentence for a similar offence aluminum pain led contract awarded for laying of main to i100i work to be completed thin monui various news items the communitys injured by fall bti iue harrdw oocifll bluc ol jullc john young ton of w bigger of trafalgar township met with k terlous i tr n accident on hlfl rather n farm the lad i vlflltoifs to mid prorrt tttwtt during ilio iat week oh gleaned by eclilent won climbing in tlie driving nhrd whri he nltbfvd and frll on a dlrx harrow inrerutlng hln fare every effnrt lntielng inadi to prevent the boy a taca luting dlnflgurpd lad h truck by autatiieblld jack campbell uirce yearold con of j civic holiday was qull in acton civic holiday vaa rather uneventful 1 in acton thr ideal holiday weather tempted cltlsetin to participate in the fro 11 v 111 en at other neighboring centres tito ice vraut clear our summer stocks and to do it weve cut prices to the very lowest level this is not sale merchandise it is fashion right quality mer chandise reduced to sale prices august is truly harvest time for keen shoppers ditess groups 1 os 2j9 3 98 4 49 5 95 7 95 up to 19 95 coat groups 4 95 9 95 1295 14 95 1995 up to 29 75 d e macdoiiald bros ltd guelph ontaiaot our motto quality and service at the xprtnlnhuy ncmilan of council on tur day cvcnlhg counclltom thctford iianneit and dr isclnon were prrcn t and reeve muson ulilded moved by t t thctford neconded by more or ta rkl lnj tumlay i council and of u uunldpllty i ounra nsltow i al noon wlien lie was truck and icnoctal d lhc ob 1 n iarmcr on j sls ud losnto and oltor down by an aulomoullo driven by wllbcrt i hu vacation carried almcraton and toronto and otucr malluv or rockaiood tlu accident i n carped p an out ad many picnic curfcl l tirsc twgirl oucin r rt partlc otaryl aba were held orcurrci at 111 ueonro ujluare one pit c rcc urnt ue fol fyerlnt- rtjic tla uu 1iiu clap i n i in patli of the approaching automobile and won knocked to tile pave acton pux odvcrailpg liolldaylng with minn aicndrnnlng in frlenun in toronto mr gordon huffman of toronto home for the weekend if toronto vbilted mr it d warren acton friends today mlui cobra nelcon npent the week end visiting in london variety of news two autouiii injured when cam go oh koul when n motor car he wan driving crahed into a concrete culvert abutment en willow i toad ouetnli early tin ulay momuig william kptntllovi billnhnm ulrcet that city cutaliild a cevi ro pa h in tile buck and mort or icji irrlotii head injuries iio won rcmovod to ot joiepl n hospital john uchwarueii burg cork trcct m in the enmo inali tutlon suffering from zavctal fractured rllis and hijurlea about tlic head received wlvcn his motor skidded into tlio ditch and pvertumed near abtrfoylc on the ouelphiluuuton highway uemave coin from cliuda ktotuacli medical aid wan cummi led but c 1 tile exact extent of hla injurlcj has not w ii l dlalr repairs etc been ascertained t 10 1 s3 013 047 uauor praflt made in kaakatehwan die aalc of liquor in the province netted the qaijfatchewan government a profit of 3 o 047 40 for the fiscal year ending march 31 it was dkclosed hi an announcement made by uie government an increase of mom than 000 000 ra compared with the figures for the prevl iicll telephone co services titllc utilities commlnian town hall lighting public uulltlcs commkslon alrcxt lighting public tlulluco communion fire pump 1195 1 j the report wil adopted the hecvc reported negotiations lliat uatt proceeded thus far in connection etflurjdnif resident hurt when autoa i calllde j j mn qcorge jlendcrcon of the seventh 10 j between acton and ocorgctown was bndly cut about the lie ad on wednesday 2 5jj evening nlicn uic car tn which she was riding and driven by her daughter mar 140 15 j llcndcreon collided with a car driven by edge worth young of milton 2q 7 mien unndcrcon was attempting to pass a i car which wan stopping in front of speights garage and did not see young n car coming in the opposite direction ourglcal skill and modem ajiiillancca mr nert oibbenb spent the week end wcro cmllod mto play m xycny w b wltli friends in toronto onecent pleco was removed from the atomacli of oeorglna miller three year- miss lettle oco tt pent the weekend o dauahur of mr nnti ull tilm at her home in jutchener hluer lyan avcnuc qoc rh miss pern drown spent the holiday ueueaui operation which was completely with relatives in toronto successful was performed in uic general ffoepltol the little girl wallowed the mr jack held of icltchener weekend at his home here ipant undsay iterert ous year in tlie