Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1929, p. 1

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jttjwt- wtt t t i fl fifth ylii no 20 thursday nvtning novrmbfr m ib20 acton ontario canada thursday nvtning november 14 1020 six homtsprmt pages five cent w i j j- t httiltti cliirrj nf flmmha acton mliiult- udv- c l pool ll iarroumti willow street 1101 n til the milliter subject 11 nlc ihlni fir win w ar wiien a i wlut w 1 em 2 jo p in cmmliy school lenron i iilni with i it f othrr luiri 7 00 i in llu milliliter subject fit whirlwind lid 111 storm o iday ii od m oimit i coplc 11 n praise and in ihuncny 7 30 p i r ivir si rlu i vi rtyjlody wflcomk irruliiiteiriuii knox church acton mlnuter rev a c hlewart m a mnne wlllitu street 1100 n in the minister subject a onve d ci ion 3 00 p in sunday school lorson lhinji with pcopl of other rnrcn 7 00 p in din minlter subject adml ntlm or flu mruler mondiy it 00 p m young peoplnn guild m itmifln charm of lducatlanal c in in it tec thursday 7 30 p m ipruyer meeting qtroiictro leaving adtircm wlui uie ushers will bo culled upon by uie paator artnii fcluuuut fllufcif 1attou lottsytlf wellington btrcct 1100 n in 3ubjrct hindrances 3 the over culoui 2 30 p m dlhlc school and teacher trnlnlna clans 4 7 00 p in subject a man with convictions illuitratcd with lantern bllde monday i30p m junior b y p u n 00 p jn senlir d y p u and prayrr ml c tine everybody welcome unclassified small advertisements ord in t la coluriin a cent pr cliarsc joe per wirrtlon for saw jtrglrtcred shearling oxford ram apply d j sinclair lot 2 con 8 erin g irafji or rlnt steel o a race central location far rent apply dr p w puaren mill street acton lobt ladies white qold wrirt watch on moln street on sunday evening itu vurd u returned to uoneys shoe shop flat for ufnt unfurnished riit newly decorated licatcd and conveniences apply dr p w plarin mill street ac toil for sali pure bred oxford ram lamb- also pun und yorkshire boar six months jd apply to miss hallett 20 3 lot 12 3rd line erin for sall about 30 nred to lay d p it pullets mu i cell aj wl are ocr stocked ihese pullets urc in v inn now apply willowd1ll poultry tarm pliant 103 or 33r3 i arm i or sal 100 acre on provincial highway 3 mlkj from brampton pine brick house larat barn with new labliua apply to 1icrb burns it r no 2 brampton for rfnt six roomed not over carroll o store ulji bath and all conveniences for rent apply to l staricman 4h5 euclid ave toronto phone trinity o0b4 lflt lout two year old black mule heller from u t 30 in uil sixth canccydnn town hip of lquc ink county or halton reuard apply to josuph martin phone 445w brampton strayld on tut day about a o clock a black mid whltl dot part fox terrier and hound lung lull amu era to name of klx any information will be gladly ricelv d by laitl ii vinclnt illdlir 103 box 177 acton applications wanted applications for the position of bcc rtuiry rrin urcr of acton arena- will be received by lit undersigned until noon un ihurduy november 21 1d0 par llculara s to duties may also be teen at- the ulllco of tttu cleric state salary expected bi application 1 1i4 ialtmlit clerk c uilt oh tiianilu i he acton llrmrli a w v a ixun 1 hi ir tilnc rt thanlcn to uil clcruymtil tin i o d 1 bo lb bciitt r and junior tlit hand tin mllltlu the donors of miutlio tho tx ulrln men who ore iyit member of ur u ancli and the li ntrul public for uil plliidld ob erv unci f arml tin dij al o lor ui 1 rni u u ujip rt of our poppy day c mi ptju i uil ulrl cluld uuotl all organ i j bcidii ho t ml art j i bcaritow sec trt t wonderland 1 u1i1ay novfm11fr is the voici of ui city an mi i vrwi rid tory i turrlna icobuit am hjlvli und wlllord mirk conudy crmtliui 1ux sa1 uudali n i mill it is hurninu the wind wi ill rn tiirtiiil u it aibon and vhtinli 1 iln brnwi flic ll t if th lurlti c lliiliiiiu yx n um monday novimflfk ib lliulcriprouiid a ui m h pit lure of ii io 1 rn lnl n lift no 11 if 111 1 ir t t 1 uuiiniu c in ay d ubl wh per coming i lief 1ml of m j ii i iitkiokv a son one cent sale of wallpapers planned to citett a thnrouch clearunce klcforc the wall paper ijkpuhment w jvjuih formed into snnln clniw toy innd santa clans will need every incli of space