ah3 t xxtt btmittb tftiilco lliiurrlj uf qjmittim acton minuirt it o n- ft it d iamortfcbfl willow street 1100 o in tim minister subject god in did way 330 p m sunday bcliool lesson tho christian cplrlt in industry 7 00 p m tho minister gubjeet the hills of scripture monday fl00 p m young people league christmas programme in eliarge ot tho literary oouinilttee thursday 730 t ra prols ud prayer uervloe i jlriiiitilrruti knox ciiukcn acton yuiuuuf bv a c stewart m a ma mm willow street 1100 b m- the minister subject the vital things of life 3 00 p m ounday school lesson the christian oplrlt ln industry 7oo p m the minister subject the love of christ monday boo p m young peoples guild meeting in eliarge o devotional committee thursday 730 p m payer meeting- strangers leaving addneas with the usher wlli be called upon hy tfad pastor afiiiu fiautlat hwth paktoua vottsmf wellington street 1100 o m subject peace 330 p m- bible scliool 700 p m gubjeet assurance monday 800 p in b y p u and prayer mceung thursday- fl00 p m christian pag eant under direction of mies m locker i bring you oood tidings everybody wklcouk unclassified small advertisements nt stove wanted a secondhand glove with flat top nqulrcd far the curling rink at acton arena apply to j m ucdonaxjq foe kent a brick house one mile from acton apply j p robertson phone 4tr boarders wantso comfortable room and kosrd in good locality apply box bo acton p o fob sale young part jersey cow due lotnuhen shortly apply pred crewson crewsona comers call and see our display- al chrlclnas cemetery wreatlui taoo and up also small wreath and decorations for uws home at mr horry fryers main street 334 fob sale boan bhoruiom cow fresh 0 years old right every way john tone it r no 4 rockwood fob sale 1 1500 will take 4 bum or perfection ol otove double oven perfection oil heater 5 gallon oil can all in good condition apply to o it knapp at bank of montreal cakld of thanks mr j ii ii price and family daslr to express their appreciation of uw many kindnesses performed during the illness of the beloved wife and mother of the home the floral tribute and sym pathetic words spoken and many kindly deeds performed at the tuna of un prices death will ever be gratefully re membered 1 ir wim 1 iihu 1 i l i ie thedoor of opportunity j tiuae small ads will op urn- door to whalevci- you are seeking wonderland ww fbi day december 13 tlic crash a powerful and dramatic rall- eoad picture starring milton bills comedy the cut upa foe news saturday ii t kmbett 14 u mans man romance jf a boy with a cor respondence school complex and a lilrl wlui a movie bug starring william haines and josephine dunn comedy no children pox news yuekday december 17 marianne utarring marlon davlea no 3 of tlie ace of scotland yard comedy motor boat mammas couiuq tlie colons anil kellys in auanllc cily m la eiwr u tarring lun chaney il u cimmuy son shop at macdonalds- everybodys christmas store hosts of cifts tor everyone bid and younfl bip and ijttle for the smnrt fashionables and the modest home- p bodies cf bat will satisfy you and dclijjht the recipient if you have your list all made iut then youll find vhat you want here if youre still undecided then youll find n world of inspiration in our marvellous gift loisplnys i and last but not least christmas merchandise at mac- donalds is marked at prices that will help a lot in stretchinr christmas budgets do your riftktherinf where n good store is wellnamed silk scaris 125 to 800 hndh 9ft to 1500 silk hose 100 to 100 sport hose 98c to 1jk jewellery 50c up kid gloves 25 to 600 boxtd handkerchiefs 20c to 7150 boted flowers 39e to 200 sport hose vsc to 15 silk lincerie 75c and up crepe lingerie 298 and up silk kimonos 498 and up bathrobes 398 and up lunch sets t50 and up fancy linen pieces 19c and up damask sets 550 up sweaters 298 up mens shirts 159 up tics 95c up pyjamas 195 up bathrobes c95 up lamps 595 up banket3 600 up comforters 900 up ru 425 toyo galon for the kiddies lovely ranjre of baby gilts imported novelty glfu wide choifca in mens furnliihines coats and dresses 3 j with reductions of j ff one fifth to one third off tv opportunities to smarten your christmas jj wardrobe at prices you w6uldnt expect till