Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1929, p. 4

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maktt uiljc artott 3ffrwlrj0b uerobcr ontario quebec dmalon c w u a tijl acton fure pues5 1 publlilinl very tlluruy evening it tlie i rce wet- huiiiim uill mrcmt acf on ontario tlic anbicripliimi price i tano jitr year in nlvanrc iottag la cliarow adillllonal to nfliraa in ilia unit ail btatta tli dale to which aitacrjpttona are paid ii imhcaud on lha aimraa u1l all iclaaii c a dills editor anil proprutoi tflkpiiones- vattrtu ami hui ueaklenca a woriliy community effort i ho uittrpnu anil willmifiicv to tr time tlic work of the comimiinity chriitmui free that hn licui tmtlertiikcu hy the local true nine lode ii com- mcndihle chriitmui tunc n iilway n luiy uhiiter- ini tunc tor everyone with scarcely n moment to pnfl hut this work of doiuj for other that seems to prevail at this season hns its own satisfaction in the joy of a duty well done kiddie and crown ups will appreciate nnd willingly assist with the work of the community tfll undertaken hy the true blue lodfie thursday evening december id tree vandalism some persons would seem to believe that any tree clawing in the bush near the roadside was their rightful property if such tree is suitable for a christmas tree farmers throughout the country arc complaining f the vandalism of tree cutting and tree stealing it may not seem serious to take a single tree but multiply this single tree by the multitude of single trees and loads of trees that arc taken every year and the seriousness of the theft is seen the trees belong to the farmers who own the property they are of commercial value at this time of year and the farmers are entitled to derive thb benefit from their sale a levy that might well imj removed with the splendid surplus announced by the pro vincial treasurer hon j d monteith it would ap pear that a lightening of the tax burden would be in order true the automobile license fee has beui reduced and the amount put on where it just ly belongs in nn increased gasoline fax but a nuisance tax that is still with us is the amuse ment tax it lias been abolished on the admis ston charges of twenty five cents and under and iia3 proven a real benefit to ordinary folk who derive no benefit from the automobile fee reduction but it still remains on all admission charges over twentyfive cents it is a nuisance and a direct tax on the whole general public it wns a war time tax surely with the war over for all these years and the provincial treasury showing n steady increase this burden might be lifted from the shoul ders of the public its removal would be equally as popular as the reduction of the postage rateirj and abolition of the stamps on receipts and re duction of stamps on cheques and sales reduction that have all been mnuguroted by the dominion gov ernment compulsory auto insurance much has been said and written regarding the advisibihty of passing a law making it compulsory to take out automobile insurance there is natural ly much to be said on both sides but is general ly agreed that these hundreds of derelict cars on the highways that are a menace jo safety and usually operators of such cars arc inclined to be reckless in driving and indifferent as to any dam age they may do to other cars they know full well tiot if responsibility is placed on them for collisions the victims stand no chance of collect ing damages a compulsory law is in force in sev eral parts of the united states and has it is claim ed produced good results aylmer express other municipalities feel the pinch too in speaking of municipal matters the other week the milton reformer said if there is an increase in the tax rate for next year it will not be because of any extravagance on the part of the present town council but rather will be due to the piling up of the debenture debt of the county by the county council which will react on the different municipalities who will be called upon to face and shoulder the burden placed upon them by the county council who appear apparently to think there is no limit to the resources of the individual rate payers of the county there arc not a few we havj found out and they arc prominent men in the county who think it is about time to call a halt in this pyramiding of the debenture debt of the county they say and wc dont wonder at their saying it whero is this thing going to end wc believe hal ton is about the smallest county m tlic province and if wc are not mistaken has the largest debenture debt of any county in the province the municipalities arc certainly