Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1929, p. 6

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illt mirrbiir cl r i lr ii il r ku1 mart ill maulill it appm yaiuj macijonam at iii ipli on july j in iy hiv j mull in ui cany m a mini l if u amlri w ithihylcrl in chut h 1 i ipli lmtimifl a i l 11 id mlru muni ii l m t llmrhouir f t m i q oriii clu cial iiuaii ti n ml ii ii eu at n flutur yi unu t day auitu l i uuclitrr if ml oftlbnillh llh lliiiru out trl to iu 111 u uonrliop mii f mr mid tin 1 itn onoruh lluirli p c him inn indiana watgon at tin ot in rnl hoaplt u ouelph on miiii allkuit i 1030 grotur harm it wiit n lawgon at 111 limn in oroiwlt uleliufan c n ilutunlny aiiriirt 3 10j aruham i nun in miiu ni yeunj in ml mo ii i am uichii3 in i ivliut mi in rj if our dear later rilwibuh ml lili uliu fell iiflliep in jci l amu t lu- a pmcloun c m fuinv u i r til a voice w i vi d i i tilled a vacant plnci l in our homi which niv r cun be fill cl qadly mlnrid by jl un and nlcci una jami ron miuj m 1 1 und miui mcdonald j btterrii jtitu 2set ill nllv lllml norvul am of llin nidi t rcalibnui ol tlw if trlct tllrcl ycnunlay in tint icrwiii or ildiry i rlnil vcurun rallroud man of 30 jdin nun who pauwd away in lib bth ymir horn in inmjnn xiiuland mr i rlmii cimin to uie iclimsuin district 73 ijirn iio at the aen of 3 btcniiiu e niilcud with the arcut wciuni luill ttiiy ufterwardi the grand trunk and mm in turn fireman critflncor mid jutcr itntlnn mailer at various point ilawaa i latloncd at wulkorlon for 17 yearn when the imilun haul broke out prime neighborhood news ilanof kill un mr and mm wllfirtl mtdoiluld ol 1 onuito t pent tin wi k cud wlui mr iii w ltmrlo i mlui j un woriiin of toronto i vl ltlulf hi i rounln hilun jriui otoe i miw mury mclean of toronto in fp udliiu u couple of vjofkn hqllduyti ut her liome hrn mr and mrn ilalpli worrfan and chll dnn i ik nt the week end with mlui ann in cree uhn mil 4 mr john a ilamucy liu hold bin 11 au lnavalj uv mr wuddtll rluriitd to lornnui u mi 1 1 day ar u r i w ndluir u w k vb llliuf witli lilt cluuuliur mru ill tk vuuniitlir mpi wudili ii il n or portland mulao who huii iwdi ubltlllk lw r buia mrnjlilmkh vuimutlir left on monday i i for jur lioiiie ill i orlland mrn van jiiutfr u coinpmili d her homo and will in nprtul a fortnight vlnltlnu ulth hrr airier mlji jcup vnnii of acton ipcnl la t uirlf hnlmuyliik willi licr uuut mm ita mcljirry mr albert kirk of toronto la vlrlthhf at the home of mr johh mckcclmlc kft ucoruo i 111 li and daiifiliur of i cranio are vbltlnir frlcndn in tha dbi ulcl quite a number of farmers have imuu vccoltosjlo urlz id 1 lolncd llin rallropd brluade and took part pp n the fluhtluir c retired 30 yearn ato property li prvpurlnu to build the gunlpli house on itoad mr hln ood ntrcet n n the rallroud and for uie put uirre mptct to take pouuulon in october iii iiiitr flic prvidylrrlan coukteuatlons of limhiouhf yinru hod btcn vln with a dauulitcr of wyan mrn a k uhaln of norvpl dauuhur mrn wallace orow j ilntli mlcbluan nurvlvco i ultaiiam lawbon oroouell mich wi rd was rccllvcd lure uila weel by ffiljp aitnu 3fm tytcsa tironnday auauot n 102d 1 icr mrn john maun of the ttiath 11 liiiturdny of mr oraham lawnon of crtwwt 11 mich at the ace of elulityono yeiiru mr lawnop hod been in eradu- lj ally dtcllnlna health with lilo advanclno yrnra and nlnce lant november lian been tulle indbiposed oraham lawson vjtla born on the aid homestead at lot g fuiirth lino ecqueblnff township porty- tcvcii years ago be woo joined in luily vildlock to majnzic kennedy wlio pre- ccarod him four years aflo tlielr family of ihrco children all survive uiem dlx weekn from yctcrday nnd acton pall pair will be over one other itockwood and 1 den m11u have extended a call to ilev mr graham of winches ter ontario mr and mr n u marrhall and win left for a holiday u mr ii malioneya tummer cottane at doo lake mr harry maboncy of woodalock unlvornlty 1 tiulcnt bpent ounday at mr n o marshall n mr charlco ulack of igtchener vlilted at mr john a itamsrya for a few daya last week alno mr and mm j unrnleby or toronto wtre bucsls at uie name horn in mro j wrlaht of in holidaying wlui frlenijill t tliomaa and detroit mr wjd mm john taylor and family of vancouver are visiting at mr ju uardcnn luwne ilev mr gaudier has been srantid a mm