kilbj tin hxik or uiir artim siret ilreufi iljr nrwipiptr the acli tlmrijay ulll mrrrl kli illiss it mluurl itcrj i ilir lire wi lltiilthnu onuni ttr i a 111 is imit telephoncs editorial an iln thursday evening december 5 1020 x hydro power for larmfini an-extcnsioh-or- liloviiiilufcutrura uloctric- power line 1mvc been made by the ontario hydro electric iower oimiiihmoii in the province this year at a cot of 2mwm there are now over 5000 niilen of power line in the farnilllj district of ontario servinc ilinusmulu of consumer on many farms m ilic province electricity ir used for hihtmi bouse mid farm building for cookinn ironiut washing andjdcynini in the home and for doinit a variety of jot- in the farm buildinjr even to milkinj the cows an atlvnilnjomih separation the cooperative movement beinj undertaken by tin ontario liquor board and the department of highways in their effort to curb the drunkcn driver should be productive of some rood towards stop pinj this evermcreasini ntenace to the safety of the general public to the publicity seeker the rcw tiinovuitioi of pominc at the highway depart ment ollicc of a list of names of offenders wlios cases call for suspension of license may be a means of securing ratlicr undesirable notoriety but the average individual will not desire his name to be added to this list mr henry the minister of high ways proposes that the press cooperate in this move mcnt and may refer to the names on the list evi dently it is anticipated that it will not have effect in curbing drunken drivers for some time as the ncwa article says that the list will be added to day by day the driving and liquor permits never were advantageous when in the same compnny the sep aration of the two will be to the advantage of all they arc coming home by thousands in the six months t7g7g canadians who went to the united states intending to reside there per manent y returned to canada for permanent resi dence these are not included in the immigration returns it is interesting to note that the number of canndians who have returned to the dominion from april 1 to september 30 1920 is more than canadas total immigration for september of this year our readers will naturally observe that thisjthat their lives have impressed on the community homecoming has been inaugurated and is being ef fected with a liberal government in power at the national capital to hear some politicians talk can adians are fleeing to the united states instead ot returning to canada sixty years of journalism john rcdpath dougall m a lld is celebrat ing his diamond anniversary of editorship of the montreal witness to few such a long period of active association with a journal is permitted to none have put to greater use their opportunities as editor of a journal it is estimated during these years that mr dougall has contributed twelve hun- drcilniillion impressions for good surely a record for any cditor to be proud of and surely a sense of duty well performed will rest with this dean of canadian journalism on this occasion may he bo spared many more years in which to continue his good work and may a small weekly tender its hearty congratulations on this occasion higher duties and responsibilities hon chas a dunning has received the ap pointment of minister of finance to succeed hon jas robb mr dunnings capabilities seem to be appreciated and recognized he will also hold the post of acting minister of railways and canals pending an appointment of a successor that the new duties will be heavy ones is generally con ceded that he succeeds a man who was most pro ficient in the performance of bis duties and had a most successful career is known by every one in the past mr dunning has proven himself cap able of ever advancing and performing the heavier burden he has been called upon to accept he has established public confidence by the past perform ances in the new nnd greater activity in the ser vice of his country he has been called to fulfill he will undoubtedly measure up the people have spoken the school board election is over and the people have demonstrated that they can make the business of public bodies their business and that they desire their transactions conducted with public confidence it wasnt exactly a clean sweep for either factions t it was a very clear mandate on bow the rate payers desire their business conducted mr mc- donald who headed the poll very clearly made it understood that he would show