we cfltn rivo lum and so wc are jo inr to clear out our wallpaper stocks even to the very lam roll and to do it wc na mokinji- tiis sensational offer of two rolls of paper for the price of one plub onc ccnt all papers in stock mclud ed extensive varieties pnt terns for nil kinds of room upstairs and downstnirs in expensive nnd hiph grade everybody with a home may save tremendously by buying now for prcslnt and future needs chances like this don t come often tor each roll purciuwed at the rcjjulnr price one cxtm rolf of the same value mny be had for one fint is the way it works out rolls of regular i rolls of regular i 50c papers for 51c 2 rolls or rogulnr itf 75c pnpcrs for f dc 2 rolls of rce 1 a 100 pnpcrs j1u1 2 rolls of reg rti 125 papers lliv 2 rolls of reg f 150 pnpcrs j1di ave much money by buying now tok present and future needs 16c 2 rolls of regular 20c papon for zilc 2 rolls of regular yi 25c papers for odc 2 rolls of regular n 30c papers for jjc 2 rolls of regular fjg 35c papers for oc drastic reductions on coats dresses and hats savings 20 to 33 13 d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario our motto quality and service this weeks specials comb honey for 25c 2 eagle brand milk ok tins for wvc plain olives 10 oz for 25c clover honey 5s for 53c 19c 2 seedless raiflinp 1 lbs for oc orange marmalade 1 lb for pastry m nr flour z4sy5c i a lbs granulated cq- iv sugar for doc 2 ganger snaps oc lbs for zioc l lb dates s for 25c 2 bran flakes p packets for u7c 2 rice krispies oc pockets for utjc 2 shredded wheat o j packets for 4c servos 2 tins 28c 3 citrons for 3 pumpkins for 2 squash for 25c 25c 25c 2 cabbage for carrots o lbs fo 2lrttl for 25c 10c 25c car red white stores j vv jones phone 2 acton ont christmas gift club ou couulry idea do posits for any amoint on chrlatiruu iioodn will iw token from novlinlur 1 until christina any article rtservcil oil am all drpoalt belnif ikld cdirlmaa ooihis now arrlvlnix jrwilliry wutelua doe kit china out aiaai tnnch ivory ihntons iit shopi all uliidfl af outu tar ltlrtlulayu vviujlilfn lbiruuuas lu jack stewart cleaner dyer regular cull und uuliver service to acton tuesday ttuiraday mut baturday riiorninga kilt i uomit ani fffullnt hlrvic1 phone 103 acton or iauvc immih at w m ckpius khtrlfhri i riuscoloi cleanh ir dyeinj tlie communitys social side of life vihitord to and ywvm town during um puhl wcu an gleaned by the ive prxti mr i urrnr mctlirrwin was horn m dual an mctnvlnh rprpt junilay with n rglito trlrndo mr mid urn r tail riwnl ui holiday wrik rnd in toronto mr jock rolicrtson of wlndfir wafi linmc for thn holiday mr carl cooper wan hoi he from tor onto for thn holiday r o o p wn homo from tor o i o the holiday mr aordorr i luff man or toronto woa home for the wrck cm mr ocorae andercon r i ham ulndcor for the holiday mr auitin raidof toronto bh holiday at bin home here mrn wrfl johnitane u vbiltlnf frlendt in cheulcy and owen sound rev and mrn c l poole vlilted rplatlvcn at toronto this week mlu lena buck spent tlianksalvlns at her home in owen wound r and mrs j c matthews vltltcd frlcndn in toronto ovrr sunday cv dr and mm moore were ruea over tliankcalvlna at moorecroft r and mm q j reld spent tlie holiday wltli friends in alllston mr and mrs wills of toronto were here for the armbtlci day service mica ettle dills won home from tor onto for the tliankiittlvlrlff holiday mm morgan of toronto was a guest of itccvp and mrs mason over sunday m13 josephine jackson of toronto spent the holiday with friends in town mr l d forbes or detroit epcnt the week end and holiday at hi home here mrn e p collier and muo annii gpent tlie holiday with friends in tor onta various news items details regarding the acton arena acton and district tli loyhb aitdrwn wnulnr nir united church parnonnoo was the jceene of a pretty wedding on saturday novemlk 0 when helen lone daiihter of mr and mrs an runt an demon was married to mr raymond loyns formerly of the acton dank of nova ccotla fluff rev o l poole b d offlclatina tho bride wore a pretty frock of blucbenrd teoraettc with black felt hat black satin shoes and platinum hose dlie carried a bouquet of deep pink roses and illy of tlie valley after a weddlna supper