Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1929, p. 3

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attiilf s nxi mmnt fi map ikulutoa ou aiuin ruov rin umsiim whin i wi bin- ikiiu ymr old nd wlntir ivmlngs long net rohl cami mini ii iiillhni got real good my uml put on in r louk nil hood nil i would hlli h up our old lon id ratlirr ii ivr ir limi tin rpan because i w nidi urn lit in fr r vkt ferrt r drlvln don t yrr arm then whin i iln w up nt tin- hate lilted nwy i war a belli lute in slch a wny to lit nir mc llhe il been n wullln thar fir mi nd then diu ii awuy awuy with chimin i hi in thy nle red nlrlith tllnguv a cong out o i r tir imow uout oreen iprtiua tin ru hen o nd when u rt n iicfrth- hourr win re they wji luivln of u tnn rwuray or sohy bin or dance or ilcli vqd drive into tin hum nd hltrh then carry in a plli o ladder thatrt make yer rnrille- a milk pan full o doughnuts nd another full o plrklm nd another full o chicken nd wed luc em in thin rklp uprtalrv throw off our wraps nd then run douii already for come fun nd find the yofcng folki cheeks aglow glngin oreen grow tin rushc o the ole folks in nnnthi r room would alt nt milimn u a tomh the men about the crop d peak the women though d slyly peck in through the tloof nd laugh tu hear tho noise por wnmen don t grow old like men likewise uiey don t iirttw cold i vc had a mother nd i know what fun wc had my gal nd i am round inside lite rlnit wed fly ehcd make preltnri to run a way hut still i allcrn uon tho day nd sot life a sweeter t kiss i know playln oreen grow the ruihrij o thar never was a heart i irueir wlthcut a npol o tcndcrnes r now here i am a old nd rjit nd croirjgralncd as a hrmlocl kno hut whin i hear the sleigh bells cli nl x often ohet my eyes nd uilnk away bade sixty years ago or that sweet sal i ustfd to know i see her face nd hear hrr ing i hear her merry laughter ring upon my hpji i feel her kiss oo ally ao full o tcndcrnrvi an see through team a grivc i icium whertntlu green nrow the rush o dy william edward penny fording the american boundary twice wavklntf hkii i ano wilonf wiilkluif 1 mill u iiiiihiuili ii prrfrirm- iim i that hurdly iniynm ivrr glvi u a iii ujfht to til mrum r or v nil li hut h u rlhl mnl u winnic way lo 11 menu hints bclnea for new and novl duhea household 4tla and burcsuoiu by betty llareuy economy mlat dishes now that the ikiyn arc cctuna colder we have a greater cravuitf for meat ejnpi and fuvli than wc had during tin summer montlw here are a couple tl unusual and economical meat dishes th u will prove very popular carolina meat loaf vi pounds chopped beef 1 small onion 1 lame ffrccn pepper 2 small pickles iv4 teorpoon call 14 teogpoon pepper l teaspoon j paprika strained tomato juice 1 pimento uli uie beef with the chopped onion th sreen pepper chopped finely the pick cut in small pieces and tho to- tuato juice ocason wltli salt pepper and paprika ariose loaf pan and place half aht mixture in it cut the pim ento 111 loruj strips and arrancc the meat place reel of moat over pimento and bake in a hot oven for thirtyfive mlnuua ten minutes before removing from tlut are place bacon strips acnuu top and permit them to set crisp serve with bacon oika garnish baked ham drown tuffux ham bread crumbs cloves mulc or cram nulni boll a four or ave pound piece o ham for several hours until tender let cool in liquor in wlilch it was balled place in baking pan and cover wth a thick layer of brown susr with fine brad crunib on top btlck a few cloves in th hjun aid fill tlut pan with milk or cjrmu hi u lo come twothlrds as blah as tiw liam rahdns may be put on with toothpicks ulvlnff flavor bake fortynv mlnutsj flavououet vegetables uany women fall to et tlu most out of their vegetable dishes cither be- csum uuy uasd oo much water or fall o add a touch of susar too much waur absorbs tlie flavor 1 1 the vegetable a dash of suffor in tho rater a small quantity of water at tnat bring out thfl full flavor of uio vegetable and also supphs a bit of quick energy food to tho dinner try thcu slmplo llttli