Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 31, 1929, p. 5

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j i1iuiijda octoju 0 mo unih llsloo not unili our j t ill i l n nut i i deli r l 1 id r al in m inr maml uiul w i id r wjij lilt 1 1 wr and tin n wi full lh not 11111 1 to not undi r li ill iuuih r iuim imprrn rl n and hint llu in cl i r an the ycur i i l i hi ilrtiii oltui jii mi to u i truiinicrcs il in and lliu mi n rifle und fall und live nut dli not uiidinilnod c not undi r tood how trifle nfttii chnhfli the sunday school lesson mmmjvrtay novimiiiul 1131 prize fight opkka premiers un ihr lhoughtli untune or tin- fun iclid tllulit dtrtribl icitiie ye ini m frli urinlilp nnd ttujiti m and on i ur ul th r fall n frtc init bill lit n t undi r i d ii i in my la t rl in ly in irt ure arhlng ior lcl of ympilliy ah diiy by day iluu many eh t rli i lonely hi artn are breaking how ninny noble j plrll il auny not undentood o oodl that iiiiii could let a little clearer or judge 1s him lily where they can not ree oh oodl hint mill uonld draw a little nearer one aiiollu r rhcyd b nearer thee and understood tim ntl vi alts ago i mm tlio ijur of the fe press or thun day november 4 1000 the palace dm it store lias been a fine recruiting station from which its proprietors have stepped up to larger bualncca propositions during tho pre unt year it has recn mr u a robert son succeed to the business in stratford and his successor mr il ii nixon re cently purchocd a buctncn1 in oeorgc town the btilneji has now been pur chased by mr e j ho ard who has been manngcr for the pat two monuin le la- quite in louo with aoton and hi bo satisfied to do uudncts here for it lonff time to como mr ii qrlndcll and miss orindell arc laying goad bye prior to removing w port william tho annual winter school of the uuelph district cpworth league was held in rocknood last week mr a t brown of acton the president pre sided it wan a helpful arid suggcfluvc convention throughout mimes bertie speight sophie and vjlhcl coleman phemlo laing xotllo e speight and mrs james moore attended from acton iw n s mckeclinle b a or mc- manter university has accepted the pan torate of lho baptist church and will preach his first sermons next sunday a deputation of the citizens commit tee was present at the meeting of the munlclpal council on monday evening hoy presented a petition signed by 17g names all of widen appear on the last revised voters list tills petition asks the council to submit a bylaw to the electors of acton on the 3rd of janu ary next for the closing of the bar rooms of the town on motion the clerk was instructed to prepare a local option bylaw and submit it to the council at its next meeting the resignation of henry artndell engineer of the fire brigade was pre sented and accented and newton hurst bo hereby appointed engineer at a salary of ho 00 per year james mills was appointed fireman o succeed nowlan j hirst at a salary of 30 00 on rrldny evening the members or the acton fire brtgado with their wives and sweethearts met in tho town hall to spend the evening with mr henry orln- doll their engineer who is leaving town after a programme of musical and lit erary numbers mr ed ityder socrotary read an address and a fine goldheaded cane was presented to mr orlndcll by mr w d anderson clilcf on behalf of the brigade tho company then sat down to a ttiiwnjuoub repast enjoyed by died buyers at his residence nopancc on october 37 jlev william brycrs in his 84th year pctvisi balui is alluringly fragrant adds a charming refinement to tlio most finished oppcarancc creates and pre serves complexions of surpassing loveli ness and texture boftcns and whitens tho liands coals and dlspela all irri tation caucd by acathcr conditions swiftly absorbed by the tissues leaving never a veauge of stickiness