Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1929, p. 5

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tiii nour 01 qjif arum 3rtes lufifi ucmlirr a ta llai wril jrwj r aj cut lfutcr ontarl u iitalci c w n a tiik acton 1 id i i it i ss i i li r rvrr tiiurular rvct ik at ii i irr 1 rr ii it i n u1ii street a t n mjm tl c il rt price jioo t jra in alvai r 1 ola charged a mill nal i ft i it untri the ilalctl wl irl rll na arr tui il lnlirtr n llr illrn ul h adveutisint jtaiis i moll mciatt cad lwcrtlrnfi t ail i tier i mil tit rale will ue fan i nl irl i ol nu l plar siwertlilnff role a m ptkatl n a dii is ldltor an i i ruprletor tixkriiones kjtttwinl ami iiw baiucnca thursday evening september 12 1920 beer ami wine mean stronger booze the thinly guised appeal of j h burnhum ex m pp of peterborough for tho rule o bq find ib baeff every liquor man in the province it has long since been proven that where privileges for selling wine nd beer are granted the snle of spiritual liquors invariably follows the granting of wine and beer licenses in ontario would inevitably mun the bring trig back of the out lawed barrooms which were banished a decade and a half ago a ispliiiduljttwmlt it i indeed jnitifyinj to rend tlit- llnnncml report of hit committee in charge of the old boy he union mid athletic afcet held here on july i j lie eon kli nhle hiilunee on tlll rifht ide of the ledicr penks uell fin the diluent munuiemcnt ot the coimniltc i ik iilhlelll eveni was the bj e t ever stllj eil in a u i he cittertiimnifrl it provided the vi nor was ilujilii by ill mid iht linal iniiiiicinl ide euve r n foi iniilinij nit pryiisc in many communities he e event nie wound up with a balance on tho t iher ide of the ledger and n deileit to he met by eiierou eitient i oi tiinn tely tin liu nut been th en e loenlly in yenr and the many improvements curried nut in the town are lurgely accounted for by the stirplu es of these event it meant con idernble work mid ucriflcc hy many citizens and to nil the thank of the eoinmiinity i extended in providing the plen lid j nthering and llnnricine it so succcs fully ac14 oi intilllht and kn ioiimaiion on nci uning ac ion 1 all 1 allt art tnry i tiltlrc hulldlni t llu 1 1 inratt 1 iurk rn i i it i i ntry fr r r chlleln n ir in ttn wi rk gin ijr fl iijui 1ngton waiter tin il mr lu rili il hiinn uftt r a hi i boon in i xt ler mr nnti mr w i i lurk c n itilnlny fn iy hi mi mi th i nut h ichn ml oik 1 mil it n i j iiilliut lnr h lid jinn nt mr und mr els almost here hardly has the exhibition at toronto been wound up ban the first of the fall fairs is here acton fair will be held in less than u week next tuesday and wednesday are the days for this big local and countryside event since its inception in 1913 acton fair has made steady progress always with a balance on the right side the fair has always re invested its surpluses in providing improvements nnd a better exhibition this year hns perhaps seen the largest expenditure in the fuir grounds by the society they have purchased and removed the drill ball from its old site with the completion of the now arena this year the building will be used to house the live stock exhibits an improvement that has been desired for many yeurs the extension of the railing about the track has made the grounds safer for spectatorsand greatly facilitated the hand ling of the big crowds that attend this annual event realizing that attractions ojjier than exhibits must be provided for the spectators acton fair hus been a leader in providing amusements and entertainment the programme that uppcurs on the front page of this issue will not be bettered ut any of the fnirs held in much larger centres that the directors have acted wisely in providing these is evidenced by the ever increasing crowds that attend acton fair each year that the community is back of the event may easily be seen by the splendid prize list offered none of the fairs of acton s size provide as many special prizes as arc each year presented ut this show none receive these helps more cheerfully than does this fair that has shown how they can best make use of them a week rom to day the big event will be ovor for another year may it be gnuced with line weather and go on and record another success eelipsing nny thing that has been achieved in the past a show down w needed when the bell telephone compuny is permitted by the dominion railway commission to charge rates which will provide for a dividend of 8 per share it is on the assumption that the commission is watch ing the receipts and expenditures of he company and believes hat the rutes arc wurrunted ufttr exercise of the most careful and eeonomicul munuge ment consistent with efficiency if it were found that the corporation was spending larle sums of money needlessly the commission would huve no justillca tion for taxing the telephone customers to cover