Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1929, p. 5

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4fim nut mouk ov glr ariim rtt feffg ucnur oiisrio qulc dtvloo c w u a tiik acton pukp 1 ufcss u publubl very uill sui acmt onurta- tl iuupli rl will ik foh m if4 ll coiumh d g a mi is xatw hi woutaf irr kimioiiks ed iwil ilcidac puiitii otaca thursday fvcning decfcmbrr 12 1020 to tanefit rfarnrh two hioupontl mmcs of power ktlfts pro to be knit in the nirpl districts of ontario m 1030 by tho ontunb hydro electric power commwlon al ready there ir several thousand miles of such lines the policy of the commission publicly owned organization is to extend electric power lines throughout ontario in order to give farmers the very latest electric power facilities possible the ontario government also intends to spend 7000 000 next year on the improvement of sidje roads and minor rojjd in the tgwnips qiifj goitifis of the province tho interests of the farmers are mam festly beingwcjl conserved and advanced by jho above enterprises and the people of the province generally are glad to see this activity in their be half another burden for the municipal il it does not seem generally jenown fyat the muni cipal councils npw arc called upon o proytde a large porjion of tjie ost pf provincial ctioqj n act wjien tjjc ljill of oer ss wa prcqtc a agton gouncil gt c iat meeuqg fis tyng etons share it was laid over uptil a further meeting for eon afderatlon it would appear just another instance of saddling the burden on the ratepayers tbrougn the county council levies and provincial assessments the municipal councils are becoming the medium ta raise rates and funds assessed by these bodies and over which they have no control all things must be paid for but it seems unfair that the local councils should be assessed with this and the share of the old age pensions and called upon to j pro vide the funds and assume the tlamo for mcxeased taxation when in reality tqcy arc flo to bjame for much of tfie ever increasing load that t is being called upon to provide it niaes one feel tit the provincial budget is toeing balanced directly by the ratepayer coming back home to canada immigration to canada during the first su m 6 nt i13 of the current fiscal year april i to scpi 30 02a totalled 120 338 of which 51781 were british 20700 from the united status 21801 from north western europe and 25 057 representing 33 other races in the corresponding six mouths last year the total immigration was 123713 a decrease for the firstsi- months of the year of 3375 or 3 per cent british immigration shows an increase in the six inon tin of this year of 0 005 united states an inoreaki of 002 northwestern europe 1224 while immigration from other countries decreased 13 500 total immigration in september of this year was 11101 of which 4 540 were british 2522 united states j 724 from northwestern europe and 2300 from all other countries in the six months under review 17070 canadians who went to the united states intending to reside there permanently re turned to canada for permanent residence these are not included in the immigration returns it ts interesting to note that the number of canadians who have returned to the dominion from april 1 to sept 30 of this year is more than canada s total immigration for september of this year by 0575 drunk chars tho acton gaxetto of acton middlesex eng land in the lust number to reach this office has the following interesting article which voices a mat ter which is a live question and very vexed ques tion in canada as well as in england in a case at middlesex sessions on saturday where a motor driver was found not guilty of being drunk in charge of a motorcar sir herbert nield siud that the day would come and come very quickly when the law would have to prohibit persons from tak ing alcohol at all when they were driving or about to drive motor vehicles he added itought to be and is in many cases to my knowledge a sine qua non in employing a chauffeur thgt he ftjugt be a otal abstainer 1 have here gn auttiorttiye tjook pn the law of gvidenee brought up o cate lagt year jjy tminent lawyers and th doctrines which appear in hie hook distinguishing when a man la drunk are pt variance with the law as laid down by the court of criminal appeal therefore the sooner the law i decided by the house of lords the better it will be the learned judge might very well have added that the man who takes sufficient intoxicating liquor to effect his proper control