a peer less toilet requisite invaluable to all women who care for elegance and dis unction apple iiabvtsting investi gations ituhici ran uicniiiui auiiioiiiiy aoldin lixt jai iv ry mil b in nibjictlcm to tin hlglur ji mi r itmn 13 1 lemum mark 12 13 17 horn h 1 14 1 i t j 10 17 sunday preliminary ilrud thi tlirn bcrlpturr iv akn note an you nnd the hiht that larh nbid in the temperance probl m i of mod rn tlmrn rfoiiday thf qurstlon mark i- 13 ihc pluirl t ii w- n i tri t ib irvtr or tin- law and ardciitjilriot iu hrrodluni wcrr libirnln in tiiroloity uid frli nd f hijiiu oppinltti unite 1 uliiit chrl t v 14 in ini ri fl ilti ry intro lur tb qui li n k chrl t lid it vn rli lit i pay t ixi i 1 tin it mun i mpt r ir th cui r hi would i hi ml u pit rl lin pirlj thi iliari i if he raid i vi a n t 4lnjit he would my hlmscll lliibli to arrrrt fur redltlnu tim nlmi lar qui unn to day 1- ghall wr iayor pr hlbltlin and plcan chrl t or oppo c it and lltiuworldllnar tuesday the solution mark 12 15- tlic denarius was tlii- lloman silver coin worth trom fifteen to i cvrnlccn cents in which the poll tax was paid v 10 the image was the portrait at thl fmpcror and the superrtltlon in eluded h in name and tltlcir v 17 tlicy ucre using the coins of i ome which rtood for roman law order jfovemment protection they owed tdf ihcne and uliould pay for them thus wc have a debt which we should pay to our government by obedience to ilj laws the payment of taxes carerul vol jnir and the like in our country there it not the oppoiltlon bctuccn ood antr cnc timt cxlntcd in palestine in tin tjmi of chrut wtdnetday the lllchrr powers torn 13 l lvcn nero lhc horrible lyront who ruled uic roman lmplre in paul s day represented the divine prin ciple of orderly government and woj bettor than norulor at- all v 3 the boollegglrs and rumrun ners of to day come under the condem nation of this vcrc v 3 tlic prohibition laws never in tcrfcre with temperate people but only uicked men who get drunk and try to make others drunk v 4 place a sharp sword in the hands of the prohibition enforcement officers for the good or offenders as well as the nation vh 57 respect for human law leads to respect lar god a law and disregard far human law soon mcna disregard for ood thursday the debt at love rom 13 0 love is the greatest debt of all no great that it never can be paid in full w arc always to be paying it though we never can pay it vs 0 10 every infraction of a com mandment l an infraction of the divine law of love without love one can ob serve the spirit of any of the command ments the spirit of most of the com mnndmcntf l negative but their spirit is pcsltlve as christ interpreted them vs 1113 the shortness of our moral ufa chould lead us to pure and strong llvlna drunkenness makes life still shorter and spoils tho little it allows a v 14 drunkenness cultivates the loner part of us against the higher part- all intemperance docs uic work of the devil for iilm friday habject to law 1 pet 2 13 ood is back of law when w obey law we obey it for hla sake and not for man s coko obedience to law includes obedience of the spirit as v l11 as of lhc body the man who goes ubaut ridiculing and abusing the eighteenth amendment is as deep in disobedience to lhc prohibition law ns lhc boollcgger or uic rumrunner v 14 since ood lo back of the law he ls back of the officers of the law chrutlan people should back up the prohibition enforcement officers with all jvlf influence and the temperance organizations ulth their money and votes saturday free servants 1 pet 1 15 opposition to the eigh tccnth amendment rests partly on ig norance and prejudice the cure for this kind of opposition is the persistent presentation of facls tho benefits of prohibition arc already enormous and arc steadily growing every year make tljcm known v ifi personal