reelpea and note the difference cabbage sthwed buown otew one chopped onion in one spoon ful of soup fat and cook it with half spoonful of granulated sugar until gold en brown add one glass of half vim gar and half water a head of white cabbage shredded like noodlos after re moving the stalk and thick veins aiul ome salt otow tightly covered for aeveral hours stirring frtquently and oc caslonally adding some uatcr or weak beef broth the cabbage must be pleas antly piquant it should taste sweet- sour and be golden brown and glassy if doiircd a little flour con be dusted over and mixed with it lialf hour before barytas stewed celery scrape some flnedellcate white stalks of calary wash repeatedly so that to sand adheres and after cutting uicm into evan uuwluch piece cook for cev era minute in boluns water and pour into a strainer then stew ui4 njoccs of celery for30 mhiutas wltli half te fcpooh butter or chicken fat luuf ua- spoon sugar same rwjpcr and beer broth dust same hour over and cook until done with half cupful of cream taiillb tukjjld birds we know arc oumctlnies train- ed to fire xff pistols us well us to per form other uiuiiual ituli but it is nu often that a wlldblrd in the wooda ahoota a man wltli his own gun as rlted tn south american skltclila by uobtrt crawford a pavo del manic u bird of uruguay not unlike the turkey hud been iliujnl by a hunter it fell u uie grumul wit was at once on its feet olid ran away throwing his gun hastily aside tlu hunter started hi pursuit and a mum of hldeandceck ciuuid in and out of uie brushwood uie pavo ran and uw man followed xh one of its doublings and turnings the bird passed over the gun jjhlrh vs lying an the ground and its toot chanced to strike aguttut uil trigger of the unducltargcd barrrl tin hammlr of whlalt in tlie hurry u the moment hail bmq left at full cock there was a loud nport followed by an exclamation uf paju fmin a man th bird escaped and tlu luckless hunt er hod an ugly wound in the fleshy pirl of ids letf to rlinlud htm fur weeks aftir ward of uu adventure wliat is tluf largut ruoiu in uiu world itooai far uupruvenuint tovs at ti a vt oltn bring tho toyi to te r j ihe rolljttog ond lamb ihc pliant anil jipanei and live tlnm tait and jam rin j hk to ill there in a row and take thtlr tea with u thty re always well b haved ynu km w i hey never milk a fu u and we don t mind becnu r you i lh lr uppetltn urc small and when they vl finished with tin lr tea ihcn wl con eat it all i anoninn ptoiiy iron tiir wahdruu i have ovrrlienrd so many of the mothers omoijff or readero spak c how tho children enjoyed the old man jld- rash ion cd children stories which i have lately in crted in this column that i have decided to give them one again this week hits is also a real story and i ven ur the little folk especially the llttli lllrl i will enjdy tills one about grand mothers surprise juu try out the plan to night mother ofrcadlng this story to the little onctwhcn you put them to bed and thjjysay to you tell me story mamma before i go to nice they ii enjoy this one and oo will you little onandmqtjimt 8 surpiusl patty hopped up nnd down joyfully before tha new cuckoo clock that father had brought her from toronto that even ing she had never even seen a cuckoo clack before jind had only read about them in storied such a surprise i a as saying o father how did ever know just what i wanted orandmother admired the clflrtt and helped patty put it into place in her own joom then smlllne ehe cold that reminds me of the most wonder f ti jj rise i had when i was a little ffin 0 grandmother please tell beffged patty the adventures of the little girl that grandmother used to be were more interesting than stories books and patty liked to hear about them over and over again 1 liadnt a playroom like yours patty our house wasnt large enough for there were eight children besides a few aunts grandmothers hired men and perhaps same cousins and visitors but the harness room in tlio barn was my own special place there in a big hinged box i kept all my playthings tj grandmother