Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1929, p. 5

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0 wftxtan tkuimoav novemukll 14 1uud riik tvikuh wav lie wlm rliirkn a rhllrt lit inrmr oumi i li play nr nlllls its ioilu not jliinii rnmmlli an error hut n iirlivoiri moral wnmif tltfii ulvr 1l play and nnvrr fear h active life is no clrfrct never irnvrr urrnk its rplrlt curl it inly to direct would ymt atop tho nnwlnu rlvrr thinking it would ceium to flow qnwnnl it miiat rim fomvnr lie her tench it where to ko j l lmckard twunvy viauh ago ilcm the inui yliunnly tr tim vie vnzrn ol novcittlxr ib idod wheat continues u trtrp in advance of thb dollar mark tim wilton hkatlnb and curling rlntf u to ho qflfrrrd for aula by auction on the 37th mr jamf xi anderson u having a hlnne foundation built under his coal house at the o t n yards in tlielrovlnce of ontario local op tion votwd are expected to be ukrn in january next in two cltla thirty towns thirtyfour x villages and ioventynve township in all ulnae placet thcra arc 800 licenses itev j c wllron d a and rev a dlalr d a nauagaweyn excliang- od pulplu last ounday icnox church congregation were delighted to hear mr dlalr again sunday was axcdptlonally flne for a m id november day a number of local papers hava been publishing itenu reerring to lured po tatoes but we think mr d canity 7th line erin can claim to luiva beaten thorn all ha brought one in but week which welshed 3vc pound the sunday school lesson vou hunoav novkmhku 17 wraun lubk the creator and preserv er of beautiful complnxiom tonic in fleet and wonderfully stimulating oafe- guards and beautifies tlie mut dellcate- lytextured rklns cools and relieves all eklno flushed or irritated by weather con ditions magical in results a little gentle and a youthful rrethncu and daintiness 1 instantly created j in valu able far softening tins hands and mak ing them flawlessly white truly the perfect toilet requisite for the woman who cares one op til esse little ones edwin with blouse torn and face and hands generously covered with sol ran breathlessly toward his pretty mother v ho in crisp daintiness of frh summer attire cat on the note porch ambroid- crlng o mother he cried theyre lileeino wel near th stable and 4ta more fun may x bo barefoot you look disgraceful enough al ready said his mother as sho carefully drew her white duck aklrt away from hit rather muddy shoos im album cd of you theres no ma buying any thing nice for you to wear tliat- hand some llitctl blauss is ruined how did you tkw k x was climbing a little way on the windmill x am sorry mother was the meek reply but maynt i please so barefoot x suppose so but dont come nesr me i dont ilka little pigs aim turn ed from the dishevelled little fellow in distrust and he walked slowly away all hu eager buoyanc departed wasnt lie a sight t slut said to the elderly woman near iter do you blame me for being annoyed since you ask me my dear i must admit tliat x do tlie old ladys voice was gentle and iw manner was almost apologirtfc but the boys mdtlier flushed under the mild gate x wu sorry that you kant your son away feeling that lia was in high disfavor one cant expect ileal thy little boys to stay clean hi the country and cloth will tear now and then i wuh my son to be a gentleman wdd hi mother coldly as she took up her fancy work and sot uer needle in precisely ior a few momenta nothing was said and then tlm elder woman softly touched tlie liand of the younger may x tell you a little story site said wliy yj certainly x used to have very little patience with my little son wlien he would soil or muss hi clothes and x would often scold or punish him for being care less now when x remember hu baby chock streaked with dirt over which had coursed the tears that my luurshnsu had causod my arm acli to hold him and x lung to ask hu forgiveness lie was a manly little fellow and he did try so to please me but one p cant expect perfection of a fouryear aid lata one afternoon lie came in almost completely covaied with mud he had been sailing a tiny ship in a puddle in the yxtl x was heartily ashamed of him and x told him in no uncertain terms what i tliought of his uppearanoe and i put rum to bed early as punishment when ha finished hut usual evening prayer lie added and dear dad make me a good boy if you possibly tan 7 