Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 19, 1929, p. 5

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c qefojriiin 3tr drrgb juiulujjay dectcwul rtlo hjt at tu toy stoiu vwn1wjvv i luro u nu of little tacr- every night oulsldi the more win re tbry never draw the curtains whin uie watchman locks tho door 1 ii r ul hill lutle fares looking at the r iu i to i hut will bring mrrry christmas to a h t fit i trio find boys i w rj nlitlil they stand there watching hit nd children in a raw uiokliu ul the only christmas that uiey po llily can know uu k thlm over mr uhopper whan you walk down town to night i bin mid hungry little children borro-w- hig a brief di light i to m tho wondera of a christmas wlilch to them la jurt a dream juit n wlftty passing vision of how luip- plncrji might uttn and perhaps when you have keen them you will hunt up jan la glaus lor tin y sadly need somebody who knows linto to plead their cause eunta clauii liuii wanna of children on l titi chrl tmiui calling list kill hi 11 add a few nam en to it if you tl him anctlnam iiilp tin old man out a little hell be hind to add yaur mite to tin fund thai he t investing in tho spruudlug of delight and thcj little wistful children will be grateful allahc year lor their shared so ions denied them tho tticsscd christmas cheer leaders of nations look at industry twenty yeatts ago i ram uu issue of th i- ree rrs of thursday december z3 1009 the schools closad yesterday for christ mas holidays ilecve owackhamcr la erecting anouier nrw building for morris oaxe on his property on main direct it la estimated tliat two million dol- lirs u hi bipent tn railway farca by wl tcmcro who are coming cast to spend christmas i he clerics in uie stares would rather haii you do your shopping early i ho mission in ou joseph ohurcli was concluded on sunday tho sermons of lieva pauicra o itcllly and doyle tho m us loners acre vcrj earnest and im pressive dr a t horo has completed bin poet graduate course in chicago after fighting for six months or lo a serious epidemic of scarlet fover in wjchwuod and york townships dr c a warren toronto is himself laid low it la reported that he is dome very well the annual meetlns of the met eunay gehool was held at the home of tin superintendent on monday evening willi one or two changes the officers tanu teaclicrs were reelected for next ytar the total enrollment of the school last year was 364 the financial receipt for tho year were 313 77 including iso 14 for missions ivotiiiita mi to vat neci cjarh r li llmrii limirh a nil inch wimu hiivr dllfiruil mi artliign n tlittftt lit i urn and under dllft n nl rlr rumslunciij whin mr ti ward ui in aloijfu laiyu hill ton the woplr wi r nuturully very dtilroa to treat him hund romely homo umiir menl wili nccw lonrd at tiblr mm dfly by tin rnnnrk nr tint of the ladle thiit tlity had ihhi iniirh dl upjhilntpd at obtaining no brrr by the last strainer iuj all at ti looking for steak uo ur ran olfnr you nothing but the fare of tlu country cow rnor ikward he nit id ilul thi i xnllnit an w nil hi oh no havr u ithliii but vniloti and iiniu and ulld duck mid aim n i and trout oiu cf tin nrmy i f offlrcr i markud i that thl i remit uid him rf a mutiny nil jiiff llm oldlrrr l n f rlda fort asnlnat betn finid with ircn turtl oup mnr than onn a urck who hivuitid thi po txrlpl a younc lady by uil nam ui adnllm lore guy th nan ln in in yiioiij a i i at out i n h iri rlili nirtf in tiirrrfiuicai cdvivt or thi coijntv or haiivn itt mulur r i hi it4 u tfimaltl hltiltuiutu uu d tl ttwimlili ii hl in ui cuny uf hal ton urtlrrfl xtnr irilcrj titirxci it hfnby dven pun mint in thi hi vt d jjtututifi or ontnrlo chnptr id mirllfn m that all prr onr lmvlii rlulm ajtaln t the cnlitt of tin i 1 t itiinnld mrdonald who dltd n or about tin 10th nf inly 10j0 at lh vtllnii ol arton art nqulrtd to mil by pi l or t li liver to the undi r ijmrd idlrllor for tlu ixtrutor of th i uit of th aid iloniild mrdonajd on