Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1929, p. 3

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ft39fflffiw qhjr arta niomiiiay octoiuiii 31 miho fw kil a ciiian uinit iiiohitnfi qod keep u ruiu my heart hluhtajui day clmnre 11 ltti ruin wah away cobwrlfi nnd the years lve i pray illicit let ihr imnlhi rlnn dint hint wind blow inn through mil fmin ttluulrtl pool pnres nut beyond uir my heart wine from far oieen pohtun v where rllll water arc wind from vlltfhl at liltunieui con hi nor nrlef stay- wlien tho wlndi and uwrcp them away clod keep a clean wind blowing ihroiirli my heart night and day uy amrp noll crowe i mi place in nir clod rush llironuli iialtons new jvlhie sworn in william ncroian munro if ralromim la now jutlc munro wlui quint dignified ceremonies wil liam norman munru ic c of paimer- ton was imoni in us judge of county of hal ton to- succcrd iili honor judge j w elliot who recently retired tile ceremony took place in tile judgen chambcra where the oaths of office of qualification and of allegiance were ad- muiutcred with grace and dignity by w i dick esq clerk of the peace the following county officials and o ultra were prenrnt to attend the cere mony and welcome judge munro to his new position w i dick crown attor ney w j mccionalum clerk or the aurrogata court arch mcqlbbon gov ernor of hid ooal david uutchoon county treasurer major ponton county clerk il p moore police mofflntrate and mrs moore e ycaten deputy bherlff mrs v w dcwar court slen- ocraplur george rm cookman provln- elsj canitsblo tor hajton and w elliott llsjrruter judge munro will now give his wholn uftm tthliutlc3 ol the nftlfv tifl will iiiortly take up his residence in the county town tiik jlost tlttook wlir he a boy lie iifrd to follow path that led where the gay cilft- jiwbiiow v could ree him coming and circled ovrt a thinning brook in a meadow of clover and darted down and with dew onher circled back to her claycliff neit 1 idnk from the brook n lnh te loy would and uic bob grass winged up in long wcri pons the bay g older the brook fccomed dower tlie clay cllffa accmed to be wearing loner and the last ho wan there men mowed the clover i and the cry of the plover war hrnrd gone and the southward hearts taut something wi wlnin pulled at strings new tenants came cprlnga that fed ul brook were tiled to drain meadow injd lhe willows wingn were clipped and the place was quiet silver farm the wluittrnin a flvelenfwl calf among the registered ilobtein cattle disposed of by auction and belonging to olurlej rutherford of peel towrwhlp wmj a flvelcggcd calf ten months old tlu extra appendage was attached lo uw shoulder of tho animal and al- uwiugh curved in sliapc was of normal lis th olhcr four lcgn were perfectly formed and the calf is in a cplendld condition the extra limb coca not impede tlie animal in any way it was sold for 37 he saved hit iuieakfast cooklnotovea la oil well in their way fur an they go remarked mr abel gprout with a halfcontemptuous iook on till face to his grandson joshua who had just displayed the kitchrji of his new house with creat pride but give me an oldfashioned brick oven fer u12 ral thine thats oil ive got to toy who knows how thlngnu turn oul fm one a these now- fannied stoves dot to keep owatchln of on on tend- n drouehu on the land knows what all the hull durn time i reckon bui pises wouldnt a not much of a bun- day breakfast if hed had a coakin- stove time oiilo burnout as the old man cold tills he looked at joshua with a sniff as if to defy contradiction wnat are you referrin to inquired tha younfl man respectfully i dont recoil any bill fiasa in these parts oh he died lonff before your day responded mr gprout he was an old man at the time ive made mention of an i want much moron a ycarlln boy but i remember it a if twas yrs- terdoy it made consldable talk at lh time an folks had their lauch about 1 fer years ths flasbs was a small family jccl old bill an his wife an a couple o darters f home there was a mess o sons uvln out west comowliers if 1 welled rlflht well there wan two thinci bill was special fond of one was his pipe an the othor was ills sunday mornlo breakfast o baked beans an brownbread they woo put into the old oven o course on saturday an was all ready to be took out an cat come sunday moraln well one sunday bill ho cot up early he had a kind of a toothache or sometliln i fonrot what lot was the brook and its courme uas flljcd prom clay cltffn levelled and broken- wllled an the yean went by but in a heart