mcclure and john at bome on uw holiday by eden mills ebenexer farm at croowell hlcli and ura lolin tim next public holiday labor day on september 3 gardiner of pluslilnc mich two i inters and one brother also remain mourn his death mrs john arthurs toronto mr alcic laweon detroit mich and mru john mann who resided on uie furm on the acton crossroad it is fifty- three yearn ntnee mr lawcan removed to michigan he was a member of uio itcnbytcrlan church the funeral wan held on monday and interment was mado in tho cemetery at croswell michlffan i nassagaweyalbuncil on friday two lnmatrn encnpcd from uie ontario ricformatory at ouelph holds monthly stukn aad fmau ae- i counu ueilut fer ciwnty to many formcra have harveqtcd a take over ketl yleridliljuhaftt crop in uiln vicinity r accounts passed as follow at uie meet- and arkcll charren ospkimok mr and mrs e croft rockwood visited wlui mrn xl otandbth one day recently mr harry talbot of locombe altn ilsltcd old nclshbaro on the first line on ounday friends or mra j aldtt will be pleased r a damn and his daugliter who have i l n holidaying with frluidn here return ld o detroit on saturday i iwi nellie fjwackuamer of detroit nritvcu at her mntlwra homo here on sunday for liolldayr mr glorty rcprccentlnb thu kvun pc ileal union of oouth america address cd uie prayer jncotlnit in tho united church on wcdneiday evening mrn daviea and her daughter from illackhcath hnaluwd are visiting her brother in law mr e daviea and family mr and mr norrlo are being con gratulated upon uie arrival of a young daughter this week mr ocott of camp harden plying fckmad was a week end visitor with our borrowed chier or police gergt pollctt and faintly mr pollctt or toronto pollco force is hero again for his holidays as welcome as ever tho hearty laugh and genial good cheer or uie toronto bobble doea us all good an unusual crop of hay lias been calcly gathered and and a cplendld crop of wheat will coon bo all in uio barn mr john mcdonald of tho fourui concession had a very narrow escape from serious injury last week when ho fell from a load of hoy to uio around after her tecent operation somewhat bruised arid sore but is recovcr- mrs cllvo tlnney of chicago i in tn visiung at the home of mr and mrs i hews or georgetown preach itov tlnney cd hcro wlul b ccptance at tho mr and mrs dpence and mr and mn ewunnul service on sunday morning horn toronto ore holidaying wlui mr i mhouao united church sunday school join with churchill sunday ocliool an thutttday for the annual and mra ii i mccutcheon mr and mrs j blruthern and family dr e j nelson in imvlnrr fix rnnf i iwu u wuuwi u um mwi- mr ana mrs j blruthern and lamiiy 7 7 7z i ofhurictomccrowniw towuhlp council on su luo m ptalc 1 etiml parfc erin sunday mrs cliff altkcns and daughter and master albert trlnkwon toronto are upending uiclr vacation wlui mr j shlnglcc tlio total value or the canadian na tlonal cxlitbltlon park is 15 000 000 just uirce weeks more of the long lummtr holiday for the school children dr carbcrt attendance at health officers convention huholph kowubkl of acton lion jiond btipeiintrndfritfl vouclier h utfl l t hth m monday july 2d toronto hospital for consump tives care of kathleen young 4500 vrrom fke fawta prlntlnp vot ers usls for 1 039 iu 51 35 00 r dnauthstttj rtttt l 1638 canadian natlonnl cxhlbiuon attendance eclipsed all previous records willi 3 030 000 visitors j toad superintendents vouclier no 10 00020 iload superintendents voucher i 134jj7 onatlu westeun fa ib than evlk bltotte altkenn and family t directors of the western fair uus mrs j vannorman ouelph spent year have outdone themselves in provld- monday wlui her parent mr and mm j hilt fine attractions at uus popular tnnhell tra n i unvltftfjgabebg on saturday of ter a few days motor trip a parry sound and midland western ontario fifhlbltton tots somii altitudes vialoub juwiui lit thu llro- anuti in h0 twt altovrt tin fijluwliiu ultltudit if tnwnii un ullujf i in thh dlitrltt kaimd from ii t roinpihd jy tin peruut newi hi cord rertnlly will prove inten unit acton main otn i 1 13j fret 11 station 1 1t0 feet alma d n ii hjii arkrll cpu 1 113 arthur o i it stalli n i 520 piuulto rink mdii ilclwokl c p it station 1 420 clifford o n it station 1 330 corwhlll c p il otatlon 1 120 drayton c n it station 1 3g0 i lora o l n statlun 1 275 