Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1929, p. 6

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tithmwxt fa it uarritf tti jitli chrl fil tlir wlwlnu rlf i urru s urail s- u tui iw i lirr lliir c1t lor oihiii mauhifl roiuutflhuunn on lluliinlity now in- iwr an loan nt hie dublin lreel unlll clmrrh luilpti il v wnr l davidson iiislitiil by uev a o mtrwort ma arhii mumli- uoiir hums iftukhtit fit mr mill mr win llurnn onclph to mr ilnyil i ioriwn of detroit on f mr mill mr- n wirben arton milt uadon at hi joejir ifonlliil hamilton on wnliieduy deninher 1 imp lliuwill mcthoril mnon twlovtl tan of william and iuibel mnon lined m yearn l tim funeral will be held rmin lili home vit h concrtnlnn 10 niiviinwryii tuuii- hlp on lrlday urtiriiooii nt 2 ovloek intomiclit nt the n w emitter cumi- iwllvlllr 0 artnn 3lrtrpr llrrnr t1iuiuiday deccmiliit 5 1020 is hai it wan a quiet elortlon day clirutmim just nround tho rornrr lmb than throe wcrkt until chrhl- ncighhorhood news on wrilnruliiy ovenhik tin youna iviiilii horlety or the unltrd churrh mii iiriiuilfl mr ilerl wrldlit wtut i ii ctid inildeiit mm i calvert virrpnildcnt mrs ii lrlle 3ml vlci pre- lilent mrn a wuuioil 3rd vln ilelilrnt mid mr ii anto 4th vln idcr a iiuinlmt of tin rrcnljyterlann from hen utteliilril thi induction of rev mr mrcrurtten at itorkwood mi thursdny mid the nupnrt following hiulntc l in projtrrvi at mr a ilur- iou i mill tin dayn haixinai ai mr cllenn of ollnuin in vlmuiitf ill he home ut hli inter mrr dim camp bell mr m campbell prut a couple o day lut wrck at tile winter pair mir qladyn cole la lunhned to hei beil ihe juiflt week mr hjile mull carrier for ii it no 1 leorireloyn left lent urelt to npenil tin inter with his parentn in tlnu- land mkn eltlu bwlndleliurnt of erjn vt-nlt- id liut week at the imme of her brother mr kph owlndtehurnt ii look as if wlntrr haa arrived tho ighliitf is good limeiiouhe tlie fall plowlnii 1 far 1030 vltlenlly oldfarlilonrd iprll didnt help the coal much in de- lnnl month ilil nnap caught mint a r parantly tlie cold blru any hie now nhovel rnand now tliln ui december of the year tlie november c or iu unawares the flntshlrir tourhen arc now bclnu put on the new arena ckatlng in the acton arena will shortly be announced krln tax rate wan advanced three mlui over that of laat year the chrlntniaa number of thk ici phku will be issued nest week if you would do your clirutman ahopplns early it must be done now everything lum a real wlnlery ap pearance and the sleigh bell- art- jlngl inc present indications are enconrairlnif for a real old- fashioned white chrlst- the highway buai had to be pull et out or snow banks a few places last wk wltll two o h a teams in hockrj uila year the tans nhould get plenty of the aport a boy scout hockey league iif the dlitrict u being formed and includes a team from acton the new arena la almost ready tor tfa grand openlnu watch for the op ening announcement the mow shovel la just as back- breaking a job as the aummer pastime of pualilng a lawn mower there arc atlll many pretty designs to choose from in tut pbbe press ctock of personal greetlnc cartui plenty of seating accommodation ffnirouj nronortlona thxouahout acem features of the new arena eden mllla 13 likely to be designat ed u pouco vubice at the next nesiilon of wellington county council the week opened adth rood slelbhliih on monday cutterahind sleighs have btn in oommliialan ever elncc qnow fences have been distributed hi drifting polnta along the provincial jllgliwy tliey arc quite effective tlie motor radiators got in wronn with jack proat last week many at ulmn antlfrccxc was much in demand early applicants for old age pension bav received their first cheques from the oovemmeni they are much appre ciated tlie new btcel barn bclnu erected by mt a a clarrldffe to replace the obj doitroyed lost fall is rapidly hear ing completion a doctor observes thai a acncratlun that uvea on wheels should cat more frart and fresh vegetables than the acn rtiona that walked to tlie motorist a child on the high- vy u always a dancer signal when ou ue one ahead slow down at and if you are tn any