Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1929, p. 4

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rmjnwswiw j o till jlluf op liihr attan mree irres jiii uan weekly nrw paper a utinn qicliec utvulon c w k a thi acton ulfil ihiss u nublilml tcrjr thursday cveium at tlie frre weia hull ling ulll sirtci art ontario tlie nil criptimi price u jo i rr year in ailvanr iailaff fa clnrcl ad lltl nol 1 flirt in the unite t state tlie date to w1uili aubicnplh ni are pill ii inlicatrl on the aitilreia label advfiitisim uatls lor imal unclaui ml advrrlurn ri u or t in other column the rate wll c i lcal of column dj play advtrtiiinii rain on application g a dll us editor an i proprutor tfi i ihonis kdikmal an diii itaiijciice dodtffntf itatpoiifluiliiiy about tin mi ret way to mtlctrnck uccu b i to run uwiiy frnm re ponitnlity i lit- lowest worker in tlic ciile lias in tiiik to do but lie l not uilltftl on in trouble hinrclf nlinut aiiyonc cl l i lit man win steps up to u belter puyinj poition lin to ncxpt icpdn ibility lie may not work any harder than lit did lilfore nor tven o hard but be has to accept re poinbihty lor mil work of other and for hn own deer ion arid their qutcoim no one can deny ihn frtel and since it is m it otiiht to he clear thai dodjiiif responsibility 11 n poor way to jct ready for the prizes of life if you want always to stay at the bottom of the ladder with some one over you to tell you what to do then run away from rcpon ibiliiy whenever you sec it com mi there i no mrer way to realize your wish thursday cvtning october 31 1929 canada 111 world production ajtliough canada posbtssea only nbout one half of one per jtnt of the worlds population the dominion produces nhout nine per cent of the world s wheat over 10 per cent of the worlds oats nearly 10 per cent of the world gold and silver 5 per cent of the worlds wood pulp and do per cent of the worlds nickel canada contains 16 per cent of the world s known coal resources has greater nsbes tos and nickel deposits than any other country and ranks third m the production of gold carradjrrnnks eighth among the countries of the world ati producer of cheese and fifth as a producer of butter gniindnu orntoiw competing in wuhingtnn koch pinnid of m011 trealhii brctight hoi ie t canada the onilontal championship of the world his subject was canada among the nations this week 1111 acton uudtcnee was privileged to see and hear fred i lot on canada representative m lost years contest who made slirli a splendid showing the local audience had a new conception of what these contests mean to devclo ing good orators among the young people of the land there were representatives from eight louii tries competing at washington in the contest tin car to be a representative of one country and to make a good stonding for ones country in the contest cannot help but engender in these young people a feeling of loyalty and lesponsibility can ados orators have always ranked well and it would appear that those of the future would hold then place nmong the world s best neighborhood news oakv1i 1 1 jlu hlktiwny ijiaulnivro worm an tin pun hit iru of tlic stock of mcclrrgnr hiirdwuri co of oakvllli ihv c a monitor of tit kdiiiimtl n chtinh ivinnu will tin the sprrlnl ipnikir nt flu niutlnu of tlic mi n n c lull in tin parish hull tlilu ovtnlng 1 dunrd i ihirbcr u ft u lny no 11 drlrimti to atliud the threeday a y 1 a 13 imlntoii onfrrrnre being held in hi caltmrlnn on 1rfdny fjaturday nnd finndiiy a lire ulnrm wiui ntnt in at 2 fifl 11 rltwk on mi ndn y foccniiie of a fin niniiiill it glims brush nnd lcavrn near tin toin rrini tery thcrr was no water o in luid atul nunibi r of men went in ui rk to ret th tin out i in iduy n itorm pluyrd nnd hnvoc on i 11k on in rl i and oiikvllh was a nuffrr 1 1 in wuvi tlitnln d high over tlu il tki mi up iiitulii t tin rnrth bnnkn uin red nrn ly tin ik 1 i hut in 11 tin it lde for its not too early its not too early to start organization for the winter sports to occupy the new arena and curling rink the building is coming along splendidly the municipal council and rink committee and the con tractors arc supplying the buildings we so much desired in a month or so it will be all ready for ue the present is the time to organize a curling club now is the time to start arrangements for a formal opening of the new buildings right now is the time to lay plans for the successful operation af this new municipal acquisition lets show our