courtesy to rate payers uhd public mr beswick who came second was the outstanding trustee throughout the year opposed to secrecy of the boards activities and mrs havill who seemed last year to favor secrecy and not to favor the press came third and polled twj hundred votes less than a year ago when si candi dates were in the held whereas only live were on the ballot this year and was elected by u majority of only twenty over mr blow who won in his own subdivision but was bested by the plumpers in the division of his nearest opponent in her sub division mr agnew another member of last years board was considerably behind all the other candi dates we in no way look upon the ejection as a victory the ikii pkiss as a newspaper in the community has been simply trying to do what wa hc brampton con considered a duty our position was as clearly put as we knew how we are satisfied- with the an swer given by the supi judges in the matter of conduct of public pubiness wc trust our rela tionships with the board will be more cordial and cooperative than bus characterised the past years activities we shall continue to do our best to give to the rutepuyers the news they feel they are en titled to know concerning the conduct of their af fairs we could dilate on many features concern ing the affair but they are not pleasant or would not be productive of any good we believe they will not be rrneutcd and we look forward in 1030 to a your of closer harmony and cooperation on actons educational matters us they relate to this elected body we wish we could say it better its not just the usual thing in editorial columns extend golden wedding congratulations bui in the present instance some unusual circumstanc es arc combined at the time ofwriting its tues day morning the golden wedding anniversary of mr and mrs h p moore as editor this item might become reminiscent a it is over twenty years since the present editor became associated with mr moore as an apprentice and its a longer ago thai that since wc first remember he and mrs moore their work in the sunday school which we were privileged to attend that they have been privileg ed to celebrate this memorable occasion is a great joy to many that they may be spared to celebrate their diamond anniversary and rtfimy more after that the wish of all of us who have come to know them and respect them the influence for good i neighborhood news mm irrd allen nt mluuura jalu n v ifr imilitkiiliitf triinlmrnt nt ut jiucphn i itupl till hamlltnn triil olli itft mi tluinulny innt for kniiluml on im cxlindcd vlult to nilutlvoa w wikuiii o i it ngrnl titwkrd his i n j jt my on thursday tivriilnjr limt n uiiiiilier if frlrtnli ntlicnd it tin homo of mm vrni flmllli to do honor to her mollicr mm kuiott on the occaniim or hrr in th ilrlluliiy mrs w d ilrpton iprnt monday nt piling ton iittrndliik ihif lith birthday iilibrjitlwi of hrr mnttirr mm itrfinc- ri tycni wlilch wiui fittingly olxuirved a truck owned bytlio llllllnga trans port and ilrlvrn by nick wilvrrt jr wiij ilruck by a nlmntlng cnulno and floinc enrnnt the o n it station on tltur dny ltiit- tho lnirk wan nomirwliat ilauinurd but wllvcrt rficnped injury alex jcccici tin wellknown uuiclc- ilth died very nuddrnly nt hln home priiiniui on widntiday niuht last retired fur the night frclltlff an well uiuru iuki when hln wife wont to ii iilm in the morning ho did not iivcr having punned tiwiiy in hln jlicp li dcctiuitd wnn bom in njw york i win 70 yearn of ngc on mondny afternoon a toronto man t before magistrate burr an a inii of lnitrnpy r id ncroltlng young i i vu 1 i i ir along slda the ii u ivlliug tliii to aet in upon miipalnl of n locnl rrnldent ha was li rated nnd arrested by chief flmlth 1 hr uccutcd wni found guilty on three fhirli and nned tsooo m rach charge the cvltcncei were cnmmlud during the punt week oaette afcoitaictown is well known but may wc be pardoned if in these columns which wc feel are the editors if wc pay this brief tribute to mr and mrs moore their influence and helpfulness through the years of close association arc largely accountable for any of the better points which may now be reflected in this journal the despicable components thnt crop out may be laid to our own individuality it has indeed been a privilege to have the pleasure of their associa tions antfffurnrvesas well as many others will bear the impress for good that has been stamped upon them by this contact with mr and mrs h p