Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1929, p. 1

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lmti j i ili lihli vt tiiuksday fvining hkckmukk acton ontario canada thursday fanning dncbmbffi 5 1020 six homeprint pajjcs five cent fflfitrrli srruitrfl llntlrii flljurrlj uf txumiim acton mlnuier urv c i pool it- d piiponnge willow fjlreot 1100 n m the minister subject d niplellnit the lki di others 3 30 p rn sunday school icvon hilpliiif nilkfitiiri lii need 7 jo p tin- mlnlli ail unlay fl 00 p in yuunii peopli hub immi uii- ml- ffirflmrflmw i liur i nary group thuniday 7 30 p m prola pruyer service everybody welcomje one jlrcnluitcrtuii knox cmritcir acton 1 1 00 a m speaker mr c s mac- doiuild toronto chairman of the hoard of administration of j hi- presbyterian cliurrh in canada 3 oo p m sunday school lcncon hilphik neighbor in need 7 00 p m tin- minuter subject iiyalty monday ito0 p m young peopleii guild wilt entertain the georgetown oulld thursday 7 30 p m prayer meeting strangers leaving address wltti tho ushers will bo called upon by the pastor beautiful winter coats already greatly reduced take another drop in the price scale our christrifias plans col this nlccsburuanuci m of our wintjbmrrtv irict to profit- nnjj fn many cost for in oil- room and 10 pr c mil kin an ah solute are marked down without regard cost t the public school i koll oi honor the cupilis in the vnrimta depriri- merits vlio won honor suuidinfr during november senior io jiixr 407 ret chul ii 17 john 10 total jon fourth mid 4i dorothy ilc gllibeni 300 ii irene flnweni 371 3ij mary dennis m 7 hi- n itt principal mil and mrs 1 p moore ited thilr golden wedding annlveriary i igro dilatory in- united sunday school actmi ldny afternoon after judge moore superintendent emeritus had rcvelwed on for tin- day mr a t brown ulcndeiit stepped forward nnd led unit the nchool hud a few in iiy to mr nnd mm moore ni also pnent on the eve or their wedding dny beatrice blair secretary of the s lioni rend tin- following address acton ont december 1 1020 r nnd mri ii p moore acton ont friend- blends the election for the school hoard i i j m mcdonald ilcnilh poll with k hcmvicu nnd mrs a f havill elected the municipal election- on monday with only tho school hoard beln con tested did not bring out a very large vote ultliotigly local lntrrrnl in tlir rvrnl irmmd very keen rcnillt of the polls t nl the post office town hall olurr total agnew a3 of 151 313 374 300 board i m a p the communitys social side of life visitors to fltid frorri town during the pont week art gleaned by tlie free prow wan home from 133 131 sunday schools kind words adilrrsb by il to mr mow ijavlll mrdonald 150 310 the members elected to the for 1030 are therefore messrs mcdonald e berwick and mm havlll the board for next year will ci the following members a come i loll mm h m wilson e w maitem j m mcdonald e bcawlclc j mm a p hovllu officers scholars jr sunday school ymi uinonit us to- iii hnve reached that inllc- i your wedded lire thai oc- uuicli reflection unit innjilrci inppy tlioiufhui wc join ir many friends far and near dlnn our tieurtklit canirratu- iii id loving felicitations the yesterday will abound with many linppy memorlea for you and we iinlure that among them are thoii day tpent in what won then the actnn methodlm sunday school icve held many olllclal poil li mis in our church and lommunlly uhlch you graced with dlkiilty ability und fulthfulneaa we feel however thai we knew on bru when you were bupcrtn- timieiil of our sunday school for thirty three years you were at in- liilm many of ui have mast phiiaiint reeollicllonj of that time mhen every sunday you were ac- llvrly en tuned in our sabbath school work we art reminded of tho4ilah standard of efficiency in onjanlza- tltiu in aork in attendance attained nt thit lime the influence of your uxnnipte ilii wisdom of your advice nnd the spirit of helpfulness mani fested have tjrciitly endeared you to ill n tin uiiill thoie days many boys nnd klrl- now itrovn to be men und wonun i ihe to pay their tribute to jolt and to join with you in the happy uuhiijlili of layi rone never to leiuin lnim the sunday school lias umi foitli into the