now fur from there was remembered laughter in dreams a boy was running after a brook throuch a meadow of ripened clover down through through the huh gross swaying apart and willows waved llko great plumes ovcr tlie wayward brook that was in truth rhc shining thing that once was youth a w drenback stonjeo prom away back nearly every week btnce the home comers itcunlon at the first of july the readers of this column have been regaled with recollections of events which transpired twentyfive or thirty yearn ago or go i thought therefore that twe or three a lories from further back uuuld be interesting especially to older folk here is one told to me by an older man than i am which is sold to have occurred on mill street over sixty years ago and which i will entitle art expensive lesson for verily it wn an expensive lesson a neighboring farmer had two very handsome horses of whose excellent qualities he was very proud but unfor tunately they had acquired the repre hensible habit of talking which at times caused their good owner much annoy- one warm day in august he was from mr whiteside in fuu ho hud mintuliiril ierliiiii biinui before im wii libmhil it iitt uh ynunif ehitp1 rjultt u pinny fur leiutummi to keep out of jail for tin 1r nifurlnim prank ilrhiipn next uiik ill have um nld- lljne childrens itnry for the rnulern to- ln of till i rohimii till old man hiasnaiui saiadn vif snlnd friqiirntly prultiiund vri- et nil lei of all kln lire plentiful und in- rxponnlve sulndf are iiiuiilly light ami any to dlieit they may in- mails qiilfcy rind eiuilly- what more could one n k for uir plenty of rugsr in your fruit uilntli nnd youll flntl th it a touch in your viiirlahlr naiad will tend to in it irlfy tlin flavor of the vegetable lined try the following pftuit halad in ottanoe coptj 3 orangin 3 slices plnrnpple 13 mnnhmallowa 13 cup nut meals 23 cup white grapes cut oranges in two remove pulp fully then pull out all membrane leav ing orange cupi cut pineapple mallows and nuln in am nil plecci skin and seed the grape and mix all with orange pulp pill orange cups cover with cream mayonnnlie and garnish with grapai and nuts brxve on lettuce ahpaltaouo salad cook the asparagus in salted water the dressing consists of onrhalf tca- rpoon salt a quarter teaspoon pepper a half teaspoon sugar a quarter tea spoon onion julpcprtflp tablespoon vino- gar and jive ycablenpoons of olive oil mix and heat until thick and white keep the asparugijft in tlw rrfrlgnator until ready to serve then arrange the stalks on salad platen and serve the dressing in a sauceboat use sugar with veeetablra all women une sugar when cooking fruits most of them appreciate thj act that com on the cob needs to be boil ed in sweetened water rather than in salted many however fall to appreci ate the root that a little touch of sugar intensified the flavor of practically all vegetables and at the some time increas es their value as a source of human energy do you use sugar with carrots or beets try these two recipes and note the flavor i caiuiot loaf scrape carrots and boll in sweetened water until tender mas and to a pint or eggs a half teaspoon of salt a quarter tea- bpoan of pepper one tablespoon of sugar and a quarter cup or cream pour into wclnbuttcred mold stand this in pan of liar water and bake in a mod erate oven until arm turn out on u hot platter and surround with peas or serve with a white lauce florida beets cook until tender thrco large or six small beets in wator to which one tea spoon of sutfar tiac been added dip in cold natcr slip off skins and slice make a sauce of onequarter cup of sugar one tablespoon of cornstarch and one half cup of vinegar cooked together till thick pour over beets add one tablcspoonful of butter and let stand over hot water ten minutes scats 1iauy iiv uolul fauquhau i aunt driving into the village pact the mil with ij load of hay it was not only an unusually large load but the bay was of fine qualify and the former felt an honest pride in driving through the village with it just as he arrived at the top of the hill that looked down mill street our main thoroughfare even then lined on cither side with stores and shops the horses came to a dead standstill and refused to move another inch neither kind words nor the moderate applica tion of the whip had the slightest effect and the farmer was in despair suddenly n bright thought occurred their driver well i guess these horses will change their minds in about vo minutes he said smiling rolling two large whips of tho dry