rartmi3tfrrrjrpb g inuilflpay nov mljl ft 14 1hm hum ami ii aui4 your teeth m lnvc nr like tlic itmt fhat ithlnr wi lrlilit ubnw yini thhr rwarly whlli nt in id i u thurm whleh innlcit tin uli i v rid low you whine rr your t yi i lnik into mine they il my put t dancing taut when you unlit ul mi my love tia thiin yon rr nmjt t ntrnnring kolovrly cclhll ilng tin lr prul i 1 a long il- alnuble i kkit do yiili think it proper love iv foave tin in on tlic table cleveland plain daler shr jfrpic jlretfm ghnrt gtnrir jiue todd boys name i1y i v c uoiiiiinu l chronicles of ginger farm written hpmbdly far th vr vrm by jtuoy oottauy low tjir luxt iw i idi numr raid j 5 r who was i liave an idea that anno neelplf think after harvest is tlic former i slack reason but lit me tftll you right here and now that it crtalnly lintln fact i am hi tinning to think the re ulnt no nucli animal as a cluck moron hero we an klugcinic away from 9 30 o supper umo and then after that partner ha uui eawa to milk wlulc i put thr children to be wc jurt keep our no c in um grindstone an if every minute counts u it indeed it don toyami tuvet known how nuddenly trcctc up will com and we don t uanl to lie caught liappbiif liill ploughing murt be done u we want to cot away to a good start jtet bphng partner is on his wscond big held and i often think an i watch thtf horacs plodding along what a real ly wonderful uilng ploughing to to start with there arc horsta treat strong beast who if they realised their power eould crale havoc irujde of half an hour and yet instead or that uwy obey vtiry touch of tlia line in renpono to man higher intelllgenc then wc hv the plouuh itself walking plough rutinc plough and tractor plouuh al of thm doing uie name uniform wort ht different rates of iipced and all the xarmr ha to do uto walk or rldu behind uie plough according to which kind ha u using and direct the horcc or tractor i tell partner it must bo tenjoyable work because having to little to do he tuu nvary opportunity to uvlnl hu own uiought and atccp hlmcclf li th bauty of tlio great outdoors anrr t oftin when x wander out to th aald he doetn t aacm exactly happy horftotimn as x approach i hear him talking and x wonder if ho has a vbl lor in the fence comer but generally x find h is in conversation with thi horsa or the plouuh and curlouob tnottgh at such times it often hapnani 1 thai x auddenly remember something had forgotten and find it necessary to yuim u tlie house without stopping li ucchanffo pleasantries about uie beautl ful day ttc perhaps a man gets lono xf out in the field all day anyway rtotloo julte a law of them have thle peculiar liahlt of talking to thcmcelveil ws tisd to have a neighbor out wco who rlly did have to do some talk lag as li used to liave twentyfour horcr t hhhd up to an eight furrow plough hiki hu wife usod to go along with hli tuosi of th time to work uie lcvcrn w4 a truly wonderful night to sec htm kuruiitf out wlui uch a number horse but im glad i wasn t ida wife of eourso tlifiro are other things to tflo uie days bciddeo ploughing to keep llf from becoming monotonoua wc have a uuie liortc and a fresh cov thi horsd has to be rubbed every so often with liniment and the cow must hv hot bran mashes twice a day and wter with the chill off at frequent interval ahe un t sick by any means but we dont believe in inviting trouble and a little ctftrtt caro at coifing turn tmwnli a veterinary bill we intend to veal uie calf ca that lets me out of teaching it to drink thank goodnca itunt again as uiough to make sure time ahould not luuig heavy on our liand j to bo a regular epidemic r mtwtl baxaars and banquets m town and we have had so many calb to donate cream that x hardly thlnl there will be much to go in uie cat nxt week x generally find uie church service very restful wlien i am tired bu hut tlunday uie minister announced that would be a meeting of tlio auidl ury uie following evening and member were asked to bflng their contributions for uie touch and take in connection with the hkar ulnce this was uil nrat x luul hanl of it i spent the real of the service in wondering wheuier x oould ttet to uie meeting and what x should take however i did go and knanaced to g some dolls clouiea knit ted before x went as my contribution i silu have uilns to moke for the boaaar also an assortment is required of me jcavuie trade union which our chapter of the x o d fc u putung up next week x liave also been busy with ulc typewriter as x luul to get on article away for an leairush mogoidne and alca on far a western paper all or which naturally talws up a utue spare time there are also oilier events uv uie of- ontf whldi may or may not material lse before it all of course comes thanksgiving day a day which has a different meaning to different peoplt perhafu to old tuners who wore not personally interested in uiowor the day auu lias for uiem its