Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1929, p. 6

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cur i 9 i the e1nanciajl elfatelcret or tlin athmfe mrct mid ou ifoyu kounlatt llru lit artoii uti julwt 30 to july 1 iiii umadowtl at tin- i kmlpll nn huniliiy i r 11 la jmtt itocltwtmhl in hi ili nornnny at u i ii indian itmul fnrti mtmday mornliitf fi mary june tliimp jin john wlulnni ilnrntb in miimouia p1iyfkii in iovihk memory of a mae ciltunu rhyfcr mho ilh killed in cleveland ohio ijrptcmlt 8 1034 motiiku mid family cm nil llipttfl t inllnwlntf 1c the mumclul btiilf- ltniluic hipidh mcntcir ihn commlltra in chnruo of tho mtuioui onld ilfpyn rrunlon ut actnn hi1j var i yiir fnrt lvr in detail thn rccclpui uiid ex- ii iirow l milium or the rutin uetlvltliii it ilinmifi on micimna itinlur ll idjj hull chimm uatunlay juno 30 4hu ii loved wlff til aunlrn party irate ldohs athletic mret 100001 outr uccrlptn 1b210q thuiuldatft bkpte 13 1030 carli onp danalimn an mr llrt clscwhrro compctltora entry tccn irorammn advertising tola iroflrammcs cold ofc acton fair next tuftfday ajid wednesday bannockburn ftrhnnl pair waa held rasterday afternoon prtsen for babies and old follca an- mnsongr ultra oflcrrd at acton pall pair acton merchants arc telling you in uvelr advertlsemrnta the pratu of sliop- ulrtit in acton with fine weather acton fair will undoubtedly cet a new record tor at tendance tills year the flrnt week of school la over and ul acholarn are acltlni titled into the routine or the work tlie prise wlnnera at nunsngawrva celvool fair will be published in the pan pauui next week acton track la one pt tlic but in lh country borne nood races should be seen hero next woduotday judfflno by the demand for prlz llftta this year acton pair should record splendid exhibit of entries arnold cuthbcrt and ulc harmony nay will cupply tlic music for the danco on pau pair hloht september ib 10004 kxpendittjueu oilmen party 13000 concert party 74 00 piano rental 600 acton cuurna hand 25 00 actun public utllltlci commljlon hjfhui 16 00 printing advertliing 17 00 itefreahmcnt llooth j w jones mik j ll irishman mil 357ji i womerife institute rent i of booth 1000 hcrubblnu 100 athletic meet and ponce i arenadlenv iland 20300 atrroh pan pixnn printing and silver ing 8080 actom fan patau programmes b040 naln insurance 7000 cups ii w illnton 33501 cupa mccann p latin if 6100 00 00 376 id co transportation re band tylers transport 1300 j h by doing uiolr thopiihiu in acitoittoo rf georgetown voted in favored of the bylaw to allow the appointment oi a parks commission by a lame majority in class 0 section 4 af the acton pair tirixc list uic item sliould read uu- yeorold roadster instead of three-year- old gaveral of the chickens were cold and the keys were restored to their owner lost week through- pick pbccs qeardmorc ai co dominion tus-of- war champions will compete against th brampton corporation team at acton fall fair a large tent is be ins provided to houu the fruit bowers and vegetables at acton fair in addition to the hall cpoej una year judfiinjj iroin requests far epaco on th ttoundis tho midway men arc oolnt o b much in evidence at acton pair ihla year the material for tho new arena in uu park u now on the orounds several tvloadi of lumber were delivered the but vmlc ux d il lindsay flnlslied in fourth place with his trotting liorse boron qrattan at the canadian national ex hibition lact week secretary akins of tho pall fair rporti that the entries already taken ut point to more exhibit this year than that of any fair yet tha first instalment of taxes is due on monday your financial contribution to uu eneral upkeep of acton and the conveniences you enjoy tho family of tlic cldef or