Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1929, p. 3

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a- r ifrf t ufthorw society in h03 front i m itlmulililp lim victory to -i- f 777 0 n inmuiimnruui uio bikiiui nircriui of tlur 1iiu11uda aikull 10- ltluj of im in tlx atniwtlo with pnnch unvy in october lllcf on illinung slats wary uy uoiui iaiigjuiiau liuniti nil kll of nil n nt futu i i ml nriii iiovcr in nu pant pn oi ui li what i what i f inil i 1 i ri i nwiik ill iiuiiiii by 1111 tlic ilraf nmy hi ai tin blind mtiy in the dlirnli uim 1 hi 1 ad of old communion wm tin llvini hold all lands uri mi kn nth my nili alt nallnnn iiurnirn in my srhnol urn of all uii 1 iiveryulu n become contemiirurii tin n jutw montnmi 1 rldny- thii fviilnu for huiidn il y urn imfaio mr moore whn appreciated urcully dm kllulnun of mr vipund in pn ik ntliitf ltd nllr proudly nxlillu 1 il to the idllor hl in turn parjed il on to me iiui i at owi found niysi if brinhhiir up nij 1111 iimry riijiirtlnn uu lili torlc lvi nt t o illttmily ciininirmoriiti d my old hull id tory fiwin uinii vividly ik fore i rum nib rd that hnrutlo nelson ullt rv ard uird ni li mi wiui iwirn injji n01 folk pnglnnd in 17dd and that ho valiantly died on the flumdilp of bin lilt in 0u0 in the mediterranean ily thl way it has just coinn to mo that lord nelson 0 year of urtli won lxacuy an hundred years prior to tile birth of judge mt ore just an ltm 0 local co incidence very schoolboy remembers the slogan of iord nel011 on he addrrsned the nu n of tlit navy prior ui this itutt en- ml ijitfland cxitcctn every mill to do hl duty in the battle of irafal- 1 ar thi cnmnlnt d irrncti and spanish hi 1 ui weru totally destroyed but nelson m111 mortally wounded and died two dayii lutcr ii wan burled in ot pftuls cathedral 1 no n with distinguished ceremonuu all vl itorn to thin hallowed place make il u point to we nclwij n monument our no idler lads who visited london during or after the war will remember tin uruat nelson monument which tomln an dlitlngu lulling of the famous il ifu jar square jiltnii pupils c ipeclally rhould 1 iimi with til history iinfilliar ina mucli as two townships in tin county not heir namen jiom lime distinguished hlitorlc names will i cot to rumbling again anions thine ancient things of inlercrt and hard ly know when to atop hut as most of you know i revel in thene oldtime inutleru and things nik ma fall iair i coming 1 for acton d il idlnff and frli ley you thty arc mnklnii pnpiru bltf fall flr they arc rubblni dtjun the bl brood mitf and thl thru yt ir old ought to uc htm ri ar and they run him round the pasture wtirn they vi not an hour to part trwy make him jo full tall wilfi red ribbon tn hjn tall yea they re imiunrr preparation tor ijit mhiwri tiicy ore comblnn ut tin lkccu on the thorobrcd rnnu they arc plcklnn out the ujl of tlie pretty cprtnu lumb tlie hired man la working on a dicker work rig lir tlie cany transportation of the pedigreed plit and the boya art con traction tho cutest little pens ftar tne nafpty and uu comfort of ihilr choice bried of hi iu the rlatocratlc bull with turnip topi to 4parc he 11 make u frcal in atlon at the blfl rail fair they are making prlpurntjon tor acton a bis fnl fajr there is vory much txclunilnt in thl clrcumamblcnt air kch farmer uaa a pumpkin that can t be beat bgojh and everybody staiuli to ln upon a certain cquaali not to mention bark vlilat ooli buck wheat com and pcan and tlie product of the vim and uic harvest of the lrcu3 willie i hear the hou- wlfi mutter tlwy 11 never beat tlint flutter te they re making preparation for tho blfl fall fair yes il o a fact the mojt or those who 11 win the prlxei arc now laying their plana and cekcum their anlmala artlcieb and 00 forth for the arloua competitions of the prlz lkt next week there 11 be a rush for this compendium of fall fair information and secretory aklni my venerabk friend will have lila handa full in handing out and bind ing through the mails tliia enffcrly look ed- for uu an esquesino itellc in