ha j he placed them carefully under stubborn animals then he made a smaller wisp to serve as a fuse lighted and placed it in such a position that i flame would soon reach the other wtsps then he clambered upon tho uiought hed go down an start up the upon the load again and took the reins uvlnroom fire an set there a spell on chuckling over hu plan warm hlxn uj it succeeded the horses feeling the twos along about thanksglvhv an unusual and disagreeable heat stepped kind of chilly weather so ho went forward brickly but only just far cnougn downstairs an out into the shed to to escape the effect of tho flame then bt him idndlln stuff course he lit they stopped again in vain did thclr hbj pips fust uilna after hed got out ouncr from his lofty perch urge them ii un aqd ana h lojyj wjiip they were sleep is the great npurlhcr of infants without peaceful sleep the child will not thrive this cannot be got if the in fant be troubled with worms millers warm powders will destroy worms and drive them tram the system and after words the childs rest will be undisturb ed the powders cannot injure the most delicate baby and there is nothing so effective for restoring the health of a worm worn infant i er nay n ulwmt the farmer urrnnt the rrlrk uluh lleked hli j doit nn ir lnnt iniinth juit been ve liapjn neil to jil ill- hln uiiteruil-1- ion paleh am uni atlifc mini yf hl water mellonn he died yesterday on bent of a oltark of newmony jake ited he imped the poor old fello went uherc ue think he dlddent go to llatenlay all ui ft hall felloet has mado n resa- hiihiin not to eat enny ptr or candy wile we ore play ing ft ball ma is a helping me it till a lut of will power to keep frum ratlin pie u hi n you see it in f runt of ynu hut ma hai got plenty of will power so i guev i will get n long all rite un cine i ran nllp in when nho has ueiit out sum time another sunday kvry time they is a new baby in town why ma wants to ere it no this p m she dnig i and pa out to see of the late ones evry buddy won argue- i lng about who it looked like it was tolablf prltty but it dulsent seem to have much ntlle mundny- went to a perty tonlu- whrn the radio playi d a dance jane if tile ploiurr of the ilex dnnts was to be mine and she ned well if ennybndy has enny plasurc out of it i gueoi it will be you sum erli can be very rude to men of the opposing sex it seem- like to me anywaya ttusdny 1 he teechrr was towklng about ollk ulrmsand she told how wo get bilk frum silk wlrms and she ast jake if he new enny uther wirm wltcn got nllk from and jake spoke up and oniuerel and replyed that ae got tape from tape wlrmn wundny they was a man here at arc houie today selling a book to un- yurc vocabulary he tryed to get ant emmy to take 1 but ant emmy no she dlddent wont none for her waste was inllrely to big now olrcddy thlrsday well after ma got cnun muney inim pa to pay a few hills she imio andby nrfewlrlnkets she wanted pa was a financial reck after otic had went to spend thw miincy pa winked at me and re iajh the kin she loves to tutch fashions fcxr the smart woman ancit ifauvli oijitlvallon ilmighliii liny and piu ulili id piuhir jjhi in rly fall follow d f tin lmd ulth nil ii lull hi the full llti nnu iili ihf plouiil if ptnii- are prei nt liollld he iiboiit thl openitlun dlitely hi a oil luiklim a 804 nd sii lojh a safe and sure medicine tor a child troubled with worms is mother droves worm exterminator circular fashions diicc iigim llie loruul nfternrkin mode return to do wnnilcriwllli hcri imiiirei capeleti draperies ind ill the frimiiiiil furlmlnus ii dear u the feniiiiiiie heart suit jrauons falinr in flowing colors miiuc1 iiiiiumerililc cfiuti nr the more insure hours the hunic of ins frock llntiers a llit- terinj rirrulir tape over sleeveless arms tlie ilowiiinlheliiclc ind up- iulliefruiit effect of tile two cirrular flounces adds further style ilitcreil a wide sish extends from the deep yoke to euiphaiizc the smart svcjlhed luiw cff nielit iirtlni to piuiu the 11111 luiklnii i mi or like dlskhm nt one unk lu ll rvul i tihoiilil in- made thereafter lo b uk ti1 tin md after uie rod h rutted uie tttltuiitor prehruhy one ulth tiff tielh iioiihl he iimd lit week or tenday inlirvuli until lute fall it the laud to lie eleiired is grain stubble it may not be necessary to plough the hind nftt r the grain l har- v iled but iho dl k or cultivator may be started nt nnfe nuif the null work ed freiientl during the balance of the iwlng en on i lue fall ploughing should be given the imd to wlileh tin e avter