active circles if life miuiy ulio are beorhir their christtiui witness ui the influence reielved ihrounh you every walk of life hun been jreatly enriched and iiluddeiud throuith llfei sweetened and iiniobled by the clospel teachlns sunday school under your iuiuafeiiient we are ulud that j i ur intereht has never abated and lluit you are still actively engaged in the hume department of the sunday school your v latin from home to home are ratfcrly anticipated and really appreciated thioc happy rccollectlona of auc- cjifut sunday school work stio remind us that you mm moore were heartily and ncllvcly interested in the work so ubly superintended by imr husband ii la impossible to measuie the harvest of virtue and oodly llvlnit that has come because by you in the tender heart- of the llttlu ones as well in lhie of inuturer growth when you wire the earnest teacher of the ouii menfl cluwi only th- iird uf hie seedtime and the harvest can reveal the results of your ln- riiienoc und leucftlutf today wc yreel you mr and mrs moore in the name of our latni us you stand upon the threshold of tin- fiftieth anniversary of your ueililliik day we hearty congratu late you on reaching this occasion mjoyeit ti so lew we are tflad that n kind imvldmice has necu fit to ipare you to one another and to ua and as you sll in the twilight of a day eii spent with the human evldi lii en of your chrlstlan labor und serwre bearlim uiclr grateful tribute in splendid service u christ iiiu yilu still have ihe continued smlli uf your heavenly father and the pttue and ju that ronlcs only ihiuiibh ii life uf service ui ood and for tin- iwlfure of othcra sllined on behalf of the sunday a 1 urn wn supt ruin k kei inrdy assoe s lupt m 7 hem lelt anaoc supt j u kenn edy assoc uupl heutl rice m ulalr mury h n llion kath ulren 11 mcconib vlilu hams haw kilty tjuvnyi mar orlo si vltzer k u iwlck kirl ii vti icent mrs n n mctavlah mrs 1 o johnsuiu mis f w cleave mis j it owrdlner l- 1 oo elusloi i of the addrrs mua lllmiii assl- ilanl hecrclary step tud and p risen led a beau tlfully ted i hut slliuoi colors ilal dune tn uol tiy mr j k idjoiid til v llkiiu wn artist iniiml ber nl was visibly affected by thr of the addresa and tesli- euted and thanked the behalf or mrs moore and i- said they had both aperu ty and seventy yearn iu i the school in lla actlvillca istor olllcers teachers and ikulble sueceis in the rum- thi lvknino mual iiiistiu ualliiuallty of the dispelled locally lost nition meetlna selected lommittees ilelalls nettled in an i the fee to bt u uibcislily iuwjl muu weddings of ijocal inteitest ponuesnunns a very pretty weddlnu took place at dublin street united church ouclph on salurduy afternoon november 30 at 4 oclock when mamie leone duma elder dauirhlnr of mr and mm wm v burns of a uc ph wan united in mattlabc to mr ilnyd d forbes of detroit mich con of mr and mrs n iorbca of acton itev wray i davidson officiated analst- ed by ilev a c stewart m a of acton during the signing of the rajta- la ruth donnelley of pojiner- liton sang all joy ce thine the bride waa lovely in ft gown of eggshell cilln with beautifully arranged veil of lihie held in place with sprays of orange blntcim a rhcaf of calla lillcn com pleted her costume she wan given in marriage by her father and waa attended by her slater mlas vcrlno burns aa maid of honor who wore a silhouette rroclc of diflodll moire and carried mauve mums flss janet cleguorn as bridesmaid was mllarlygjo3ncd ptache moire and irrlcd bronze mums tlicy wore smart black velvet hats with the new low back flare their only ornament being pearls the gift or the iiroom the groom waa attendd by mr harry lawrence or dstrolt and thu ushers were mr jack burns brother of the bride and mr howard mccitum both of ouclph after ceremony a reception waa held at heme of uil- brlcjca parents 27 cork street where mrs dunia received wear- gown of black transparent velvet- and luce with metallic hat and shoulder bouquet of richmond rosea later mr mid mrs forbes left by motor for a short honeymoon trip nnd on their rrtum will italdc in dutiolt a dumber of rrtenda from aclon attended the weddtnff phillipsontwiaaefl si jolui a anglican church nossu- im wry u