y d e mactjonald bros ltd guelph otftahio ouk motto quality and service j j ii this weeks specials pure jam 40 or raspberry and strawberry d- aa 10fb crabapple jelly a a 0 oi 3 for 41uu orange marmalade 40 oz for 3 for apples per peck carrots 29c 75c 35c 25c tomatoes fpkr 2 tins 2 seedless raisins ft lbs for zioc y dates yt cm tbs for ciok orange and lemon ih peel per lb zidc shredded cocoanut per lb 25c shelled walnuts ttttgt per lb jjc currants 1 lbs for 33c 2 sweet corn 9c tins fcjcr 10 ft pearl sop q 1u bars tor ooc 10s oxydol large 7c one 10c packet freetc 2peakline h packets for j9c 3 hard water soup h bars for uoc special prices on mixed nuts candy and oranges next week a red white store j w jones pbone 2c acton ont one car of government standard re cleaned screenings has juit arrived this makes jood cheap feed for hojs and cattle at 3400 per ton wc hove a car of american vollow corn iiri the way alby a car ot no i western oats get our prices acton flour mills i ii mnikay proprirtor the cokiimunitys social side of life vialtorh to and from town during the imt week atf cltmwa hy tno tve tnt uun heme hall toa honin frran tor onto for tli wwkcntt mr i hunt of tottenham u vult- ina ului mr and- mix v tumey mla ktva raren iipent uie wetktnj with lirr friend mra o ilaln at ilramp- lon mr and mm o a dills franee and david upent tho 6kend in tor onto mr o ii lanu whs ha ben dann- ou v ih bodpauonlnif li lm- ir and mra kruatt hall of kllch- ricr attended the funeral of mr halla sfctcr mra jj ii h prison monday one of our elderly rexldenta mra tlion otatliom will on oaturday de cember 14 cekfcrnte tt 5ui blrtlulay at her home church street mr andatro duruaiul conover and uki dertlia conover of krlndab and mr i vannatter of tleoretlown vltltod at the home of mra robert ilenntrtt loot week mrs j macarthur wlio has been in toronto at the hoam ot mr john clarice returned on tueaday to her horn her utlaa etlicl clarke accompanied lier and u ipcndlrm a taw days in town en or the programme for uie comln year jjrwhlc1pal world election cup an vslr llfbliu tlavb club lias trfiwfr nil a evr ileady hoys club lias oraanlaed under uui aupervbdon of mr auld tliey iiave ilttej up a room for mmtinf ovr n o maraliall uji on account of anniversary aervlcei belmr iield at arlcell united church uie evening service liar waa wltlulrawn xn the momlntf irtev mr taylor of ilock- wood conducted tervlce at arkell uev oandur taking uie aervjee at nockvdod many frlenda or mra john taylor will be aorry to hear of her aeriom illness mr harry mcfntoch who wax so pain fully injured in a motor accident a few weeks afio u able to be around though lie will not ba nt to reai work in hli ihcp for some time to come etttereu jttto uwt sarah tdcicerina trafaler corah topluun widow ot john tuck ering died on monday at uie haou of her daughter mra j k wllacm bau line trafalgar towmldp in her elthty- flfui year deceased it survived by flv dauahters mrs thomah andrews toronto township mrs- j it wfuon trafauor townalilp ur jolin bunmwrs stratford mrs james ollefo and mrs pred ollffe chlnbuaootuy- so qua olstcr mrs wllcon of chulrehlll ruobell medpord macon a brwht young life was terminated in the drtth on wednesday of last week of ruscll modford mason at the oe of 33 yearn he was the son of william and beli mason and was born at aberloyle for two months tha youno man had been ill with sepuo pouonlnff and althouflh everyuiliul poiiible was done to atop uie proatea of ui disease he pasted away at ol josephs hospital hamilton last week beside his aor- rowlruj- parento lw leaves two brothers and throe sisters to mourn his lau harold at woodstock and jennett edna doueta and vera at home to thess the sympauiy or all goes out in their bereavement tjie funeral was lield last prhloy af temoon and was conducted by rev c q- joneo interment was mode in uie oampbellvlwe eemfctary mrs- j h il prick after a period or four years of health mrs j il il price passed peace fully away at her home willow street on prlday evening erama hall was a daughter of uie late mr and mrs joa jloll and was in her fortyttlnui year shu was bom at tullamore in pctl county and luul lived the greater part ol her life la acton in 1007 h was joined