Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1929, p. 3

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gfyi artnn 3fapflrgag riiumtnav ni vuiriitini o llttlr ml plllcl y0 in tlitohuta tilllrlirilrii n tllu mty i can ur hi old rorlm riilllnif ami ihf illftiuit ithicln urn faulntf nut tills lllllr- mirlk f roiwmary hoi iktiw my liinrt awuy o illtln pprlit rownmry you haw f through tlin ntfcn to the oldin iililin yulettde that our fatliirn luiw or yore when uio mldriltfht mass hell rinttlntf 0t tlin carol slnifers hlniflntf and wtt nummary waa kcultrl on huj shliuilnu channel floor o little tpriu of rnnpniary thank you tai twfa tt reaming in thin hallowed ciulllc garden on ihu muty wlntcrn day your mission in to loaven thin poor earth with thoughts or llouven wlien tor tuorn brave heart that sluniuer now wo fold our hands and pray frederick o licolt 1 menu hints uh far now and navel uuiim household id fcily uarelay s luncueon dib1ies oaantine 1 810 vj 4 1 pound round steak 1 pound raw ham 3 eggs 10 cups bread crumbs 4 teaspoon nu tinea l teocnoon pepper 1 teaspoon unit juice ot 1 lemon orated rind lemon put meat through ft food chopper add tea well beaten and remaining in gredient pack into a well greased pan cover with buttered paper and team for lour hour berve cold thinly sliced salmon oiiaittukuoe flerves 0fl 3 tablespoons gelatine h cup cold water m 1 tablespoon chopped carrot 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 bay leaf 3 tablespoons chopped celery 3 cup water juice 1 lemon teaspoon salt few grains cayenne boiled or canned animon lettuce lemon slice uoyonnalsa ooiun gelatine in 4 cup cold water drlrm carrot onion bay leal and celery to the boiling point in 3 cup water and boll 4 minute add aortcned gelatine train add lemon juice salt and cayen ne put layer of jelly hi bottom of a mold that has been dipped in cold wfclor when arm cover with salmon and pour over remaining portion of gela tin mixture when stiffened unmold on bd or lottuc gamlah with lemon slice and serve with mayonnaise oriental tea rvim to glosses 3 uunona 0 whole cjovea tt cup sugar 3 cups fresltly male luj tea 3 cup orange juice 1 3 cupa grape juice bllca the lemon through rind and pulp put- wlui cloves and sugar in pitcher or bowl and pour the hat tea over ihfcul cover and set aside until thoroughly chilled add orange juice and grape juice and serve dinner dishes oavoby bpinacii salad 1 package lemon flavored gelatin cup bolllnfl water 14 cup spinach or water 3 tablespoons vinegar vi teaspoon salt 1 cups cooked spinach chopped and drained i tablespoon onion juice or prated onion dissolve gelatin in bolllna water add spinach juice vinegar and salt chill wliiit slightly thickened add spinach and onion juice turn into mold chill until firm unmold with mayonnaise and jlce or bardcooked egg qerve the web iiooqe tlfano the iikat1ieii theres a wee hoose on the hillside that i havens aocn for years vvf on awful lonrtnff feellns and my eyes wlilles dim with tears when i think on all the happy days i spent brildc that spot and the tramca we played as inddlts thitec will never be forffot chorus thercii a wee hoose mans lhc heather theres a wee hoose oer the sea therell a lassie in that wee hoose watt ing patiently for me shes the picture o perfection oh i wouldna tell a lee ii you caw her you would love iicr jim the same as me though im far awa trac scotland and the scenes i lac sjte wcel theres a heart forthe auld country that in every pulse i feel par tho other lands are bannle and the other folks are kind there laone scene and onednty that is ever in my mind princess and minstrel x william wllberforcc wrluna- to ilan- vtiah uore in 1b20 aua in conse- tiuenca of a very civil message from the dochni of kent i waited on iter this fcaomhur slie received mo with her little girl on the floor by iter side with her playthings of which i soon became one til little princess who later became known to tlia world as queen victoria iddaad for companions or her qwu iff and delightful anecdote is related in illustration of oils as th youthful princess took great tllght in music her mother sent tor notld cliud performer of the day call- ad lyra to amuse her with her rc- martcabl performances an the harp on one vcaslon while tlio young mtulcun was playjna ono of her favorite sjrs tlie duchess of iccnt perceiving liow dmdly iter daughters attention was en- tfrossed with tlie music left the roam far a lew momenta wlien lu returned she found the harp deported the lieiress of england hod btffulldd tlie juvenile minstrel from her uistrumflnt by uu diuplay of luw toys atul the children were discovered out 1 side by side on tlie lieoruirug in v state or high enjoyment surroundsd by tlie princesss playthings from which ahe was making the most liberal selec tion for tlie acceptance of poor little lyra tub pattkot op