or b for the jilth day or di renincr 100 tin ir i in i addn e full particular or thi ir i c linn and uil nature of thi curlly i li any held by them nil did rill i by rtitutory dirlarnllon afti r lh aid dt t tin ixi rub r will procrtd to dh tt unit ilin n irt f tlm am j li havlu time tables at aoton of the tilbut the a thi pirtlen entitled risaid nly l tlu clulni i ha 1 liilii hnvp notlre ninl tin not in liable for the ar lli or ni cf tlirm li uny run on of alio nhnll not hav b rn rer 1 nolnc kt ilunday only riiilly xrept ijiunlny dully xcrpt iluiuluy dally curept fjunilay ilally i xcrpt flunilay cohlff wwtt i unday only diljj ixcrpt ounday dtlly flxcipt uunday i illy i xrept fiiinduy dilly txcept uunday hilly exc uunday denotes mall tftlln i i 1 flop uj let off or encerr 7 12pm 07 ojn m2 til pin fl 17 pm n in pm 1031 am 7 10 am tooqam 3 30pm c 17pm 7 30 p m i t lh of eh d t j itlon thl h div lilcl vlltjii on r r th 1 cut duties of modern lxccutivcs dwarf demands mndc upon kings of yore time i ennr them tlme wan when ralem poth thoir intimntcn about took to tho field h and woods in ncnrcli of wild boar or nlippcd incognito into icqueiiu i red innn when tin y wnliocl nur cci c from tin dutici of ntnto or opportunity to nit vin n viu with thpir nubjectn today tho executive oblijntiom of the head of a nation entail an in timttc lnowlcdje of uie induntrilt that loom bo prominently in tin rcnlral conditions of hin country recent tnpi of thin nature b the titular heads of the overn mcntt of canada spain und th united states of america ptvi iil to the conjecture aa to hou their rcujuctivi prototypen would hnvo reacted to uio hpectae lea of modern mann proiluotion that mtr tin eyen and intoltyr- onec of tlu no modern leadorfl any cncnn an to what henry viii inabclln or woalilnjuon mirht have thoaflit or oaid must renult only in the conclusion tliat the job of knowinp iidw to conduct n rovorntnent tlicac dayii in much more of a tank than in the periods ho often referred to as the good old day t improved trannportatinn faclll tu 4 hne lnlarffcd tlin importanco of industry in all coantrica in iu relation io nrriculture and com mirrc mncl tho dnyn when povero inp wan more uinurely governing today if it ti to naitaruard tlio in tcrintn both of laborer and manu nctirrrr and if it in t recoipiiro nil the oinential elemcnti of pron pcity nnd well beinp for the na y 1nun i llmr u nul ud wllk tk mnj lluiy rj u fcu cm1ii jiuv sxl vult tlmtuni kitfltwum and kfuriu ktaur i ru kcu awu aklj utmy qm1uhb ihtruy tri tih wr4 rlmsl at urutu tion poonles munt incljidnjtnnwl- edcro of tmtn jiiiwnrcli a hcaltiiy state depends vinita mado recently by vineount willincdon vlcercsral lioad ofhlio canadlnn covornment klnp alfon no ruler of spain and ironldont hoover head of tho american ittau to plantn wheio port cars and truckn are manufactured are indicative of the importance that kadrrs of natlonn attach to first hand infonrjation about the indez induatrlett o their respective conn trien vlaeount willlnirdon was oc companled by viscountess wnilna don on hla inspection trip titroufth the largiit automobile manufao turin plant in the british empire that of the ford motor company of canada limited at east windsor ontario kinr alfonso evinced keen interest in the many opera tionn in the plant of the vonl motor company sa k at nnira- lona and president hoover spent much of hi limited time whllrt in dearborn mloh to honor f noma a edison dlscusninp the related nubjecta of nrodaction and eneraf buslnoss prospects with ilnnvy ford his hol t butternut bread nicii as uttek sweet as a nut we ask our customers to be tie judge compare our quality butter nut sold at the toi lowing gkocetiif red while j w jones nekon co superior store hills mrs oakley w neabill buttcrnut good lo the last crumb canadian national it a ii wavr wisfitbauiiil ually i xcejit quntlay dally dally y dally 5f dalfjiycjicrpu uunday dalv uilll ji rcritir t17 ajn 10 17jd 13 17pm 3 1pns 4 17 pm 