hnr- t ciillhiition- are applied and tlic land ihnuld be left rough over winter if povllile a cultivated crop should be plautid lit the following iprlng and thii uiould bi kept thoroughly worked in order in lroy the weeds which are hit iho weather hlrh prevnlli during th- late summer and full will he a de le- mlnlug f uelor in the nucce-j- which after harvest cultivation has n weed df truetlon if the slusou k not too wit good reiults rhould attend thee coll cultural operations inrwrlmental porm bright metal packages keep it always fresjhu freslt from the gardens fashions for the smart woman irish bulls sticking to the facts of ills own room lie was a kind of a kccrlaca man an folks i alius supposed ho dropped a spark fra his pipe onto some shavlns whilst lis was out in the shed any way come into tho fore part of the house an started up his fire on was enjoy in himself when down came his wife an darters scream in they smclled cmukr twos a ramblln built old- house an the shed was quite a spell of a nolle from the uvln room but it didnt take tin long to see that that was aflrc uu shad x mean an that twas spread in rapid the plags place was way off on a id road an there want no great waur supply so there want anythln to do but jant let her burnt they kcr- rld out what they could an set things round the road an so on they saved oonsulabla well oomo way or notlicr uie folks at church got wind of it an moat of em took occasion to ride round post the vfrqif place when they went home an tiiey ace a kind of a surprlsln sight x con tell ye the flags famly had been so akkrpled on excited up that they didnt but jest got round to reullsln tin y was hungry apparently the house was all gunc cxceptln the chimney an oven an u11i hed jest made a kind of o path through the ptlci o duds an got to uie oven an took the bsoni an brown bread jeet as everl i ncvcrll forget the eaun when fauicr an m as good uy they was rid pait we wasnt espectln tliryd have much up- nsute but uley had they was of it in on uie stone wail uie hull of em on uis bean iot an brown bread wtu stond- ln on a bureau top that uieyd iuggid out someway and put acrojit thr nail uu flagg she had on some clrangc- looktrt irarments an so did the darters but hill looked an eat bout as usul fcicopt for belli some wwty an i rc- ellct fatlier aays to lilin kind of nym- puiuin the waya of providence h stransa alnt uicy7 an uu he says ym uiay be but our beans never was biuw lie was cuthi out of a tin pan with a wluttled stick fer a fork but ha vus enjoy in his food no mistake i now what id like t know demand ed mr sprout of his grandson in con clusion hi what kind of a breakfast do you callatc them flaggs would a had t keep tlielr sitrlts up if theyd put uielr reliance hi sch u fancy article as uiat cuoklnnliivi youni where bien dont uuuld uiat cooklnfltovc would uiem beans havt- talk to mel liltolmtj strike- out at your troubles and list will go right through uinu motionless the farmer reflected it appears lo me he said a moment or two later theres an awful lot of smoke for a mighty little blase but as the smoke increased he first wondered and then lld to the ground to investigate the little blaze he had kindled under uie horses was now exactly under uie big load of hay uie bottom of which was already burning in fine style something hod to be done mounting the load wlui all haste he si lied a fork and began to uirow the hay in all directions ills work how ever uon come to a stop for the homes itcllim the warmth of uic second conllagarallan started off again this time in good earnest and the luckless farmer was glad to get to the ground as best lie could up mill street eped uie horses drag ging after uicm much to their dis comfort the great fourwheeled bonfire villagers looking up the street and sou- ug the flying animals pursued by the ncrmoii tuuguc of flame fled for uielr urs stuld old farmhorses tied to pets along the street broke uielr halt- ii and cluttered down the hard road women ircumed and dogs barked and ome excited person under uic bnprcs- ilou thlil the whole town was afire rushed for tipelghts shop and rang uie jell vigorously j just what would liuvc been the out- nut it is difficult to tell had it not t mi for uie fortunate fact uiat the nugon soon became too much burned o hold togeuier tho charred wreck dropcd in uic middle of uic road the horses sull dragging one blacken ed pair of wheels continued uielr flight i a far as tho railway tracks when later they were returned wlui tiloodshot eyes and badly