Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1929, p. 6

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birth uuiujur a i illiu w i el3l v lie 1 ii w lr hirll v- murrlbur i hrhhi mrtiti rial tri y in hi lr i r i f i l iioiim am i n iii al li ii mi tcnilirr jil lit clitirjiialli n 11 ii mi mill mr hvjll ivo at ml ii hijilrnib i mil al tin hi h 1 rn clmrlli n tot unilai mi mill mr rl of arlmi ii maiuth i flalmonihomi ion on tjatnreltiy irptrrnlmi t it oiori i church cuiriitoun li tin lit v 1 ii wtuir mary in in yiuimlit tlnuith- trr of mr unil mr wlllliun iliomi nn oi nrpf town to hu 11 i ytaliifa r nun of mr unci mn alrr oalmon riraci lirldid out 1 i uaiiinalal qitlu u nuinhir from inn alti hilt d tin jiimrntiiiu fli rvlr u which ui re hi til in knox clmrrli artpn mi llinuliiy iinlnir mm ni llli conk mill mm l rank ulniilt l till irlrntfi in jlraniptuti in it imk mr mill mn will rt mrpiinnll f i c nuil i ttiri vl uorr at the liiimr of llli lattirn fnfjn r mr ii w iourie ml ailn iiulllrillhiiril i clnorutf- uvin i vtrltlnir nt thr home or hi r pun nui mr mill mm i ph hwlmlln- liiint mm j whuwy i pent a day or two in t week at tin h mn f ir fnthi r hire mr oioriii ltoicrn i inn wii1 a kmd altrntlinicc nt rally dm ichlcc nn bumlay tuaunuhn at cjrow i umdlnlt out i on uundny liptrmlnr 11 100 til in thai burn of ilranipton miid flfi yrar uell ejiitlnvnly at hln immi mill otrcct acton on ruimluy qrtober 1 1d3q dr jiuni mux will uk in hi i fltth year ucjcaciipiln at tin hiiiin of her i auiter mm w i allan iit b bicond line lrln towmhlp cm iur day october 1 1dji i lora mel aclu rn widow of the lult ji hn mel uchirn formerly of acton wanonnouan at in mum i n avenue acton on thursday niunilnii october 3 1020 ilobi rt ii wain brouah hi hln 7hh year tlu itinera will lw in id on baturd iy afternoon with a brief prlvati crvici at the hoint lit 10 bervlc in th united church acton nt 3 oil p m interment at im lew cfmi lery acton biff artnn jfrcrpmsi tiiurtflday qctodcit 3 1p3p r utvittuxl and uila la october dayllfiht savlny href ended for an other year autumn came in carne t on satur day with quite a ntlfi froit the leaven arc beginning to come down and utter the uround the county with bcliool field oil wu held at ocurijeuittii on tur day potato dlirclnir time li here afjuirj tlie re u no complaint of rot thin year pyederlck street ln being eroded and travelled thin wlcic bythe municipal offlcem the sunday school i lon arc now held in the afurnoou inn tad of the mom ins the steel worker commenced erect injr the steel of thi- new arena in the park on monday bsrln pair in splt of the cool fall weather proved a popular meeting plucx yeurday afternoon the rains of the past week wen appreciated but more voluminous uu- pourlngb arc needed tile coat at aluminum paint on th water tower on main street rives qultf an unproved appearance quite a number from acton attend ed milton pair on saturday and report u tfood crowd and ffcod exhibits a qulltlnff bee woo licld by tin united church ludtc aid in tin school room of the church yesterday with erin pair yesterday the lat of the falr of the district arc over and all have been very successful even la an enjoyable tea was held by one of the croups of the ladles aid in the united church lost thursday afternoon the froau of the week ended the fine display of flowers uhtch had pre dominated po grfi ftiring thcjum nver ctt a itiir hark llonir i wo prlwiucrn who had nrupid from