Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1929, p. 3

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tbtltxjiiinm ft rrnir niiiutav nfvmin ai idjo uiom mil- tuakn i watch uh welnllnridn luirrylnit and woiidir whltlnr d i ih y iij and how tin vilillnr tmrlrnlng foil can iw a iir mill jrt i hi i l the cornfield i churn in maned phalanx tlw orchmdn ninrrh lu j dy ranlu the rnrliir pine in i it n u r tn ud upon a thlrtlen purpli hi ad it wrinii ui slrailil ui mi ui limil io nulling h mi uh r hand an ii ii nil i with di nth and darn mt fn inp ir hrenth hut now a t wd v it t innkt and lit p ctttra hurrying up eijw down th blngui v to let mini folk f rl on hi- train llmi nitully hiirrlia on nun in and vft i wond dtwn it rncm to ul tlie thlnga that pait me ntn 1111 tlimt tjy tunrt rtlll while h li i vllio tio w wildly hi rrylug by ilut amcwhrrr far ahintf thi track i know uint home conns hurry inn back and all i have to do it clt hero on the train and wait lor it i know that mother will be there do wlial they think i do not card lly victor utarbuck menu dfiiits bueljea f at nw anj nfrwl okbti llsewj idoas atti by buy llarcuy hduon an daint1vs continental houwwlvco have composed nmc or uw most dellelaiu recipe now belntf followed in tilln country hero arc two which you may or may not know of hut which mot ot you will try again and ajfnln after once uelng qinclcen a la italy 1 4 c cooked shredded chicken c cooked shredded ham c cooked cpaghcltl 1 botoii green pepper clircddcd v red pimento 3 thpa butter 3 c cream 3 ess yolka 1 ltp aajt i up paprika 2 munh rooms chopped nne gunmer cowly green pepper mush roam and butter in a covered dish add bam chicken and paprika and cook together 3 or 3 mlnul3 add spaghetti pimento cream and salt boiling about 4 minute ulx yollcn or egos with ahlupaans or cream and stir into the mixture take off fire at once deutciiland sour i1eep 3 cupa water cup lemon juice teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon pepper 1 bue onion 1 carrot 3 pounds cheap cut of beer cut anion tn thin slices cut carrot in strip odd water lemon juice salt and pepper and pour over uic beef and leave over night praln meat put in small agate pan dxetlge meat with dour and put in hot oven until flou u brown add one cup of the water in whlcii meat was soaked and cover elottly bake slowly and when half done add vtlu6a drained from water and continue uus oooklnff adding mora liquid as ocedfld when tender remove to serv infdlsh and thicken gravy of which there tliould be one cup with two table pocu flour mixed with two tablespoons cold liquid add if desired onefourth cup sour cream rut vegetables around the foer and serve gravy io a sauce boat the lemon julco helps very much to make tough meats tender 1cutauds and kiddies a cuiuxd or any similar light des sert is usually much better for children than heavier desserts furthermore audi a dessert la almost invariably rel ished by he clilld here arc uuxc that are very economical and easy to prepare yet lhcy will prove delicious orakoe puddojq 1 cup bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter 3 cups scalded milk 3 efts yolks 13 cup sugar juice 3 oranges orated rind 3 oranges book bread crumbs butter and scald ed milk thirty minutes then add egg yolks fasatsn with sugar and orange juice and rind pour into a buttered pud- dingdlsk and bake in a moderate qyen until ana cover with meringue a boy mlsblngets wotiihu iitjic movqurr whrn the planun time la over an there comes a rainy morn in when tlie grass 1 trrowln greener an the sky is lookln gray when the robin on tile rldgrpolc lb u frcttin out a wamln that b jes the kind o weather that was father n realm day when he stretched out on thn settle an tlie summer harvest planted an i seem to smell the lilacs that were retttulon tlie stand there was gatherln in the buckets when uic sugar run was over an nliarpenln tile fence posts for the llsln a the lines there was clean in out the plump logi o the roots o grass an clover an trlmmtn out the orchard an a- tyln up the vines an it all comes back co natural i can sec my mother a hand a breakln oil lho lilacs tor the dish upon tlie stand there wft3 serdln down the oatflold an tumln up the furrow an tumln o the brush an dlttgin o the weeds an the rettin on o towrcr wheh hu found a wood chuck s burrow willie i fallowed in the com he id with my dish o punktn seeds an it reined no kind o peaceful when the uiowcr wail led the land ail