original meaning day of uiafiktglvlng ror the founding and preserving of our dominion but to uaoie of us wlio had so much loa or gkln in uiocc nlglitmre years of 114 to 1018 uie day lias a deeper and wore pergonal meaning i remember so well the eleventh of moventbor in 1018 business took out into uie country and i rode wi tay blayde from one little village tn another and as i rode i lieard church belli ringing lunglng ringing as though they could never stop j could not un ucrsund u and asked at the next vll laga u uiey knew what it was all about aye ald an old man uiey do be paying uie fujhttn stopped partner wag away at uie front i had not ccen hhn for noarly a year my brouicr wan out on uie high seas m i don t need to uu you how i felt that day an x went linme i pasud many aerman prlaonera working in the fields den vraliy uiey would look up and uuutc lut today they worked wlui bowed hde nd for uie first time i felt sin carely wrry for tlicm many of uutn x knew wore decent fellows one younk ud was wounded on hh very ural dt in the trenches and luid been a prlinrr kulce ctwtrnas 1014 yli it wai u day beyond dcscrlpunu and we- do wi it to commemorate it but always in our rejoicing we should n member that t buuiy u is a day of poignant numori i for uiem uie white flag of truce w is unfurled too uti wo at tlmra may heed reminding or the tarrlflrlal yrar lest we forget hut they alai caimot for get duhuy was in i org the ftun dlrrctor was making u wtit m uiriller and working very hard to gt feoiie action into it mnally lie turned from the brink ol h ellff inoppliig- liu brow and glanci d at a dummy modu of itraw and nlil dothl lyuig an thn ground uidt him clood tioeviis he th titd who wae it we throw over tht clllf ivar ua weekly if uie ua uuuhud wlui conu ttod h itouowayu corn lit miivi iow thr luxt hoy may give mi aid thn new teach was enrolling hln up lli on tlir- flmt day of irl k1 i hi n w ir un dperlint huih nvcr the r in followed by a general titter on 111 1 thu i culkd upon anrwered lluoiiczur pcttlnglll ividd 1 v n the toucher iinllcd nn he nnld i tint in certainly a good nubntantlnl j name i nupnosn i may call you rbcii for nhort i gucls you hud better call mo llien uer wan the reply then everybody i iniuihod agui exnept the todd boy hlm- rh it wan no laughing matter to him your name rather staggered the teacher at flmt dldn t it one or hli i iiiatri raid to him at noon i don t wonder at 1l oroclounl i wouldn t be u i caught wlui such a name as that on mc um for five giousand dollars to these thoughtteia words thtf todd boy made no reply never the rin he kept turning uiem over in his mind uhth he readied the modest homo where rlnce the death of his father and mother in hln early childhood he had lived with ill maiden aunt aunt lucy he asked suddenly an the two sat ul dinner how did i cicr came to ho named kbcnescr pet tinglll mercy on me child said hln aunt in great urprte you know all about it an well as i do you ve heard it time enough why it was this way she went on nothing loath to repeat the ntory at one time it began to look as if your poor father and mother never would succeed in getting you niencd for good 1 lrat and last i belfcvtfjuxboy named and unnamed you four urffiitcnt tlmci and then were just as njch at nea as ever liut one day your father came homo and nays he x ve got a name for uie boy at last it un t fancy he said but its subatanual and h will bo worui rhoney to the little chap some day then he went straight to the family bible and wrote uie name down in good big icttern euenexer petungll todd you have seen it uiere you know many a umc there he said that la going to stick i it was the name of a kind of half uncle of hls you know that lhcd over in uelham ant does now foi that matter ho has property and no near relauvca but plenty of distant one- your fauier hod fallen in with him uiat day arid i suppose they got to talking about you x never knew the particulars but at any rate uiey came to an understanding uiat you were i to ba named for mr pettlnglll and he was to remember you in his will your mouier dldn t take to the name at all but your fauier sold it means five uioiuuuid dollars to the boy when uncle ehencxer goes dear dear your father little thought then uiat mr pettlnglll would outlive him but he died wluiln a year and the aid gentleman is alive yet ive heard uiat he is likely to disappoint noma of hh rclauven by leaving most of ills money to clfarlty dut i guiws there ulll bo no doubt about your five thoua and dollars i would swap uie ave thousand dol laro any time for a different name sold the boy gloomily why child you ought not to speak in uiat way your uncle pettlnglll is a good man and kbeneter is a very spectabla name i suppose the name wan all right in old times cald uio boy but it tat q good one for me it is alt out of fashion now people always laugh the first umo uiey hear