in uie bonds of wedlock to john li ii price who with a family of aeven children remain to mourn uia log of a devoted wife and mouier the children vjho are all at liome are nilliard mar- garet abigail herbert campbell horman and douglas pour suters and four brothers also remain to revere tier memory mrs d camochan mrs nor- man mcleod mra j taylor all of acton and mra john scott of lime- house mr jamas hall toronto mr ernest hall of kllchcner and maura william and oeorge hall of acton all these uie sympauiy of uia community goes out the funeral was lield on mon day afternoon with service in st albans churcli rcy p a sawyer pastor of uur family was in cliarge of uie service and was auuted by rev o i imolj and rev a c stewart the funeral was largely attended by friend here and rtom a distance intsnuent was made in palrvlow cemetery onarleo eakihq word was received by ids stater mjis laura aktns here from chatham of thr sudden daaui on tuesday of charles akliu am mdjustar of toronto aklns was connected with uie arm of p thompson valuators of hamilton and had travelled to cliauiam wlui mr tliompson and two ouir members of the ann in connection with uva recent large tin in uiat townj ur aldus and his colleagues were dining in a cafe when he was aehud with a lieah attack and died before medical asslatance could be rendered he waft bonl in uia town ship of hassagaweya a son ot uie ute ur and mra hugh aklns 3 yar ago and entered business in acton as luuliant tailor in 1001 he moved to midland and in 1014 he removed from there to toronto shortly afterward he accepted a position of adjuster villi uie tliomnson firm he was a member of uie howard pafk united church a life member of culedonlan lode 310 mid land and a member of uie l o o p in midland surviving are his widow who before her marriage was miss iqlsa- bth mclam a daughter of of uie 1st mr and mrs james mclam of acton one daughter mayme at home one renter mlu laura aklns acton and two brothitb isaac in winning and hugh part dover to all these in tills community w lucre uia family are so well known the sympauiy of everyone goes but in uiu sudden bereavement the funeral will be hold from uie liome of lib ahter rower avenue acton prlday afternoon with service at 30 oclock interment will take place flrvlcw cemetery tliildrknh aid society sutpokt he following is uie fpvwl qf me childrens ald society qordofl iomc fur tljd month of movemberlglfl appltcauoiw for children 9 children made lards perataunl i investigation at lionies qf cldldrdji 8 mall received c3 mall wnt out va meetings addrad 3 officii interviews 10 court attendances foster houim heard from wards ploaed out ward returned to shelter warnings given 8 o v thompson insiiaclor neighborhood news r klikn miixjj wedneuy evening uie pahdry memorial united church young iople gve uiclr popular play mary made some marmalade in the town hall which was well received by a good audi ence on thursday atternoon uie womens missionary society of uie preabyterlan church met at uie liome of mrs j and w ollbertson a chapter ofuielr study liook was taken by mra jno milne and a solo by mra mlno the election or offlcero for uie cjuulng year result- rollowa iridn t mrs wm- lowrle vicepresident mr jas oii- bertaon 3nd vlceprwddent mrs c scott secretary mrs j d lowrle xreasurer mrs oeo thomas tlie united voung people met on wed nesday evening wlien much business was discussed in preparation for uie carrying 4gc0 401 14075 10jji bockwood tlie many rrlends of mlo minnie hewat sister of uie late mrs andrew hewat were sorry to learn of her sudden deaui saturday evening due to a stroke during uie day tlie late ulu hewat had been keeping liouse for mr john m paxmore and was in her usual health saturday morning during his absence she was seised with uie stroke and while everything was done for her welfare alie lapsed into unconsclousneas finally pass ing away about 5 p m the funeral was lield tuesday afternoon interment taking place in roelcwood cemetery rev mr dandier or scden mills oc cupied uie united churcli pulpit sunday morning while rev w j taylor was conducting anniversary services at arkell mr oeorge day who underwent an operation in ouelph general hospital la expected home uie