liberty is the fool lch slogan of the wets but no one has a right to make tils liberty a cloak of wlckednc the christian is free but he is oods clave no one is free to eiebuse himself or any one else v 17 i or our times and country make men honorable love all men 1 ear ood and his lawn honor lho of fleers of lhc law km blendinfj kcd row tcq ii jii art to obtain the fine flavor and fnllboditd hchnc required yean oe experi ence every package cuarantetd 0 xeis good tea red rose or nge pekoe is ck good first a trial of it will carry convlc tlon lo any who doubt its power to repair and heal tilt new diplomacy harvesting tlio applo crop lias been made the eubject or special study at uic 1 mrrlldr thomas lc oummorland b c experimental 8ut- ltrtc oil is not a jumble of medical uon the superintendent mr w t substances thrown togelhcr and puhed a hunter in his rcswrt for 1037 publish i adverting but the result of uic od by the deportment of agriculture ireful invesugatlon or lhe healing quah gives the re ulu of careful otudi con- i tlca oi rtaln oils a- applied to the earning tha influence of harvesting dates man body it is o rare combination on breakdown in the nosh and on u j k llu uie development of scald in tlic quen- tlon of color it was found that uic mc in tosh reaches its highest color on oc tober 2nd jonathan and delicious on october 17th rome beauty and wugcn ef on october 24ul jlrcakdown whloli in a condition of dfcay causing a softening and discolor- as mr hill put on his coat prcpara a tlon of lho flesh was hown to be toi to going out for uic evening his closely associated with uic date of hor wife called him back to uie sitting rootu- vestlng the jonauian for instance llamas she said doubtfully i wonder liorvcsled on ocloucr jnd went uiroufih u i could trut you lo and out a little ue storage season without breakdown about thai hall inyer of tho btaftordi prult harvested later ot daufl a week it such a pretty one and ir wc could apart showed increasing amounts el afford it id like to get uiat some pal- brrakdown attrr u short period of ti rn in lritn where uiclrs is blue yqu storage pruit picked an the 23rd of no i meant to ask mrs atafford uie month shout d fully forty per cent it night in u roundabout way if this injury grlmt gold n left on the trees c hi hadn t kept me at home could until october 11 th devlluited a slight jou 1 ad up to it easily ulth mr btaliord damage from bnakdwn after belmjtd not ollend hlmor her stored until thi middle of january de- y tndeert said her mummi wlien tlio enflllnh murle nnd i ol dance p ttlvul la held at un royal yorl holcl lur into fron november z to 10 tlil pot light will b turned on the first ptrfonnunco mi thb continent oi novembir 10 of iiiirii uh druver tiperi by dr ralph vnu i i im william i one of the grtutiit of mod rn oom powers written around early loth century ixcnci in an english vlllnie the en tumrs nrc plclurt que and the ntllnu 1 peculiar ly ulltd to liil folkmulc wlilch in rplred tin comport r lhc uniijuu fm i i i i the great due n b in the h ro and the vjuian i i t iki i bi iol uie land of the hero- j in 1 his is one of uie most rehtl n nn evr put on liny ntaf and is light from ttart to i k ut the i li n of tile croud the tacct j rlnglm o th principal thl exhortations of lhe bi k r of tlic tuo men arc blend d with orclii tnil effects in an en- imbli tint 1 a loir de force of modem nuilcal lepni utatlon leaving the audi liicj t eathl and exerted as if they p tutors gauu ri d nroimd lur rin nc of tin most remarkable citttiitn nir nn on tin uieatre tho i in i i mil li to iv played by allan jn i brilliant ti n r of wchh ex t iliii ri wh han bun tarring in the den ml li oprni and the opera com- iqui f purli cut shows grouping or thi plujer ju t before commencement ei tin light with hugh in the centre nnd hi oppunuit