being made the goat these days in providing the where withal for both county and provincial bodies to administer and control peace on earth to men good will christmas day will soon pnee more be with us and stilt it is the day which wc could least well spare out of the calendar of the year there arc those to whom the religious associations of christ mas are the sum and essence of the wholo festival the story of the birth of christ never grows old for them it is the prettiest dory in the world and best of all every child who hears it for the first time loves it if it were possible to conceive a time in the far distant future when christianity should have faded out of the world like some of the religions of the past wc may be sure that the christlun festival would still linger on in one shape or another or say that only due of christianity 3 jjuldon piesuagcs was destined to survive in a world winch lod firmly established the brotherhood of man tvit fanciful to believe that it would be thu christmas message of peace on carftfmio men good will the first christmas message was a very triumph of broadcasting it pulsates down the ages with a vigor and a sweetness with which ull humani- t in its best moments finds itself in tunc i have always thought of chris 1 is time wrote charles dituens archpriest of christmas apart from tin veneration due to its sacred name and origin if anything belonging to it can be apart from that ns a good time a kind forgiving charitable pleasant time wc all need the spinf of good will which avoids extremes and narrowness and scl fislnuss and which joes not grudge to others u full shurc of happiness uud well being that is tilt uussagc of common humanity as well as of the quiring angels and the fuller response to cither or both the more scnnuy we may look for- wurd f 10111 the merriment of christmas to a happy new year a splendid surplus it is pleasing to note the steady improvement in provincial finances as reflected in the announce ment of provincial treasurer monteith the sur plus of 2567000 which is the largest in the his tory of the province is surely a healthy indica tion of the prosperity of the province there is a large increase in revenue which is chiefly de rived from succession duties liquor control act and gasoline tax the increased revenue of 1 028 is over 0000000 the increased expenditure over the previous year is approximately 3700000 the special balance has therefore been directly made possible by the assessments on the people through the various levies there has been no economy ef fected in the provincial expenditures but a dead ed increase it is always gratifying to hove the balance on the right side it is equally gratify jng to reduce taxation and not increase with such a splendid surplus the next session will undoubt edly see further reductions to the general publiu in lower taxes possibly the government will as sume a greater share of the road costs from the municipalities or relieve them from their percent age of the old age pension scheme any of these or other reductions would prove popular and real assistance to every ratepapcr neighborhood news hjitxinotow mr und mrs chan med rat ii left 011 ihurrday lavt lo mu ml a few weeks at springfield mass and with their daiitfhuitti at providence it i tim resignation of mby malg toucher of english and ftb lory utilie high school htm brcii received by the school hoard to take effect ui thn end of the proaant trrm uljrucn nrw members worn received into knox prchyterlan church on com munion sunday rev o a mullln tin pastor extruded a warm wnlootim to the new membrrii on behalf of tint congrega- tlon i mr and urn annus stewart fcveeaujul announce uie engagement of uielr dauchur leiuliu jessie to captain henry grant redfoom eldest son of captain and mr i lurry redfewm ool borne ontario tim marriage to laki place the end of december condition of mtvjiaycii john street who hnji been confined to her home vox the putt few months allows very huic improvement however the doctors have diagnosed lier case and it la expected she will be restored to her ujsuftl health with medical treatmhnt local business men and ruldent of the township of nclmi compwlnlng of the condition or tlu middle uoad and vrant street ha been left in by uu contictors work raa commenced on p ccs of rood in september out on uct of the nudderi cold spell tht latter part of november tlw work of pavlns had to be discontinued- oa- xcttc kkin n mun hhona smith of huiiilluui won u wcrkriid vultor with mnt thivlald mr ir lloral of lloyal oak mich in vtnltliitf with lllvr- hi thu com munity