Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 15, 1929, p. 6

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aoamhon on hum idjo ui mr mid m me id tin ml4im mrlam mi i i i act ii ail u t i j 11 j in li r noih yiur f llllll llohh i it villi i hi t tin huftiiiun m hi monday utli rn mus muruur i 1 homkuvii i 1 ai so coiire li u 7 ship on 1 rlilu garet jam c i pyfe aninrrvllli campiiri l al tin lit nn ol in r in null um win dirrufi drayton i i r tin 77th jra lith i t u i oil annie ol lit all xinder catuplwll thtiterrn 3utu 2pb1 miui joiikpii kiauai it aiuipii hi nn film ml o the late mm joieph i rrler who pawed away hut tiirrdny mil held from in r r lilt nn on 1 linn day l iifj riiiwin lit j 30 to wood i awn cenu tery in tin lh i in r rvlce uui eonducti d liy the hi v cuunnutnl of oracn church milliin and it v j u fjewarl of falsley m uiorlnl clutch aiielph i ho into mm ft rrlrr leaven to mourn her iota slit brother i mid three nlntrrn j to wart of hamilton william of milton jiwieph of loronto chnrlei of fmunlng iler- iwrt of coehnuip hubert nf ilunu- lllr mm florence hill or toronto urn n inunn smith of milton and mrs of dvlgl1 neighborhood news nansagawkva irwin tuesday am widow of ih in her 14th the funrrnl will in hi id from the home of her r in duni im campbell mrs ai ix campilt 1 l lun wb y- otur of noanaaawoya b elderly and hlflhly in ml moitlam j re peeled renldints on rucsday when montirin lolng ininir of our dear j mra alx campbell passed awiiy nt tttli daughter piirncl muuii n who u ii jioini of lier daughter mra wm dar- ilie llwmiur united church tiunduy iiannfm bciiiuim behool held their uiuiiiul plrulo hu1 hannof huun i rihirmluy ufti nmun in mr j malum ulii m ur the cluiri h a vi ry uijoyulili kiilar mwiliuy iiuif utn uu p nt in and riir unci jluinukuum wniiumi im tllnui will lw i r lluirt mis iiuintli vl hid nlullvis ami frliiil in nowa rmis cra jcntt or lull is vlsllll j 1v e m rk lur lr mrs llrlvrl coolt d m mr anil mr ii rbcrl allan ami inn i auinll ullni nwlurrd 1 cnrltuui ol bmiduy unl un wm y m uluklrl nn llmwlity urtrr iprndujtf lir liullduys at k 1 niinr hrrn kimtchbull xu irlw dflitjy l icnalchljull vkll- mk rm witayta recvcrln nicely s a h after an nratwhfor uu removl of fr qf j mr and ur o a ovcrund u n ubted chureh u chlldrm of clurmont vlollcd mr itobcrt j kerr s lacl utek 1021 punic muni aaleep in jnu i aiimi t oauly ml i d h iaimn monirim uminita tiiuiu1dav au6u0t 15 102q g 2l2l acton pall pair in five the perrymnn illock klilneled toronto exhibition oiwnn a uee from to morrow thlii mifllit well be urmrd txpan 9ax vcar for aeton pull pair ruuh nl drayton although in her r in lit fourth year mra campbell had 1m in in food health and wan aide la iiboilt an urual bhc was taken 111 rather ruddenly an tuesday and panned peaoo fully away mra campbell wan before iilt iiiarrlac muu annie omlth and wiu i bum ui scotland uhe came to thla country from uie old land when a jounfl wonnn and luto for slxtylhreo yearn bceh a rcildent of nassacnwcya her hu band prcdccraed her about fortyfive jmrn ago and she is the last surviving i member of her family pour nono and chrec dauclitem remain to mourn her ioji and revere uie memory of a devoted mother alexander in icnruuu huch i j in mlrourl donald itceve of notsoaa- k ijrt township duncan of moffat mm j ii milne bronte mrs arch mcmuhyi i campbcllvulo and mrs wm darrugh of draj inriiidcr yton urn campbell woo a najyiaaaweya ireabyterlan church and the funeral which will he held to morrdw afternoon at 3 30 o clock from the homo of her can duncan flplcnumd crops of btatn are beinir campbell at moffat will be conducted irvested in thla ruction this year bj her paator hev c o joncjj inter i ment will be made tn najuutaawcya better stop a minute in approaching