tripped for action at lift in et shows allan jone iilit l1ff hoh tjlie w is a neat compactly built flrl ulth a full decisive voice when sill ipukt you km w that the felt the final vvord upon that iiibject had been spoken i have taken up uil prufcrlon of in chit ctun rho aid i believe that my life un3 given to mc to do some mm work in the world i icnmr none h gl er or more u eful than lo design beautiful bulldlngn u urat catiudrol pi rhapo which shall be on inspiration lo men for ctnturics look ot wclmln isler abbey or york minuter i has your sister n jjrofcjlon loo asked her friend oh nol with ii pitjing alirufj tju nan marrlld a poor farmer she cooks oid churns and cws and dams for him und her children life i hold una given to us lor nobler purposes than to be a slave o u man and a half doen babies i her companion did not argue tho que uon and it was long before they mc again many j efln aricrunrd in pashih through a busy western city he saw her in a little olflce up on the main street er the door uas a sign plan fumllitd for bulldbigs dlc on 11 oil a druperlej uphollorlnk he eulcld und she greeted lllnl cqr djilly falil had grown stouter her eyes were le o defiant iilt voice gentler i have changed my nami- i mar r id professor laurence he lia- been an invalid for many yean quite help less ymi miut uctt him he is alwayt i happy ulun a irlend comes to cheer him jils life l very lonely i m busy hue you see im going a mans work ai i always lnunded architecture did no pay ver well i liad ijo cathedrals to dejgn laughing merrily but i sell a plan occasionally for a shop or cot luge meanuhlle i keep uie ot boiling by upholstering one of our boys means to le an architect how many boys are thefc tuo her eyes hpurklmg tlicy imve i one tlirougli chool ulth the high est honi r and are now in yule ii lb a heavy load for you lo carry not at ulll i am w ry huppy we new u amen bcllevt in our uerrk yoj knou and yet ssld her old frlnid us he ucnt doun the street jiou her uork dillenj from buun irue women in aiis sing tin same song the words of which ucre given to them in the beginning by uiclr allwtsc ralher hcloua showi d no injury of this kind if harvested not luu r thun uie 16th of october from tnn rlmruts carried out no injury from uiln cause was record en for mcintosh und newton evtn frum fruit liurvosttd lute in thi season many other phus o thin qui itlon arc dlscusrd in tills rtport which deal cxliauillvely with cxpejinunlul u irk ulth vrgrlables forage en ju and u baceo expcrlmeillui purm nate you cap truil mc my deur w to introduce u subject eusl prcsfjtnm rroiti astlmia anthmu li one of uie most dhirloliig troubles suddi u in ho uttackit und prolonged in its agonies ltiquntly jnuny uitngs are tried but lit thing mima lo glvr hupe of rrllif dr j d kellogg as k m oily li the one help ulilthcan be dt pendad ujiou if you havt trhd otlitr nmedlrjj ulthiut succeis do not full to get at once a package of thtf family sucftuiful iiniiurutlon ioolis1i qui stion jolly vat atiom dav4 chnrfully i know h i j i luipe on hi return he drew a ilip of paper from hu pocket and liondi d it to hb ulr then u tile ylacc price shop and ih ks name he skid proudly i got tin all frem ulojford liuldc of five mln utis how did you introduce the subject a lid his wife why ju t likt this i 1 mr hill a i was luklng oil my coal lu the hull i t list my ytn up toward the cell uih und i aald pretty tint uiat is bulford just matches your paper and a mighty pretty paper loo my wife mi ajyuig ui night that if ut only kntw wh jou got it and how inueh it cot ut might llnd uc could uitortl tu jitsi like it in blut not hi grttn 1 jon umii n tand siu din nn t care for thi rolir of yours i said its jiul th i jmliirn ur admire i hud it ii diwii in blurk und uhltc in n time and us i ruiiir auuy i us in id him aaln that ulth