urn james viirlf has returned homu mfue kimitullnif two wcks with toronto frlemu mrs oca notutel and two children bpent lajt week with mr and mrs hardinf acton im and mrs m tliompon spent tluiuwy wlui mr and mrs tulph thomp son at toronto vuild hern will bd interested to know that mr v it walker who has been connected with th toronto office of the itoyal thuik of canad lias ben trans ferred to th managership of the branch at inwtfod ontario mr mild urs prank mcaluter and family havn moved to norval wltere mr mcaluter and son live gone into the tfarnjpl business we join with the cill- utu hi rroulnff tliat this family is leaving the vllhutd and at tlu same time w wish them tins beat of luck in their new adventure advocate gifts for ev fiiusail directory georgetown a programme of expansion the decision to expend 20000000 by the can adian national railways would seem to indicate tha faith f the directors in the business conditions and prospects in the dominion during the coming years the branch line programme authorized by parliament in 1020 will be proceeded with and in connection with this too some 10000000 will be spent work will be commenced op the montreal terminal plan and this will be continued not only through 1930 but for a period of probably five years until that great undertaking is completed other work at montreal will include new cdnstruc- tionot point charles shops and at montreal stock yards the cnr system will extend its rock ballast programme very materially along its main lines during the year with extension also 111 its automatic signal equipment at hamilton the building of a now station and other terminal fa cilities will be pushed forward the tenders for this work now being complete building construction of a major character will go on in connection with the canadian national hotel system the program me includes the new hotel of the company at van couver a new hotel at saskatoon a new hotel at charlottetown prince edward island and the early i completion of the new combined station and hotel at halifax preparatory work will be done in connection with terminal extensions at winnipeg and edmonton the budget of the railways will go before parliament in the ordinary course of events when it meets in february j editoiual notes with a generous fall of snow and real cold winter weather its not hard to get the christmas spirit hanover voters lists contain the names of 09 j municipal voters just one short of the required number to entitle the municipality to have a deputy- reeve for the county coupctl ve lor 111c bounty uount judging from the nfen 7 g irom the nfembcrship taken and paid ior and the willingness to co operate it would ap pear hat citizens generally arc going to avail them selves liberally of the opportunities provided by the skating und curling rink isn t it just fine to have those municipal elections all over before christmas and be able to enjoy a community christmas time free from the con ten tious questions that are hound to develop at this time in eery municipality mkfl held of altlufan was a visitor at the home of mr and mrs w b qhortlll tut week mr and mrs w a matthew left on tuesday for owen hound where they will spend a month with mrs matthews sinter mr and mrs arurus aluespla and ur and mrs iiuh aiuesple of thataesvllle and major hccle of ilolsteln visited with mrs kocles and other friend last week the aervloes conducted by the mc- mosler university trio of sinners and preachers in the daptut church hut dun day were much appreciated and en- joyed i mr oeomu dobxon uie obufllntf nd efficient station aeent at tlic canadian national electric railway liero for uie i part seven years met with a pleasant j surprise on tuesday evenlnff when of flclals and fellow employees of uie road presented hhn with a beautiful sold watch and mrs dobson wloi a hand some purse members of the brant hahuur club were entertained at the home of ur w it roln toronto on prlday evtn- ins itt ur raino made a splendid host and the boys certainly appreciated the rood time pravlded those present were dr watson ii b poulls j thompson wilfred ford p lindner and j m moore we had a letter yesterday from ur c e ituddy qrtlorber texas telllrur us how much hfi appreciates the herald ur also kindly sent ua a copy of uie borffor bally herald- charlie is now bookkeeper on uie herald and betting alons fine in his new southern home herald witticisms about womvn although lord dwar is a bachelor and apparently a confirmed bachelor he setmlngly entertains a high appreciation of uie fair sex judgin by some of uie witty sayings he fires off