wfcstminbtee it was one of tlie curious ciuaoma in kngund to carry wax effigies or the dead it they were distinguished enough in their funoral processions it was also customary taicavc the effigies near tlie rave for come time thereafter and the teoumtng friends of tho daoed were ud to compose elegies rimed la men li and similar productions which they would write fairly out on paper and pin to tlie clothing of the rlllgy a number at tlie quaint old effigies arc still pre served at westminster abbey wlicnithey are stored hi uio lill chapel and one bt last that or prances duchess or jwchmond is still to bo seen beside her trave in henry vit cliapel tlie fair duchess was something or a fwure at tjie court of charles ii and he was for some years a particular fav- rlt of uio ucrry uonarchs her effigy sj westmliuter u magnuiccnuy drrss- ed in tlui rohojt kite wore an come great oeculon the coronation perhaps or queen anne and bealde it on its perch u the atuffed body or her a races pot pmrrot it is a strange tiling to be sen lrt uiu hut rabtlng place of tlie great uid ftunous doubtlc it is tlie only trbature not human on whom suclt dis tinction ha been conferred tlie story kjoas that he parrot died of grief wlth- ld a fww days of its mistress ajid that ii was carried in her runcralbwuieesglon tt aoooutit or her gnat affection far it haw it happened to be left in the abbey iul wliy it ho nevirbocn dlspossesijd o iwpiace them no our seem to know lot has bfen there so lung now ws4chlng hie ivuenklmmuns two uuurtllaii tlaluis uvnt the lost slumbers or 1u fair intstrvaa tlit li may fujrly be tliuught to have ktawshed a pivsrrlptlve right to its post botior a prophets honor at home i am beginning to lose faith in that old proverb a prophet is not without honor save hi his own country i have been observing that the folk who behave themselves jrcelvc about all the honors they deserve from the home or home town folk take for instance our present chief uaglstrate ileeve uason ho is honored very manifestly by the people ofiils own town and all probability before many weeks i believe he will be further honored by being elected the warden of the county of halton i remember amos when as a little lad in knickers he come to aeton with his parents and brothers and chters from the township of trafalgar thirty or thirtyfive years ago lie was a real boy enjoyed boyhood games and exploits but was most attracted with any tamo enterprise which had music as a fea ture of it programme but 10 love for music wo not permitted to inter fere seriously with duties placed upon him even in his boyhood lie was al ways ready for work when work was assigned him wall amos wlien lie was grown well up into younir manhood he found he couldnt get the- clou of work which suited him best hi acton he round his way to alton he first clerked in a store there then bought outtlie proprie tor later he was given a good job m algleli knitting mlil- and there he made good he became a useful member of tlie staft and by faithful intelligent ser- vice was later given a farcmanshlp and in the march of progress was entrust ed with managerial position a natural outcome ski a man of uprifihtness of character industry and discernment but amos got domethlng even better in alton he won a wife there daughter of tlie proprietor of the works a real helpmate an interested lielpcr in all his activities an elect lady popu lar and esteemed atmpier blessing also came to amos at alton a con forsooth a real chip off the old block in work in music in leadership bx all desirable qualities in the course of time amos and his beloved wife and his growing son came back to the old home and established knitting mill here he has prospered lib rcllow cltixena ore glad and they place him with confidence in the highest positions within their gift of rranchlse and here the old adage rails in asm u en as hccvc mason has been awarded the confidence of hti feliowcltliena retains that confidence and i believe is des tined to bring honors and advantages to the town he calls nb home ltciiald han mill mor limine lii acton than iiiiy oilier contractor will alien jalin began to proapor lw heuun to think about u real hotimf of 111 nwn with wue d ljee rmiwi it hi p-r- ji imlcd lilji mrqurn tt imeminr of arltin llrlnhjln inirhliig ltulf to go into u life pirtnirnhlji lclltej itiudn lilin u- mi ulfe it liilpincet of the flmit tyie mid i hiiil mi doubt whatever the iiqu mayor or tieoriitown will tell you if you iilk him thut the wee wife lias hud a murh li do with his success in lift ni nil hh own efforui i in- innyonilty of georgetown in not mr mark en ilcn flrrt position as a chief cxeuillve oltlrek he has il ready filled to hl credit and to the advanlnge of the arirjilntion the office of prejudrul of uh caiiidluii lumbemiens atocla- tloiiuud viiriniib oilier positions of trust likewise us in the