of the car of which he has charge is a potential murderer highway advertising an irritation in deference to public sentiment- the standard oil company of california has caused 1 200 of itn billboards to be turn down uccorduig to an official announcement which r in part to permit tho defacement und unification ot thee highway i ti to diiju t visitors und drive them away which most certainly i bod liusmc any practice which arouse the contempt unper or resentment of motorrts on the prciit mutual pilgrtmape from all parts of the country is detrimental to the state at large ilifliwuy advertising as now practiced in many places has this effect it is beginning to dawn upon many billboard advcrtiserj that their highway signs which mar the natural beauty of the countryside are an eyesore and an irritation to tho great army of motorics who hold the chief buyinp power of the nation inteatl of making good will for the advertisers these signs make bad will and therefore represent good money wore than wasted from an advertising standpoint executives of flic standard hove seen the light and their example might be followed with profit by others who dis figure the landscape with offensive billboards barrio examiner neighborhood news tautf mr and urd waller kenucr acton toeto recent- viallopijwiui mr and ur w it olnghmm 14 1 w ifonr kiul two- children spent u r days with ur and ur j qreen ut turonui voatnuwcei ttwanixwai spent ualurday in toronto visiting with ur tuul urt lulph tttotntutoti urn w ii ucultrti vulud with mlli- burtf frlciwlt ut week ur clkvion bortxmir of toronto wu liome for uu weekend fv uixh unfuu hamilton b toronto hlnt out wcekeiu ml he honut hero col uruuus ur ucuaiu knd utiln tuushter of lywttnto lit aun ucuuw of uuvertaii wm uuiufaly vu ton with ur mtid urf it w hull fr j hull or cobourtf liut lurched ur v riant a birbr lulne uid tnuk douwuutlun tody ur and urti limit hava leufd hie ajiuiiuiit in the xlld block ur and ur jolm imulaltttttae kuw- utnn on tlmrsday wtore uury wlu join wltli friends on a trip to world wlir tlioy wilt aptnd uibwlnur advocate a sureetei chank6 in municipal councils that seems to bo gathering advocates to its side is a syj tern whereby half of the council would be elect ed for two years in tilsonburg a complete new council has been elected tins year such a con dition is jjot uncommon and yet it certainly will not likely result in good municipal cjoyernment every councillor requires several months before jie becomes acquainted with dytieg of lug offioe is usually aboit tjic mile of tho year ho fore the new member geti ips glndo properly in the conduct of tjie tnwnr business in the event of cflinplcte new council it is very probably the middle of tho year before the work governing the municipality is completely in hand public utili ties commissioners and school board trustees are elected for a two year period with half of the board retiring each year in this way the remain ing members of the old board may acquaint new members with business already under way and the possibility of a complete new governing body is eliminated undoubtedly such a biennial ystm of election has much to coitimend it and little or notfi ing derogatory o the yten it would be wqrty of a trial in municipal council elections and we be heve would be an impro v6mcn qver he present system uuwinu oamwouc the uiowplow triad iu flnl at6ar ice on monday tawmlnc arid th work cn much appreciated c i c l iliuty of tit catharine formerly or 0kvlli rumor kaa it luu received an invitation to take large church at llaltlmore a onr well known faruier tno falgar and toronto town hln wulaakti up hla ruldenetf in oakvllla for tha winter month okauna wai lndulfled in on the gu- uen crrck on baturday ikatcr liavlntf a run up as far a the srutnlu thu u umj earliest for many yeara record ur and urs w it- oatroai hava re moved to toronto for uia winter taoauuc oerfiu c otreet u aalllns next week to tnentt the clurutmai holidays wltli hlfl narenta in knfcland uus loeatrloe ityan dundaa high way rlumed on uotiday rrobi uldland here ahehaa been vwuiufhet wet for a montli ur and ura banfteld taylor liav re turned from uitlr lumeymoon and an occupylnn dr jebb luxue on doutuut avenue w ilarland omlth ha been aetectod ar one of uie judge of light luurar auelph winter pair which open nwvhwnlied aloutly week ctar t l aeougmrown ur a l uoconnel of oueloh vult- ed at the liomn of hi autter uk he connell on tlunday ur and ura il p mekerrln w tor onto were visitors at uk boma ol j u