tyi jwhm rwnima j pp i iiijhf pay atjftumi n i m h 111 it 1 ry child ik it u 1 irjuir mtiy j t in li i i hiihi v 1 r in r 1 i nd f utidlliiif ylum i loin ti f i i rl 1 r hi th j ml 1 1 n an i lr mil 1 in 1 pll 1 r in ih- ui t f l i h ln if 1 k l ii h ii ilfiiily ii tli fill i i ui im 11 1 h l i it i il tl r mil ui and f ir i y ii to th dl 1 lit iiiluro ai 1 t i i tin in hi y ii r 1 1 nd di rr and i tn i uir rim nud orrow and n tlm r pn irli and i 1 1 tin d pilr wl ll hi 1 ill nd 1 k it i v ryehtld lfp 3jiw jlmuf jlfnrt fttnrg the harvest i1y fij3ik uihomajtkit ka i r i ti dcrlrt pitcrroii chronicles of ginger farm written specially foe tim tree ivecu by juit o quady vmi hnrc a cup n the bmad low bedroom of uie old funnlioue wlxabeui sot by thr window ulifl could look out ugaliwt the dark trees of uie w dlund behind which the moon wan rial jib or back lnui uie dim room where hir father loy on his bed the wood n wua in deep shadow tier faultir3 fuci with its cloccd eyes and set mouui wiu yen darker and more grim from far away but clear in the still summer nliiht floated the cound of music null played by violins to night tlie music troubled ellzabet although usually it filled her wlui tie light when even tlic word music jo mmtl incd fcllia belli s thy blue cyo ilrjiud with am hen the week before uhen her father told the piano wan tt at hi could not buy a piano ubwboui thought her heart wan broken john makes house stood hitch agalnit tin woodland wliere it commanded whole valley it overlooked r jj the wide blake fields now covered wilh a nbir don l you o igli ulmln c u to no around but we can i rn cant vi and as for iuccr ulii suppose wc adopt r p tullar to the mad tea allc in wonderland ui li utvlr they wanted a nt unuibc they moved up it 1 vl il hili uid cool out here under 1 i dllitfiil breeze bl winn tith wi t j i think wc may l comfortably for a real lxcuj mc for a mlnut my klttll li bolllna now there may l he distance uie srent cummer hotel i oufllclcnt with its calf links and tennis courts and beautiful lawns it was from uw sum mcr hotel that the music floated to uie cant of elizabeth tlui itotel was olviuys crowded its gueato often stopped at the farmliquse for a gloss of water or of milk and elisabeth was constantly meet ing them in her walks sometimes in uie evenings when all the quests were gathered in the ball room she ventured down uie road toward the hotel and occasionally she drove post witli her father and mother usually die did not have much time to go about blip and her mo uie r made par of the upply of butler for uie hotel bind uicre vtoa always work to do even now eliza un i hill just pour the tea uuu sighed wlui weariness ur und and bj there a u a mr dtokj nad bt out nib broa bcreij jou muot help youmelf to jn tfncnt nnq ftu whjjt hr wfl un i faorry i liaven t ii no qthcf ulat could nmt lubli luke to ofir you rtally du iiiill confer ll ut l where i tola it cccmed as if he had been especially favored by the weather a terrible hail back cut i iuvl ylt to meet a canadwu otorm umt ha beitcn m tha souna liotl lftilc wlw ii not a pal master in the nlant3 of nl3 neluhboni iuid cd him art of cake malunu how you net ulcm by ulc lcavy ninm thal doae nrpll irult ciikl ana caiicdillurmect uie re tjlcrc wnfl evcry pramim ut wlua lbc qulrcmcnl ol m family who rc not procccda qf uu roren cro1 ur over fond of rich or acct cokes and niakc would be able to pay uie martaafle cookie but whui it comes to makluit uial a aucccxslon of misfortunes nod bamutilik r special for mectutkc etc- ianlcned upon tulttu he m not why us a rult i nrnmujc to wrlffffle out of alwa m lu m this the dinkuliy by ollerlnri to provide flnc tben had ucn an years cicam otncrally it bu the refresh had unwlecjy darted the note or a ment commltu- and it always uilu mc frlln1 whq prvven to be dishonest o cvcrun- l atuiled and worm yj b11 j uxt b jy it iia- btm hut luuui t 11 and i cuppcue llkn hil you lial all txcn busy with now as mr blake n health and courase c im n lne 7 i iuivl done up two baskets ol and faith were gradually returning- he clilrrlij and expect to get anouier to had been smitten one more lie had morrow i always dread plttine cherries i slipped from a ladder in the bam and it seems uuch an cndlla job but this year had broken ids hip he had to lie jounu molly ao anxious to help and i prisoner on his bed helpers were not found jlie could handle uiem quite as to be had for uie harvest uie ureal well u3 i could and to wo did them hotel in the valley had so raised uie between lu iiilii i found uie younu price of labor uiat workers by uie day bccl hod rtached uie dimensions uf a were nut to be found mr blake bod tea cuii u i luiil done up a few quarts nt letters to acaualntances in