coce ot it eve mason the old proverb in agiilh faulty inas much a john ii maclccmdfl la hld in citiiiu in his home county and tur- i roumlnii ii you want otlier instances look ut j m mcdonald who headed the list for behoul ttuitec a coupla of weeks ago ill warrant you he la held in as high honor as the community place j upon him by his dear mother for uiom he recently completed a delightful coy liome nest at the corner or agnes and otielph aireets and speaking of honor to tin liomo folk by tlie home folks i wonder hw much more honor could be bestowed than was heaped u i khi the elderly couple who live at moarerroft nit the occasion or their jbluvn ueddtng celebration on tlie 3rd inst verily i think the old adage must bo i selected the poem at tlie lie ad or this article because oj my respect lor jack mncicenzic and his wee hoose and because he is scotch and likes to talk and think or heather say i want the editor or the piikk pnnsn to know how much i appreciate that new engraving or my eerie quarters up in the illg clock tower thats a pretty fine christmas box the flrfct of the season and perhaps the only one ill get ill have to do my best with mj contributions herearter so that they will match the fine new cut at tlie head or tlie column therell be no use of my saying for awhile at least that im getting too old to keep up tlie week ly oldtime comments ill do my best and im sure mary will help me with ideas and she can wishing you all a real oldfashioned merry christmas another striking instance in which the old adage falls is mwui in the case or another of actons sans wlio has just received the hltfhest iiononi within the gift of his adopted town oeorgetown when our neighbor was badly in need or a pion of business acumen experience in transaction of public business of sterling character and would naturally glyo the lime needed in the odmlnutratlon o tlie affairs or a prosperous growing town they turned to john b mackcnsle and unanimously elected him mayor pf the town it was generally argued that a man with tlie qualifications for making a success of his own business was uio type or a man whoould satisfactorily conduct the affairs of their municipali ty and our john will be a mayor and fulfil lla arduous duties in a manner which will engender a pride hi the lurarts of tile people over whom he sits nine rtupectil john is very humbl- ond mild mannered on his christmas cards year after year he refers to his palatini mansion situated on a command ing corner of the ujwii as our wee house with tho latchstrlng hanging out nevertheless very proud of tin ace lioofte and lie and mrs mackenzie extend lluire a hospitality wiilch is cor dial and sincere say 1 rameinhcr johnnie since he was a wee lad in sluut pun t indeed theyre not very long how when lie used uj rid into town with his dad the late samuel muckeiixle on a load of rhop to the mill julmnie always ukrd to come t town when a bit of a lad he liked tools and his goad father wisely en couraged him in thhi it wasnt lonir until all the rami gates were put into wellbalanced ijmpe with rastcjilngs which would close easily and stay where they were put john was a reader and as he penned tlie farm papers in the evenings lie there got hints on how to make things it wasiit long before he was constructing incubators and brood ers ills products began to sell freely ajid then tills embryo monufaclurr came to town to larllitatc their making ami shipment then m 0 little 1ir he gut into utlur carpenter work thru he took contracts for bulldhig houseu i think i may say truthrully tliat dur ing the past tlitrty years j xl uac- kating with anticlpatiomi of christmas day tingling in the senses tlie mind not unnaturally turns to thoughts of eatinj of course christmas lias its primary importance in the deep sig of gratitude that is right but it is also a good thing that there can be one festival time closely associated with food and eating for eating is worth it it is a fine art in itself jlrtt of all it has the prestige of age it outranks every other toy centuries ceforc the flnt hide was stretched over the hoop that converted it into a tom tom before the first wrltlnff was enisl ed on the face of the rocks before pic tures except those reflected from some woodland pool were ever dreamed of gating was commonplace and it is per fectly safe to predict that music lit erature and art will all die before there is the slightest break in tlie fine art or eating perhaps the reader will say that all tills is a rhapsody about a process that has its chief function in sustaining life true enough that is the chief end of eating and a sufficiently noble end too but there are also the two important considerations of cookery and bood-fel- lcwshlp about cookery little need be said tlie ere thought of it in the high estate it has reached under the skillful hands and brains of women