uoqx un aunday mr and ur o w herrlnjtton molar- ert to nocheautr and oweoo latc week itiul spent m few day with friend ur ed ucuajiter of toronto police force ipent uonday in the oin and aeorgatown ne made the herald a pleaaant call warden tho i leallc of oeoraetown attended the dinner aven hy warden 1 jamlecon peel at qramptoo uut friday ur urry cvwuw attended the v- unloit o le ufi uixt- at toronto on saturday uuo col parka v c eoi- mantllna officer of the battalion was the ffut of honor over iso wre nreaent ur and uyw t near ur and ura avx near alia uayme near and ur d glnelair of hauaaweya and ur and ura e vannatur of ullton were the eueats or ur and urs xl hear on bunday ir oeorce dohaon the genial and obliging station agent of the canadia national sleetrlo hallway at 001- town for tlw past seven year ha re signed and accepted a position vita the provincial paper mill oeorge made many friend during hi connection with uie railway all of whom wuh liln 6vry success in hi new rywton and are pleased to know lie aid mrs robaon will remain m ovfl erald r bubxjotgol there id a santa cjaus e very once in a while some individual conges forth with tjie asscrtiojl tjitft tjipre is np santa cluus dr sadler of cnpapp iss bgeq te latest oni o r n ppn on tig wonderful theory if there- nj a chrihtrnat and there seems to be llivu there b just a surely a santa claus and lica just 3 real and live as con be right now there isnt credit enough given to him for all the good he docs and the rare old man he surely is its abso lutcly impossible to separate christmas and santa clous they re loth partners in the same business ot giving and looking after others is he working in hio toy factory to bring happiness to girls and boys yes every day in the year but sometimes u isn t called a toy factor quite often you ii find santn clous and his wife doing without things to help make toys and things for the boys and giru perhaps santa claus is sometimes wearing a shabby uit of clothes perhaps mrs santa claus is work ing at nights and doing without many of the nece s tics she needs to provide christmas cheer for the j ood boys and iris and then or any one to say there 1- no santa claus yc still behave in the banta claus spirit because we helilvc in chrism us sopilwuy or olr wl uui t separate tie yo and do not purtilulurly want u may not ha modern in still iold tit huperttitioi hut wortil with tho boya anil kmi und helievu m sunta claus x hauflnti wardenahlp at th8 tirno pf year the interrogation in mum ci pal politics is frequently heard who will be warden with the earlier elections in some muni cipahties ind the representatives already chosen il it of course known who will set in the county coun ctl from that constituency in hal ton it would seem that reeve masons claim to the honor is this yearumlisputed the milton reformer last week said omc of our exchanges are already forecast inc tho probability of certain men in their muni dualities occupying the warden 3 chair during 1030 so far as helton is concerned we think there is only one man thought of or mentioned whose claims to the honor will vc prior consideration and is reeve mason of acton a man eminently qugh fled or the position both by qxncpence and n every other wy he lati just been returned by c- clamrtion as repve of acton showing the people up thero have every confidence in him as a muni cipal legislator added to his other qualifications reeve mason is a thorough gentleman and that counts for something these days and we who know reeve mason locally can heartily endorse every word of the testimonial from the county town reeve mason has accomplished excellent results in acton during his occupancy of the reeveship he will prove an efficient and capable administrator if plac ed at the head of the county affairs and r t wardenship for i03q miss pue varut ie h h lmsto to new yorfc er a vmauou b her home hs- neeve mawn of aoton and iteeve mctntyre of aorgotown luive been re- electeu or their respective town tor 1030 uls eluen preston daughter of got it a v prsboa of orancvlue wai a guest at uie roetory over tha week-end- ur prank button ua ibaua haw thorns ami con aeora have returned home to houston texas after vultlng at the home of he and ura w dtur n jarvl who vu seriously in jured while painting hydro tower in tlie niagara district several week ago 1 progressing favorably and expeets to leave qu catluuines liospltal in a few day and return to burlington oeorge it webb neuon township luu commenced a county court action