Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1929, p. 3

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ajtou3frpgjgrggj iiiumuiay frqiir p jky rlnpl ii im ukluc ii nlnlit u1 plrli and v whllf tie mt uri ihu kld anil allnil brood nhore- umnoui rr und 1 i hi rolled and rv t uproar t iny fu i i 11 r u i with uiinl iro i 1 iwly 1indwinl ncki with and then i parid outward r- lynt of utmbblnic had binuuhlmli feet and i o mlhty hip nl i might not fm t 111111 the nilrttn of life mankind han i thought conceal a real eour or ihoni ma never henrd yet while we stand in idle nri a hidden umu r nnd lire itmnuiy frl ntlr red ii i j colnnai menu hints ttcljea for new anil novel dlshu hautehoij ideas and kucgectuns ny betty itarela caffm hot and con cold almost every ono appreciates a good eup of hot coffee many houvor dt not realise the value of a dcml taite bi lha early morning or a glacn of iced vatiaa in tlio afternoon when the weather is hat coffee la a delicious bevcraifc wildly stimulating and according to suthariuei u beneficial to uic crcat majority of persona demi tasge brew the coffee double ulrcnrth ac cording- to your favorite method serve in small cups as the first item on uic breakfast menu 1mb is a favorite with many hotels and railroad dining cam iced cofpee tlie coffee should be made extra strong and poured while hot into glaxrm flllml with cracked ice mciung of uic ice will decrease the ttrcneth of uic beverage pour cream into uic claim to fctflt out tonic and if dcalrcd add whipped cuqtaud uovvfle 3 tablespoons butter iip flour u cup cuar 1 cup ccaldcd mflk 4 sfls v teaspoon colt melt butter add flour and gradually ho milk wring to bailing point and pour on to yolks or eggo beaten until thick and lemon colored mixed wltli cugar and aall cool fold in whites of cms beaten etifl turn into buttered dish and bake from 30 to 35 minutes in alow ovun take from oven and serve at once serve with hard caucc whipped or plain novel reach ooclpes peacliei are with ua they arc dell- clous and healthful many can pluck them from uie trcca otticm can secure them at alight cocl here ore wo novel jeh recipe that will bring this dell- tlous fruit to you in now forma peaoii dessert 1 package vanilla junket 1 pint milk elliced sweetened peaches prepare vanilla junket according to directions on package at serving time garnish ice cold junket with sliced swect- hiiiniav v14itouk until wjt luii ujfnrd u now uupply or thu i rhlnuwuri wiivi- bocn uenuilotiiad in i vor twcvo years mr und mru mnori how ninny farm wnjni n i wondt uml ihi h urmvhik family virun 1 nl n ully rnjoy iliuuliiy mmpfiny in the rhiiirlng nnd funning urn nlchnl pro- 1 intuitu r tlim 1rniikly i iriivo tin- pirly thin with the nlcklln lambv ind inoil of ijj do nut ainl thin li iuh m multhrwn ftimlllfu uity drrlded in inh jijiahn mi it luuridi i in uijv ill hu a of thrlr f iirnin limn- and enmn u li iti i jny f rh ml ume to hi ine if oily i lr iv how to ktki vuom cllowlsii ou an kav viot1m arton uik rr ndvaiitmuen wlilrh wn not obtulnumi ul that thin in nlrhol ihi- four famlllri i mil hi n in the iprliiff of 1d45 and all were pron- iniun ploni t lcltlern thrrr are rhildrcn of the fourth ttn- rratlon lure now but tilnaularly n inn nflhrm orciipy any of the prop rty wlilrh roiintltuted tlm ho mm of tlio four m fnmlllpfl for no mapy yearn r it in nn intereitlnif enljirldnee rn i think qultn a punitive fact that maln- ul triite if p moore a urandun of thorn n moore in the oldcitt innle rnuint o j acton who wan ijorn hire nnd han re id ed here all hln llfr njrthirmorc it li another coliicldrnce that mr nnd mn moore ttre uic only couple in acton win were born here npd have lived here a i uifilr liven and thrlr ren1den0c mwc- croft in erected on the iilte of mr f moores birthplace it in al an intereat- i ln fact i believe that mr nnd mra j moore ore now completing tticlr flftith ytar of their married life together rill hi alwuyti drlvafujtt out of ullnya mr ulindlctt lowcrfd hl tuiwnpalicf alvuyu ru- with hwoiiiollvni u rroui- hiid ilik over w lop i huv rntrl inui lulmt rr like it it brlu tlin 1ut 1 to your fnihulr fulitlji fridlrc tiiiinotnny of their jolui f uildii irkhuby fund uud mroinjlk i alwuyn pwi the rr ulmud n curvr tutlonr 1ul i mml ray that if i had i turnn ijont uwjttftir liorxi t may htn