fjutlan 1 j 01 lrin c v it station i 305 farewell 550 feet cast of corner 1 310 fergus c p n station 1 2fll c n h station 1 350 ouelph c n it station 1 007 hlllnburg cpu station 1 410 krnllworth station 1 b7 marden c n u station 1 140 mcu conier 1 0211 mauck 300 free ucnl or comer 101- mourrflold station 1 340 mount parent c p il station i 340 c n it statlun 1 255 luickwood o n ii station 1 103 oplcro cpu station 1 3f7 ilala munkolta c n h btauon 770 barrlc olmcoe county 735 7 lake of days muskoka 1 047 kitchener waterloo county c n it station 1 101 111 uo mountains grey county oolcr muff 1 055 umcobrldgc muskoka station 013 3 brampton peel county c p station 7i2 dundas wentwortli county t il aid 0 lotion 350 dundalk a rcy county station 1700 flmlra o p it gutlon 1 165 v forks of the credit peel county ptatlan 1 070 orand volley duffcrln county btauon 1543 durham cnr qtatlbn l ill ilolatein 1 330 orangevlllc station 1 307 fi ohclbume station 1 030 orton duffcrln county station 1 4j3 toronto union dtatlan 354 waldemar duffcrln county 1 400 west montxose ctauon 1 121 dolt cpu ctauon 030 ijrontford t h and d btauon 055 mfflrrm goqd byl family towel daddy has a peach towel bobby has a jade mother a towel is turquoise orchid for uia mold sister s towel is colored rose arandmaa towel is malse lafger scale ulan any previous and no expense or effort luu been snared where and why not wo who shudder at tho old boys ilcunlon held hex on it would make for greater enjoyment uie thought of choosing uio wrong tooui- monday was a decided success aluwugh by uio public who have evidenced their brush while half awake certainly nliould council passed a resolution peutlonlngf n0 w advertised a large crowd th in uila project by growing attend- be deeply interested in uie latest idea bobble hou of acton won first tllc county council to restore uw road gathered to enjoy uio sports horseshoe once records for several past years vhloh calls for towels of different colors prise in uie one mile bicycle race at irom campbellvlllo to uie wentwortli pitching and sortball were uie main the grounds have been carefully gone for tho various members of uio household georgetown on monday oomidary to a county road as thero arc features of uie afternoon itev amo over and improvements made whenever uio very colors mcpuoned in the little liluiit without nuth at iru tho rnptiilu in nrcu unrlly an mi iiulorrut ailun tho rjuorti of auto crury inuy advaiitugfotijly ijo modlfltd ai u rtidu hn id buglluli midi i unuil ui hfti cost ho had priwiinred and dmlrcil u houmi of his own ho drew uu plimn hlnif if and not till thny worn complete with miiplo provli ion for lock rm clou ui niplumnb und rubbyhnlrs did ho iund for his frlrnd tho builder i in off fot uuathrr yyugo tomorrow john ho explained moi t like 1 11 im guiil nluh into a year and when i get home didii thin tlmo i want a hniqo i i come to hiiro us it h to go on uii jot i bought o perkins top o the hill and its to be ready an waiting every last nail drove an every mat dab 0 vamlsli dry son i can just ntop to your home for tho key and uien inarch acrorn the street and into my owift front door just jih an eye ovur tills plan will you an my first p art down will you do the work and then will you do it on time yes agreed john rapidly casting the rye rcrjuuitod i will but the captiiln llirew up a forbidding hand no bula ald lir can yo or cant yet will yc or wont ye plain yci or ho thaln my way a doing busl necs vev nalt tlc builder agall but cup n that ii do thatll dol interrupted tho cnptaln genially but firmly i wont barken to nary but if you re thinking about tho price you re rpiarc an i aln t n gh go almnd and uso tho best stuff got an use it tho bestye can on 1 won t growl at what it comes to i know tisii t that protested john desperately its something clfto some thing you really must lot mo say a word about that plan of yours is a mighty loo4 plan most ways but no buts i tell ycl roared the enptnln ive tliodglit that plan out an its what i want whether itr arclutccturally rauhlonable i don t know or carol just you go ahead an build that house an build lior without butl there won ft moment a pause very well enpn agreed john mildly 111 build her without but a year later on the great day ol home coming they went togouier to the now house tho captain was delighted wlui