and same men mough to make tlie mouth of pauper and plutocrat alike water with longing are moments when it seems that the ability to fry chicken in the true southern way to create a pie cruteven to moke a loaf of bread is greater than achievements ot art and science x and the conquests or empire and o for goodfellowship all who enjoy eating know what that is all who do not know had better hasten to ob serve some family group about the christ mas board all literature agrees about the social value of eating together from tlie days in merry england when tlie boars liead was brought hi down the present when crowds gather to eat with some pact present or wouldbe president as a means of promoting pleasant acquaintanceships eating out ranks even golf among other tilings to bo thankful far on christmas day is tlie fact that life contains an clement so ai-mbrac- lng so pleasant and so useful as food and the disposal thereof ilkkiikg a hand on vode co it respondent the bom writer of memories rambles on aimlessly and almost any bit of hb rt muilsceiiccs is entertaining mr e a ward the english portrait painter is such a writer in the corn hill mogalne he lias a thousand stories to tell all readable and illuminative or character or of soclol bfictgromrd tliose says in his remarks about newspaperwomen lie has known v i remember sir john roblnspns-tell- ing me that in the dally newsof which henry laboucherc was at that time a large shareholder the finances of the paper were in a very anaemic condition kcblnsoit began to wonder where the tionry ias coming from to meet the doily bill of costs including tile item of in own salary labouchcrc advised him not to worry about trifles of that kind but to accept shares hi lieu of ready money koblnnji took lhc advice and as the dilly new a became highly prosperous piojierty the uh re proved a lucrative investment years afterwards robinson tried to thank lobouchcrc tor putting hlinliito such on exceedingly good tiling but lubouelure sly dcarxtilmv you quite mistaken i never did any- thliic of the kind luiblumin happunlng to meet archi bald forbes in plcct street at tlie be ginning of the fran co prussian war or lii l him by the arm and dragged him along to liia room at tlie dally nows oilier now lie cried will you sign mi a- war correspondent for the dally news any terms you like forbes aucn ted tlie necessary docu ments were duly signed and lie rose l take his leatc and make his prepara- tlui lor the campaign but robinson titernly refused to allow tilm to leave the oil ice until the moment arrived tor latrhjni hb train at charing cross to convey him to the war zone hut i muu no home to get my kit anil to uay goodbye to my iieoplel pro tested forbes you will do nothing of tlie sort mu1 robinson sit down and make a list of your requirements and i will sent out und purcliac everything you want and then will see you oh by the itrst train for the front you were ui my pay surtlce front uio moment this document was ulgued mid i am taking no rhanreu of any wealthy newspaper propruuirs umptlng you to break your intruet a inukeidiirt bed was rigged up tlirre i hob us mn room at the office and lairbci pent the nlkht under war con- dltiuiii u- robltriiiis prisoner in ilou- wrle hfieut that lluise extereino mra- mitet were amiil justified la known to eveiy student verged hi the history of the daily neusjupcrs of til liuus hintoirs gift shoppe toylahd cuv ikicks fott toys aix kinds flanta clauh will vi hilt acton hohkfl cimihtmah fcvfc tlie ulggeiit assortment ever seen in acton pine olft that lost are the best aifti for christmas opacltil price reduced to give everyone a chancd to rt a good gift at tins lowest price uenls 15 jewel wrist watches reguur 1b to 3s for each 99t oenu 7 and ik jewel pocket wstches regular ifi to as for each tatt ladles ib jewel pancy uhape itectungular etc wutche regular 1350 to 13100 for each h00s rose pltik ivory gels regular 13350 for slsttfl natural ivory with 33kt gold inlay regular 3000 far jlswt 7 piece manicure uebt in red blue etc in case regular 3k0 for ii0k diamond rings regular 15 39 t0 7 for 1b 2s ss w xe0 gold blgne rings heavy ror men 5w 7im mm 0si ladles oold rings regular 70 tar 7 ss natural khany military brush bets f lds and 37 black lawny military dnisli bets jtto and 4s8 oold links ocarf pins brooches chains necklets i pearls and brads cigar lighters roxors knives pin cushions extra special to clear stock at christmas p pino china cut olacs alnsley royal albert jloyal stafford iloyal torquay teacups vases dixlies the store widt tlie checkeibonid siga scats diatty 11v roui farqoifalt friday lululem liui leu to a phu mint wlteh read the llmi fer er extra eggs in df bag of purina says 1492876 hens a seven rnontlis survey covaring 11492876 hens in all leading poultry sections shows 23a ajl in 100 pound of purina poultry ciiows ibb ctfds