ronmilud whlili i was nut i rjimihl y of tin itlwr alx innirve t oilnr fi how and ruuso 1dm lluv lcwit the hue ut uklint iilrmiun i ii i vik hi in ui tin re myi t jut uhi far chlldrtn into our luum in i iu inm- jioimihtiuly aeon- 1 j alwuyi duiinnd half thrf road the wot chlliln u mrn liundlett rorrrct- uiulay vliltlnu hulilt 1 1 u ire ihy iibmie half innlt on your rlhu e a child alwoyn iprrd it ihown people you are i ilruw the line loo at wnlklna tl n man of pep even thotikh nn amateur n w it nluhti lie continued vllh ctrlvcr jwimo hejtt nlvit ntop irok or lulep at railroad uhn in mveil jrarn old mrn hundlclt cir inb it concumen tlnif juicuy remarked uilvc confidently jurt aa ttioiikh thero tlila wan not the comrortlntf auiurancc i not clkhleen million earn in service that miff lit hnvo heen expected alanji lock your lirakm when aklddhiff i the very uife for plunder eaid mr it maku ihe job moro artistic j itundlctt filoomlly tliere wont be a alwayn paiui earn on hllhi it allows flower left in the garden or any rrult on l u have moro power and you can turn the trcen out if you meet a rr at the top ohe ceemed a very iult little uiljiif in nloppy weather drive clnrs to pedes- alien i nawher yesterday in town cald rlaii dry cleaners appreciate it never look around when yu hack tip there in never anything behind you iliould 1 inn ureal many ohir farm unmrii work for u fnnllv which j tic uli i miiull clilldn ii lduii u hired ih the week lie with il kcji i ufl i flit mfcn of old k mnemonics year touud uj in he i i irr tlnii have yardi n und rhlckenn to taki up time nnd em nty tlo an um li iuimi und tluiklay conici li 1 ntfully ueltoiutd ai u day of rent in our inral church tile rnvlcu in luild nl j jo p ni thin havis in ample i r nftlr tin nicliiinry work in thn i lima lj ium or rest read in if mudc a wtillt throunli the flrldn or whatever ft in of rccrlotlon we fancy often it u tli itt opportunity hi the week to have a hi nit l heart vhlt with oncfl own family it in the ope part or the week i which vc fell it really our own to ifpnd an fancy dlctnten nccdlcsn to ray then i do not rp nd all himday mo mint in i pre par in i a bis dinner a kettle of soup on a cool jay or uindwlchen cookie i and name kind of cold drink on a hot one tcrvcd out under the treei often in uic calutloii of our sunday dinner at is the bent day in the veek and how wc enjoy i know not that the men of old were better uuui men now of hinrt morn kind of hand more bold of more lnifciluoun brow i heed not those who pine for force a bliont or time 1 tlw cuurto wi rtau upmoi- p t lli ior rennonn of economy saya a con- trlbutor to punch we b all our supp len nftft wmctlmen happened hownver from mohflrjdcon stares we liav nu pp c mllln in interruped iter mouicr caid nhe at ii they thun i of these appointed dayi btill it in true and 6vcrtruc that i dctlftht to clone 7hl hook of life cclfwlsc and new and let my thoushtn repose on all that humble happinca the world han since forcaonc the dayllqlit of contcntcdncns that on thono faces nhonc with rights tliounh not too closely scan ned cnjoyed nn far an known wlui wll by no reverse unmanned with pulse of even tone llicy from today and from toniffht lxpcctcd nothing more ihuii yuiurdny and yestcmlaht had proirercd them berore a man a best tlilnfpi arc nearest him lie close about hln feet it is the distant and uic dim that wc arc sick to erect tor flow era that crow our honda bentaui wc struggle and asplro our hearts must file except they breathe ihe air of fnmli desire another old acton family i wrote lant week about the old vlllnjt tl grldndn when i arrive at my oftlce and family and told about their flour the old bakc shop the tlircjirtlhtpi and so forth this week my mind has been revolving ubout the expcrlcncca of another old family very closely associated wlui tle mckllns in many ways you will readily undqrbtand how i have cot ten off in this channel when i tell you that i wan ut last mado the recipient of a copy of neat iltuc booklet entitled the family history of thomaa moore and uln descendants 10031020 i had covet- ud a copy or tills llttlo volume ever aince i knew it had been printed and i will greatly prize uio copy which has come to mc now uie reason i cay the nlcklln and uic moore faralhca had much in common is the following they were neighbor up