ncuthpor- of beet pickle in epiu or all the work inn towns he had advertised m uie and fu- j wliu a lutein all on uicre is newspapers his wife had driven from nboul replluuhluu the cellar shelves j place to place in uie hope of flndhuj just ai the i rovtrblal mlcr counts his flw men u ilium t work iiold so do u count our jars of fruit uut ujc mareh wa vun july pittrvtb and pickle wo experience a cun nqtter and tlolusr tot liowlnir nuu of excitement an the turncd ulc ncltsl to uwny ycuow and number mount- higher and hlflhcr and thc nc hcad3 of sraln c tell outlives that wo really will stop thc wcaulr tt harvest weather when wl nocji a hundred two hundred lhc harvcct lay vuitia2 but there were or three hundred etc rdtab to uw no iaban on his bod lay the master he had been moved to uie side of the sue of our family but when wc reach the qlvcn numb r nt don t always gtop do we for by that time conning lias taken pueslon ol us body and tout- til l re are llnuj wlien we can if we can bul when it bee hilj a mania wa con be houc away from uie jjolden fields so uiat the slaht of them mlflht not torture him micabcth situna beside him in the cause we can i- that is cant 6 prcccn to wd h lo we fill sh ii after shelf and durmo the f m f or it he asked winter we blve away fcult here and j tmm pickle uure but prlns times comes and ncr own parched throat that his must nnd mr htu till well locked and dr a fll u we muu to uurchu many a promise h lt t nrminrl whllc sle held ulc cup to hls hps sud uiut wiilii cuiuiluii lime comcj around oquiii i will ju i do enounh for our i denly lie started iicctli and be aatlllcd connlna time is uiat thunder docj come uealn and wc all know uie no futlicr ii la only a team cracnlna result coinl nllghbon ie up you do the bridge tut bitten uiat way omc times dont 13 uiere any slfln of rain you i no thc moon is rising as clear as juit at present i am fecllne very much i can bc relieve that i am able u do anyuilntf i ur ulakc tur nlfl tace j at all fur on monday i thouollt i waa in jndo o morrow aight h for a temporary re t cure it happened i wiu raln we wc had ten days of this this way sunday afternoon i b ured jwt weauier it must rain by lo ot sltunti around and uunklnff how hot i i j wheat il wo m i wandered oft to the bush or a b ui search of coolne litound it jan nwttor come slowly or ic but unforlunatcly somcthlno cue p kncw b v found mc i came to u buth laden with mo uturly spent qe block cap and the better to pick them w l h u i uit down a mosquito as i uiouffht that o knew wouw c to took a jab at my leu but the berries were momcn lery luscious so i did not pay much j harvest woo sent to mock me attention lo anyuun else until i felt nlal breothed heavily as she another jab and then another then i canic tato l f but imu did look up and found i was sitting near tra at ellsobeui c wasp or a bumblebees ncsti dldn t oul ior b wnuc iu wltn ttop to inquire i jot out of thc bush hi i a hurry fortuuulely they did not follow ubiui went slowly down the steps me my leg althouuh it had received qnd j f about a dozen ulnits did not bother mel b trb oi parucularly so i did not hurry home woodland u shone down in olory mvin neither did i think any more about it a wutul wheat the air was nlud until th next murnlna as the momuia the of jtt advanced i was made to ulnk of it more inseparable in elxabelh mind from ud more my ku not stlft and swollen ot to u uie dinner i dldn t know but und of p w v cheerful voices of the harvesters out now there was no tound except uie dls lain music presently ellxabcui walked down uue tirrmmoreand bathtd b b 11 uie pain went iiit from ankle to hip if i at dowvi hil pain was no cxcniclatlns uhen i had to uct up analn that i uiuuuht it better to ktep moving after dinuei it wllh btroi a umniunlu several times tthich bccnied u take lhc stiffness out 1 thc musclrs but my ankle might have belonged to a fol wuinon bi a show to cut a long iitory th irt i have burvlvrd but my 1 u iim nunicnus purple blitbcs covurcd with small blllcrs and is still considerably swollen and my tonifuc thc was restless in oplte of her wcarl iilus 11 seemed lo her that if she walked he might come to a cooler spot qhe went slowly down uie dusty road toward the great hotel wishing uiat slie might iorgct trouble for a while llio hod never been close to uie hotel at night hc now approached nearer and nearer kilakn fiwuii tar o7dr utrea time tiut mtmi uboto flocked tirlh tobla undr thft gnaw miinir and ate like uie liar- vfntrs uiat llicy were in tlm fe veiling there appeared a low imiuk of cloud in uie wrjtl as my iilake lutl prnplirslrd as tlu tuii sank lower tliey rofce hlglier and dsrker hie nun wvnt down in u blane of orange glory but alniott at once uie ibtik