it the new teacher did today the boya at school won t even give me a nickname they always call me ehenoxor petungtll uiat nickname enough for uiem and grown up people daa t call me by any first name very often they just call me uio todd boy oh well sold his aunt soothingly you can afford o htue trouble for all uiat money you know you want to go to college i don t know uiat i do with such name aa mine interrupted the boy should almost hate to see it on a diploma they write your name in iatln you know charlos li carolus and james is jacobus and so on how do you suppose ebcnexer would look turned into latin and it is just as bad whatever i want to do id like to be a political man when i grow up and perhaps run for office nut you couldn t get up any cnuiusiasm for kbenexer p todd uu you aunt lucy it is a bad bargain for mo and for uriole pettlnglll too for uiat matter why so asked his aunt in sur prise the boy did not explain his last re mark but when he loft the table he had in his mind the germ of a purpose uhlch coon developed into a fullgrown plan on ids return from school at night ho found uiat his aunt was out mak ing calls and ho decided that the time va ripe for action he went at once into the infrequent ly uwd bed room opened the large dlble that lay conspicuously on uie centre table and turned to uie family record there stood iila namo in hold black letters ho next took from his pocket a certain package which he had bought at a drug store on his way from school in oils were two small bottles each containing a colorless liquid uy means or n utue glass tube dipped into one bottle uicn into the olhtf ho carefully traced twice over the words ebenczcr irttlngill ho was not disappointed at the re ult tlic letters gradually faded from hli sight and he felt that he ust rid forcvlr of uie burden of that name hut as ho sat uicro half frightened i- what lie had done yet wholly trlumpn int jit won suddenly confronted by t problem new to him although quite old in human experience that or naming i boy unfortunattly concerning this matttr dj mind was as much a blank as uio pice in un tomily record ofr which he lud jut been operating f b mrc he could think of names tut none to suit ho wishrd that he tnew wiml of uie names uiat his pur nli hod given him and then taken iwuy one of those might do the puiir was all dry where lcbenesen pet llnulll had bcin and something ought to 1 urlttcn in hut at uio end of a half hour s thought he had come to no decision 1u heard his aunts step on the walk mil hastily shutung the book he slip l d out or the room very ill at ease it felt pretty qutuuh to be a boy wluiout u norm all his leisure moments for the next twenty four hours he tpant in wresuing with his problem onre while in school hr named hlmulf harold oiit of his kjigluh history book and for an hpur or so his mind was relieved tlun lit thought or urn letters k p r that in had spout su much time in cutting on tms and dvtkif and ouier things no hi mukt buuul by uiote jiitlaht anyway s uie name harold was glvwi up lly when ajinot in diieir hd do in tin mime after that there could li no hnrkhiic ut i hi hoy now felt it to be hli ihltj to npprahe his gnut unclr of thr chutii lhli ik did by inter as follows mi rbiinycr pottlngill dnr ulr i wrlti to till you lliit you will not have to leave that five th u annri dollars for i hnve gone and clinimrd my nnmr i hope thin will not hurt your fptllngt kxfnesier pet tliifflll lr all right in wsprnpcr p cc it inokt rool on the nforiument hat you have had put up in the ccmitery at belham i was out there one day und saw it hut i hon t think it li nulu fiultahli for me tl doesn t join on l11 with todd and y causn marks home have said to me why don t cni shorten it to horn that would not br so bad but i don t think it would b a square thing to do if i am to earn five thousand dollai b having your narm i muil be v ni to take it ju as it li and i nugh not to be or named of it cllhrr but i hive been ashamed and i couldn t h i it you mirt think considerable of the name and i don t believe you want h made fun of or carried round by a boy that doe in t like it bo i thought it was bcrt for un both to change i have washed out fbcncxer pettlnglll uhere it was in our big bible and have written kdward percy in 1u place do it la all settled i hove written this so that you can fix over your will your affectionate nephew edward percy todd formerly ebeneser pettlnglll tod 1 on the whole it wan easier to writ- thl letter to his uncle than to n nauncc the change to his aunt and to other people who might be interested he waited alltue for a favorable oppor tunity still answering to his aid name but always saying aluvough not aloud edward if you please but in a day or two he received this note from mr pettlnglll master edward percy todd dear nephew i do not blame you ror changing your name if you did not like 1l i think