i4h iiu wiii iu jti m the driveway no doubt they are people orarwhrrwevanvhttia whenever i we know ille unde ot remember unfortunately i usually for- i clrcumitoncc- would be glad to see at get consequently it eencrullj ends in h tlmb can uic housewircn joann wrltlnif a nouj when i return homo w be joyous and olncerc wlicn at in the evening once wicre ruilicn through her mind one morning after breakfant joan ihought of the sandwich luncheon which asked mc to repeat her orders i did no i now have to bo pushed aside and a thnfo not what i naidr cried joan not dinner hurriedly prepared in itn i did not mention nmoked salmon how p and til v needed rest given lutcn or better btulwrlto it down on a p iat al cnjlt another week piece of paper no ood housekeeper ever allows uie i nlwayi lane uie paper i said but cupboard to bicomc entirely bare ao in qo on with uic list ive a very jood idla uic end of course a very good dinner two pounds of mocha coffoe the in set before the gucitn but it is not uie began kind of meal one can serve with pride an i picked up two coffee beans from the b the case wliln om has had time to troy and put them in my trousers pocket plan and prepare properly besides the fourteen pounds of loaf tuijar she hoiu u li rushed hot and tired and han went on no time to vlilt with her friencta unul i drew out my handkerchief tied a the late dinner la over and the dlihcs lump of sugar in a corner of it and then i v ashed thin usually means that all put it inside my hnt j thought of church going must bo given why put it in your hat oxked joan up for that day before one real il it because i answered i may not have the early supncrtlmc is here again and occasion to draw my handkerchief from the cows arc waiting to be milked its unual place whereon x always have sunday is over once more but instead of a to take my hat off 1 refreshed bodjr and spirit with which to iftw will you remember uie quantity m tl 1 o t oslf fi p f j urj j n i dont they before t rcmfcinoer uie hard headache an well thins ijj a piece of sugar x shall uilnk all uila enn be avoided by a little ita ft etono thoughtfulncsn on uic part or the vlajtor joan sniffed contemptuously thercb by merely a phone call or a post card my ring idle continued the diamond to find out when the visit will be mwt and sapphire uiat i left for resetting convenient if the vuiitor is not so con- and j slderate then it ls the place of uic hold on a minute i cried just hostess herself to put uihiffs rignt ue a piece of cotton round my third i have found the best way to do uilfl finger is to nay to our country friends when she did so then she went on giving an invitation come some rainy the drawingroom clock should have day when uie men cannot work in the been sent home cleaned last friday it fields and we will have tunc for a good tvaunt visit or to our town friends come pcrhap3 uicy expected it to run out come holiday the 24th of may uic dqwn i suggested 3rd of june dombilon nay civic hnli- joan merely sold well do comethlng day labor day etc or the usual weekly put uie sardines in your pockctbook or hair holiday the marmalade in your gloves ii they invite un t tholr homes lor those i said have nouilng to do sunday we tell thtm unit we usually itli clocks everything i have done is rent and attend church on sunday and mvhtkuy ov kutkf human taints ore said by a physician to be divided into two classes uioe who ray they sleep like logs and thmu- who ilevcr get a wink and neem rauier proud to tell you about it actually boui arc wrong thane who complain that tliey npchd night after night just lying awaki prove uiey ana romancing by the mere fact uiat they ore alive o tell tlie tale while we sleep the wear and uar in our bodies in made good wltliout it we die according to a cclentlst wlu expressed htfl theories recently uie soundest sleeper wakes up between uiirty and forty times c night wluiout remembering it eo uiat no one sleeps like a log an a rule women sleep more peacefully uuui men this question of slumber is olio of the most barf ling iwhlch science has to colvi no one has yet discovered why we fall ajileep bomo change muni occur in our body just as n motorengine will only itop when you switch off or aameuilng goes wrong fashions for the smart woman it xtinvlnl nnrf till 1 1 ttll tluciuj lvcryululf iiuvc uuiio