hftiss8ss aw 1 for at tv follnwlou ii 111 1 1 fiiil mi looims at tin- lnitiir nmr wuiunn- wnrdfii ghurrh litre t arton on llntiinluy or tobi r jo 102g kltclilr in hln no th jcor hhj artn 3fiyrr llmui iiiuiuiday ocronun 31 1020 d did you loc vur voir yesterday thsnkjtulvlntr a urrk from montlny halloween part ins nro the order or ilia week ordinary relationships ar noi 4fln now anil the election is all over again far another yearn tiu eleventh month of die yrn wmuancu tomorrow hsjlan qounty puts i li trmpcrnnr wfora it party evidently it vu rotlinr a ucl day outside tor polling tlie vote yerterday oamn fine loads of turnips arc bclnn stripped from acton thrw days tiie halloween parade is at seven this evening be rrady for the fun join in uu fun of the nhoet walk utis evening for young and old alike acton was the only town in ur county to register a majority for make- lock uu temperance candidate at hu own price to en ly one empty bottles will cant one political cpealtn nine dollars w are told represented bj n tlm legislature framework or building of generous lltalton wlu be uheralproarecalve for a change tlie completed new arena outlines n proportions thu u halloween may everyone enter into the amusmcnt of uic occa- with commendihlc activity citizens cnd municipal offcenj liave kept tho ur cleared off tlie streets this fall j h new store making rood progress work on e and dwelling is uim days the hydro department are install tt xl6w transformers to supply power for wilsons dumping mill mr huimer dropped over goo votes in hi own town this election appar ently mayor blakelock ts popular in oakvllle it j kerr real estate has negotlat- d the sale of the farm lot 33 first con- omiinn esqueslng- to p il arcenwood t4 niitley and now the election beta can be srtud and the empty bottles paid for in true sportcmansllip style even ii uuu an a little costly an important question we have re frained from asking for a ions time dm your subscription label read satis factory to both of us7 mtu m hlclcey of gananoquc lias purchased tlie alloc business of mr 11 i harrison and has taken possession mr harrison will return to fergus to jdjnior farmers com petition wltara la etalutt county jaiifcur cata- pmliua iiu la mlileo aa tuesday winners in uie ilalton county stock and farm products judging competition held in milton tuesday undar tlie dlrce uoa of j a macvanncl district agri- cultural representative wero heavy horses m featherstone jh points a hunter at a miller 84 q felhaui 84 il alton s3 uaef 0ule j fox 03 points t bailed b3 o wilson 00 a harrop 00 u wthrtane 81 dairy cattle a hunter 00 points c wluoti 08 o arises 05 m fcather- hone 05 s wilson 05 hoep p ohuliolm 05 a hunter w it imialtrlo 03 8 wilson 03 c ll0ii m hwlaa a hunter 07 points j rinllm m iathertonc 00 c chlsliolm u k chuuuni 88 poultry j ncelandfl 04 points o uluer m a wlunn 83 u iicslop 83 a ortzs as sdedt a hunter 337 points p pel- ktterio ii u peauicratone 334 o aria 333 c wilton 333 cecil q hornby won the ahlid offered by the canadian national fa to tlie yauna man who has nver judged in a competition the fallowing team coaclisd by harvey altai von the palermo junior fanners club ftlileld o bhaln o sinclair m llttlap winners of the free trip to tlie royal winter fair toronto as guests of the otiumo oovernment are p chuholm k il no 1 hornby o shepherd r h wo 3 uuton ivan fox palertno j naaunds hornby a arlbbs ft it no 1 wrtuan allan harrop n it no i norvl o ohain il it no 1 ookvllle j feulun it u no a campbcuvllle p bhortlu il it no 1 georgetown l- umioo r ii no 3 proeman iiouhfty mitcmmi- llolit rt mllrln 11 1iwunnster in ouelph lhleeii yrurn and a prominent rrnldrnt d that clly for hut a cruliiry died ut llu ortiera ikuipllal monday night mr mllchrll who won a native of abemcthv ilrthshlrc ucotlimil enmn to ourlph uith hln parenui when ho wan 0 ycuni old ho received ilia education the re and sftrr graduating from the orammur ccliool ertahllslird a grocery liuslnrnn uhlch ur conducted until hln appoint- mrnt an rostmaoter inr 1001 he retired finm that position in 1034 lie in supcr- aiiuuatrd he won active in movement fnt the cltyn licttennrnt and wan in terested in cricket bnncbtill and curling bi lng a charter member of the union curling cluhj for fifty yearn he was hlcretary