tin ontario llf fnrniiilnry walked rlrhl bark into tin nrnn of jin llr prld iy morn in it whin uie nrked conilnblr cixikmiiii for a lift to ti rmito the con tabli wai vi ry obll and offered tin in thi honpitnllty of hli niitomoblh oi n rcioffiilhnit thrm from dcscrlii utmi fnrnlfliied by tin ouelph aulhorl- 1 lit railed to hi awilbtanci two em ploji 1 1 of the 1ii1iwqv coiirtnictlon lrtinpiny and placed them itndi r arrest lull r iiuvinii thrm rcii buck u tin 1u- fi rmutory tin mlstrfrtantn were harold diwy and i loyd smith i vi ulon oin iif lln happy ivinui ultlrh n mir n ruhiyn a iimmunlly mi to in loin pl i nut took lunei at lli immi of mr and mr i 1 luiriii tmu k lrln mil 1 mini a kiuiillin on monday hi pi j inl ulliiuooii and viiilni whin tin ir r lij uvdj in ul f rh ndn u thi niiinher about in hiiiulriil in miblid in iijibniti wllli hum llnlr irilitli unnlviriary of tin ji uiairliiki day mr and mn mnrlt wor niiirrlid in hoikwood by tin ittv mr 1 r milan mn mni u ww nn only diiimhtir or mr pd mrn clroriir i in dill uhlli mkmick wu a aon of mr and mm john muck liolh pliuitir fnml lit i of tlili 11 trlit mn hi k mill mm willi two i ti ffl of mi murk h itli rr kiliw it lln mi t irr iinnblc u in pn m nt at tlili mtmornblp occanlon i hey arl tin only reinnlnlnk mnnbi i of tin fumlb hvliik tun brother wu limn tilt fl ubiiiit mix iiickn ait wlich mn of tin joy olnre i i liny lum llird in thin in dlftir nt fnrmi with lln i f ii nhort pi rind win n th i urton liny were lndeld rlunnti in hnvlnii with thrm tin lr imirnd i marrlnin trlrl on npllnn i of ui notice of application to pnrlia- nienl for annulment of 1 marriiiffc notice li hereby elven that thoma i idmund appleyard of the township f i- que lim in tin county of haiton in lln provinrr of ontario parmer will apply u the parliament of canada at the next rxnrlon thereof for n bui or annulment of the marriaire between hlmllf and hi wife marraret may appleynrd formerly margaret may mc donnld of the name place houcwlfo m tin uround of non consummation dated uil 25th dy of sup tern a i j 1020 h n 1 ailmitt acton ontario 13 j solicluir fur tlic mild applicant cider and apple butter hendcrsqns mill 1 mile went or itocltwxxl n no 1 iilbhuny now open for business tuesdays and fridays plwmr 3w ji e- no- 5 koekwfuml the removal of tlic telegraph polco on u1i1 street will tjreatly enhance tlic appearance of actons main tharouflh- rax next week will be a busy one for auction sales the raits lists will be found on docls two and tlircc of thin week leue the removal of the trees from in front of the old matthews home gives a much lmproycd and btmjcr appear ance to the street the workmen tuvva commenced the wort of remodel iim thl new store on uu1 dtreet for mr l j jfp inr next to the post office tlie rally day cervices in the vnii am churched last bunday morning were tntercatinfr and well attended catherines of tlie young peoplt mr a o clanidec who loot hu bm by a fire a few wtckj ago has been farced to dispose of his large stock by auction flalo to be held on october a the regular meeting or the lakcildl chapter of the i o d c vaa held lot evening at the home of mls hannah wallace there was u good uttendonce now t the time to x if your name la on the voters list all appeals mut be made in acton before october u an advertisement in another column give the appeal datti for all the towiu and townships of the county mr oeorgt ilulnier was u unuii imoui choice of the coiux