i cu- uj1w ihhiiu tlluitll u1 ou1iui4jt u4ju l zt zk ikh ot ht i have u c wou rur o ornc other day if it and i turned my watch round in my would bu aa convenient it can be dona party ikock anco society in their poliucal leanings in their social relauonshlpo and in their municipal experiences their farms were only a few rods remqved from each other the nlcklln mill pond touched uie first line and uie moore farm had on hundred and fifty aero irntago on uie tamo lino and near by to gut those who are unacquainted ened peaclica a little whipped cream with the early dayo when both uicsc also la very delicious families occupied the farms uicy lived and which they cleared i have only i very delicious peach ice cream 4 junket tablets 3 quarts milk x pint cream 1 cup cuffor 3 teaspoons vanilla crushed sweetened peachca warm milk slightly add sugar and ynula duiolve junket tablets in table spoon cold water stir into milk mixture quickly pour into freezer can and let at about 30 minutes until firm place tan in tresmr pock- with ice and salt and frees to thick mush add uie where the founders of uie two families rosstjn- l ta pocket so that it ci outord toctmly u nidi way oa to leaye no irssl i y t nd waa blowing i withdrew the hand- hurt a irlend ncedleialy n l stai f- kerchlet iron my hat and wiped if unexpected company come through in the uetlurlkt church in the tamper- otrclmtab eye3 opcnua i tn u never bother me in the leant i placed uie handkerchief in my sleeve i i am a firm believer in uic six days heard the whin tie of a train and in- slialt thou labor part or the command- sunctlvely took out my watch it was men in as well aa uie latter nart col rightabout race hi my pocket and x lott uiero in always a good nourishing dinner a good second in turning it over i had ready whether uo arc expecting visitors just one minute in which to do the or not quarter mile and i missed the train let ua uien consider hondfiomely our rrlendb in this matter and not impose d touch t and tlie collar there won on interval of twenty ourselves on their one workfree day jtf tujzu j minutes before uie next one so i bought the thoughtfuliilsn will be appreciated a mogaxlnc i had to remove my left it li often just iuch uilngs aa uicsc glovo in order to get at my money and unit strengthen or undermine frlcnd- tliosc ulio love the youthful charm of the berths collar welcome its tri umphant reentry into tlie fashionable limelight for it lias returned to uie accompaniment of flattering acclaim from some of tlie most famous french designers in this frock the bertha is piven a modern air by its interpre tation in a downward slanting vpoinl this pives piquant contrast to tlie long slender lines of the bodice de- eii from tlie princess siljiouette to say that tlie present prosperous and attractive homestead of mr and mrs richard l johnston and family was uif farm upon which mr and mrs thomas moore and family actued about 05 years ago and which uioy occupied until lanjr after mr moores dcatlf and nearly all uio membcra of uie family hod dispersed to moko homes ckewhoro for themselves now i think you will enjoy a few para- graplia relative to the comlnu of uic moore family to canada and incidents relating to their seminar here mr and mrs thomas moore were both bom in tmafil whipped if convenient and the the good old county antrim near the trnthtd sweetened peaches finish fraxins gave part of peaches to nerve en top trawbcrrles bananas pineapple inay be added in uiln way when making bny junket ice cream she slang of the countlly city of belfast mr moore at lame and mm moore at the famous ballymcna uie birthplace of the late tlmouiy eaton the mercliont prince and of wullom johnston the renowned irish orange man they were married in 1830 wcro in uic boot and shoe business in belfast for a number of years and uien came to canada in 1833 mr and mrs moore had uie usual trying experiences incident to crossing the atlantic in the oldtime wooden willing- vessels they were six weeks in tiia chinese imvc so tough a language to wrestle with at home uiat it is no wonder they are able to conquer ours clan and all while prince pu lun was entertained in new york cays the crowing uierc wason auacltor cholera new york times he won one day prts nt on board and much discomfort when a member of his party asked an tn i