what did you have patty had heard the list many times hjjt she wonted to hear it again two rag dolli said grandmother they were beautiful things with blak ink hair and oyes and red ink lips and cheeks their names were lady una from a poem my aunt sometimes read tj me and miranda from the tempest then i had a box of beautiful little fulry baskets carved from peach stones jorcd our hired man made them for mc i had a whole family of cornhusk dolls that i made myself there was a cherrystone necklace a string memory buttons bits of bright patch work pieces of broken china that made believe were a tea set pretty stones from the brook pressed autumn leaves red and blue and yellow bird feathers picked up in the woods a ring cut from a pearl shell and probably some other things that i have forgotten no girl in the neighborhood hod so many play things i uiought no other girl in the world was go rich one day aunt hetty took two of my older sisters to town with her i want ed very much to go too but aunt hetty declared that two were all she cored to look after and to i was left at home i dldn t cry in our family it was bad manners to cry for what you couldn t have but after they drove away i went to tho harness room tor comfort i lift ed the cover of my box and well patty you never can believe what i saw i let me guess begged patty a doll no better than that i not aa fairy bolter than that even i 0 grandmother what i can t wait a babyl not a truly live baby yes a truly live human baby i found out afterwards it was about a year old buj it was small for its age and i thought it the moat beautiful little thing i had cy been it was lying in my box fast asleep wild with joy as i was i had sense enough to know that it must belong to some one i named aver all the families in the ndghborhcod but not one of them own ed a baby i dldn t try to think any further 1 meant to keep it i named it itoajlnd and began to lay plans for feeding 11 and keeping it warm at night i atolo into the house and asked for bread and jelly which i got without question then i took a small blanket fiom my room and ran back to the bun iho baby was still thcro and now j honed signs of waking 1 can i begin to toll you of ihe lovely lime i had that artemoon itanallnd v as not hil least bit shy when she ttok and she accepted tlie bread and jelly she could walk with little toddl ing steps i played with her all after noon when tt was time for mc to go in i rocked her in my amis and the little dear fell asleep i put her bi the bed i had made of my box and covered lit i with the blanket then i shut ihi lid down o alio would be safe till morn ing my box was not airtight there was a wide scam down the lid and both ids inipcd open i went in bul i was too much excited lo eat and grandma a nude ri d if that child wall sick i anted to go to bed early ho that it ni lit la soon be tlmo to get up and pluy 1th raiallnd of course i novcr thought u would wake and bo frightened and iy 1 iiojmd alio would alccp until i nit to lur hut just an i was going upstairs lather come in and said our now ulihbor1 have lost tlielr babyl what xcllcnieiit there wan in our houie whin and where had tty lout if no one knew ihey had thought t vai in uu wugun asliip but when they n at hid their new luime and looked it mjit thtrt it might have fallen out it mlithti have been ntolm it could hufifty liavu wuiitkrod away by itaolf if course i knew it was itosalind but i kipt still i wanted her so much i tit men and tlie boys were getting lantirni to limit for her ihc wumcli at re putting on bonne u to go und coiiil furl lur mother ihui i saw my mother rying why do yuu cry most likely tho l baby li all right i said ycj slw said but i am thinking ill uovn nml bolow tho interna f tlonnl lioumlnry hotwonn can x jlnitn nml tho united stnton in boliir npnnnoil whoro tho detroit itlvor nopnrntoii ontario and midi ieihi already tho twomllo amuannador brldi o hi linking tho pooplo and intornntt of tho two countrlen vo low i ne a dedicatory coromony on armlntict day tho upon wan thrown opun for public