lc tup i i oli it op 5br artmt sfan ftafaa u divfiton c w n a till ack1n i hil ihis i niilliiir1 tvcr tluirtiliv rvcmnu at the 1 rr- liltlin mill miccl acln ontario the j en lion price it jim jcr year in iilvanrr ioilaac clmruol blilillrmal in nltitf in llc unilcl pnli initualrl nnlhe allrtt ull advltutimnc karls i r mall uncltitl fiel ilvcrtitcmiiu ami lr oilier column the ralca will lie oml ql lira ol cnlimn dia- plajr itlvemlaifli rjlra on appliciltnn c a dmus editor ami propruttw telepiiones- thursday evening august 15 1020 the ciiflicflt town competition from the milton reformer ot lost week it would be judged that the editor of that journal has at last see the joke of this busiest town in the county ttrv v article says the georgetown herald says that georgetown on saturday nights is the busiest town in the county glad to hear it the herald man has probably never been in milton on a saturday night or he would add the words except milton first thing we know acton will be laying claim to that distinction well if all the towns in the county arc as busy saturday nights as milton it shows that things throughout the county arc in a nourishing condition for which all should be devoutly thankful and what is true of halton should be just as true of other places throughout the province the most popular general in canada today should fee general prosperity you are right brother the only way to judge is to visit all the towns on various saturday nights and other nights too and we havent the time or inclination to become a selfappointed judge in such a contest so we presume acton will have to make entry from some other source than its news paper it reminds us that we received in the same moil few weeks ago two pieces of stationery from two newspapers in the same county and on the head of one was best advertising medium in the county and on the other best advertising medium in steady improvement the steady improveinont of canada financial nlfairr urc shown by statements of figures wjiicil pmred through the books of the finance department up to tire end of july 31 last the net debt t the dominion dccrcnncd by 01417580 in the year since july 11 1028 on that date canadas net debt stood nt 2255680003 on july 31 1020 the net debt was 2144103413 ordinary revenue of the dominion of canada incrensed by 14125105 during the four months of the present fiscal year as compared with the corresponding period a year ago total ordinary revenue of canada up to july 31 was 181003055 as aginst 100373200 a year before ordinary expendi ture of the dominion showed an increase of 1712- g07 when tho two fourmonth periods arc compared the statement issued from the finance department shows ordinary expenditures totalling 103107038 for the same four months a year ago ordinary ex penditure totalled 101454071 customs collections of the dominion continue to show an increase com parison of the two fou rnio nth periods shows an increase in favor of the present fiscal year of 5502 071 customs duties collected in the first fouri the many friends of mr a it hubbard months of the last fiscal year amounted to 00700- win noosed to hear that lie u now nnn i it progrrrjilntt most favorably and hopes arc 800 in the four months just ended they totalled cn tor n nprcdy recovery mr 00302780 excise duties also advanced the figure n uiurrweni a second operation ut tli jem iihn hospital on friday which for lastyear was 20573502 for the four months j w0jl moot successful gazette of the present year they reached 21847400 there wus a tallingoff ui the excise tax collections sales and stamp taxes from 200001 14 in the four months of 1028 to 10520357 in the four months oj the present year which have just concluded income tax collections thus tar this yar amount to 50000- 523 as aginst 50358075 a year ago neighborhood ncwa ilumllnoton mluimut murjorlo uperrft untl muriel ahent arc holidaying at url tannin uilto of ilayu mm w j itlddlford and dauntucr ilutli arc holidaying at itocumoyne on lnko luirjioait mr and mm jam clark and daughter eva win toole and vlclcerh leart spent the holiday at north hay mrs j locke returned on friday from a trip to icmiold janjt ulio rfaportd a mojit delightful fitay in the west town clerk uykra la convalescing at cedar oprlngn ilia many friend will he plctuird to noon see