about them from time to time here are a few of uie best r the road to success la filled wlui women bushing their husbands alona no man is ao good but a women can make hlrij better a vgolken wedding is when a couplo haa gone lftyflfty i come in and see our stock sk toasters irons v electric ilrculaiors pyrex pie plates stjjfl to sblio iro to shoo 9 no m 12 75c and 1 ii uk as uhkd to jolts milton james ilaillday of ilomby sails this week for englafid where he will spend christmas with relauves miss kathleen qnelgrovc of toronto formerly of milton has been visiting the misses qtorey thanks to aero weather j j peacock manager has good ice ready for members of the curling club the earliest for many years mrs hodge otark of esqueslng who underwent an oporalon at guelph ojen- ral hospital recently is doing nicely pred uarkle lias purchased a dddry business from p weir colllngwood and has moved his family to uiattown we alsh him every success bill otewart wellknown hockey star of toronto formerly of milton la uie popular coach of the upper canada col lege junior o ii a hockey team tor onto ills picture appeared in last oatur- doya toronto dolly star cluunplon mrs a j oloane of btratford spent couple of day this week with her mother mrs it wlilte 1 a hockey match in toronto one night last week pred bamett hockey star formerly of milton received serious injuries which will put him out of uie name for a few weeks clarence knapp an old mikon boy who has been accountant in the acton brontjh of uie bank of montreal has been transferred to a branch of uie bank in toronto friends gathered at thn home of urs a peathcrstone trafalgar township to bid farewell to her and miss dorothy prior to their removal to milton urs featherntone has been a lifelong resident in the community her grandfather hav ing been one of uie pioneer settlers an ad drees was read by george cudmore mrs prank hadley made a presentation or a reading lamp reformer oakville with the hockey season not yet started the sport mjj editor of the guelph mercury has made a poke at elora and needless to say editor samson of the elora express has checked back and judging from the comment last week wc vould say hes still carry ing the puck wm whltokcr met with a painful accident when he fell on the ice on prlday near his home his many friends ulah him a speedy recovery ed orr of clarkson intends moving to oakvuie and will occupy the house formerly occupied by dr millar miss icathloen regan pitcher of the girls boftball team will play with the parkslde team nckt year the oakvuie team will certainly miss her news mr and mrs d mcklnley church qtreet loft town on thursday morning last for florida where they will spend ulc winter john hcaulc of both well a former oakvlllelte and lifelong friend of uie late john t andrew was here on tuesday to attend the funeral miss hattta hogarnan left town uils morning to spend the winter months in uie mild climate of souuiem vexas mr and mra p tyrrell of oakvuie announce ue engagement of uielr tuferj helen muriel to harry ernes wlfxen son of ur and mrs h wuten of hal aleod cngland the marriage to take pluce ohurlly record mr and mra jos lister will eclecrate their golden wedding on tuesday ci inner 31st dr and urs 11 v dcwar have taken up residence in town for u10 winter in 1 m tha mr and mrs jas armstrong of erin dale will ceurtivate their golden wedding tn rucsday next december ttth in the community hall uicrc afternoon and evening mra w stewart and mrs andrew cm them daughter of edward ilillmer motored over from detroit for uie fun eral of their grandmother urs thoa ii in ton mra c o dllts of bronte and her mo trior mrs case are leaving shortly to visit wlui relatives in lai angeles cal where they will remain for u10 filter months urs case is over seventy years of age but in a wonderful traveller having crossed the continent a number of umea utar every one of canadian nationality is a canadian every one born in the dominion ii of canadian birth and every one whose fumilytias been of three gen crutions nsidenic or more in canada is a canadian in a spcual sense uiiording lo a report issued by r ii coutcs dominion statistician the report would stem to settle u controversy of long duration as to just what oustitutcs a canadian smith falls news ooiunu curls there wai a headen collision on a certain rallwicyand majjy people were injured when uievlr arrived tisya u10 argonaut the crew bevmi to search for bodies before altempung to move any of uie cam and found an old negro pullman porter fast asleep in the wreck the rescuers roused him and asked didnt you know