period covered total with the rink the delay was in con 1 o ur and luon amounted to nectlon m the n uh u j jzst mr stanley macltle was homo from toronto for the weekend holiday mrs a ii illshop visited friends in toronto for several days last week misses vera and prances nawllngs are spending their holidays in toronto coin two months ago but tlio fact won not known until lately two physicians located uie copper by means of x ray and removed tiia coin by meant of delicate instruments through the child s throat the clilld la improving rplcn- dldly the tlands btxeet dance the street dance by acton citizens messrs deorge and alfred ilubop were bimd tut prtaay evenhiff was u success ful enterprute it was on ideal evening and was attended by a good crowd pos- mr o a pills and david visited with kibly uie spectators outnumbered thn friends in toronto over uie weekend h4go7b03c as ue result of increased government in receiving auulorlty to hefauictsraearbtj calorcn at home or ul itend j holiday proau liquor price will be lowered move the o d drill shed theso were to i that morning he hod been in commencing september 1 the statement j p v ir ui for few weeks and mr wnajl m tonmui dver uu wmkh hui en cvexlina was announced troctoni wen ready to proceed with ther mril lmy d baby isabel had r to i r visited uie parental hnme just two weeks m kllxabeth moore la spending a mu u bv ji l i tin thr week left f iteout i received m a s t w vuttl to i sst m mui ravosblemmm uld tank wua received from uie general i llndnav left oundav mora inn i ihe itecollector cluunplonshlp contest fipray painung co tl price for point malned to tdto funeral at mr and mrs o a knpp q and j- p bpicntlui m for the old boys and girls who attended ln uic outside of uie tank was 3g0 and tu an tuesday the late mr caloren dean are visiting friends in toronto uui pvlded uie celebration at acton in july will camelling and polnung the inside l tfll wsntl 11 l s niembsr by orchtru composed of bandsmen close on august 31 we will be glad to wl0 the tender was for two coats of t council of iliuob mftr h turned this l r o l davidson woo uio popular receive your contribution prior to that carbon black or aluminum paint to j week from her holidays at nruee beach floor manager tlio refreshment boou date the more entries tha more pleasure preserve the tank it was necessary that y miss edith rawson or buffalo la junl l d e we wlu all derive from the event jf you thto work be done at on the tank wul arranrtni teuplwne and hydro pu- a town hhtwms m f nma thom desire you may have your contribution be cleaned at uic came tune i the bell telephone co this week com- ncnuin tt iow a m j wmk wlu atumded publbdied under a nom deplume or if moved by e j nelson seconded by menced its part of ue war of placing oi if iyou iff i tfanihntwr7nwtnrrtni thifriifvaf i tthd a win dk week pete it would be interesting to hear pcr tender be given the canadian oencral used to carry hydro and telephone wires from all the old boys and girl if you i fapray co to bu painted with aluminum i at uiec comers the heavy power line rev do not understand uie competition ask i your questions and we will gladly explain mr davldfolsterff hlpgyrq fu rjt iii i llll r i ur wright of toronto was a io oc sjco not to use spray in i of the hydra will howover be placed guct at moorecroft during his stav la strong wind carried 1 ov the ulcphonc lines it is also town superintendent chas wilson and c i probable that uus scheme of one cet of hansen were appointed as inspectors of poles may be carried out all the way up mr and shakley and uoyd the work m1 street and uie hydro poles on uie oi cleveland visited friends in acton and tenders for uic laying of a six inch north side will be eliminated with v the ball teams both suffered defeat nmm m thc hool bmc were received uie removal also or the old telegraph h a v i from w r e dlalr at 104 75 w p poles from uic southeast side of mill urn baxl vincent and 170 00 and bowman nunn street actons main thoroughfare will be le thc wel wlu rlendfl in at tnooo these tenders were for uie decidedly improved hamilton labor and the corporauon to supply all i ii- n he material musea nellie and laura hall have moved by c t thctford seconded by ttnot curch choir p returned from their houday in toronto i j nelson that uic tender of d ii tllc ctlqu ot icnx churcii and their week for laying the water pipe in school iv and mrs peacock of toronto acton team be tea at erin tlie events and sports at clin drew a large crowd irom acton on the holiday tlie ball teams