early part or uie week also mr stanley plummer who in sl josephs hospital underwent an operauon on saturday and mrs arthur ayles and son jack were visitors at mrs t lynch last week previous to their going to mardcn to live ur robert croft of toronto was home fox uie weekend johnstone hewat of blmcoe was heme for uie weekend clarence lynch and sister mlu icauileen of ouelph were home for sun day at uie womens insutute meeting last week at uie home of mra a r martin the demonstration for the evening was in cooking meat and vegetables wiui- out water the committee of ladles for the evening were mrs oeorge peal con venor mrs thos wlngrove and mrs m cameron during uie evening mrs aji martin was uie recipient in a presentation for her hospitality and mrs 8 3- royce won a saucepan in being uu nearest compeutor in a guessing con test thto thursday evening uie 13th mr pred smith uie local coal dealer is having a free moving picture show in terrace oardena under- uie auspices of the deleware and hudson lackawmna coal co of scran ton po showing uis miner at his work from uie time he leaves home unul uie rue u ready for shipment after the allow u over a dance 1b being held pllea acton public utllrlca com- mlifllon rink supplies acton public tjulrlea com- mwon ughung town hall acton public uuiiucd com- mlrclon street ughung acton public utilities com mission fire pump acton public utllluea com- mlclcn pump house mccutchron cartarjc and freight r conway deputy relum ing orftccr and poll clerk ild rputy r ing officer and poll clerk j r anderson preparing room for election pjremens allowance cooper dumping privileges county rate qnn313 reeve and councillors calartea 30000 bauer engineers allowance t rumley labor in cemetery uooney labor re streets clark at till firemens insur ance evettton mr and mrs elmer awrey and cons ivan and elgin of oueth were sunday visitors at uie home of mr and mrs w uclicrwood mrs w talbot returned home on thursday after spending a week in ouelph and toronto the regular monthly meeting of uie eramoa junior woraena insutute met at uie home of miss jean bwaiuton on wednesday evening wllhleout eighty present thirty ladus tha meeting was conducted by uia vlcerpresldent miss cecilia synott and after the regu lar routine of business had been dis posed of and plans made for uie com ing meeting hi january at tha home of mlu elva hindley a reading given by muriel ilortop and music by helen benham the meeting closed la the usual way lunch was served by the hostess and uie remainder of uie even ing was spent in dancing a hearty vote of uianka was moved to uie ltost and hostess and family for their gener ous hospitality mr and mrs w mckcnxle and family of oiprlnge called at uie home of thelr aunts mra oeorge loree ulu mni- arot sunter and mrs w uslverwood on sunday mr john artndell of duelph out on sunday to see his akter mlu annie orlndell who baa been 111 for some time and whose condition is little clianged tlie annual oyster and cblckan sup per of the local beefring took place on prlday evening id uie community hall wlui about one hundred and twenty- five nrexant tlie supper was served by uie ladles and after all had partaken of uils yearly baaquet uvo regular busi ness was transposed of and plana made ror 1030 mr and mra w il hortop celebrat ed uie lr thirtiaui wedding anniversary on prlday evening several friends call ed on them during uie day and evening miss o race dampler who is attending rockwood continuation school waa lome for uie wetjceud tlie regular monuily meeung or uie kverton womens insutute met on thurs day afternoon t uie hojne of mra robertson with nftean lid tea present the meeting was conducted hy thr vlceiresidenl ulu jaan mclean and after uia regular procedure of busl- neu the roll call was anssred by a uiought from prose or uotitry h was decided to send mm qin recently quilt ed to a hospital in hdnhern onurio along with r aliower of hospital nawu to be urougla to uie iaxl biretlng instrumcpul was given by luny pslier- wood hlc was followed by an inlr estlnir reiiort of uw cuiiveuuon liald in toronto iy jean mclean- an ezcliange of chrlettila skls closed ue meeung followed by luncli which was served by tlie itostesu who were mrs k uiuer