cemetery level cnwmlnor than t top forever baixinafai mrn clmrlcn vanauen ajid mr and mm rtac vunautii of windsor vultrd im1 week ut the hotnea of mr prank ijinnle and mom ra peter and duncan prruueon mr and mm kirk of toronto cpenl the holiday at the home of mr and mra john mclcccliiiu mr and mm dan campbell of r ter- bofouch cfrnt the weekend at the form- irvliome with mr j e camnbell ajr jack campbell spent hut week iuiltlnir nt the lwmc of tits sister mrs lex mitchell and at itcv ur dandier home at klen mills mr james cook of uie liuppcnfd with a painful accident on women a mlulonary uoclcty of lb i iter united church arc putlhia on a hi perancc ccrvlcc next jundny momlntf ull mr ocorue gordon as bpeovtr itockwooi itev mr taylor of ethol ont con ducted fcfrvlcefl in the united churcli on sunday in tho abcciice of hbi brotlier jtcv w j taylor wlio with mm taylor i and family arc away to port albert where their summer cottage 1a located itcv mr crancton of tottenltam conducted cervices at the presbyterian church on ouuday at urn morning service come clshty fllrls under leadership of ulcs l oliver in tlic auclph presbytery wlio wwro camping at the itotrl illu camp were present and i tnelr pretence added much to uie ervlcc ishui lino 0nc of tlictr number contrlbuud a colo ecldent on i j iki k iiiuic voiultth to the himhnui mail who thlnkii ui piilillr tiu n not m fit ui be oni tuntly runliid il of who li in mid wlutt ho luui uiwll tin oftiif tom htory of pyln puirllno will iwnr runthtu in 1004 pi arllm a rli uulnu maurlul mm iid by u lurun inrcintiiqo of uui hmncwlvn of tin loimtry and tho r m- paiiy limit t on 01 1 in ndvirtl lii unit yiir imut tin ililvirtlihuf wm mrtnllrd and ub nit 1107 it wiui illironllnued at uiurthirf iui tho cnmpairy thouifht tho prtwlur wan im well known that it did not rrulrr further advertliilnu flah 0 filll olf vapidly but tlinjjaiwrn jtiflted in tlielrtidn ndvirtlnlnif polley iiulll 1di5 when the whole concern n- rluillnif food will wnn nold for 13 000 i earllne was dead many other product whone namen were household worda a few yearn atfo are not hetrd of to day becaure they failed to ketip up jjiclr ndvertbdnu and coo nerjuently the public forgot them ilui inrw men miiiit rememlar that new generation ire coming alonii nil the time and theuc new buycru munt tx liemonnlly aold on a product or a ntore ub their father and in nt hern were nold before thrin the only time h in nafe to top ulvertlnliig in when one in ready to go out of business aclon and district onlarl mukuirul- f otivrnllmi i ho iinnual cjiivuilloh of tl ontario mill 1 train arimfittlon will in ll id iii llnrrlii on ihundity mid prlduy iiilm lur 13 mid 11 the iwinbi rrt will hi wi iromed by mayor mi ciiulu il illinle and wurilin ontrlx c frvlmrm cmmly ihi a him ulll be ih id in tint ci uiity c tinell chainbi r an xt- 1i il i ro gramnii varied mid compn linialvj him bein prepared file magi itrute will hi k ndered a liaiiqui t by the miiyor und coiinclllom on ijiurndny nvrnliitf llpet lal arrangemi nu an being mad for tin entertainment of the ladhn who iccom puny thu mi nibem with social i iictl mn of interest hhoiifl tkty it again nhe uf ii it arnold is havlnji yxldnce on milt street re painted misfl maiiaaiuct piuheit with uie deaui on monday of mlwi cloea margaret plaher acton icwea one of lto tlint lldcrly and luchly rerpectcd cltlxciis luyu miaa fisher has been in gradually de clining health for eomo time and during tlio value of the canadian national uie past alx weeks developed pneumonia j exhibition jlulldlni pork and plant u the attack of which her weakened oyotem ing a the itecollectors contct august 31 bend in your list befoi i ucttocni on j during uie offering ftev mr cranston faaturday last while threndlnff uir