nerved at tlie home of the brides parents the happy couple irft by motor eastern points they will reside toronto hrlimtl taiierl to nulit muj ya ilemrmlwr the hrhool coneertn in thr town hall to nlaht at rlitht o clock and ui morrow nluht at the name urn cnmr am help the children in tlirlr rflorta to buy a piano for the cchool anellsn koftuu tram win leadership the anullran church of acton tonl thr leidershlp of th oeoractowit ooft ball irnmm by dcfcatlnn thr oddfellow of droractown us on turrday at thr nrrnn in deoruotowii it wok r cloic exrlthin aame with tyler and water liourr rtarrlntf for acton althotiuh thr initer was knocked unconscious in the nixlh innlna whan lie collided with thn ntcond harcnian of the oddfellows allan marshall nteo starred when he hit a mammoth lomn run walters juid- woods starred for georgetown occupy attention of council at the regular sf4ioti clcct on myinw pufuud the mretlnff of the council was held in thrt council chamber on tuunday ovrnlnu at ejaht o clock with counclllorn hunsrn and nelson present and coun cillor thetford in thn chair the twenty third report of the lln ance committee wan puxreit an followa a h ninhop latior f lit 00 d i nunn labor 100 00 ur mcnlvcn medical officer of hi altli jan oymon uuppllns j d mackenzie supplies public utilities commission power at pump house public utilities commlnalon street lldhtlns public utllltler commission town hall uijhtlnff public utilities commlsalon power at fire pumps sinklntr fund canada qcneraj oprsy and paint lloekoy mitliijf mdtiday a mfletlnif of nil tliose interested in tin hockry club in acton will be iieli in tlir council ciiaiiiimt nt the tow hall on monday evenlnu at elht o cloclc sharp no oo 1 30 0 15 145 dl 4 43 co 300 00 i acton remembered on armistice day spjokdui cautfcrinjj ataumhlcd mid do hoftor to vhono whoctc name ijvtui forcvcrmorc true lllufi lad- vtults 4akvllu lant itldny evcnlna a numlier of the lady true hlues of acton motored to oakvllle t of tne lodffa there a lovely r upper i momlll trai ujtthmxik served sperches and nlnalnir were amiut mn t i- enjoyed and a splendid evcnlna spent by all wltli oommendlble loyahy uui cltlxnu of acton and uio surroundintf country- d t deierrcd by uio duro- oakvllle to the banquet and birthday bu wflatlllbr riavajiinif on uody party of the lod there a lovely r upper mdttlu fron atundlnb uui tluuikstlv- tno annutlce service in larder number ijisn imfore tlie rown hull was nlled to overflowing with tlie tmtherln uist aisemhled to do lionor to uui memory of uiose wlu 1ill in uw oremt war the pared to the hall wsj headed competition in potato luui been an- j uy acton cfthums hand and followod riounced this week tliu vent is run uy tlw vetermni oia olrl guide and in conjuncuon willi uu acton pall pair i hoy ceouts and a deoehment fro each year arid tlie following are the tli iladton rifles under commsivd of winners in order of pruea won leslie ju i hcrnt j alfier poaren arthur owackhaijibr peter i1i1u j ilobcrt films robert kerr vml denny and john graff tlie pruo money will be issued as coon as secretary akin rereives the grant from the provlnclal deportment prue wlnnlrtl putato ctpm the results or the otandlrrl pie id crop a- lb mrs pnd coffey of toronto spent lat week with mr and mra win john stone mrs james icannawln woji a awn at his brothers ir and shelbourne home ir j ii worden of fenrus visited his brother and sister at the old home on monday miss nclllc williamson of toronto spent the holiday with mr and mrs t drown mra w e thompson of london is lltlns at tho home of her mother mrs c nelson mr anil mrs j ii reed are gpendlnn a few days visiting relatives in toronto and cwliawa j a and mr rlvcmdalc fo rev a c stewart mac stewart wcro at thanksgivlns mr and mra t pendcrcast were the auesu of mr and mra r turner du tlie week end ir and mrs l tliornnsort s claire mich visited urs than butham over the holiday ml3 gladys webber of toronto visit cd her cousins mr and mrs w cole er the jjollday mr jolin uccaw nlajrara falls n y visited his sltcr mrs geo graham crcwnons corners ir j elvln gatnble of toronto unl uy spent the weekend and holiday at his home hero mrs a e nlcklln spent truliuouxlvlna i guelph at the home of her