against ii d beatty or nelson tiwnshl0 tor uie cancellatloo of an atpttemfcnt and uu rescindinc- pt w4 ts tyopmy about itdn aaturday bvwalna nre broke but tri m garaga at u uorfifl of ur el ferny khirt ros4 bch wai used wohop d or ilorage purnose xiw nrmen vera oallod and arrived on the nccon prompibr tbey soon bad uie tlsines under eontrot rev oorge altknd having rwsttad rroui the eharwe ol west matdboro and kirkwall la th nreihyury of lumilton to lake up work in start william the presbytery of hamilton ha appointed rev charles a uuuln nurllngton as intctlm moderator for uie vacant cliarge oaxetu uiottul notes tub feaedicink wii anniv you look better you you do i itawt you really fount a doctor wiuj underatatids your caui you look uui way you luwd to anger over life i aim pruned i nrver toll you before but unt wa uui thbig uiwt ttl- tnost broke my llratt ut havn you loe t jml cutildn t bear il you are a deaf alma replied atinu rid 1 ve been very seltuli ym x vu hum 1 a doctor who understand my cum there no doubt about tluitl it a utidor atood so well that at rtrat 1 waa mrlous and vowed id imver go near hint again then wtwii i got a little bit cooler jl realurd uiat to leave him would 1m ack nowle4lglng uiayiia wa rlglit and what x wanud to di wa to prove huii wroibtf hut wliat did lu do asked alma wlist did lie tell you uutt made you so angry lie told me tliat organically 1 was absolutely sound and tliat uut troubles were entirely ntrvous and mental he said uiat i luul a good uiough mind but uist i luul been to buy to iuie il he dldrit dare i alma gasped id certainly like to tell him what i think or wmf atka uuglied i am beglnnlntf to think tiutt i shall some day but my uioughls or him will be quite different from what they ware whni x walked out o his oilloe wttat do you suppose hlfl preacripuon u a calendar of uuuiks glvbigl a what vrrclsely he told me to maka calendar from my life to go uirouahmv diaries if id kept any and put down some beauuful thhig uiat luul ltappen- ed bn each date and if i couldn t fthd anytlimg for any particular dab i might be able to discover some iwututy in uw world at large tlie genueman iasure you was sarcastic lie make me boll i hut uie calen darwhy anne it a lovely idea lsn t it u is also a humlllaung one alma wlieh x began to put down all uie lovely thing people liave done for me i poor busy ura casey liulitlne on launder ing my lovnllest negugael and uie flowers flower rower from uut brest boxes of uiem down to uie liandiul of limp vloleti danny day brought aver tlie doctor suggastcd uuttlt wasn t puy ing fair with oo0 to lake uilngs and give no gladness fit return to tell me i wasnt honest wlien honesty is la tra dition in our family i you see x luul great dealto prove and it seems uiat lie was right and uiat i was wrong x don t believe it about you alma but ive a great mind to start a calendar myself dol said anns var uil final admission i am learning uw medicine j cadesky ok toronto hykslyiht specialist wiu luc at a dltown o tmua trifiiuc aoion monday feb 3rd anyone surferlug from kytltraln onfc ruvn vision or huaiuclui should not ro lui uui opportunity of coiltillltlllg ulu hynslgllt fcpncllul apiulntitieiiu my bd madti wltli ur a t ilrown xmigguit conuuiiarton ynsa otlue hoar 0 h bt ull 4 v- ka business directory mkdioax uk j a mcnivlbn ttysleian and bargami oatoa and resilience- ooroe xlows4 avenue and fclgbl utmet aal uil ut llv ing tojjtfj things we ivont say ufa sometime seems infinitely artlcu bite tliere are a hundred uiousand words in uie dlcuonary and there ore millions on our tongue and it seems impossible uiat them should be any corner in our liearts unlllumlned by language or any uiought or feeling uigfe we do not over and over convey to qtkertk yet there are few human being vho arc not dally impressed ad oppressed more or leas oonsnloiiily by uie udngs uiat aye not said there are uie things we long to say and cannot for all uie multiplicity of word wliat a surge of splendid or clever sayings arise hi all of us when uie opportunity is wonting and uicn when it come we stammer and falter and ill uie luxury of words utterly fall us there u uie good advice uiatwa might give we know just what people ought to do we aee how we might help uiem yet we axe tongue tied and uiey go to destruction before our eyes and uiere art our own liopes and aspirations ir we could make people understand uiem we feel them uw wotlti would be different world for ourselves and fiy othera uost of all tterg is artwdiion it