needle- delivered aiifaniflbt dlxcouree which held of the binder the horces started and j b hearers wlui close attention durtitff uie avciiing service itev mr anuuun of winchester was present gome twentyfive hoy scouts from fergus arc camping ut ur lorcn oullds place for a week or to tlie women s ubudonary society of uie presbyterian church lield uielr monuily meeuna on uie lawn at the last week a reunion of goratnua i at wm harris in uie torm old ttoyn took place at edcewood park a picnic last thursday afternoon yoa wc represented basejjall i tlu regular monuily meeuntr of uie races and swhninlna made a i women a insututc u belmr held this f thursday afternoon at uie iiome the needle pierced his inuid alone in uie field and was lield uierc until one of lib neighbors heard lint cries and came to his ojutlsuuice iden mills fai1 faik datfs the pall pair tlaten for thin year have bri n announced among tho ones far this district which will be of intercut to pace pskfia readers are the following 130 000 000 ur wm ltcaern lio laid a csment sidewalk at hh rrldmpp ur oeorgc rtenton wu unable to wluutond margaret 1 lshcr was u daughter of uio late tlio new und margaret pisher and was bom at qnjji sjaxsqxxsalssi iwenljfblnfc years ago slie removed to acton and she and her brother william rccung imte alnce resided in their comfortoblo a ne kltelien at the rear of hb residence lwme on y cftu end of ji rjtrect on uui ctrect 0 u celts wo she won removed to uo the next few uecks will tee come of w d busy acuvlues in the park in connection jf b1vc attention uiat her condluon wiui uie new rink i eiiiandci1 and herc cilc waa c care and comfort one was of a qult miss elalee audnson cave a well rend- disposition but those nelghtwra and m uie ered colo in icnox prcfcyterian church rfend- wlui whom slie most aseoclaica ecurcd to sprinkle around fence and last gunday morning i and who new h hed blguly her make cecure any dancer of sterling huajlucs and neighborly kind- connaaratlon vesterdaya shoucra were of the i nena alio was a member of knox prcs- tarlety uiat soaked in and cac tlic root byterlon church in uie absence of her hlch games pleasant day far all protent o nomc o on tuesday enencser ladles aid and ur fred mcwllllams wlien uie hlver womcna mlsolonary coclety met at mrs i ule women n insututc will conduct the pulton s home wlui a good attendance i programme a number of friends of mr and mrs i wi margaret locker w boles motored wlui uicm to waaxa i llon r imllday beach last boturday thry report hmv- i mr lawrence ookcs of qalt was home good ume i l week peterboro ktr caniron stt liad the misfortune to om is valuable cow lost week irs ip tli on dflught ar ulu eva iuchardson of guelph u holidaying at her home also at toronto j nt expect to spend a monui visiting old i ne during uie past two wcckedv sfl t expect to l mks icftu lynch of quelph w on sf for weekend on fisnss nr5sv whc w croft luid qme of her ouejim friends were here flnlslicu cuttlnb a field of grain he lit j for uie day his pipe and threw uie match on uie matter prod hallormn of hamilton h sround in a few minute u field wa i holidaying at urn lynch s in nnmr- a hurrtca call was sent out i mr clarence lynch of guelph woe home for the weekend ill homed to neighbors wlio eoon aauiered and wlui sacks beat uie flameic water was uul- ulciiiui unurcn in uie absence of her the required moisture f pastor rev mr btcwart pastor poroyui of the baptist church conducted the the earthquake was harder to sleep runcral which was held yesterday alter- through uian uie tarly morning alarm nocn from y hopje of urt h at uie tannery wlilstles 1 main strcct pricnda from auclph the bl monthly billing of hydro oe- j fi 0a m wmehoikc unu mokes the each payment dls- 1 sf wwi eount seem i consequence j richmond