father nad his paper tetfflhe lilacs on uic stand through the busy time wo watched thi brook a playin an awishln a cultin cherry fish poles an think in o the bolt until on fathers reottn day we got our chance aflshln an when we fallowed down the stream an come in wet an late an showed our string to mother eye aalowln faces tanned she urallcd an laid her knltttn by thi lilacs on the stand oh tht plan tin days o boyhood when there come the rainy momln an the misty kind o weather t was father a res tin day when ye sec old age abendln as it sounds its note o wamln an yer cares are gettln heavy yer hair is turn in gray how ye find the heart alanaln fo touch o mothers hand an a chance to smell the lilacs that wrc u on the stand florence josephine iloyce a lhuc messenger boy in london show ed such unusual ability and faithfulness la hlididly work last winter that one of his employers wagered that he could cross the atlantic alone carry letters to hew ltork philadelphia and chicago tullvr uwm and returning on the same aliip bring the answers back to london with no other instructions than thou given htm at starting so prompt hu employer contended he would be that ha would beat uic transauanuc molls the wager was taken and early uic next morning the htuc lad who wa- but thirteen and who never before hoc been out of london started far south ampton and boarded uic 8l louis bound far america lie arrived in new york and immediately after landing had dc llvend his nrst letter and token a re oelpt far 1l lie was a picturesque figure in ids uniform and wlui his tiny hat on one side of ftlf head in two noun he left now york for chicago 4lie raxt morning where he delivered his letter and start cd to return uic some day he ac oampuglied his errand tn philadelphia and reached new york lu time jo gu home on the st louts tlie oddity of his errand attracted at tcntlon and american messenger boy and reporters waited for him at everj turn dut there was samcuuiuj mon in uie boy and in his success aomi- uilng worth uie notice of every lad who too hopes to succeed tn life little joggers bad a cleur head and quick perceptions but he was nut in uus least smart or sharp or push tng lie was a modest genue lad ex tmuely courteous wlui a low quiet vulct answering every kindness wlui a dc lighted laugh but bo kept to tils duly as loyally as any auidlcr who umi tht victoria cross anouier secret of his nucclu and ni uie favor lie rccllvcd was his luck uf vanity and his colmncaa he did n n hurry or swogicr but went on qulitly about ills business lite uilrd secret wrs tits politeness the american nicss4ngir boys ware quite astonished wiien lie sumd at attention and touched his cap when lie was addressed but m consequence of uiese qualities no one met the little saiallsh boy who did not become hb frund and try to do tame thing to make ids task easy difficulties vwiljied bi fans hbn i tiavc liod much kindness shown to nie ha said and many lioppy soylngi liave been spoken to nic my mouicr will be glad to bear tlyni when uio niodrst fellow sallrd auay faithful bayuli yu wrll maiuicrnj umic of ui people who notlcid him wonder ftd if uie old mouicr country did not boumi same uilugs which uic rtpublll knight well envy licr high visibility paotuj wtm live ui glaia houas tlumlil not throw partial life oiunduh iokoo clove apple here is the children s story i promised a ucek or so ago when i was a boy it was fashionable here in acton as elsewhere u make clove apples and grandma icing had made one to keep in her bureau drawer with her caps and neckerchiefs and laces to give them a sweet odor grandma iclng was very particular about this upper drawer tilllc knew it suu many umcs when no one was in uic room she pulled it open a crack just enough to squeeze in her brown hand an take out the clove apple to take long deep sniffs of its rough sweet ades i am afraid that tlllie coveted that apple one day when grandma was out in tht garden to see if her sage roots were alnterkllled tillle scudded into grand ma s roam to uie bureau drawer she hod not smelted of uic apple for a week and oho really longed for it slcg her little dog followed on behind tillle pulled open uic drawer care fully co as not to joggle uie cap bard era that were standing up stiff and straight all in a row she drew uie apple out of its neat in the black lace cap and squeezed licr little pug nose into it as far as she dare somehow the nest moment she dropped it and siege standing ready to engage