him around again thr many frlonds of w 1 w walter will be pleased to hear lie has returned frorn the hamilton hospital and is con valescing quite favorably at his liome chan wclr lloyd kenney and frank omlth fipent the weekend at lion head on a fishing trip they report a good catch but ah boys the onu they failed to land on thuiydky morning w e vnllonce notified chief omlth that hi rierce- arrow car had been stolen the car i won recovered about noon on the lamb- ton highway abandoned and slightly i damaged erin oakviqk town clerk ilyan willi m ilyan and chlldrrn are holidaying thin week orynlnl ueucll 1 muui ldlth lnue of anil wu a hilday visitor with jean culver at the murray house mbui john mcllvecn wan the guest taut work of her grandparents mr and mrs mcllveen at clinton i a new breakwater in lielngrtnillt along the front of col il c coxs rotate luki shore cant mm v w arlnham or kingston wan a holiday vultowlth mrn j ft arlnham in town mr and mrn it j fennel and family of lansing npent the hollduy wllh mr and mm jamcn ileggs record civic holiday vanned off vary quietly aa there were no nporui of any kind in town orf evening the menn noft- hall team defeated the doodyeara in tra falgar park mr and mrn bayly and family return ed home on friday after irpcntllnc a month at port cor ling ncwa prof jan a coote of montreal wan a vlidtor tlila week with his motlwr hn c w coote minn jejuiln vvalen of drantford vlsll- with mm walter whlukcr for the holl- day ir and mm chan cox and ml i oorotliy are holidaying in northern on tario j w li pomter artist of toronto who recently returned from a round-the- world lour will addrciui the notary club next monday evening mrs prank holbroolt and mr and isri otcphcno of montreal and mr and mi leonard wasa of cleveland are holiday ing wllh mm than wright at meadow- brook parm otar mr and mrs c a overland and two children of claremount are holidaying with mr and mrn l overland mr and mrs calvin weduell and little miss yvonne were sunday vlflltorn wllh mr and mrs walter ocott at orlllta mka uertlia hamilton lt xpndlng tier vacation with her parents here after thirtyflix vcara since coiwolidatlon there have been over six hundred municipal bylaws passed- in acton since incorporation the number may look stupendous but when considera- i measro wm oraiiam tion is taken of those bylaws which arc necessary t wenley araham and j d macdonald p at frult u probably the bt pass ever year and which are really of no further jxt rrt wm i c zrtl tlz force after the year in which they are passed tilt mr m mre wnitar wlnterbern and i urmcd wntcr fuol ror the body a number would be e reduced and not seem so crlton wcyind ut bubalo j n y pent the wcoltcnd with mr and pro lioppy inbetween bite lor stupendous there are however many bylaws in mra yy n and ouier trends lllb klddlca uie mlnerala and nalts of existence on the towns records of which few know i j warden of lo anaeto u f a calllornla uj yudtlna with mn l nualltlei ol u e niirar cmnblnlnb to form of their being ana are never enforced there arc warden auelpli noad f excellent balance try tucae rccipu jumnuthat if mora g k sond tttihia i issj ly y pre8k11ving iiinth dy betty darclay mother followed the poundforpound idea when preserving most of her frulvi and borrlea thin wan inherited trim taltlnga umm courwin arut at the nnuidmouwr and when carefully fob w toronto university od produced a very excellent and tx- miss ilona qmlth of hamuton uid odlngly rich delicacy the modern mm olrlnger of toronto returned hninu ndency in to can rather than to pn- after spending uie past two weiks with i but tluumrl of women atlll lnnlt mrn theobald i upon p p a quanmly of thi a new fur coat out of your old one f y our expert knowledge of remodelling and repairing to gether with our close touch with authentic style trendsjf enables us to rny yes if your furs arc left here conic in niul iipeet our hfock of new fur coatfl made by ouiavivcm in our own worlydwp wumrlng you- that uie worlminimliip ami fur in ilene garmenta can not be excelled liccniiac wc only iwe the choicest materlab lafontaines fur store 95 qvfaikc ktleebt east phone 122 business directory dr j a mcnten iliynklm and hurftmii otflcfl and itealdcuce corner jlowri avenue and elgin ctreel 1xqa1 riutna wo 33 p o ilox 3js harold