0 17 pm 7 17 pm b llpjn 10 17 pjr 13 17bjti easlbeuivd uallymxccpt ounday dally except uunday dally 1 1 dally i dally dally dally dally dally dally vm am- r am 0 30ajn 11 34 turn 134pm 3 3ipjn 6 31pjn 7 34pjia d34pjn 11 34 pjn trobttf terminal kwle butma 8l clair avuoe prelght delivered by cncclal express frelchl prelfllh picked up at any ad dress in toronto r tflavcuflj l certain morbid conditions mutt exist in the ctoraach and tnteotlncs to en- couraqo worms and they will eidtt as lanff as tliece morbid conditions penult them to to be xld of them and spare the child sufrcrtnjr use uluera worm ponders they will correct the digestive irregularities by destroylnathe worms conditions favorable to worms jplll duap- pcar and uie child will have no more jujficrlne from that cause the music of cnustuasitde harkl the waifs are playlrur and they break my childish suep what imases do i anoclatc with the clirutmas music kroun before all otliers keeping far apart from all the others they eather round my little bed an angel cpeiking ti q croup of shcplierds in a field some travellers whh eyea uplifted followlns a tar a hahy in a spacious temple talking with grave men a solemn figure ullh a mild and beautiful face raising a dead girl by the hand again near a city gate calling back to life the son or a widow on his bier a crowd of people looking through the opened roof o a chamber where he sits and jetting down a side person op a bed with rcpec uie same in a tempest wallc- lna an tlu water to a ship again on tin ca sliore teaching a great mulu- tude again with a child on ills knee and other children around again re- ctorlng sight to uie blind speech to uie dumb hearing to tho deaf health to uie kick strength to uie lame knowledge to the ignorant again dying on a cross watched by urmed soldiers a thick dark- nc2u coming- on uie earth beginning to chaae and only one voice heard father forgive them for uiey know not u what tley do l charlc dlckcn mstoav wl have recently been told that his tory is all bunk alas i those most conversant with uie subject arc forced tn recognise that uiere la a certaih amount of truth in thtrmliarge history b not as yet an exact science peruana niver will be it depends upon records and records depend upon human obser vation and memory and the merest child noes not need o be told that they arc a frail dependence the beat witnesses conflict facts are twuted and distort ed by prejudice characters are blacken- caor whitened to stilt party ends even dates which should be of mauiomatlcal precision an falsified and cortfused so that tombstones have been known to lie yet with al uiis admitted defect hlstory remains the moat essential of human studies to make even th vagu- sl most unsatisfactory guess at what la going to happen we must have some lnowledge or what has already happen ed the only way to know anything at all or uie future is to study uie past that u instantly and emphatically 11 itutrated in uie case of individuals you want to hire a man hi your busl i tss the first step is to find out some uilng about him you want to know where he has lived wliero lie has workfootli rejoicings cd whether he lias succeeded or failed you would uke if possible to know what his religious belief has been wliat ills education even someuilng of what his fautcr and mother were before him in other words you want to learh hu h story or apply it to yourself i to know uhat on will do and uilnk and suffer in tin luture you have got to turn your nn murj ol what you have done and ui ught and suffered in uie past you favt u opsn the pages or your own h jtory every day of your lire humanity it only one great individual and history u that individuals memory n ne of ua needs to be told how im pliflct nilinory la it u full of flaws and lucolicrenccs and imperfection i bounds in strange lapses of which wc ati not in the least aware until oini untoward accident revxau them yet jiut arc we when memory u gone 11 ulc5 without souls with