cloud shut fill the glow or uut first time in imuiy days uutb whs a nutln uinong uie baes thrn a long illghliig breath i lie laborers had gone each wlui hu two dollars to add to tlie uiouaiids or perhaps uie millions uiat lie already liad vliey liad laiiklied lupiilly at uielr ured musclut and aching backs evldcnuy evcti very out rlcn nien enjoyed a bit of good hard heat tlie ynimil iieople crowded through uie long windows to tlie porelies work there was uie sound of clinking glasses prom uie window of uie uuks farm- tl ere woo gayer laughter there were houwe utre persons luul watelwnl uiem more complaints about uie lieal unlll uiey could see uiem no more tlie in a moment tlie music began again uukel mu to ley and uie dancers crowded back into uie wc c ne kllsabeui liad tobl ballroom ai ul uu fuuul rootti uien uiey rllcnt walung for uie storm 0u11 fascinated kllwbrui watched u wu mn cqtm fattmt them tlirodgh another dance and an n lp now uiat uu irvt u other then hidden y she came to her- ufc u rain cannot fall too fcoon upon self ohe was a mile from liome her 1 ulp e mouier would be anxious about lier she j premnuy uvb ngtnlna changed must go back at once niie uiought of t claui wnd uu umo r w v up f tier rolled lieavlly and uie rain closed pain she thought of uu fields of wheat ln upon uu r ln n wind wlui uie bending liesds and suddenly drlven wlsabeui went closer to ail idea flashed into lier mind here were fauu and toqk hu luml w1u young strong men who were able to frightened by heavy storms qhe donee round and round in uiu terrific el j a luu for thjj wu1mk1 uimt heat they could not fear sunslioke or wcre b she hod been a boy overexertion as some of th laay men md of a vlrl slie might have lielped wlui whom jier mouier hod talked hod wltn y harvesl curely her mother hod not thought tbm budden euubcui forgot litr a klkalb hantlur ribll btoftts durbig uut wlnur of lsll083 writes a contributor toy toollege ehurn fevali icvctrlelgh aid i wcr catelakerri in clutrge of ut- 1uukeo h lusn a summer itoul on the north slmre of tak muil croon it was a uiretory frame build ing with aliout 3tt rooms and adjoining it were ululilrj bath liouses and an ice liouse to nil uu latter was uie only hard work wa had to lo mr harlan tlie owner had ottered us the poslttoii largely out of pure friendship liavlug known ui ever slnee we were little shavers in hu wife a duil- day scliool class and w had accepted because ova wages would give us anouier year of college arid because uie leisure ottered an ideal chance for study uy uie middle of february however it began to grow desperately monotonous we hat brought our skates wlui us and we tried uiem once or twice but owing to uie number of spvuigs by which lake uuscroon is fed there were so many air holes uut we gave up skating after uiat we confined ourselves to rabbit kkerasuni rusxktff voir tuk ibavlnu content muill dnpoiids ujui every jlep in uie promts of brooitlug and rnarliig wlllher tint thick will irvcnlually dttvelip uut a profltalle lar uu hilary aurrouiidlngs slmpllrjlv in ftfdlngroustuiit urn ajid rtgulsir al- h ntlon fjwtfltlty during tlu mid aijinintir inontlu are cssftntlal faetoff to he rouslilnred if sutlsfuctory maturity to lie rialliud tfilder devbiimtd or under nourlslied pulltits rsnnot be 1 x- perud to eln well wlietl they fchuf uut coilbsst un hnvfliiilier i during early keptemur bgn slflliig keeping in mind that a birds vhtiigt t very important 1rovbbt a auan brjght comfortable house equipped willi trap liesth a small grassy yard aliould adjoin uis building tills will reduce ranga conditions gradually if 13 pullets are required for uie con test pen it is good policy to stlmit four times that number mosuy or uie medium early maturbig pullets typical of ui breed and free frdm standard dlsquijjf hunung and fishing uirough uie ice j cations tlie late maturing pulleu from plrfally to hfy disgust kvan out of our icanty common fund bought a lialf dokctt alioles to fatten for sale ln uu apring tiieyll cat uielr lieads off before uiat i protected ttieyu est ash martin wrd told me replied kvan tlierd are a lot of fud up in duck lake and ln winter it is mighty easy to catch them ther- are not many game fish theyre mosuy bullheads tlie next day wlille i attended to our mart said that we d cotch a lot and weve got to carry them some- way what if we dont get it half full it was a glorious winters rimming clear cold and bracing tlie stoaeboat the automobile party among whom gilded smoothly over uie roads and the amateur s exjtebt to resell the water and as i raised it for another stroke i saw something ot the opening pish number one i exclaimed here li a dead bullliead evans mxe cut through uu ice beside the place where my stroke