the dlllirtucc in color nobody d t vrr know it uiu lhc amr pultrm now dldu t i do will wuiiirii b at ur und tin buuli so i waiuli r tiny ivir ilntl nut anything llu wlitut having bun harvtbutl th corn laid by und th luiy mutt th fuiuirm huvt llttlt it dn jtiil n w but full pit hilling hop tilt wini ru umil i pair tlu fenei i and paint llu him ut jowph neuu preui i many torus uti b coin it iupl lut it is up dily n most hppli ulth i ilk u sulftrliig uhleh uld ultli llollowuyn improliint of bandy loam ioils all soils and particularly sandy soils require the addltlun from ume to ume of humus forming material u uiey arc to be kept productive and to give a maximum return from the application f plant food as manure or fertilizers humus may be considered as uie natur al storehouse of nitrogen and when uils constituent l abundant in uie soil it u associated with a liberal supply of nitrogen the most expensive of all plant foods when it becomes necessary to pur chase it in commercial fertilizers sandy loams wlilch uro well supplied ulth rganlc matter ihumus forming material will have a good tilth and u hiuh moisture holding capacity which ure essential ftutures for maximum crops in seasons of scant rainfall the chief mi ans of increasing the organic matter content of uic soli l by the use of bainyard niunlirc und green manuring ploughing undtr it green crop prefer ably u it gum e g clover comiuerclul fertilizers may bo used to advantage in improving crop yields on tuuitty looim nnd ulll usually give best results when applied in conjunction with manure or grceu manure tile nature and rate of application of the fertilizer mixture employed will dipend largely on the pu t tnutminl of uie oil and the crop to br grown il has been found in tlje experimental work of tho divis ion of chemistry uiat complete fertil izers supplying all three tltmrnts of plant food nllr ign pho piiorlc acid d potush ua ttt a rule d lrubli for uuil loams a ertillzr mixture more puitlculiirlj siiltublu for corn potuttxs ind rouli euiituinlng 4 iillrugt n u pn wphorle ucld nnd 0 pjtuh 4 0 0 mixture hai brni found to give ex crlleni n ulti on many of the hlght r sulu of euslerii can ulu one ton of this mlxiur may be pr j an d from th following nltruu or uvia 00 lb i uulphuti of utu mil 1u0 lbs bupirph isphiiu 1000 ibt murlale of kiiu ii j40 tbi 1111 r thur dry jund powdend i uhor mil id la ler 310 lbs till ltttii oi- tiif motiii ils wi wen killing in uie reading room of lhe club ays puucli when our elder ij til nd tte archdeacon entered ht hud be n no long aliment that wi kt 1 him his nason had he been hi 111 not he he nrver was better in h life he bwi merely boon on a in tor u ur with hbi mother do you mean to say some one in quired that you have a mother still living of course i have said the arch diucan my mother is not only llv in but is in the pink of condition nd how ild is she the questioner continued falil is ninety one said tho arch deucon proudly most of tis looked at him with wonder und re pect even with a touch of awo and still motoring i commented bhe dt llthts in motoring well aid uie first questioner cro- 1 ou utcdnt be conceited about it i t uve a mother too we witched roundto tlil new centre of surprise it ftos even more incredible u al thli mon should hav a mother uian ur urciii acun he had a long white lt ird i j lit bbltd with a stick anil how old may your mother be u arc 0 aeon iiirjulred ml ui uicr is ninety two and i he well and hearty my m her he replied la in rude health us ou uouid say full of btun- lhe irehdtacon made a deprecatory movement ri pudlutlng uic metaphor i she n it only molars lhe layman pursued but he unlks can your mother walk i um sorry to say said the arch utac n hut nii mother has lo be fi iptd u good deal h tl ild lhc layman but llu archdeacon continued she i luis till