rvotion con ventlon in milton on tuesday hi will be ule conservative candidate for ilulton hi the coming election chief mcpherson received a request till weelc tor information of tlic where bouu of alexander j mclean who was born in prince ldword island i he young mftn has a considerable amount of money due him if he can tx litcutrd in tlie next two unmtlis thomas thau burn un ouuuuidtng citizen of brampton who was prominent in many activities in tlu life of that town paved away suddenly on bunday while on a visit in qoboure mr thau bum was well known to many in ac ion and wu on enthusiastic bowler tlie acton inglaiid qazette cvi aently reads the columns or the aclofi canada pscc lnirwj us cluiely as uu latter does the fonru r in the ial is sue of the kngluh pup r there uppiurs the followuig parugruph acton on tarlo canada ikiscsses tlu uoiuuilon champion tugof war team c n il trains ueuycd all canadian nutiuuul 1 toll way 3 t ruin 3 through acton from the eut rtiunduy afternoon were about on hour hit owlnu to the cave in of a subuuy btlnu eon atructed ncur weston lruillc liod to be rerouted nruund by liurllnuum and aeortrctown ilie pile 1 on the subway were nndcrmlutd and the track tn till t tevaral inches shortly after the mumbu train from toronto hud passed over it repairs were quickly made howtver and tralna were running according to schedule the following day ran despertslbhi tar latliera death a coroner a jury inquiring at oak vllle on monday night into ule death of charlc edward durham of loronto returned a verdict us follows wi are 0 tlie opinion that chab h durluim came to his diath from injurlis rccclvid in on automobile nccldmt on thu moru- iruj of lkpumbm i in a car driven by hu son pnd durhum at an elective ru of sperd prrd durham li out on bail on a charge or manslaughter hn will appear shortly in county court at oak villa edward wuilu r wlio wait uljurl in tlu wn ck is a till in ut jceplolinspltal iyallle oiflei r i moil wlk ujvfatlgated tlu ucilduit after un crii tcatlflihl that wujki r had been lrtukxlciuj play coming made some marmalade precnted by the dramatic society of the pabley memorial church auclph in the town hall acton under the auspices of the ladles aid faoclety or the united church october 8th at fl 15 o clock admission adullh 35c children 25c vuan oi- alx at browns dkug stoue fnnilly mr butlc dlml a fiv ihlp ui iifii hlllnii hid mn hert aiuk i on ar ago tin runulnlnir i n riinman i rln 1 iwn lnidliuu prunlt nils a cj4uwlllliiin and mm olendrnnlng marg ul 1mm and mm j liimbi rt lannli or arlon mr and mrs mark by their ti rlinn qiialltli and devotion o lutyjh iu gntliercd to themsilve n inrur eijli of irlnid mid ncquainlnuci i who 7 xl ntl 1 to thrm cimgrnlulnlloini on tin lr f nidi n wedding nnnivrr nry amoiit tin ninny valuable token of km mid appri elation wan n dinner ret of dlihcn irom tin family two n lii chnlm and a mnntle clock tram th nciffhbon b ides the other gifts lnclud ing old plicci flowem linen china and rilverwure faupper wail served in tlie bn emrnt which wni beautifully dec ornted in guldlii tints itcv mr lee propored n toast to the bride and groom in tla evening music and gamcn was enjojed by all and nil went away wishing the bride and groom manv nion yenri or married mil quest were prennt from loronto dixie hillsburp lrln and hockwood notlcable among the e wn little miss ocorglna ander son only greatgrand child it la in deed few events like this where four