smiled for x thought my severity was having its effect and tlie pathos of the petition which has wrung my heart ever since did not touch me then it was twelve that night when a croupy cough startled me from my sleep and at three oclock in tlie morning the doctor who had worked over my boy for two hours told me there wu no hope 1 took my darling in my arms and clicking back my sous told him as best i could uist he was going to heaven i isnt dood enough he gasped that was the end my baby my only baby went from me feeling that he was not worthy to enter the liome where little children are so lovingly bidden two frail old hands wn suddenly clasped in two strong ones and eyes whose tears were long since shed looked kindly into those tliat were now over flowing i didnt mean to make you cry dear i just wished to lulp you to help you understand your little on you have helped me oome with me wont you i wish xa and luiii and kiss him dirt and oil advanoe iivino with ikoilic ol otiikit uacliii oolden tent of a truth i perrelvi- that god in no reapectsr of pernnnn but in eviry nation he that frnreth him and workuth rlifhtcounnrui is acceptable i him acts 10 34 35 lesson nuth l 11b jqhn 4 ftto acts 10 111- in rom i 14 oal 3 3d 30 fiuiulay prmi miliary itead all the orrlpture piiuaniien ilriv- inn from each iln contribution to tli subject n the leuion coniilder the people ot other iiie- whom you have known uiilvoincli- tlonn with them monday the nnhle maabltrhu ruth 1 1in ruth wai n uoirni oi the tribe of mnab a people eart i the lied qen akin to the laraplltm jut unfriendly to them and the inrnclllon were hoitllo uj them the ntory of naomi of bethlehem and itutli her duti ful daughtcrinlaw in one of the ewert- cnl in all literature iy her marrlnuf to iloaa nu tli becamr an anccatrciui of david tho greatcat king of the jews and through htm of jesuit christ phr deserved tlie honor because of her etronif and beautiful character and her treat ment of naomi and the treatment of her hy boas constitute a lovply object lesson in the way to llv with people of oilier races than our own tuesday the testifying samaritan john 4 510 tlie jowji drnplaed the bamarllana as they were part heather in origin and accepted only the peotn teueh of tlie hebrew ruble jews from qalllnewould often go a long way around to reach jerusalem without paiutlnn through ttamarla but ohrlct went through camarla and sitting by jacobs wjii entered into a conversation with a very sinful samaritan woman in th curse of which he enunciated some o thn most profound spiritual tnitlu dlxc justified his insight by becoming an tird- cnt tcntlficr for christ in samaria and many bellved because of her word wedneailay inters vision acts 10 141 cornelius fl noble hem an centurion was led by a vision to bnd for peter that he might lenm from lim the wny or ufa peter a atnunch u- would have felt himself polluted he even entered the house of a ocn- tile but he was led to go to cornelius by tlie vision of a great sheet let dowi from heaven full of animals held by the jews to be unclean and by hearing a voice from heaven bidding him eat of them to his horrified objectlonn tn voice replied what qod hath cleans ed make not tliou common bo he went to cornelius baptised him and hi household and learned by the comlnrr cf the ilely dplrlt that the act or brotherhood was pleasing taood thursday peters tesllmnny acts 11 ltfl tlie christiana in jeru salem hearing what peter had done were much disturbed but ho wont be fore them and told tlie wonderful story and made a strong plea for largeness of spirit hi dealing with men of other nations and races ills argument was so moving and convincing that his crit ics had no tiling more to say but prais ed ood because gentiles also had through repentance entered into etern al life this lias come to be tho spirit of true christians everywhere who re joice in nothing mora tlian in the spread of christianity among men of other races pruuy dbtr io all ham 1 14 paul writing to the romans from corinth declared that he was in debt to tlie wise and foolish to qreeks and barbarians the oreeks getting ready for the r101 st lluburt flying fiold adjoining montreal will noon bo one ol tho flnont trnnitportntlon contron in tlin country tn preparation for tho vlnit of tho tlrltlnli dirigible tlin 11101 tho moorintr intuit in hotnc ruulicd