moore who arc today tuesday celebrating this occasion which must be filled with golden memories of the fifty years they have used in scattering glitter ing influences and helpfulness in this community and in the wider circle that has been their sphere editorial notes the hats dont have to be lifted quite so high this election as a year ago as the men came in for the heading of the poll elections are all over now we can settle down and enjoy the spirit and pleasure of the christmas season now being ushered in and the ladies proved themselves good canvas sers and quite capable of conducting a municipal campaign even ifft wasnt as strikingly culminated as the previous one election day was apparently one when some of the candidates had very staunch and true friends who considered their one favorite most necessary to the conduct of the board unfortunately some of the younger element are doing damage by their climbing and other activities at the new arena may we remind them that its their building and any repairs will have to be met by parents and ratepayers or themselves the 1029 total yield of potatoes in canada ia estimated at 74446000 bushels from 545239 acres valued at 07451000 compared with 83058000 bushels in 1928 from 599003 acres valued at 40- 874000 potatoes are produced in large quantities in all the provinces of canada in all fairness surely the school board will at its first meeting confer the honor of chairmanship on trustee beswick who for two years has been overlooked in his just claim which his modesty re fused him to press his capabilities and experience amply qualify him for the- preferment his years of service have merited 1 an official report on employment in canada states that in october ofhis year conditions ere excep tionally satisfactory reports received from 7027 employers whose staffs aggregated 10hu583 person- showed the employment index ut 125 based upon the average for the calendar year 1920 as 100 this is the highest on record for this timp of year and compares with 118 8 for october 1 1928 vator last week celebrul- ed its fiftysixth birthday a double page spread gave a synopsis andviews of this splendidly equip ped plant at brampton may the coming years see u cpntinuance of the growth and prosperity of the conservator that has in the pust characterized it under the capable management of the messrs charters illcctric ruilways in canada are evidently u safe medium of travel a report just issued by the canadian government bureau of statistics states that in 1928 electric railways and buses operated by electric railway companies carried 808023 til s pu scngers and only one was killed there were 2735 passengers injured but many of these injuries were merely scratches bruises and minor cuts from gass our two new councillors arc major cuiumliign and l v denhon chief mondial and mr b v king motored to north day on monday on a bu nce3 trip mr and mm a b bradly and nan urock ti part union were weekend vlltori at mr win thompaonor mm hertjcrt t henzel of now york city who bafl been vbltlng her friend mln freda ycrbcrt returned to her homo last week hcv mr firth dr wauon ii c oiyfuot nnd walter peck attended the i liquet or the nap tint foreign mumlon liourd of the dominion at the hoy a i york hotel in toronto last monday night i mr a hyde la sailing for enfflond on the 30th of november on the wliltu star line lie will npend the winter n nths with relatives and friends in tlu old land m3i louise uarrlion of california when rciilwlng her nubscrlptlon to the hernld wished to bo remembered to all old friends she la leaving shortly on a trip to tho hoi land those from town who attended the old boys itcunton at toronto lout fri day night were major qrant mr and mrs o t mckay mr and mrs amot early mr and mvs j b mackenzie and miss marjory mr and mrs j m moore and mlsi allecn moore dr p wnlion warden thoa l leslie mr wilfred lcallc mrs w ii wilson misses mnyslc and maud mcdonald mr b kirk mr charles kirk mr it b foulls mi john taylur ir cyril jjrantford herald mlnnlit hilmlltijii of toronto tiiwnl ffuiiiliiy with mr c j and mbm ham ilton mr nnd mm lolm llnhrrty nnd family lllivii moved to alton where they iiir- eluued a rrnldrilrr from mr o miinlgnn mlmien mariiuret mid ijavium glllehple have to llnuitford where they will rename llielr dull iui trained nurn- illlly the only ron of mr mid mrs t j ijiiiie grand valley nimtalned double fracture or hln right forearm in ii full