son ir ii s nlcklln mr donald adams of toronto was a eucst in town tor the loyns anderson weddlna on baturday master jack and douslas hussell of oafcvllk and master dllly mclean of chcslcy spent the holiday with uielr crandparcnts in town mu bertha drown of toronto spent couple of days this week with her sister mls fern drown misses renclta waller and laura uc mullen were vlaitiiifl friends in mtchan- cr during tlie wcokcrid ir and mrs chat t mclarrt of toronto spent the holldsy at the home of mrs robert oarvtn mr and mr wm landsborouah otored u oalt on sunday and spent the day with relatives there mr and mrs w kelly of hamilton visited at the home of mr and mrs p scarrow on sunday mr r f johnstone of london visit cd his parents mr and mrs wm johiutone on wednesday ir and mrs e r johnston of hamilton were weekend vial tons at the home f mrs robert sprawl ir and mrs ii d davis and mitt ruth of mitchell visited ur and u holmia over ttianki4lvuiu ri giuilh- ldwurds was in toronto thti writ ntuiidiim the funeral of her nusln mrs henrietta vance mr nd mrs r j drownlllb imii hptiit the holiday at the home i lifr rutin r mr qeonrc dilla mra albert mckcown and son ralph lifiit uil ucik end with iwr da uh liter in milton watson hamilton cunilatc jcvciis and mary f toronto vfllted at qraliarn mlv- jam o crcuaoni corners over life 0 11 day mr frunk cuiik tif iirontu spent tin wt k t n i at tc home of ur and mr l 11 vhirent and othar friends mr it 1 johruuina uu dort and m sli r hilly of imdon spent rhnnk ulvlnif day with aoton frtnid muueu anna wright nd jean dewar of victoria collrgt toronto visited a mr and mb f llooney over the hull day un robert hiiinctt und mltt minnie t llinnrtt fpjnl the weekend in ii ran fi rd uith mr and mrs klmcr j 1 mr utul lit- e a und j an of duel the h inil f ur i i borough laudvboriiuih iilenl monday id mrs wm jud- afunri s division court in ac ton at the opening of the division court here on thursday momlnff of last week dr t d j farmer rose and conrratu lated ii jj honor judee munro on behalf o the bar and realdenti of this com munlly on jus rece auvatlon to succeed judge elliot on tho halton county bench in dolnir this dr farmer referred to the high esteem in which the former judge had been held by everybody and ald tli at he felt assured from all they had heard of the m juitge that tlie county would have a lawyer of equal merit and learning in judge elliots successor ills honor replied suitably and felicitously an created a most favorable impression by scholarly and dignified yet kindly re marks judge munro has practiced law in palmcnton far the last twenty years and previously to uilo had resided and practiced in wlarton i tbe flhlay walker wedding a very pretty wedding was solemnised november eleventh thanskglvlng day when ada ruth daughter of the late mr a walker and mm walker kendal westmoreland england became the bride of mr william j flnlay formerly of castlcdar county tyrone ireland now of owen sound rev a c stewart rustor tlie thr bride performing the ccrr mony the bride looked very pretty dressed- in a french gown of roe beige ceargette trimmed with lace with hat and slioes to match and a fox fur carry lng a bouquet of rotes leaning or the arm of her brother in law ur fred wrlaht the bride entered the church fo the strains of tlie wedding march plajed bythe organist ur p halt she was attended by iter lstcr mm f wrlffbt dressed in ensemble of love in qn mist blue and tarrying a bouquet o opliella rases acting as matron of honor mr charles klrkneai of mon treal acted on groomsman durum the ceremony and the signing of the reft lter the orsanut played softly but sweetly somewhere a voice is calling to a whd rose and as the wcddlni party left the church the wadding march from mendelssohn a wedding and thanksgiving luncheon was served nt the hnmo of the bride s slater mrs fred wright uafn street alter re ccivlng the congratulations and the belt wishes or the assembled guostx from toronto owen sound ullton and acton the happy ooufple left for a motor trip to toronto and oshawa the bride s holrid away dross was black georgette trimmed with chiffon and ahe wore a coat of brown velour trimmed with chinese mink ohocs and hat to match on their