to rompktlon with adnruiatn tolophnno nntl othor communication mntipment a rocont irntlirinit of world- fomoun flyorn nt tlio airport wnn attcr over 10 00 nooplo and ovor 70 plnncn hiii wornhip mnvor camillion iroudu of montronl and col tho hon j l italiiton miniittur of notional defence dohvorod uppropnuto inaugural nduratitou adoqunto telophono fitciliticii will ploon tlio flying fit id within cany nccci of all parts of tho continont ramsey magdonaid goes home with v cs dread of asthma makes countless thousands miserable night ajltr night thn attacks return and ven whan brief respite is given the mind u itlll in torment from continual anticipation dr j ko hoggs asthma hcmedy changci all this ilellef comes and at once while future attacks are warded off leaving tho afflicted one in a state of peace and happiness ho once believed he could never enjoy inexpensive and sold al most everywhere thr pamlly herald at weekly btar lo well known as canadas ojuundlng fa mi and paper is launching an clhcr of their popular know canada contests in which 13000 00 are being given as prues tlie vtrst prise la i cum 00 kuril fifcek four pictures are publish ed- and readers ore asked to decipher th- canadian post offices they rspre- a nt it u u most interesting pastime rr nblnlng a great deal of real amuse ment und riitcrtatnmet with an oppor- itmlty of carrying on a very nice aum ol money in prizes it is a contest tliat will intercut every uiw of our readers and details of u can be had for the asking a letter lj th wijilly herald at weekly utar montreal will bring you all tlie particu lar and a sutiple oopy of tlte puper too uid of roure it does nut obligate you i called other peoples barbarians because uielrlanguageji sounded uncouth to them in comparison with their own beautiful la nothmg better than barbar that u a very good example of the spirit this lesson seeks to remove tlie debt that paul owed all men was tin- gospel of jesus christ which was given him to pass along and tlie debt was not paid until he had passed it on i all men as for as he could- saturday all one in chrlit oal 3 38 3d pauls christian love for all men ontlrely obliterated the thought of race differences there con be he said neither jew nor oreek ho felt that all men were one in christ and as christ was of abrahams need so wer they through christ they were heirs to all the promises given by ood to abraham and his descendants how tills spirit shames ua with our ignoble prejudices our scorn of thu and tliat race our refusal to look far good out side our own race or see it when it s plainly presented christ lifts all men ui tlie same plane all men who will accept htm as their bavlour completing hl3 hurried pence mission to the united slnun the nt him j ramsay macdonald prime mlnhur ol great britain sailed from quebtc fri day october 25th on the canndlnti pacific liner duchess of york which j made a special call at the ancient cupl- tal he is shown abovu on the surrounded by n group of nuvil v c vi srlvj m the itme rhp rivals f tlv cuii linn picllc uj nt liul tli sbnnqtltt tn lc jsvti novctnb olii bj i n h tin prince of avat- tu wenn or the coveted decoration although the ship sailed at 7 45 p m tin- cmbrkutlun uns made in tjrlgh 1 i ulchewn and cnpuln c n mitchell iirtlllrlnl cij light crtated by a piwcrlul inct captain r n stuart skipper un ntl ihlth inubled mnvlctanc op- th- duchess of york who will abio at- tutors tu nifilc hciind picture of the i und the princes banquet pjcial r fercwcll v cr in the plctur arc captain g d oeary aitrrcnptnln o p kerr rl toronto major t w aicdnvoll of london lt col o r pcnrkci of winnipeg captain b 8 and captain f fakes please c con- fares to poji iid you eveb stop to tliinlc oeorge l costmon president of tlie loa angeles chamber of commerce says that if every successful business man would devote a year to his community what the result might be the community would have the bene fit of talent and experience that the taxpayers could not afford to pay for out of public funds the community would go forward along all lines at an outstanding rate providing itself with ample streets and highways an adequate development plan and all those things which make a com munity one in which people like to live population would flock to it indus tries would bo drawn there and all the things a city needs to insure