recently mr win mavel recently undents an operation for apneudlcltli at it a homplta forgim at laat report howiu convalescing mr anil mrs ilnrt belford and two children and mrfiflrn a hortnn and aeo horton of toronto were nunday vljdtoni with mr ana mrs a j iorun mlu muyooboum recently underwent an operation nn her nose at the clen- eral iioiplla guelph wc are nteajicd to report that sh in making natwynclory progrru inwards recovery mr and mrs w j umart and family have moved from illllnbiirg to 1rln and hove settled in tho residence recent j vacated by mr john mckochern and family advocate to safeguard the child from damage that worms cause use millers worm powder the medicine par excellence for children these powders will clear the system entirely of worms will regulate unit stimulate the organs injuriously nf- frlcdly the germs find will encourage healthful operation oftho dlgestlvti pro cess an a vermifuge it can be relied on for us effectiveness milton toronto is vlslt- irs hex scott iiir friends in town ir and mrs jos waters moved to strccuimuc on tuesday they were good citizens and miltons loss will be streets villco caln m mackenzie drungtat wc regret to report la confined to lib bed by 111- i his many friends will hope for a speedy recovery he morning services at st pauls church last sunday was in the interest the womens missionary boclety and thi speaker was miss nellie form an of hegllia sask who gave n very inter- illiih account of her work nmohg the forcluners of that city in the unit game for the champion ship of the milton and district softball league play hcru tuesday evening be fore a large crowd of fans kilbride de feated high school by 5 to 4 batteries orcy and hood tolctzka and houston umpires itandcll and marsh the re turn game will bo played in arena to night at b oclock champion at a meeting in f d dcwara office lul week to organize the milton hockey club for 102030 it was decided to enter both junior and intermediate teams in he o ii a this winter the following itriceru were elected honorary presi dents f d dcwar m f ponton and 6 robertson president howard u cox vicepresident it m poskcn secretary treasurer a e mtlson man aging commlttec fred mills c tolc- tzka cllftord hill and albert clement manager of junior team crawford chls- halm assistant manager of junior team fetter manager of intermediate team clifford hill reformer among the neighborhood stories told and implicitly believed is ono which we should be slow in asking any reader to credit but which is interesting u an example of the local wlf in story- making the wife of deacon saunders an excellent citizen of the place u fluid to jinve possesaed a parrot of exception al intelligence and remarked convema- tlonol powers on ono occasion mrs saunders was making cucumber pickles bho had the cucumbers in a dish on the kitchen tabic and was stirring a kettle or hot vinegar and iptcefl over the flra with a wooden spoon while thus engaged site chanced to turn about and aaw the parrot making on with one of tho cu cumbers ha you rascal youve been steal ing plcklca she exclaimed and threw the wooden spoon dripping with boiling vlntfgar at the bird it struck him on the top of his head and though it inflicted no serious in jury its effect was to take tho feathers entirely off the top of the birds head leaving him bald for a season some time afterward a minister from another town came to preach at the w church and took dinner at deacon saundcrs he wa quite bald an the family and the minister sat dawn at the table the parrot who had the free dom of the room came up and perch- thc tall back of his chair and eyed the top of his head with a close and highly interested scrutiny and then the bird colled out harshly you rascal i youve been steal ing pickles i oakville cupt and mrs li a mordcn and youngest daughter miss dorothy leave on december 2 to motor to lakeland florida whero they will spend the winter rev n m seymour with hts wife and daughter margaret of napaocc are guests of rev and mrs e o seymour at st johns paixonagc the sixth anniversary of the opening of the orctrory theatre is being held thb week ycsterdoy afternoon tho an nual birthday cake was cut and dis tributed to a large crowd of matinee at tendants w a pcrmh will be the rotlrtng member of the wutcr and light com mission this year and the good work ho hua done duilng his two years term should ensure htm another two years of office iuyord mrs s redahuw dundas