alovelts villc one of tlic home coin era at the recent celebration at the firt of july whom i come in contact mm alice hamsey arrruuronn haa cent tin part rssu poruculoni of an old time incident of unusual interest naturally it has ben handed over to tlie old mans dc- poxtment un armitrona cayu there la hanglno in uu baronial manor of the late sir william johncton of johnstown neatly framed a title deed on parchment from the crown bearing the clgnature and ceoi of iclng oeorgl iv conveying 100 acres being lot number seventeen situate in the third conce u in tho townmhlp of lqm luff and the county of ifalton unto william sluuiic in 1824 the phascolagy of tlie deed woo copied by ura armatrong and bent with her litter tlie documenl u ai follows i king george the pourth by tii etace of god or the united unit ed kingdom of ore at 13 rl tain and ireland ilna dtfeiidi r of the pallh to all to whom thec presents shall come have qivlu and granted unto william bharpe a nalue of ireland now of the town of york in tlir lome dlotrlct ahoe maker hu lielru jid ooallpa fircver all thai parcel or tract of land blluateu i the township of lquthlng in the county of llalton in lh dbtrlct of qrey the aoutli w tern hit of 11 urn br cevcnuen in th third amcu slon of the iaid tiniihhlp one hundred acres dated march 10th 104 ti1i1 farm was uccnrditij ui the early ttispa of the county or llalton tu id by lfr oliarpc to john clluh bo fur oj i tun ascertain tlu luti 11 i luuiun bought tills pruerty from mr ullllca ud took off much of tlie timber i tlilnk the toronto unu company pur chased it for the kiln wood it would yh id the southeasterly conn r of tlie lot is ht qpeyslde and tlie hall in which spcy- kuu oundfty school met fur ycoro la on uu corner tills lot which was conferred by the crown to mr bhann 105 ylaru ago lion haver been cultivated u funn land it li actocs tlie bpey uk road from the form of ur john l moore it u mthrr riuiarkabk that thi died lias been no lemu pn erved lea novelty u evidently a favor in thi 1 mm ann- fclrons bay the teul ulladiid in ulout kli indies in dlaiiu u r und li n iw very ftautlo itefcrrlnil to the hinne 10111111 ci kbra tlon mrs araintnxig wi i at ti u jwitpli may certainly fi 1 u ry proud of their town everything ui rarrlid out in a very orderly manm r during tin r unl in blm dd i was fin i im ufu r u ivlntl ul old iiome town and u 1 hid i hud btayed longer aril j ai ut ant liniim upper iknd nhit inler- tani d 1111 vi ry har- tllly telllutr 111 about her xporl ill rein luul ret ilhi ird nln lind lien dlmippolnli d inlovi a rupplii tlniii lend in inarryage onet uhe ned that when nho rot marryed to her hujilwnd nlil tliottlry waa only 1 man in tho lioln wlrjd like him and after nhecd ben marryed to film a wiln she new it oate nlay they was a sales men here to nee pa thin p m and tryoa to nell him num but- tfnlenn under ware uit pa dlddrnt by enny of it and ted tliat wajjunt ndthlng new becuz he hnd ben a wearing thoso kind of under ware for atjo of ym ounday i walked home frum oundny ikool with jane thin a in and ahe acd iihc was llwienlng to mo singing ounday ikool then i up an ojt her whut kind of a voice did i have and jihr rcplyed anl ned it won a cort mixed knnii voice she guest mundaj they was a lnun fate down nt ii r ftkool yd ton lie- ar d i wen jane and wehid a llttl- chat mliln i ery cnrjally to mc i wii nil drc t up v aim 1 ell olfily funin bee n f nclron and j frl nn ftttrnmk 1 of the four tax notice- 1929 municipality oi acton wnt out i hi plarr or pnyincnt is payable in two lnstalmrnn nt the if ou get what i mecn trujlay i him pa li threw with neekrnil handed ottomabeh by tills time ho pot enjen nibble out in the country thin after noon f eu a sekrnd handed ma hi ne in like n nitc hlrt ihty are very nice to have around home but iil hatci to get cof out on the rode in 1 or thi weniday i bot mc a ice cream conn today and when i got out on the qt met pug otevcna and ho ccd ho bet lie cud eat my tone thout tutclilng it with k r 1 ir 1 t his hands and i bet him three