everything on tho lower floor and after exploring every closet to its dimmest comer ho proposed tliat they visit uie eccaqd story very well but you 11 have to step outside of course assented uio bulldor cheerrully the window over uio porch is the cosiest to put a ladder to iii hold it while you climb you see ulq house is built precisely aa you ordered without buts and without stairs tho captain was game tliore was thunder and lightning but it was quickly oicr and ho paid wlui wry chuckles for the putting in of urn alain uiat had been special prices for this week kxnta ooi vai vi in itayon hmps iiuil silk blip arc mink by urn nf fhcbi 1 mnkcr willi built up jiouldcrii 111 all tho iilw ilmuc cimrantcld to t 1ivc ood intnfnction worth rlpulnr 12 spccinl j1 ud rayon silk illoommts at uuucu immces till lot or nioamcrn to he cleared out at tin- low nrik come in three iizci small medium and larj c i xirn 1 jood value at t 00 special ill per pair ivc iiolepuoor silk hosi in lipht arid dark illndcs kics br 11 lll in ki a ihc iimilar price 13 1 v ji 25 and 1 si i i tier at duc cxnariw or mins straw hats lints regular si io for j qfl uati regular s200 for si so mens work hats at l 20c- and 2tw mens iancy socks in brown and sand sliadci rcrular 50c special this week 10c pair 2 pair for 75c specials in grocery lepi 23c pinenppc marmalade i lb jars for 3 choice lard lbs far 3 icing sugar lbofcr 50c 25c try s cocoa vivt in 25c 6 pearl white soap jr bars foj ldz peanut butttit jar for zuc 5n1 tb ew clover honey pail for 60c mclean co mill street acton ontahio the buts j h i icaiuren 01 we luienioun itev aiiiu u wuuiukli u vciy cuiui rtcps being taken to make uie road from tovell ouelph who was teacher here necessary at great cost a new poultry rhyme in fact rains or saturday helped the that join to the ouelph hamilton iugh- fortytwo years ago brought a picture of duldlng has just been erected or brick a famous labratory after clinical teita my a county road john m clerk root crops and did not seriously interfere vim uio harvest operations i numkr t i migratory birds convex- birthday party at proptct park ycter tion act day miss mamie maalc3 lias hud a cellar excavated ut lur rcldlncc on mill street preparatory to uil installation of a furnace nonunion cegvutlens govralnx the llanllnr of migratory birds mnd open and claasd semsatu how uiot the price or whiul ha dropped again will uil incrloscd city prl4 on brood alo revert to uil former amount charged tuuhaps over the neck end uruud in the hospital but mrlously injured summary or tho migratory birds 1 convention act is given below this is tho law which is based upon uie treaty with the united states any enquiries concerning this law may be addressed tho commissioner of uio kauonal 3uelph liad a series of minor motor rarko canada department or uie two were interior ottawa opui beosoos ontario north and west or uio french 1 ind mattawa illvers and including all george bayllvi wlillt playing near georgian bay waters ducks accse his home on llcardiivin crescent had nnuit and halls wluons ox jacksnipe the misfortune to fall from a trco md september 1 u december 15 boul dates badly spraui his left urm i inclusive woodcock september- 16 to i november 30 boui dates inclusive i r cdomild has uie cxci ontario couui of uie prench and tln made and the foundations 101 muttawa rivera tut not includmg any uwced for a new house at uie co mr poruon or uie georgian bay waters ducks gccc brant and ralls wilsons oi jack unlpc september 15- to dcccm- of maria ond agnci strnu idllti milfh rtfmnlnrir fl 1 fc- u linnvnil ant i ml it in navn iilr4l m 4 uie pupils then attending school which n conjilruction whlcli ajrorda ad- has recenuy announced uiat bacteria was greauy admired by all he also vaneed racultlea for exhibitors deposited frpm ones hands to a towel brought a gold headed cone whlcli was the race track will bo more in favor l on uiat towel for from 34 to 40 presented to him when lie left a i hum ever as it has been entirely rcaur- hours and uiat they definitely can be bounurul supper won served in uie base- taxed and now is considered the finest transferred from uio towel to tho hands ment of uie church after which speeches track of its kind in ontario of any other person who uses it with much exceptant riil wilos mm penny were greatly enjoyed y there is a closed