was tlr- scene bf a very pretty jiitmnn e when ethel florence only iiuchui of mr waller twigger vqf mi d li mairlage to mr rcbcrt s ihllllpj only son of mr and mii p phllllpson of toronto ilcv henry w a ij ind criiclaled the bride who ii i- u in marriage by her grnjid- itlni mr mnry davcniwrt entered th church o tlio strohia of uic wedding much played by mm rev brand and tior- a nil of bridal tulle and chan- llltj iicc fuahloned in cap effect and euught with clusters of orange blaasoms on either sides of the head her dress of ivory moire and chant illy lace waa fuahloned on prlnocaa lines with long lltfhi sleeves and three deep circulators aching her shoes of ivory aatln she carried a ahraf of calla llilea and maiden hjlr fern her only attendant was miss isabel jackson of toronto beautifully gowrred in orchid chiffon tafletnj with tljjht bodice and flowing uneven hem line lined with orchid satin her small tlilhtnttlnu hat of orchid felt matched tier stockings and ah oca of satin tier bouquniv was made up of large yellow chrysanthemums and maiden hair fern the groom waa attended by mr vvm biroey of toronto and the ushers were messrs qrant mcmillan and elmer fin- lay cousina of the bride the brooms gift to the bridesmaid waa a three atnmd rope of pearla with cfuuicl clasp to the beat man gold watch chain and to the ushers and soloist engraved wallets during thr signing of the register ur itijuf ripley of toronto rendered o vlolui solo al dawning a buffet luncheon wua afterwards nerved at the home of the brides grand par en la after which the happy couple left on a honcy- iiolnls wcat the bride mr eugene mcphrrroi tirronui on sunday mian liiclnda araft of auelph jirfiit the weekend at her home mr j evans of nantlcokr vlnltrd wllh mr geo dllli lost week mrs will nearlof oeorbetown vlalled mm robert bennttl lord week mrs c is i tumberatoue of itoronto la the guest of mm a e nlcklliv mr w baldwin or qault bte marie wm tlir jurat of mrs robert bennett laat week mliti clara forbennurns saturday e moore attended eddlng in ouelph hie mua slbuet of brocebrldgr ln vuit- ing with mr and mrs peter smith and mlas smith mr and mm j j oraft or osliawa visited at the home of mr and mrs john orofr mr and mm arthur bjow of detroit llch vial ted at the home of hln brother ir p a blow irs emma a wanxb rough spent ir week at her daughters in itockwood m prank day mlas mabel rolilnson of icewlwortll ipent a few days during thr weht wltli tier slater nt moorecroft mua marie kucnicy of ouclph vult- al the home uf mr and mm john graff over the weekend mm ocorgc graham crew- rs spent sunday with mr and stejtfis toronto rn norman maaalrn nnd at the tiomc of mrs peel street no henry awrey and mr ulan spent sunday at the mcdougajl in toto1- mrs william mcdonald of iuvcrmlde hafl been vultlna her daughter mra rev a c stewort during uie week mua annie smith assuted ln the cerv- ing at the reception following the forbes- bums wedding tn ouelph last saturday mr v n trip clllng in an ensemble or golden n aatln and beige lace with modern- alioe- and bag her coat was of d brown oronda rlvuli wllh lorgc do ollar and cufls of plate sable their return they will reside hi tor- wildsmahtin of mr and mrs jaincs scenr of a lovely autumn janet m daughter of junius martin hanover rlagc to mr j france the homi wiuls was h v eddlng win mr und mr was united li wilds sou of mr and mrs jamea wlldi atlon the cereimuiy waa conducted by rev a c ulcwurt m a acton the wedding took place ln the living loom under an arch of cvcrgreoii and uhltc roars mlaa jcun e allen milton played thr wedding march olvcn in uiiirriuuc by her father the bride wa ihanulng in her gown of navy blue hoiuetlc ulth ah or a to match and car- i led an arm bouquet of butterfly roses and llllcoflhevallcy wltli a single ruse tucked in her hair she wore a cryalai neklacc the gift of the groom tlw bride was attended by her cousin jiilsa linlla schreibcr of ay ton who wore niruii brown gctirgrltc and velvet wllh ah iis to match carrying an arm bouquel of premier rosea mr d frederick whda brother of the groom waa besl nun the grooms gift ui the bridesmaid waa a boudoir lamp ui uie orgunlsl a but pill and to lhe best man silver cull