ccrits he a prime drin jt weubdto fc r h hand rornr factor ei and workshops caibolle tnrcc acid lkept or ue in cauterudno wounds nggerlng and the conn and cuts sustained by tlie workmen par b x utter to keep on hand a bo le of dr m thomas eclcctrlc oil it b jus on whatever i do or dont nulck in action and docs not scar the k rttfu kin or burn the flcsli diggers wanted 1 hlrsdaylot a letter today that i wan a going to havl co over the weak i end ms tcd i cuddent do to mutch far 1 these fokci and i dont intend neathcr i will objcntly obey my mother tjn betkhain bqimrc the other day two an maluma ifa of arc rambly men met and tho convcrcauon ran ruim tmi sales falling off eh ill sayl j i c oppose you vc laid off come of your galea force positively not just put on two more men going to put on two more men going to put on moro tho flmt of the month how do you get that way punny time to increase the sales forces if your buuicas is rotten llrten when wo have to dig for bun in ens the only way to get moro bunl- ncuj is to put mare diggers at work was he right if you think co toko a leaf from his book ono of tho beet salesmen you can employ is tine psxe puma there never was a better tlmo to cultivate assiduously the field covered by thin paper than right now mnscatxr luieamatlsm dubdued- whcn one is a sufferer from muncular rheumatism he cannot do belter than to have the region rubbed with dr thomas eclcctrlc oh let the rubbing be brlk and continue until ease in cecured there is more virtue in a bottle of it than can be fully estimated iiring natives to make totems native indians acre brought 3 suo miles from the far valleys of british columbia to oversee the reproduction of totem poles the family crests of abor iglnaj tribes used in tlie decoration of an indian tearoom part of the new extension being completed on the chateau laurler at ottawa borne of them came from the pacific coast and others from kit wan git famous totem pole centre in british columbia their as- alstancc was needed because of the difficulty of achieving wllh modem paint the sombre hues tlie indians secured with canabians good touitlfet srcndles canadian tourists spent 104 418 000 in the united states out of a total expen dlturc of 103 25 000 outside of canada during 1h20 according to p a young ociierul eastern passenger agent of the canadian national railways at new york this is about one million do 11am more than they rnent in tho united blatcs in 1027 american tourists spent 340 005000 of the total of 250 501 000 spent by tourists in canada last year canada s tourist trade has trebled since 1020 when it amounted to 83 734 000 the excesi of expenditure by tourists in canada over that by canadians abroad in 1020 was h7 2g 000 the value of the tourl t trade to canada on invisible export l exceeded only by wheat porti from the dominion 1 uk inn the population of canada as 10 000 000 and of tlie united states 120 000 000 the figures nhbw that the expenditure of canadians hi the united state f for tourlat purposes was propor tlonatcly four times that of americans in canada uouull dose prom the bedroom or the twin boys come the inlnghd sounds of loud weeping and hearty bum liter so father to investigate whats the matter up here rjulrld the joyous twui indicated his weep in 3 brother nothing he chuckled only berries roots and other natural coloring nurse luu given alexander two baths and materials hasn t given me any ep worth herald w estern fair london ontario sept 9th14th inclusive 1929 this years western fair promises to exceed any previous greatly ira- proved exhibiting facilities in every department modem buildlncs through out large entry iftt assured prises and attractions exceed 40 000 so poultry show dog show aerlculeure live stoek iurc iuod manufacturers displays resurfaced racetrack new popular midway and all tho other crest attractions bend for irla llit and entry forms now exhibit at tile western fair for pleasure and profit special light horse show sept 0 to 12 in the new arena entries close august soth tor further