appreciation nnd encouragement to those who have had the work thus far in charge by organ izmg the various branches and showing that full use is going to be made of the facilities to morrow will he the first of november its not a bit too early to get these organizations under way immigration to canada this year from april 1 to august s 1929 which represents the first five months of the current fiscal year immi gration to canadu totalled 109 237 of this total 47235 were from the british fsles 18187 trom the united states 20107 fiom the countries of northern europe and 23618 from 2 other countries in the corresponding fjft months of last year the total was 112050 a decrease this year of 2 813 of three per cent in august of this year immigration to canada was 15022 of which d 181 were british 3414 united states 2370 from northern european countries and 3057 from all other countries tram april 1 to august 31 of this year 15 107 canadians who went to the united states intending to reside there per manently have returned to canada for permanent residence these are not included in the immigra tion returns the importunee of this movement is indicated by the fact that the number of returning canadians in five months exceeds thev total immigra tion for the month of august in it ankiner too much the acton municipal council hus undertaken and carried out successfully a lot of improvements this year the general feeling of the ratepayers seems to be that the town s business has been conducted very satisfactorily the councilsessions have been most businesslike and productive of good results all the work undertaken has been well supervised nnd tarried out their programme with the new arena building has been a busy one throughout the entire year and has taken much time and thought from its various njcmbcis several times during the year the plan of perpetual care tor tairview ceme tery has been mentioned hut the pressing need of other matters seemed always to sidetrack this prob lent and detinue steps have been withheld on this much desired plan of cure for our municipal ceme tery would it not be possible to arrange this item yet in the progtunnnc of uns years work with the town hall improvements carried on by the young peoples to operation the new arena being provided for youhg and middle aged and older ones with young ideas it would seem that with this final item or perpetual cure in i airview cemetery inaugurated this year the municipal ncil of 1929 would go down in history a one inaugurating and achieving results for all sections and ages of the communify hot has been attained by few o actons municipal bodies surely of course ibis body is a busy one comprised of busy men but there is un old saying that if you want a job done give it to a busy man is it asking too much of the council this year like other undertakings when once sturted we believe u lot of loyal help itiid to operation would be secured will the pcipefual caro pliin he luiother f the achievement acci edited 10 the council of iu29 theie are three or four rtiutc sessions 111 which the work may be dune this year guard your credit many people may be unaware of flit existence of a credit exchange that is in operation in kirkland lake othecsknqwing of it arcnot familiar unthits purpose and methods modern business demands its establishment in making use of ones credit at a banking institution a borrower is required to pro ducc ample security and references as to integrity in applying for life insurance the applicant must submit himself to close medical scrutiny all this is expected for risks in every case must be protected in retail business too the merchant should have some security for the credit extended he docs not demand much he asks only for a report on how the customer has met his obligations in the past the credit exchange supplies this report whether the mer chant accepts the customers business depends on that the total amount that one may be obligated for has no bearing on the matter it is the manner in which he meets payments due that is important on the other hand the merchant has to supply the wholesale houses with a history of his business dealing and he also has to pay his bills promptly in order to get a credit ratmg the progressive town to day is the one whose inhabitants pay their bills promptly and whose business men do likewise northern news the final crop report the final crop report issued by the bank of montreal gives the summary of this basic industry