hill gauicrcd to pay their respects- at uie funeral tho pallbearers tlie tax bills were mailed lost week wcro cousins of uie deceased moiuia the yearly opportunity to contribute p wllllom and gcorffe fisher and jwur hxe toward uie upkeep of your malcolm william and christopher town mlchle the work of laying the section of new sidewalk on uie west side of main strut is about completed by contractor further had it not been for uie speedy response tlic fire would soon hare been past control on monday morning about 0 30 a m several citizens of uils district were aroused by uie rattling of windows and trembling of articles of furniture while mr8 pvfk somkitville only m brief illness mrs j m um uuuu aara j omcrvlll6 passed away at hor home 1 30 concession pyfe lot nossocawcya town- the provincial hydro employees have snip on friday afternoon last in her n tree trimming on church 6ttet seventy evcnui yiar mrs gctncivllo uils week along uie power line that mm i runs was before her marriage margaret jane coak daughter of the late george cook and was tarn an uie cook homestead the live stock pavilion at uie 0 uie sixth line etqucslng on uay canadian national exhibition coliseum 24 157 hc wa joined in holy wedlock accommodates 3 000 head of cattle 1500 to py feomcrviue for a time the fclieep and 1200 swine joung couple firmed on a property on a contingent of about twent five i aue 5 yca uuough atton yesterday morning a lev new planks o cr the sidewalk mathcxon hillsburg dr wm somcrvllle culvert in several places about town ihuleybury nussell and mls3 minnie will do much to improve the language on jolinston ucwat and mix jean torrance were home for uie weekend from slmcoe mr and mrs alex munroe and daugh ter of hamilton were hi uie village on sunday mrs wily wilder and damjhter betty of whitby were here over uie weekend ol her mothers mrs charles mcnonbs mid mftl tvuder a a rumbling was distinctly heard they misses margaret and jean jupp of soon became aware that a slight tremor toronto returned home but thuxsdoy of an earuiquake nod been felt j evening after a pleasant visit with mr the misses dorecn and eileen hag- nd mrs john sunter ffcrty or toronto arc spending holidays i mrs if fox and members of her at mr marshall 0 lamlly of colllngwood wore mra- john wright sr lias returned acckend visitors at the home home from a weeks visit with detroit mr s r peart friends i last tlic many friends of mr george lamb regret to know that he 1 not improving as rapidly a could be wished saturday evening a horseshoe pitching contest took place in uie village between rockwood and kverton uie home team winning thatpune also the week previous thry played at everton when uie tlockwood boys won uie game there mr wm torrance returned home lost week from hamilton where he has been for treatment ibs many friends will u pleased to know that he is much improved in health a larue number of motor parttea were s w cvcrlts mus annie grlndell and mr cliarle hamilton motored to luuicr on sunday and spent uio day with friends there mr and mm barbor and daughter 1- r imbel mrs t j reed mils uasaret park suntlay and mr thompson reed of toronto were sunday vlsltorn at uie reed home ladies aid picnic mr and mrs j hepburn and mr and fiimrtr tqron pl i kno church boelely htu enli ilmomt of mrs r m i ouuox at ldrrwooj park vex uta mary robertoon returned to her yrnaan lh ta- izr uu wankd now f itt yoinln acton 1 cent osenrt winners of uie roc w asollw a new checkerboard sign has been ssbss- sk a member of icnox th npiui i qlrl 0 year and undlucy smy rdadm on uie highway jt cost olacs tl h actan lr rt ond daughter tvyllu boys 0 years and undersrse designating uie cum uie youz tr h con chester n y motored over last i macalca kennem hossonl otret intersection it shmilj