these the latter on the other hand would huve ample excuse for proteinic against the puymeut of moneys to be used otherwise thiin in providing service and meeting the set dividend requirements if the bell compuny directorate decided to distribute some 8 000 000 out of surplus us a dividend bonus would it hove the sanction of the railway commis sion would not the possibility of uny bonus distn button justify the telephone users in ussumiiig that their rates were too high und that they were entitled to a reduction yet the omumsion itself is perm ling a dividend equivalent to 17 a share this year hj the terms under which ihe new stock ufiotment is in dc the con miosiou dots not belicc the compuny needs the money it could raise hy iticiiouiug or dis p sing of the shares by tender uttei advertising u matter of possibly 7 000 000 tn h 000 ikk more at iny rate it did not think it worth while to choose the method of selling the stc vhrch would ensure the highest market price it considered the shareholders more in need of the extru funds thitn the company treasury the suggestion of mr r a reid mudc in the globe yesterday that the municipalities should appeal for a reduction of rates in view of the existing situation in wholly logical jf the compuny can afford a dividend of 17 it is charging too much for its service no time should he lost ii uiuking this move it would have the udded advantage of bringing into the open at this time a much needed explanation of the commissions action certainly the public cannot accept the conclusion ol the bourd on the stock issue with equanimity ioionto globe cniihe to be tliankful with the continued dry weather and the nece miry requests in many munieipahtie for the curtailment of the use of water we wonder if citizens generally appreciate the supply with which acton i blessed there huve been no notices froni acton public utili ties commission asking that the use of water be curtailed tin flit i pin ss inquired of superintend cnt wilson if the upply was diminishing or offected in any way by the dry wenther he replied that the only difference was noticed in the increased con sumption during the dry weather the pumps were run for longer intervals in supplying this demand but no diminishing of the supply was noticeable that steady flow of wnter from the rock is just as strong und just as heavy during this long continued drought us ut the time of the spring freshets it just us clear und cold ut the spring now us during the coldest weather at the present time with the privilege of tnpping another spring from the rock a few hundred feet nwuy it would appear that acton need hnve no fear regnrding qconstnnt supply of pure water the pumping facilities may need to be increused nnd improved within a short time to cars for the ever increasing consumption of water in the restrvoir may need to be built at the spring for storing wnter again the senson when the demnnd is heaviest but acton ma well be thnnkful for this supply of pure water that is unaffected by long con tinucd dry spells and furnishes its citizens with such splendid drinking wnter that needs no chemical treat ment to insure its purity on to greater suecewj it was our privilege to attend the final day of the canadian national exhibition on saturday the place was thronged with people anxious on this final dny to v have a glimpse of the wonders which this event provided we hud been there previously but like a multitude of others wanted to take an oppor tunity of viewing the wonders on this inst dny it wns time well spent sometimes we hnve been inclin ed to feel that we hud viewed it so many times that we could afford to miss the event the up to date ness of exhibits file new things that are hrst shown here the mnnufucturers who rfut their exhibits side by side to allow of comparison and the ever incrcas ing features provided nnd new buildings nnd jfucili ties make the canadian national exhibition new each year the manufacturers building is the same structure but the ladies find the newest ldofigjrom the exhibits here 1 he electrical and automobile buildings have been the outgrowth of the demand to display n nicies which a few yenrs iigo were not in genernl use und many were unheard of the livt toek exhibits show the improvement in the breeding of the pusl few years the aeroplane building is ikwisc n new departure und provides un opportunity for vicwnif the progress in this line of all this vv n de i ul exhibition uity only the midway seemed to i emu i n the same as in former years and yet it seemed to prove just us alluring to those who throng ed it j ho exhibition is never the same the crowd who attended this year was not quite as large as last year and yet president brndshaw nnd his direc tors und retinue of workers are not daunted all rcudy pluns are being mudc for n greater national exhibition in 1950 its officers and the fair stuff never