uiio on novombor 1g tor tliroo yearn it will enjoy tho distinction of tiolnir tho lonrmt nuiipeoiilon hridm in tho world by 1011 howovor hit ntrotcli of 1 hco feet botwi on tho two itkyicrnplnr tower i will be foreoil to tnke hoc ond place boomino of tho lonpor span of tho iludiion itlvor hrldra llnlclnr uptown now york and jor noy until tho building of the am biuinador hrldio world illntinctlon for the ion u lst imnpennlnn iipan enjoyed by the phlladelpliln cam don lirldro ovt r tho data ruor i tii nutipondod length boliir 1750 feet in tho mnantlmo tired glnr and oxcavntlnit aro bolnn runliod on tho wintlnor detroit tunnel it in ox poctod that byforo another year ban pniuiml thin lutornntlanal umrourli faro ulno enn iwin una an oxnmplo of tho man nor in whleh thin work in being axpedlted in i lvcn by tho record nccompllahed h ford truckn in removing 40000 ruble ynrdn of wot clay from the windnor entrance in tho ahort po oelow curve of tha hurje span of ambassador drldrje opened between windsor and detroit november 15 is shown by the lower level of the further cable tower volble through the rear window of the ford sedan above work on windsordetroit tunnel is being speeded since opening of international brldrje photo shows truck removing cfay from windsor entrance rlod of two wooko thin roeord i a dletanco of tbroo ml loo each trip aclilovomont ruquirad that tho with u load of two ynrdu of wot truck make 3g round trlpn dully j clay t of that poor mother how her heart l aching jui think how i should feel 1 you were lost child at that my in an gave a queer llttli leap how 2 should feel ton if i were lost rrom my btlovtd motherl and perhaps buby rosalind felt that way don t cry mother xbcgged hug ging her hard i know where she is and shes all right they could hardly believe mt but i led them out to hil barn and showed them my precious surprise asleep under her blanket then you v i rent allowed to keep her mourned patty no but i uiu allowed to go and sec her and play with her often answered grandmother and now you ii want to know how she tot into my box her family hod just cohil that day from the east travelling in u big covered wagon they stopped to cat their dinner near our house and mother invited them in i was taking my nap then and knew nothing about it the other children of the family were buppeued to bo talcing core of uie baby she toddled away from them and crawled into my box the lid fell down und shut her in when the family were ready fo start each one supposed some one else had put tho baby into her little bed hi the wagon and they did not discover their loss until they started lo unload things at tlie new home but id had my wonderful surprise even though i did have to part wltli it so soon now then mother- dldn t you and the kiddles enjoy thu old time story of grandmothers write me a noto telling mc if ulli l not true if you all like them iii do my best to give you a real entertain big w lory about once a month the old folks have been having all my space tor a long tlmo till iiid1 to yollk dick rurpl one of the famous of the oldtlmi knights of tlie road wu dull violent und ruthlcia flcuundnj unknlglitly und unroiiiuntlc as po- ii itobbery murder and torture were liicludcd hi lil exploit there woo noth ing picturesque about him except uli splendid mure black jev und even her nchlevemeiits liuve been xagn r utcd for u n recent lngllsh wrlti i once more pobits out it wui not dtck upon brts who madu thi celibrattd and oft rhymed ride to york but unotlur hlqhuuvmun leas renowned and le s vll lianou3 u iteuhr of purses but no taker of live who did so mounted upon a nameless mare he was john nevton of tein r known to the upprthtnuve und reluctantly ad miring public of hu day us swift nick lib mount vtili u b uuuful chutuut crea ture of extraordinary intelllgenei tpeed und endurance uie purine r and belnvid friend of in r inu ter hhe is iuppaied to liave been tho pioteitype of wlmili the wonderful mart of loin tuggus hi loma doouc swirt nick having held up and rob bed u man at clad i mill out day juat at