doubt stop mr it marshall who was crlounly injured by anauto last week is making a atpld recovery j tho ilrnt cheque for old age pension er came to our pont office on prlduy morning a new and timely thing for many worthy canadians miss mary walker of toronto public school hoard staff and miss isabel wulker or the household qclcncr oept of victoria university were weekend guests at the parsonage the young people of paisley memorial church ouclph gave their popular pro gramme entitled mary made dome mar malade here on tuesday evening under tlie auspices of the aggressive olrls club of the presbyterian church though late in arriving they were greeted by on enthusiastic audience and entertained liter the programme at the home of mrs doughty nahhagaweya ihe ladles aid and women mis sionary society of the lbenctcr united church held their monthly meeting on tuesday at tlie home of mrs w f darby or icnatchullll tlie society elect ed the following officers for the next ear president mrs j marshall 2nd vicepresident mrs thos illchardson secretary mrs j w moffat treasurer mrs n lulycrop the many friends of mrs d taylor of moffat will be tarry to hear of her foiling on monday and fractur ing her leg lltuc miss audrey watson daughter of mr and mrs victor watson of nos- mmaweya who tell and broke her leg some time ago returned home from the quelph general hospital on saturday mrs c a darby of knatchbull i visiting relatives and friends hi dundos ai present owing to anniversary services being held at arkcll united church next bun- day the bervlcea at ellen exer united church lias been withdrawn far next sunday morning the annual public school concerts are being prepared and wtfr bo held during uie next two weeks various 1sjws items at kim cliurrli kumlay miming mr c m maldonalil of toronto who li chairman of adlulnhlratlnn of tin- prehytrrlau clmrrh in canada will he tin rpekcr at lln inilniliu wrvlut in knoi ohlirrh on uiuulay hionilng mr murdntiald han jut cnniplctcd 11 tour of ihe inhilmi iuuu in the orient oii 1 1 one of the rluirchi hitlnt tinii itr- forc reinovlng to toniuto he wan a rrilriihl of our nrliihborlng town llramp- tlnn hln 1 inning to nddre the roiuir- irntlon in iciuut church i- untlrlpaled with inlerenl ij i v i a annual mrrthie the annual mertlnit of i hi acuindnle u 1 v i o uiui held in tlir pnrlli hall on lrlday veiling lat durlm t 1 binlni- part of the meeting it i- di ddi d to reorgiinlzc and the lollouini officer- ere eleitcd under mr j hhwurt pieldeiil mlvi vrliim murray vln preldenl mr pred anthnny flee re tnr mln jean ilaicrn irenturit minn rihel cirult llinilt mlvi mnrgiret utiiuti aislntant iliinlt minn margaret wnldle at the clo- e of tin- bunlnrv n nodal hour was spent arrna almost itrariy for irnlne the proiirc-i- on tl new arena ieenn to be runiilng pretty clone to schedule thj let- urface and ieaui and wall were completed on turnday the flood ing of the surface han now been r im menced and if the cold weather ron- tlmien the arena nhould bit readj for uir grand opening next week the chimneys and untitling touciili or now bclnu completed and the building clean ed up from the building dabrh and made ready for occupying poteri will an nounce the date and detnlls of the open ing of the arena and full particulars the scouts ii tides varlng to secure new uniforms the hulldog troop of the boy scouts are planning to have new uniforms for their troop by chrlntmas the troop now numbers twentyfour and a lot of the boys are planning to earn the money for their outllts scoutmaster mason says they villi nhovel nnow and do all norui of odd obn and he has agreed to conduct the employment agency ror the troop any on desiring a boy for do ing odd jobs can therefore cccurc one by applying to the scoutmaster and in addition to getting the work done will be helping the scouts provide their uni forms v boy scout u news acton buujmh tkooi nher pair everton the city man tldnks hlmscir bette oil than the farmer and the- farme tht tlu- city man conceited but 01 eoming into a fortune they both move the fanner to the city the city man u ihe country gwendoline p clarke hie chronic le of tlie chronicles