return ur and ura flnlay a 111 reside in owen sound bfl3 7 the junior daughters of tlie empire requested permission for the town hall ficc of charge but it was refused and they were to come before the council in the usual way following uin event and request a rebate an their euchre and dance was liblely for charity pur poses tlie guard railing of the bridge a the earner or urock and main streets were ordered to be repaired dy law no 031 arranging for the holding of the municipal elections was rrad ttte requited number of times and passed w j gould wan appointed ht turning officer in division no 1 at the town hall and choi conway in no 3 at the post office the council discussed the wiring of the rink and councillor the tf ord was appointed to see the local superintendent with regard to having the power line run into the rink so there would be no delay far the lighting of the arena a three year guarantee was received for the painting of the water tapk and it was moved by dr nelson and seconded b c hansen that tlie guarantee be accepted tho aecand instalment of tlie money to be paid when the nteel was erected the area won forwarded tb tlie castcm steel products on tliht part of the contract hod been fulfilled an advertisement was ordered to be inserted in tiif rncz picas colling for jor applications for the position of secretary treasurer of the new arena council adjourned at nine o cloclc pauengm- trains cancelled announcement has been made tlili week of the cancellation of three pas- singer trains dally on uie canadian national railways line through lure tht trains cancelled are uie two west bound at 10 33 a m and 5 00 p m and one eostbound at j47 p m the west bound train formerly due at 0 17 will now be duo at acton at six o clock and will stop regularly it will now be a mall and express train the cancellation of the 5 00 will effect tlie most inconvenience locally of any of uie changes tlie evening papers and moll from tlie east mill not now reach acton until after six o clock mr and ura j a logic and family of paisley spent the thanksgiving holt day at the home of mr and mrs g ii swltxer miss mary e macpliercon superlnten dent of nurses at geneva n y gen eral hospital was home for a few dayo last weak ur and ura t u uoklnnon and audrey and ur v4a allan had a very enjoyahla motor trip to braoebrldge over the holiday geo campbell and miss eva j loundcs of west toronto visited at the home of a- a worden and his slater during the pmk week ura charlotte uacdonald and miss corlnne and mr oordon johnton of hamilton spent the holiday at tlie liomc of ur and mrs k h vincent mra t morris mr ronald uorrls mr 13 cowley and ulss oladya scarrow of toronto visited at the home of mr and urs j p scarrow over the noil day mr and urs harry aibbons mr and mrs hugh mccutcliean ur and mm 4 j stewart and daby jack spent rhjankkglvlng with mr and mrs thun rauiiav toronto uu florence holmes mrs prank williams ulss allccn davis and mr lie ni stephens of toronto spent tin weekend holiday at uie home of mr nnd mn juieph holmes mr dintcl young has the jymjiatli ol uie community in the death of hl ster mrs leltch in noronto she was hi her sixty c tooth ytur in tor mint took place in krln on uondny mr htirold farmer municipal clerk vho lias bern lucuplcated through 111 nets for uie pat two niinlhs u con vul xing nlcily and will ii rtj m able l realm ills prof i sslurtal mid munlclp al duties mr chan iwvldnun has relumed luinu rllir mi ndlng a month at itu- honu of his aot ur jolui davidson aioaln iankatchowan while uiere he attended the wedding of his granddaught r frlnije davidson to mr hudson calgary mrs a e nlcklln returned honu 1 huru la fiom a very pkananl iiiinui vljlt in the went uiu vl it d i daughters mrs f j tit 1 wood u cj4ry and hir i k mccuiluiii ilikaunin alno urs ur mtrcr ii ulm iiun and frliuds in rrglna un he way lumic ur und mrs evitlii uvdowi1i and i u m llyufil r uid mrs u j collurd ul u nilllt und uiru utlwuxt if luron o and mrs j j tit on a i an 1 mi sjlver wedding presen tation to mr and mra wuihun cooper at knox hunday school last sunday afternoon lost sunday afternoon at the knox sunday qchool a prcscntauon to tho superintendent mr wm cooper and mrs cooper was a