daun and having reason to think hl might tu su ipeelcd shier his mojk al pped luid his victim u man who knew lilm by tight had ca light a hasty gllmpi of hli fnei decldid to rt t up an up parent ullbl by reniovtuu himself prompt ly tti the greatest distance poulble a dbtunce that he misted hu pccrleos inaro u make nirni linposslbli aj uk clocks strurk four he started at uravi- bewi they crad tlu ferry and uu re mid thriee mon ut clu imsford cam bridge and huntingdon tie iuuinil brief i to bait or rial liti hori have for those ijinrl iup- in kept straight on to york ami fit u qunrti r to right that evening huvlui euventl rouglily sptuk ing u liundnd and nlint milt i in tlftem hiiurs hi droppi d in wltli u cu uul con vlvlul air to join the company at the bowling orei n inu liny became ut his iiumi nun und ftiiirllcut wlt- lusscs hupiclon tilt d at onee und fur more unie swift nick swuggertd frt i id trliimpluuit plundering way in tin end like virtually all tin ottu r ntry of tin road in was caught and iuiiuji d llkt nioit of them too i1l1 futr wo bowujud in oin of tlnuu curl broadsiuit bulluds so prucloeu lo collectors today slats diary by ross parquhar i rieljj went to a kid- party tonlt nd they had a lot of kuutetts und game und ect juki tuk 1st prlkt jo i pi ding and bllst ri tuk oecmit in u wird puzzle emit t i wiu in nil o f them but about the onlev thlnt i tuk was mj d i p a r c ii c r when 1 nt home sutcrdij will mi hul hh trlt toduv on ucet t t he recti d n jftnk the ers other day und tl dlmuuded n jury trite witch uai hud todn tin judl clurgtd the jury and tiny found pu gllty und tilth til judge charged pi ten 9 ana costs after tlu trite of 1 or uil jury men told mr ollkm tint he wanted to let pa go hut lie cuddeut spell aqulttle sunduv i wa- lutuig pu what they mint when they tauked ubuut remote control hi studied a who und then hi sed well tun when yun ma et i in the bick heat of uil furd und ut luids to uil uu drluhil whj i im you wood cill til it iteinott control mi b by my uiuther did not hi n tin di i fjlilahen muiulu well i l ft 10 plr it in hi try toduy uli moit 1 uul lud 1 kuejtloo rong tin teietnr give ui kwetlonb und i of uicm wus to hard to oniwer iu fer us i wtu eoulrrnd leiisday pa und mu hud u urgumlnt ut the tupper table tonite pu set unt man has uie most wlrk to do after i tiny had urguid for a long time wh mu aed to pa well mebby thu in n dios hnve more wlrk to do than wlm n do but nevir the lest tliu v imi n d mon wlrk than the mill dolj so that m the end of lhat si tiled luid i nd ed it weiiiduy well they was u nothtr i ir 1 lolllte uvtr al li house und i wo id of hud u prltty l d tbue if it womi lit i unit iul bteven unit june gut liitln ly t thick with i li unotlur 11 ut puj i nil uj decking u lot at t ruirj jouka and makelng h1j htclikd girl lei p luf fin i ciul git oif a lot of ji ulcs to but i nt vi r think about tin m ihlrodiy pu und mr tlllt in ai tuvvilng u ducu hi n till p in uil ub hi i wiutlnr wlmtn b longed in jobs wlrk nun do mr olllun ed tin r tre was in tin tiumi li id tiny hit a lit to work und wu til mi intlt nl to mini wugi i i mo pi bijeuvt thut alt rite for ma gets all of lit wugi ivery puj dij at tiil uooit mks oati gunc d impatiently ut the card unit ut muld brought her an- nun r chrl tniu befturl it was un 1m pisltlon but since the woman came from ml st cjule i church jie supposed he wiuld hu to jt ller but tell in i thut i am very busy und cun spare oily live nilnuti ihe ordered her up wilt linn slit hud mndi up her m nil ti it in wa tolng to help put un i ml t i uu nub inc oil wi r itln i t ikt ii ubuck when the mulct brought in in r c iller miss qati a ti d b hi pnpired for a etf suhlclenl yi ung i irl wltli un aggresslve confident uli h voulil huvi enjoyed telling her u fiwtuelj lint u mall chubby gray- it ind w imun with u swil liiltr face i nllnnntul lsl miss outes taunted h r ill whul it sin 1 iol iniy hair uiij wistful ia i hut d i nt alter the lucu dot tt hill hulled ulinii t u moment and uie w mun w i tulklne i unnight i was uiu to bi f i ltiteni