generations urc privileged to be present much rndll is due to mn olclld n nlnr w workid o ntrcnuously to maki thli a day long to be remembered by he r fnlhi r and mother mr gordon illiron or toronto wn bona for the week end ml hi i mary and kate and mr john hi ed atu tided the wedding oc their in phew- at arthur lait wednesday mis kate nmalned there- and will spend nmc time with friends in that district tin funeral of the late wesley mc ltan of ouilph took place to everton cemetlry on saturday afternoon and was largely ntundcd sympathy in extended to the bereaved widow and oons mother and rlstcr and his many friends mrs wllbert talbot spent a few days in toronto last week with her brother mr adam boyle who is iii at present mr and mrs bam lcc and mm o nickle of hurrlston were down for uil funeral on saturday and stayed o i r sunday with frltndj in the district many from here attended fergus and milton showj lat week mr and mm w plctclier and mr and mrj c head called on colonel mid mm head on bunday mrs qrorgl loree and mls marpari t sunltr havi returned from their vilt at springfield mass mr and mm i d mccutchcon lois and robert spent bunday with mr anil mrs joe thompson ouelph miis lucy usherwood spent the week ctid in ouelph mrs prank uuckluiid and oti prcddj mlsset nellie and znda and mr walti r parher and mrs l fapence of toronto wltc visitors at the home of mr and mn 1 d mccutchcon one day lat week mta elva hamilton returned to quelph after pending two weeks vacation at her home here economy shoe prices wt carry complete line of muns pine and work shoes wl also 1lavl a stock op menh rubber uoota lumbcrmanlb ituhbore rine rubbers every pair guaranteed first quality at lowest prices maple leaf economy store mill stmt acton ontario the latest and best for less cold weather means more meat we have u liioicc corciibs o f beef and ubk you to e nur pnees with any in ontario blliolfm stlak per lb 32c itish mlncid htif per 1 lionl bitiaic ier lb 32c iioillng dllp lb 1 hump itoasl of ijccf per lb ijc dumnrt b bmoktd co puiml iuh hoast iwr lb 23c holt ptr lb uolli d uoncli as uoll per lb 20c iur unf hindi rid lard koitnd lloot of uecf pir lb 25c dumnrt i ut t mtueeilleut c lutice cooking appl ijtryt hiialiet 2lic orrie lamb actons cash and cakiiy hutchuii shop fall hardware fin hn nnu i iir turn ii itiiii yi nof an m j hhi enncliiioii imni i ii mmk kunfliii loiik in nil lln tinitluul idii uul ihttllh st oin hum sinn buying iliulliiul eimhle ii to tiioil veiy liivonlhk priu on lilt tttiitliifil itlll oni pi 10 i sliiue i eel for 1 li 1wo im kjh sinnne i ed hi 2 wt llimi im i0h sqiinn itel for ml enuiil nnd niul omnlele in roll ronlliif umni in jlillon mis hi i tf ii ii 1 1 1 nt per tin fl 00 iinodiij itiienl in fnllii unvi elni iiulily ul pel in si io talbots chain hardware store mcmbir of alliance imin of hartlwaro mil i and main stkltts 1iionh 7fi acton ncjglihorliood ncwb ihiuhhi mb mimk in t linytbr wli 1 in in ipli fliniiiil h i ijltil i impi ivlnj nli i iy and h i ipimlv rn pv ry ii ii pi d fur bun i jll unit j i h m h imililv- r uy iwm will b n id ii mil y ul h on a in and 11 p in ri v ij ivld a mi lr ii 1 of iliinlluti will ix th i i i il i i ai r ut in rluy la lul mil i i i fnit iiiriingml by tin h lr i in rim mni bun of mr ji hn iratf i u iw i nnpl lid it i u wry imixulni iniiliin and 1 u li id il a t to till i propi rty lb n w i in i f mr r bt icerr li niarlni umiil iijii ihl lurii 1 in idi rn mil itj