in any mischief at hand seized it and ran wlui all his might bis great cars flap ping and his tall whirling around ant around in delight after the first fright tillle ran after him shouting drop itl drop it slcg and slcff would drop uic hitter uilng at the word of command but as soon as tillle would come near he would catch it up and run round behind the woodshed where ho and his lltuo mis trcso played many tyi hour doge uier he won arrived there dropped the apple and cat down ready for a tea party or airy thing that tillle pleased to do nut uie opple kept rolling down ui- hill to the creek where tuilc hod uwl annsophln her best doll and tie of her playuiuifrs the provoking thing she knew that was where uie apple was going too and ahc ran as hnrcr as she could but it rot to the bonk of uic creek before her tilted for a moment uien went liver into uie stream and disappeared then she sat up and cried and i am sorry to say boxed siege s ears well she told no one about it onrt grandma did not discover her loss till hen ohe went ij look tor a clean cap hut tillle bud been making plans and that morning ohe got liermlslon to go over to uncle joes to stay all day and she did not ask to put on her clean frock nor her bet shocj which her mother thought queer that ni when lie come home her unru achid and her head ached and licr face was very red grandma was certain that 11 was an attack of worms nd would give tillle a big dose of pirky which made uie little girl tairly groan but atle shut her eyes hard and took 11 bravely then lie laid her mother all about i iw she had lost grandmas clove apple and how sorry she was and how she had worked for uncle joe planting corn nd pumpkin seeds all uic jong hot ui tor iiiom y wlui which the had b ught cloves at mrs becord s con tore and now would mamma help her make nnouicr clove apple for grandmaf me uhc would und inanini kl jw d the poor little sunburned nnt derly and then while she vrry kind j rebuked thr meddlesome spirit which prompted her to open tin drawer wlui out leave she pointed out to mile how e mint jooncr or later suffer for our long doing tk uie iilw clovi apple ii nist was in tht black lace cap and tuilc got one or her own uiat clranma icing made from the biggest itoxtiury uusct in uie uvc all temptations auhrliovt jntiu lii linril iiij of the null iiwomun at c ounti r of u gr tit retail lore ui olti n ri ml red w i hiirdi iiumin by 11 m kindly urln of fellowuurkom and roi tliuu hy tin itmrronlty of mm1ylrii it it not liifrtqiitit the ran thut u i at tlulr mi li in tht j o ntarm win i nut i ironit i iiniigh to do the work nnipi rly uiidt nilch elrcumntanrl th public uliieh mill l tie nrrvrd in gem rally leci indulgrut thnn tlie employer at a not n tall rtorn in ifcmum tin girln at the glove counter work aim rii connt intly in fit tin if gloven to cuntonit r liun 1 1 the work in arcl in for thr snjiiiwoiitaii murt iran over the countn in tloliijt it and hi r bark c f ten a hi v lth thn nlrnln upon it at nne of thoc glove cruntcrs a ycun girl wus employed who wan lu ennnump lion tbiiiiith perhaps neither nhr no her relatives wen fully nwarc of uie fie though rhe knew ohi won 111 fthe h il tuleu to iciive on iwrtlt for the lou o oiil of her parents and a suliyiquun l marrlaqc had mad uic clrcumstancei of her home life unpleasant to her and she did not know where nho should turn for the six dollars a week which the earned the tunchra whirh she brought to the store indicated extreme poverty or i unklndnens at home and the other girls at her counter often ohared uielr lunch- ci with her pressing upon lier the most nourishing and dellca bits that they had brought ode day she came la the store looking unusually pale and weak and when an exacting customer required her nervlcen in fitting gloves she woo slow in making the effort which customer a woman seemed diapered to enact the customer scolded and passlb j the girl weak and 111 answered impertin ently at any rate the customer went to the superintendent and complained sharply or the salcrwomans conduct i m very carry madam said uio superintendent but the girl la hi to day then she ought not to be hero said the lady there was nothing more that could be said but that there was no unklndnens on the part of the saleswoman a super nrr is evident from the fact that wluiln a day or two her case was reported to the head or the firm mr jordan as oni worthy of benevolent action bend her to me cald mr jordan the poor girl