d going round and iesiltni for money but it is proving to b tin iiitihl wondirful thing i ever lid people ure ju i ulad to give oh not cvirjone of mun but nearly every oin und the n t mut have good reasoni i u m u 1 hip for money for christmas dinner for un poor of the city here un my credentials shi laughed eoftly at flrt i fonol thai ptoplc mlglit think un un kmpalor i m uliuld ml oatih suld gently th it i urn out of thus who leave good ii lous my n loiin ls whut i eoruildi r tulibl luck ur method i here is to inu h w lited ineruy la t year i knew of out i imlly th it unci duti rent organl itliins wen in iplug i decldid i could m uiiim thtni bi hi r myself hi r c itli r s face shadowed for u mo mint un n the stui dew vanished before lu tmppy luuu titer i bupkise it wus t ad umnugeiuliitl you ei we have to use so many volunteer workers untraln td like nut but after all i don t sup si the family hud more than tt could se do you of course i um not crili- cltlni lndied i think it is lovely of you i i do in work yourjtr it ineoiu nit just in my but u frltnd to ome one who neids u friind i c in i tell you how ti ippy it muki un much imppti r than if jou till tl n un m nicy rhonk y hi for tt lllng un mlv a itu i know you will huvi a hupp i tin tm i mu o ilt hud n hum t s hi r it itor tight tti i i lu was hum with ttin tu t w id iii i i ibh young woman uu inn w hut bvvlldirtd fur tin had not one uiiniltlt of b iiik u friend lo tiny mi in m t d shi hud only bet n inilliiil i prili xl to i xi uii in r ill fiom ghlni ut uil it uttn i looks lhunor ouui slie ikt to tui i if us tit went but k to tlr wurl us it li win up to ynu in di t idlnt qui tlmij or truth and duty rttiumtxr that un wrong tldi has a i nifty und puwirful udvocutt in your news for ladies la lontuincb fur storl the lnrlbt ex tujisivt fuuicib in tt illusion comit ollci i lxctptioiiiil vnhies m u roup of model fur coats llleic mc onl u limited iiuuiliei of these fiumcntb whlel were illiiilc toi our dl pluy quoin nine m ind ice them ihcy all liliir out ti mil juutantei fm iju ihl lylc and win l 111 illstll p necfri iheie ltcn llhiwmlj 1 ftli lo its iii tile dtbttitt to lnxli this dtsphiv and the pi ill h uil very iiiili estnik lafonfaines fur store crtntthn of iur 1ilshuniri u5 jutlac strvtt i ukuii imione vll hh 111 body ti nt forwnrd f in ih h hi it hi h ul ind inkl t un liwril nnllhru km md i i li mil en 1 iiilt v miir u m 1 of th i mu wlilt h h tl p id tti ulr ii hi n of ji ltlt t itti i 1 ii ut t m ii 1 in r tin lmi mil an i j i il mt i t i v in i iiuilm tniln i thrown n i it i i nl i li i i o luelnp i irly u i mm it l tju illy wionj to il uw ih body ii 1 fjy with head unit hnildi r thrown tick i nd li thru t tin lr i i itltlly tor mil un i tin rlilli ly 1oik d us un h m t th round fmeli a utrlili cry tiring for it r rutin tin ix i i nil tur of a n at ill it if i in rgy nt rv ry rrfp am tlu r t mil 1 wall lug with tli i tiihin il in or out n eii it walklni you tarry un 1 nty i th it ut n 1 1 no ui k tlnn tr i lir thiunh tin inml l at i b wr 11 rd uli pr wnt nny r u ing t i ml ol j mm i mm tin km i upi nd tin wt h lit t lilt lint 1 iglitly rurw r 1 i ti i 11 i b n lift d illi ui di p bnull top nml tl full t put ion o ih lmiii tin i e i n iiekh r c inunil it l locki il it lift ilnrl 1 ncti tttp nrrlri with 1 a fu 1 forwnrd in jv n it or th in ui pi r un without any druwbuek i w wall in rthi trlw u gr t this for- i rd movinient v iilrli pi rmlt tti ix i rrtse to in loin conunm d wluiuul wrnrl ntrs lxnmlnatlon of uu walker boot will vi ry elenrly ind t cut i i in mdin f th fuului ui which hi l udtllrtid if ttit reur erle of tin hi t 1 1 worn down h walks wltli lili body lnrllnrtl buekw lrd no that the biek or thr hr 1 1 trlkii th ground before any other pirt of tile fr ol urually too hard such walker wry often wear nwny tin tor of tin h lot sole w ry quickly if tlu sole wear riuity alonp tltlur ihuer or outtr edgt it prmn unit tin feet ure not put down flatly und th botly li continually urn inn d out of tin cornel po itlutt somi wall in wt ir down