of ot andrown ooclety he li rurvlved by one r liter mm n w hun of gurlnlj miib majfaiutirrmkacham one or tlie oldeut rcaldents of muton p vied away nuddenly ountlay morning in the iiemon of mm margaret mcacham widow of uie late dr walter w mcacham member for lennox in the provincial legislature from 1800 to 1003 alio died at warsaw ontario in 1005 mm mcacham had lived for the pact fifteen years with her conlnlaw tubmc oclutol inspector j m denyea bho uo3 born at plcton daughter of the late oco campbell por many years nne won a very earnest worker in tlie former methodlnt church at odcnsa ontario and later at warsaw and since 1d3s had been a most devoted member of tlie united church of canada mm mcacham was in her 83rd year and leaves one daughter mary mm j m denyes and one son walter itoy or vancouver d c interment took place in the family plot william micine illness of flve wcekn mr after william mlchlc passed away on satur day at uie home of his brotherinlaw william warden church tureet acton horn at brussels ontario on june 37 1801 william mlclda was a of the late mr and mrs wm mlchlc or that place on september 1004 lie was joined in holy wedlock to tryphena darbaree who with thelr dnughter7 itoberta remain to mourn lib lass and revere his memoqr six brothers and one sister also remain they arc john saginaw michigan cmcst james robert mrs lome nicliol brussels thomas of the scotch clock and c a mlchlc of haspeler for many years mr and mrs mlchlc resided at muton coming to acton a few years ago mr mlchlc was a member of tlie presbyterian church and liberal in pontic to all tho bereaved lea lhc sympathy of tlie community is extended tlie funeral on monday conducted by rev a o stewart m a assisted by rev c u poole h d tlie pall bearers were messrs clar ence barboree horatio ford clifford hill wilfred mcdonald harold mlclue and lcnoard mlchle friends and rela tives from brussels orand valley wrox- ctcr hespeler saginaw mich- oronge- vllle milton waterloo georgetown ouelph burlington appleby fergus and arthur attended tlie funeral interment uos made in evergreen cemetery muton j l thompson after on illness of two weeks th death occurred at the ouelph aencral hospital on tuesday of last week of joseph l thompson beloved husband of hazel allen thompson and son of the late robert and margaret thompson near here in his fortyfifth year por many years lie was an employee of tho ouelph lumber company he was of a kindly disposition and beloved by all tliose with whom lie came- in contact in religion lie was a presbyterian he leaves to mourn his loss his wlfa and tlircc children two sons and one daugh- oonlon allen and margaret all at homo three brothers john wuuam i and james of acton four ulsters mrs i moore and miss margaret thomp son both of ouelph mrs t il webb of eden mills and mrs j h webb of harbour beach mich the funeral which was held on friday afternoon fibii hb late residence 67 icllzabath i ict ouelph to woodjawn cemetery a as largely attended rev dr a j matollllvray conducted the service at the house at 3j8 oclock and also offlcl utcd at tlie grave many beautiful flowers which banked the casket were an evidence of the deep esteam in which uie deceased was held the pallbearers were messrs arthur thompson roger downes prcd anderson roy duftlsld arthur tuouipon t d uocutchean tlie qoworbeareni were messrs john webb william webb prod west bert davidson william west e crlpps and a cunningham neighborhood news liannilcululun mr and mm wiurd mrdoinild of loronto jprnt thi wrkoid with mr it w lowrli mlf i nioina nolili of fijorgi tnwn uk nt the uirk iiiid with mliui jetiti crii mr i w ixiwrlc lirld u very nunrevi- ful tun linn fjiln ot hln fann lock and implriniul on mnndiiy it drew a large crott d i dln mills a htidfut and concert v ni held in tin trjun hall under the aucplccn of tin united church last wednesday lvrnlng uhlch proved a great auccejci alter supper which was a feast of culinary dcllcaclci was over a splendid concert was rendered conflicting nf ln- ntnimftital and vocal selections by n number at o a o students mr oordoi scott dr bosch or toronto and others tu v mr oaiullrr made an efrlclcnt clmtrmnn ullli hh wit and good humor while everj number on the programme tnlpid to malic tlm concert ono of tlir best mr