to il it in i v ry n p rt i iii n mil 4 mr i t mil i milton tllitl on frlmid 1 i l wiik mr and mi 1mb rt i uyl r wind or n tumid imtiii all i i f rlnhtlit ulth nlallv iohi irlmid mr and mr col mill i itully in vullliiit fill ml at if ii v 1 1 1 mil luillti p ndln i up i nelson co three day specials 10 ibb st lawkencr sijciak for coc 1 glass of hon fni jflc 1 iti 1 ml hon v fir tic 1 ootn sunkibl ouanciis ln llc 2 i ihby s iokk iinj hi ans for 2lc i haii 1 kuii ten 2 1 dciiln c ioih1 s iks tor lk 1 javel wairii fui 10c 2 lbs wlim soap hips for ac 1 iin shrimps for xc 1 ki 1 1 ocf s okn f 1 aki s for 0c li pi aki iii ii soap fin 25c 1 lbs largi ooklnc onions for ztc lbs lakge hice for 25c nelson co mill street acton phone 37 show rooms and store willow htitfcl t acton c b swackhamer i 1 nlk u diilectoil amhuiance service furniture zsn i fl rttrrrrl complcil ourlu stci1 lied fclm s1975 dresses in s12 r 1 i r s1h00 and 52800 v n ii 1 1 diessers 20 00 sjs 00 mattkessfs in n splendid innge from i iso up mnmhull mattressch r limr iimfih at attractne 1riceh i lour oovcrlnkh ltc rp i con1v e n t i o n a joint met tin of the haltonliberals and haiton progressives wiix re iimjj in 11il princess theatre milton on saturday october 5th 1 929 at 2 00 p ni- sharp tor the purpose of select in j a eutnlul lie fot lie cutiiitif provmciul fleetion on october mi tlic meeting will he addressed by hon ii c diujky and hon nkuson paumamlnt i d 01 war uutl id iiakliol seereiiiriea mr w dili it hillduylmi in mil l iti with mr i i if it y ih ludlr of tin it byti rlun church li id u iilltlui iin lu t unit du rally liny viui ob rid in tin churcntu on bunday a nn i unit of uir ladui of tin woimn ml v lonary hocli ty uil hi h la- t nil lit ui arranj for ininlverliry iuid oiht r nituur u iiiureit jto ilie ooclety nassacawf 1a mr a w nlichtliifiali of nanrana mya to t u vain ibb horn lu t week i ih hi utile r ml ton band of own- 1 i7ir united church wilt hold their monthly imetlni at mr joph prants liom tnrxt baturduy nfteniixiu mr i ci 1 wil011 of ltnalchull vliillid relutivii and frlrndi in mtu ton and cainpbi ilvllli our tin- uielcriid mur w a lieby a bon of acton and niliiitiiwcyii win mi ry uccer- fit i in wtnntiii prlzi for their h ho till urn i in rd of cattli ut mlluin lair la t hutur day i mr and mr w p jjurby and family of kn itchbull vlltid n lativi and frkndfl in iaiwviiii on bunda qulti a number of peoplt from nos uluwi yu ultendt d tin milton i air on hutu rd ay uockhooi mr aiiu- curtir i pi nt u couple of day he t ueek altliik mr ralph u i rlcliaretm at vineland with an i ex i pans ion mile prt vloie la liklnj up the i chain sutre i yntcm mr und mn pred mcwullum- left la t ueck on a trip to maryland u vblt mrs pred anctec mli mary fot ran i c in leaving to apend thi winter with her brother mr a 0 strunui at whiniiml her niece mn ii hull ciirm 11l to accompany i hi r out ttilrt ufttr u llt in toronto ml annii dunbar of toronto wa i a veltor in our mid t la t wrtk i mr win aurttani of new orlc l viui tint lib brotiu r rob rt for wimt unit lit uas pre tnt at tin funeral of the lut henmrd shtiltt mr win iviuik f ijironto um liomc i lor thr wn k end mr leo putter un of linintfurd am honii for thi wet it nd mu ldnn m peann oi puiidlu was i immi for the week end mlj jian torrance and mr johieton hewat of simcoe were home for ule ueik end i rally day bcrit ni re obered at the preibylerlaa church on bunday mr malcom smith the bunday