both suffered d ilillsburg ladles beat acton 13 and m the hulsburg mens team also defeated acton 1711 competition in horseshoe pitching was very keen winners being oeorge overland and c smith a muiloy and ii r tate prank sparling and harold peavoy other events were won as follows mens i cooper acton i toy trimble belfoun tain bob mcarthur acton olrls kath leeb ucphee uulburj dorla ileaael i w a j completed by ue toronto dalay barton huubura the c aumloarrtal day wili cunciuded with a big dance wwrq this weeks specials f heinz catsup small for plain olivcs for 31 pimentos arb for 18c 25c 25c h p sauce for 2 millionaire sauce h bottles for zug bloater pato tins for 25c 25c 2sc tomatoes 1 basket 2sccdlcbb raisins 4m lbs for loc currants lb for jelly beans lb for 17c 20c 6 corn meal oc tbs for cjoc shredded cocoanut lb fnr shelled walnuts lb for 19c 50c oxydol large 22c murmolatlc 40 oz tor uc shirnff s pineapple a mnrmuladc 10 oz for 0vc shimftn grape jam is for 25c shirnfts quince jelly oh is for adc stlirriffa crahapplc 0 jolly is for iitjc carnation milk 2carnatio tins for 25c can red white so j jones plione20 acton ont x br done under the supervision of ur ncar ithicardine about fifty partlclpat- qn sunday cd in the event gathering early monday momlng and a delightful motor journey mr and mrs a h brown spent the quotations on pipe and material were i oi ttbout 12 mues was consummated vcck end and holiday with friends tn to received but purchase laid over uy clocll t h ta wnnlfl iort huron for furuier quotauons bathing and picnic faculties and uie the august isaae of bad and qua a letter from uie public uulitles com locau the hospitable summer cottage jenny mcdougall and mr jack among uie favorite contributors having niuudon recommended that attachment ol itcv nnd mni c stewart provided mcdougall of toronto visited friends in splendid features in the august lsue of privileges be given the canadian nauonal an ldcai ouun nev nd ura phidlay acton last week rod and qun are john luchmond telegraphs to the hydro poles if the unti family of modlna n y a former bonnycastlc dale j w wlnson a p present poles be removed from mill p knox church also have their sladcn w c motley c q landis j h- ktreel summer cottage there a delightful mattem and f cx ness their various moved by t thctford seconded by outing with two bounteous picnic lunches articles cover the outdoor field very c hansen that we give the canadian aba neid and ulc p party motored uioroughly in interesting and informative national telegraph co attachment home tilal anic evening style particularly in angling and target privilege to our poles on the under and game shooting thc magnificent standing that they will remove their siiorl clrcoltlnr of liquor la ueported on saturday acton ball teams will provide a double header feature for toe fans by mutual agreement uie former came between the town and tann ry teams lias buen wluidrawii llio first game of the series will therefore be played on saturday at two o cl in i the park here following this game at 3 30 will be a ladles coftboll match with the jlggs nine of toronto as the opponents of the acton olrls this toronto team la under thc management of ulu ermi malonc granddaughter of mr and mrs jas r anderson of acton these two games should provide a splen did programme far saturday afternoon and will undoubtedly draw a good cruwd of ball fans depleting canada i allow the removal cover design by uie well known artist present poles major allan brooks is itself worthy of nc carried special mention uptodate developments t quesuon of the frontage arcas 1 in the silver fox industry are dealt with meat on uu property of slrp helm was laum ontario american federal undercover agento have reported by u s agent shortcircuiting of export beer and liquor is a nourishing business throuchout diinkine oasis mayor cecil e jackson and the city council of windsor are to move today agalnstuie sale there of picture postcards depleting ontario as a great drinking oasis for the people of other countrlos ihe cards printed tn the united btatcs arc on sale in two windsor five and ten mr and mm hay gamble of detroit cent stores and sample were purchased are visiting at the home of his mother i yesterday altemoon by tho aldermen alecr they had received complaints of what had been characterized as very poor advertising for canada particularly on tario sets of the cards ore to bo mailed today to tho members of uie ontario liduor control board it was announced and mayor jackson said he would also take up ulc question