and mm dickie of bran ford ucrr kiii its of mr nnd mrs rounon inst week on thursday the funeral of uie late mlts itourrt too place to kden mills ctmetery mian robertson won an in valid for rcverol years her family has the sympathy of all who know her mr and mrs o lalng were guests of mi and mrs w boles over the week end letters to tho editor mr and mm arthur oandler toronto spent tho weekend at we arc rorry to report that mm allison is very ill iiallinafad mr and mrs peter fcrgucon returned home on monday after spendlnn a few days with friends at hamilton mm richard shortlu la on uie sick list the pact week ir and mrs dan campbell of niagara falls wore weekend visitors at the homo of tho formers parents mr j e campbells mr campbell oteen held a very sue cestui sale here on wednesday last mr and mrs george coper and miss myrtle of acton mr oeorge boper of toronto mr and mrs mlvln boper master oeorge and baby kleiner of guclpli were sunday visitors at the home or the formers brolher mr all boper mr john may of lltuc current was a visitor on monday with friends here miss morgan of oakvllle addressed tho womens missionary society at their thankoffering meeting an friday last mln morgan spent six years in mission ary work in china mr r w lowrloa auction aale was a fine success there was a meeting in the hall on monday night in the interests of tho conservative candidate mr cluunbers addressed uie meeting also dr parmer and uie candidate mr downer of erin village anniversary cervices arc beufg held in the united church here on sunday november 3 eockwooo bulldog troop at uie weekly meeting of uie acton hallljog troop all members were present including ten new members arrange- stouts war made for uie halloween ttxicert and it was decided to hold it tsa friday november l tliere are now 3i mcakbers compared to 16 last year ad uta troop is progrcsslrur wa bracken will hold a clearing auction bala of form stock and imple- bitats on friday november 15 roy hhmwy auctioneer copies necebuabv during a holdup in clilcago acconl- tjuf to b il a young stcnograplicr was ansud by a bullet thinking the was ttyiujt alia dictated a farewell note wril to johnnie slic whispered give bfcjll uy true love and best regards 04ol copies to harold fred and wuttem contstollino coccn after harvest cultivation the usual cultivation given land to pre pare it for crops stimulated the growth of couch and for that reason it is ono of tlie worst weeds in eastern canada tlie results obtained at uie frederic- ton experimental station indicate that it is possible to eradicate uus weed by after harvest culuvauoo the best re sults were obtained after a hay crop probably because this crop allows a longer period of after harvest cultivation in 1038 uie hay on a number of ro tation plots which were badly affected with couch was cut hi july before the couch had a chance to ripen the plots were ploughed on july 37 to a depth of tght to nine inches the furrow was thrown down flat and care token to have all the gross covered tlie field uos disked the same way itwus plough ed on august 3 o and 1 the disk was set light the first time so as not to turn uie furrow but each urns it was cct a little deeper tlie disk was lapped each tlmo so that the field was disked twice in going over it once the field was harrowed with uie sprlngtooui over lapped on august 30 and 37 september 10 ip and 38 and on october 8 and 15 this harrowing kept tlie field free from couch during uie enuro season tills year come of uie plots were sown wlui grain without ploughing while other plots wero plouglied and put in hood crops there was no couch in rltlier act of plots this treatment took considerable labor but it cleared the land of couch wlui- uut the necessity of uie summer fallow it also indicates that if a farmer would select a field each year and do uu work carefully he would in tlmo clear his farm of thln weed kxpcrimcntal farm note a number from rockwood took hi the anniversary services at barrio hill an sunday when rev john utue of conn former pastor conducted services for uie day rev w h mcoracken of almonte conducted services in tlie- presbyterian church here ills discourse were much appreciated- a number from eden mills congregation were present at uie evening service on friday evening tho young