police of orangevule attacked luw mayor uic other vnlnjf fblkiwins the dis at thj oouncil niwtina of the chief andrew buchanan the local swim mr oompeted in tlic gap to cap swim at toronto on saturday ho was out with cramps about half way on uu couraa ixr wm- harris the jrrower or such exoelunt eladloll at rookwood favored yss pan pacss with several choice stalks today of the variety pfltxrs tirumph acton pall pair advertises 00 cpeclal iffiu ulffht as well have made it 100 when they were at il that would have ouiusad so mucli bluffer allhough it sounds pretty rood it la mil ton itafonner and for food measure we laada it ovar a hundred itenlal of tents etc jr i o d k meals ii wiles supplies j it oardlner num- bonctlon pec a a u of c sanction pee w a a p of c labor and materials re dlvinjr platform alarm work on park before durhis and after celebration jitejlanpouji pupphrfl 2000 6060 1076 talikliones and postoce i it johnson teaming re 1 cedars 400 j calllhumplan parade 3500 j jl615go surplus distributed as follows 34314 i mens baseball account 3417 airls baseball account 2410 i acton citizens band 4000 i balance 35s00 cash cup donations o w benton a t brown mlii j aalbralth n h oardcn r l aregory johnstone jit ruraley j w jones mason icnltung co bank of montreal maciceys bread co j m mcdonald dr k j nelson torontoquelph express enuriu jjatu 2rnt mim j w iiohnmuy toronto the fuiunil or ihejuui mm j w hnrniby who piuird nway nt lief home 260 indian hiiail crennnt tornnui on ijiindiiy ninmlni wns hield to fulrvlcw cemtlery here jii iuridiiy nfteninon before her nmrrlniir mm olqrnnliyi innhleii inline viui mnry june mliinlut thcjiiipwin diiiuihter of the inte mr nnd mrs john thompson for yeura rciildents of arton pi vi nlulidi remnln to mourn hrr iwji miss mnmln thompson mrs brooks nnd mrs liny cook toronto nnd mm alfred miller and mm wm icilty ol kitchener the funeral in toronto nd here wns conducted ly a former pnntoi or the acton church rev o w bnrli of toronto jamel p mkadowo rjackwood a reldent of hoc k wood for over half a century pusied away on sunday at the a en era i honpltal in auclph in tho pcnunl of mr jimieii p meadows tho deceased wan n miii of tho late klljah meadows and uns horn at forest seventy years nuo lunt april lit had always enjoyed tha hccl of health until a weok auo when be wns taken uddcnly 111 ill condition did not improve and he wm removed to the hospital tor treatment he fnlled to respond to the treatment and passed awny on sunday moramp for nlxucn yenro ho had driven the innll routes from rockwood and for over ten yearn he has delivered thr roclvood moll from the ntatton to the pont office and he was moit punctual and faithful in the fulfilment of his duties fortytwo yenru auo- ho was married to miss martha orey who with their family of two dauohteni nnd live oano remain to moum his loss they are mm namllton lucknow mrs ii oibomc auclph howard l caljary alta alexander palmcrston clifford ired and oawald at home three brothem and one- slater also survive him william in toronto robert in detroit mich fred in wind sor and mm florence crearar detroit mich the funeral was held yesterday afternoon from his into home in rock- wood rev mr taylor pastor of the united church of which mr meadows- wan nn adherent officiated interment wus made at i toe k wood cemetery tuxi and niiw dances ap ecigewoodl iijin mimjj ivih hatiiuiiav niollt illir time hl crowd jjmull prln- bert davinlon floor miilliiii iixiotth oiuiiiktua admiuuion 60c lier couple attnn slimtlut c01fiirrl paktor a ioiuiytii youno noiiih union president mr stanley crlppi vlcepreiililent miss una nuelr tleercuiry ml limni held fall irociuammi chrlntlunlty n way or life and belief sept 0- tin- central fact of