season uiroughout tho year in ontario on elder duck the mr prank ilalmcj drover of acton lllltcr be taken during uie open purchased uio dairy herd of william hi that portion of jdntarlo north pvwler of uie centre rood last week ot ulc quthcc cochrane winnipeg line ha herd comprises twinty six head i ot tllc canadian national railways bwans cranes curlew wluets godwlts each year since tho toy law requiring upland plover niackbellled and golden dag to bo ucd up during uio summer plover greater and lbsser yellowlegs tnonuu lias been in force has seen an avolcls dowltehers knots oyster- wrdlmlnujilng lot of dogs hi town catchers plialaropes fluiu surf birds with scarcely one on uwchlcts mr il ii carbcrt formerly principal of muverton continuation school and ut yar principal of iiarrtstan high school luu been ensaged as principal of cliexley iugh school at a uilary of is m0 a record of 410 bushels of fall wheat from nlno acres was made in the thresh ing at uie ellis sluurt farm in the paris plain district west of brontrord timutoncs and all uie shore birds not provided wlui on open beacon in above schedule there is a closed season uiroughout he year on uio following nongame birds auks auklets bitterns fulmars oan- nelii grebes guillemots auus herons jacgcra loons murres petrels puffins shearwaters and terns and uiera is a closed season throughout uie year on fallowing insecuvorous birds bobo links catbirds chickadees cuckoos dvu on uie charles mou farm same j 4 fwlng dutrict from 0 acres nor a mlnbllirdfl khiglcu martins meadow- hljlmrtbstsikh n1 or it null were made by a number present visitors an enjoyable lime at uio midway is were uierc rrom edmonton alto clovo- assured when it is know that uio attrac land ohio toronto islington guelph uons uils year will consist or uio pro erin and rockwood it was decided to eminent rubin and cherry shows and hold this re union annually and ft com- this midway is uiat some which attracts miltec was appointed to arrange ror il such gigantic crowds at uie canadian national exhibition toronto which in cvebton ltflclr endorsement of uie finest i kind for any amusement enterprise messrs harry uortop and john pleld th performance man uio grand hg spent uie weekend with rrlcnds in stand promises to equal if not eclipse toronto i nn y necn on ulb programme misses gladys and jean hall ol und f fa uman bnmch l ta say arc spending- two weeks vacauon 30 hss seen uemcndous with their grandmother mr ohepherd k those wul all reflect in uie exhibits shown hi the manufacturers miss mildred anderson or elora spent bul where a most lnteresung range a fow day last week wlui her friend pdicte will be displayed of not miss ellsabcui mcphedmn ulc cajlt inut wu1 mvcral now mm c p ross and mildred returned wn have enounced during to detroit on saturday after spending a th tew wocka in uio village on wednesday t p arternoon she held a very successful he p ft aucuon cole wlui mr roy hindley as western ontortoa own exlbluon arc aucuoneer jusuy ramouo uiroughout uio province mr and mrs andrew mcmillan and au hidlcatlona are uiat uu year nte of london mr and mra w ohoe- wu1 department at its finest botham or thomdalc spent sunday wlui 1 enuroljr in new building and tlielr father mr john simon i eqif pd wu very modern convenience mr and mrs john stewart blllle ind judfiln grace mrs o a abbot and mra george alloffcuier uie 1020 western pair ap loree motored to oakvluo on monday p to ulc t yct and mr steve evans of toronto spent dlroctors are confident that uio attend the weekend with his friend mr dan i wm te m wtat furuwr simons i enlargements yearly messrs d simons w talbot d mc- 1 nd hotels wul make special ar- leon b evans h black attended uie ronnementa to care for fairweek visitors mceo at qoderich on uio liollday antttrafllc arrontrements will be altered avoid uio toothbrush tho napkin and tho handkerchief of our dearest friend yot arc often far too careless when reaching ror a towel pour members or a family have four times the possibility or deposltlnp trancrerablo bacteria upon one place of toweling as ho one member so uiat the family towel becomes an easy medium through which a dlscaso con- 1 1 acted by ono may spread to several it has always been difficult to mark towels or one color or design so uiat each member of the family will ia 3uro to recognize his or hers to