of ginger punn hms contributed a special christmas article for tni paw pnisa next week in addition to her usual weekly article there a lesson in it lor every married mm dont fall to read it theres just one thing wrong with christmas and uiats shopping said a busy mother the other day many otliera agree with this expression ilul a little careful meditation before tin chopping will help wonderfully dont select presents too expensive its not the- oast but the motive which cuuj dont try to buy everything you w an one shopping trip next saturday december 1 ii date of st alhana uaxnar nassapaweya council umt at accounts focsmi al the uexular november session the following accounts were pacd by haxugiweyu council ut the session on monday november 25 toronto hunpltal tor coiisuinii- uvea care of kathleen young 4j 0 w e uocready division court aesslans 0 00 ii davenport memorial grounds 33 2 b blmnson slicep killed by doga 3j oo d irrtng inspecting sheep killed 3 01 b agnew expenses of eimallzu- tlon for 10u0 j53 00 b o h annual impend hun- utllli upctlan hoard revision of voters llls 1uju1 road oupertiiiteiidcnt voucher no 17 ifi 4 john marshall clerk greenock school christmas ctmcert bill be held an december 12 admission 04c cliildren froc mr and mrs martin and family of armstrongs mills were sunday visitors at the home or mr and mrs t d mccutchcon rci g w charlton has returned to hi liome at st thomas after conduct ing evangelistic services at the church of christ for the past two weeks a qulltlngbcc was held at the home of mrs oeorge ilobertson monday after- noun under the auspices of the era mo- junior womens institute thui quilt will be oent to a hospital hi north- 11 ontario miss elisabeth and mr harry mcphcd- 11 of toronto university were home for the weekend ir and mrs w moore of detroit mich motored over on thursday to see their aunt miss annie grlndell who has been ui for some time and whose mdltlon is still about the same mr and mrs jamea hortop buffalo y and mm henry hortop and mr charlie hortop ouclph spent thurs day with mr and mrs w h hortop and famjly mm ada moore returned to toronto on friday after spending a few days with her sisters urn w evert to and miss annie qrlndeu during tin- month tit di lunliiii- will be ik id in uiikly troop uk etliig die purpo- thl arraiiipmilit in to gle the p i jpportnnlty to mould their reoriaiilw d jitroh into working linltn it i- planm il that iome olflrrr w111 be pnnnt at vei mi e ting ihe ilrl pntrol rompetltlou for tl 11111 cloned on november 21 nnd wi i i by the icniignniuj kvery meinbi i 1 patrol received a rolon d purtrutl of lhl chief hiout inl hadenpowill iii ilamndeii in ttie p i of the knn- uuy ilynte newly nppolnted i 1 ul the nixen wai reponlble for th iali of iiopplei 011 armltlre day ijvi r poppy wan reported mild and cnnuj n rtalnly desrrvii rrrdlt for thin ipliiidld and successful piece of work pirforniiil for the troop we wlji to thank mr oroham ilndnay for his valuable a-i-nt- tance in the undertaking the heoiitmanter wants every ijroul to be in full uniform for 11 lhurdi parade to t luld early in january chrlrmas very near boyi doesnl that give you an inspiration 7 fc the kangarooi are the proud pon-i- nor- of a iu hook ii ln a ipliiuliil rirnrd of the vorioun activities of the patrol nnd tin troop ilesldes mnnj oilier iti inn it cniitaliis a crlen of cut- tlngn tuci11 from the parr inrji dating bick in th- cmiference hrld here hi march ttie only patrol to report 100 at tendance last week nm the pox it was formed on november 21 and con sidering the very short time they have been organized they are making splendid progress indeed it looks as if tills en thusiastic group will give its older com petitors n i tin race in the next patrol competition si allians tram ijrf rated uist ttiursday evening with a team crippled by sickness st allians church met defeat by a team which they had defeated in both league games before 11 the georgetown softball playoffs olb bous and serlven were the luminaries for acton while aurot starred for the high school although havlnc no pjtclilt tin acton team held the high school for tlvt innings wltti