singed tails to uielr owner lie gazed upon uiem wlui a mingled look of sadness and triumph nd exclaimed well you pesky crlt- lers i guca ive learned you to balk i another rauier pathetic story la told burning of hay over on the seven ui nt- john whlualde oji eccentric i did man ifvuig on the form where uie illue mountain uchool u now situated derided u curry s bundle of hay ol back u a customer in georgetown hail trudged mi the way as us tliompsoirs corner when sever youiig fellows who were lounging ulmiul the tavern then- wrnt out in ln- ifttlgute the strange loud ufttr the old man had passed they decided u follow him und apply a match to the hay nib wiu done and in a few seconds the load 1 hay on the old mans buck nu1 biasing it reijuhtd some strenu- nis uork to separate uiu blazing loud of the when 1il- mrs smith had been advised by mrs drooks to consult mr wlgglcsworth about the historical pageant which the ladles af her club wished to give she met the gcnucman in the library by chance and immediately improved her oppor tunity by asking for help we thought she said it would be so nice if we could have uie visit or lafayette to niankvlllc for one uitng i am to be marqulse dc lafayette in a louis quince gown and powdered hair my husband docsnt take any interest in pageant sa doctor pcabody will bo la- fayotte but what i want to find out from you is all about historical accuracy and uiat sort of thing a writer in uie boston transcript reports the conversa tion os follows tliat is what will make it bo charm lng and interesting and picturesque and cr cr educational mrs smith con tinued doctor pcabody has picked out his costume already it is all white satin hlghhcelcd shoes a jeweled sword powdered wig we uiought we would represent the ball given to the marquis and marchioness by uic lead ing citizens of uic town then we could have a minute you know doctor pca body dances so bcauufully ah yes i sec only one objection to this lafayette did not visit dtankvllle i on his fust sojourn in this country would that make any difference well it nould rather i dont ce why well for ouc thing when he come here he wsa un old man he was about old enough to be doctor pcabody a grandfather i should judge oh furuiermore there uas no ball given by the leading citizens and no minuet but there must have- tccn some thing there was tho sclccuon gathered at the posthouse and presented an ad dress of welcome well why couldnt we have that undoubtedly but it occurred at about nine oclock on o rainy night lafayette did not alight from lts coach for he was trying to get on to fair field that night he was suffering from headache and not only had on a nightcap but had ills head awauied in flannel bandages as well he merely put out his hcud for a moment from the coach window took tho address thanked the selectmen and immediately retired from view i dont see how we could have that ivery well it is posslbli hat you could persuade porior peabody to apnsar in a night- rap and flannel bandages but from uhut i know of the young man i should think it extremely doubtful well what could we have are there not minn events that would be suitable did not ueiierul washington and mrs washington vtilt our town they did not they seem to have rrltxikcd it wus there never an indian raid ye there was in 1041 mow would uiut do well the i n d lulls there- were thrco of them- were all intoxicated they on deavortd to bteula horse but were dls covered by a servuntglrl of one enoch wlnslow wifl owned uie horse hhc locked ui m up hi uie barn until uie countable could come and take them lo uir village jail it does not sound very dramuuc ihisalbly you might like to represent the landing of uie first settlers yti hut sounds delightful on landing uiey were attacked by mosquitoes in such large numbers thut they had to beut u hasty retreat to llr ship perhaps ue could imve uiat and iruve nut uie mitjlultoes it would be hard to liae them anyway tliat would be linikwslble the modern school of history allows the omli- slou of no detail whleh mokes for uc- urney perliups you would not be ubi the supply or irish bulls seems olwayi to equal the demand the very simple and natural ones arc always coming out as for instance that of the scr- vuntgtrl who when asked if she had good place answered oh a molghty folne place my mlstrcs3 is tliat rich that all her flunnel petticoats urc made silk cant you keep the baby quiet mary an irish nurse was oked after a loud noise hud btlii coming from the nurcer for a lung time sure maam answered