day how ever it is possible to secure towels o similar texture yet different colort al- oier colors from top to bottom and even an uie reverse side peach jade turquoise orchid roi malnc there hove to be six in uie family before uie colors arc exhausted if there be seven poor dad may at least have the bath towel for himself if he a ror- tunatv the regular monthly meeting or uio everton women s institute met at the home or mrs d mcphodran an thursday afternoon with a very good attendance the vicepresident miss jean mclean occupied uie chair tho roll call was answered by say sing pay ox play after the buslneis hod been disposed or and uie programmo liad been given to uw acre western outlook causes no worry b w ibauy president of c p u hays klofte short crop will not break canada ii takes moro than one short crop to break canada bo declared e w bratty president of uw canadian pacific railway lust night jut belore he left toronto tor montreal and when he said it put an emphasis into l r r birds is allowed unul march hi word uiat hit no doubt as to hu j1 h llowlng the open season in on opinion airl it la an offence to kill or attempt o course uio rallwuys will lose con to k any migratory game bird between tinusd uio head or uil largeot transpor 1il d sunrise hatchca orioles robins shrikes swal lows swifts tanagers titmice thrushes vircos warblers waxwlngo whip poor wills woodpeckcra and wrens and all other pcrchuig birds which iced cnurcly or chiefly on insect no person shall kill hunt capture injure toko or molest migratory game birds during the close ccasan bale ol these birds is forbidden the killing capturing taking injuring ur molesting of migratory insectivorous and migratory non game birds is pro hiblted tho posacnslon of legally taken mlgra apjlitmfflc orrangements will be altered to provide for the large influx or visiting motorists how to visit the lxifcuimlntal fraum a visit to an experimental farm should be pleasurable it should also be highly profitable the degree of pleat arc nnd fcocial hour was spent an uio lawn tho profit will depend largely upon how it hostesses were mbia jean mclean mrs la undertaken g o robertson and mrs j e herron to wander casually about the premises a number rrom here attended uie old looking at uilngs without learning uclr lloytj re union at oaprlnge on monday tcope or purpose nor the significance mr gordon herron and friend of of accumulated data is to make uie least toronto spent uie weekend at 111 home ol the opportunity greatest benefit can here i be derived only under the guidance of mr robert talbot and mlsj wllma inmmiini in hibio i inpi of ouelph spent last week at uie latter a home miss leta anderson of toronto l spending tier vacation with lur grand parents mr and lira s mack honfst and straightforward the taid corporation was interviewing an applicant chauffeur arc von honest and straightforward ho was asked tfco indeed i absolutely trustworthy positively ii you should find a pockctboak con taining 9100 000 in your cab what would yob do what would i do shouted uio taxi driver what would i have to do id do nothing and live on my income they be alwayb imnfjfcbouff first cannibal tho chief lias hay fever second cannibal serves htm right i told him not to cat that grass widow notice to patrons or this establishment during august examinations for aiasos on thursday friday and saturday only or each week lens d rinding and quick repair department operating as usual write or phone 1001w for ap i jlntmcnt to tive waiting a d savage r 0 cjcflitfht specialist rlrlit at the tact office snvafrc ruufjuijr guclplj august sales hintons gift shoppe wcial sale our price are tlia uwut posslbn fer gifts etc clearance sale window silsam oil opaque 37x73 each lie d ipjex 37x73 each sic green or cream 41x73 each 95 wnllpapcra roll 10c ixjic i5e toilet paper large roll 7 for 25e japanese larjie bun shades ea i5e white or clover le cup and saucer 0 for 19e plates each ib lie 2ae tumblers fl lor tflo plcne plates per down 10c cups per dozen loo crepe napkins per 100 zic spout goods to clear pracuce tennis ralls each 25c 45c irwh ral for boys with hard ball ball and but 2i bamboo 3 piece planing rod good stock regular 73c each for each 41a films for kodaks tic se rubber balls regular 5c 10c 20c for 4 us i5c reach soft ball regular b5c for 75e garden secdj to clear