lur other foculllcs cai your mcthti still read my m ither li a mast accampllslied una us idlouj knitter ssld uic beard id man no doubt the archdeacon agreed but can uil still read wilh glasses j es sold the ouicr llu exclaimed uie urchdcoeoii i tl i ulht wi now my dear mouicr can read tilt small t print without glasses mi i she can thread iilt own needle we murmured approval ihats all very well said uic ouie btu slj lit is not everything can your nn thtr jieax7 bhe can hear ajl that i aay to her rtplld the archdeacon with the air of oi t ii the defensive ah but ou probably raie your v ce und she ls accustomed lo it could ii hmi a stranger could she hear nu well uic archdeacon conceded i could not go so far as lo say that hei hearing l still perfect i iil iajmun smiled his satisfaction in oilier vv mis he sold she uses a trempet the urciideucon was silent bin uses a trumpet sir admit it now and then tld the archdeacon in dt ir mother has recourse to that uid 1 knew ill exclaimed uic ouicr mj mo her can hear every word bhe 1 junt eneulh too to be interested in evi rjthing there is not one of her thn it ht grindchildreii of wiioe pro h e shi 1t nut kept closely informed 11 it in d buck with a gesture of r umph hum in my grandchildren did you ly lb archdtocon inquired thirty lgbt lhe other man replied acioa tht clerics ascetic features spread a slow and happy smile my tin l tier he said has fifty two grand children r i- act and lommrnt i y ii ill uie ii i ltd word be glad ytiu i ild it no iiiilur ii anulher gets lhc eredlt it kill to i rarty lo begin on uie cuii tin pn ctili lhul you ure lolng lo in iki nt home wlutl u mu l do ul flnt tliroiii h in f hirclir jou will later be uhle t d tin uh i irn ot habit tilt liti rai thutii a ii mln i ilmmili cltlzi n who l imrthluk of a pblloophrr made tlm rtmari tin t thi r day that if e were a min if imlcpmldcnt inenni he would llkt no hlnrj btttr than to edit a news p per 1 the gazette or to be uil mln lstrr of oncorthc churches with his ludipeudmt income behind him he would b ablt ij 4iy exuctly uhat he thought about the people and their doing the pro pect seemj a delightful on und 1 nd it elf to peculation we arc afraid the rtull would not be comfort able lor tht editor if be set out lo n port the truth literally it might b true to say that bam jcnrs was at church on sunday for the ur t lime in seven months that thi rholr was out of time- in parls of lhe ontht m that lhc mini ter was as dry a u wtidcn god that billy thomson rlept through mo of the sermon and imill blume to him and that mrs wealthy dropped a big nickel into the ct i lee uon plate and that s why shea so rich it might truthfully be reported that the magi trnle on monday mu t have got out of bed with an attack of colic frr lit tut sam edwards to jail for giving his wife a licking although t t r body knows including the magli lrute umt sh richly dr entd ii that heb bmythe played cards la t sunday 1 i veiling and tht whole town b aware o it beciu e he fornot to pull uil blinds thai tht widou mrrivalc has kol coun clllor mill mey on the string and if he ever ti i up with ht r tht re ii be another grave to dig in tin cemtti ry and u wont b ti r turning to civic ahulri lt could be jld in alt iniuiiulntss that mayor win chc ler find sam mcgiadery off the tiun jib btcuu c he vpted for tom flniinlgdn that un paving jub on irin ct strict was a huge eralt for some body und the ameb id w a j ihn me mlllan ch ilrman of the stre com mitt it inlfiht ai o be remarked that d avvbaiies operated for appendicitis i n i ft und the appendix uas all right lli it th n w dintlst has got in wrong b cms his fillings all drop out in a month that murdoch i raer ts so mean he il ui ts hla hair cut six limes a yur thn tin new ii il teln dairy de livers him milk well watered that there is i cream