people of the presbyterian church held a hal lo we en social when a very enjoyable time was spent by ail present employees of the hydroelectric power commission were busy last sunday mak ing preparauani for changing from the old transformers to the new ones which i arc already set in place on cement plat- forms mr fred block and mrs block who ore occupying the big brick dwelling hcuse in the summer on mary street when fire broke out one evening in august have bought uie building from harris si co ltd and are having uie necessary repairs mode uiercln mr herb s dyer is doing uie work mr george loverly who had his 1 house removed last fall over to harris street previous to erecting uie new garage has mado considerable improve ments to the residence in us new place tlie many friends of mr charles ii harris will bo pleated to learn that he in improving since his recent serious illness he was able to leave his hod and get down stairs on sunday mr douglas guusford had to take mr oarbutt to the hospital in ouelph on monday on account bf blood poison tng developing mr and mrs herbert gibbons lltui daughter modcllcne was removed to uie hospital in guclph last week suffering from tonsuius the scholars of the continuation school were dismissed hut monday ow ing to uio illness of the teacher mum pltxgcrald mrs thos clark is on the sick itut umr 1 un iunii a ronliint mid inti rru il nnilir of dii iuil varnn v bo known i lndilluc in ocrn iniui niitbumt of wrltlnil to yon hai quietly miitfl in a li tu r hint il untild bi- nice if i would write hpprrri- ntlv ly of m cobban i ninlnl unrc i gladly ncnuli fcr or the rukr of my urltrr and al o for my own 111 articles go ut into detail up and down and aerosn and although thry repeat u lot or what wo have hern rradlntc in r cent yeans still it is frrm u frenh angle an a rcnldrnt for nearly twenty- flvi yi am and now away for twelve nllhaiigh a contlnuoui reader i nm diply interested i have hern road in li tlu puper since early 1800 rn remember ii n of the altcratlonn that have takui i ce i remember the argun artlolei nr i the nubotltutn editor uho uhm the ch i un aviry at ahoub i1l1 linl con- fe i iee luuirrtpok to hioflraphliv the yciniff men jclm lawum john ii 111 john mcllno and so oq and pronoed to proceed to the young ladlt which or i course wan never tlnnn i remember mr cobban a vrneralil looking fa tlier the fmall man with the long bfenrd who on his constant attend an co to knox church looked no different than when in uie necesrary attire of uio beam house where his strength finally railed arul suddenly taken 111 was taken home n vor to return i although iii sparing uie pay took time off to at tend hln funeral i consider him a fine old gentleman he used to speak so respectfully of mitchell uien in the furs pnsnn there arc many changes in uie many years tho big boys of mitchs ume tom udmlnton bob ourney joe stewart and many others are widely and varied ly ftcattcred kindly yours j s coleman otevcnn point wis limeiiouse mr and mrs w milucrc and children left for detroit an monday morning on a two uccka holiday mrs john icltchlng of nassagawcya celebrated her eightyfirst birthday nt the home of her daughter mrs cald well llmehousc on friday october 2b among ulqc who joined in uio intnriuit- ing celebration were rev and mrs o r kltchlng of tlilnueton mr and mm w r latching and daughter velda and mrs mcculaugh ouelph mm holland cook naihvlllc michigan mr and mrn clarence buck georgetown mr and mrs carl vanatlcr milton miss mary sibley miss edith mccwen and mr j s latching of toronto among the much appreciated messages was one from miy coo of georgetown illustrating his wtarvclloun memory for dates as this is one among mare uian a thousand he never forgets tlie limehouso presbyterian church held successful anniversary cervicea on sunday and monday rev mr icay of boston was special preacher for the occasion and conducted the services in uie afternoon and evening on sunday with excellent congregations and george town presbyterian choir led in the music on monday evening an excellent musical and literary programme was presented rationed by dainty and ampin refresh ments rev and mrs janes of nas- cagaucya mm ouy wilson ashgrovc i mr and mrs nlchol llmehousc furnished vocal and instrumental music