information write j ii baundebs preililcnt w d jackson secretary london ontario bkmbibbhlhfibbahmasjchhhbbiihhbhlhiiikii a valuld itplic uppose it li thr niilunil thhu j cadesky g oi- tohonto iyusigiit specialist monday sept 9 anyone mlferlng from eyestrain ucfccuvu vision or headache should not mbu tlie opportunity of eonsultlug this eyesight speclalut appointments may bo made with mr a t urown drugourt conoultarion pltes office hoars 0 a m till p ro thfl relics and old time artklu uid in cufcnts of lntenit to uruvlt ite touard uut old man of tin 11 1 u lloek lower any event many of hum do tome my way sometime juu uu xpttttdly i in uur day whin jjidi t minn una at dlnutsvlhc in had ih llimi furtum to be cntcrtaliud at linn h liy u v i nuik vlnond a local churut ti r 1 f k en luti ret and high standing in the community ur vlnond i u ntlnd elirgyman ij a war veteran luiilni tni a padri uvt r- imi is a justin of tin li in and is a umrvtary of tin llrltl h und 1 on ign tullan iloelrty uurliii tlu vl it mr vlpond prruiiitid judgi m r with uiu oj tla famous opp r medals ntnjck by distinct and it ellpciids upon your tndivid unl type us to what style of tut cum you hould wgiir if you ure tall und sltndtr wc huvt iiil idouli thai jivts that chit and 11i0j diitintuibhcd appearance vi iv c most hlcoinnif to those who iii urc not tlassld us beinj tnll and ll sltndtr you will find in our in or initial preseil lation 3f the toirnt i urs for the season of l2 h the arnicnt you wunt 1huti1 in dlscklltion honlty in quaijti- bac kki hy lapkiuhnce art- tlie fuiuiiinitnljil reiiwuw for the reputation we ure m proud to liolil la fontaines fur store 1 rratani or iur 1aaliluiib rjiiijkcsiuiiri lruftirul manururtiiriiilr i iirruru iiioni u m in tin tax nitlren for i03p huvi li the name this year an last and taxrf public utilities commlnslnn office rihst instalment snicmnil fixoni instalment novemmr 15 any rtipayir may pay lit wlioli ot hln taxen on or before oeptenibcr 1 but 0111 half tin amount mu i u paid on or before that date pallurc comply with thli iinunniininl 1 nliill 1 xtra ixiw and trouble an addition of live ptr n nt will bl mado to every tax rate or arxcarnu nt remaining unpaid fmirti en d iyi afti r the mild hlth day of september for the flnt inrlnlmnil and hi 15tll day of november for tin second influil mint und it will le the duty of the collector immediately af u r the mild 11 viral days appointed for payment to collect at once by dlnlrenn or otlkr- wl e under hie provlrlom of the btatiitr irt that behalf all ruch taxes or inlalmenti of tnxra menu hints itrlthh fuf niw hhi novvl khli4 ifouuehold idju mtid taki yoult tax notici- with yoii making payhint iiaijl taki v uuin r j mcpiierson coucctor gsilmisgiaitticiiimihimttjnaifl kxira seivide f for any reason yon find ordinary tifua not giving llio service you goolycar heavy duty tirce tlioy stand np under extra speed oactro loads extra rough ronds tlicir slight extra cost is far overshadowed by extra service 12xf henvy duty truck tire for 55 10 3l i hejvy duty rruck tire for 2g 00 20x 1 10 llcai duly tires for si i r 20x171 hcnvy duty tirch for s10 r 30x5 2 heavy duty tired for 1875 h a coxe chrjahr ie ioto plyntouui cars piionc 66 acton ontario s liy hilly llarcloy jl llij d callitoili anij it ah 1 pnckaici i mini flavored kclatln 1 cup bolllnit wati r eup vliictable utock or cold water 3 tablespoons vinrrar j frearpoou salt t teas poo n paprika 1 cup cooked carrots diced 1 cup pcan dlcrolve belatln tn liollina water add re tabic stock or cold water vlneflar salt and paprika chill wlien silhuy thickened fold in carroln and pts turn into mold chill until firm unmoll on crinp lettuce oarnlflh wllh maionnolm tlcrvcs 0 two r mi nai ncy ualado cabliace fruit peel oriinicril removing all white rkln cut into ne fourth inch slices and then into memento cover salad plates with finely shredded cabbage sprinkle with orange acghirpls flervc with prcncli drcsslpl cheese fall bsud peel oranrjes and divide into segments n jectlnu all wlutc inner skin arrance on salad