nash fakmek m a lurtutfr iiolkkor noury rullls convnyancnr vtc 1euttyman hltick acton ontc uom1cv ucnt on moiitoaoeu hours- 0 30 a m to 0 00 p m culurdayn 13 00 oclock dental tae chaknqer a lam lavorltcs three poundn of sugar to four owamomhca and changed to sun present rejui and mknoverland quircmonts and others that might well be discarded j at btanle rft clvlc county and brother white you and 1 dont believe cither one of them and wc presume the busiest town in the county would come in for the same opinion when wc set out to make comparisons where la the improvement the official report on liquor consumption in the dominion and the comparisons with the previous seven years leave no argument in favor of the liquor control system which is now operative in all but two provinces of the dominion the 1028 sales totalled 107004384 rather more than 10 per capita all over canada total government revenue was 72- 560501 ontario and quebec record by far the highest revenue totals among the provinces their combined total aggregating rwothirds of the do minions aggregate ontarios revenue amounted to 8130300 and quebecs u 7000000 alberta with 2765009 and british columbia with 2752- 220 are ncxt though the former total actually in cludes the revenue for 15 months convictions for drunkenness have increased from 21020 in 1018 to 33005 in 1028 although still far short of the prewat figures of more than 60000 in 1013 infractions of the liquor laws increased from 7383 in 1010 to 15150 in 1028 the report records a steady increase in the number of- deaths lifted as caused by alcohol ism and also in the proportion they bear to the total deaths from alcoholism excluding quebec have more than doubled in the seven years tabulated the total deaths from cirrhosis of the liver show a similar increase a slight decease in the other provinces in 1020 and 1927 is more than offset by the large number of deaths from the cause in quebec convictions for driving an auto while intoxicated grew from 142 in 1021 to 1322 in 1028 while the number of motor cars registered in canada was slightly more than doublet the proportion of immoderate drinkers among those whose use of liquors is recorded fell from 1 01 per cent in 1911 to 09 per cent in 1023 arid had risen by 1028 to 144 per cent such is the record of conditions under tins law that was promised would decrease drunkenness and improve conditions existing under the ontario temperance act in just uhat wuy have conditions been improved small wonder that mr hauna resigned and gave up his task when he suw the impossibility of the promise of fulfilment of advancing temperance and the failure of the symem will the others who have been re- sponsible for bringing the government sale measure into ontario be as big and admit the failure of the scheme wc doubt it editorial notes the slight earthquake felt on monday morning was of sufficient force to make one appreciate the fact that such earth tremors are not usual in this licction of the country rural hydro kute cut promised by ferguson is uewhpuper bending sample these day and yet some people mer that u provincial election is not near at itojid why all the promises then fiancft aitkiat aaawtmebsxilni after putting plums in a wire strainer i holiday attracted a latae ertwdhen a dl trainer in boulng water allowing lo and possibly new ones enacted to replace them the programme at field sports kept them ini unui a3dna cradc d iooen co las consolidation and cllteling of he pen crttaun i x ttatesgs bylaws of acton was made in 1803 a certificate in ttera m the village on ounday looking iar p wlu sugar add anothor a copy in our possession states that clerk t t moore cr acene of hln birth and enjoyed a n u i u l clt with old trlendfl it la thirtyfive tlnulng until supply or fruit u exhausted certifies that at july 1 1001 they were the bylaws in yeari inco he wo in erin or jar flilbd then anide overnight cc at that date congratulation to manter dob mcleod i hut three poundn of ougor to each n i m d a t i i- lon paaalng the recent piano introductory i ld p of plwna bylaw no 8 provides for the licensing or shows examination at tlw toronto conservatory tho morning draw off juice doll and exhibitions the schedule mentions the fees tc with honaw or m 3 1 a contractor hon taken the job ot riae add the