bchool bui rlntendi nt had charm or the ir- vlci a bud by hry mr cai of arthur whn ipnicp nn trie subject studying 1 ht dibit mr ittd hiiktnu returned to toronto univi ralt lust week to resume ht mutlii in mrdlcliil mr i red day uu 1 t to mur in hi ilnt year in ma the n itlt uid pliyalci mlv luzubeth mc i i irun und her brother harry have r limn d to lirnnui to ruunii their third j ir studlta in clu les and matin wel specials for this week kncmsii iianiunus s 1ieee nf ill i line in moek i awn hiiil pink und i tripes lit iridic wide i xtri mh vnltie it iil pf sp eel n i for he week ul i1jamx hlanki7is inrje doultlt bed ie in uhilt oirl i ins make spixuil ul per pnir 245 llli uld i oils iripe 48c 25 tow l us butli towels larie sie in pi utt these fuwel fire worth dlle speeal this week for rowixijnf all pure linen txirii heavy wjih red itlir ind ild border regular price is sc special ftir moists pancv uslk socks rep ii hi r price isc spccml for per j iir 2c ret nlnr price 50c spceinl for per pnir 10c sii k am wooi socks reiiilar 7se lor per pi fik mins he ivy wtnl work socks iimd v hue jit kk speci il il 1 plrfrs for 110 specials in grocery uepi 25c 5 rr boup 25c choice cooking tl o n kuhliers j p onions s lbs for zjc 1 l i en f r ijc tresh i if bars 1 lb for clovi if honcv i lb jar for 1 i aunt i j id ill 1 i isses irt zuc l for ioc okay granitt wash basin for 20c mclean co hill stiteet acton ontario specials this week at pattersons beef cuts f noier rib boasts r thick kib koastb pei lb thick shouldi l koasts pei lb rib boii per lb 25c lz to 21c 12c to 23c 17c lo lrc iokk cuts i klsh hams by he piece per lb ic mtlsh sidc iohk by the pieee per lb ic bulk lard per lb 17c home rfndered dripping pei lb 15c iiomdmauk sausatu omu i m i iui mlalh pattersons meat shop uk de1jvek iromitly iuone 178 pjkli ii ij iiit i vl opitjil 50000 shares seynuck valley oil company limited i i no ililson u uvhuitv liiciiiiminiuil l ultirs iulint under the onunu imipanu- wi utlmrinl aliitnl i0lioo 1 oo par value pres tony seynuck vicepres f j sparham li i snillli ii niiuttoiis w m nrliltl m mlmlh mitur iricnnr d iu li aetllll m 1 mid ill i e id t iii i llllthiii whnli i n t i ii tlu sniul nlle oil i nij u n oiiiiiii in tlu in i ul llu huliiiiint i iimiiiu i n i hiiimiii ihlulil in ill imi mi iinjn l has j s f i mis i lln i i llu iii mini lil eiilipimnl ik he if ae ton gk i 11 i ti i ii l elt in i ll sniuiik illo oil i onipilm im i sidnle if ae i ui on is i us i hkiiiis i ii hioi nulls i list tea i iiili stniliid dnllini l i hi in t si h n i li ih l ti li iioikj ii in llhii iiiiuhiu i on jinnii m is l ens s slink i i in lin llk lln sliu i ul sliucni is loeoniiiunl in i ss 1 in mj 11 ii s leallt no i will l s iped i nil puipoes hill d 1l i i is eeeded n i well llllb lieen slink i i dplll i ji h lul liuile i i i ii m i utll ii l i lltllllll will 1111 it till i s t it is iii i hi seynuek vullcy oil coiiipall 1 lulled lo le eiilllllie lieh hat bcen ceniporaril diseontinnd uiiiuik meoipom lrll s tiit mil ells lo develop this promising l and is hild s i i i seis of and the odvaneed devclopnuni of tlu oil and ris held of 1 k 11 ml viiipmi iunilld reloniinends theshaes is un iinusu 1 oppot unily lu s nl il i i lilhill price 1 oo per share subject to allotment shun sulj ilrflly fnvw hoij offl of u cowpaiiy at accm ontnriu only ill i uiiiiiiilllmjilllllj i 1 1 hi iwimimhiml lj m jji l j k

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