the heels badly w ith only un smallct nppi arance of wiur d in htn that in becuu j tin y do not br nd and straighten un knet with melt i trltli tluy keep thr kmr lockid mo t of un time the calf muscle t do not tuki tin 1 full share or work such u lit tin rpvedlly with proper body carrlngt tin pun or uie foot ilrt lo met t uu ground tlu middle of the sole tin- tre id then continued to uu ton 1 lie hi el do llttli more than n t lightly ground in conncqui net uiun 1 no jarring of the spine the contlnui d re petition of even n very i light jar durlni a long walk li a matter of great im portance when we consider the cumula tive effect upon uil ncrvci and muscles uiat are utcotcd on tiil poilt ol a pit ki t mkjhiy wlou hani i illlli mllion eitnii home fiom fjuiuiuy f rliiiol wllli a inlti imv why do tluy mil il n mil- imx molliir ilkrd milton li an rhlipt il in 111 broth r you mil ht put niiulltlhi in 11 und y ti might not um skdj w i h viiik i tin hint i 1 if inr i t tl ih i ill fr in til t n r oh dltl you i l rt i hi j u 1 mill ill tl on 1 it li nr littly union tur jointease for stiff joints 1 i t hn all nth i ii i ill joint i i i vlll unit r tw till i a i il i a hi jnll i i j la j lilts 1 i r in nd in t in un i illl c rcnultl ir i in it ut a tubv ut drug- ill uywlu alhiijh tliik mlu r w joirit- in i kik in joint iiiiscxy hlls out puck christmas and what can give more pleasure to the whole family than modern screengrid radio pncei gtvt no morel 177o less tubes combine your christmas funds and secure a perpetual source of enjoyment for every member of the family talk it over with a steinite dealer listed below you cam gtt no mart titan this at any frlcit 5 real liumlcts rcccptloi look out for yourfliviej nn urtlcl in the american magazine by mr paul a meyrowltx qptlcian is full of food advice and interesting anecdote ubotit people whom the writer has nerwd curl- our things aro conitantly happening to eyeglasc3 for example here 1 1 a re markablc story that mr mcyrowltz tell about his own one evening i was standing by the window of a home on the eleventh floor of on apartment hotel in rirty seventh street new york whin the maid open rd the door and let a draft blow through at uiat moment i was cleaning my eye glasses they caught in the frinte of the curtain were jerked out of my hands and fell out the window thi next morning thinking thut i might at least salvage tin gold nos piece i hunted round in tlu urea bi htnd the hotel but i round no liju ur 1 or of broken glass i was about to give up uie earth win n i looki d up and saw my glusts hanging un uu point of u fence picket unbroki n i tlu iiom piece had straddled the inlnt of th pi kit nlnly and the prhig li id cuii- fonid tlie force of tin full i wore the 1 n for monuu of ter wards und i still h e the frames 1 three 3 scncen- grid tu0es m total of 7 tubes 2 four condenser 3 linear power detection with automatio find bias a puilipull studio power etagc uung the newest u tulici- itattletlnp ciuseih con struction- oomplotoly nhclilcd elfctro dynamic glonoui tone mmtnificont comolci ability will 6t c the chniui und natch it wtio hiu a match will tlnd a placi to scratch it sinen scikeivgitn iiahho llcnj for by cantdian rmlio patcnti limited sob distributed by spotton engineering co guelph guelph iieall thi m at a t browns eiectr0 dynamic speaker aei jbrtmsamskb m the spirit of santa claus the christmas autocaster service is here illumiatiuii- mi lj ivliidy writtei advuitm meiitb nt all kitus i u i stiuililiile yum suit 1 the list i t the juiwti ful s lies ei c itiitl ill us tt utlolls wt l iii suppl iawni l tilt tuhist urtijlie and at tt it t ion niinpt lluif eiiihi ip lllilt is lilali tnict und fu the point supplied 1 ul i t thin kl tu nil itclve rlisers wt uro jtudy to htlp mi stitnuliitc oui chi istmii uu uu s iniit in utitl talk u ovti with us wc huvt the lliu ie iithts i this tlinttiry to tlie publishers autombtlr btrvitl makt thtb iiil hiftsl c linstinas ijusiiilss tiu uiu evti it ul the acton free press

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