history it 1 hi amo and the crudest errant in l vimine nl and economics result from ignorance of uie past experiences that hklory records the more wc study hllory tlio more wc shall admit its lm prflctlons but uiftt aliould not for a m nt lead us to abandon aliould ilh r make ua humble ui uil t o truth und gentle considerate and to crant in the application oi it 1cnun llalm la magical in creating al luring complrsiuns a little gcnuc rub bing and your utln is invigorated and touched with uie truc beauty or youth clutrmingly fragrant delightful to use coots and carriu3 uie skui itcllcvcs all r usbhiw and proucta uie lovclkst coin plrxlon unrivallrd as a lmrfect aid to b uuty and cluinn j 1111 wantu to ill mlliu hubby uu pimiif la hiuiey 111 im kuful bujy at the office and wont be h uu till late wih can i depend oh uiat the sunday school lesson foe sunday decembett 22 the if in a christian would oolden text suffer uie htue chil dren and forbid them not to come unto me for to such bclongeui uie king dom of heaven uatt 10 14 lesson malt 18 lfl mark 0 30 37 43 10 13 10 xukc 2 120 bumlay prellfueiary read the four lesson passages determine what bearing each passage has on uie problems of christian cdu cation monday become aa children matt 8 10 the plru of ambition which suggested the disciples queauon is the opposite of the child cpuil it l uie spirit of clfocking and calls for repentance and reformation hu mility is the passport lot entrance into uie kingdom of heaven christ had the child spirit and that was why the chil dren flocked to him wc con obtain uuu spirit by drawing near to chriat in loving service wc cannot obtain it ix we hold on to worlduncs for world uneas jcorns chlldllkencca worlduncss is proud oplnloned aggressive anything but lowly leachabja retiring moat or tho great world problems would be solv ed if men should became as lltuc chil dren tiueday hecelvlnf child run uork 0 30 a lovely picture chrut with a child in his arms i it u emblem auc of what christ would have his church do the church is to love uie children sympathize with them mm later to every need of their fast-devclon- lng natures a childless church is not chrlsuon 37 to receive a child is to love live with it try to understand it endeavor to help it try to make it happy to receive a child in christ s name is uius to receive it in christ and we cannot do that without first receiving christ in our awn hearts 43 children stumble over our harshness our fretiulncss our injustice out stupid failures to understand them they stumble over our grown up stiff ness and solemnity they stumble raat of all over any sin in our lives which their clear eyes arc certain to cc thcc are all weights about our necks whether uiere arc children to stumble over uicm or not double weights if the children also arc harmed by uicm wednesday children and chrlu mark 10 13 10 christ wa5 oskld to lay hu hands on the children and hi voke a blessing upon uicm and the pnjsl dents were afraid it would trouble jlsu- and were driving uie mothers and chil dren away when christ stopped uicm indignantly and bade uicm suffer uie little children to como to him for such is uie kingdom of qod wc can hinder uie children from coming to christ in many ways but of all ly our indlflcr the church aliould go out after them cjigerly and bring them to christ the little ciikibtmafi tele the children were busy in uie kinder gartcn they were making presents for their toothers and fathers and cistern and brothers there were tclay dlsbca bright colored bowls and ash trays there were uuh books lui gay covers on one labli was a pile of j bright thuuc paper and omc ribbon aiklon another table trarc wire mysterious packages aii wrap ped and thd and ready to give to uic purlnu and friends sunn children were decorating the room for thi play the children had made uilr costumes and rehearsed uiclr play onu invited tlnlr porinta to come to school that week they v anted the roam to look very gay for christmas oh