i ofcon 2 ta xf p c btowart l t a few day wlui friends girls 7 to 0 ycans udarle help in avoiding accydenut at ed t numeroiu flonu tjlb tu- ln d ct returning on aa vera coxe action aberfoyle arthur bracbbridgc bramptpn nurlington cooksvllle drayton erin fergus a alt acorgetown grand valley was married to a man whose di vi hon had never failed and who no loot his self control unfortunately slin had a umper like gun powder tell mo dear ho said after an out- burnt an linr port how was it that i never discovered thin unfortunate wrak- neui of yours during our rouruihlp how dl you rentraln yoiirueif uobblnit bltyerly stm laid her fair head on his flturdy nlioulder i used to go upntairn nlie ganped nnd 4lto pplece of hit oak bbb 1edstead mok1- about 1iuuih in one of the southwestern atalcs one n nchcr has cut 301 100 poilndn of walnut i ur nil of it being shipped to england nnd franco v lth the exception of 10 000 pounds which was sold for interior decoration of pullman cars a single tree in one district gave work in cuttlnb bcptcmber 17 and 10 october 3 octobl r 0 and 0 oeptcmber 35 to 37 j lulu i t five men for nine day fleptcmber 34 and 3d nnd contained 13 070 poundn of salable september 20 and 31 october i and 3 september 34 and 35 october 1 and 3 september 30 and 27 september 27 and 3j1 kept ember 0 and 31 september 34 and 35 london wcntern fair september 714 a- september 37 and 30 september jo and 37 ouober 0 aug a3 bept 7 milton shelburne otrcelavtllc toronto one burl in thin trrt the burl extended almnrt to the top and was eight feet into the ground union rules specials for this week iioijhitoor nom at kuhlii pkicis nit 10 clocn in thu lot of hokproot llo t all lit- nt w flindcft dooil vnhw 111 il 00 per f ur spccinl inn wei k nf per pair ladij4 silk iiumimi its get two or three pairs of then silk ilo nil iltl colors ore green mauve fmk illu fo dtiy s price ih si 00 special thri week for rtriti in 75c htforc they arc 79c mins navy nmk panth at sil iai ikk us j fill is pmrs hi thin lot jn fie bcit junlity of im ill wo scrc good value at th regular price i 00 rf m r tliey were courtmaruailng the soldier for desertion and tho cose looked very black unul the young officer acting fcr the defence arose sir ho said addressing uio presid ent i admit appearances are kguinst thin man but i propose to prive that p civic life lie wan a plumber and he wa only going back for his bayonet acquitted j s special thu week nt bqvs and young menh ujm iants uoya and younfi men i on pants in 117c 2h vi f aa 12 strong rvceun good value at 2 75 special 3ouu young mens huits in grey tnupfj yolink mcni suits in grey stripes double 4t a ifi bremtcd three piece special thli week at v vvf iioyt wool jeiweyh ilzt 2g 28 il 12 these jcricys are rood for fall wear regular 1 50 in special for specials in grocery depi 100 nelson co kre s i kellogg 3 corn flakes per packet 4 brunswick sadines for sweet mixed biscuits 1 lb for 10c 25c 23c horseshoe red salmon for i lb tin custard powder asd j1 i jelly powder for ovc 7tr vt paper tyf z5c 2 fruit jar rubbers si k packet for 15fj 25c mclean co mill 1 street acton ontario 10 lbs granulated sugar nnd i lb 00c black tea tor 1 lb sliced corned beer 2 packages muffets for j grape friut for bottles extracts for 1 truito or jello powders for 1 lb pink and white marshmallow fingehys for 25c 2 pnckcts red and whitf rubber rings for he 3 lux soap for oranges per dozen 107 our counters 27c 24c 25c 25c 23c 23c 20c 35c 45c pure clover honey 10 lb pails for 1 10 5 lb pails for goc comb honey each 25c nelson co which are now used to display the multitude of hardware needs that comprise our stock offer many suggestions in hard word lines the plain price figures on the articles have made counter shopping at our hardware very