that you have been frank and honert with me i only wlh that i could sny as much of some ouien who arc looking to me far legacy but i rnuit net you right on one point i never agreed to leave you five uiousand dollars for your name i be lieve i did promise to remember you in my will and i find uiat i have done so to uie extent of fifty dollars i will change uiat and in place of the legacy i enclose a check for twenty dollars to shew my regard truly yours ebcnezer pelunglll this letter gave uie boy his opportunl tj and he at once showed it to hla aunt at the same time of course ex plaining what had been done the good lady although conlderably shocked at first coon became reconciled to the chaugl the mora cosily no doubt because it seemed to involve no great financial loss she admitted that ahe ukod tho new name better than uie old and die quickly became quite fluent in its use dul uiere was still ono trouble left for the boy i wish i knew uie best way to break the news to the boys and girls at school he said anxiously presently another insplrauon come tc him what kind of party was it thit aunt helen gave cousin laura last year lie asked hh aunt after some reflection they called it a comingout party wan the reply well why can t x have one you i exclaimed his aunt why they don t give comingout parties for boys they ore only for young ladies but uie boy was not convinced and eventually ho carried his point boon after all his schoolmates and friends received a neatly written note of invito tlon miss lucy emmons requests the pleasure of your company at a party in honor of tier nephew edward parcy todd september nineteenui eight to ten p m the party wa3 a complete success and although it cost nearly the whole of his twenty dollars edward thought that tlic end justified the means as he had anticipated his friends after having par taken of hla leccream telt hi honor bound to recognise his new name and they never coiled him ebenexer petunglll except perhaps now and then for nick name purposes but uie most surprising result of uie whole transaction was the increased in tercut shown by mr petunglll toward hu nephew he frequently invited the boy to visit him at belham and occasion ally manifested his goodwill in more sqb- stanual ways and when some years later his will wao finally probated one clause read ai fallows to edward percy todd con of my late nephew joseph todd i give and bequeath the sum of flve uiousand dol tllk luktll jhcyll anl ii y it i who hun tot ihuddir d ov r dr jtkyll ami mr if yd that vividly gnji nh i unit ulitihlnif tuli of dual pr ouullti in hr rilini r ii mugn ine mr 1 1 d o h urn flv t till drumutte uerount how liven on urolt it om day hi runic dawn to lum in hi lu i pn onupl il franil of mind inir i li i through hi m il nn unhi ard of i uiliil for him ui do and on leaving raid hi wili working with xtriuirdlnnrycuc re on a new story hint hud conn t him in a drtutu and thnt hi um not to lw intnmiptrd or dlrturljrd even if ihr liouje caught nn j per thrif duyn u sort of hunh drsriud i d nn uki rryvon wo all unit about rervanu and rvi rynne in tiptoeing nil rnce passing oil veiinniui door i would ii him sitting up lu hid ttllliil pug ftrr pnge und appan ntly m vi r pin tin- for u moment at the end of thro 1 dn the myi u rloun tnrk wo i finished 1 he read aloud to my mnlher and if thn unit draft of tin btrnngr c of di jekyll and mr hyde i trncd to it rpellbound otcvcn- no who had it volci ihi gnali it nrto might have envied ruid it with an in tenuity that made hlvrrn run up and down my splnr when he cumr to tin end gnxing nt ui in triumphant cxpec tancy and keyed to a- pitch of indescrib able self satisfaction as he waited and i waited for my mother n outburst of cnlhuilarm i wan thunrli rstruck at hrr backwardness her prule was constrain ed uie words rccmed to come with dlf acuity olid then nil nt onre she broke oullth crltlctim he hod mlsrcd the point she bald had mlsrrd the nl kgory had made u mrrxiy n story a magnificent bit of sentatlanallm whin ii should have been a martcrplcco btevenson wan bectdo hlmilf with ang cr he trembled his hand riiook on the manuscript ho was intolerably chagrin ed ills voire bitter and challenging overrode my mother n in a fury of re sentiment never have i rccn him so impassioned lo outreged and the scene became so painful that i went away unable to bear it any longer it wan with a rense of tragedy that i listen cd to the voices from tho adjoining room the wurdi last but fraught with ur emotion uiat struck at my heart when i come back my mother war alone sho wan sltung pnlc and deno late befon the fire and taring into it ne her or us spoke hud i done ro it would have been to reproach her foi i thought ghefhad bnsn cruelly wrong then we- heart louis- decend- ing the stairs and wu both quailed at hr burnt in as if to continue the argu ment more vlolenuy ulan before but al