with uie board asking that the cards be withdrawn gamble mrs harry pollctt of he gin a bask j vlut mi with mr and mrs thomas ilumley park avenue r until the return of clerk former mrs m l nclon is- visiting at uie home f her daughter ur and mrs wm hi lmpsem at london mrs c a o uatuiewa and mrs b of toronto called on acton uic regular fox section rod and lci l w w u u m i qun and canadian suvcr fox news u t question bf putting a sidewalk on aretary scymour lowmon assistant friends on the holiday published monthly by w j taylor limit- agneq nnd widow streets was considered tcc of treasury at washington 1 cd woodstock ontario to matter of aradlng and gravelling u states secret service opcrauves miss wlnnlfrcd watson of toronto frederick street from agnea to mill wno nv covered the western ontario 1 miss dannie of creemore cpent holl luv ut vvrllu at urud church thc sermons bj rev c u wrhjllt streets was considered chairman han peninsula in uiclr uivcsugatlons report days in acton this week t iss s w f hatthe wrv ilt stst fisl to tttsssd sasvxutsuslo esses i ontatlvp aj- returned home v b er tnis section to conform wltn uauqr psujoi conoumed to united uiur pnb throe weeks with her churc lant sunday were very much enjoyed la the morning discourse uic preacher emphasised the christ of a universal gospel wlul impressive am- pllflcauon he characterised cliruu as 1 the master of tho understanding licart 3 the lord of the living touch and 3 the teacher ot the radiant per sonality in uie cvcnlna rev mr wright painted out tho chief purpose of life and used as uie basis of his sermon matt or hmta oversea eflsxienu rev t albert moore d d left on saturday by uie s s lauren tic for a trans atlantic trip to nil several i with liquor ostensibly consigned to united wlui other streets repaired previously in auuc3 destinations the prohibition bnuidmother at walkerton asertwrlustmr tony m v t 51 d v ile and hule dauihur xoiuin i ia being short circuited and returned to uic dominion for illicit sale uicre mrs george dutchbum and children of paris arc visiting at the home of her badly injured by anxry bull alct ur and mrs l o king viciously attacked by an lnfurtatcd u and mrs f a maclcan and buly his farm bast of chcslcy visited at thc home of her thursday evening rev w j btulman parents mr and mrs wm johnstone ol bunny holm farm ouelph township j lies in uie general hospital guclph to a mrs c f barr and the misses betty very serious condition mr suuman was and isabel of itelneld fl are vlsttlng orivlng catuc from uie field when uie uie formers sister mrs o ii swluer angered animal charged bun madly having presence of mind uic unfortunate minister grasped the ring in uie bulls nose and to this act it is said he owes hbi life fur thc animal tossed hla head and threw his victim over a nearby fence trimmed on his property fctrcct according tc- tho supervision of chief mephcrson mr lambert wau also requested to remove part of uie hedge from 1 la property on maui queet and west bower avenun to as not to obstruct uic view of motorists and also to trim ilolsteln bull hi a field u jj seek yc first the kingdom of that port of the 1 edge ovcrhaiirfuu th god to accomplish our purpose 1 wc sidewalk must know jesus oa an intimate friend 1 as the ever present and everprofitable saviour 3 we must stand for the things we believe in and 4 wo must be ambassadors ol tlodl wux store pamily rlunion hflh annual event held at the llama of my and ura t a storey on monday thc fifth annual re- union of uic storey family was celebrated at the home ou 0 the way or the enraged beast iruiu ahwuo uij- ww iol mr t a storey acton on monday i t impact brxdwnve ofumlhister portont engementa august 33 and h of wcet at q cbtek thc j thl and his si ilevavalso s t thfsto ss to ftmvc by p- baly bd and it qulta posslbje sti sfm l tltltlrto hundmi fl a lung is punctured the following f f fr cathcred on the lawns presenting a most lh oui he olll lut nnumt al the flon- the oth he will l present ot the con- 0011 c tlnmtton comroltle ol uui world con j ariort1 dulny au wcn lercnco on pjjui and order m ajoa njoyed durlni the altemoon ate many palace kruzadlne qwltseruuld prornumall poup could be cecn reneln old qeptemhor 3 to 0 hn will atund ulf acquaintance a umptuou lunch aa universal conrerence on ulc and work urved nt m 01loct b at eloenach acrtnariy mra uoore u wiull uuaineaa hour accomnanyllw the dr tliey eipccl to tvio moat muju meet their dauahler uliea dorothy and or mllny cipre nonia who ent overccaa a month ajo bxk wore unk u d o in