liad fallen and the dead bullhead came flopping out at our feet look exclaimed kvan rlook dom of asking uiem they liked to work and tzl zzz7r k in rnii i u u d 11 r rkliig hard uirough bountiful crop of wjieat ripe for cut mfhf was better to lielp a farmer gauier in fw l whsh ll nand cl ev miuf relly ulb uckl i t ih dt 1 think we deserve a 1 bve o view of uie winding river and his harvest than to chase a llttl ball twsti iij ssli laid us hllciud 0tod uu hana to u at nid flngsl agalist w ej plad an empty but there is no uuie for my mouier elhtabeui said lie a little unsteadl- to cee uiem sold rllubeui in a panic iy uie unit thing in uie morning you i what uiat or i demanded by uie ume i coild get home and tell are to write for uie piano man to come for uie fish lie answered lier uiey would have gone to bed and back after to morrow it may be too late oh allot shall i do tlien suddenly as if impelled by come strange force outside lieraeir shy bslsa belli did an almost incredible udng flhe stepped across the porch ot uut great wa uie young man who knew it all uirough uie nekls and otodg appeared liotel ond uirough uie window and iid stopped to watch the workmen who to enjoy uu excursion as much as we did caught uie nearest gentleman by tlie kere engaged ln building an enormous when we got to uie iaw we tied and arm tlie gentleman stopped dancing ti bridge and some of um more ven- blanketed btodg and a few rods out at once and otahmlna bealde uie lovely tureaome had fared cautiously out upon from alioro we cut our hole through four- lady who was ids partner looked down u job tlie young man refertxkl to tec incliem of ice uy axe was uu first upon elisabeth with her scarlet face and above accompanied uiem lier old gingham dress and lier dusty once there wlui a cigarette dangling shoes the- leading musician ploying tiam ills lips and wlui hu feet widely absently and seeing euxobeui was staru spread he alied information accurate ed out of uie correct time and mode a and ouierwlce upon all uiat cared to red business of getting back to il the hjtj ha gave graphic and hlglily dancers feet halted started to move colored accounts of similar feats of en- once more and stopped hecks were gincerlng uiat he professed jo liave seen craned lieads were lifted in an effort m various parts of uie world finding to ace uie reason for uie disturbance nu own party lnatlenuve lie turned his there was at once a general movement attention to a young man that stojd msmsjw wtiir ao- what i mid the eentleman in unuu- lonslnc in om wy to th work in hind all ppartntly ueklotf to foxta ohelr way ment when he had heard elizabeth a he had swung aaally from point to point into uie open alr atory of uie job and now atood talklnif in onj work aa faat o yu canl he panted kluabeui repeated her noueit to her undertone with one ol uie iraiuf lore- plunging hu mlttened hand into the it did not eeem in the leaat atrange meanwldle he chewed a straw and opening and hinging uie ftih right and ihiiuu earnest uiat even her own apparently rretted about nothing aa uie left it roust be school del all position ulere among those one people foreman nodded and moved away uie you can before uiey go did not seem unnatunu ohe did not young man with uie cigarette moved wlui feverish eagerness and utter dls- reollze that the music had stopped forward and apoke regard for aching fingers we aelsed tile then she felt herself taken bv uie f d wot flan and flung them out on uie hantandd up uttsterjto thf phs te remarked noronlalngls the quiet but uu -school- did not 0 r form where the mlclsnv sat it was u kai i a half hour we worked trickles of pers slovcly nute who ioothe m cu l s lr pouring down our face even sssk rirs thu uoon rep that i m jxsj2 sj2g nnttled uie frst speaker or it may source of supply tell uiem all what you wont sie told htve btxn u rmteajberance of some of we can t keep uils upl i gasped to ellsabcui dont be afraid l previous assertions at any rate his at length it a no way to take em well to euxobeui uie lights coemed to rustu patronising air deepened and increased together into one mighty star and uie and he took prompt issue with his col- floor to reel beneath her feet then she laaulst realized that somehow she was awaking- oh x dont think id say that if i my father broke hla hip she said were you he corrected easily ito itien evan set jfl for the hotel while i ln her clear voice he will have to stay just about what i called it i uilnk just stayed and oliovalled ash in bed uu fall all his grain is out uy a folrslxed job you ought to see same an ftour and a half later kvan return- mother has driven all over uie country of the really big jobs engineers do now- e with p wagon box on m pair of bobs and she can