every man on leu in trying his hand at pitching jewellery watches and clocks snlil in u iii m lln- t-utllliijiu- ii ynil ull1l iii iw hioiry in iiru imk- in lni imp ynur chi isiinii picuiis i- mil- illfofl hiiinj i1iulicn james k gardiner watcilmaiiku acton ontakio han and mra ii knapp ifmovlne to toroulo 1- c it icnapp who has been ac countant in the sunk of montreal hen r the past five years received word st week of a transfer to tile staff of a branch of the bank in toro dur ing their residence in acton both mr and mrs icnapp have proved them selves valuable citizens in the church r as usual and community life of the town they i how happens it bob the visitor in- interested themselves and willingly work- quired that your face isnt so long as ed for hie advancement of many com- the rest of the family munlty enterprises their removal is re- 1 a bob returned that i haie gretted ui many circles and by tlie many been no busy hunting handles that i friends they have mode during the resl- havent had time to pull it down hunting foahanilks an lnttmaui friend of n merchant who hud jut loit i1l1 property called to his sympathy nnd found the family much drprcsjd with tucjaccptlon of the youngest jn who appeared as checr- dence here all wll join howevi congratulating mr icnapp un lil- p motion to the city branch of tlie baj mr nevblt or ixndon will be icnappn uccetsor in the bank here ilxplalrr yourself demanded tlie visi tor laughing this ln all said the courageoun boo when i was a little shaver my grand father ued to liavc a carpenters bench in hi- woodshed and one day he sent me for a particular tool and i brought humane society ofllrrn tq hm ttlthoul thc han the animal meeting of the jnimmu b ln tiiit he cried arc you a fool society held at georgetown last week rjcb then i was mad and cried back uos attended by the most enthusiastic there isnt any handle to anything gathering of members since the lnccp- there he clzcd me by the arm and lion of the society four years ago dur- sn hob remember one thing theres trig the past year a vast amount uf u u handle to everything oo hunt organization work of the junior branch the nauulel lias been carried on throughout thc pub- mj traiidfuthcr wai a mm who knew lie schools and thirtytwo warnings w m wua talking about if he said been issued 270 cases have be a t theres a handle to cverytlnjig then sure o brown rocicwood ay evemni some kin oh tlie class ooniposltlon was 611 icings tyj the ilnstaii transcrtiit and u1l1 in wltat one boy wrote the most power ful king on earth is worltlng the lajl- mt tlllrklng one of the worst u s1110- kin uu wltumt juklng the uutht tltlaklng uie ttilrstlest drlnklug tin tlytml win- king and the noisiest tal king lust thursday evening was a big c ent in thc presbyterian church here when rev w ii mccrackcn of al monte was inducted into the paatoratc of iloekwood and eden mills congrega tions thc ladles of thc local church provided a splendid supper which was very much enjoyed by the large number whu came to meet their new pastor ind witness his induction members of cden mills congregation were present and others also from outside points after every one had partaken or thr eood tilings all repaired to the audi torium hev p muthlcson of dujt s church morrlnton presided over uir srr- vlle iuv p e williams m a u l of hespeler preached the uuluctlon niriiioii otiicr mints tern who were ppc- m ni and took sumo uort hi tim coro- muny were itcv e a thomson of elora ilcvs j c ross and w a j graham of hamilton i lev c o jones of nusagawcyu rev a c itcwart or aclou and rev g atkhison of ut puiiih ircuhyurlan church quelph at tin sunday services large congregations wlti present to hear rev w ii mc- craekeii who delivered earnest disco u rs- i- which were lbtcncd to with rlaac at tention we bespeak a successful pus- torute for rev mr mccrackcn and also weltoinc him and mra mccrackcn and fiiuitly to our midst i in- womens association of thc unit d church held a successful baximr in lln town hull salurday afternoon a uuod sum was re all ted for thc use of thc church ir george day son of postmaster prank day underwent a serious oprru luui in