plates covered with lettuce oamtsh wiui balls of cream cheese rolled i in rrutcd o ran no rind aitapdiituit pru3erve remove outer yellow rind and mast of the white by pee in u very thick halve i the fruit and with sliarp knife cut out the core then rllce acrasi and place pulp in granite kettle with very little water and cook at moderate heat when ot bollinu point odd throe fourths hints of nunar to each pint of fruit dulp and 1 juice then cook slowly if minutes bcal in small jars phuir mint bauce por laud cup finelychopped mint cup oranrje julco vi cup leman juice 1 tablespoon powdered sugar add sugar and fruit julco to mint and let ntand in warm place for 30 minutes summer rolypoly 2 cups fjour 4 tcarpoans bakingpowder l teaspoon cait yrwfi cup milk scant s cup suirar 4 oranges orated rind 1 ornncc cup water mix and sift flour bakingpowder and salt wllh una of armors rub in two tablespoons butter and mix to a douffll with milk roll out onehair inch uuck and cover with small pieces of aranjre pulp mix cuijar oronce irlnd and rc- mainlnff butter and spruikle twothirds of it ovcr the oronce roll up pinch ends together placing in bakingdish sprinkle with remaining sugar surround wlui water and bake about thirty minutes serve with an orange or lrr sauce miller c worm powders ore a prompt relief tram the attacks ot worms in chil dren they arc powerful hi their action and while leaving nothing to be desired as a worm cxuellant iiavc an invigorat ing effect upon uie youthful system remedying fever biliousness lots of ap petite sleeplessness and other ailments uiat follow disorders caused by worms in the stomach and bowels thavul by electric trains to the exhibition august 23nl to september 7th special low fare tickets sold at akcnts oflicea only ocorcctoun to toronto and return jo 05 acton to ton nlo and return 1 15 iden mills to ierrunto and i to turn 1 50 ouilph to lorunui und lutum 170 trains leave auelph lden mills oeometown 7 uu u m 0 00 a m 0 00 um 1 1 00 am 7 111am 0 jo nm 0 18 ajn 11 ib am 7 34 am u 30 a m 134 ajll 1134 ajn iso urn a00 am 0 bo a m 1 1 60 a ni then every two houth turning ixave toronto 5 00 p m g 00 p m 7 00 p m 9 00 p ni and llooii nu liuvel the lleclric way and save tlie difference street car onnectioiu direct to jroundu canadian national euctric juilwavs good out neglected dad said son who was reading the automobile news do you think they will ever lnd a substitute far gasoline they have one now son and x wish you d clvc it a trial iluhl retorted the can pve ncvr 1 e d or 1l what is it anyway bhoe leather retorted his dad when lb a fewt mr justice ilawkcs of the kings bench division london has recently made a pronouncement from ills court umt ho shaken more edlloriol write than any sentences he may have inscrib ed in the past he was presiding during the taking of evidence when one of the barristers was called from the loom presently u messenger popped into tlie eourlroom and informed the learned judge the lawyer would return in a few minutes well i low many is that asked the judge i don t lhlnk il wlu lv more than twenty replied the liul 1 here followed unc of those ominous mumrnt wlien great decisions have their birth twenty is more tlian a few decreed his lordship then came the verdict i think seven minutes is the end of a few now wc know that one is one and one and one arc a couple and ttiul from uiroc to seven arc a few uut 1luh the lilblc for all these long years has said umt few went as far as eight sec rirst piter 3 2d it says then while the arfc was a preparing wherein few uiat la eight souls were saved by water llrnaiitao journal as a vcrmirugo an effective prepara tion is mother qraves worm extermin ator and it cun be given to the most celeale child without feur of injury to llic cuiislltutun children lry for zl gastorja mdthfr fletchers gisiona is especially prepared to relieve infanti in arm and onljrcii all ages of constipation wuiil colic to sweeten stomacli flatulency diarrhea rtgulatc bowels aids m tlieaabinulation of 1 ocxl prouiotini oiecrf illness