he cald was you arc right i hav absolutely mlsed the allegory which after all 15 utc whole point of it ui- ery essence cf it and with that as if enjoying my mothers discomfiture and her ineffectual start to prevent him he uircw uie manuscript into the fire imagine my feelings my mothers feci lug ai we saw it hinting up as wc iw thoc precious pager wrinkling an i blackening and turning into flame i ffy firrt lnipresslan wan that he had done it out of plqucuut he hadwi he really had been donvlnccd andtnw wil his dramauc amend when m mother and i both cried out nt tho ic 1 of destroying the manuscript ho justin ed himself vehemently it was all wrong he said in trying to save same of it i should have got hopelessly off the track the only way was to put temptation beyond my reach then endued anouier uiree days of liverish industry on his part and of a hushed anxious and tiptoeing anuclpo uon on ours of meals where he scarce ly spoke of evenings unenlivened by his preence of awed glimpses of him sit ung up in bed writing writing writing with the counterpane uttered wlui his sheets the culmination was the jekyll and hyde uiat every one knows a story uu translated into every european tongue and into many oriental tongues had given a new phrase to uie world lara ruddy canadian apples fob ovekhlas kdtaetloti uut l tin ly relldm suf what ohall i send uie folks in uie aid country li a query heard as uio christmas bcason approaches but if uio average canadian realised how much our big juicy red apples arc appreciated id enjoyed by people overseas uie prob lem would be immediately solved canada s luscious rosy apples are relished by joung and old alike they symbolize our brilliant sunshine and warm cummer days and uey do look chruunocy and cheerful northern bplcs mcintosh nods and baldwin are the best and uio most populgw to carry your kind uloughta and good wishes across uie sea and standard boxes and bairtn of choice and hand picked and hand packed fruit government inspect ed are procurable at reasonable prices from any grocer while uie matter of shipment u as simple as tho mailing of a card the canadian motional express will call for your apples transport and do- liver them by quick service to any sto- tlon in orcat britain ireland and most european cuuntrlcs giving uiem refrig eration service on fast passenger stcam- s the transportation charge from mon treal and quebec up to november 38th or from balnt john n b and halifax t thereafter by direct steamer to points in a rout britain ireland and uio channel islands is s3 00 per standard box and ftaoo per standard barrel in cluding refrigeration par rates to canadian ports through rote to conunentai points and ouier particulars aisult any canadian nation al express agent 10 3 a clock party the entertainment here described is intended for young people or lntermcdl ate and high school age the invitations should read thus you arc invited to attend a clock party on evening from eight until ttn by the clock at uio home of or if there is come one who will dress tin part of pauier time let uie wording be you ore invited to meet pauie time and so forth when tho guests arrive each one re cchca the following programme on which the time is written out in words or in dicated by the position of uie hands on small clock dials eight until elghtflftecn jntroduc tlann eight fifteen until eight thirty con vcrsatlon eight thirty until nine games nine until nine fifteen storicn nlneflftccn unul nlncthlrty supper ninethirty until nineforty flve blng lng ten o clock- time to go home if pother time is present in person he tells of the time for the different events by means of a utue hour gla tho hostess sets an alarm qlocx for each period cards mode to resemble small alarm decks are distributed and each guest writes hla name on the one uiat he re ceives and keeps it for idcntlflcauon these clacks are cut from colored paper two of each color so that later uiey serve to indicate who shall be partners for re freshmen tn progressive convcrsauon mixcu the gucau and mokes uiem acquainted cards turo distributed uiat bear such legends as what in your favorite time or day why what is to you uie most dls agreeable time and name all kinds of time you can uitnk of parent are changed every three minutes the guests hove five minutes to writ as long a hit as possible of things as sedated in their minds with meultlmt daytime nighttime or other times lat ino cvenlnejhev are asked to guess thr correct time to uio second the hostess holds the watch and awards prize tor the bcit guess old ish r tlmo in written at the top or sluuti of paper and a definite number ot mlp allowed lor cuch guect to moki nony words as pos ible from the let tcra in those words with ice cream are 1 rid cookl frosted to reprurent a clock dial mine 1 rival 1 ihr uinuco rmploynu nt i un n mliiht ruch a it w wade d uki it und ul n u w mlii in