london net week murrain n v and ur itobcrt storey ol acton tz mlte- 931m very momlns thc bull waa crated and ablppad to tllc packeja in toronto strut car tears bid off auto their motor car jammed between an 1 uicr automobile and a street car mrs harold dcckcrt and miss rose decker t of preston 1 ustalncd broken ribs and severe bruises tuesday afternoon lliey are in uie general hospital ouelph and are reported to be mokln favorable i loth these grand old people arc progress the accident occurred an the four score and ten mark i waterloo avenue in guclph henry mr and mrs m c ovcrholt spent a few days at wasaga baach during the week mr and mrs perry wauon and tommy spent the weekend at wasaga beach mr and mrs john 8 moore of dundas visited mr james moore oh monday maddock of toronto i a vacation to england a toronto motorist with two ladle jhe chairman for the evening won i deckert preston was driving cityward dont count your dol- lars till they are catched aujiuiit cleanup sale f llakf way fr new i all stork taplunfoer h save mm ey tliw month on your skoc bill for uie year wr nuy and reu for cash gooj footwear at lawecl fowuuut prtea harrisons accompanying him waa picked up by mr jack storey of royal oak michigan traffic officer earl bond on sunday who most ably conducted a well rendered afternoon on uic acton crossroad drlv- programme of music dancing and lng 73 miles per tiour the motorist speeches said he had trouble wlui his carburetor home of the out of town gucta naiad last week and had no opportunity of were mr chaster wallace of mun testing it out in toronto so decided uie trnal mr and mrs lurne mcglaughlln highway out here was a good place to saginaw michigan mr and mrs shak do so he found it wasn t officer band icy cleveland ohio mr and mrs walter uho la eonstaiiuy studying how best to mcglaughlln saginaw michigan mr conserve uic safety of the travelling nnd mrs d h storey montreal mr public decided it wasnt he marched and mrs utrachan owen sound this dangerous speeder direct to the m dickey buffalo ny mr j c iutlcc court there it was furuier as i dickey buffalo n y mrs o e wood cci tabled that he liad left his driver a burling ton mrs r itabvock buffalo permit in hu other clothes it cost him n y 130 10 to continue lib joy rldo in more sober frame of mind and at a slowett- pace i mr edwin o leaves this week o aiifl europe mr alex arthura of winnipeg is vulung relauves and friends in acton and vicinity mr and mrs s f watson and mr thomas burt vtsllcd friends in erin on the holiday mli dcruo bin 1th jcft on monday for flint mich where she will spend a weeks holidays mr and mrs isaac aldus and family and la said to have attempted to cut out part anouier car proceeding tn uu same dlrccuon apparcnuy lie either ijfcdlowtanprman areuitlngelativo to nouce the radial travelling wost or m acton thought he had ume to pass when ho i realized that he could not pass he applied rev c l poole and mr george r- hls brakes and uic driver of uie other 1 poole spent the first of uie week with auto pulled closer over to uy curb reallx relatives at norwich lng tho situation it was too late how ever and uie heavy street car smashed miss olive precious and mr claude into dcckcrt n sedan which was new the precious of toronto visited acton friends ii suicide attempt foiled i jn attempt at suicide by u iuaut uf i tlir honicftood vrtlutariutn 6 lie i pit fluked ylfu at noon on ruesdav tii taknina meal dlgehtlu hunter electric with a snap uie big game lojed his book switched out uie jcn llw mill waa pulled struggling irom n hli ailt cotattomii hntt for t uie water by three passera by the an biur or tftq latleut choose norwich street bridge as uic npot for ills rash act ho leaped from the bridge into uio river speed mrs whole side was torn off and uie car g totally wrecked tho driver and two other passengers escaped uninjured cripple used ypecul appjiaooes to drive car owing to the circumstances of uus ciuc i am asking unit uio ball bo act at n ore than uic usual futures said act ing croan attorney a 1l boddy tuesday mi rtiluir in the county police court at uruntford when robert dohcrty wood stock motorist apiicarcd on a charge of uiansla ughtrr acting magistrate w over thc weekend and holiday misses constance stevens and mary james of toronto have been liolldaylng at grahams crewsons corners mr und mrs john mcflierson and mrs john mckay of oakvllle visited friruds in acton on wednesday mrs wallao and daughter of orange vllle arc spending the week at uie homo of mr and mrs wm lands bo rough mls annie porayui