attractive to many of our customers who like to come m and look around our linking up in cham 9tore buying has given the benefit of lower prices and it toqis an inducement to the careful buyer just come in and counter shop fancy china suitable lor miscellaneous gills kitchen utensils useful nnd in wide variety electric supplies for the multitude of little con vencies paints and varnishes of the reasonable prices blsi qunlil mill street acton phone 37 tflese are just a itjvv suggestions uu dangerous curve yconi dorothy coxe to the eiloetn ln which site wan held by all wlio icaew her tlic pallbearers were mni w itoberuon o nclhs a all wetlcm crops arc not allures i uaotlonald j williamson j dlaclc and mrs wm macartliur has received word j u inurment was made in fxsai her brother mr jaa martin of umchouti cemetery in uio family plot suanrare oaik statlnj that he cipcos ikn iulatives and friends wlio attend ayhsuof 0 6m to 7 000 bujiels 01 heat y ftmcrat from distance were mid alio has 100 acres ol flax i u cm cook mrs t sands mrs n among the successful candidate u sz scbcrson hcen ho win to awarded elementary manual m ttz uta tratoln eartltlcates this year u mrs jj u i annl bomcrvllle daughter ol ur and un 0rt i when many of ills friends and relative urs jolin harvey take awnue wluua0jl i are he la survived by one daughter teacher ineclallslnu in tills branch hi 1 miss minnie two sisters mrs j lundlcy toronto schools lyons clan reunion lverton and mrs h tovctl auclnh i uoth sisters have been with him for bdwln pranko ooldman and his svrml wrrvn rh rtmpra ni bind recognued on thrjtjraikw- con cert oer 250 dwceiwunu of cheltonuam xtif i plcc brnltlon of uie continent will play settler gather at stanley fort twoweeks engagement at the can lafit saturday sjdhuj national eidilbiuon toronto it al0 accompany the exhibition 3 ooo t second re union of descendants ai james lyons an jrtuhman who settled the cheltenham neighborhood pvc county m 1835 was lied ln stanley park tlic first was held on uie original homestead al cheltenham uiixe years ujo two hundred and fifty took part in sports speeches and entertainment u en id to uie rain district u- accomiianled by urn davc stewart of hoys oprtnae ice nwtun u l5 ul w pletch nd joe boys 10 to 13 yearitoderick nydcr mr and churlcfl head of quclph i wullam hall and mra fred murray of olrls 13 to township were sunday yisltors laura iiou n x ladle race ouve cooper yearn donald ryder years vera murray lower beef means lower prices tolcj chorus in the four concerts variety of news duclpli j lw al uie home of colonel and mrs head tlic nod newn was received in uie nellie hall- village on sunday of the death or mr i ladles tune race thtnmra a diinmn nhw oiucvllle mr lanu mrs ed ryder for come time ladles time race medium unt and death wu not unexpected the davidson mrs j stewart x deceased was well known in this district ladles time race pat walking i race mrs o w masales mrs a ilcu pitching horceshoca mrs il awroj men s soda iluxult race mr a bell mr c thompson ladles time race mm w maalcs mrs a murray the bounteous picnic lunch pravldid was indulged m and appreciated by all bcef fresh minced lb i he 3 for jbc choice rib roast per lb 23c i thick rib roust lb 111c to 30c shoulder ron t lb 17c to 20 rib hull beef per lb iflo cooking onions 4 ib for ctmikcd and cured mcata ipnil corned beef per lb ircsh bauagc per lb linakfajt bacon per lb home plclth d pork per lb talbots chain hardware store member of alliance chain of i ford wares mill and main streets phone 76 acton 20c 20c 30c 25c actons cash carry shop hintons gipt siioppe special august sale orkie lamh phone ii main street acton nski sunday in the united cliarrli ruv james w itac of toronto farmer esteemed pator in aton for it was decided to