if wc could only have a tree said one little girl uc could put all our preinu under it and wc could maki decoration and put on the tree aid another out how could wc get thi tree here said a little boy i know iuld thi teacher pcrhapj wc could all go out ihopplng did you ever buy a chrl unas tree and bring it home yourselves oh yc3 lets go lets got shouted all the children at once that wul bi lun that will be fun illi and coats wire put on in a hurry and they oil jlaruil out lo look fur a christina tru i hire s u shop shouted john but the tries wlre too expensive at that shop so tliu had to look for another place hen an softie tricn but uiey arc all lou big said paul boon howiver uiey came to another shop and tht time uie shopklcner had many little tries and uiey chose one jut thi right size and jus the right price linn uiey started off for uie school again uuch fun as they had carrying the tree uicmsclvcs lvcryone had a turn in uie kindergarten room thiy found uvlr paper and red paper and every inc worked unul the little tree was shin lng wlui silver stars and silver chaini and lltuc rod baskets when all uio prccnts wire wrapped their bright papers and hid with silver ribbon they modi a gay pile bi ui tin tree and when oil the mother and fathers came to sec tin christmas play then was uil lituc tree to surprle thira but the bumt ur prise of all carno when the children told them how they had bought the lac and decorated it all tlilmjelvci vlrctta van dora old zacu takes tiu cake old zack lived on a farm on uio iiiste ni sho whin lhc blalf of life lj not bread but con pone made of indian nual itlccntly when he came to uil illy tru first person rn visited wus 111 aunt fciiisan who is well to do though thi old lady ki ep u sirvaiii custom is to hove oil the food in eluding the desert nut uxn uie table before fitting down to cut that even the dissert vaa sliced peachcj and plate of rich poundcaki of her ovii baking zjck who to sitting right in front the cake helped himself uie nrst thing to a llcc of it spread it thick whh butter and ate it then he ate auothir plici and to the duicornfuuri uunt utc a uilrd and o fourth piece busan of course did nut want us hurt the feelings of hir uucjl but sin realised lhat unhss she did iumc thing quickly uiere would be no cake lilt to go with thi pcachia huully hi j d pi ration he iwiid tin bread to thursday th wenderfal birth luke 3 1 7 when augustus 0- emperor of itomc and quiiinlus govir nor of syria uie decree for a universal census went forui the itoman custom required each person to be enrolled when he iwtd but the jews were permitted to follow their own custom and be in rolud each at his anccstrlal home tluireforc uie virgin mary uie mother i him zaok shi said why don i you our lord and her lutrothed bus try some of this nice wheat bread band joseph made the long journey from zuck wuved uie piuu away and reach razarcui to ueuucliem shiccbujh were rd for another sllci of cake no drscended from david there the bol thankn aunt buui he replied yul of god was bom in a cave stable since itr jioik la phnlilgood enough for nn i uie lun was too crowdid lo recilu i joseph and uary and being wrapped christmas pie this is the season for pics and uie three leading in popularity are- mince pumpkin and apple by this time moat people have their stock of mincemeat homemade or commercial stored ready foruc but wc arc including a reolpe fo those who have not yet bad time lo get theirs ready a current magaxinc tells a pretty story about mince pics the rcent of pine wood biasing in the range the kitchen fragrant with sriclness uie thrill of secrets ln4hc air it l the happy just be to re christmas m irnlng when tin mince pies ore comlnj cut of the oven wutful mcmorlc of a little enffllth urundm thcr the mince pie story she told and her delicious recipe brought from the old country conic back to the kitchen now the christmas pies were first mode lo commemorate the birth of the christ child the plate