turned pale when die wan told uiat mr jordan wished to see her and became suddenly faints ohe fiared that her discharge a uilng much mare to be dreaded than any hardship of her dally task was coming dut ahu uas quickly assured that no harm would come rp her tlie proprietor questioned her kindly about her work her family and hcalui learning from her uiat she lend friends in maine he asked her to ascer tain how much it would cost her to go ihluier when slio had learned ur jordan gave her money for her fare and expenses and not only this but paid her wagea regularly until two montlis later her strength failed her utterly and death come iii making an ice well sometimes uic simplest developments an the last oneo to occur to man is interesting to note uiat a simple meth cd of refrigeration of use on forms or in the country is only now being invcsu- gated in this age of farm electrlflcauon and mecluvnlcal refrigeration those nlio have passed much time in the coun try hi the summer will tell you that one of the greatest inconveniences the lack of rcfrlgcrauon and ycta ready means of overcoming this has apparent ly been available all these years this method is in uic socalled ice well such wells it appears have only been iued lii parts of saskatchewan canada but lust year the department of agrlcultui buut one and have used it through uil the well is merely a hole in ground about eight feet square this bole is boarded up on the sides with clilop lumber and each day dpring the riecxtng weather a small quantity of water is allowed to run into it in uils particular cae a block of lec eight feet square and six and a half feet uilck was built up over uie winter in spring it was closed up ughtly a lth double flooring with building paper be tween uie luyers much depends upon having this floor tight so that clrcula uan or air is prevented the wall was used dally tor cooling cans of milk which were let down into the pit by muuei of a pulley apparently the well will give service until freezing weather again arrives lliis ccenv jlke u ready and cheap mcuiod of solving the ice problem on northern forms and in places where re filgemuon over uie summer is not avall- it lias cheapnes to recommend and would appear to be simpler than cutting lee in the winter and storing it if it is handy to u water cupply it re quires practically no effort whatever to tore ice in this manner suttthilfc playhilnlbs one aspect of the new paper money uue lias received too lltuo attention in your eutcrncs- to acquire ulo bills w hlch for a time will be curious n something new do not forget that in a muntli the current bills will become curious as something old and rare then you will be glad to possess some will you not ou do not positively hove to tun the old bills in keep back u trunk tull o 5 sis s20 and si 000 bills li tew yeara you can exhibit them to tonlsh your friends and your children will appreciate having something utilqui to play wlui detroit news tii for the smart woman smart til rs if one fi mure is pood fashion ie chrcs i her of them nuy tic even lictler and tj uc hive cliirminj ly feminine frt clci prctcntitif row upon row of circulir flounce notice in the model shown licrc how the flounces ire employed to tlevclonn lictnlinc tint dips mi e icli side nnd now the curved on line nf the top flounce finds its crtiinterpirt in the ornamrnlit curved seinwif i fio- rrntest dc ire tuunr inch scimini tn effect a sur pnsinr ticaitlv nf lin- t nrtlier new details arc found in the flitlerinfr imv nt the neckline and thr licit at nornni waistlmc slats diary dy roso pajtquhail friday aro little home was very dls comfortable this cvnlng to the jr mem ber of arc fomly when i not home frum nkool this p m on acct of sum grades i get witch dlddcnt meat with mas a proval hhe seamed in think that my ovrldgo wosrent near high cnuff ad she got news about ccvral d merits i got all co dut i dont see why ohe shud ought to wlrry about my grad am the 1 witch has got to sufer by falyurc satcrday i uiot we all et t and tc go to the pitcher show tonltc was a going to the show wile went to a oomltty mealing but when pi found out it was u tawky pitcher he woodent go becauc iil bed he cuddent rleep when uiey was a tawk lni so we stayed home and i hi the hay crly becoj i can t stay nwaki just thinken about a pitcher sunday they woj a new kid in an cli jj at sunday skool today and hi looks to me like he li a tuff bird and we dlddent play enny joaks on him yet till