guclprgaencrar hospital lost iveek pred day of toronto was up for tin weekend and qiso spent uaturday ufteriioot with ills brother tn the hoi- pltul mr garbiitl who was rumoved l uir iiuipltil in quelph smiu- time ago on uiluunl of blood- poison tug is improving mi n john or a ham visited friends li lorouto over thc weekend the womens institute meeting diiiiiiber is being held this thursday i vi nmg when a demonstration will be given handled by lt col a spector for the society us well as ui amount of educational work done usldi from the ic hoots tin newly appoint ed officers of the society ore as follous president dr h g reld v s vice- presidents wm ashrnhurt rev p h wasc sec re ury treasurer mrs g o brown inspecuir lt col g o brown exlcutlvc mrs rev ewan macdonald l m montgomery 1 mrs herbert mrs i nelson cook mlv l itcid rev h i caldwell arthur ueaumount e town- at albans december 7 handle io our altat huh and i mean lot nnd it no virtue in more cauly imparted tlian that of ruirujti jnil lt i3 needless to udi that the wliole family set uboiu hiintliig for handles and found them ihlltfcct aliitl lit was visiting the newlywcds at tin li home everything wun line but why did you take an apartment with such a tiny kitchenette tom old boy well youre the first man ive told mi keep ii quiet its n small i can t get in there to help my wife when she s doing the dishes pathfinder new chopping mill now open our new chopping mill on mill street is now open miii rcudy for business prompt und diluent choppinj con ven icnt locution right on mill street we sol 11 putronuge yotn h s wilson j hlkino double judge what brought you here aeiusrd two policemen judge i dont mean that drunk i presume cniv d both of uiriti lintlge uliiiltcr lltrllu now you ask on1t tiicta li a grrauieiu hi being geiiemus why ihouuliit a woman n mind be iiid uuro is only jjmplo jim lice in more dean than a mans when nlu- aitufylag creditors geilirojilty is the lhoiigen it every touple of minutes rty ot ihe soul raised ahovo tlie vulgar whut la u stuck exchange nol it oldmljul isnt u pig ewapplug i 75c 85c ljc we must make room to display our christmas goods that h uie rauion for uicuc offering in huipk- winter lineh riht now ut uie belnnink of uie heiuion mens all wool sweaters ul each mens cups with ear bands kod vulue al special ut each mens llcivy flunnelette work shirts specuil ut eucli mlins allwool socks per puir uh savinc on mins oviiitcoats mens oveieouts worth imh in 10 00 lxtru speciul m1ns linb kuhhiks per pair mens lumulkmlns kuiihlks per pu mens kumillu lloo i per pun mens fine oxeokds per pun men s wolk shoes i 1 7s special till per pair icvery pair of stun and itiililierh in the store in uaninteeil ilrat oualily tt ladies llllch lined hloomlks all ladies long dkawlks special fi ladles all wool stockings per pair lad1es velvet dresses each 875ro 2200 src j2 lj jarn wfif 298 ljc 59r toe s95 seijcct christmas juts otir slock for christinas is now complete selection u easy if dune euily und our plun of piifline articles uwny for yon upon puyinent of u simmi deposit makes sure that you uie not disappointed in your choice shop early und you will save and pi oli t maple leaf e store m faijnt proprtitor mill sthia7r acton nkxt to whjcs cafk choi ce kkkf cups choice ulli koasrs per h i hick kilt uoasts per ii klh moil pti ih iokk cuts ikusii side iokk hthe piece per ih siiouidek koas1s trinimed per ih lahi bulk laki per ih ikr kisii bkitisii columbia salmon whole or hall pc lh 17e clscoefi finnaii ilafhlien 2 u- und lili- 17c to 2lle 22r to 2ic sirortening shortening lb pails for 49 pattersons meat shop 11 e deliver promitiy phone 178 s cuiiipbcll tomato oo soup 2 for ljoc ilcinz pork and 1 fk ucuib ii oz tins fur 1uc euni oood mincemeat lb lie corn syrup 5 lb tin 33c corn starch 2 for i3r tlgir cilup large zu old dutch cleanser j fnr ic pot toostlri 2 for zl clluger kiiitni 2 b lor jv 1 ih puck cd in ticiu f fthat033l llh chiiuiiu cheese t fk wijsewtem fi p h u s1im itull ijlhu l-iui- cup- and in am ju t biiuieri and colon d qq cilavuure 0c ilt sikc1ais ii 11 nam ju b tl oh older hiutfi ijlh piul miirninlalll jar- toi 7v lhnnllt skts