mrs w had and mrs i hamilton mlsi malier and mr archie parker unit and up dave parker icltchener were sunday visitors wlui mr and mrs d h parker a- big docket of year end accounts piuttu by council on tucwlny evening many delailh of itink matuiemcitt ar- rovci ly council at uie sezalon of the council on tuesday evening counclllora dr e j nelson and o hansen were present and ifeeve mason presided pour men who had been atrrfised for poll laic appeared lief ore the council dlipuung uielr liability for tax then amounts were adjtrtnd on uie ground or exemption claimed tlie twentyfirui report of the pinanco committee recommendrd payment of uif following accounta provincial kdetlon coots 03 00 georgetown lumber co sup plies for park 503 3jlfl 1000 1000 000 30000 3500 3500 dbco sl00o003 the report waa adopted v permission was given dr farmer to erect an addition to his property on main street in compliance wlui uie requirements or uie flro bylaw tlie position of secretarytreasurer of the rink was filled by uie council ae- tepung uie rink committees recommen dation of william e uamtden dr nelson as clwlrman of uie park committee was appointed to dlrecuy supervise and instruct the secretary re duties and rules of the new arena mr w jaltlns secretary of uie poll pair addressed the council regarding uie purchase of uie drill shed and the agreement hth the council he express ed the willingness of uie pair hoard to cooperate with uie rink in any way and the societys interest in uie project th cleric was instructed to make inquiry regarding the purchase of snow fence tor use in uie park at uie new arerns acton and district if fine new barn erected th fine new steelclad bam erected by mr a o clarrldgc on his farm cast pf acton to replace uie one destroyed by fire during threshing time hi septem ber is roofed and enclosed the interior will be completed during uie winter mr leqoy dale taken hoase ur- leroy dale of georgetown w met with uie tragic motor accident on the seven ui line en uie fourteenth of july lost and wlio lias been on inmate of st josephs hospital ouelph ever since was sufflclenuy recovered to be removed to his home on monday a hospital nurse accompanied him hone nerval to enter debaung compeutlan for the first time nerval voung peoples society or tho united church will enter the intercounty debaung com- peutlon they are placed hi uie noruicm zone in hal ton county and are asso ciated in uielr first debate with den williams uie debate to be lield before uie end of uie year mks dorothy watsonand don wcy will speak for oni side and miss bertha uamcs and mac watson for the other tha society b conducting a membership campaign wlilch resulted in an attendance of over co at the last meeting mrs a evans nee miss jessie smlllle was presented with miscellaneous shower mrs m o wlteon reading an address and misses flor ence mclaughlin and dorouiy watson making the presentation miss mc laughlin occupied uia choir during a programme which was given by ii o lyons miss dorouiy watson don bull mr and mrs ii p laldlaw mrs chas ranklne and miss lorn mcdougall nassagaweya mr cameron ramsliaw of knatchbuu liad uie misfortune to lose some of his young cattle on monday from o discos similar to diarrhoea the campbellvlllc loyal orange lodge held an oyster supper at mr oeorge stokes home on friday evening last quite a number l or nossagawrya people arc attending the provincial winter pair at ouelph this week mr w k darby or icnatchbul bulldlnff a new poultry house this wljk variety of news iuiu krlnhj cauetrt and ilay lome bclinol concert and play de cember ib arcr a short programme by the children miss ruth album will sing and miss vcrna murray will give a rradlng a play the orrat catastro phe will complete the programme ar- ml 35c and 16c italian prhbytrry the haltcn prcjjytery of tho united church hrld a special meeting in brthel church trafalgar yesterday ariemoon addresses were given hy rev ic j mncdoilald president of the hamilton conirreiicc and rev v il graham d d chairman of the hamilton pres bytery the mrlmly ileya concert tlie concert by uie melody boys from hamilton in- uin town hall last thurs- jaj evening proved u very popular one and drew a good crowd the entire programme