get in a rut one success simply means the aiming ut something greater the spirit expressed in the closing remarks of president bradshaw seemed to be the spirit of the exhibition staff und the throng who listened were in accord with it with such a spirit of progressivencss und an eye to the futur the exhibition will continue indefinitely to provide us with the privilege of viewing this wonder unnuul event of the world lditomal noti1s a substantial increuse in industrial uccideiits has been recorded since the coming into effect of the i iqnor on trol act hmiti brewery is being sued for 200 000 of sales lax yviy but these brewers and distillers must be great citizens when they have to be sued for payment of taxes due niw f h aclon 1 nir und the opportunity of meet in und jieetmg old friends again und the oppor tun ty of viewing the best live stock und exhibits of the con ut i y side 2 leiniei 1 crgu nn lust week in his uddress pioin st titter t it j n i uuiids und lower hydio rules he iidni tied that un election was piobuble if an cc ii pioblhle why the inst two pledges a typic il example of the verdicts of juries these day i the following concerning u bui rie cuse vtc tiud that william jackson allen came to his death through nn unto lunuing into u roadside ditch on the second lint of suiinidulc on sunduy september 1 while under the influence of liquor und that dcutli was due to suffocation with no evidence of foul play tl nli t ivin nt tin ciniullnn nn th mil i hltiltl n it u i j in rally cnnciditt hint a i in 1 air jir vltlrn moti n pedal ittinitl ut nnl i nl rtalnmt nt fi fitii than uny other mnnll fair lu tin rountry thin year ti tiro iitiiiiim in i vi n hlinirr a i irudi- of nrin wlnnlnir 1vl tud mill b lull nt four ti clock inlli ryiitl tiny nt the pair a driiici will lo n id in thr r nn hall in tin rrc nnl evening of the i air i hi i iwclai- jir w ill nlnne of arltm kit r offer i ovi 100 bnrclnli unit v r j00 li iriv lu tn jipcclal lirli all u1l i hi m no ndn a s on tec to the ll r u nil tt nil nt acton pair i vr- 1i i irtm t of tile prlw and btotiuht the a e i y of the program i vnil may tn necurcd uric hi d by nil who attend th 1nlr on tin jocond day j00 lt oitcrrd in prizes jr the trottlnit rncen nt dili yrax a fair thin ii the seventeenth exhibi ts in of acton iair it wan unm ixed in 1013 nnd lion held a rue cr fill fall exhibition each j ear r lnci ihr new pennnn tnt ralllne crlcteil around the rncj track han b en t xl nded ttili yenr i in tiiall linn been removed from h- old nltc hi the north lotn r of lin uroundi to a pilot fnrthi r mi t and after this jiur hi bnlldhiir v111 be uja fer 11m urk cxlilblti i in in w nrenn ii thin yenr under con lrnctlm vlalluro will in nble ui jtaln ionic idea from the work njrcady dune of uil build in i that ulll bi available next yenr far the hull i xhlbltn nt acton pair thi exhtbltii of live ntock ttm havu been noan at acton rnlr imk n t held i hi people pair di hfl to ce thn dominion champion tun of war team in action at the pair in the tur of war tournmncnt e liitcrciunn con tela have nrranacd for the young on the flrnt cvenlnu of the e irlt h h n i t the prm ii li fi i 111 duriliiitl n hi ii i runt tin rrmn fi uiu nnd ha i bun r u tl rnhlj r i vi 1 a meeting of th willi rwork c m ml j ion uni held in th iimii cii rk i oiriri la t night wlirn ii ne ral bu in i wan rnnrncud th fin men r drill uain ptii on their faney drill pt a ltr d ly 1 1 1 1 rntlon i you will derive for more satlslactlon from salada than you vlll from cheap tea iijlnua ttb a 4 from the gardens liikl exhltiltlon corner f a rtinclny a hurl a li only it d uidn on moniia liny ly pmlrd fir their iploilld iuei car collided at the maria nnd urnnt tract e mumlnrt ntm nt eleven o cloek turn wan rrrptni fhlr for tlu in illllht tlamnitc won dom rii iliirlington cltlzin hand ami to tin i xhlhltlon en ttiunuiay in t u plnj in th mu leal compi tltlon for bnnd wlilli tliey did not brim luiim thi i icon tin y uiadi a mo t rrcdltnblt tiouiiii nnd were n tn ut credit to th in elven mr qordoi alton it ft on lnlunlaj ivinlni for a aetki ncatlon in n u v irk city me linn rr lru d from tin rtnir if the itnyal rank hrr ond will latt r 1 ivi to accept a ixuiitlon i t calmiry tin iilv f vnl niuin mn lltton nnd jak motored ut mm niton i former homo nt ntluorx on monday the occasion woo a commimily old llmem re union tinder thi auxplcci of the united cliurch oaxctu i enn ti ufy u tin virt i vr worm lxtermlnnto ui from ixplrkuce lioiv quality plus style an ol i fhkasf hut it has a new ml aning when apiliet to ouli new fall furs oin i urs are in the bunds of expert i fitted and executed by men whh hnve spent years in the handling of fine i urs styled and selected by some ot the best known uuthon ties on line i urs in this country lafontaines fur store guelph qucltec street phone 122 ixaiidp uuiijjii niiimiiqiuiiiiiniiii have you an