whlmd crium set h ntil iittem- fui l or ij creiim und sugar brts 30e 15 00 lu s3q 00 e s1m5ciac notk price rcdultioiih of si to 5h tin new lm maitnii liiittcrylcss radios c console was 2hh now slilo tabic model uiib si 7s now s12 prices comjilete nitli ten tubes come in and hear then for yourself aiill stuket hills phone i 17 gift giving sale gifts that last ladles dtessts suitiihic lui cvciy iiccauou in tnusi j qr nutciiuls iksikiud ror tin jisliiiiiinutuik wumm jljd 1850 2195 135 275 149 chlldien s couls heu inud tin colliiis and dills 7 oc a splendid jlilstuius ill mik tj f d 250 cieakint 1 ad1ls i a i s speciul im eiuli hiistnius special in su 1 s urns k ji is i in chi litmus dkiss cals in tin luiist pattenis spccml in ml n s hllll si hl ian is special tor chi istiuus mens bioadclolh shins n hisi js special al cikls vllvi 1 dklssi s lane tiiunmd 1 chiislinas till sies llildicus imilhiiiaiioiis a mil lull kiiiii in iiilniil i uhiu some willi dinp seal sunn 2 iuxe shnls and diuui in ill sis i tl s cliii ul i iii 11 ik i n s ma i s in ulirl mil lilts in f blivs li a i iii u av1ai ion ha is loi i inismia special a 69c 149 29c i adits all wdui stride di esses a lu l j aiiet ftl 7c to select horn sues m to lh oiil pod juftt krucived a hhipment ul latlies and men ha i in olu- some all silk limited in all shnden come in and a oc look tin m over a piattieil jjif t fin chi istmas ioi piij miui m ore mic nils too numentils to list si tidy our prices we defy comparison come in ami see how car your dollar can co at the central clothing dry goods store specials jor cfarisfeas holeproof silk iiosk sputuil pnees loi lu itiiur 7oc si0i s2 und 150 kinli pair done up in limey mix ladils iiandhmtciillrs ladies i landkcrchie- wuh i inn iinnn id juhu 1 5c special each i tincy uoxes with 2 i landkci liiuis m ltl specnil al- per box mins iiankikcjiims mens while henist itched handkei liijc is ill n wilh ii 1 1 1 ul special at 2 i cents mercerized finish mandkcichiels it i v jlli mens kiiyon haiidkeichiels in taia siripcs uiih colored border special ut ilankidts r 1050 1 100 ilanneielte iiixnkicts white anil riy pink and uluc border jj y 10 a c lxtra luie sie special tflliliot tpclhco 10c 5c and illr i n j v 40c specials in grocer small ii bile pc i 25c shelled almonds per ih lemon and oran t iii on p an nr peel i ih for dc z iuk lo zjc choice recleaned ot o kh 1a1as h currants 2 ihs tor odc o ioi zjc i small package oxydol euee with the iurehase of a v lnrket mclean co stoke will uk open all day wednesday mill street acton ontario phone 1ch d8i show rooms and store willow struct acton c b swackhamer furnituke and hardu are christmas gifts furniture is a lisitn ji it i mn entire faniil will eno ihitnih ilu mii iiik ears no oini single udditnm t you i home uill hunj nu u happiness miil- good cheer tin veafs lu luiiu cliehterliekls ucl sjsdoo vilut i sis 00 dimrik kotnn mtes kilili suite s17o0d bediooiu iintis walnut s1i01h bicakfasi buitt i pittes s220 couch si7- kitchen kahnut lu j i g siooo tume lumps mnde limps and floor lamps m up floor ctimnnbh window shades curtain itotls mirrors etc hardware skates hocke sucks sleighs i oho fiaiis cns lumps gai lanieiiii luaine- uiil e t iill carrianto kiddie liars scooters tricycles toy autos wheelbarrous nelson co three day specials ill ihs cnanii all d sucak vie i ih 1iuni 1 im 1 k am- lr j ihs i ini i sn h im jar 1 lh lies loss ui s mixed i ill ivil im 1 7c i pail s hs 1idni i 7e i do1 iikanc1 s im lse 1 itk s i oil paruj lot ilik jlc 1 hotllis ix ihai 1 i jlc j ihs sum ana k ums i sir i makal l aih i jlle i i mi- iucki i i i ljc i llii i1iiivj kir cilltlstmas liiksems ur slocli i omilelc onli 17 shoiiuii llajs i ell lin1 tlioiee is itesl nine lnli nelson co mill street acton ihonli i7 buy early scinta c lotus for christmas giftsl actons toy land hoys and nils eci oiii aloiluis and 1 ul t snni i to huna yotn frts on liiislinas day gilts loi everyone at special lo pile- ii t hi istmis j watches ll men sllo keililir up in jmlu z watches loi indies hum sli0 to 1101 ke uli up o all sorls of jifls ut hintons gift shqppe

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