t find any one to help i adays you d hava reason to be proud and with a bushel basket for a dip net should like to engage come men to help ol your part tn the profession no matter enlarging q opening until it admitted with uie harvest we will pay two dol liow small it is i wont mention the uie bushel basket we dipped ln ahaost lara a day we ought to have fifteen axsuon dam because i dldn t see uiat instantly it filled wiui uie wriggling 1 uioueht euxobetho breath had until after it was finished but i call to black bodies we dumped the contents begun to foil her her heart beat so mind one bridge x saw in uie building into uie wagon box and dipped a second rapidly that speech was almost impos down ln the andes a year ago here bushel par on liour we tolled on by clblc i thought you were strong men the infaraiauve young man became so that time the wagon was filled and all because you could hit uie little ball so excited uiat he dropped his cigarette tlie romance of fishing was gone hard and could move so fast in the heat and as he raised his voice uie workmen heveruieleso we took no urns for din i uiought i thought iqixabetho near htm paused to listen as he pro- brcoth gova out now enurely and uu ceoded come of uiem allowed signs of lady in uie yellow dress began to speak amusement so lwleed did the quiet o strong men who chase uut little young man ball i sold uie gay voice ur pennock that was what you might call a big you were a farmer before you took to bridge their informant went on largely buying railroads you must be uie head x w stopping t dash here he named harvester dicky will go and iul botes uie phtee and we used to go over every will go who else will go little while and watch uiem it was amid shouts of laughter the promises practically impossible to get out on the i were made then seised with an agony bridge as you can liere so we had to over but as soon m we reopened it the of shyness declaring uiat she was afraid watch from a distance but i was told i fish crowded in as boiore we brought freeze our hands we cut down an oak ispilng and wekvlng hazel brush through its forked branches managed a sort of rustic scoop ncr but come bock uiat afternoon found uie flh still uire and brought back a second load it was our moat exhausting day a labor since december when we lied filled the ice house tliot nlglit for supper we and uu hogs ate buiuieads tlie nest day less for uie sake of fish than out of mere curiosity wa went back to the lake our hole was rroxen liome another load and uien told our story to one of uie near by farmers he went to uie lake uiat afternoon ond incredible as it may seem he and some of his neighbors went baelt again ond again unul uie end of uie week when uie run of fish stopped as suddenly as it hod begun tlie shotes goiwcduteiiuelvej on their new food growing fatter and fatter much to evans delight but there came a time when uiey turned from a diet of to tide tn uie automobile uiat uie lody on good auuiotity uiat uiree flmu failed in uie yellow dress offered kuxsbeui went to build it and that uiey ut it loy over home alone her mother was watching one year unul uiey could get hawkins what have you been doing fillea hes uie big noise when it comes to beui where have you been i difficult jobs you know to coma down i have engaged harvesters explained and finish it ever hear about that elisabeth there are fifteen nun com bridge lie demanded ing tn uie morning the quiet young man smiled a little prom where deprecatlngty and nodded his head the hotel i went in where oil thc why ytja he replied ive heard it people were and asked for hired men mentioned and rve seen sketches of it and those men are coming tn uie engineering papers in one way elisabeth i and another almost all men ln this line bullheads even a pig demandssanie they laughed at me but uiey are of business hear of these big jobs ycu thing approoclitng a balanced ration per- coming i know i liad really uwugtit though uut tunately before uie hunger strike they will never come child i they una bridge was bigger more metal and reached a crisis we disposed of our were fooling you dont tell your father a longer span this is really supposed property at a price that allowed a margin and go to bad why elizabeth to be one of the biggest at least to ive j oi profit elizabeth climbed uie stairs heavily undeixtood she heard her fauier moon ln his sleep tlie young man imparting information no moon escaped his lips in his waking nulled tnleranuy hours qhe heard her mother close tvhen you get a chance lie advised ue house she sot looking out over uie jutt look up uie bridge i spoke of in wheat fields with tearful eyes ohe saw your trade papers x think youll fh d eja u 2 jvj a herself jn her old clothes