american what the poorer people here j h f really uiink or the rich i canadian home whlcli was located war tiunx or mc ncn on tlc cjurn rwxd neu mllulljld3 ahqui of eourxc aald the american in four or five miles from the conclusion uicrc is a certain clati in inra md ferguj uie community wlio would like to in pulling it off i noticed a shred cotton come away with it tliat meant an inside fieam gone somewhere and they were new gloves too i uircw a coin to uio paperboy and two email round objects like boot buttons rolled upon tlie platform at the office i was so busy all day that it was not until i was seated in uic train going home in um evening that i vaguely remembered uiat i had forgotten nmcthlng i grew uneasy and to dis tract my thoughts i picked up an even ing paper from the opposite seat the first paragraph that- 1 read reminded me of joans forgotten orders but it relieved mc too for it ran the funeral of the late jeremiah moggrldgc founder- and managing- director of th mammoth stony that bear hla name took place uils afternoon aa a mark of respect the premises were closed for business all duy go it would have been futile to ring uiem up in any cose i was saved i tlie first thing joan sold to me wan did you order those things from moggrldges i dldnt say anything i merely handed her the evening paper and indicated the caving paragraph joan read it through- then she sold i yes i thought youd mess it all up in spite of your ichneumonlcs or what- lever you call uiun and so after lunch i villages wlnt io tnc cul ofrlcc and or t tllnga mylcir next time don t try to ships alma tryman j itul bfljtt 111 1141 m illljhlktlt t t n r so tliat the princess lines are not too or and not impose i toudl x and tl collar lccp the frock definitely slcnderixitur despite the fulness of the twotlercu skirt fialtorcther this is an extreme cliarminfr frock for informal winter dances as well as summer affairs lonff sleeves are also provided in the canadian coun- w estern fair london ontario sept 9th14th inclusive1929 the mecca of westrn ontario this yrar prcsrnu a greater lxlitbltlon tlian ftver ha tare 40000 00 in puizfs and attraction 9 a btirxcr opportunity for every rxlilldtar qreaur crowds i better attrac tions an exhibit at the we tern fair builds prestige and carries yoar nam to the people who can do you most good bays and girls calf feeding competition dag show agriculture manufacturers duplaya magnificent midway semi for copy of prle jul now special railroad fores to london and return sptcial light houhl iiow sept 0 to 1z in the new arena lnttlcs cloce august soui for furtlier information write j ii baundeiis president w d jackson reereury loiulon on tar ia mrs liundlett uan good mr liundlett smiled pityingly at this dont you know that foreigners think no amount pf earuiiy glory can approach that or doing a yankw her even are dark and she has very pretty smooth brown hair said mrs ftundlett wlui apparent innocence for on uuuuit mr itundlctt wavered his wifes eyes were brown and lie had a weakness for sleek heads but he soon recovered himself i know uirrn at seven he said dark ly then after vainly waiting for his wife to say comeuiing lie ftald uie re was just one uilng uiat child must be kept away from him this wan at breakfast wlien itundlett came bock in uie afternoon mrshundjk was not in ohe had been called to a neighbors uio maid said tlie little gjrl u in uic library sir she added liundlett bounded into the library ex pecting to catch the child messing with his uilngs oho won reading but she got up politely when he entered she told me to stay here olio gave me tills book the childs voice was small and sweet and itundlctt caid afterword uiat it was uie first thing that impressed him in lier favor when she had finished speak ing she sat down and began to read ohe was a pale lltuo uilng looked peaked rundlett thought and wondered vaguely if children like uiat fared poorly was it all talk he hoped his wife had given her something substantial for luncheon presently itundlctt nouced uiat uie childs book was closed and her luuida ttere crossed on it ohealghed once deep ly and rundlett wondered what kept his wife tlie least flho could do would be to make the child happy alter oho had jier thero aggsss a iltuc why dont you come over here itundlctt said most unexpectedly to