of the dominion the dominion bureau of statistics estimates the 1029 wheat yield in the prairie pro vinces at 269000000 bushels which closely approx imates the average estimate from five responsible sources this compares with the bureau s final figures for jhc record year 1928 of 544 000000 bushels the past five year average of 397 000000 bushels and the ten year average of 349 000 000 bushels the bureau estimates this year 3 oat crop at 143000000 bushels or 155000000 bushels less than last year and barley at 81000000 or 29 000000 bushels lower than inst ytfar in quebec the years operations generally have been satisfac tory with average yields in ontario the wet and backward spring followed by dry june weather and continuous drought affected the growth of all grains and resulted in a crqp below the average in yield but of superior quality an excellent crop of hay was harvested corn was backward in starting but developed into a fair crop in the maritime pro vinces seeding and planting were late and the summer unusually dry but crops now practically all harvest ed turned out well in british columbia lack of moisture during the growing season curtailed crops in some areas but excellent weather prevailed during harvesting miss conntance davidson la a qui thp chalfontchfldtsirhau allan dlty mr and mrs than u alton npent couple of days lant week at dundas with mrand mra ohaa polherau mra arthur maiacy was the hoatcaa of a delightful mloccllnncoua jjhower loot thumday evening in honor of mian mar- jorlc paulson whose marriage took place lua saturday mrs geo dyrena and htanddauffhter rttumed home on saturday after cpend- ing two weeks at atlantic city miss uuby whetham and mr h al jl011 of detroit and mr and mra prior of tpronto wore sunday visitors itli mr and mrs jos a whetham mr j uuckrell teller at the royal ilunlc hurt has been transferred to clin ton and left last thursday fot that place mr droll will be teller horc lr and mrs morley peart havo re turned home after a pleasant two week a or trip through northern ontario uic atatc of mlchlaan apcndlruj a few days with their con miller in de troit luiruy w plahcr the wellknown local chicken breeder was a successful exhibitor at the nutlonal poultry show iilld at st louli mo loot week mr rliher look first and third uwards for cocks flroli mid fourths for cockerels llrat and aecand for hens first and third for pullets and ilrnt for youim hens editorial notes and judging from the progress on the new rink a question that might well be asked now is just when and what form will the opening ceremonies take and the end of next month we suppose will see the municipal elections occupying the centre of the stage after both them arc over the christmas spirit will have a chance to prevail well it s all over for another terpi and the pro vince can settle dqwn to routine business again and continue its era of prosperity and cxpunsion that at heart is desired by all parties and people the tumbling of the stocks to new bottom prices makes many wonder if the bottoms are as false as the tops appeared to he many a small and large investor has lost in the mock gamble this week sir henry thornton has signed for another live year term as head ot the canadian national railways ut u salary of 75 000 per year sir henry has made a good job of his assignment during the past term the fall in stocks on the new york exchange this week cannot be attributed to the provincial election here us was the rise in brewery und distillery stocks following the result of the last provincial election the halloween fun is going to materialize after all young and old will bo able to have u real cvenjigs fun in the halloween purude and ghost walk acton citizens band have put their shoulder to the wheel again it has been cluimed that some younr people will not tuke part in atreuuous sports a fergus boy who was pitching horseshoes lust week went and got u chair so that he could sit down to take his exerci i crgut news record i oiid llipi 1 1 nil uiii 11 bndly wn keel hint ltl llithtlioiini my mm familiar with action fit thi water will ni vcr uiit- llvr iflrh niinthrrbltf blnw iui it ji be und 1 mini d thin plr is to day in miiiin n ndltlon hecord gl oltclt town a 1 of if r unn jlrri in town uavt ui- li 111111 a run hit saturdny cu tonin olllcer i w ci u is hall d lyinii ut north uny mr hubert corke of prrh was n lior in town on bund 1 mr und mr h o aiiojiu and mn i a hnrliy 1 pl nt sunday at thamcn vllh mr und mr