rrult and cook rapidly cutting down the hill and atralglitentng un plum ore clear and tender the rodd on leltchea hill on the ouelph i swm oul th fnllt p on a lat p noadand hoa a atcam ahovel truck i ter and bou the nymp until it coata a and a number ot men on u job on ipoon draining into the kettle all that editorial notes with a per capita liquor consumption of 0 all over canada some who dont use that wonder who is getting their share amount a wollknown london artist finds women harder to paint than men surely the saturation point in painting has not been reached with womankind the old horn gatherings and entertainments pro vided by them will soon give place to the wonders and attractions of the canadian national exhibition and the lure of tjie smaller fairs and it smashed through a fence and oil but toppled over the bank the truck wm damaged considerably the driver escaped injury advocate geottgetovvn for the various forms of exhibitions such as wax figures wild animals puppet shows wire and rope dancing circus riding side shows or minstrel troupes and magic lantern or panorama tuaydrivciont control of a truck exhibitions how often ore anyofahese entertain ments performed in acton at the present day bylaw no 17 provides against nuisances and says it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in chivaries to blow horns ring bells shout or make any other disturbance by firing pistols firecrackers or squibs or other firearms or fireworks in 1874 there wqrc no automobiles is it therefore unlawful to blow an automobile horn in acton another clause of the same bylaw saythat no person shall bathe within the limits of this nfunicipality between the hours of six oclock in the moring and one hour after sunset this provision is violated every day in hundreds of cases in 1874 there were evidently no bathing costumes considered proper the penalties for violation ore from fifty cents to ten dollars and costs bylaw no 182 also prohibits bathing at the park between 9 o m and one hour after sunset unless proper bathing costumes or bathing trunks are worn bathing on sunday strictly prohibited in any condition bylaw no 160 provides that all shops shall be closed each evening except wednesday and saturday at seven oclock excepting the day immediately pre ceding any statutory or municipal holiday or during the holding of agricultural exhibition open nights in the stores have been friday and saturday evenings for years tins bylaw was passed in i88s it wasj no doubt very adequate then but needs revision for the present day there are dozens of other like changes that common usage has accepted as law but which are contrary to bylaws existing the revision of bylaws at that time ceased at no 200 it is surely time that the task of revising ancf consolidating these bylaws was undertaken respect for law is the main factor in its proper enforcement obsolete provisions have a tendency to hinder and encumber the proper en forcement of necessary bylaws there are many of the present bylaws which are disregarded through ignorance of their existence mr fred davis of toronto spent the weekend at hla home here mr dalton mccartney of orulla spent the weekend at hla home here mr and mrs daln and son have re turned from a visit with chctley friends miss norma mccartney opent the weekend with mra lowe in allandale mr and mrs john mcdermld left on tuesday for a few days holidays with ir lends in muskoka r mks mary thterlngton ot st cath arines u visiting at the lawson home in stewarttown this week i miss annie 61nclair of luglcliart is visiting at the home of her aunt mrs pred iclng mr jim cliyfc of owen sound spent the weekend with harry p lawson jr in stewarttown ijlss myrtle tost met with the mis fortune of liavlng her collar bone broken willie in a race at the business mens community picnic miss olve wrlgglcsworth has returned to her homo in toronto after spending two weeks holldaya with mr and mrs o wrlgglcswarth when caretaker- w ward entered uie idle georgetown foundry lost friday he found the building had been ransacked and considerable damage done to uui contents motors were torn from their bases grinding wheels were broken and the contents wrecked in the oftlcd papers and records were torn and scat tered and the furniture damaged chlet marshall is investigating