speaking to im right and youte wrong i really u jm liad to unarter oil uie strangers she wished now uiat make a study of these things although u luncheon uirm fc thc earth would open and swallow her i my work u in a different line im very umm aim ung on arte pretext or j v t makci p ute m another and then before anyone realised jf 7 r unu1 flto dcloct at tetbig juncture omeg v uiey were attolkln abotsr bt which u late or harvest time mr on the far end of uie job attracted the am je bmryj blake ln his misery of mind and body attention of the quiet young man and thought wr1 not tat jid had been awake most or the night and with a hurried excuse ha took his de llopisd wojld f the e there mrs ulake on her cot toslds his bed parture some of uie arty watched hla luid btxn members durlna hod kept the vigil with him the hod eosy progress admiringly ond one young lhe ycar andshust sit taaii si no bright hopes to wake uiem early lady spoke to the expert on brugcs bbout uu fj at bw came uils day would surely bring a storm and who was that young man sydney i the midweek servlc and he had not the ruin of uielr crops in uie night i she wanted to know oydney glanced t hj aire bioko uiought uneasily of elisabeth carelessly at uie retreating back t j jta outabrook- and and was sorry uiat she hod been sharp i why i don t know clerk or some kept lyj- y with her but what khxobath hod done thing like uiat he mailed tim- u wbij uua prllr hollla and then was madnccs mrs blake knew more keeper i guess 1 sow someuilng tho wa something uus pi voice than her daughter about thc ways of looked like a ume book in his pocket- ut m everyone turn aad look at her tllc rlcn i a b- wney riveter uiat had been within and weve lvcn ar muudqn at five o clock sirs bloke opened h r c hot during lhc colloquy raised hh i than ever before in our lives and done the olinistextf sdbpkiss pabtlefl one could rememer afterward any hatch sliould not be considered as uiey are generally low in vitality while uie extra early maturing pullets from like liatehes are generally extra food layers but are usually under developed and consequently will produce small eggs the purpose of the laying contest is to stimulate interest in the breeding tt birds for egg production and large eggs and to provide a medium of qualifies uon for registration as a result of a curvey principally of uie dingle comb white leghorns ln uie canadian con tests it wss found that birds well up to standard welsht produced tlie most as welt as uie largest eggs however a few of uie early maturing pullets can be selected which will lielp to keep uie flock contented and promote uie gradual acquaintance wlui uie traps and the owner kllmlnatlon every available moment should be spent with uie selected flock talking to tlia birds studying their habits and eliminating the undesirables whn an alert friendly bird interested in its surroundings always eating or looking for someuilng to consume is noticed catch and leg band her for such a bird will generally give a good account of herself ne gentle and handle uie blrdi wlui core os many o good bird choncts of heavy production are handicapped uirough rough handling feeding give uie pullets plenty f dry mash grit and oyster aliell in self feeding hoppers clean water scratch grain feed sparingly in deep clean utter morning and late afternoon this en courages exercise and a reguhur supply of green feed such as kale leuuoe cab bage mangels or finely cut clover or alfalfa national icgg laying contests which are as follows scratelt grain equgl parts by weight df uie very best quality of each of wlieat cracked corn and oats dry mosh equal parts by weight of bran com meal and ground oats 13 per cent beef meal 9 per cent ground charcoal i per cent cod liver oil ond 1 per cent fine table salt xt lias been found at ottawa that the heavy layers consume uie most mash therefore the contestant should encour age dry mash consumption the add uon of an extra per cent of cod liver oil will make uie mash all the more ap peuxlng keep a sharp lookout for lice and mites particularly the latter pinal belectlon about october confine the remaining pullets which should not number more than half of the original selection do not give up select ing at uils stage especially for head points body con form ntlon style ambi tion and friendliness unul uie 12 deslr able birds are cooped ln a comfortable crate ready for shipment conclusion ever keep ln mind uiat good breeding and good management go hand in hand and the first essential of good management is uiat which is much desired by uie laying contest management healthy stock write to uie publications branch de partment of agriculture for a copy of bulletin uo iqs report of lhe 6th 7ui and bth annual