o c lawrence of tor onto n nl sunday nt mrs e bcnicy n dr wncon has bicn abient the pat fw duyn attending the baptht coiivcn flui at ottawa antilviriary irrvlcrt wore held in knox piibjttrlin church on sunday hist iilrn liirul concfrcinttlons had the plca- 1 1 of llitenii to eloquent and li pli inn armoin dellvlrcd by hev dr mucki isle principal of montreal pre bjtlrlun colleffo mid mrs c c ruddy and llttk aiuirfulr shirley left last friday for rumpa tex whero tlioy will reflldo best wishes af tholr mnny friends will follow them to their new home in c south mrs t brown of ottawa visited nt tin home of hlr brother mr samuel harrison during the week she was ac companied by her son and daughter robert and anna it is over twenty yean since mr harrison and his slater had sctn each other herald duulinoton i kin r and mrs thos wilson of 11 ramp ton werl sunday visitors with friends here mrs k mcdourrall visited with mr id mrs h l royee of everton one diu last week r and mrs h thomas of buffalo v were bucsls at the busbolm inn or monday mrs gilbert sinclair of aearuetown spending a few weeks with mr and mrs stuart smith of caledonia r und mm itotell and family of balllnufad have moved into- the house cently occupied by mr and mrs bracej mr ralph thompson and lady friend pent the week end with the former parents mr and mrs m thompson mn j d lcttch who has occupied purl of mrs mcdowell s residence for summer has returned to toronto for the whiter mr l rid mlllward who hfts spent the miner with hlfi sister mrs a j hor- ton left for toronto on monday where will spend the winter lr and mrs j ramcsbottom of wulkcrton visit d with the formers parents mr and mrs o ramcsbottom and other relatives lart week mr archie sanders recently received pair of beautiful scotch terrier dojra mi a friend in montreal fhey are pure bred and quite valuable and mr sunders in t und entering them in the royal winter dog show advocate milton juek dcnoun who spent the summer re returned to his home in the west 1 monday the mnny friends of principal mar crllua will be sorry to hear oi his hi ss and hope for a speedy recovery mrs a ljlc attended the weddlnff or her roujln miss m dolancly to ucnntc ol toronto on saturday lost llon penhall recs toronto oraonut and choir leader or st pauls united church here for hi vcral yearn has ro llined yesterday aoa the last wcdncodaj half holiday for milton business men fatorci ulll be open every day from now tt christmas champion i lurold oulluuhi r who has orcn at- udlnr the cuiiudu iluslmss coiicqc hamilton for the post year has accept position in the office of the mlllon prtftsnt urlck co wcddlnu took place at st luke n anglican church hamilton when ilortncc sreond daughter of mr and mrs wm duvlcs milton was united tu juiiuj orelg of milton ihc public school teachers of the liar ton luiprctorute arranged at the annual convention to hold group conferences in tho five towici of the county ac ion qiorgttown milton tlurllngtoti and oak- confirenccn wire held in uie lout named towns lust wtik when teach tin own schools and near u ii ell ms pic t to discuss common problem- public sehool imprctor j m dinyit was pnnent to lead discus nli n ri funm r hint huimming on pouusb an anierllon lit ry lady reports thlt aa truth she hud txin stopping at u ti ucuasl town in britain and onr day n turning twin a wulk uald to her land lady do you knuw what i nuw while i was wulkhig mi urn bi aeh just nuw two poriiliunl iawli no ow did thry rvt r gi t itoun on the bi aeh uwuy from the pooi huufce t boston iraiiblrlpt rr o ifliool ii yunmretl are mwayslkpy th nutritive vulue of cam yrup u rommttjm by doctor its known to iw the lit stithy food tot vrylioify why not assure trwiidth enaray and umppuuim by having crown ilrand corn hyrup awy ready la yoiirltltclien its dsllclaua edwakdsburg crowtvbrusjd cobt syrup the canada starch co limited montreal gl fvsu tiaumininijijniijiniiifiaiiirnniimbiiinimiiiiiijthifflitntniminmiainnhiim advertising and business advertising and dose sym- bubiness art partners they are responsively palhetie in the times of the years ago advertising sas good in periods when business was good and if there was a panie advertising slumped now there is less indieation that business affects advertis ing in as great a degree as advertising effects business in the old times mer chants for example advertised in the local papers liberally when business was high spirits high cash pentiful and when they felt that they could