wc no u little more about his dlipn ibhun the tecchcr told him hoped ohe would meet him in hcvln and he cd well if you arc a reel good gurl and dont sware mebby you will have sum luck i guess we wll le him alone ror a wile munday pu was leclsherlng me to nlte becur i ben tn a ntc he aed when ever you jjet mad you must try not to say etiythltik mean nor strike a lick uul if you don t say enny thtiin mean nor joke sum buddy why it proves that you an not mad hie uaj about a j a dozen of us woi rtivltid down to liilunus house uinlti and et pop com and apples on acct it wus his berthday and i tryed to dance with the flrli but liny was very jxjor dancers and there ft wie all ways a get ling under mine wcnsday i he teexher ol whut was u cenntcnlal and when jake held up tils hand die red wlii joke what u it an1 sed a cennti tilal is a wlmi with n largo amt of legs and all so ft and u most gnrelly all wayi called a 1000 egled wlrm thlrsduy they has ben robera in town so las nlte i tuk my sixty 0 cu and hid it in my stocken and throwed it in uie corner careless and then layed awoke nlte watching the j lock en no robber cum no use hi den the munncy wirk for 0 fashions for the smart woman barrel grandma said our older readers will remember quite nadily tin clove apples which were so pipular ilfty years ago wlun nearly every h iuse kkvised one hie younger folk will be interisted in rcadbig uir story about the fad of tht day z 9ga 1 lakinc im im um iuiii pr in tes iki j uriiv as our of tlie out taiul mt i itl nhioli features thee litur fnviloim llirtl sectn ui aic uell in le cimi with i lie new riniimuty aiiuii rulrs tlie tinkle mtrcovcr m w tlut waimlmii uc ctuiluiiiel hj liells the hjre t f the jirpliiui ert ii i riiiitrjmnij n le to jcunt ih titled lint m the wuist i hr nun ual lepliim tin tht f tih k ah iwn heir n rut nlmrt at th i nt aiildil it lh lul n llirr i iimwi ik tut i i liliixirt mi n the use i f front i v f to mtlililiite f r a mir lli immiilr i mils ic f the uilf faljijijs the revrr an lngusii lllctric hfcatut nfeui iladutora arc used that arc ai ways only comfortably warm a new method or heating hofofi tn oftlcei by ekctrlclty using metal radii tors which are never more ulan com f jrtably warm but which arc very ef liclnt ui use of clcctrlr current u bi lug introduced in lnglaiid by the city of imtlon llrctrlc lighting company oidlnary electric heateri the wires of which arc hot enough to shine use iimn uinn twice as much electricity for th name heating effect the company s en glneern hiive round as do the now dark rtdutjr which t mit pure heat with eul wasting energy in light i he electricity pas ej through metal ill ts and warmj these to a tempcru turo sumewhut b low that of bollnn wuter air lu contort with this nietil h thus wunu d and rises just as h doet when ui contact with a radiator hen 1 tiy water or steam this warm i is n placed by colder air from nt lower part of uic room so uiat n gintle circulation of both uir and heat li mulutaliii d an ordinary office room can bi ktpt warm twenty four houn a day it is hluttd at a cost of levi than 1j ceiiti uuo uovlnu the coat of bring tug hi fuel tending nrei luirt lem iv ing omm nee relatively few ungilch biiudtngi have funiacea or other arrangements for cmtrol heating di jh ndciice being usual ly upon fttivu or grati fins the new elretrle licutir ure ckjiecud to be iwpu iso d a tm a ta u d u y a a u a a u a ld q 13 a a a lj a ia a a a a a u a li a li c id rj n a n u u a u d n n u a u a u a u d u a lj a li a u a u n u n lidd dn dddtntaddtldaddtildddd tiaaana gaaoa a aaadapdrja now we can supply you with purina chows the profit building feeds in checkerboard bags feldlus of poultry tint live stock around acton will be clad to know itnt thty lim now find the complete line of tht well known purina chows in our stori lor iomt time wc have been investigating vnnous lines of commercial feeds v l have become a local authorized purina distributor because we are convinced tht purina chows will mqkq more money for you who feed tarm animals tor 3s years purina chows have been lowering feeding costs increasing egg production putting more milk into the pail putting more weight on hogs and steers and sheep in quicker time keeping horses and mules in finest condujiion for hard work whit purina has done elsewhere it can do right nround here a n d tj d m d d j d lj- a u a u d u ij d y y ej u d l1 a a et d lj a a d a complete line for all feeding needs n o matteit