chris tianity a fnrnyth brpt 11 evientloln of chrlstlnti kxperlcnce c r ifnnpp a corn nnd welner ranst nl cloe sept 33 fundamentals of chrln- tlan bellof s crlppi sept 30 mbjilmiary topic iin- urn nllden oct 7 ooipcl of the crov mlv nephew oct 14 jeaui the tencher mli buck oct 31 central emphasis of jesus teuchlntr l orllflthi oct 20 halloween social nov 4 principles of christian llvinu w coles nov 1 1 association rally nov 10 prnctlcc of christian llvlnc the family c plank nov 25 missionary topic lan tern slides dec 2 practice of christian llv inu problem af wealth mtw martin dec opmctlce of christian liv ing world brotherhood mlji plan it dec 1 8 pnnennt by members of llternry and dramatic dlvlilon dec 23 no mectlnfl dec 30 lantern lecture nnd cunsccratlnn meeting vn mret nn monday nltbt hi lie church parlor at h p m everybody welcome i see ouy selling out sale ad page 6 section 2 3 h l harrison is retiring from tho shoe business in acton ills sale anx noun cement appears in this issue bargains in foouicor aic to be ob tained in the sale or llorrlrun ohoc store whan the- entire stock will be disposed of milton lira tho uckonna of wyoming has ben vlsltlnff her sister mrs e bycr h j armstrong wlio has been 111 is abls to be out agobi wo axe pleased to judge and mrs elliot have returned bora from their ummcr cottage at bronta sirs j a fcatlicrslunc hoc sold her 100acre farm in ttafaluar to wm marshall the many friends of j j wilson will b sorry to hear of his serious illness stroke and hops lie will have an early and eomplcta recovery we are glad to say that mrs john agnaw who underwent a serious opera tion at hamilton acncral hospital last wek 1j doing nicely ur and mrs o a- hemntrcel and dauthler urs j p bartleman u tlaunlns have been visiting mrs hem streets nice urs brown at owen sound aeorge atkinson and hla daughter lira dan ucmulkn iiavc returned from bay city ulch where they attended tha funeral of his sutcr the late mm ryan on their way home they visited friends at flint and detroit cluunplon sir and urn a j sioanturul family of stratford spent the holiday licrc with uulr parents lit and urs ed graham of kent bridie spent a few days in town at the home of his aunt urn ilobt ucjonnott uus jean illlyer wlu lias been holi daying for a couple of weeks hcrr and ewwhere has resumed her duties at urn stet office col and lira edwy white of buffalo n y motored over un tuesday and sfit an luuir or so with his brother h wi1ii4 continuing un to toronto to ukd bi the kxlilbitlon heeve main wlio liaa been spending a eouple of weeks with his daughter lira rrank hcnutrecl in mbmcaitalls tua returned luunc miss main who ttomnaxiud iwr fatlicr will remain thsre for a few weeks longor by writ bisued at oitfoodo hall on fwy kruiul dunio nironlo is suing stuni ulcldikjf mil toil for damages for lo of iittroluuidb ctilrujld to uu- immunt as a public cwnrw to dallvur at a deaunskuou contracud for lle- furtx fall faik dates the fall fair dates for this year have been announced among the ones for this district which will bo of interest to pax paxsii readers ore the following acton september 17 anil 10 abcrfoyle october 3 arthur october 0 and 0 brocebrldgc september 35 to 37 brampton beptcmber 24 and 25 burlington beptsmber 20 and 31 cooksvlllc october l and 3 drayton september 34 and 35 erin october 1 and 2 fcrmis september 3g and 27 oalt september 27 mid 33 oeornctown geptember co and 21 grand volley oedlcmbet 24 dhi3 35 london western polrjjeptember 714 milton september 27 and 30 sliclbume september 30 and 27 strcctavllle october 0 school faib dates the following ore tha dales far this year of the school pairs in halton county homby september 13 mount nemo september 13 trafalgar september 10 burli september 