wip lirovidcd by thin trio of artists and was most enjoyable and entertaining a local orchestra contri buted several numbers on tho pro gramme athutle club present treasurer r c r knapp who lias been uie efficient treasurer of the aoton athlcuc club since its inception was presented tuit week with a beautiful club bag as a slight recognition or the work he has performrd fax the club the club will community tree on christmas eye ilcing arranged y che local lady true wuc jate treato for uie kiddicfl tlie community christmas tveiijn acton is this year being arranged for by the lady true dlue lodge of acton mid will be held on main fltreet just below mill street on christmas eve tuesday december 34 mr j h mac- v nslo is supplying a big christmas tree the street there and it will be ilico rated by the ladles and lighted by the public utilities commission santa claus will arrive during uu evening and distribute candles and treats the kiddles tlie acton ciluurns hand will provide music and there will community singing and christmas cixzoxti yl will be a real christmas- treat tlie children or acton and uie sur rounding district tlie true blues are ting wlui food success in uielr canvass for fund and finding plenty of willing helpers a balance was also left from the last community tree conducted by uie olee club which will assist with tli li one in providing christmas cheer the local true ifllue organisation u to commended on uielr willingness to ccntlnue this appreciated part of com munity enterpruwrand undoubtedly uie vent will again prove very popular l0ane uciiool rkpopv november por br ny douglas outhric 73 jr iv elwood johnston 73 bhclla aibson 73 grace aibson dl iil mary cripps 05- lisu sackhamer 03a jr ix aticna olbson 08 ward a ran eau lyia ejwns fui- utiiie bterrltt fil edith wonie jerry guthrie audrey macaruiur w only uiose pupils liavliiff a standing of 60 u arc vntered in the re- tntsir mr nnupp verytntfcnbtotirot ts olllccrs but uie best wlahes will fol low him in his nromcuon to toronto appeal entered lawrence goddard and joseph hew- aton uie two xlowmanvllle young men ho at uie h niton county assises held in jill ton on november 0 were found guilty of attcmpung a serious offence against a 10yearold girl near burling ton in uie early morning of may 33 lost and each sentenced by chief justice richard mcrcdlui to three years in portsmouth penitentiary with ten lashes liavc uirough uteir counsel appealed the case little lullle likes whiter tim a pace pssss reporter come across lltuc billy a cheery neighbor lad on vnday morning tumbling in uie snow and havinc a joyuus time the report er queried arent ycu cold dllly ah- litllr chap replied at once in ef fect us ilow5 i like uie summer lm and i like uie fall but i like uu- winter fc itry best of all then leu czii have slides uicn you con skate and wvn yoa to tobogganing you sil up vciy late pires in uie sitting room ppitg in till hall i like winter time hc very rjst of all winn j in shorthorn class several bijidrs irom uils district were anoni uir vumc- in the shorthorn catue ccssvs at the winter pair at guclpli this fteek duncan campbell af mallnt wun lrst for bull junior year ling 1st anj 4ui for bull senior calf- 2nd ior uu junior calf 5th for helici senior yt hiir istjirlfcr junior ycar- ilnil is- heifer senior calf and 5th lor h trr ciir amos al black also jt m jai van 2nd for bull senior calf 5lh lor bull junlar coir 5ui for hclfcr 2 y n under 3 3rd for heifer cnlr jrlnic 3rd for heifer junior lz 3 j and cui for heifer senloi cair and 7th for heifer junior calf iyu in rnbj melee cn the iit thcoios rugby team which cclicu sucli unsportsmanlike treatment hn thy played recently in ottawa ucrc mr ted mcdcalf coach and mr harry mcdcalf nepliews of mrs p e lcclcary acton boui were injured in uu melee the team has slnco played in moose jaw sask and won uielr game and uie dominion j union cham pionship but numbers of uiem were too badly injured hi the ottawa affair to participate in uie western gome harry mcdcalf was internally hurt and had three stitches in his up while coach td mcdcalf hod live sutches in a wound cvjr hlo left eye broadcasted from new york aji incident in connection wlui the gulden wedding