while mr orcavc or ouelph delighted the congregation wlui his well rendered readings revs jones icay and cald well gave brief congratulatory addres kuijttktitlons anlf til hit o 111 i ink miinvi mrlulty li in ixns or hi pour to inh rpn t anil uinu r con mnuintly he nmuij mid whin in gin i uililly mid liuirruriili ly othrn of later iluti rail hi fin ui ritluiii ion afti r h ojile lut v t rlriirli nii that 11k rn 1 no ration il ludinn for tin thlnic ixllfvid tlm iihntltlon liijr i he tlilrtu uattabli mijm rtltloti v hlch hi- in ud to thlrtei n of miy- uilng li nn nxiimplc i he origin of the prejudice annlnnt tlll niiniher li uminl- ly riipponrd to be tho fart that thirteen pi 17011b sat down at the ijist ouppj r after wlilrli occurred the moet trajtlr rvi nt of the chrlitlan era hut uie iiuperltltlon in older than christianity ileiiod iji it in unlucky to miu corn on tin llilrudilh r the flrt month nnd nn old noire legend rjlys that uie taelve gnnt dlvihltle vtre dlnlni at vnlhilla when ijiki the god of dlumird ipixartd and a fjunrn i ului balder ocruf f d in w hleh haider the god r t in are uan killed i lie irldiy upenutlon nnim iwraiie llu crucifixion li upjwid if have taken phict on that dav some lemons thlnl that il in unlucky to spill nalt became judai i ems to 1m 1 pilling it in da vincis plcturr of the lart sup- pi r othrnt think uinl it in because nalt li a dymlkil of lncorrupublllty and spilling it is tlurcfnre a rijti ot broken friendships and genlral upsctn there aro fnmc curious and very wide spread custom of a rupciillllauji nature about sneezing people iomeumen ray awl bless you to the nneezer in jmilar clrcumnlancei uie rnmarlt used to say jupiter pmtrve youl the grtcki did the yimt and the custom was ancient eveif in the time of ari- 1 ntotle who endeavors to account for tin customs in hln problcmi but he cvldent- knew nnuitng or its origin i when a hindu snetze- the bystandc cry out live and the sneezer replli with jou tlie zulu uilnlci uiat rncizlng is a ilrrn that good spirits ar with lilm other people believe uiat it means uiat evil spirits are being ex pelled tjie prejudice about the danger o being uie flmt occupiers or a nnw houn is perhaps a dim recollection af ou prehistoric ancestors attitude toward 1 ly dlicovcrcd cave there might be wild beasts already in occupation auction saute ol fllts 11 i int nn lnil in true llu unilirfil 111 tlon from o i coiiitmv i or tollinhnin to hi by itilille aijello ut duhn lintel flulili 11111 bur- on tiiittsa nov mill it 7 lozu nt 2in p i i lmrp in lollouini 20 coin ilinilni from 1 to 4 yeir old it iim1d nioi th rmllt it nole l im r for aih w okav cent k r aucllviirrr auction sale tin until r iruei hit nnlnd instruc tion- rrm i a i nuaitns dl bury albirta tu ell by public auc tion 11 ivhr- iioui iitnbli 11111 burr i uiia ut 2 on p m holtiij biota n ihiii hi icon uhiiki iratxu inmil joint not n p tc cah w enevn hlixurv mi uniu 1 nsa h irp lb fiing hind of pit 1 hon w light 1200 1 tcav auctlaiirer clerk- everton mr and mrs o w hortop of rock- wood were sunday visitors with uie and mrsw ii buoi1t detour th little girl was crying her mouier to tuaiiract her uioughts called ob come here dicrllng come here and ujok at uie airplane thri utile girl ran to uie window and tlwfd up at uie airplane till it dti rwit i 11 it ihn alio got out her little wet- handkerchief again saanuiia wliat was i crying about ah akd no reflection on rafltub veto late this morning boss hast us itaatus well sail when all looked in de glass dls murnlii ah couldnt sec mcsclf uicre cd all thought atid gape to work it was only some tlmo aftcr- uards dat ah discovered dat de glass had dropt out ob de frame 1 kvkkiv ipsuxebh iwmh fttlknp a cuiuiute ice cream manufacturer tuiriiad uiat lie wtud give a cane md tu tonary boy wlio caiuul at uie plant uad broiuht along ids dog ooi iduaf was riiortiml near coiujuo uim itm j1 uut boys in one nclgh- om1 u ufataiu their oonaa the evening meal d iq ester an old actor- manager died or at liat hi relatives itiought he hud dlid uud iuiigiiliriiui were nisiie for the funrr- o11 uio appointed day one of lilt old rolltagues arrived tu pay ills lust re- iti but tu htu astonuuimcih the luldtbe muunuir was lnfonuwl uiat iciard luul come to llf after a im rlml of cuitia jmt like