it a sound economic foundation would accrue to lt too often werltlchic tho people who accept public office yet if business men who have made a success of thelc business would devote a year to their community through some organised group such as the local chamber of commerce or other civic body such things political trlckbry gfart and malad ministration of public affairs would van ish a group of successful business men of a community espresslng their indlvldu- and collective views through such an organisation would make that com munity outstanding in every phase of community endeavor edison it wujt- shawnee oklahoma ic any way black fenckpoht tuuns pale at night a mans puujemont over a fencepou which ha had painted blacl lj which tunied while every night woa tlie starting point of u programme of re search which has culminated hi the dis covery of a number or chemicals having this remarkable chameleonlike property scientifically termed phototropy in- foimatlon retarding these chemicals has ow been made public by tho american chemical ooclety the famous fence- post was painted with a pigment hav ing a atnc basis it would turn butk sidii after sunrise each morning only to turn white again when darknriu canif many explanations have been given for the phenomenon but sclcntlsui arc not yet agreed as to the cause or it they have however found several other nub- staiicos besides tlie sine sulfide which was in tlie paint on the ihkt that will alio change color with the light uut tlie known uholntraplc liquid ur solution or colorless derivatl of cer tain dyes the solutions are pruetlt a ly colorless in the dark but turn the color of the parent dyr when exposed to llellt when were travelling and ductor comes nlonu and say please mont of us either hn or get on few lucky individuals may have pois es and there sire some who bum a rld on the mdi however these bum find surh transportation uncertain und unsatisfactory they would reach th- destination more comfurtablj mid iuni if they paid their way so life comet to ui with iittstrctclini hand andiays fares please lire issuer no piusscs on id road btil thero are many who evade paying their fare who evade life riiponslbiiiui s who accept citizenship ct shirk iu dutlei who do not try to live up to their passlbllltlei who do not develop the best within them but allow the groincr things to grow up like weeds and to choke otll tlie spiritual beauty of life who sponge- like accept thn good things of life with out attempting in any way to pay ther fare even by any slight service u ounr bo life jayr to you and to mi fate pleoiol and what ore we going to do about ltl we shall und life more satisfactory we shall be much happier if we pay in service in better citizenship in struggl ing on for the beat we know in pre paration and study for enlarged life and opportunity in inspiration to others and to self this b the fare life demands and when we do this we shall lmd our jour ney through lift while hard at llmei ond wearisome on the whole morj wholesome and when wc reach tlu urm- 4nal we shall look back over the journey with the satisfaction that comts onh fiom a lhc of service to ood and tn ninif fares please i the ildelity spirit do you pay yolin taxes many people client the government and go to church with an unrulllcd con science and the vvyitem christian ad- vcats methodist notina that people ate increasingly neglecting to pay their ti ics iin i the cheaters that a day if rccng ir ccmiitg will any on blush ui read thli from th advocate we icani that in one of our ncifhbor- in htnus the bltuatlun has become o iif rioua that taxcollecting has become a matter of approach to the individual injeed in one of the cities a movlng- i often has been requisitioned and joes out to u delinquent demanding ltrtion or furniture from the home this fihhmual vs skimuhlk for rork tuoduction the value of sklmmllk as a source of animal protein in the ration li well known to thee cnrfaccd in the raisins t bicon hojjs in many casc3 how- iuir uio supply u limited and a cult- br substitute is desired that will give gnod gains develop the right type of hog and be economical to purchase iii 102324 an experiment was car ried on ni tlie dominion experimental firm nuppan nova scotia wherein 24 hog were fed from weaning to ilnlah- lag on i f ruin ration containing 0 ishmial anolhei group