what you re feeding or how you ii find thntfpthhaa chows will fit your needs if you want a hog rution to make your corn worth more there s pig chow and hog chow if you have no home grains ond need a complete hog feed there s hog tatcna so too dairymen can get just the right purina mixture to go with alfalfa hay or mixed hay or whatever they may have and poultry raisers will find here the proper fued for chicks for growing pullets and faying hens steer feeders sheep men horse and mule owners all can find extra profit in the checkerboard bag tlie hrst carload of purina has just arm cd in acton stop in and examine the largest selling poultry and slock feeds in america largest because they do make more monoy- for the feeders come in and let us explain the purina plan of fecdin and how it helps you make more money or phone and wc will be glad to come out to your plaee acton flour mills d h lindsay acton ontario lhoni 7l the store with the checkerboard sign u d u lj u l3 u u d u d li d lj lj lj u folks past 40 should read this it j mi in t troubled wlui u liurnuiu niutl in bladdi r weakness ireuucut dully oiuioyuiiee getting up nlglilt dull paltii lu hack lower abdomen uiid down thrc ugh groin- you tdinuld try uiu amazing value of ur liouth worth j urutabs at unre and sec what a won derful dim relici tin y tilukel if this gnuie old formula of u w it known phy- it tun brlni s you uie swift and eutlsfy- ln eonihirt it has brought to deoeiis of utli ri you sun ly will be tliunkful and vi ry well phuitrd if it loci not sutlsfy th druggist that jupnllid you with uiutubi l uuthorljei to ri turn your uintii y on tin hrnt box purchuied lhli lit vi i you a lull 10 days tet of ui utabs u ltliout ruk of cost utluui pint id with rinulu if you would kn iw tht joyu of peueuful re tful nlttp und u iionual huullliy hladder start tills tiut ui day any good druggut can supply you gas on stomach is dangerous cjaa jpaln bloating and sourness after cuung ulmont always mean too much acid in the stomach the condition ts dangerouh acid irritates the stomach lining und may lead to ulcers oas forma nnd pc3cs against the hevrt the rttmach needs an alkaline dlsur a ted magnesia powder or tablets is thu ideal method of getting safe quick lust lug relief ii neutralises the exc i acid sttcetini the stomach breuk up tli gas uteris uic pain i ml tuumui iood dlgosts naturally ii must give prompt relief or money back ai druggula evtry where lio sell it on this iron clad hilar antee how to remain voung learn to ftlox dun t right ultli younch ktep shy of inlt rnui friction dont waste urni in viiiiitlut thouglil t never gee you anything but troubh ud futility dont feel tilal tht ii id li tct again i and don t it t youi- ili tulllvute tli tlon you n a urenl iliiom for a e jiaruphia- rs of tin bt autlludea huv nit ed li hi uln p t lh nothlni all the bran you need all the food you need shredded flr hi shall notht dl npp tint d i will recill how man years ago tit or old dad tt k nir aside mie day r nay uw wrinjiiil jiu uccaut mhui as ou mil h getting even lin lh n t buuiifl i bi someone purity fruit cake how to get better results in cake and pastry baking a laliuij arwt rir i mt li llotir uo 1 i ill uily 1 ll iillk i t- 1 1 ih il a1 iju walei iulcwai i d uu ak c ill lay iiwiltt kunjcf nlv rcli lor luliv altclla ui 3 cu a 1 uiit pi t u si tr k i nilt u rup ah f inltuie 1 illc 1 r my r llltf it willi iia wulcr ii 1 ll itii u lliiunutily iity 1 r i a tiil i ny use hall butter and ball laid using qilllj aulr trnm uwlul wlm bard wksal iurlly itour boa tlu uielu anj quail ly lo mat idt an your lllag gi asxli f ra yur lwvr tojsy heat with all the bran of the whole wheat hat it with milk or cream and ou have a complete perfectly balanced meal calcium formakini bonca and teeth vita mm i for health arid strcnuth bran for needed roughage and eo tasty nd easily digested itgmved0arcte our stock i now complcti and reiidv loi sin i nif mid it is one of the most vui led lilies vi mine ivu piesintti i lie prices in nil eases include the priiuiiif of jt ur n tine md nctdic uci the curds and they ure complete uith iiiuli in iniuij c ises beautifully lined i he prices are from 1s0 to 275 per dozen ijower comparative iricts on iarkir rdtrn wc defy any mail order house oi eoucern to olut oti lieit r vulues than we arc prepared io show ou mul i u can see exactly what you uie securing the acton free press aeron oniaino

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