afford to spend money with the newspapers but that era has passed business men put their firstrank business judgment sense skill into their adyeitising campaigns fm on these ad vertising campaignslepends the volume of their business competition is sharp il business is good they advertise to keep it so and to get their own share and a little more if possible of whats doing in the trading line if business is off then thev realize the absolute necessity for advertis ing for a number of good reasons in the old times the business man put advertising into the business system only when he thought the system was strong enough to stand it nowadays he feeds his business a regular diet of advertising to keep its circulation normal vigorous its growth steady the extra treatment when he finds that a tonic oi a stimulant is most required ts strength he gives it business men are coining to the sane view oi advertising as an element a vital everyday lcgular steady element in busi ness advertise regularly in the acton free press ililfiiiiiiijiiiniiiiiiiliiiiii mini iiimiiiiji 1 1 niiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii business directory mkdlcil dr j a mcniven iiyallut mud korfuen officii and ueiddence conic how avcnun and klgln btrul lfgalb phone no 33 p o uox ssfl maivold nash rahmer m a lurruur ralleltar notary fuuls illtttyman 1iiock acton onx monky lent on moittoaaka hourp- 0j0 a m to 6 00 p m hjiuirdaya 13 00 o clock at i j m jdhnson r i s i ns dutaj httf telephonb 45 a j buchanan d d s dental fiuix office over houard s drug stars houn 0am until opm gvenlnc by appolntmrnt a as for extractions clwd all day wednesday misctlxaneocb francis nunan itoaamato account books of ail kinds mmda la irder periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly promptly done wyndhom street oimlph ortl over williams store the surest way te caiimi oautandla debtse be uiy few r many urg m- smsdl b ta plsee utcm wtu kelly aiken tbe caiiuau spcjau owe satsaj orufeviu cbaltth no collection no cliy notice to creditors creditors of lcnnie lfellan late of acton spinster who died at ouelph an the nth day of october initnnt are required to send their claims to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 24 th day of november 1020 only such claims as shall have been received by the loct named date will bo recognized and nald dated at acton this 2th dsy af october 1920 joiin jobepii surni 8oie executor ortlll ool dy ii n parmer acton ontario his solicitor 173 if you are looking for any in vestment tor yonr money tub 1xidoontinent bond cor poration offers qaoond standabd royalties one of the cafeat bacurltk to ba had safe as b nnv and pays good dividends every month information gladly given for th asking without obligation to you tt w dawson p o box 3s bttampton district representative ha v openlaxs for av fw local ajnts actoti- monument works not and of actons oldest esstab- llnhcd concerns but oiie that h shown good profltgtes during uie years of its cstabtlhincnl established in acton in 1030 fair daailnx aiul good worlcnsn- jup ore uwuldg esxb year a larfer daslaeos far us john nicol the door of opportunity than small ada will open the door to whatever you arc seeking if you expect to sell you must advertise notice to creditors in tiritsuitkooatl couttt of the county or 1 1 alton in tllti khtate of jauks maxwell ulll urclaslu the creditors of james maxwell bell late of the village of acton dcntku deceased wtu died on or about uie klni day of october 1020 and all other narsurut having clalma agahi lib eatau are required on or before the 17ui day of november 10 jo to send by mall poatagd prepaid or ouicrwle deliver to ui undersigned tho uollcttor far ui salit enecutrlx and trustee under uic will of tiki said deceased their ad- dresses and wchpunns full xuuliculars of their claims and uie nature ox uie socurlues if any hld by them and an and aiur liio said 17ui day of novim- imr a d 1020 uic said kiocutrlx and trustoe will proceed to distribute uie assets of uie said deceased amnrui uie parues lawfully uiuucd uiereto urulcr um sold will and uus notlco bohig given hi nuru- uxvae at uin trustoe act it o o cilib 10 ilac 51 otic will not ha rdkpouslbid for any clainu of whlcli mm tdiall uoc have fvccivlu nouco at uia uuia ut oucit dbitrlbuuun dud at acton uus 17ul tuy bt oc- tohdr a d 10 jo ada uxll 1 itouj klxmotitru aud lnlsutf hy h n rnur aeumx ontario hot sulkjuir iaj

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