in mincrleffs ice cream that ui blondi beauty in ruifcrty s ste ualks out with a new boy every rltii except saturday and she can t do it then for uiat old skinflint keeps her on uie job till after 11 o clock in sh irt everything would be reported except lhc editors own doings nnd short com ins a very readable paper could be pro duced and would certainly sell like hot rakes hut just how lour it would be befon that editor of independent means would be tarred and feauicred it is easy to ii gun islands of uomanll what a vlstu of delightful rccollccuotis tin v ry name west indies opens up pium early youth we have read of mom in tin pages of treasure island on the pants of hlstary here britain made her ilr t grt t bid for empire hone drake ant hsuklns and lhe iluccantcr morgun humbltd tht prid ot haughty spain can id i ls now unkid with uiesc lovely bi i nils by direct steumshii service main tulned by a palatial fleet of it amijhjp e nice maintained by a pa la llu 1 heel oi yu hi hlc troiilc trivl nili tuo s rvlcee ar maliitaliu d the titrni c lup bi rviee eiubrnees coral uimuida bt icltts nevla antilua uunt- errat pomlnlcu st lucia barbados ht vine ut armada and georgetown brill h clulana the weitcm group service sails to bermuda the liuhumos and kingston j imalra where cjnnectlon is mode for bo iz hrlllsh honduras lull puillriiluri muy be obtained from unj c uiutllaii national rull or steam ll p ugellt hud w irk muy bilug you uiulth sav li it ll r iulni n ourctf uliltje und ofuii n t alt ht su ck uie nu rcliunt a window h w oi l li uid not make ul play of all lie ice box cookies 1 cup buitcr 2 cups ujal 3j cups puniy hour 2 cks 2 cs i poo ns baking powder ifvoriiik 1 cup iiuisond raiimi tbopped optional iba it haw or a c si c il loir aoj i akc la jutekovco j 000 lbs on vt ry llghl oindy loams the jiolush content tf uils ft rulirr may uinit umt s b rolitubly incrtatd lo u or 10 lxp rluitntul 1 arm nole i u nut inuny peoplu whoi wii b i dun 1 1 hid you imit stop to think 111 eity im dt llullt plan it tiu have to eat hunible pie r iu if you injoy lt it tustcj b tu r loo high ytuil ruu your work whllt ard hns you i loo i nn yi u 11 rati your uork when workliig tins you i hat of dtt 1 pm iliat ili pi m an to make u bigger llu hippy man ua- u double rluim b ui r ttrlghlt r busitr eity f ih ini gikid and tin aauu rule ap j iluil pr i pirily and it iutbdying cm j 1 11 linlni nt i nn thn ugh product i hlldrcn a real energyfood readycooked readytoserve shredded with all the bran of the whole wheat proteins nncarlboijy drawn nlpcly balanced with tlie essen- tialjnincral gaits and lifoulvinc vitamins crisp flavory ond appetizing cat it with milk or cream or fruli for any meal un u di b g kki using it whuly li btlir hit tlrln r ti iftin llu m ut duut i u pirt of an uul mohllt lusiry i hit ill should it tmithtr think to gtlhtr und tluy uitthir in uorklng for tlu ht mi illy i hut lt tik it yiiwork to do big thlnt that rvry illzni sh ml 1 work houl pltusun and pain like tin wavis of d r to h tilth r in til upl ullding tif the tin i in mil rapidly to a en t and h nn ity i ij litl nlnk ba k to tlu livil of uk in tlmi ll h i ling hard pull but w but hiipplni and unhupphiis iiii rly dlnelttl t i in rull u ulll bring il mil fall us slowly and iuajtlcally tin dilrti1 riuulu ou uu tldis 1 n jt tl sid pi i i11 a bltl nliible iiru uantd at ii l ut um piy whl tiulnlui r aviilloii mtthanlis liar q i w rk dilvlug llittery ll rtrlt aitlelyni w i lliu htu wlrllii industrial 1 ttilt ity m irjiliilst ilrltllaylui i lasttili i draftluir lturlx ring and mali ir log ailnulik gtlyiurap pitui n in n iw write or cull i ir nil nu tl n iiominion iiiadi sdlodls l1l i t n 11 itlquirhr id j king 1 t w limnto i mploymrut srrvlre ajbt t oat butternut brtad kich as huttlu sweet as a nut we ahh ihlt customcks 10 ul thl