mary i cunl kape him quiet ut ui un- icfjj i let him make all the noise ha wonts a london paper cites an instance of delightfully mixed metaphor on the port of a participant in uie proceedings of on irish agricultural society im u poor working furmcrj he said mid us with the greatest difficulty that i con make uie two ends of uic candlu meet some of uie most delicious bulls arc in act rather ulan in word an irishman was found standing out in a hard ruin over o little bridge care fully und with a strained position hold ing hb hue in the water under uie bridge sure said he to u marvelling passer by uie fishes 11 all bo crowdbi hi here to get out ol uo wet a coachman was seen on uic top of the stube lying up a weutliervune whut w ai he doing 11 for7 the mliuircss wonts to gu dhrlve said put on she towld me to putt uje pony hi the dogcart but fulx it bhlow in so uasluy an cowld from the able an she is so purty an dlllcate uiat i thought i d be tryln uic blugyuard of u wmd nround to the southwest wld u shrlng an kupe it there till shes home again a mcmoruble bull in action is record ed by lord duflcrin on his estate in county down there was o historic ruin formerly a stronghold of the oneills when lord dulfcrln wa3 appointed vlocroy of india and was about to go awuy for a long time ho became anxious this ancient relic should be curried bodily by uie peasantry who if uiey wantctl a stone to repair u pigsty 11 were uecuitomed to resort lo the old cistle he uccurdingly summon ed his steward and ordered him to build a good uall ubuut uic custle at u certain distance to keip out trespusters then he departed on his return from india lord duf- f trin found to his amusement thut uic ruin had completely disappeared in spite of the fact that there was a bcauuful wull ull around it ho summoned the steward and asked in dismay where is the castle the castle me lord repeated the limn thut ould thing ture i pull ed it down u build uu- wull wld do y want me to be guln miles for material wld the finest all tone in ireland beside me an shell st in use icired to fight but nu mother lick me un- doctor join to your enthusiastic iincqke he urtn ulfitimrc iiumculiirc the airl ye tomorrow abou have leen of ue meet again galvanized shingles fl riirojif mfcy to 1 y ovr lil vaalm tmniunuil uttiututu askywir lluwaith ocnkmur get the facts and save your money sheet steel ceilings olnp falllnh plnaur unil tinniulilly crnckod call- inob 1 jny ro put up quickly and onco un umv btny no at or lllur hsiiy to closn or psint vou will iuivr regret lli purciiam of a jt sul camus beaunrol imrjpkooi vll vit flro elfecu ivolv aid bhtflibvaas ta htllii ilarii clmrclioit teclkools itllrltanb niul liatliroaxas io notlilna yon ut uw prices i full psrtlculsra wulfi see your local tinsmith carpenter jkksev i- olil ilindhi i the il oamlbv jrrse liis i world of fhni for utilitai plm fjbn rrinl nicrly tnctly made- piece frocks in lolicr color- m pans makes some of the bmirlcst frocks of jersey and they urc more rciuciillj one pictc than iwoinrtc more often ilirnl tlun pleated the fabric usl has hern ijreit l fjnrificil for nou jersey cninci in ill inrti of noih patterns in nulihcd cftecti and lovclj mixturci the girls erse frock mmun hrrc has from and side godcts and a round pipe toll ihu you kvkit stor to think notice of court of re vision of voters list nouce lc hereby ulven uiat a court w 111 be held pursuant to the voters lbli act by his honor the judge or the county court cf tho county of hal ton at the council ctiambcr on the 10th day of november 1020 at eleven oclock in the forenoon for hearing oil complaint made mnilmt the nrt and second parts of the voter lbt of tho municipality of actcn for 1020 puttd 20tli day of october 1020 ii n fattmcr clerk of acton your photograph for christmas they can buy this they can buy that but nil tho money in the mint cant buy the one personal gift your photograph high class work at ordinary prices a dozen and up photographs nt 500 come now and avoid the christmas rush iluitak 1ilms ah iia1nyday ti nil kit campers or vacationists who find theuuirlvea ilrtliss on a rainy day with dry niulclna but nu wood dry cnouuh to start a lire may take tnart writes the editor ofl nature purls if thvy huve kodak films uhlch they are ulll- inff lo sucrlflre jsaya dr e e irce i li e-k- science now york celluloid li tine of the best possible khiili of under 1llma uie made o celluloid eun films uiut urc actual ly wet can tx- wiped oil and made t bum olici linltcd they will bum tvi in the