20 beef cuts choice rib roasts per lb thick rib roasts per lb thick shoulder roasts per lb round shoulder roasts per lb rib boil per lb pokk cuts fresh ham by the piece per lb shoulder cuts per lb side pork by the piece per lb bulk lard per lb 25c 22c and 23c 22c nnd 23c 23c and 21c 17c nnd 18c 25c to 27c 21c to 2gc 25c 17c pattersons me at3h0p we deljveit promptly phone 178 take shopping wokkinhoit youk mind the inodirn win i in rluht- lni mini rui more pnfltnbly flprnt elmwhiic minn watkliui t an i fio to i he i torr mrryliik heiivy pireli ml- pliniiei hilli areut imperii r jltoie fei ore in nut knriwldin tlmt i lie iit- theimmc uiifnlllni mnillly t llir jiuiu liw out hnve yi tried nut nervlie wi him tiii iiiht kih iihh spccuil oinie snnps 2 lb 2rr turkish delimit per lb 2lr kknvnh llciillfi suits 2 fur 35c grape nuts per pkij 17c built ready cut macaroni 2 tb 23 r stnndnrtl corn 2s per tin mr ayliner cherries 2s in ii s 25c new pack pure strawlerry j nnt to tis c lihbys prepared musturd oz 13c kara co fee the secret blend y 3- 1 fi9c fresh mnrshninllow cakes lb 25c wiizfly sprny liquid outfit ftfc pure honey 5 tb tin fioc heinz pork and beans larje 25c keen mustard 27c l 53c kraft chjesc t lb pkj 21c handy afmmonia pkgs 21c hitwes lemon oil 12 a bottle 23c jif soap flukes lnric pkj 2jlc 2 in i shoe polish nil colnru 2 25c inlcrlikc toilet tissue 3 rolls 23c ilcniz sandwich spread 27c mnnyllowers sonp 1 cakes lc mncic pnlilnp powder alwnyh ivckii nt superior surc scrub bruahes for 15c good sweet ornnrcs dozen 18c millionaire haikk 2r25c u ioht toaht1ms 17c riiun kasphehuy jam 33c dessert pears no 3 giro f- fur iioc finest cahoe red salmon jo 19c ton 34c hills 1ironi 147 mill street quality meats for fair visitors yo will not bt dhiippotnlcd with tlie hout or meat iuu puiciuut to mrvl- lo jour vlltors it you leave your ordr at iarker lino we wre only the chnlret quality of beer veal pork lamb if jim demre cooked meat our comilerd can supply you with tile best special sttciitlon riven lo supplying welners for corn roasts specials for the wek iioieilioor kiik hoke iii ilicn iii this lot silk nnd lisle uhiclr miikc ii fall wciiiii lii mcs hji iii m iiicu mckiiius uru vorih pn mlk spcunl llu- week in per piiir u duc ellir line i luli hol hi ijlfld 6ib0 and 5175 tapestry cushion covers ti iilen ill llllit lul covers sles ihkih assiii led of pilllerin fiond vnlile ul kle speliil at eaeh uc doiiiiii roin scvrn oinoiiams at kkdiiceij ihicks jtlsl s ijeee in llir lot dark cheek pallenis lui ldl nn wrur siieiiil at per yjird uc 25c pure linen towelling good luiivy weight all pirn- iiritri lxtri ptiil at jifr yurd ladieh vlm jiuomeith sriinll rrirdiiiin arid arrc colori are pink piiil pckji 7 mhuvi i trn good vnlii ut ll w ul r i cc engijhm htippki flanneletni jneci iiboiit jmj yntri heavy 1h irh 0r nap suifnhle ffr f for fr r ynrtj siiifnhh- ffr nihr iyvu riarri3- rfc rijir 1l oq specials in groce 25c 7 28c 2 10c 6 3 blue rose rice itiv for cream sandwich biscuits per lb kcllorkt corn flakes i for extra stfcial i handy ammonia 1 gillcx i criipjo laundry soap 2 castile soap i wash eiavn alf 25c 15c 25c 75c mclean co mill street acton ontario parker bros qubllly nnd service uthclicra phone 13 our delivery is prompt one affile largest fairs in ontario meet your friends at bramp fair tuesday and wednesday september 24 and 25 meet us at the fair where we will have on exhibition several radios of the mujcstic and everrendy models see their beautiful cabins ts compare their tone nnd volume come and hear the pro grammes you will be welcome to make our store vuur head quarters during the fair dnys come in arid look around you will be surprised ni tho variety of urncles our counters provide the prices