seems as t uui language wire rich enough t dur out all uiat anyone could feat yet somehow even with those ve love best uie love stays lild den in our hearts and all that fjords can do 1 to disgiuse tarulerness w1u jest or beinay it wlui sujitd oorivckxuw alluea uiat urenvire omh4uu uum mockery and on uls lher ide are uie things we are slad ve dldnt and word for uiough we strove- tiard enough at the moment we are like uie woman who when slie was reproached for her bitter tongue remarked ah i you know uie things i do say but you never know the uilng x don t ay tliere are al ways worse things uiat might be said and when we resent a harsh plirase we sliould allow for uui possible restraint uiat does not appear 8o for all uie multitude of words a vast part of life goo unexpressed borne umba uie worst often uie very best and always uut most interesting secrets of men liearts have to be guessed at and uie human soul remains a riddle in spite of our endless effort to unveil its inmost depui tlie man wlio wake up and ftiiavi hbnself famous luunt been ulror christmas specials tnncy and tailored o the inlet 1995 1495 up 1 afv up 179 79c 100 795 1495 a large variety or christmas gifts at lowest prces shop at the house of quality central clothing dry goods store la die- conts heavy broadcloth in nil shades al shades of brown with kolinsky fur collar and cuffs special price ladies party dresses satin with tulle in the silhouette styles christmas price ladies silk pyjamaa with deep lace trimming also hand painted tor silk night gowns special for ladies lace trimmed bloomers a splendid christmas gift tor ladies all silk full taahioned hose tor christmas at children s coats rur tnrjmed i men s coats special to go piuuuj mo m v o too ssa harold nash tarmeit m a kljnrttr tuuelim- nury fcuk miutvuan illoc aotox om uonkv lent ou uoittoaokd 1 our 00 kit to km p tn fuuirdays 1x60 o clock ok j n johnson dds dall kargete office ulu olreel in uie cooper xuock tklkniomk 45 a j buchanan d d s 10 cm 11 hufal offioe over ilasaards drug dior hour 9 a m unul sp u kwoimft by appointment as far sutractlon closed 11 day wednesday p w pearen d d s l d-s- kinul fargwaa qucceor to late dr j u dell phono 20 uui street acui -p- wisckxjlaneous tranc1s nunan account books of all und madd id order periodical of every description carefully bound itullng neauy anj proknpuy dona wyndhatn otreex auelph ook over williams blor card co cleatser and dyer guelph ontario christmas gifts for one and all a glance over this list may help to suggest something that just suits perfumes and pertumtzers i yardleys and- armand s girt sets ranging in price from 85c to 10 00 new ansco cameras in artistic colors tountain pens and desk sets pnrker with the life unit guarantee pearl tone toilet sets in select colors high class statlonriu warwick s gifts all boxed selected books i or boys and girli or a radio set tor the whole family we are carrying auo a vcrj complete line of chriatmaa cards tngu and seals but call in and sec for yourself a t brown eaitm u to iu u dav ambiuous reliable men wanted at once part time pay while training for aviation uechanlcs garage work driving battery ideetrlo acetelyn welding house wiring industrial electricity machinist bricklaying plastering drarung barbering and ifalrdresslng act quick get your ap plication in now write or call for information dominion teadk schools lyd cistern lleadquarters 163 king bt w toronto employment bervlee cast ts cast if you are looking for any in vestment for your money t1uk umoonttnent uond ooit- poitation offers beoond standabd royalties one of uie safest oecuhues to be liad oafe as a bank and pay good dividends every month information gladly given for th asking wiuiout obligatloti to jou il w dawson s o box u sutabfrxom dutrlet neprosentaum n oiomrs fljljr agrttbl uixton vuubjd frunds mpy the qinstmiia aeaaon bo filled with joy and be a very merry one is the sincere wish of tlie editor and the staff to everyone there is apparently plenty of junior hockeyisti in town judging from rumors of the number sign ed up for the junior team jtjje year will undoubt edly sec the development of many of the boys into this sport which we anticipate watching them at this season in perth county reeve roach said the provincial government had apparently forgotten horse drawn vehicles existed clearing tie highways made them nipossible for both curs and sleighs he claims th solution is offered that the government utc rollers instead of plows the cforio of tie rmk tnanapumont