average in lw pound of other feeds fifty extra eggs in a bag of purinal 150 cartra value in every bag of purina poultry chows not a few liens liere and there but thousands of tiicm from everywhere say ptirina will make you more money tliats why weve become the local authorized punni deal thats why we urpe that you too jet some of those profits from feeding purina to your poultry and live stock come in and let us show you the purina linn or phone us for a supply d h lindsay acton distrbbirroa phone 79 the store with the checkerboard sign brighten the homes for christmas pot plants in bloom for sale cyclamen primulias cleveland cherry trees boston and sword ferns rex begonias a h bishop son paihview nimseries proeipt delivery to wish you a merry christinas hurrah for old christmas por jolly old christmas the monarch of merriment fun and otod cheer i let ph the bells chiming ring out with a rhyming ptor christmas fiood christmas iclnp christmas is lure i oer snowpllra high drifted his tin one is uplifted 1 hla mantle is pinned by uie north iolur tur and down the dim s4rcs balnts sinners and sages cry hall to icliur chris unas who rules near and fori his hrowi wreathed with tiohy pat rosy and jolly he sways tlie proud scepter no monarch can boast oer realms that are boundless and depths that are soundless fw he mighty christmas alone rules tlie ruasl then plump be tlie purses of ail whom these verses may reach with their tidings of jolly iiod cheer thetr presents be many their fun best of any par christmas cornea once only uiice in a year alnue carey zrvttwty a t brow ii to a pham- i in his huuil him he lirulnjr alioiit alt tin- line linen cl told h alout wwlllf i wanthrd my inirtdn evry day ultc lie does irieb- by i wood hav kotun lines to oftterday wuc ma and pa include lnif mo was tip to tlie lllwry tonlte the cleric ast lift if he ever cared for alice gary pa sed hedlddcnt even no iter and tlien he sed to the trlrl please dont tawk no loud my wife mile here you qunday i all most hud a peace of hard luck tills morning just before ounday xkool ijfrs gillem had me to run a irrrnt for her and she give mr a nickel and ijow and be hld ma made me take it and put it in the collecksliun at ounday sknol or tliot she did m und ay ant emmy was a telling us nhout n cuxxen up north witch is a co lon to blltl a agenda on his liouse pa end well that is a new one on me nil ways thot a amanda was sum bind of a new flour or brekfent fude tcunday went to a chlrcli aupper at uir chlrch tonlte it bcms like as if these lie re chlrcli suppers all way conic on a nlte they is to be a swell pitcher show to be given at uie pi teller slww po went to sleep wile we was at uio chlrcli and when they started playing the pcono the preeehcrn wife laps 1dm on uio slioldcr to ask for sum muney for uie mlslilnorys and pa jumped up and sed o is this are dance wenenday the tecelier ast us what was a leper jake sed it was a animal wltoh lives in tho zoo and rllsters sed it was a tagger with spots an lus body- well i am glad i dlddent luuf to answer for i was not sure tldnuiay i am only sorry that the clvu war ended when it did becus when i put it down an xamlnaahun paper uilfl morning i sed it was in fourteen 02 ucbby i am rang but i feel sure aim tiling happened that 4r so she oughten to call it rang all together nanit a retail mc reliant has found that uu right hand side of his store docs- fifty percent more business than the lefthand side although the stock on each side is in his judgment of equal at tractive nesa on inquiry lie learned that other mer chants liad observed a similar condition in their shops lie concluded uiat the american rule of uie road turn to the right had inculcated in people a habit so strong that it affected actions on shopping expeditions the habit of observing the rule or the road is a good one buf it should not bo permitted to control all of a mans power of attention people who ac custom tlicmsclvcs comfortably to any worthy habit arc in danger of bficamlnff a little blind the habit of oancentrat- lnx on a certain kind or group of prob lems is for most persons essential to success in life yet if persevered in with out the mental relaxation that interest in problems of an entirely different character would bring it is likely at tost to make the success that it achieve seem rather barren it is an excellent uilng to form the habit of considering carefully uie possible consequences of your acts yet there is somo danger that those who form that habit will occasionally fall in a crisis to which lhuc wlio arc accustomed to heeding the coll of impulse may rise and on the oilier hand persons who have been educated mainly to the importune of promptness and decision in action are often liable to displays of recklessness and bad judgment tho ctrlct oboerv- aice of good habits does not moan al- wya that charity