him self the child rose and took a step toward hlin flho said i wasnt to bouicr you am i troubling you liundlett shook his head he was deep ly wounded do you know who i am he asked yes sir said uio child but without advancing glie told mo what else did she cay that you wnxnt customed to tittle girls and i must be very very careful- or id bite ghe didnt say uiat said uie child in her soft serious voice the little bin moved slowly forward studying ilundletta face ad the tuna if you really think youd like to have mc die began rundlett put down hln book and open ed his arms a smile broke over the lltue girls face but suu she stood where oho was a timid but valiant ngurc then greauy to uic surprise of both rundlett swooped down and gauicrcd her close a moment later tlie looked up shyly my name la isabel she said what in yours rundlett looked bewildered mine is dncle charley he said at last and with came convlcuon later in the evening ixr rundlett tod mrs rundlett that children took to h m naturaby they know who really likes uiem he said and mrs rundlett smiled softly good health so cheap and so pleasant to take shred heat with all the bran of the whole wheat two liscuiti wjtlt whole milk and ttome fruit give energy car tlie hot days and are so canity digested and bo full of real tnitrlmenf for breakfast or lunclu history of the fnmhy saya to estatllsh an alibi wlui yesterdays paper 111 tllfn nf ihl 1 i private telephone will be installed by next week till road to ruin small on um upper classes and cnuh them out n1 rcen the site or their new home hi uic j pnnce now i under- primeval forest in wellington county sund uie american cay whai l it twentyfive y before tjie railway ven- ah yas about people walking on ihcjr tu into these virgin regions the hard- udp miljw and privations of their journey one of uie party had bought wimc i must liavo been many indeed bui it american lightweight trousers to take wan the sturdy persevcrence and sacrtlce an cnglshmon on holiday in home as a curiosity he put them on ot n the part of such pioneers into canad hcottlnh village was filling hi the hotel on evening to show off and which brought thin country on the ww afternoon by clmttermg to johunl- l l t v y c ac i ix uu mnny vcnlcncen we now tlmt tnc vlilur wafl connccua wlth sfhi r ciu i ib london ntores and johnnie man was troubled he put them on nrd i n duty upon arrival at the- new slowd considerable interest in uic po- wnl to p hlte- was to conmruct a shelter ccldlngd your excellency said he th i ihli voa no taay task for people who go yore in- won o thae big lunun i trousars luive grown smaller in uic ntlh- hud all their previous lives rasidcd in oliupa ho inquired wliat do you uilnk uie- ann r leans have umn or city and were entirely unac- j yea done to uiem quaint d wlui the new claims upon the yell pardon mo asking said johnnie nonxentel said uio mlnuter im ier m ttler dut the neighbors who after u paue but what kin o profits forget wlwreyou arc the appafc li irtccjcd them hi the locality were enn ye niafc doon thero proper but your icgu have been pulled lltr ly assbtcd uiem in the- oh the visitor replied uie americans say 1 heyll oe all get our prices before you bw tires tire costs reduced rliht wlien you get to clilna pretty reetlun of their log lyiucu and tn getting i cannabic on sonic articles un per ittlid uwre rudely constructed chairs cent on others twenty per cent and on the iuintlr i and u table were made and then mr mix re ujt to work to construct shelf- room for uio dltlics and culinary utensils j ilhlch the mouier of the home was liccullar alutijs so paruciilar about having set in othi rn tueiitynvc per cent iwrntyflve per cent uan awful why dont you get uiat here naw exclaimed johnnie 1 the printers culling beudness in that it la not only a trade but ord rly urray the owner of the new net nae mah than one per cent wl me uore of course the una md is to nmki home hewed out a passable shelf from u it n a case o buylu a thhig for a nhlllln a llvlnir a most worthy end but much ulu log bored the hplcs hi the wall foe ami gottln only tuo when ah palrt wl loo uian that in mixed wltli hln trad the supporting pegs and hi searching h ther is a spiritual tide which elevuua for wme nice clear easily worked wood uie aproned and bedaubed prhiur to nwcund u block of baasuood