quoted in plain figures are the resuli of our chain store buying methods they will convince ou of their rcaso nobleness ask for our quotations on ul i vour hard ware needs chum store methods enable us to quote attractive prices talbots chain hardware store member of alliance chain of hardwares mill and main streets phone 7g acton nelson co three day specials dance in the armories wed evg many special attractions james tilt prenhlent t w thomson secretary specials for fair time special fair week sale substantial reductions prevailing in all lines we invite you to make our store your headquarters tell your mends youll meet them nl the muplc leaf economy store or come in and you will find them here because everybody visits our storj when in acton mens weatherproof rain coats regular 600 special fr j 1 ibp ul lawrence 1 u sugar oitanac icitoii tea 1 lb u in i poutm i box jawh watelt t uottlc for okanul23 ljvitti5 i docri ikyb cocoa tweed suits 1450 85c 100 29c at each mens allwool extra special af each mens fancy allwool swaatcr coals good value at a 500 special each pj7d mens penmans merino shirts and drawers good value at 125 per garment special at each mens fancy tweed caps at each mens slrong police braces per pair mens allwool socks white heel and toe cpeciat at 9el per pair udc mens allwool tweed pants in light and dark colors af extra special at pair v mens strong overalls smocks special at each mens fine shoes ut 1198 up large double size flannelette blankets colors white or rey special at per pair nit dr to wile- t-j- 125 198 indies duiishes we have jusl received a ship mem of ladies silk and flnl crepe dresses ranging in price 895 j495 ladies silk stripe vests f reg jsc special at each tjc luetics silk stockings value at 75c per pair special nt per pair lndicv stockings milch keg 5c pc pair for ludic 60c 49c 10c 10c 45c 25c itotuid oaia 5 iba kklux5ub corn vuakes 1 tor camlulill t ixjmaio tioui j tin rot orange 1 diiztn kku uosfc mlltlmib imaltl iaoai 1 ii tiui ul 25c 10c 25c 20c 25c 25c iloaits ieaches plums at maitket 1itlces nelson co miur stkeet acton phone v good 55c pineapple 69c patent leatlier belts ad 15c white special ut ci boys all wool jerseys to j2 special ut each boys bloomers bizes art up to m special puir aoc childrens kocfer 2 to 0 at each 98e 98c uei 195 coats ljf maple leafconomy store wc ore exclusive amenta for tip top talloni uulted order ywurnew suit or overcoat here wlirra lwj lothrs cot lcui the well dressed man ail ways wears custom made clothes you inn alwas tell the mini who luts his ilotlu made to ordei he alwuy looks well dressed custom madt lollies when tailoied the fashion ci af t ua tailored to lit our jiuhvidual peisonalit ajd a lci tain in divulualily tu your personal appeal ante that look that on nevei co ill j buy in readymade clothes finest quality ol tailoi in j in uvei y fashion i alt suit oi overcoat plu the last void hi stvle and highguide woollens nl very tiioderatc msi new fall patterns and styles now showing w m cooper cnth kurnlhiiiifm citriier mill mu mulu strwth cry a apoml toitke iair when your friends come to the tun give them a leal tie a cut of our meat is ulwuytv lioi mid piats aie rhe in i eusonahle in liywu heei ilnne kibs per lb 2ir kound sleuk per jb 2fic iliimbur slenk per tb 18c illaucltoust heefper lb 20c thick kit beet per lb i9c kih itoil per tb 15c lo lkc iokk i i limned linn- pel b hiiskmi hull- per lb shouldeis per lb ilemt hauls sinokeii lb collate kull- snileil lb bide lliiemi i piece- th suuiked hutu- pel lb me 27c 2t- 2tc iic itic ilc we will alyo liave sptnriul iriccn on wiincrs fuiluiiii und all ctuikcil mcntn acton3 cash and carry meat shop orrie lamb viky

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