canadian national za laying contest it lp free j u uc lu inell central experimental parm ottawa ontario n dominion endurance u the tire sensation ofl929 ffofikljr we can t quiti- cc how so much tire quality can be made to ell at the price asked for fha new endurance it ib a wonderful tite made of the right ttuff and plenty of it and hacked by dominion rubber comp ny a keen buyer will get hi money worth in en durance come in and find out all about it dominion tire depot jtpm acton highway carafie fur scaus or barns dr thomas eclectrlc oh is a standard remedy for uie prompt treatment uf tea ids and burns its healing power quickly soothes uie pain and aids a speedy recovery from tlie injury it is also an excellent remedy for all manner of cuts bruises and sprains as well as for relieving uie pains arising from inflammation of various kinds a botue ln the house and stable saves many a doctors ond veterinary s fee you need not spoil your evening now that reduced evening rates on 1onjr distance bcjpn at 7 pjn local tune it is possible to pjet ones telephoning done before evening engagements begin t prom 7 to 830 p m tho rata on station- tostation calls is about 25 per cent less than tho day rate further reductions arc in effect from 830 p jn to 430 mn about 50 per cent off day rates tho minimum reduced evening rate is 85c and the minimum reduced night rate 25 cents this service particularly thc early evening type of messago from 7 pjn is a real convenience the bell telephone coupany of canada the dual in uie road grew deeper but ulxabrlh went on alio wore her oldest n it wasliedout gingham dress and lier nloul sliaes lier cloutes could come to no iturm till passed the golf course lirre all day long men walked about i u a tiny ball wlui a club she enough hours for all uu tasks to be j united tho smooth clay courts where accomplished uimsl has rcunur vmtaw houvir b grud tally wearing oft need li j u uay i u ught i had luid enough u ihthx wli i d liiaccts for a while but thl ufltmm ii uhlh hunlll g itiiji in the bun i i ull vir a uaspa neat on a be inn and u bun bli bet n nest ui thc hay t u nigl t 1 uilmr unil i lutci d lo gul uftcr uum and rout hum oul jjitrr anne 1 with u fluhlluiit u hlg k ttl 1 lullli waur and u mall kttui wltn u tight liulim hd atluck puruur lot k uil umull kettle half rull ol boiling vunp held it under uu- waipu in itt prkd the nest oif with tltr lid into lilt ik huig water und uien slapped tin lid un tight and tliook uie kitlk iviry wulji was killed llien wl tiirntd our attiitlin to llu bees wo luul u gu 3 ut tlie location as we could mlthrr tit ntit r beta but we could irut lliliu oo urtnur poured boiling wuur ovir tho nulel for a few secoiuu all wua qui t then i nald lets ittft out 1 con htur oiu in uil uir i no sooner utrt uu uurd ut of my mouui uian i ft h tin all lot familiar jab in my leg again but thr other one uils time away i canil to tin- lu iit and gave it o guod litua ol tn rurochninc wlilch i luipp will c tint rart uir- illrcl of the uikan iwcluly uu puruur meds my osulistanri t druw in wheat to inorruu 1 iikw ik i g ive ua a good iftiaii bi ludiustry for tluy tur make uie bot mm uf tlnlr um 1 itlu lllow g l bi no lwui lluui four tstlugb uf irt i got him out uf my ovlrulls 1 ulwuyu uiought ba could oily hunu oju but thin vuruly tivkbntly itm u uilftrtnl ttiikhuiiluu from um i iwuity bixf whuh tu tuiiiparuvun u proc lbally luuuiwj eyes and saw uiat lip ipt husband wus head and addressed uie young lody dlf anc fclt lc ping bright dayllglit was at hand i fldcnuy intenac rioaly e uie people u birds wcre singing and already uie beg your pardon mus he said but wjn played the violins and uie ladles heat was ulmoot intolcrablr sirs illaxe s if you are speaking about uie young wno were sold to wear such bcauuful th oat was dry her lips wer parched- feller uiat just left i can tell you he a c bin rote and moving os quietly os slie i the chief engineer of uie road they lhc air become more sull and dead could drew tho shutters close ond stole but 1m up ere frln bouth america on out or the room olio dreaded the day puppus to build this bridge ue n unspeakably uho almost wished uiat a buddy here lie indicated hla helper storm would como to end their anxiety with a wave of his hand came with uhc closed the door softly behind liar did not like to rouse elisabeth but must do so for the days hod not other men batted ollghuy larger bulls buck und forth over a white net elhta belli liad watched these activities from afar with curiosity ond awe ohe ad mired uirce fine rich people and all uu y did closer and closer lo the great building come ejliabeui her feet mode u gentle sound on uie gravelled drive and alia moved to use grass beside il lliero was no one