white olid puros among uie- elect of progress and tlmr ihlo he npllt up into iicgn chant- j tnluhunment f rd at tlie ends ao uiat they might be i ttw printer toka a blank oiilet of orhn iujly into tlie auger holei in the napr gauieni type inks thu prp- and iik of the wall tlie ieg9 were driven delivers to lus putnm not inertly a ijiugly and the prrparcd shelf laid puca of merchandu- but a thtnu now neras them then mrs mooro with alitf speaking a message to the mind cur hit interrat unpacked the uuimlls uio bacon giving the air a tang uiat makes thrown uic eye the inanimate han clilna and the crockery which uuy had the- mouth water bolliyour coffee or han racreated into a spirit tongue brought from the old home hi ireland prepares the midday or evening meal i of ounlng lias been glvn tlie once among thrsc oa a cherished clilna tea capable- abo of destroying your camp tlunib ahect and now the piece of paper sr t ono uf iicr most appreciated wedding and putuibly many thousands of dollars wlui aid of magic of printers ink does ptesnili all were piled in onlerly array worth of umber and pulp wood and it vital uie mlnrtjjj llieir cannot tlo w tl new shelf unfortunately mr i will do this unless it la controlled and carries a massage of thoughtn hupen moore luid no knowldge of the lack of guarded with meticulous care l hluons to other minds terullr ntranuth of basswood and as the not only will it destroy your personal tiwy say lliat tin- mm lu mlghtl r lt plice of china waa being placed an clurh und tree iuid plant life bur the flh taltkhji of hue all cunipers uu ire but unfortunately not oti all llincu remember thai it la gmid urvunt but a poor boss camp lire that frlea your morning ripehe3 um vo id a tins new coodyeiir tins vllh mora mlloora tluin wa wy iiulll inlo lira lufora and extremely low prlcaa tlo eot pcrmue la osuy a fiauon at wliat you wll a few year ago now li ilia lime to buy goudyeari if your size and type uul llatej bare aalt our price m tirci from 505 o j10jo all firsts 201410 tuo from 900 to 11 50 20x4 75 tires ul h50 3u5 00 tires ul 1600 uuui th eworri llicy bwuk nuuruuvcly for umy mean uic prlntlnir nnua uhrn usy ty tlie iicu and whru lln- roll li caud of tin uniit miiiii who without lrtuf or boajit have tmtl ihlj 1j liiul vwu alona ihe f irnurrm anil wll p blllw w tlulxauon ivrlum in llrrt in lli lll m mr oil r luldlnu a fw unr uhl 1j lllul caiiin nriri 1 1 i i i 1 uiuur rhlnu i tin floor illf the baaawood ifg gave way j bird game and fuui life which provide thu weight and all the valued the nporbunau with the objective or hln mid trtxkrry wai prielpltutid tu gun and turkle urc liniierlllcd und shut lend inui f ragmen ta j put out uuit fire- with water before you naturally there was chagrin und ar- u or hhi a few nionifiitj nnd but with her p 111 lamp liicol mituru at h it while jou are there prom a moon af u r luddlng u ftw traro hookli t tiiuinmr lionuu issued by um bs uiat sanio aproned and bedaulwd uii ucll lluimas itvi uw bad but i parlnienl or lunth and porcsu ou- ktriiiua wllltafti lrwln judy w ii just t along with our tin dulios taro h a cqxe ciiimiit dc stui llyiiumth caw phuni id acton ontario leaunino from tue londonees in reminiscences and qkctchcs mr cliarlcs parster gmllh tells how he set out for uie house of thomas carlylc in clieyne row he got uiere it appears but wlui all hl instructions he might be embarracuid if pressed to say where he went it was a long distance but one does not mind uiat when lie la riding on the top of a bus uirough streets where every step is history tlie policeman at trafalgar square whom i asked l for a bus to clieyne qhayne row was at a loss for a moment until i mentioned carlylea house oh ho cald you mean chine how i wan a bit surprised for i lead my pronunciation from one who had got his in london and wan too a carlyleon and hod read sartor seventeen umcs anyhow the policeman put me on uie right bus the rest woa simple i needed only to otk to bo set down near chine row dut the guard waa puzzled loo unul i said i was seeking carlylc o house oh caid he chluc row and ho jot mc off at uic right place and i waa soon- at ray goal inspecung interesting rallcc and mementos of uic carlylcu such as disraelis autograph letter oflerlnj carlylc uie a rand crorji of uic daul und uie latters dignified but grateful