pine weather a large and cntluulosuc crowd and keen competition in every event mot tho efforts of the georgetown uusbiofis mens association in staging their fourth annual community picnic digger than usual and better than ever was the general comment of uie large crowd a large entry of contestants btcclcd every event and owing to this fact many of them had to ba run off in several heats before declaring a winner herald drains from tlie fruit on the platter when thick enough return the fruit to the syrup and brine t a boll pour into clean ho jars and seal peach preoettvefl cllngstonc peaches keep their snap better than freestone although either variety may be preserved wash peel and remove tlie stones if you wish cut ting peaches in fourths if stones urr removed use three quarters pound ol sugar and throe quarters cup of water to each pound ot prepared fruit doll 3uqr and water for ten minutes skim dd the fruit and cook rapidly until it is transparent seal in clean hot jam official estimates of the western harvest are less discouraging the crop is estimated at 00 per cnt of the average the west will undoubtedly survive one year of a little below bumper crop production one citizen says he cant understand how certain domiciles in town withstood even a slight earthquake and remained intact knowing where this citizen resides we realize what he meant but just let the guessing stop there we believe the thought was father of a wish we suppose one reason for the increased number of people convicted of driving automobiles when intoxicated is the increased number of automobiles mail and empire and you know blamed well tiat a bigger re u son is the increused consumption of liquor under the government control act mutton itcv w k and mrs allen lowvllle are enjoying a few weeks holidays at dala munlcoka mrs j d parlow and little son of woodstock has been vultlng tier parents mr and mra j p little miss gladys marsh j m macicenslas popular lady clerk is spending a few holidays with friends in boston moss itov j u and mrs mcftvu who havo lyicn on a trip to tho old land havj j relumed home and mr ucpaul will i preach in his own pulpit in knox church next sunday i mr and mrs a j sloane and tlulr three children of etratrord spent thu liollday here with their parents ur uloanc remaining over for a few days with her mother mrs it white at the firemens demonstration at mount dennis on monday mil ton won the hook and ladder race and also the rescue race but was disqualified in the latter an account of soma of tlie men wearing spiked shoes lie former c chruton butcher moved his family to ot catharines last week mb salter of lansing mich is visiting his brother i d salter drumquln mr and mrs fred dabcockr attended the funeral of the late w h dabcock at ac tan on tuesday of last week mr and mrs prank clements of chicago motorod wcr and spent the weekend at the lioille of ills parents mr and mrs milton clamant messrs j p little liarncutsmaker and win anderson barber ore having the front of thctr building brightened with a coat of paint mrs leon iccnneyv drlitol ii x mr and mra w a onus and mr a h suuiwood of providence it i visited their uncle chan jonas tills week mrs kennedy and mrs cross are laughters of uie lata john hill formerly of milton early thursday morning ullchus gas service sullou was entered by thieves and over 1100 worth of confectionary cujar- ettss etc ourrud away ohuf oon- slablt chapman on j provincial oon- ktablfl cooluuaii ovo working un uu cjlu otuuiiplan t the modern wav mistress and when you leave i ahull wnnt plenty of warning servant its my habit maam merely to give a toot with my automobile horn reiamitffca maeyear essex the chiiicnccr has outu tan dingly established itself as the reliability car of the year dr j m bell d d s l d s dental hurteon oppice m1j1 and frederick otrceu nione 30 dr j h johnson ddslds detitsl bunru office mill street in the cooper dloclc telephone 48 miscellaneous rancis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndluun street ouelph onl over williams store btfritt h tt 4bcvmfttegaimqyegjs3autji7 ztk jrjx m f i t n of more than 200000 owners the actual service records i prove tlie lowest service costs and smallest service re quirements of any car wc know wldo choice of color at no extra cost i hydraulic thock