pleasing feature on the occasion of their twentynfth wed ding anniversary at the close of the sunday school session uie dlble class and sunday school assembled and rev mr stewart took charge of tho gather ing he congratulated mr and mrs cooper on this silver wedding annlver tury and called on miss dorlslfedon aid who read uie following address to mr and mrs w m cooper acton otario dear fellow workers arid cherished friends wc rejoice with you that you have attained to that important and happy epoch in your family history which is so fittingly designated as your silver wedding anniversary wc unite cordially as fellowworkers and members of knox sunday school in extending to you our most cardial congratulation upon having arrived at uila happy milestone sur rounded by uio counuos blessings which you now so rully enjoy it u pleasant to reflect upon the assoclauons which clustered around the wedding morn twenty five long years ago the wedding luur is the happiest ume of human life and breaks upon the young hearts like a gentle spring upon tho flowors of earth it is the hour of bounding joyous expectancy when uio ardent optrlt arming itself with bold hope looks with undaunted mien upon the great adventure now to be taken it is the hour when thought borrows uie livery of goodness and human ity looking from its tenement across uie broad common of life gladly swings to its shoulders the light burden of love and kindness this was your happy joint experience it was full of blissful contemplauon rich promise and the days of your souls happy ravels and now you have completed the full round of twenty five years of happy wedded life with its gladness and its sorrows its comforts and its tolls through years of useful ness your family your church and uio community of which you have both been members for all your lives it is a great things for two frail natures to live as one for so long n period two harps are not cojilly kept always in tunc and v hat shall ftc expect of two harps each of a thousand strings out what human will or wudom can not do god can do an you have so well proven his providence is uniting ever more ultimately those who devouuy try to do tha work of llfo and onjoy its goo4 tilings together par them for you there is in store a respect and alfectlun a peace and power all un known in uio heyday of the young romance of uie hnneymtjaa cays experience intertwines uar remem bcrancca and hope tn stronger cords and as you atohd al uu loom of time quo with the strong warp uio other wlui uio finer woof uio hand of providence luui woven for you a tuaut of ujifadlng beauty and lm- perishable worth you have been liappy in your fam ily and its must be great joy to you as it is to us to have them engaged in walking uie path of righteousness and helpfulness which you your- sclvoji liave trod again wo offer you our cangratulauons will you kindly accept this gift as u menu rial of our love and regard fur you boui and may wo assure you that our united prayer u that h u will loth have the great joy of b luu spared to celebrate at least your golden ulddlng uimlveruiry and enjoy uie rrults of lives well pent and the maturer joy of well matured years on llchalf of tlie sunday school maati r jack graham and ulsa oracle u a ui t at the prupi r time preuntcd jr und urs c per wlui a boauuful llvtr flout i bucket filled wlui twonty nd and pink carnations aluu ugti ere 1 hank giving ywuva vl the huuir i mr ami urs john ttiuait dublin vc itu umi tuna carnations aluu ugh a m mr mid xrs jilui it atl ulamjuktn uupletcly by surprito ur and grim und luby jlinmle of uuuwst rpur c mpi r rpplkd thanking all lor thanking all kindly n itiinibi raiirc aiul beautiful uidillug uiuilveray gift royal wlnur fair next whjl outstanding interest la being shown by horsemen in uie announcement that the royal winter fair at toronto would introduce five galled hare clauses at uie big canadian fair next november plve- galted horses are dlalmed to be a special product of kentucky oldtime breeders bought ontario horses of great speed aryd endurance to cross wlui american saddle horses marguerite farleo dayllu is authority for the staterdent that peter the areat traced dlrecuy to a canadian stallion of wluun nouilnff is