highway is ourfcrlng from a serious fracture of the upper arm wlilch was caused by a fall on saturday- lost rev it w leo and mrs lee urujftlcld were visitors at the trafalgar parinniigc on monday mr and mrs f a fonttrr of onlders vlllted this week with their daughter mrs e p luiiau mrs w t mcrfy left on wednesday on a visit to her slstcru mid other rela- tues and friends hi boston and suburbs arthur llorihum slipped and fell while carrying a ciiit of mllkln tho dairy in which he wus empwywt leg was fiacturcd two gangs of workmen huvc been busy foi same day installing gas in resi dences and places of business one lays the pipes from the mains into the base ments of the houses while the other ih- stali the metres and connocts tho stoves ijriuia or heaters yp to thu present biluiin tliren and four hundred services huvc been lu id and there are between forty juid llfty users of ga-i- atar nkw mkal ticket a southern wufhnn stopped a darky on the street the other day and said mom im florryt hear your wife got a di vorce and hasjeft yog 5ifoscyesnum hes done gona bad to alabnma southern woman whos going to do my washing now more dont yo fret mbriui im- cotln nun in iv ah sho cotes fait florid 1 tliiiilnion hrlvct yoiii loht cauilh 1 with vallv llcturn muit cardt urn u great inn- veiiltiici u thr hurried traveller whi liiui or who thlnki hn imi no tlnn- io wrllo lillcru home hut occidents will huppen ijoineltmen iuy u enitlrlliiilfir the plrturo nidihrd miy floimtlilnu tli mlrr did not intend flnme time ngo a luitv who was travel ing in florldi wrote on a card that rib wiij about lo mall a friend hi chlrau mi you were here in due time cimie the answer receiv ed your card hut what do you mean you sent inn a picture of a cemetery a der old grandmother who w traveling llirouil northern ohio rlione u curd on which wan n colored plrture or a handsome new building hhe wrotn am detained here unexpectedly for a few days will explain later great wan the glee of children tuid grandchildren for grandmother had sent them a picture of the new jalll olvc me ji man so trained in mind hint hln body is the ready servant of his will nnd ttnrn with case and pleasure all the work that as a mechanism it lu capable nftiomofl i huxley th ium waunirfl of hi iifw indlvldilul wfjiinr ciiitrol illllgh- dnuik during rur- iiftri hlfimly pg llijiior ivrmlu of ilould loitrn theie w lliilir iiiinl nut t rlumi iukit pun hiuiiii iiiiojj your home nr room in y dt inking in muunn lulllted isfiinbiiiiiciui in u mrloiin offi un it in nn olftiii to peruilt driinkfn- nriut in your liunie in your lint thin permit li prminal v th rwjnnuc- 11 in not triuinfr ruble puniiltet imiat notify vendor of rhsjigr uddrrxn it wfiiild lie lutur if two morn cimiiscs rrn added i do not purchase a jwrmlt fisve ijo0 do not purrhnbe or drink the in toxicating liquor we 11 yoilrr utur without it infant hautvk tommy- did you have influrmui r id as i did i hail u stay away from hool for three weeki john i hnd it much worse than uiat i had it in the holidays tim paw ing uhnw ridon buhiiicbb directory medloalb tilt j a mcniven offim and luiamriiea comor uot avfnui and klgln utimt lvum ihonn hn 33 p o koii ss uauoui nah farmer m a hajvuur flftlklur ncury fablu cctvyaium kte 1kuuvman hlolkc acton on uoxky licit oh uoittoaoea lour0j0 sa 1icoop m bhulfday 13 00 oclock the store with the checkerboard sign a paitltots inffkenck hogs steers sheep say the purina pound is cheapest its not what wc say about purina chows that counts its what the animals nay through 2413 feeding records from all leading hog raising centers vw47 hogs shout purina makes pork at 6 50 per hundred while 19890 steers add 4 makes beef at s1008 at tlic same time 33399 sheep say s998 per cwt gain no wonder purina feeders are making money more money than by any other plan of feeding no wonder we became enthusiastic about purina and decided to become the local author- ired distributor of the checkerboard line youll be an cntliuniantlc baoater too once youve fed purina to your poultry and livestock why not phono us for a supply or drop in d h lindsay acton distributor phone 79 the store with the checkerboard sir- yyvywtfk anis kent ttew less tubes console model 8355 crecnorld receiver electro- dynamic speaker complete in lumd- so ml no- m ar cabin e t- greatest value in all radio screengrid electro dynamic speaker neu humless reception new pouter detection s neu needlepoint xclectivit nw