at pclct 4c torch flaahllghu regular 1150 complete for dje 11 ttcrlei each 20c for 35e rockwood itev mr storey of souui america conducted services at the united church en sunday on monday evening he gave an illustrated lecture which woj ulurtratlvc of life and conditions among the nauves a couple or well known b imprcasli songs were abut on uie screen and tho j hope one competent to explain uie work tho writer has never forgotten hi first visit as a boy to uio ontario agrteultuaj college upon one of uie annual farmer excursions after lunahean followed by an awakening addrcm by president mills professor now dr zavlts took the excursionists through uio field plot uncovering a wealth of data and inspir ing on eager interest tn what was to be seen the late william rcnnlo dls cuisjml june candluons in uie winter stable and so on these men had tho fervor of zealots and created an undy or knowledge enthusiasm visit to any experimental uulon system in the w rid but only on that one source of revenue mining lumbering and other liidubtries have daviloped to ouch an cxunt in the last bar limits ducks 35 but not more uian 300 tn a i were of special mention ixumii oeesc 16 11 rant lo ralls 25 i tiou was taken up wlunahnipc 35 woodcock o but not itevmr icay or toronto conducted congrcgatlun joined in singing at uie nii should yield somouilng like uiat close mr storey cave a brief dcscrlpuan to thlsnd group attendance is neccs- or several south american article which hi most coses tens or uiousands a silver collec ol people visit each or these institutions annually desirous as aro uio staffs of year or two that wo will more than make n umn 135 woodcock tn one tcason iarvtoeo at the presbyterian church on it up we will also lose not u any jnut extant or course but it l iilvrtliiii uirough not bringing out farm labt reri from groat britain we will only trims part liarveutoru from the ea t to tin prairie and probably no m u than 10 500 will bo netded b hidea whit they hava hi uio west now we only bring the mi u i ut for the harvest from uu old country b cuu c evry one of them is u imiuntlul eltlir may moke his homo in canada but wlun w sec uiat canatht itocmi t need j tlum lnrcc hundred dollaro and not less uwm we wont urge them to eonil w- 1 j aollarb or to imprisonment wont bring any thlt year consolation baaj entering t n b camp lit ian rand entered alnady ror the miulc i s ull cuaiuun na at a glasgow election meeting uie uonal tajuwtlon thb year ore oshawa oiw wa territlc ihe chairman ttwu- p ii vlr duiullul kl lwru lwt to speak ifi n nort y uwo ilurliugtou 1 ut in ue hubbub nobody could hear amvllle watcrfird haueravillc port him dovrr booten newmarket midland quiet reigned for u uus uiu u widtby weston elmlru putrolla uud- 1 hear my own voice bury montreal and uio ork raiigcra imnitdlauily and to uio evident wtd york towiishlp bands au luronto delight of urn audience tomeono shouted ttenlnioiit bands and probably thi lor well k you ro not nikidng much onto imlicd tmind gun and appllailces sunday b of automatic auto loading hlv l l gocjclln mrs gostelln machine guns or battery atilrancla and ronald were visitor in uie village and at the park on monday congratulations to the following pupil in examinations at i axon to canserva lory of music mimes elsie gordon and c ura harrli in primary piano master george day in elementary piano lion mha elizabeth gray junior counterp41nt and junior harmony mr and mrs john taylor of van- couvir b c were recent visitors with mr and mrs john uunter and mr and mrs geo ii pearen j mr und mrs s wood ruff mu wood- i ruff miss chlsholm of chicago 111 mr and mra 11 d lugg of stratford i were recent visitors with uls mary illll lurlvfl c kiiy uuii lurgi r than number iq gauge is i k hiblted mid uie ulc or any aeroplane 1 wiiboat uti boat or night light and hooting rrom any tionetlrawn or motor vihlcle is furblddcn penalty lvery person wlio violates any pro vl ion ol uila act ur any regulation shall fur each offence be liable upon nummary conviction to a flno of not irntirm not exceeding six monuia or j o both una and imprisonment mooting and greeting tho public it is a physical unpacslblllty to glvo adequate atlcnuan to ail individual vbillor on uie other hand large crowds are un wieldly tho people scatter too much and get out of hsarwu i i the idyol way la to