answer declining il l chcyne row opens into cheync walk and liapplly just an i entered the utur licet a postman passed wuun i naked about uie house wtiere ocorgc eliot dlt j this postman brain was a veritable rtorchouse of information about chclctii anuqulllcs and historic associations and he was as ready to tell it all as el ancient mariner ho was pleased that uud just come from carlylc a hauut und most kindly corrected my prununciauon wc call it chaync iow air and he added you would bo interested jr to o scots come uiere somclinu and alt on uie stoop and shed tears about caxyla i should hidced leave been lnlorcul to see uiatl hut there were otbir places to sec to in veil ung some polite excuse i moved on ilut i waa not yet uirough wlui cheync itow al tlie dinnertable i told my experi ence wlui the policeman uic bua man and uio postman how do you call it mr hamilton 1 asked of a rcurcd indian civil service official whom wo all found mou agree able and well informed why i should say chone itow 1m answered the maid who woo waiting at uio table waa cvldcnuy disturbed and uneasy which was explained when the knock d nt my door after dinner mr hamilton docnt know sir ahc bald ho a just back from india we call it chccne itow mr hamilton pronunciation is the one given of the name although not of till rurtlcuiur strcot tn the century dlctlanury and uio nosuiiaua la uiat given by carlylc pronounced clialnie itow he wrltta to mrs carlyje hut umdmi la nut agreed canadian national elhibit10il v a cftuj can j thv tllflervnca balwmh sujiiiul- canls mrtjormumr not hulihoof you have made your horo too inflam mable i m arrold aid uie critic to uie young author lo lugln wlui ho has a lantern jaw in cluiptrr ii hln wliolc face u 111 up in chapter iii hln cl rcka rtutmd lie guvi a burning glance in chapter x and afur biasing ului wrath und boiling wlui rugu lut udniluutiriud a teurthlug reibuku ul thu lost live pags toronto august 23 to september 7 1929 arrange your vacation for gjtjfd the last week in august and jitiju the first week in september come tq toronto and take part in the spectacular empire year celebra tion of the canadian national exhibition enjoy a distinctly deferent never to be forgotten holiday combining education and recreation at the worlds largest annual exhibition a dnersified 14day program of arriculture w dustry science music art sport paceantry entertainment a vivid colorful expression of canadian empire and international progress and prosperity reduced railroad steamthip and airways rates perfect highway amfck aocommoddtieni bpenina of the netf l000u00 aulomaltve bulldtnf 4th irnpleji marathon slum in am event fnjan au 23 voincii an j ifajmijalt aug 2s pn for so0o0 and norld championship inipmnf tay concert iy u cojnwn ono outit a0u fcgjwjl four tonceru b the 2000 voice cxhiltuon cisorm aug 24 anil 20 septrmltr 3 and 7 stup4njoui military and navaj grand i ian j tptctacu untanniat nfiuur thomas bit ads haw prcudcnt h w watu13 ctncrat manager 125000 agricultural pru uti trvtlma and pacing race anj si rutu international xpoft program an land and lwli featuring can ajfit aldeit tractf meet and u- laard molorhoat racet national aircraft sfu and camiml of tiit cbwle- wei- evidence before yau buy any car be sure you have 11 tlie evidence check and weigh any cor ul th lowprkee field aeainst the value you kuov you cn gel in the outstanding chevrolet a smooth powerful slitcylinder valvcinhcad engine capable of amazinjj performance in ul gears instantly responsive to acceleration unsurpaued in economy and dependability a sturdy chassis built for endurance t with wavy channel steel frame complete high- pressure lubrieution lung scmielliptlc shoclt- abaorber springs safe silent fourwheel braking system with independent emergency brakes bodied by fisher that reflect the latest vogue in style and coloring luxurious in finish and appointments interiors rest fully quiet hand- some panelled instrument board indirecdy ilglttrd prices so low they are within reach of oil see chevrolet drive it make it your standard f j of comparison ciosnc f aestahouttueguacptfmttjpayufht plate outstanding chevrolet frfioduct of cuniulal uotofis op canada um1tud j n 0neil son acton koikk1ovn mhton it dhttiiii ii ft a ii h ii itll anaa

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