ni evident ly to have tc latttt municipal encrprlxcthe now arena within the reach of all und th- arrangement for the plearut0u to he enjoyed thcru and tlus ftes ut arc certainly 111031 commendihlc and will undaubt edly make for iood feeling and large patronage of this municipal undertaking ulss crala of toronto hrre over uui weekend utinlclpal candidates are putting uutr oisirto uis ground uus eluabeui norwood of toronto visited her parents lyaro oyer ua vfi- end uulops junior nd r o ii feanu have bftfl nxmuiujf iii ih pa arua uaaiiitoa j k- tlnibera of ulltonv won uiree flrsu and sue ssoonds on ills old eng lish games at uut uoyal winter pair tlie uuses usle and clisjlotte damp bell uft on unndoy for toronto wliare uicy will reside during uie whiter turning to ullton in uia spring and ura il oelanay ur and urs el dennis and e woodcock toronto vulud at uis uooie of ura o lyle bronut ot oatunlay ventng ur and ura it- u wsken motored to toronto yesterday morning whare they attendml uie funeral of his uncla uie late david wudceii k o tntarnment took place in suora camatery cluun plan ur hertuit llall and utile sou uulle of ctoskatoon bask wlio have been vult lng ura j ilradlay liave retumsd west tlia frtendfl of our eslaebwdf gowns man ut y u usxkiaikle iy ip been cenftneu ur liu nxmi by iuium tor tlie liast two ew ar pliufrd to ft him but again t tni llartunt of tnrontq omrty of ullton ami sux hockey nlayor form crly rj lcksrds and vllodale u now with iie imperial 6u cofuluuiuon ysd got lijbj trst iinckv ihgtiiliuj wlutit i lived ar a fw yara ao aud has de vcuped ulto one of uw best john iiandall wlu lias been appoliit ed manager of uui ulllau arena for uie cooilng season u making good prtigreu with ice making and rxpects to hav a line ahet rnady soon pilflord uui li manager of uia liiunncdists tem and crowfanl chujholm u mnaar of ui junior sestet ullton nrositu of pro ducuig two fast o ii a teams tbu wfttuu wo ekoolluiu ileftuuur gifts for everyone see our windows for baby 8poon9 tork and spoon for knife fork and spoon for silver mugs for enamel mug and plate for 75 100 150 siju 7i for grandmother aluminum hot water bottle alt rcgulr3 50 for jijiuu electric pads 750 80 llih acton monument works not one of actons oldest 6ilab ilsliod concerns but one uiat baa shown eood prosrefsa during ue years of its wtabluhment gotatiltanim m aotok m loss fair beallaa aaj goad wmluu- lblp art bwulat cash her m larger boslasas ttr ua john nicol for bobby bob skates c c m comlliioln skates anil sloeu n ull sies 575 to 10 00 for mother teaspoons half dozcn 100 to lji0 knives and tories half dozen 3 00 to 50 carving sets 300 to 500 candle holders 200 to 3 00 bread trays for 3 00 for dad razors 50c to 3 smoking sets c50 heavy hh1s 50c to 1 0 vcatchfs 200 to 100 flashlighta 50o to 2 00 tobogearta hockey chtcktt and bkiia shin pads at shin pads with knee pads combinld 100 150 c c m for sister skates and boots speeders in all sizes ankle supports uk to 1 r snowshoi s sli1g11s from 50c to 150 jack stewart cleaner dyer regular call and deliver scrvjco to acton tuesday thursday and saturday mornings fob pkoupt and efficient service phone 103 actqn or leave loods at w m cooitirs truecolor dyclnx james symon haitdwaitl mill stkbtis acton iiif in tiie buuuogate court ol tiie county of halton in the matter of the uuu of haaalj hcivonau uta of tb township of fcnqufjlnr tn the couuty ol llslton luured farmer dotj notice la licrvby alven nurcuant to the llevuxd statutes of ontario cliapter 160 ikcunn 51 uisl all norsons hsvlnir claims oaainiil tho tbutu of uie salu ilonald ucdanald wlio died an or about the idlh ol july 1030 at urn villas t actun arc ruuulml to bcniriiy porft r to deliver to uio undcrolancd solicitor fur the executors of uie estate of tho bald itunald ucdonold un or before uio jlith day of december 1030 their names uddrobua full particulars of uktr c alms and uio imtun of uie security li any hud by uiem all duly vorlftsd by gbalutury duciaraui n after the said date tlie kiecuuir will proceed to du lilbuto uie aucls of uio deceased amuna uil partita cnutlid u lore to hav in it rigani only u the clatnui of which thev ahull tlwn havt notkt and they ijutll u t be liable for uie actt or any part f tliem u uny pcruui of wtuiw cuuin u tin- until not nave iikii received by thrni at tho tlim t f biirh distribution imitoj at mlluui tills tth ilry ot dottiivlw i 10 0 w l dioic u1iu ii ontario 1 j or un tfl1 i ju t

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