organize a neighborhood group a number of schools a club or any body wlui common liiter- crts and visit tho institution at a time appointed taking along a picnic luncheon to bo eaten on tho ground a whole day nliould be spent and if there urc phases of tho work in which the visiting party are especially interest ed uie staff should bo advised of this hi advance arrangement can usually bo made to give special attention to such groups and the pleasure will be mutual ihcrr in something lo bo loomed at nelson co three day specials ft lbs st lawr hq lucnccgran sugar tjvc 58c 25c 23c 20c mazola oil i can for 3 prunes lbs tor 2 ginger snaps lbs tor o lilac roae glyctr soap for 3 best rice lbs for 3 bulk starch lbs tor 3 sago lbs fur 7par white soap burs for tea regular uol 1 lb for 25c 25c 25c 25c 45c new cixiveb honey 10 lb pails for jl 10 5 lb pails for floo choice oranges per down 20c ami 45c nelson co mill street acton phone 37 j4ind mrs d calvert each of theso public institution renolvi some of uie weekend and liollday i harn il pollow tho explanations vial mm were i ask qucjtti tu listen and observe the mr uoth llallcy and daughter ida or ksl or irarnlng and comparing notes bruuuhu out and daughter edlui wlui add kem interest to the occasion hrr husband of ldnioiiton alberta i when a man ceases to learn lui cum mlkas margaret and jeiui jupp of i nonces lo wiuilt let us keep alive toronto i i luperimcnlal utuuon ueavcrlodge alto jaluiston iiowal mis jean tor- a lullafkig a imrv vualk z mr smlui uiat ham you tolj nu am tiuy havd a jokn out now hi whuh i sure bad it u uaimwl uiat ihuton li noted for i wiiy luudus uiat luun was only iii boou and allocs whll pour old turhl last wk chlcatfd derlvj it noloritily fiom iduwu hmt might he mr smlui but it kilo uul bood tain t 11u41 iiukta liad a rohlpkd ranco of oimooj mr und mrs a uoleod of auelpll mr clarcnco lyndi or ouelpll mr and mra alex uunro and dough ter or hamilton nunt on evening down vuiw itoad 011 uielr way borne rrom oruntu last wek a number of young people of u10 united church motorud to waterloo ut prlilay and tiwut uio afteuitiun uuste ml lydla uhullbi ot poronto i v 11 ling lir brouior mr uumoru biiulu school fair daticu tlic followhitf oro uio da te j this year of uio bclipol pair br ilalton county palfirmo soptember 3 ilrookvlllo clotiiuubor 10 baniiorkburp lipteiubo- 11 hornby cuptember 13 mount memo september 13 i lyafubiar uoptimlwr 10 1 burlluglun bepuinlur 30 final week of talbots summer hardware sale lo 1s the i inn weel of our summer hurdwutc salt it cnd- on tiurilluy aiikusi 16 there are still mnn valuc o be ieeiirej lit thif uy but ynu will imve to luke udvuntujic thu week s sims specials for friday and saturd royal york tla half pound 35c aylmeb catsup 18c la vo line t packeta 23c mocvmleki sodas 1 lb packet 16c fancy a j seedless p cakls frc raisinb si 24c glass tumblers each v 7inc jar tg uings jwii 1 doyen for r nnooms good five string for 49c caisco 1 vb tin for 24c aunt dinah molasses per tin 9c ruihier ilings 3 packeu for 25c ijlirpiuhe soap 5 bars for 25 clover leaf cups and saucers 6 for 95c pjipne your order lo vii l f hills m7 hinup i aonh olpbrlt ptoj1b some of the specials i hat will be iiaiib 10 ddimcat afain quality meats tr aluiniiiuii leu kettles hold four imperial quarts abbolutuly scanilesi body with it slumlesb spout kerjutnr cj2s value for granitl waiter iails 10 imperial quart bize velilai 1 2s i or liamher pulls in three eolors 10 imperial quart size jvitb iu n httiuc cover kejjular 1 00 i or saus enub auust 15 u i u9 79c 69c talbots chain hardware store member f auuince cliahl of llardwuft mi1j and main slutl ihonk 76 acton nx hen you deal ut putttrbon s meal shop you arc suit of quulny meats clit right unit served 40 you right our txptri tikl in the incut business in buying and serving assures for you ulwuy dcln1011 rousts fir your fuvonte ent of meat whutever it may be our juciliilo for nirin fov jueut pre the best und you urc ulwuys sure of ouulity meats from our counters cooked meats a full range of all cooked meats of tho best quality wo always have cooked hum bologna head cheese cheese loaf jellied tongue pressed beef and corned beef of the best grade imiices aiie always low at iattlksonb pattersons meat shop wk dmjvkjijrplw ihonk 178

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