that you were in a aerlous wreck no sah boss lie replied i did feel sumpln kind of jolty i uwught dey was aputun on de dlnah silverware cleaking ou1 nes at 11ig saving fob you cold meat tokks regular 2 00 for dessert spoons liefiiilnr 75c for table spools rofjular 85c tor table torks regular 2 50 fir sugar spoons regular 1 no for n gravy ladle regulnr 3 50 for butter dishes at dr j a mcniven offlca klld ibutlduiiod cartlft hotmtf avnntia and ftlfln uuooi leqal wishing everyone a merry christmas jas symon mill street acton ont rob in had lung beautiful curb bu hr was throe years old lmust too big lo wgir curia papa uiouglit one day mamma and papa were talk i hit the matter over and wondering hou fiu wudld look with short lialr iloblu said mamma do you want your lialr cut vc tald uobln you may cut off iny lialr but don t cut ull my turbl did you ever stop to think l by edson r wa1te slinwncc oklahoma that when you advertise your busi ness you also advertise your town d- vertising brings business good business builds a good town that newspaper advertising satisfies bothtlietjuyer and the seller that no business ean expect perman ent prosperity no matter how encourag- ing the present may look unless they adopt a permanent system of newspaper advertising that every business must keep tep with progress and must be imbued with a spirit of growth advertising makes a growing business that success brings success every business acliieveinent leaves a business that is much stronger and in better shape to undertake a still bigger proposition that the success of the business of a town as a whole will never be great as long as a town has a lot of donothing busi ness men who spend their tini jockeying around trying to get business without working or paying for it that it is sad to relate that in some towns this d6nothing crowd often are strong enough to juggle the truth so that they kill the ambition of many of the up- todate ones who quit advertising and working and become dead ones like the donothings when local business men do not ad vertise in local papers it means a head business town anjl to the outside world the town gets the reputation of being an elec triclighted graveyard phone no 33 p bo u harold nash farmer m a llrrwr holua nuy iuta cotivtyuimf ul rrituvman 11lock acton nm limnoao m ton oop s dutiirdiiyii 13 oo o dock dental dr j h johnson ddsl d3 dtau surgeon orica uu1 oueet xn the cooper block tklkpuohfe 45 a j buchanan d d s nnljil furpre6u office over ilajuiords drug qmre iloura o a in until 0 p m kventag by appointment don for extractions closed all day wednesday p w pearen d d s l d s denial hurgta bucccecor to late dr j m holx mill btreet aetoal ihone 30 hiscexlankods francis nunan beeldilicff account boola of all kind mmda ta order periodical of every deacrlpuoa carefully bound ruling- neatly kad promptly dons wyndhom otnet aualph oatl over williams btor card co clean mad dya gueuuph ontario zaun jo to vio ren dav ambitious reliable men wanted at once part time pay while training for aviation mechanics oarage worlf driving battery electric acetelyn welding house wiring industrial electricity machinist bricklaying plastering drafting borberlng and ilolrdreaalng act quick get your ap plication in now write or call tor informauon dominion tuade eeciiools lyo eastern headquarters 103 king qt w toronto lniploymrnt service ct t ceast if you are looking for any in vestment for your money thm mrrxntinkkt bond cor poration offer becjond standard royalties one of the safest becurltlea to b had gafe as a dank and pay good dividends every month information gladly given for tha asking without obligation to jou h w dawson o box u bttasoryom district itcprfisentauvs ilava oiilii0 1w y loa1 xgioita wxsinno our pjuendo and cltenta a very merry christmas frederick l wright lupretantallra imperial ufa assaranea co of canada phone 10xj residence main street acton peloubets select notes for tivcfters on the international sunday school lessons 1d30 january la jnne tile qoapcl of the kingdom studies in matthew july september ucprccntatlvo men and women of tlto old testament oc totter- december representative men and women nf tlic now testament uy amos it wellfl ll d pru 2 00 postpau the rtyioson press toronto advertise regularly and get regular dividends iwiilllllliillltll w by ubini u whole puc wc could not tell you more sin cerely how much we value your rntndship than in this mii ul i bpucu we wish you the hebt that tortune may have in store for you a ml kky christmas to all watsons bakery

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