acid stomach nl it ch i ld rid of it nn npt folio acid in in your and relish jour of after eillcl atcd miibiilalu trouble in nnd dl ucaa follow n an uunort ture dun tn your otornoch oe t i- it li dam rrous ulccr- i nu in utter huu much ctomaclc you can enjoy next meal without fear if you iiuvc came blaur handy to prevent tin turu pry it lat hatevcr yuu like in reiein and then ike a llttll ul uraud majinc in to nnl trnllze tlie ucld wecten yi ur tomacli and j roteet tin momach lining doctors rccojiimend ujjurnud magnesia- thou inndj ui it b liusl it positively p e ts btani ich trouble or i uipj the worst attack in ii ji than five mlnutea oct n trial pnekngi either wwder or tablets liruitfj itune na dlrtctcd and indlulitlen uid stomuch truublc will iju magic cms hhtfiha- wi i curs we carry the chrysler in the 00 and 77 models will be shown the new plymouth which has caused so much sensation in the low priced field and also the de sofo six will be shown come nnd ask us details no obligation to buy of course while e ait town make our service station your headquarters s and all accessories h a coxe hrjsler 11 mouth and do soto salca and service au ikoihjlts ol- cliuybllu plume gg mihllemillllmllllililltmin jllh nicljoillmlil mum street acton ijhallijid cc be swackhamers during national sanirilt week sept 14 to 21 ii you ire ihmkin of tiyin u chlcrtidd sum or ihe sjini bill week special suite now bcinj fculuixil by ub will surprise and delirht you with its sinuil ippcuniuee and cod value mulhiif t luise and juiminteed uith the dn11 written u trainee of leplaeement obtainable in an ida keiuime 2su011 value lor ji1 liest uualit eonsli uetiuii llnoiieliiut new clean sanitahv lillmes hili mile inoliair eovenni in taupe in walnut kevcrse eushions in line quality friezes of the newest designs c mn forlable hl buek desin solid walnut bund carved frames a large suite deep and roomy i1lak tiii radio iikoao i as i i kom kvv un i itluay satuit day monday and iiiukmiay this is sani bilt week at our store see our lahlhit or i uknituite and uui beatty exhibit at acton iaiit v accordinj to u news urtiele il fund of js 000 is being rinsed in novu scotia by the wet interests to establish lovci nuicnt control in that province no wondei i torn the side of the wet interests it is an excellent measure to promote tho sale of liquor as hi been pi oven in the otliei pinyitlces where it lias been idoptcd c b swackhamer iliitnlldkk i iimjul diluxnok am amiuunt k sciivkk iiaudwaul w ii low siullt arion aln doihl caiis business directory dr j a mcnivln kliyajlait and fiumcu ottlcn and itenldencn corner llowi avenuo and llgln titrrel iikiak plione no 33 4 p o uaxpml harold nash rarmtlt m a luuruur allclur naury isjlii c6mvyauimr t ui rutuyman hijck acton onx ucmkv unt oh uoiltqaatw hourr 030 a m to 0 00 p m fuuirelftyn 13o0 o cloak dent ax dr j m bell d d s l d s dulbj rurrou ofpick mill and pivderlck oureeui pltone 20 dr j h johnson dds lds dental runjmti onico mill btrcel in tho cooper block telephone 45 misceiaankoub trancis nunan itmujitr account books of mil kind made to order pcrtodlcaln of overy detcripuoa carefully bound itutlng neatly and promptly done wyndluun otrcet auoljvx out over wlulamji dtofef collections only wo celebrate our 40lh anniversary thin year conclusive proof of our effective natuifactory service vafi year finds our business hi created in volume aucccoafully handled bend in your mat uul be dallghtod wleo rooullt cotulctqus owa soand orajajvtue gualph if you ore looking for any in- vmlment for your money t1ie uxdcontinent bond coil- poration offers second standard royalties one of the safest securities to be had bate as a bank and pays rood dividends every month information gladly given for the asking wlchout ob kantian to you h w dawson r o box u twaurton dlstrlcl rcnresentauvc llnia openlnfs for a few local aeents acton monument works not one of acton n oldest estab uthed cunccms but one that rum slmwn good progrcssa during the years of its establishment eotabli8iied in acton m io3o iibw dauux ad good workman slitp are unritlnx fcach vear a loner baslnesa for ui john nzcol taits eyesight specialists have vcuir lyea r voqv culuren eyw ksa mined fneo by our expert oplametrlcui alacseh at uode31ate cost batlhfaction guaranteed tait oiticax co establlslicd 180s phone 310sj 110 wyndham htrect gukijh the door of opportunity ttiewi small ada will oien the door to wltatcvcr you are seeking ofrometr itu value to tlie public by a d havage gnslpu ontaxta a chain of annoyanc1s umicunui follow j uniwrfect vuion one tlilnu cuiwj an otltrr and uuit ttlll unothcr ami ut on uyiiipuiniii of eye i train may not be kvl ayniplonui lliry may be hcatlactu or nrr votujici or uiulntlni ge a de lre umt uiceyn uyiiipuiiiut hut wiiutcver tlu y uie- a eorrtet cuructlin eomcu tlu in coaunucd nest wi-

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