shown except uiat he was brought souui from ontario he was also uie ancestor of uie southern saddle horse breed whose des ccndanu form several strong strains throughout saddle horse history in ten nessee kentucky west virginia and uls court the royal fair dates are no vemher 20 to 28 montliljmeeuns ef wouui s institute the monthly meeting of uie acton branch of uie women s insutute was held at uie home of mrs george agnew mill street on thursday november 7 last when twenty five attended tlie mecung opened ft lth uie insutute ode followed by prayer in uie business part of the programme it was decided to do as in other years and put a wtaaui at uie soldiers monument and also o send twenty pounds of honey to uu gordon home at mulon tne roll call was answered with reasons for thanks giving the programme was as follows instrumental mrs blow paper cnuued the first thanksgiving by urs e gamble solo mrs gardiner and ura mownt gave an interesting talk on her trip to california all of these wcro veiy much appreciated and enjoyed by ifil mecung closej with tho insu- anthem after which a social half hour was spent tcton rtaluog troop the ucckiy meeting of acton bulldog rioop was held last thursday the meeting was opened by uie patrol leader 1 the wolves stuart lantx next was inpocuon and points were given for uniform and attendance tluj patrol cornpeuuon ends uiis week and the kangaroos with blng itamaden as patrol leader have a lead of 17 points so it looks as if thoy wcro sure to be uie winners following inspection was a lively game which the boys enjoyed very heaituy and after uie game were patrol comers this was followed by another game which brought uie rjrocramirio to a close after uie meeting a meeting of tho coun of honor was held and uio following resolutions were made 1 the court of honor be called swastika 3j the kangaroo patrol room bo used as hcadrmartcrs 3 the swastikas vote in every scout 4 no scouts ore- allowed to go to thoouik any night except thursday without permission from the scoutmaster cubmoster or olrl guide leader a tckhmto weddlna of local intsret the marriage took place on saturday at la o clock at a race churchon thc- hlll toronto of miss nachal saoord daughter of uie late ur and ura t e u sccord of quelph and residents of acton prior to their residence in quelph to frederick ulnkiar son of ur and urs w j ulnkler of woodstock the rev uanan droughall officiating the bride was given in marriage by her cousin ur w u campbell and wore a frock of bclfie crepe satin with a brown velvet hat she carried a bouquet of talisman roses she was attended by mrs hugh guthrie who wore a dark giccn dress with a hat to match and a bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums tlie 1m at man won mr knollln after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served al uio homo of ur and ura cumpbcll sl hilda avenue for the immediate friends and relatives of uu t rldal party later uie bride and groom left for now ork uio bride travelling in a gray tweed suit with a chinese red hat and bag on uielr return they will reside in toronto ulss hocord is a niece of urs h u holmes acton sbuitdia address by dr a v lavu ilic opening meeting for uie season of the mens club of uio united church on rucday evening was a gathering which every man who attended appreci ated ihe organisation was fortunate hi u curing lua services of dr a e lavell cuminuslpncr or uie ontario parole hoard to address them on this occa sion in his subject the attempt to salvage criminals dr lavell gave to ninny a new cuncepuon of uie work that la being carried on by uiu body in reclaiming human beings who have gone iwliay and committed cruris dr lavell u a bpkudld speaker and knows his biiujeet niio other man anywhere lib aigument and reason for uio work being undertaken hli logical conclusion and meuiuda uf dealing wlui men branded u- crimlimla und his explanation of the wtik being carried on by ontario at its reformatories mado a subject which liald the intcril uf uie men right uirougll the banquet which followed uie address uuii unique die mum was oyster soup crackers und chicac and pumpkin pje uith whlpiied cream it wan served by uu uilii but the parucular work of cooking the oysturu