of stratford u liolldaylng at the home of her aunt and why a mticuml to write an advtrtiriemtnt tun to have tumie- tlmur to tell about hut in why it payd to study tke iiiwuiired wlucli contain itiau of luuincuij interuit to you- which is ratlirr deeper under uie bridge than ut curruundlug points and plunged into uir mater with uie evident in ten tlun of doing auuy with hlmuclf j h ailbert 100 queen street wilfred linrw t2 ivrth street and david garl boidl a c p it employee wlio were lnu tug by saw uie mans actluii and at grrat risk to thrtniclvrs waded out towards thu man and dragged him j allure lie atruuglid vlulmtly wlu hb 1 hu year mark the 51 t annual savh urs evincing a strong dulaie of eojijeeullvt cuiiadlan national imhlul being rescued but in txiit of t pro tum mukliig uu pniuler cuuudiaii at uuattiiut lie viu lrtuiulit to laud and truetli n tin mit 11 well ai uic lurgrat tul n iwuk to tlu- uutllutlun liooiliuii in the world tilting him i hercs a buiglury aturd nrrvously tiurc replied uie other ilini gel und jv y5 ny pluj oiirn uuakard believed that uie caso war- j undo pastor and mrs worthington and masters and jack of paisley visited tlie lui in r sutcr mm g ii j up port id by u crutch and conr the accused j miss hthcl andrews nurse in trauilng 1 dd not uen hurt in ulc accident but at guelph ocueral hospital spent uie had iw ik rts uccu uinird to using the sup walking ptllrc officers ex handlcapiud iliould t btatn a iwruilt to drive it was tatid tliat doherty a car was so fitted uiul hu lunirniss did not litudcr him in m making full use uf uio mechanical pi uaiicra uiat contrulucl tlu car ihe i use wo udjounii d e ight tlayn 1 he i qui t ulll prtbably be laid over an- utlier wwk mrs januu l warrctl and mr fred warren and mlis hilda palmer or pur- unto sponl the holiday wlui acton irlatlvcs and friends mr and mrs j v walters of londan and mr and mrs harvey hamilton of iunnto iipnl uui luillday with mr and mrs u ii uwltxer mr and mrs f j baluand floanco are spending a week at bruce beach with rev and mrs a c stewart at 1ieir ummcr cottage there mr and mrs j hendry and mrs a robb of toronto and mr and mrs b f howdeo of guclph spent the holiday with mrs murray and mljj florence mr and mrs goorgo edwards and mr and mrs wm macarthur vutcd with friends in yale michigan over uie- bolldoy returning by way of london on monday mlsa muriel mccomb nurseln training at el josephs hospital ouelph opent a few days of her vacation at her home here and la now visiting with frlenili in peterborough mr geo dills celebrated his eighty third birthday on saturday at uie home of his daughter mrs f j browning in toronto and will spend a week or so lifting tn the city miss isabel o lants returned home on wednesday after spending about a mouui at bala pork muskoka ml uarbaru lyle toronto returned wlui her and l lsltlng here a few days mrs j c leslie and children of calgary alta who have been vutuig at the home of her parents mr und mrs alex iicll for uic iial uieiilh returned home this week mr and mrs john a moffat and misses elisabeth and jcoji moiiut und mr john daunt of richmond 11111 spent the weekend at lonsdale farm the hutne of mr and mrs a t mann mr and mrs ben hodgln mr jack hodgbis uf ouelph mr george lluditliu of acton motored to ottawa and uull vllle and frltxruy and other places and returned home last neck the latest report from st josephs llatpltal guclph respccung the condl uon bf mayor dale of georgetown to day was that lie seems to be liuldlug hu own but u malting little prugroii toward recovery mrs ii lcltch mrs da vies and miss marlon of winnipeg mun mrs ii bescoby and messrs harold and juck of toronto and mrs m given of ume house were visitors uils week ut uie hump of mr and mrs q r agncw mr and edwin landsborough and baby jean of guclph spent sunday at the home of mr and mrs wm laiili borougli miss vera landsborough who has been spending a monui or so u1ui her grandparents returned home wlui them mr robert steaart visited at tho home or hu sister mrs j ruddlck over uio weekend mrs uteuart olid muruurct jean accompanied libn to hunt vllle for u couplo of weeks when be ls in ehnrgi of construction work for the bell ivle ptiono company mr and mrs wlilum o willi im i f 1 ort arthur ontario aim nine th tn gogemcitt of their daughter mereedi anita to a macmutcr 1 41 1 ret 11 a bun of mr and mrs alfred m laird nurvul uie luarrlagc to take place the unter iurt of august nuerlndlnt so you iicvrr expect to mun itastus no sah a spec li to lup rliil 1 miklii uiali ouil hvui till alt die