dwells in the heart- bom times it seems as if charity had a weakness for the companionship of th more imperfect members of the human race it has been said that men who have the qualities of uielr defects may be forgiven for the defectn of their quail tics it is better however for people to eliminate their defects if they can than to be forgiven for them a man should of course never become the slave of bod habits nor should he ever let himself becomo wholly a creature of good u free press ads will sell your goods clet us convince you 1111 you evek stop to think george u adams publisher of the wyandotc michigan dally record says that few people even the most consist ent boosters of a newspaper realise what a wonderful asset for good a real news paper is to a community day in and day out week hi and week out month in and month out a good newspaper is cons tan uy boosting uie community in wlich it dos business broadcasting 1u residential advantages advertising its commercial possibilities inducing new residents to locate there and hi a doim other ways doing that which no other single business or enter prise can doea do a good newspaper in an advocate ol better government and with the idea of improving the local situation is con stantly calling attention to passible in novations that will make the old home town a bigger and better place to which to live a good newspaper is without any ques tion the greatest asct tlie local business can puulbly have in addition to ad vertising the town inducing new fac tories and now residents to locate with in il corporate limits it boosts home- trading it advocates uie prompt pay ment of bills and better credit tltua- tlon it acta as a clieck an flybynight uhyntrra business enterprises and ums contributes directly to tlie cause of uie oh i land by local business concerns a guod newspaper exceeds by a hun dred fold the church as an agent of moral rlgtiteousncs while lhc preach er talks to a comparative luuidiul on sunday morning tlie newspaper owner taika to thousands weekly or dally if in- b tlie right type or owner lie utllda an uidlrrct influence unit is not exceeded by any otiicr individual in uie city in which lie lives when one stops and flgurea it up very carefully and uicn realises that the newspaper owner talks to more people every week than all ministers school lcuclilra and profeaulonal jnen put to gether i wonder if it is not just possible that people arc not giving the news paper credit for fur leu uuui it right fully dejierves neatnkss altovk everything 11 takes to mo time for uie strictness of military training to overcome uie or dinary lnhlbluons of wrydy existence soldiers wlio are not such by profession for a long ume find it hard to uilnk otherwise uian thry were accustomed to uilnk as men of peace at liluuburyness england during the intensive artllliry training uiat was car ried on there in uio course of uie war a live bhrll fell in the mud in the midst of a cutwi of young guoiirm lie down i shuuud tlie instructor jnil no moved purtuiiauly the bhrll did nut cspludr whin it had brrn render ed imnipv tin- oincrr uikcd the young fcllouu why thry hud not obeyed orders tiny ntlulit have been blown to pieces one of uuui fallcird out wall sir you see it uas to muddy jewellery watches and clocljy sold direct from lie cntnlojuc if you wish to siivj money in ihcnc lines in huyitlf your christimls prcmmit sei me before imyinji elsewhere james k gardiner watchmaker acton ontario to one and all we wish a merry merry chirfcimas m edwards co bakers of real homemade acton i1rea0 houseslipprs see the stock of kenney bros in a splendid variety of styles for men women and children at prices to suit every pockctbook shoes would make a useful christmas present for some and our stock comprises the latest- and best at reasonable pricey s rubbers and footwear for the whole family we appreciate the patronage accorded us this year and wish all a merry christmas and a happy new year kenney bros shoe store repairing as usual mill street christmas and what can give more pleasure to the whole family than modern sgueengrid radio in your home 17700 less tubas 212- with tubes combine your giristmoa funds and secure a perpetual source of enjoyment for every member of uie family talk it over with a steinite dealer listed below yofi caa gat n hlorm tkaa this at any pricit l tiiritn 3 scrr11m- gum tubes total oj 7 lubes 2 four conusamra 3 linear power dmasuoa with autoraaib 4rid bis 4 i huh- pull audio powm tags osinj tita oawest 2 tubs heal bum i cm rccptiojk 6 uattlcship choiiii coo- traction eotuplocoly shielded 7 blhctro dyaamia bpcaler 8 glorious tone 9 mafniuceut consoles llcingtl u uu by ctjujlan ludio iauiits uoiltcj diltrlbufd bll spotton engineering co guelph gueuii iikatt tiitm at a t browns electro dynamic speaker

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