hegs nees in relation to fruit growing strange situation what whs- ta the came grain mixture plus 1ij cimi over the american people u000 pnmd1 of kimmllk per 100 pounds iln re juiterlng from a letdown of grain mixture the ilthmcal fed that nppears all along the line of our group rained 05 pounds per day at a moral life why do not men pay their cost of 10 2 cents per pound whll les when they arc due why should i the lmmllki lot gained 04 pounds they miller such indignity as this at the i dally at a cost of 0 a cents per pound iiiic ol their government their i the llhmcal and skimmllk wer moral jjitse has let down their obll- charged at 100 00 and 14 00 per ton re- gallons to the state no longer keep them ktj ed up to tlie performance of their patriotic duties in the old days 1 uus n disgrace far a man to full to pay hu taxes what has become of the spectlj in 1026 two experiments were carried i in each case a check pen which received no animal protein supply woi included in the test the average dally sense of personal dignity and fear of i gains recorded were as follows flahmeal public- disgrace what arc men doing fed lot l 25 pounds sklmmllk fed lot with their money arc they spending i i i pounds and uic check group 03 it on luxuries are thrjthayjjig their pounds the average costs per pound automobiles und thjtff radios and a u u 0 70 cents lor uie flshmeol thousand other things tliat arc in the f tots 7 57 cents for the sklmmllk pujentday fumlihlngs at the expense j lots and 0 30 for the check lots of paying their taxe- and otherwise per forming their duties as citizens the primary object of keeping bcet la to secure irom them a crop of honey but this li notall that may be giilju d through thili lleca secure their llvlti and a turijtrr crop of honty for their owner almost entirely from lliwcrs and because of thb fuct thty are of equal ccunomlc importance to the prtithireri nf seed and fruit an they are to the bee keeper himself a crop of fruit run- not be 0btnlnrduulii3 tlte hltioius lit l become fertilised and this li acuim- pllshrd by transferring pollen fiutu in blouuim to imotliit it has been prov ed that most of the fmlt bearing tie or bushes are either suf all rile or in compatible to their own pollen all thtm will yield better ci crossed with pollen from ejnic oth vurtety il has also been proved thill wind plays little or no purl hi the ill trlbutlmi of fruit pollen but that in t accta are the lltol ellertive ugehu fo j thb purpose koine xrlnu ntiil wirr i done with plums at the central cxpek mental farm ottawa showed that whin l insocu were excludfd from the uvci dm- lug the blossoming pi runl no fruit wai obtained but wheru honey b i i liad ae- i ciis to the lowers u good crop wi- ut ed wild bees are uho elf i th llliiallnif utfents hut llirlr nunibrrs l cannot be controlled u ivere wlnti n way ntlucc their number ronsldi rablj but honey bees being wintered ow r in u oloiiles and i upnbli of being moved mm place to ptaee may be distributed in through the orchards desiud it in iokeign luxuries now made in amlrica thb buslnes9 of tarlft dodging seems to work both ways kir us the new york journal of commerce notes just is american manufacturers are carrying tin lr planls their proccuca and their patent- abroad europeans are slmul- tiiuouly shifting their capital patents and procvsis to the united states the tlnul ixtcnt and direction of this inove- iniiil will depend we read on the vol ume of the demand as well as tin height or the tariffs that are to be evaded a the new york daily proceeds the combination of our rapidly -ox- pindliig inarki ts plu- our high tarlfli 1 out that oilers especial attractions lo foreign mauufacturtrs of itumry good itto ilnd in tilt united tjuua extra- ordlurlly profitable uutlcls uaiiufoc- turi und sale on the spot muy in fuct bi tli otili ohilloii for french coin- i ipliinu of the heavy taxts in which uilu that p ilunu- toilet articles and alnillai in 1027 two more experiments were conducted the gains were slightly lower with lhe flshmeal groups than with those fed sklmmllk but bath lots showed itrcatcr gains than the check pens in all of the experiments outlined the hogs in the flshmeal fed lots were actual ly us good or better in type and finish than those fed sklmmllk and bith lots showed marked sujicriorlty ov r the check lota the 1027 fed