the pn nee of mr on up j- ttrt d that kmword tvrtty would have tj do ami at firm opiwrtunlty lu open ed tlu family record ugidii and wrote health cumiol he looked for in child that li subject to wurnu in can 1 plain worms dei troy tht health by creatlm internal duturbaiiles that retard uu dr vclopmcut and cauce serious weuktuss mlljirs worm powders expel worms and are so ujieftclol in uielr action that thl syuu m of uio little sulfrrwrn an re htored to hralthfulm uj all the dhvcoin forts and dangtrg of worm liifeouon art removed and satisfactory growui la as- suiod at ikjiity s1if was ltlautihil oik of the prcttlist gtru i knew 1 my youth grew positively ugly by the time she wni forty hhe had lorbored t long bitter and spiteful uiuughts had ullowid hrr temper im often to spall hrr natural lovellnt us that in course time ilic ceasi d to be beautiful and ah the cosmetics and beuuty dodgei 111 ihi world could never bring back her former charms and i went the other day to ma very old lady well over fourscore wt hud probably in ver glvui her looks thought during the whole course uf in life thie had always bi en too busy htllug luim d go over btllra t think or herself hrr lift had hem om long beneficence and she was umnil rur und wide for her swottucu of dl po i tlon her culture und coodnes what a picture she made in inr high backed chair with her smw white hair lit t ntrrin brow u r kind ayiiipiiheur eyts hi r tennltlve mouth hi r winning nnilli i what she wu at tutnty i di 11 i know tilie muy hovy been jut il wlultuame uut ut ightv biautlful keillor of ainwi rs on imtit kuommnuatiov an wd llnrlon paijl out of th nil lr building into wu ntdu lu rould hardly rullu thut h wum luvlim uu puri for uum 1idtrlng tin olflr nf tin htuti lit ilty o- mmtiy wh 11 in mr tin ihuri iltltu i ik hud lu thr y ir ttmili hlnim if 1 in th night til i l it dl pen ibli to mr w lliimn tin mun um r and now hi won durhnrgi d mr wtllmun had rrltlilrd uu way in whleli wudi hnd htindh d n ci rtnln inntt r wuiu had di fend d hh urtlon thui rmim hiipitlrnri em mr wi um in liil and a hoily n port on wndi thin nhrupl dliiiilh- ul wdi munt in gin 1 iiullul for uuolher job lln wun opivwlto thr officii of ii j i imgleu a company mr wellmun n 1110 t f j nn id ibli bimlne 1 rival i obtain lug b 1 mall but t 1 mined to tuki uirr b wun bugglrn ftii you haw ltrt th fjtnti llealty c mpnny and would like a place with lis cald mr ituafflen havr you a 1 commendation from wcllinnn no sir rrpllrd wade i was slid in nly dbxhurgrd it want ror anything lefleclliig on my honriy or my cfllrlcn l though it war something that i cold to mr wollmon wlwn lie lloro wade hesitated wun making him xll dlmigrerahle nupirecled mr itugiili s uee hi re mr burton he continued rmlllng encour nglngly between you and mc ju t what you think of w uman wndc heiltntcd only a mom nt he 1 nl rlnht an far a i know hr n pllrd keen fo bulnr s but p rfcclly wjuure hard to gel along with ch tuld mr hliggles not t specially to an wrrcd wadi slrwly not if you take him right well he was to hlnmr uils last um waiiit he nrked mr huggles a llttli impatiently until that mlnuh that woe what wode had thought but no he considered and then said not so much an i was i gue ji he had been bothered and fretted i ought to have made allou nnces and kept my temper ii ml raid mr itugglci you don t need to tell mc anything about old well man i know him uirough and uirough i supposo he went on thoughtfully that it might be an advantage to have a man in my office who knw name thing or the state healty company t ur fulrs no doubt with a sidelong glance nt wade you knowsome things that would interest mc thl time waae did not hesltnt nothing that i could talk about h- cald firmly if i hould come into your office m ruggles i chould moke your latere u mine but i couldn t tell yoj ubut matters that i liave learned in confidence clcuhcre oh of course not i shouldn t want you to cald mr ruggles turning c h deje well ii i rhould want you 1 lx i ulll let you know but at present i tcllrvc i have nothing to offer thr still remained one little iten of bulnass wlui uie btote realty com pony for wudi- to attend to that was uu drawing of uie salary uu due him and uie next day he went to the office ror uiat purpose an wade entered th- cashler glanced up from his dek b01 v anted to speak wlui you when yo 1 come in he sold so wade wni prcscnuy a caller in ulc sumc private office from which he liai been so summarily ejected uie day be fore ah mr burton i believe said the manager as if addressing a stranger i am told uiat you arc open to en gagement wade wlui a smile acl nowledged uiat ruch woj uie case weil there is a vacancy in this office i wan a man for it who besides having some get up and get to him in honest and loyal then im tired and ncrvou- some times occasionally i e mad i wont a man who can keep his head when i kc mine arc you