roit and nittmil sleep without opiates to avt id irniuiuiia alwjya i v lor llic iijiuluic ot i juli 1 i vi ii ilirnlioiit in nrh iirlijr lliysicuus cverywllftrt fvjnmfti e fab h ions for thj smart woman c 1 iilmlllivj t3i 0 n 14795 sli 1 vi i lss hic luilv he chirm ind utility of the ilcrvelci- f ik l 1 i mhiii in iiifiiiile de ill in as iliffnciit a- the niuluuti n an 1 jii niiitv i ttie drminrr skill null- ir uidih an niiiinrt iti the sknt arc lainnt throitnh the ilevioiii u if k irtn ui rt inserts of i ir ii 11 well ji the miurt rirm larlv tut rttrrls i lie 1 i mset in nuny easei are tuinlcel with coritrumiii fjlirir linked r aid ninl villi luilialnl uu ii i rain- tir driif i as ivch ai in tin ate fabric j llniuis i his ffixlc lui i irtulir sliil attuliril to yoke while a lunilrtl detail ttnni llic blouse acton faltfair september 1715 1929 special prize list hotthk fufciakjj 1st pr cc irh 5 of i beit illffh utepplng horse in harnena in and wm dowdy cosh 3 00 3 rest olnglc turnout uu oeotge ritchie cash 4 00 jnd i leudiman caxli 2 00 3 rent light exprexa horse in hamcxs 1st by j nlcol cash is 00 2nd by parker ilros cash 2 00 3 s rest combination honee to be used in saddle or harness to be slvown in harness by andrew wilson co o bachelor cigars value 4 rest tandem ut by duncan campbell cash t 00 2nd by tng laundry caiii s3 00 5 best lady driver ut by w jolinotorio si co cash 5 00 2nd by parker broa cosh 3 00 0 rest lady rider 1st by j fielding teo co auelph 5 lbs tea value m 00 2nd a p bavotfe ouelph cash 3 00 7 ii jit three yearold colt sired by a thoroughbred horse suitable for a hunter by tlie acton tanning co cash 1st 5 00 2nd 13 00 3rd 3 00 0 rest colt twoyearold or under tired by t t j i ic ibrcd liorxe suluble for a hunter by the robtit otcwurt lumber co ouelph casli 1st 5 00 2nd 3 do 3rd 3 00 0 best colt over 1 year old and under 3 yearn old sired by a thoroughbred horse by wm dovalrd dramplon service of any of his uioroliglibred stallions in 1u30 10 rest high jumping horse three out of five tests 1st by jcjank of wont real cash 10 00 2nd and 3rd by the bank of nova oootla cosh tfl 00 and 4 00 11 rest agricultural draod marc by oeo cowle whlflletrees value 14 00 tills special to apply to class 3 section i 2nd prize 13 rest team of rones draught agricultural or general purpose by tlie james ooldlo co ltd 1 bbl of snowdrift plour in cotton aclca value 10 00 13 rest drought agricultural or oeneral purpose animal on the grounds by r j kerr cash 5 00 14 rest and pax test road horse speed 00 per cent conformation ond soundness 40 per cent to be driven once around j track to a fourwlieeled vehicle without boots or hobbles to give three exhibitions of speed 1st 13 00 2nd p 00 3rd by peter omlth cosh 0 00 hhrest span itnadtters mares or geldings- thtn special to apply as first prixe in cuutf fraction ti of society itutone motir rug by wukuvion si komnacs co ltd llumlltun value n 00 0 00 7 00 s 00 7 00 7 00 a 00 20 00 4 00 10 cj q 00 cattle specials rest herd or ahorthorn cattle 1 bull 4 rcmalcn let by ailson manufacturing co 0 plow shares value 0 00 to take the place of bectlan b in class s robertson cash 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 fcmalca lot by 2nd by george 30 rest hag cobbler potatoes donor to receive came by alex mclxanc 3 gallons knarco motor oh value 31 rest llnjt potatoes donor to recclvo same by j a mowat cash 33 rest han potatoes donor to receive same by w j kcntncr cash 33 rest bog cobbler potatoes donor to receive some by dr j u dell cash 34 rest half bushel early potatoes donor to receive sonic by a t brown cosh by 33 best pock yellow olobe onions donor to recclvo a t brown cosh 3fl best collection of roots and vegetables 1st by j 11 ehnltb president cash a 00 2nd by w j akliii becrctary- treasurer cash 4 00 fruit hptciala 37 best collection of apples 10 varieties 1 sample of eacli variety by the ouelph mercury cash 1st 3 00 2nd j 00 3fl lleht collection of prult 3 samples or each variety 1st by the city cafe ouelph is 00 2nd by the dublin branch