hogs wert gitded by a representative of the live block branch and the results were as foljown flsh meal group 00 selects 10 shop hogs i sklmmllk groups 00 selrrli 20 thick smooth check groups 50 select 30 thick smcjth und 20 shop hogs results of all cxpcrl- averoglng the till rettet upon linimirtutlon untry of he ii i llig perfume concenis 1 ili willi bamlk i in l lib cmtu- lmlaii luul othrr paru ui lurope uli mily found that its amerlcuti bit vs i j bt coming so prepoudern that i nu a subordinate hnmrh has end- it it coining the main unit of th- ul lunn ii thb rase the mplltl nu us well u1 the centre or busine h thn a ua m shift to the llnltul ii u 1 lie miestlon then urbes when v j ti tielgn luxury bitrome a dmncitlc u 1 lie rtrc md and more serlouj iu- jiuul i 1 wtiii guai ant ten xll that pat- i nil formula- linjuirlcd uito tile ud mtuu- will jilui good identical kind luul nuallty with the vanbhed i meuli it was found that the hogs fed i lib meal gained 1 01 pounds ier day thoc on tklmmllk 005 ouml- und uie i check lou 007 poundi nt u rost iter piund gain of 0 5 0 13 and 0 04 cents 1 reipcctlvrly lhe digestible protlen in the flshmeal cost 0 cents per pound if the bklmmllk is i hargi d at the same rate it would p worth sa7g pel ton instead of 4 00 mid lhe nt- per pound gain would be ii n eints in lead of 0 is fbtimeal un- nljhiu 0 totiu protein or 0j digest ible protlen und telllng ut su0 00 to 5100 00 it ton is diii of the cheapest protein feedi on the market at the presuit time and if fed at the rate uf i to u of the meal ration will glvi iooiv galti and develop u goinitypi and will linthd bjiijn hoi piovullng a bal uiired ration b fed fnitu the expi rlnienl i iibin outlined i is rccummeiuled to the man itowlng mirki t hogs and ha limited mippty of sklmmllk ut- iperliiiliiiiil farm notii rutuuk wars iriioshiulk for filt gmweri who ur not bi ajrlin drcaslng fur wuuinl in son f till am workshops iiuuulle in id keiprs themini to hire tolunli rnui bonn- bcekeiper during blooming pulod upt or ue in raiititlliig wound an kiuwlnu tliat lli inimiire or bus n uit su tallied by the workmen k tin lr on hard luen iuv the pohlbuin in i lo kip on imnd a bottle of u for a betur nii of fruit lpi iimeiitil llii ma i ittilegll it is just u par m note ijulil in in lun und ill a nut ar tl lr milli r s w mi 1ivwliii needed tin uupport of tesllmonlal they luiiid be got 1 hut ol a ltllokin illirllh n from mntliim wlio know tin- ireul lrtiii- of this i urellrnl nnnliilni uut thi womi n alwiy iuy tiny an joungi litwdern will peak lor unmehi unci hi suih ii way tlmt lime an be im than liny nully an n riiliuiy 1 iirniulil my llnanii ciihhlion of tin in they in t speedly in llmi wllh il pearl lor every yei mid thoroughly mid the child to whonj if h i llfn lidit he said tdie was lv thry are udiulnlsten 1 will lum lminne- yuiift older thiin he wu lien hum illult flolll ull iln1 duuu mudildj jft within twiiily years rlleinleal war- iue reached u stage where no it powerful nation would to attack a small rutin try like 1 d ninuk said liofesor k nernut oer- n ililiuist and noiiel prla- winner hi he was at coi nhageii as a dele to the national icli m c aigris nt aid piofiwior nenist will wr- ihroitgh ui tlettt niv i forsee that 1 1 w iii be en ated m w w eapotis ot h li hal horror that one party will iioin attaltng tin other only hi i vay will ii hi polblc to kill war in i lini iigit aw that lle knew niif a in ami kliew that peai e id not tu iktlilivid by iicrapi of paper knew thit feur appealid to thn ltu- hnuii ipiautudi nin try flavoury blend when nexf you order tea fresh saatui the garden tax notice 1929 municipality of acton second instalment novemker 15 any ratepayer may pay the whole- of his tokos on or before oeptfinber jo hut onehalf tlie amount must be paid on or beforo that date pallurfl to comply with thin arrangement rntallu extra expense and trouble an addition or five per cent wlllbe made to every tax rata or asseiifluirnt remaining unpaid fourteen doya after the ibth day of november for the ceoand instalment and it will be tlin duty or the collector immediately after tlie said several day appointed for payment to eollcejat once by dutreju or othcrwbc under the pnivlilonn of the btatutc in that belialf alt tuch taxci or instalments of taxes ilfasl take yotilt tax notici with you- viiin making payment