up to those require me ntr mr burton i think i would be in uie future wild wade welljtr the future were consider lug not the pal by ult way he wflld abruptly you applied to huggles for a job dldn t you yes i did said wade grcauy ai tanlshcd didnt make much headway with him did you wouldn t give your la- employer a bod character owned up that that you had a temper and dldn t seem to know much about un biulnc- about mi business uiat is huggles was tell lng mc about it lat night at uie club odd sort or chap huggles always drawv lng people out to sec what they arc made or but a mighty decent fellow too huggles and i arc great mends after business hours he had no placx for you himself but he eemed to uilu thut you would suit me und if you arc willing i sliall be glad to engage y i on itugglca recommendation luiuh viauak no uaiu nut la iiii i hi 11 hi 111 vi vv r tin ml llll fl ll ilfit illl 1 urly ulw iv u llllt it jirli ilurln ul inlir i it l 1 iii liirltiii 1 hi j 1111 111 1 ninny ji 1 illiji ii 1 1 n intir 1 in ii 1 1 illl i in n in willi r luitlill i fl i 1 mi 1 r mil fid il llgfll al uu fi mini 1 i u rhm nl il hi 1 il n in m icipmk hut out hi 1 il n mti d f i pili y 1 v 11 in 1 1 t hi 1i11 f in dili ii till mltlj 1 ih txp rlim it f vi r d u 1 rlt d r k 11 ntln 1 r jrur fri 111 11 vrm 1 1 i ai rll 10 it whlrli tlun ti 1 uil hunt wi n titrm 1 n nt 1 1 ml v in th in in inic myl 1 111 li d 11 hi it di yllirht on hiimh jiull 1 u ii 11 id ih win dlvld d ii ill 1 i lliht 1111 crnl 1 ii i dim lull t pun r 11 h all 1 dill 1 vi hi id lnil r 1 u tl it 111 i iii t l hid ur 1 kin 1 ir f lluht l 1 w rl ov it u v 1 t 1 u 1 n 1 lliihti tin th jijf 1 tf uu six month whll th n llghtr produrid 1171 1 iti at n 3 rriitii p r ft3 11 i hi vi vanttigi of iilu ut 300 m i fur on light- d nt 11 ndurlim ii j renin u r d ipin durini two of tin r tht cxp rlinoil tin li t v e 1 limn 1 ill til ortobir 31 mnklii tli mnli yi r in ui two y tr vrruu ov r th vlnlej ur tin pen with lluiu 1 ild few cr rgffs than uu j n without 111 liti r the dgiiris dtilntd lu date it vuuld nppior in th 1 h lliht hu 1 11 elftct on tin numb r cd 1 in 1 ild dur in the winter m nth whin the ep an higher t in prlci hut on the ollur hand they do nit rrm tn miurlnlly alter the total 1 umber loulmd for t whole year rxperimi ntal iunr not hnve 1 protect the child from the ravages of worms by using mother orav j worm lx terminator it l a standard remedy and years of use hove enhanced us repu tation clearing crfdit 1 auction sale township op e3que3ino uitra vioixt itatis tl li statu s aoi uncanny kill with ulilrh x ray ortcd out painting of old ma ter fnm upstart modern copli niu nou be dupllcnud by ultra violet nyi w rl lng in the field of ciilptiire we arc told in olence service daily scli nre nt w bulletin wnrhlnntoiu jp t l nmel b th metropolitan miuum of art pier of old cnrjnru mirblc were com ptred with frc lily cul curniri unde uil ultra violet uliil a decided dlfftr ence in color was noted the writer goc on pieces or murbli st iluf omc un tlquo v known to be mjjcrn u rniiioulent were then put to the ultra vlolrt urt and in evtry cac the raj gave the umc verdict thut exp iu lun reached bj careful observation one reman portrait head of a j oung girl vn immediately condtmnid by ih lghi on checking the ncord if thk statu it was found to b j m dtri woijt by dos en a whf e uccc tn 1m tatlng antique sculptut lu cau d 11 u 1 excitement in art clrci th surfifc of thr had had been altered b buk inn th- marbl- and then pit lint u 11 t a ragged stone but the powerful h11 could not be fooled bj recently cut marble further the tc 1 hwed that uie three portions of th broken statu ore all of the same m e which etl s the aitumcnt that pun or un flnur mlftht have been old and the r t sup plcj ty a modem workman whin th rajs were turned on some liftt tilth century m irbles uiey detected breaks in uie ctone that had been 1 mp nyo pitch cd and painted j skillfully that experts hud never noted the repair grtut uit lulncu for the ultra violet light in this new flold is predicted but the museum experts warn that there will uu be need far careful judgment and experience in interpreting the facts uiat uie light may n veal persistent asthma a mo t distressing charactcrlsuc of this dtblltatlng disease la the persltencc with which recurring attacks come to sap away the strength and leave the sufferer in a tatc ot almost continual txhuu tlon no wiser p ccauuon can be tukm uian that of lteplng ut hand u upply of dr 3 d k ongs asthma htmedj fumoiu at uie n potent remedy for crudlcaung the dl ae from the lender ulr punges ttaisivg till ami the captain of u mull trudtni visl anted to land mi cuntribajid ut 1 ci tain port appntuching the clutom officer pu uid joe if i put u ten imillng nolo ovtr t ich eye could it see i could not aid joe and if hnu one in me mouth i couldn t pcok uuukly scotsman lift