of the women institute cash 39 beat bushel king apples donor to receive some in october some a sample shown by dr e j nelson eosh 40 rest barrel of king apples samples to be shown apples to be delivered at picking lime by kcnney bros 1 pair of gentleman boots value 41 beit bushel king apple to be delivered in noveinur samples to be exhibited ii p moore p u cash daisy and domestic sciencb specials 43 best pair of chickens dressed not lean than 10 iba donor to receive somo by h wiles acton cash 43 ron pair of clucketis dressed not less than 10 lbs donor to receive same by o w benton acton eoah 44 best pair of dressed oluckrna dunor to receive same by c w kelly sf bon ouelph cash 45 best chicken dressed to weigh not les tlian d lbs d inor to receive same by o h lanu cash 4fl bret spring chicken dressed not less than 5 ibi dunor ui receive same by a 11 mclean acton casli 41 best pair ducles dressed donor iprccciv sonic by national ameers coltd- ouelph brjuich per j li a tas ilctiar of ducks dressed donor u rceeive a by ur coxe cash best ialr uf dressed chickens done osonretown lumber co cash to reeelvo uumc by lhi 10 best dressed duck 4 to 5 ids donor to rreelvr saint by ji i moore v t cash ills donor to rreeivc best 3 lbs butter in matthews cosh best 10 iba butter in cnxjt donor to receive some by lvan jones cash 53 rest 5 iba butter donor to rerclve uwoutcheon cash 54 best 2 lbs butter in prints donor to i nelson cash 55 rest fl lbs butter tn prlnu donor to recelv sanu by w l blair cash 10 rest 7 lbs or butler in prbiu donoi liy mon cash 7 rft lbs or butter in nrkln or crcl to be mud by 10 years old or under donor to rctrln turn bv barbcnce cash 1st 100 mi 30 cuntinurd on iauc pivu in prlnu by prrd anic by ur l j same by james 6 00 5 00 rest raby reer by j beat herd or reef cattle any breed 1 bull w j patterson butcher cosh 5 00 edwards hajneasmakcr casli 3 00 best herd of jersey cattle 1 bull 4 females pure bred by macjceya bread co ltd bread tickets value 5 00 s 00 best dairy cow any breed 1st by charles mckcown cash 3 00 2nd by c barber ouelph side of bacon value 3 00 0 00 sheep specials best pair of pine woo lied ewo lambs exhibited by a boy or girl under 14 years by pred smith rockwood 20 lbs honey lo be received from edwards bakery value 3 50 beit bneep any breed grand championship prlxe by jack stewart can clean it ouelph clothes pressed or cleaned to uie value of fi 00 best boor and sow most suitable to produce bacon type 1st by tlie maple leaf economy store cash 3 00 2nd by thatcher di mc will buns rockwood 50 lbs snowdrift plour value 3 so 7 co best pair of bacon hogs weight from iso lbs to 230 lbs lit by w j patterson cash 5 00 2nd by wesley murray cosh 3 00 d 00 poultry specials 24 beat pen of 13 8 c w leghorn brcdtoloy pullets by the wulowdale poultry purm acton stock in 1030 to tho value of 1st 6 00 2nd 3 00 35 best pen of 13 d p itocit bredtolay pullots by the wulowdale poultry parm acton stock tn 1030 to uie value or 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 i 28 best pen or 13 bredtolay pulleu 8 c w leghorns or b p rocks stock or eggs to have been purchased from the wulowdale poultry parm acton winners of bpcclais 24 and 35 eligible if wluowdalc stock stock from wulowdale poultry parm acton in 1030 to the value of 37 best pen of b c w leghorns 1 cock 1 hen 1 cockerel l pullet by a it robinson dumart packing co kitchener 3 lb pail of lard valuo 00c to bo received at orrle lazlu butcher blur 30 best pen bow leghorns 1 cockerel and 4 puueto by tho maple leaf mullng co 1st 08 lbs maple leaf plour value 5 00 2nd 49 lbs maple leofplour value 2 bo 3rd 34 lbs maple leaf plour value 1 33 lo be received from edwards bakery root and vegetable specials 20 rest bag cobbler potatoes donor to recclvo same by dr j a mcniven en up 3 50 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 50 0 00 3 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 5 0u 3 30 3 50 5 00 i 456 b ou 3 q0 3 00 0 00 3 00 3 00 5 uo 5 uo 7 wj

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