abeorben starter and electric giugc lor tuel and oil on daih kadistor ihuttcr adjuit- be imu front and resr all bright parti chromium- plated saddle lamp wind ill ied wiper glareproof rear view mirror ctmtroli on tleering wheel electrolock new type double action 4wheel brakci s40 and up two essex cars made the only perfect bcorea in uie famous international reliability clastic the tour de france winning arainit many far costlier can of american and foreign make and every american locality knows essex the challenger for some outstanding reliability record in arizona 1343 rnilea in 24 hours in michigan 1259 miles in 24 hours and m kansas 1109 milea in 24 hours these are but the dramatic represent a tion of the kind of reliability every essex the challenger owner knows under every condition of climate and road in hard country usage as well aa continuous city service it has made itself known to iti owners and through them to the world ai the reliability car of the year dovim tha supersix ol commercial cw u now avaiubu acton motor sales collections only we celeb rote our 40 hi anniversary tills year conclusive proof of our effective satisfactory service izach year finds our business increased in volume successfully handcd send tnj your list and bo delighted wltn rciuty kelly aiken own sound ormusevlue cjuejpb if you are looklna for any in vestment for your money tiie midcontinent bond t jh poration offers second standard rovaltihs one of the safest securities to bo had safe as a flank and pays good dividends every month information kindly given for tlie asking without obligation to you h w dawson r o box u ufcamfton district representative iistb opening far a few local agents acton ontario idl forbes amous esq harold kehhedy esq e w bhattt esq kc f e muieorni esq xc w a black esq capitol fa45487to h r druumond esq rest and undivided irohts 370768119 total asicts jf9157050j president sir ctiaiilrs goudon c ne vicepresidents majgen tub hon s c mewdurh cuo general manager sin fnruertcx wiluauitatlor directors ltcol herbert molson c uouc tub hon henry cocbjuutt james stewart esq j w mcconnell esq w n tillht esq rc wu mcmaster esq g b frasfr esq gen sir arthur currib g c u n k c n the hon thomas aiiearn a o dawson esq executive committee of the board sin charles gordon obe h r druuuond esq majgen the hon s c mhwburh cuo e w beattt esq xc london committee hjs grace the duke op devonshire to ctuiirmati f rs balpour esq sir harduan lever bart this rt hon lord stratiicona amd mount rotal paris comite consult attf m gaston menhir frederick adams esq mexico committee c gordon paterson esq the bank has over 600 olliccs in canada newfoundland united states mexico at london england and at pans france with correspondents in all countries offering exceptional facilities in all departments of general and foreign banking the bank of montreal holds an interest la ilaxcliyb bank dominion colonial and overseas and by reason of thu usocutinn is ahlc to oiler its clients close competitive rates and complete banking service for bitf ncu with the west indies among the im portant advantages oilered being facilities for obtaining accurate local mformatioa bank of montreal established 1817 acton monument works not one of actons oldest estab lished concerns but one that hau aliown good progroass during the years of its cstabuatimcnt eotaiiusiied in acton ik 1030 fair daiinx and good workman ship are miwitinr each year a larger ilaslnecb for us john nicol taits eyesight specialists eye examinations made every day pree come at your own convenience store houra 0 a m to 0 p m satur day 0 a- m to 10 p m moderate ruices results guaranteed tait optical co established 1000 phono a 100 j 110 wynflhom btrcct guelph next to loblawb fashions for llae smart woman 4719 checks f1k mic cliccki ate ever mi smart llin t v mi and thry arc rpiutll alkiitno in the gaily colored iiihiiuits n llna cuniiinu little hmk will illustrate tlie skirt n tailirfil to a 011111 ok k a fiiiiiit lutlli wantid lit i out it yoiitliiul uil diuiniur mmt lrcvcs linuie watin writlur lomloit while a lutlr munul nllil i plnn white fiunhei the- ip-iulnn- ulmuii actonipaim tin- 1 unl sin nl is tin checked ktnxli lis are 0111 unii oi uhnt for tins nmild ia niuhniu lo them ilun and iitl v s hiun am imiiie imvalo in- umiu