r ylpherson collector time tables at aotom nadian nationalthailways fluiiduy 6nly l3 pin dlly except lluntuy 70 mn dally rxept uuuday lsolpjn dally except ilunduy fllf pirt dally nxcfpt uunday 81b pjit gianm wl fhindy only 1031 ajn dally except uunday mq m dully except uunday 330 pm dally except qunduy floopiti caw am ah kationak mmcvluc uaiavh wlboiad dally except ounday j 817 njtt daily i 1017 aja dally 1317 pm dully 3l7plrt dully k i 17 pm dally fl17 pjn dolly vxcept duifday 717 pjn dally bnvml dally 1017 pw dally ia17 aja eakutaaaa 00111 except dunday 8oo w dally except ounday 7 j4 jn tuitjr- judib ljujatuljr 434 dally 030 daily dolly dally daily dally dally dally 134 pmu 334 pjrl bjipjh 734pm 0j4pjh hjipjri torniu ventdtthl ll btrei and hi- cuy ayd yreluht delivered by apecud rxpmu frolfiht tvohjlit picked up nt tuiy ya dru in toronto children have to chew it and they lhob the crisp shreds shredded whea with till the bran of the whole wheat you dont have to coax children to chew shredded wheat the more they chew it the better they like it and that means sound teeth and healthy gums just tic food for crowing youngsters so delicious andsixeagyjo serve wtfltbauttj due at acton daily at 1005 m- 4 05 p m and dally except oturdayi oundays and holiday nt 700 p m on uaturdoym sundays and holidays only at- 10 05 p m east bound dally at 025 a m 13 0j p m and 735 prn gyproc makes old homes young by nailing the smooth rigid fireproof gyproc sheets right over the faded walls and ceilings and then decorating you can make tlie oldest homo look new and handsome life insurance bulldlns up your ufa iniuranc praermmma la an important part of your obturations to yourwlf and family it therefore demand care- ful carudderatton we deal in life insurance only and we ore qualified and pteaud to advlu yod on your prnt or futura profitamme consult tjs no obuoaun frederick te wright itbruj uia ahwuraua c- t bi cataaaa pnone imj itesldence ualn gtreat acton r for sal a by j b mckenzie acton ont here is one cause of linens busy time wasted anyone tryinc to call tlili telephone will b told by the operator lines buy but the line ia not busy it ii really idle someone at the other end of the office in wanted and the telephone waits thero until he arrives the idle telephone with its receiver off the lioolc ia a common cause of lines buoy ond a com mon cause of uncompleted calls which are waat- inji two million minutes every day in ontario and quebec other causes of unnecessary lines iluay are inadequate office equipment long conventions during peak hours trying to repeat too coon alter tlie busy report and askino an other to get your party for you many offices may not need more telephoneo but they do need to have their present telephones more conveniently located ywrmay bo lonlns calls because your line is thus busy but realjy idle and you may be losing business wc want you to have the bent possible telephone service und we arc nuking every effort to provide it we are ready at any time to survey your telephone equipment and submit a report new trlcphona 7ant und fl rvirc imiroin motifs uitll mi ii ii mi uufny for ljjd iilouc of more aoji t j ooo ouo s avage uperior ervice by evehy standard op comparison savages glasses are better 1 its new we have it a d savage r 0 eye3iairr opeciaunt savage duilouva gtjexjhi right at the pafit ocfict open ewry wjnesdsy afternoon as an ousuuiiisd pjra w ur hi a pauuui ta glv itea ui uau usultat srvle savage 8c co jewellers lowejb wyndham stoket diamonds whan yba kaalra ons w have only ona qsauty tub hs watches tirakaepra uist you can djmaj oa yei uojaraulj prtosj watiucan9 and pasjeeks pnb and pknckls ilepolrin and iteawwlelunir done in our workrooaifl yfca only home she knowi ijttlo blua oyed nubuni li1retl draclo wu bini in lib lotinini llaj- pltnj for ttiaumiti on win ru liar inuuior mil yul in her iwiilln in iiatlont i im only luimo iiu in liaa vr kiiiiun tr la uuuly kw for iiuit tliuu lo cn mo is llin cjuonu mrx lltmipltai ami lro voiilnrluiu no alia lias not iut nuithof nllmmit but uonstaiil ini la nucuod lint sho iuy not dovtlup uio liihao tlomutlilfa alio h 1 itii imr i liar am ti ui uiu ilnlly ihiliii nt 1 liuaa hoalillala in lliulr mo tmllni ho- aavlutf work your halu la uroiuly udi will ollctfo ulruot luroiitu h

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