anniversary at moore- cioft lost week was uie in teres ting fact that grccungs to the fifty year old bride and groom were broadcasted over the tadlo from new york it has been pointed out to what a wide contract in tin- popular inventions and articles now in vuguc to what existed when uie mar riage of uils couple took place hi 1070 radio had not been discovered uiere was no electric light the telephone was not invented uiere were no motor cars nor motor driven machinery nor airplanes the bnunn phone had not come into use there were no moving pictures let alone talking movies and television pictured street cars were propelled by horses and farm tractors were not even dreamed of verily science and invention have ac companied much in half a century will th- next fifty years show as great advrnccs the girl guide the guides that were absent at our lust meeting kindly take iiotloc our christmas party will be held oi crmbrr isth at uie oulde hall from 7 30 to jo oclock we ore pleased to say umt uie scouts have consented to be our guests for uie evening and hope they will nut be disappointed to make it possible for us to have a tree and aiita cluus each scout and guide will bring one gift price of which must port vera m hurst teacher umeiiouhk christmas concert at s s no nussagaweya on friday evening criubcr 30 a varied programme kvryjcd admission 3c and lie body uclconic admission lie and 10c welcome to all christmas oonrert of churchill united church sunuay sclmol will be lield on december 10 at eight oclock a good full programme is being amuig- i gjjyj mr austin swackhamcr was a visitor hi uie village on monday the many friends of ur e marshall will regret to luiow ho la hut so well lately tlie ladlea aid or uie united church liad a very successful baxaifr on satur day afternoon many useful articles and a large amount oi home mode baking were sold mr and mrs robert doughty enter tained mr doughtys sunday school class to a sliantymans supper ou tues day cvcnliuj thfre a full attend ance of the class with a number or the girls or the school after a splendid uopcr such as mrs doughty knows how to serve a very delightful social evening was spenl tii brown urns have been sawing up nearly all uie woudiulca m this village including a supply for uie church and now most people ase ready for on old time whiter which seems to have arrived arena ice almost ready res far ejkalers and curlers liave ueeu arranred and secretarytrea surer a pointed several meeunga or uie council and rtlnk committee have lately been held arranging details in connection with hi new arena the building is no inmost complete tlie workmen are pul ing on doors and making uie final ittlngs to complete uie building last thursday caretaker james mills start- to float uie lec surface and now lis a fairly good coaung of ice over tlio entire ska una and hockey sheet the purling surface has also been flood ed but lias not quite as good a depth jf ice if uie cold weauur continues t la possible uiat uiere will be skat- njr on uie new arena by uie end of uie present week the council on tuesday evening ajr pointed william ramsden secretary- rrcosurcr with duues to comment on monday tlie skating fees are a uva usual popular prices or 15c and 10c or children with uie usual added cliarge for band nights season tickets may be secured from ie secretary treasurer at the follow ing rates a family uckcl admltuns the parents and all children under ib j ars of age arc tfl genuemen m ladles 3 children 13 to 10 years 160 and children 13 years and under st a reserved seat section will be made r hockey games seats- in this aec- ucn arc 4 per seat which enuues the noldcr to this seat for ul hockey fames throughout the enurc season the fees or the curling club membership are tor the season 3 boui intermediate and junior hockey lnbs have been entered in the o h a- ailes and uie groups as announced pre viously should provide some fine games 1ui plenty or local interest the schedule of uie games will probably soon be announced the formal openlrui of uia new arena wlh be announced as soon as uie lea surface u assured tills will not how ever delay skaung as uie use of the rink will be given to skaters and hockey players as soon as uie