eoxe of tuning glorious new tone handsome no-mae- cabincu why be satisfied with anything less than the bestz at thin new lower price we offer you the famous atwater kent screengrid radio at a tremendous saving come irjotidw and hear it try this powerf listen to its glorious new tone you who knpw real radio value will choose an atwater kent set her now let us demonstrate it for you today easy terms of payment can be arranged uiilis who in llit must popular fellow halloween parly peter pumpkin lakri churye of the ii jim o lunlcn luihta nn hul- tlli cltow was lucky too a ralllituan wlm w111 ruuntf ronm near utmlxiunil auilrullu aaytt mr w v luyv in hla iwxik illustrated auntrallii untl niw zealiuid picked up a stono to uirow ut a crow at icaal he uiouulit 1l ww a nuiiic bjit lint unuuual weluhl ot it made iilm buip tuid lixilc u ills urn axe incut the tiling wan a iiiiuflcl of almost pure old when lie reported the dbcovmy u an iflllul the telluw who wiu lncrrdu- 111111 nierrly linked and what heciuuc console models table model thrwe prlrr include tube model h5h as illustrated complete highboy model complete lowboy model complete golden voice tabic model com plete comhinaiion uudio und phono- iruph complete 22500 34500 screen grid table model complete 18100 thla include tubrs just drop in andilisten thats all a t brown dh j h johnson ddsld3 dulil umrgm ortlc ulll direct in hut coopr bloek a j buchanan d d s dwiaj urga office over ilouarda drug uvx lloun- 0 a m until u p m eil by appointment o a for extraction clohd all day wednesday p w pearen d d s l d s dnlaj horram ouccemor to latr dr j m dell phone 3d ulll ctrret actj uibceuakeouft francis nunan bmkudim account book of all kind mad to order periodicals of every deaerlptlozi carefully bound rullna rjuy ma promptly done wyndnam otrmi oualph ooa ovr wlulanu fltniw card co cuanks mad dytn guelph ontario stokm windows otonn windows quickly pr for tliemtelvea in fuel saved h eens ued one third icid j ucomth sav ed twentytwo dollars j smith xav- ed one and a hall tons out of aut b turner burned 3 tans ies t causler saved 3i tons out of fl vour home will he warmer your fuel bllli leai with btorm windows write for ice prlco lutt ready glazed addreu halllday company dos 142 hamil ton ontario earx z to flo feb day ambitious reliable men wanttd at once part time pay while tralnlne tor aviation uochanlca oarage work driving battery electric acetelyna welding house wiring industrial uoctrlcity machinist drlcltlaylng plastering drafting narbering and ualrdresslng act quick get your ap- illcatlon in now write or call for information dominion trade schools jutd eastern headquarters 113 iclnff ql w toronto emplayraeat srvlc coast to cabs if you arc looking for any in vestment for your money the uujxjntinknt bond cou- poration offers oecond standard royalties one of the oafost oocurlucs to he had oafo as a itanlfj and pays good dividend every mnntli information gladly given far uia asking wltliout obligation to you h w dawson s o box u kulampton district ilepreacnuiuvo dava oeolda tar a paw local afcvats acton monument works not one of actons n estab lished concerns but one that has shown good progresss during tho jean of its establishment estanridhed in aoton in 1030 fair deallnx good workssa- tldp ar uccttlnx eaeb year a largu- buelum far va john nicol jack stewart cleaner dyer regular call and deliver service to acton tuesday thursday and suturdoy mornings fob mompt and efficient seuvice phone 103 acton or leave gooiih at w- m coopeks odorlci clean int truecolor dycirur hotel employe wif ill lira poo was a immiy lltllo wlf uid muliior who wunt about imumwurli iniflnu oiid taklna a hr llttu twoyrild utrl uuun for soma raajait aim ruman i droop ajid iium bgsulil hiuli a deop ciiuub cam tliat itt iiotimd imr luntfs con tinually jftar husband wbji rusuiu about horf but as h had to work lua hours in a bltf hotel ho could not nura hor or bwlu vorj much tho doctor said aha uoudud ihi irroatuat cam if alio wasvto al wall ajaln nnd tar mrs this aui- luiposalbtlltr hut no thara was lli at hauil thu klnuly ara uil aklirul nitltal att toronto lloanltal fur coiiaununi a waaton lu thrao ruoitttua tlin olio lncnusa in wulicht from bu ounda lo 111 tunda which win a souikiui irnlit indwj and hi aooii wool hm u a vary baopy llttlo family yuiula aru nandvd hy ihl t4l for audi work and your nul 1 iiilm will bo tfcatufolly ipvtl b- w a i lit- ci u 1040 ucral torontu tf