hill said tlie vultor in as always a urror for nhiralj formers parents hortop mm t d mccutcheon and robert aro spending a few days in ouelph with her sister mrs j thompson and family sympathy is extended to uiem in uie loss of a beloved husband and father last week a number from uus district attended tlie funeral miss lucy usherwood spent the week end in ouelph miss klva hamilton of ouelph was home for the weekend master douglas robertson of os- prlngc silent the weekend with his grandparente mr and mrs a a itcberuan i mm amos thenker and mr emerson maude arc boui m the ouelph genera i hospital under the doctors care mm albert young and miss mary spent tlie weekend with friends acton mr albert alton entertained u number of tils young frkndi to a blruidfly party on saturday afternoon congratulations to mr and mrs thomson stewart on uie birth of a son and to mr and mrs georgo jcsun on uio birth of a daughter both mouiera are in the ouelph genera hospital and all ore doing lino mr and mm 2ff j jackson and lloyd robertson spent sunday with mr and mrs n robertson acton mlis lois mccutcheon spent uie ckid wiul her grandparents mr and mm ii il mccutciicun osprlnge mrs a g robertson miss pearl roberuoii miss emma barber and mr and mrs w j jackson attended the funeral of tlie late mm mnalcy ouelph on saturday mr and mrs j p ben ham jr arc ciitertamliig a number of uielr friends w a birthday party in honor of uie formers father mr j p ilcuham crtn mlsu ella wanlcs nurse in training at ouelph gtturul hospital spent satur day at her home here mrs lionard cone and babe gui iph sjk nt u few days laitt week at uio home iu mm it m burtons a number fruni tills district attended the junior purnieru iiuutute assocui- tiiin baiiqui t and dance licul at ryans auditorium und uie armorttis ouelph lust imccdiiy night great physician writls on alcohol when i began tho practice af medl cine whiskey wan in fairly general use remedy tor certain diseases mont physicians had faith in its efficacy an a cure experience has shown that tills faith was wluiout foundation was taught that whiskey uos of great value in the treatment of con sumption mnjvy considered it a pre ventive i have personal knowledge of men who became drunkards because their physicians advised the use of whiskey plenty af it an a prcvcnuvc i of many consumptive who used it as a cure rock and rye wan a valued consump tion cure there are still physicians who hac faith in rock but none who advo cate rye as a cure for consumption i was taught uiat whiskey was a cure for snakebite doubtless a large part of uie mortality rate charged to snakebite in uiat day was due to acute alchollc poisoning whiskey was a highly esteemed rem edy in blood potslanlng pyemia and uiat great group af dtsordcra duo to bacterial blood stream in faction it u no longer used for uiat purpose whiskey was a cure for erysipelas it is not used now as a remedy in that disease whiskey was used in uie treatment af pneumonia it is not xo used now whiskey and quinine were utcd as a pre ventive of malaria in uie armies during the civil war this practice has long since been abandoned ten to fifteen yearn ago whiskey was 1 advocated in the treatment of diabetes experience has caused it to be aban doned for this purpose there arc tew 1 physicians who advocate its use as a remedy for some specific disease from ume to time however uie rule is that j uie physicians who insist on having i whbikey as a remedy aro unable ur un- willing to specify any disease for which it is a cure it is a safe ossumpuon that any claim that whiskey is a cure for any specific disease will fade with experience as similar claims for it tr the cure of consumption sepsis snake bite and diabetes have faded tho vague claims will bo shown by exfierlencc to have no physiologic or clinical basis there is no need of placing or retain ing whiskey or other alchollc beverages in uiat list of remedies used by phylc- that is my judgment lit least w a evans health department chicago tribune requihemfnts ioc good potato btoragl owing to the fact that a large per centage of the potato crop in the im portant potato growing areas of canada usually kept in itoragc for several runs the amount of profit from these potaloci depends largely on the degree of shrinkage which takes