ice is hi condi tion for uicm and the opening night will probably have carnival and other intcr- i ting feature uu exceed 2tc it was decided uiat ud mix the names of uie two c mpaules together in a box juid each person draw a name in this way every oiv will get a suitable prescnc the different patrol leaders will have uils iix so kindly sec uiat you arrange to draw a name this is uie first party ui ouidcs hi acton have luul so tt is up to each one to make it a success lets all be uiere with bells on and allow uie scuuls what fun uiey can liave at a guide party 1 uajhior tliurn schimil concert will be tield on wednesday december 18 good programme admliun 21tc and tc werbtuan kluej at o a crushed bcnraui u huge weight or earth which fall from the side or an lhcivatum in which he vmi worklna a uie ontario agricultural college joe 1iokoptuk 30 30 btevensou street was almost inilantly killed monday morning although his head was not caught be- nruth the mass hr was drd before iluow workman were aue co extricate htm tlie accident occurred about 8 30 oclock irokoptuk was working in uie btjluiin ol u wide deep trcncli which is to serve as a tunnel ror uie con dueling of heat from the new central in n unit piuut he was removing deb- rl of earth from the floor of uie trench and abve a man was working on lho upper edges without warning the earth sides of the trench frozen solid crurkrd and fell away towards tlu- centre prukrituk cndiavorcd to get out of the way but it is believed his foot caught in uiu of tho curved sup- pmtlng rods and iiu fell a huge mass of tuitli cruiliid hlui biuculu it the glee club expresses refret at keiaval l mr knapp and extends gsed wlshea in the new haas on tuesday evening at reghilsx practica of the glee club the following addrea expressing their regret at ills removal fiom acton was given mr c- r knapp uho has rjeen treasuror of uie club the address was decorated artistically and will be humorously commemorative of uie times mr icnupp spent in this com munity affair and uie effort he used to make it successful to mr c r knapp the members of the acton alee club have manifested uielr desire to express their appreciation of having had you as a follow member and uielr regret at your leaving our town we are bound to ts that as a singer you arc missed and as on officer and worker there is nana better we find it hard to give voice to the thoughts within us but trust you will foel assured of uie sincerity of our desire to havo you know uiat your services and companionship have always given complete satisfac tion and much pleasure wc feci your removal more keenly at the present time on account of the condition of that section of our chorus with which you wore con nected tho tenor section is sadly in need of voices wc shall no doubt eventually possess these but it will be uphill work wo are going to tackle uils obstacle however and overcome it and when you coma to acton to listen to our first concert we know uat you will have to say well done we do not say this with a spirit of boastfulness but with a spirit which prompts us to make tha best use of a knowledge part of which lias been gained through having bad you connected with us musically we wish you and your family the blessing of good health and a measure of prosperity which will amply supply all your needs wlui some to spare which will allow you to indulge hi as much pleasure and recreation as you feel you ought to have thla is uie season when joy and song should be in the hearts of ail and wq will now say that old old wish a merry chrlscoias and a happy now year to you and all your people au rcvolr wc shall meet again sometime somewhere wticrtlir sktoa will be brighter end uie uuilgsvhlcli perplex us most here will be mode most plain in tho moanumo wa shall all endeavor to play the man and win uie fight tllbf evening mbal digesteb tjic teacher was polnung out to uie class tlie orror in adding- uie letters en to a verb when using the past tense then turning to a sentence on uie blocmjoard she said johnnlft what is uie matter with this sentence 1 have puttcn my book un uir tabic johnnie arose and scratched his liead then he exclaimed ivoclicr you have puucn piitteu where yuu uhuutd hvu pulteu pul r