hold uie next meetlig ftuny yars will occupy the pulpit of thrte years hence job lyons j clark tlu uniud church nint sunday momuig und t u l appointed pre and venlng numbers or former friuuls bdent vice president and flecrclary- lll be glad to hear him and to nuct tteaburtr respectively commltue in him again i cliargl or tills celebration was hamilton lyons t l leslie thos lyons and j i l clark tk hamlllan rolilaun re union letters and mcswiirca of couiratulauon brouiers and sltcn toatcd the con w received from winnipeg homlota tlnt to eldorado park for iii uamlltoii a and as far away as mount and robinson families flnt annual re j cjiul ireland union on wednesday lost jarau hamll u were ihunuton lyons chair ton of belfast ireland came to lrln nian a lyons j l clark t l about 00 years ago and uur married wlinten of halton county geo annie tarswell or bamenil lnguu frowncend ororge love it f lciiil i on hijovauislic marrid ihomos itobm thomas lyons jas a mckiuir r o saq of vaughon york county who i dou and dr m j quonc a pro i falher david roblmon unu rrom the 8rumim wajl b by ulsa u lyons 8uu of pennsylvania of uu ikv a aliwin uuj enid rhrnton clllurwi seven survive and atundcd the ur n i rwuntan rev jumei humlllon in n diid mrs r c nodutll hlllburg mm on wednesday afternoon from his late homo to ookvlllc cemetery a delghtful picnic took place last thursday afternoon ln mr lawrence a crave when the junior mission hand held i their annual outing dames and rac would katiiek wait served by the riverside mrs adam weathorston is able il around again alter her apjicndicitla entered a crowded tram do you think we con squeese ln lie re be he asked looking doubtfully at her recent attack hlunhlng face dun t you uilnk dear we had bltcr mr and mrs mvli miller of bramp- writ ur ii we get homo was uie lav t n and mr and vm rred uaptle i arnuued reply utlrd line erui ucrc 1u cay vlttj at fvcrtoii comern i and mrs uat vftvooj pent tucday at the iiome of mr and mra w j joe late n townllnc mrs dunuun mcdoutrali and family t toronto und mrs ii u mccutcctxi r osprtuge lipent sunday at uie home mr and mis t d u ml ra jesiie and uar youjig arc triiilog 0 wtfks irujuon hi tor i uio mrs a young also spent ne week end uirre muter douglas itobertcan of osprlnge tpent the weekend with his grand- parents mr and mrs a o roberlaon lucent vliltors at uie iiome of mr and i j mrs 1 mack were mr and mm frank mack of naasagawcyii and uie muscs she hummtu time mouicr cried utue mary a rushed into the farmhouse uiey lfljtiiig jotuiny wants uie llsterlne hcb juit caught uir cutest iltue black and white animal and lie thinks its got iialltoals tilt mean tlmnui tilllc 1 11 give reggie credit for get ting me a nice engagement ring millie i understand uiat s what the did too s s specials for friday and saturday horseshoe salmon large 4k- swiss watchao each b6c canadian weatclox each i 45 7 jewel gold filled swiss elgin and waltham watches fr n regular ia 00 each 3sjj5 15 jewel swiss omega civic ded- ford watchca a regular 17 50 each 1zj 17 jewel rcglna and crusader reg 35 tldd strap wrist watches 10 jewel roctangular and cquare oento wrist watches a m regular ilooo each iluo 16 jewel ladles wrist watches rectangular and round av m regular ufl0 each tpaab qints swlco make each ingcrsoll make each 3 00 jx75 wrist 395 bwlas cylinder ladies watchea extra special to clear reg t5 each leauicr brapa for wrist n watches rag gfio y jc ribbons for wrist strap 1 begular 15c for luc ritsban straps for wrist a a watches reg 50c ror 4uc rolled plate flexible watch brace lets regular 3 60 li ii by b mubtaru 14c ivino s c c saulk 23c salmon i let gantaltr pes good size inch 15c bananas 29c per dozen ftos 1uwa1u uedonald loronto mra ha ml iee miudsy illluium ol tliesllamlltoiu and