ruin a few illms lipilted om ut u time will supply lire cnouuh to dry out a heap of ahnvlimi ur tutljja u that un ordinary cuuiptlre ran be started amrrlciiiu do nut need to be reminded of thlj cxpiobtve proiitrty of celluloid uo truiflrally lmuii ill fled by the dlwuter at the cleveland clinic w j paulson oencrnl manaaer f e hcunton pa fiun suya why do moot advertisers mi business coiidluons slump and become drprcssed immediately curtail uielr advurualnu proprlauun tlic man who uilnka matters through und looks ahead will at such times cither increase hk appropriation or at least 111 not cut it adverltilnii at oil times la jjood but it is more chectlve when compeutors arc inucllvc business of u man who advexlixs liberally durlnu u depressed period 1 bitter rijirlnu tliat period because of it unl uhiil huslntis conditions betfln x tutpro l hi usually comci back two or thrte miiiths in advance of his non or lurtalkd udvtrtlslnu competitor a false piiemike the theory un uie part of merchauti thut when business fulls oil it la uclew to udvertuc u false the enijlnecr when tho cnulnc is runnlna ut full tpced docs not put on more fuil until it showu slins of llowlnu up und o it is with advertising if un advertising appropriation must bt cut do it when business is booming but never cut it when business is dull all publications should preach this doctrine not for the benefit in dollars und cents which muy come to them but for un- benefit to the merchant and uie community ut large it beats all how those old creaky stiff joinfs limber right up with jointease ualance your portiifr down uir cen ter autli but dunt it feci good to have tliii- old joints worklnit us smooui and in two skin and flesh lltiument und bone it surely dai bl uh the stutnos iwni r m kennedy pliotographer 23 wyndiiam st guelph phone 498 free press ads will sell your goods let us convince you tax notice- 1929 municipality of acton second instalment novisaiistilt any rutcpuyrr mify pay the uholi 1g but onehalf the amount must b tu of his uikij un or before september paid mi or bi for uiut dute failure imply ulth thii urramriment entails extra expense and trouule an addition of flc per cent mil be mudi ui eierj jvx rale or usscuuttcnt remiilnliil unjiald fourteen daj- uliir the 15th du if niember for uie mcud instalment und it will bt the outj of tin- colli ctor immediately after the said scviral days upiolnud for paymtiit to ellict nt aim- by distress ur otherwtw under the pruvlmun uf uu- btututi in that behalf ull luch taxes or instalments of luxes i llle miitiir iuiu sutlllni i lline time und makes urn buck ucuhi joliitliase is for bud stiff rictliiil jolnli uhether in fool unklc kiiic hip in ck shoulder elbow fliiera or rpinc und for thut purpo-u- k the fustel aell- lnif remedy hi canada mudc rluht here nts ut any drun store htii jointcase ijuu in uut ijulck tube fur co und remembor joint auuny kils ilaast tabk yoult t sotici willi vot ulikn makini pavm1nt j mipmkkson leetor dont be a slave to indigestion feldmans 4th sujwr aridity uf the btouiaeli nrfdlrwt- ly siuilu thr tathif ileuaure of tlioutjiid tliousandi of people nulter dully for the kooil ihlnui ttuy eat or rise are slivti to thilr dluirikrlxl sttiniurtis- ihlni tin illinircruble diet ulruld to tut thlimji tin y like for ftur uf puln follow y t uihid iieulthy puiiileu dlirrsuin it vny fm hum folk fur nine- trilhs of ull stoinuch misery li cuusid ely un excess of ucld in the fiuim- urh and u little uliiratid munucsiu tuki ii lmim dlatily uflir tatlim will in- i nt iptly iiuuriuui thli ucld suip fond i fivjnititulliin priint una und sutirnrn j ai ut uliil ymi eit villi dutl iui nutiire to introduce thr miblultoea on the uijrh intt nilid it ahottld you can enjoy ynur of your pumunt but if not i should in- in nu it ind i virj meal ff jmi will w i r ii i drun sinn- u puiki fur coats fur trimmed coats dresses hats all cut below cost come and save vy hae hhwhwi our prices in the 1 otlom icrythiiii to im- mild at half price jitsl thinlv of i liir coath that mild rtjruliirly at si 75 arc clearing in thls sale at 71 1 1 1st uu si ttlit and ret tnsi it dt i ulunt prrvitn riimsrntnitf th beut uu ir armi und luuids ubfiut i in evident dl i tn uie lti ni lllu ir pud mi hard to ilmi unythl jw aokl munilusl utc d mnirnii i olu- ii u i in itlur tu tl trial and j fuibm he arty uuuli hhh mm ii stluhllt fll iree ulth jn i it hlllui look vou thi sicns on the winihiws feldmans uiikit yn1iiiam stkickt guelph

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