was djili3fatcd to a cuiiuultlrc of ludlls and all adjudged th iu dune to u turn hie group unglng u tho uu n was a feature which was entered into luaruly and utijoyed tlie service at uie hail was opeiisd by reave a mason who expressed his gratlflcauon at sucli a splendid gather ing and appreciation of uiote jmuo had arratittfd uie service each year re a c stewart was in charge of uie pro- ceedlmpi rev c l pooh led lrrprayr and uie scripture lefauui was read by rev v a bawyr tlifl committee were fortunate in having on uil occsjdon for tiis apeaaef rev dr t albert moore a native aofl of acton who had just returned from attending peace conferences in sltropd in uie brief time at his disposal uf moore gave a surrlno address outlining the many overtures and plans now under way to insure a lastlng- peace atoon all nations vrota his wide experiences and firsthand knowledge in vlsluntf the battlefields of europe and taking part 1 1 peace negotiations as repreaentins the church dr moore was able to kive an address full of information and eon- vlncing to his lisarers and bnpreaafauf the fact that world peace is getting narer tlie announcements concerning the balance of uie service and parade wave made by ur j p scarrow the parade reformed again in the same- order and members of both orders of the l o d k and cluxetu took part in uie march t uie soldiers uonumenl here the halton rifles presented arms wreaths were placed on uu monument by ur and ura j j kennedy and family uw junior l o d k senior l o v k girl guides boy scouts bt joseph church the acton branch of the women a imutuu and uie a w 7 a corporal j j cooney d c jju read the roll of honor tlie two mlnulaa of silence observed and fmstor a forayui led in prayer tlie parade uien proceeded tn purvlew cemetery and gauiered at uie veteran plot and monument there the band played several sacred selections while uie junior l o d e assisted by rev l poole and pastor forsyui decor ated each soldiers grave with a slikn union jack tlie liymn was sung acton detachment d company halton hldem red a aiuul of three volleys uie last post was sounded and the benediction pionounced by rev dr uocxe tlieir name llveth for syvermore coup j l- uoork 34 th hattahon corp roy hutu 30 th battery corp w 0th f co nnown c k pte j d duitt 15th battalion ptk u kaley aist battalion capt t a artiiuro oliaplaui ohlneto labor battallea pte a anderson lloui hattallon pte f elkinaton 8ui battalion pte p wills 4th battalion pte j fryer 18th battalion pte t irvtno 3rd battalion pte o ucleod 30th battalion pte a wdjterburn 4th battalion lxktjt il o lano 13ui northumberland fusiilera pte a oribben 43nd battallon ptk p radford g4th battallon serot w it 4th battalion pte p godfrey loath hattalion corp f uasters o u b 4th battallon pte j j kennedy 05th battalion nassagaweya council accounts passed and by law iw uks eultsas for the year saaeluasj accounts were passed as fallows at uu regular session of council on uonday november 4 toronto hospital for oonsump- uvea care of kathleen young 9 murray crawford ckx wood for j b roberts municipal world tax notices r while printing for tlie treasurer road supl vouchers 378s4 a bylaw to make provisions for ibm municipal elections was passed council decided to bond uie treasurer for m 000 00 and uie collector for 4 000 00 the township paying uia premium council adjourned to meet on novem ber 35 at 1 o clock john jjarhalt cleric 45 09 iis 11t 300 prises for dancing at i o fuchre and dance on november 30 d e tub evening weal oigkstes the oovcmor of uie state was in- ipecung some of its lnsututlons wluaiu lie readied one of uie insane liqipltali he received a message to call his oirlce on an important master not gelling as quick service as he thought ho aliould tie barked at uie operator i guems you dan t know wlio i am no replied uie operator but i know where you are tlie small daughter of a tire aalounaii was playing on tlie lawn uf uielr lumie vlien her attention was attracted for uui first time by triplets tilie ran excit- tmlly into uio liouse cryuig uouier inouier i just saw lwiiu and a spam forbes irlxtji will be in edwards co window fur jr i o d l euchre and dane

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