round wluioub being ui kuliibth got close to uu windows of uie ballroom there kllsobut balield a wonderful sight tlie great roam was decorated ulth green bronclios upon a ruad platform sot uie musicians and over uie poluliad floor in urns with uie music moved bvouufully dressed ladles und luie grnueiiicii kllsl3ui liod lisord about uie sumiuor hotel diuices but slie luul iiflvdr ihvaind uiey could be si wundorful as this ulie forgot wlio she ax und wluro idle was slut cciokad unuicly to fool uut ulouw lunt1 uiat a tuoiiuiunt ixtoio lid buuid iwr gasp site atood und ttgajwl and iibuuikl all tyos und with uudovnly uie iniialo ceguod wlui biughter tuul loud piouabi agahut uu ilut blixabeui was already up ohe stood at uie window and motioned wildly to her mother as if speech had forsaken her ur ihoke looked out the doom of the great bom were open um boad gkft into u fleld swung wide dlreced by a tall man several young men were mowing uu first swoui so uiat uie great reaper might be driven into uie field to tlia reaper ur illakes strong hare were being hitched o elisabeth cried ur nioko dear elisabeth i wlul is tlie matter asked a voice from tlie ouuf room urs dloke did not poalato answer lier husband tell him kulxobeul we slioll havo lo get meals for uiem come right oway kllsabauil it seems as if tt could nut ik i all day long urs llloke cooked hopri iy tn her sliding kllclun all day long kuubu- moved about now carry big water to uie btbarwrs in uie field now setting uis long table under uie grajic arbor now wolung upon lier fattier wlioe bad luul been mnvd to o room uiat overtoukad uie wtov fleuls oevtiral uiustt uie tall gaiitltuiuu cams to ur by pledges too not fairs and cholf u all pulling togcuier instead of half a doxen different ways and uie bundoy schools building up even if the grown people dont do uielr duty prlcclllo iiollls what are you drlung atr urs atwoter s voice revealed reasonable exasperation wll uua prusy replied deliberate ly i didnt know myself what him he was uie feller uiot built uiot driving at five mlnutes ago but i uilnk bridge down there orf ter three ouiers j ilow as far as i can make out mode a mesa of it here he raised his voice for uie visiting expert with a very red face was leaving the job ln a hurry ills names awklns bawled uic riveter after uiat discomforted young man and he forgets more bout bridges nut uie rest of ids remarks were drowned ln uie laughter of uie party not uiat uie expert could have heard uiem fur he was already out of hearing and gctung faruier every second its a surprise party a surprise party i prtscllla ii tuls wltoever heard of a church havmg a surprise party tn these days ito fltty years behind uie times not my kind uua prluy returned prdmpuy i mean uie kind of a surprise party uiat everyone needs uie mlnlsinr most of ail uie kind uiot says we appreciate what youre doing and were behind you heart and soul weve ail been ur ur qlieldon wlui complaints of imc kbid or another how many of us have dropped in lo tell him haw gud c are about jim klobroak or uie way the choir is working togeuier or solly hancocks clou i an embarrassed silence fell on uie unre uian one fellow group mrs at water was again uie one to break it i guess maybe you re right i rlscllla 1 11 ship by on tlie way liome wc can do better uian uiau ulss rruclllao voice was eager suppose we each drop in or send him o line ovary day this week suppose we don t let i un p suppose we fonn a committee ut nee uiot our minister gels a ward of appreciation from tone one every uon day 7 uuppose wa try it for uiree niontlu and uiat wos uie vu the ministers surprise parties bcan vebv dangebouh she is it dangerous to drive wlui one hand he you bet has run into a church doing il uatbers vabu thu uu uouicra who know liow suddenly croup may sclsr uielr children and imw iieccsary prompt action is hi applying rellrf always keep at liand a supply or dr thomas kkteculc oil because experience lias taught uiem uiat ibis is an excellent preparation for uie treatment of this aliment and uiey i are wise fur its variuua uut rvmlar tt a valuable medicine uur fl wa ud tuamwi mj gpn bua flag lautmbua tweekend extra specials butterei hrcb beans a ww ia 1tj 9 rid ii i n nr1 n i vu hih i i r canning supplies mi m 11 luiul cl4 ud j 6unamef dritlki qmth i i a fka j u u- tu arsaal cbylow tea iw cvwl tgjum u irtaml vmit fualrwj lb mel vtitlal 49 pure lard r avwir gruaaked puogapii 2s apecij da 19c tapucs w soco imiuy spscul fibs 21e uuum oitvw 14w mammi ior tpclj 10c a yit unjg pr japan rice i 6 5i cocoanut 4 n x9 salmon zsgss wwlgfc t j fui hjfuu oura scu ua 17 hj tw 0j boil tpuu j tu a duli cwlus entri vxa j tb 2ftc peach jam a j ajrij sx apricots sra x 45 mill street acton ontario