place under such conditions experiments conduct ed by the division of botany or uie dominion department or agriculture show uiat shrinkage in potatoes qc currlng while in storage can be great ly reduced if correct storage praeucct nro adhered to tho following requirements are cscen ual for the best storage of a ricrlsliabl crop like uie potato all tubers placed storage should be mature healthy az free from moisture on their surfaces dirt and mechanical injury as possible even the storage of a small percentage of discard or fieldfrosted potatoes en dangers all at the healthy stock regard less of how well storage conditions are main tabled it la practically lmposlbl to keep large quantities of potatoes in good condition for prolonged periods un less the proper type of storage house li used pamphlet no 10 published by the dominion department of agriculture ful ly explains the requirement for a proper type or storage house the time storage may be divided into lbeforty middle and late periods tlie early and late arc uio most critical periods the early storage period usually includes uie first six weeks during which time the potato is actlil and gives off large quan tities of heat and moisture successful storage during this period consists in property entllatlng the building in order to carry off tho heat and moisture gen eruted and in getting tho stock into a dormant state proper ventilation dur ing this iterlod will also present uie de velopment of rots uhlch usually set in at this time during the middle storage period which includes hi general the u inter months the potato is dormant and requires little attention except tak ing precautions to prevent frosting the temperature should be approximately 38 degreea fahrenheit- the late stoiago period involves the passing or the tubers from a resting state into the acuvc state of growui in order to present grouth or sprouting uie temperature must be kept as low as possible nllliout danger of freezing a temperature from 35 de grees to 38 degrees is desirable during the later period or storage experiment al farm note wliollsalf obsiquies sir aould 1ou guc five dollars u bury a saxophone player litre b thirty dollam bury six af em our pa iter unclaq3ifild small advertisements lans unfortunately exprlssku i was going from memphis to louis ville said a gentleman when i lull into conversation with a whitoliaired old lady we became friendly and by and by she told me uiat she was gulng to louhvfllo an a visit to her son whom she had not seen for ttro or three yearn he had urulm to her a few weeks before urging her to come and naming a erlaln hotel she naturally expected wni to meet her at the railway stauon but lie did not appear and seeing huw troubled alio was i offered to go with lier to tho hotel mcnuancd i took her to uie parlor and uien went hi pursuit of uio con tho clerk had not seen him but gave mo a lettcr for the lady i carried it to her she opened it hurriedly read ono scnluicc and dropped in a faint i rang for physician and picked up uie ictur tho opening sentence wan my dear mother i am now in uio iwiiltcntlary no wonder the woman had fainted but uie writer conunued i have a good position with the con tractors and it is impossible for mo to get away come on to prank jmjrt it took tii an hour to bring tho dtar old lady to thanks to the thuugliucs- nriwt of her alfocuonute son continued from page one situations vacant nrbrht bay wanted 8 to 14 years of ace to work after celiool and on sa tar da y a wlu au interfere with uhaal duties good pay and banueeo yoanr canada roosters club apply by utter or pjjt rani to 153 unlvrnslly avenue toronto change ol nilslnlbh i have dljiosid of my boot and shoe birlnes in acton to mls m hlckei of clutinnoqui a ho now has poscsloii tor lit llbi ral patronage tlitt ha i hern oecoidid 1111 durum my eluht jiars of bislm o in acton i am duly apprecia tive and i lmjnak for mlsa lllckty my en c ci or u continuance of u1l1 hbiral patruiiugt- ii i harrison 1 announcing our keeoiwl dance at nuookviijlk i lux this friday november 1 the committee cordially invite all thoc who hold inillauons for october 22 to attend and bring their friend youn for a good time b l faviisov floor manaeer elliotts orchestra christmas gift club old country ida deposits for any