v tne sports were uls and thomas h italmilon biiencrr llrldin bov hunh leslie donald camp nop maltby iinmui mn i f olls luul italic w u edwards hattl wall othrs mary campull 10 and rront london hlllburu lrln broiniium i blru vivian clark pearl lwtcr toronto lucan marlon catloi tioys donald cation frf tottenl eocan j e jck wardlaw ll andulidr liiford qeorbctown were unseat ihel ja c la mcc jim prosnuiimwas given by mm rebecca ej ii uedonald toronto luki ik a trice con- wity toronto r w lurzaell lrln rev joiiuj hamilton uindon mrs smart toronto u murhllian bhrlbunu- irieltojt v moore acuin dick itohuin xtrampton it c niulwt 11 huuburg tlkoaukj itouhlfian tliuucir lirldge ii c ths tluunuan was w m maltby toronto kavtfsold unie iiruu tiddlers uu mbcm of uu ehui qorge and koturt lhutty onuld valley d larxwill arki ii it w tmrxwell hlluburu und j w dyer kdcu uuu pixivldikl uiuslc t kech i i yoii rurr glru kuiel uckone lcuuiicen margaret ij11c young men s wilfred leslie hugh clark campbell sinclair young ladles mary hunter marv iimn iniri uz fvsas m rdlrs olendepnlng and a wealthy auto toumt lost hi pedl- mbvs 1 vnlyn lyon ml kuui and rnotl jac mjd y wid uro j uriri dnfl wmle bu ul a 11 family of acton recenuy motored to town lie inserted a iul ad hi tn niagara palls and spent a day uierc newtpaier offering a reward of 100 recent guests of mrs oeorgc larce i t nt diy lie went to the office to and mlis margaret sunter were mr and inquire but no one was to be fuuno miss watson mus mabel and mr walter j except a decrepit janitor moore clcorufetowu mr and mre dcorgc oat lop mrn dr webster norval ur rgu oollop wlmttor mr and mrs mckenxlr and family and mr john mckciixle of osprlnge mr and urs r wart hunter und arpold ur and mrs btanley stewart and uurtel sixth line mr and mrs a stepliciu ur and urs k dougsll ujid mr lyons of erin a surprise party was given an monday ulghl at the lianle of mrs nell mclean for miss klla wanhu wlio enters ouftlph cleneral ihibpltal as a nurse in training i cashhr uiey etigagil a hondkrrclilef tlwwflr was givn lier j hornby week ago and the remainder of the whiz lurli tin hani cli ani k is penrl nupthu boup 25c 111 1 milit uui ssing lare slse 67c iorh and i mf umnh i for 19c 19c 25c bon ami per tin 14c 175 aold plate and white plate dracc- lou regular 1 05 a n h for tjtljj lurfalns ln hauvrnlrt coouwunlvxa waldemars ash trys mirrors ltc tine china and cut glass 10 oit regular prices special repair prices for august cleaning only 91 5 mainspring only ii 00 watches rings rroochch and jcwclleiy of ah klndo silver wore etc repaired renovated at special priccw liter m lyon j lanuii uft witiioiut noticfc lmpatlenuy i man replied where 11 e ui under is uie newspaper i force asked uie tourist they re al out ui iryin to nim t dog school faib uattu tlie rollowing are uie dates for this car or uie sellout fairs in i lal ton county palermo ilrookvllln inmnuckburn i h ur that seymour and oswalt are i iiklng fot vrn i tjl iiuainilur of u10 a veiling wuluount nemo yej that uu j uiev re lookirig pil 111 buiiri olid ilanclng wlui lunch rrafalgar uurluiutuii ne uiey r served at muillljhl september a september 10 september 1 1 september 13 september 13 septeiuler 10 utpuiilliuf 30 kellogg s corn flakes 2 lor 19c 3 silent mutches paek elects for 25c ik 11 sous cokn starch 10c aiiix stklirr phone your order to hills ihonell hinti 1hg4 actons oldest store the meat specials for this week beef cuts mok i kih koasts per lb 1iiick kiu koasts per lb 1imck shoulder koasts wing koasts per lb per lb bacon s1dl bacon by the piece per lb lard iioml hcndrred lard per lb 1 lb puils lard at 1 lb pmlb shortening at 2ir and 28c 34c isc r pattersons meat shop wb ubuvht htompilv lhoni 17h h

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