tfam inlillii 111 t th kill th li dlvld 1 d liri i tr li not imtlf j 1 bu 1m 1 ui id mil tin l in d t t ifi llmll t un in 1 1 hu id uu uhnt th t mi d r li tv yru ui 1111 indlvmiinl 1 ok nitiii ur chirlei illijnmiu th il wlird win i ild gt operation ituimtil it i an ir in ink herbs are best for ailing kidneys natural safe and wotidcrtuuy healing nm in hi 1 lly iiuiwol bunlyl welnv 11 and uc ran um 1 vi 11 more if it i wi 11i1 ur individual immlxr if th uu wth our little purl l di 1 m il mid ki ep tin ti un p wlnnt r i j l urvi r fi mi t itt the pldrllty jplrlt only urn ufvxl lit gal lium y wlnelt in hoe 1 i ihrlml hotiihiliom um 1 1d likhajuit m 1 uiimliil iniiiholf r 1 1 anil tlijuhood ft 1 ivn preat linaltng ii 1 it y lulirwiiiu in r 1 v 1 by gal- 1 i tl try npeme ii rh li of tin 1 i p it m li 1 ii j um 1 ill i 1 in rolhuifuv lurl niilui imiwi r i v 11 1l1 itlimiuiiti idklwrii uil nml liluld r n try linn truilw ri i i rl il n motly it ul roiuarliihli niul iuft u id by u atbrown acion every package of red rose tea is prepared with the bamc care as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package a redr0se red rose orange pekoe i extra good butternut bread rich as butter sweet as a nut we ask our customers to be the judge compare our quality butter nut sold at the following grocers superior store hills mra onkley w ncabitt a wlutej w jonea nclnon co butternut good to the last crumb sjltitluou layfcil thlikrn laid un egg l u till who hud a bun torn inn lor a horses choict iiliu oi- dairy cattle fowl pigs iuple mfcnts hay grain harness etc the undersigned luu received in true tlona rem wiu nrackfn j ell by iuhjlc auction on u prcmue et hall lot j5 concession 2 ivsoucsln towiuhlp 1 mile south of acton on friday now mill ft 15 1023 100 o clock idiarp uu following iiorhes i qraj mare 0 yvyt 1 taorrcl horse aged 1 tli idlng m nj- s ycuru 1 marc rlslng 2 years ihl l well matched team cows 1 lloluln cow 4 jiars oil at loot 1 holsteln cou year cak at foot 1 liolitcln cow 5 y ir nlf at fool 1 lloltcln cow 5 j r c it at root 1 holtclii cov j ur calf 0t tool 1 holttrin cow rur nlf rott 1 holstehi civ jiura ful flow cij jiil ik 1 ilnlsuin cow a j 11 full fluu i i milk 1 houln cou u inu full rl u or mill 1 part jerse c t j 1 art duo no vt tuber j 1 11 1 suln hell r du hi lhcembr 1 hduiii c tw 1 holteln llclfer 1 ur id 1 holntiln hull 0 months old ih a chur herd or high ltuiiu duln iiiii pics yi um in with lilt i young laiv brnl i owl 6fl cholcr whlli wj 1 1 pulltts impllmlnta muwj iliurl 11 nl n 1 f ot in lltxd upalr 1 mo s harris mower i 10 int int inntlinil ii ty ituke in urly in w 1 ul r rn sculuir 1 walking hep til boat 1 lurcy harrll u 111 urtll nnrly new 1 iuli mall mal culthat itllf tot th 1 set unrrowfl 4 etlon 1 oit llarmws 3 srrtlons i tlrlnd t 1 uiiulnu mill 2 n 1 jl 1 lenrj p vi 1 un t 1 ulper 1 jet itenfr tt ul j on lbs cutter 1 i up llui c li ii vucldiie l iui11 wagon i light w 11 n ti in 1 ijght wag in hlnn 1 cliuv i 11a 1 plat hark 1 i leaiu lljli bi nrh 1 tut jluult hi llllw c 1 oniln llaga numln r aruln hu k it ntir ii 1 fi f ml 1j c dur u 1q 0 i 4u gallon coal oil llruiu milk pulli i- rks shovi u him etc main other arilrh tin nuimrmi to mentl n ii 1 nl 1 su jeuin hiltliss 1 s bin u h llurm ji 1 txllliu hum ollain anl may about 40h hush 1 it juu ah ut u i mi uf all ill 1 um luuulhy liuy q luntliy dwurf whlti illir 0111 suiet ci vr rhollm 1 i vt ll ia your cloth xv furnishini- rr i vcr ud xfood ffmnttwrmtit rr wy qu l do nev old chtlsf 2 js 89c 28c 35c thinn your car your house- not luclssmly of thi in est but rood no question about that you hvt by what you cat when you shop at carrolls youre assured of the finest in foods apart from tht savings they mean tormthmj too jon 1 they look over tlm lut of valulb for tht current wttk end- l spcul ktllogg a 1 i oorn ffiakes j spi cia1 ruirm ja rice lbs jirgb 35 t clirilfs uauvai am stobagr rggrir ptr joc mincrmrat rita nch onj u raisins ouunn srrtluu ulk onions ylloi diwn icul 2 l he littamillh jh4j 29c j sprcul i ktra ctyli tea i li kd ay t uluwiftlu i wt khuul spi cial cuil beans wmi pork larga no 3 cla v t sockyi sa1 mon 0 hothourie rrun mo chaniirrriis lri c smal l pi as n 1 un 24t 44c iwjd 25c 2ic 10c saih i iis mu siukjv 1 hls l ii 1 swml ilitu 1 si iah milk mt tlaa 23 spi riai i inrtt vviitr ci vr honey no 5 pail 53 i ul l fjl- stovl pol 1sh si ud sim ci i kl iut ouitji o0a fn ls itolud oatmeal i rash ibly ldtl um llllh thut 1 n thing tin mayor kin returttd toy rutin r laid a roynrr atoiui yeilurday clnelnnall kiujuiror 1 uriurvr ah tlir i arm li ii11uj- hay oraln foul und ill f uih und iindir t ash i r a um unl u month ndll oil up vid j dut initib a uif fur iuh roy iiinimjy aurlluiwr it it no a aitnil lh lie ibili urln o plank clerk rrolls where quality is u high as vrltm are low umh mill street actoxi ontario if you expect to sell you must advertise