jujme compare our quauty ujrifu nut sold at the tol lowing grocers red while j w jones superior store hilli neljon a co mrs oakley w neabitt buttcrnut god to the last crumb the new improved gyproc greater structural strength takes any jjccorauon euxephoof full y thickness lew improved edge fiyproc fireproof f6r sal tfy j b mcicenzie acton ont v ut nif volume less tubes jelethicrm elethic radio powrii dnrcuon tlil latest triumph of mjjluic tnginllrs asmircs lcuity of tonl tone magnified to two or thrix tunes the volume hereto fore povsiblt no trjic of a c hum or distortion and the volume on distant programs is increased to the maximum al all uaie itugtbs by means of majestic s new automatil iquil sensitivity control see hear and learn for yourself what the new hum- less majesties will do phone or come to our store asl us to demonstrate w d talbot oknilt mlll am min strlxts acton tlme tables it jloton i coin sst undny only 7 13 pjri dally except mm day 7 07uja dally rxcfpt flundny 13 01 pjn ijally cmci pi riunduy 3 47 iwrt dally except fliinday fl 17 p jii dnilyexci pt uunday ilifl pinu cblhk west und ly only 10 31 tun dally except sunday 7 40ii dully except ounday 10 33tm daily encnpt fluutliiy aaobju dally except ounday odopjil dilly except jim day 017 pm llopn only f passengen on lan from toronto canadian national pijctuic naii ways hnlltaund outlay b 17ajn u v 10 i7ane j i hupjii ji 3 1 pm 3 i a 17pm iv 017p4h dally jtcept sunday 7i7p4n dillv 8i7pja dally 1017pw dally 13 17 0ju lcastbuud dally except aunday aooaan dally except sunday 7 j tun dallyr 0 30 am dully lulult dally ijupju dally 3 34 pjd dally 5 34 pjh dally 74 pad dally 0 34 pja dally 1134 pad torould ttwmlasl kwln btrt and st cuir avuua ptalght delivered by kdacui exptvad rnflght freight picked up atmny ad dress in toronto west boa nd due at acton dally al 10 0f a m 4 05 p m and dally except saturdays sundays and holidays at 7 00 p m on saturdays sundays and holidays only al 10 05 p m esstbaunj dally at 0j5 a m 1305 p m and 735 p m notice of application o parlia ment for annulment of mamnirc notice ls hereby given that tnomsj edmund appleyurd of lhc townsldp of esqueslng in uie county of iiojlon in uio province of ontario parmer wlfl apply to the parliament of canada at uie next session uiereof for a bui of annulment of uie marriage between himself and bis wife margaret may appleyard formerly margaret may mc donald of the came place housewife an uie ground of nonconsummation dated uds 25ui day of september a d 1030 ii n faitmeo acton onurlo 135 solicitor for uic said applicant life insurance building up your life insurance programme ls an important part of your obligations to yourself and family it therefore demands care rul consideration wo deal in life insurance only and wc are qualified and pleased to advise you an your present or future programme consult us no obligation frederick l wright izpraluv imperial idle assaranea co ef canada phone 103j residence main street acton there is no longer any doubt an to ue best place to have your eyes examined and glances fitted if necctmary savage advice is valuable because lt is the result of knowledge and experience by constant attention to details we have buut up a repulauon for perfection in glasses and at prices that axe only possible by the fact that wc have our own lens grinding factory on uie premises a d savage guelphv leading optometrm maval building guujpii as an old ctablhixd firs w are lo a fiwulaa ttj glv yon the uakl eslolmt bcrvfe savage co jewellery low it wynd1iam stoeey diamonds wlum you uequlre oils bumrmlw w have only oae qaaluy the best watches tlroriiprpcrs that you cj bpclj on yet uodarauly prlosj watoiuucan ii and faiullb- 0 inb an1 plnlild uejwurinp and leentodeluiuf juqnc in ourworkroouw

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