amount on chrlitman goods will be taken from november 1 unul christmas any arucle reer cd on small deposit being paid ihntons gut shoppe all kinda or ciris tar birthdays ueddlncn christmas tie anniversary services at kalunafad balllnafad united church will hold its anniversary services on november 3rd at 1100 a mand 7 30 p m the morning service will be in charge or rev w uumley ar georgetown while the local pastor rev o altkcn will conduct the evening service the music will be supppllcd by ulc mcrpal quar tette or toronto under uie leader ship of mr palmer a business man or uiat city who devotes his spare ume to services of thin kind on monday evening at ulc t annual teameeting a good supper will be served rrom c to a after which a programme utll be rendered by uie following mr husband o oakmlle so prano mrs f c thompson or erra cotto soprano miss evelyn marshall or erin elocutionlrt and the churchill united orchestra prominent ministers ore expected to speak admission 35c and 20c taits make the best glasses that science and skill can pnlducc we huvc over thirty years of practical experience in tliib work satisfactory glasses guarantee 450 up tait optical co lyesigiit specialists ami opticians 110 wyn1miam st guelph next to lcliawa spec for this week english flannelette at kk1hjced pukes 300 yiirds in stnpl inik bluu lawn tc wide width va color hxtru hciv worth niiikiiij up ftrf rcfulnr price isc spluiil fur out iahk i lannelitte ioullc tlircnd lioth wu xtn jjooil frrr lulu- winter whirls irill jivc ni special for vill iivc any amount of jood wear regular i0c o mens fine shirts juil 35 shirts n this lot sizes 14 ml uiulir r- price 1 so and 175 special to clear at each j1u mens combinations tall and winter weight tiger brand sic m 18 t 4 10 12 extra specral per sun jj du mens tweed pants in hroym and gray mixture sizes 34 to ml t o keiular3 50 for 1d roys rloomers dark tweeds strong wear like iron spccwl per pair 275 specials in grocery dept mixed sweet biscuits i lb tor i u 10c hand picked beans 3 lbs tor 2 large prunes lbs ffir 28c 25c tomatoes no 2 tin for 2wshm soda h pnilcf for 1 jc 6 pearl while suap oh bars tor z5c 10c mclean co mill street acton ontaiiio why pay top prices deal at the maple leaf economy store and savjfmbney 49c 195 45c 89c 345 ladies fleecelined bloomers assorted colors sizes 3g to 44 special at per pair ladies all wool sweatek coats each ladies all wool glovls per pair boys fleecchncd combinations sizes 2 to 32 special at per suit boys blue chinchilla overcoats sizes 2 to 7 regular 4 50 special at each we guarantee to save you money on your shoes and uurrers come in and make us prove it maple leaf economy store mill street acton next to wiles cafe nelson co three day specials in vitus kxplouation what nut lias no shall the tloiifcluiul according tu the fashion in wi inmi paris woim nb belts arc now ut the normal wolit line wheres that j kit iulnur in the llmiton qlolki flume where between the anklej mid tlio neck k luin iuu in uu cliclii- iiutl khujllhw this is stove time plteialte eok the cold weatheit 11v having good heating equipment ash siltlkb at klc undloc coal hods with cocr at s1w chaucoal per hag 20c or 2 for 35c stove dampers stove pipe w1uk stove iioaihis etc qufebeccookstoves mccliryi happi i ihiuriii good cheer hid litiuai iliced rrom 20 00 to 7sh quebecheaters and circulators mccluib happv lluiulil good cheer inte naile from 1100 to sk atloldllli lo size and type talbots chain hardware store member of alluince chain of llarjwurfti mill and main ffnieuth pifone 7c acfon 10 lbs granulated sugar 2 pockets gillex for 2 lbs ginger snaps for 3 lbs best rice for 3 bottlei extracts for i javel water tor 1 lbs spanish onions for 1 dozen oranges for 2 tins small pork and blans for i dozen clothes pegs for i chipso for i bar large castile soap lor simplicity new fall patterns for 59c 23c 21c 22c 23c 10c 22c 18c 10c 10c 19c 15c 15c nelson co mill stiieet acton phone 37 friday saturday and monday specials ueev cuts thok i 1111 roast per ih thick rib roast per lb round shoulder roast pi wing roasts per lb sirloin roasts per lb 25c 23r j uc tu 2 it j tlty ollll home pickli1 iolth lard in bulk por lb 17r place l our onlrr karlv for riiinkjrivini poultry pattersons meat shop we deuveit promptly phone 178