links mrs martin mother of uie bildt uorr an attractive gown of black cnpe wllh brown und premier rosea mia wlldn motheenrthe groom wurc a b i dining gown of brown aatln and fullowlfiu- the ceremony upper wua served guests preaent from aylon hamilton r kitchener llmchouse milton ale rorkwixid and acton the and groom left by motor for buffalo fur travelling a black seal coat brown dress ultti matching hat shoes hives mi and mm francb wilds islde in acton eddlng tie bride lmiblln schiil concert on deccin- il oimhi programine admualon uny chrlatmiu uiliw will be found albaus llaiaur on saturday de- wednradij december iu and mrs sydney mcrobert and elliott of toronto spent turday at the home of mr and mm john oratt mr l o jacluon of newmarket editor of the em called on tho paw pel33 while tn twon on tuesday attend inc the oolden weddlntf annlveraary occasion of mr arid mrs ii p moore rev a c stewart mr and mrs wm johnstone mr and mm wm cooper mi und mm wallace lasby mr and vlri alex tconnawln mm qeq murray it tended the induction services at the presbyterian church rock wood last rhumday evening mr and mrs q w mosaics and fumlly motored to braccbrldge last week mm mosaics brother who was so seri ously injured recently ln an automobile mldiap u show ing some signs of im provement although he regains con- iclouancsa only at intervals mr george day of rock wood a forra- r pupil of acton continuation school ls now ln the general hospital ouclph u litre he has undergone o very serious j pe ration asaln for mastoids ills many i lends will be glad to know he u doing in well aa can be expected and all wish him a speedy recovery curling club organized officers elected and comrottuea farawj at a meeting in the town ilau last nlgtit at a fairly well attended meeting in the council chamber last evening a curling club waa organised ln acton di li j nelson presided at the meeting and o a dllu acted as secretary ror the evening the following officers were duly elected honorary presidents mr p a smith and mr h p moore president dr e j nelson- first vlco- president mr t watson second vicepresident mr o t i bcardmorc the ofllce of secretary treasurer hail several nominees but waa left with the executive to make final arrangements as some of those nominated were not prccnt o antes and ice committee mr ttios wataon chairman messrs j adamson w j gould a mason and c p law- mcmbcrahtp committee mr c il harrison chairman messrs j adamson thctford e sweeney f salt l q shorcy he social committee will comprise the executive and chairmen of other com mittees property committee- mr e- j boa rd chairman and messrs t wouou lclshman w k graham and l b shorcy the fee for membership was set at 15 fur the season with eighty per cent- of thu amount to be turned over to the rink committee for expenses of main taining tlic curling ice and quarter the scout hockey league organised kith two goslph toams georgetown and acton ln th ttchjnla scout hockey meeting was held on wednesday evening two members from luclpti were present the re present ives from georgetown were unable to i lend first of all carney llyrnc out lined tile purpose of ulls league ii u create o better feeling between tile different troopa and lo keen them in touch with each other hi the league re will be two ouclph teams one from i rgc town and our local scout team waa decided to play home and home gumes which will make a total of six tlic playofts the referee at each gome u to be i local man wherever uie ic la playoil the rules are to be the regular o h a rules but there will bo only two periods uf twenty mlimui each after a lengthy dlcuaalon u was decided to play the games frou 7 to 8 oclock the first games will bo ployed tn january and each tram will supply their own qulpment tlic schedule u as follows first week qeorfletown at 1st ouelph ind 3rd ouelph at acton second weekacton at iu ouelph and 3rd ouclph at georgetown third week acum at georgdtown ud 3rd ouelph va 1st oueljili fourth veek 1st ouelph at aconje- toan and acton ul 3rd ourlph fifth week 1st ouclph at acton and iorgruwii at 3rd ouclph slxtit work- georgetown ut acton and 1st ouclnb at 3rd tiuulpii

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