on which the pie was made represented the monger the meat and fruit were the hay the splcea were then as thoe brought by the wlsi mld and the suppir cru t represented tlu clothis hut wen wrapped about the baby chriat pumpkin ond apple pics have become part of christmas cheer because this vegetable and fruit are available and be cause everyone llkca them a delicious variation of the pumjhtln filling is to udd to it two cups of cornflake crumb i hi texture ts changed and is more huffy the secret of apple pic is plenty of sugar and a lung slow baking to make the juice syrup start the baking in an oven t4b0 degrees p to set the crust and keep it from soaking itcducc uie heat to 3j5 degrcs f and bake until juicy and brown mincemeat 4 lbs lean beef j lbs beef suet baldwin apples 3 lbs sugar 2 cups tnolasscfl i quarts elder 4 lbs raisin seeded and cut in pieces j lb currants j lb finely cut citron 1 quart fruit juice 1 libl noon cinnamon and mace 1 tabfespoon powdered clove 2 grated nutmegs 1 leaiioon pepper salt to taste lour meat and suet with boiling water and cook unrl tender cool lnl water in hlch uiey arc cooked the uct will rue lo top forming a cake of fat which may cosily be nunoved finely chop meat and odd it to twice uie amount of finely chined apples the apples should be quartered cored and ored previous to chopping or ikliva may be left on which 1j not an objection if apples are finely chopped add sugar molasses cider il ins currants and citron also suet and j toe it in which meat and sucl were cooki d reduced to one and one half cup hi at gradually stir occasionally and c ok slowly two noun then add fruit julct und srucn and cook one half hour barbara u brooks uancu by his qwn mother as ui were too poor u have an attendant ua laid in tin stone trough which served a manger irjjay the uaudrrful sonx luke j a 14 shcip for sacrifices in the temple were kept in the bethlehem meadows tended by ah li rdj from beth xur south of heuilihcm who in that wenn climate kept the sheep qut doom uirougliout the winter the angel uial came to uicm shone with the gloiy of the lord uid brought hum uu glad udbigs of uie bllth of tlic messiah in the house rl david uiat ts in biul hutui the lioui of bnad i he angi l oiig aiinounrcd two things ad a glory in uie highest dmrie or in uu high ct heaven and jmace em earth to mm or qod a good will or good will inciv the qnck original may mean cither equally wall katuruay the uamlrrfut ilabr uke j 15 30 it was fit that chrl t the poor man uie lowly the workman should nnt be ffcpud by shi phi rdi whoi earthly lot was so lik uu own iluy allowed uu ir pious seal by going ul inn i u tek him and uihr ivangi luitlc ordi r by wllluj tvrry inr about uu com in u uf jjo uavlour ilirough all the yiari to coiuc uwy broodid over uwt rveiui drawing nmifort and insplrutlmi frnni tif us ul olo may how about motiult ti ciiuistmas m thi r eurriis around for weeks tn bl toy fur uie children a tie tor dad a shawl for qraudiua u gift foi the mlghbor next door and all the ilxlnu for ue table lvery one ex pecta and geu a gift from mutht r but how many gifts will be fuund on mouiers nui of the gift table chrl unas morn lug t t that slu gets in r regular check or gift d ul but ui i also tliat she gets a b ix of imidy for her very own uu kind if u b ix you gavii hi r brfon ln wiu motlnr uhi ii blusti with ph iiur and tell you that you aliould ml h ivt pent o much upon her but dup within u motlurt hi art hutl will b i liu 111 tliat fiw other gilts can bring a box of randy from dad mak mither ful that slu is still th w tlu art of i urlli r days und what liift could juottur b ttir chrl tuiuj liavi than thlna or if dad m tint 1 till nil th lilu turl wai in pii 1 oik and in mi that a lu t in b miiy or my lbblr u tilli a hc i and ilyly slip others ilh if liny grand ihlldrin dint n big day at eruud iter day will be iwituued ulan uni t1if nl1d iou rilaihe a cravuig for prlai c is cliaraclcrlitic ol iiuiit young people but they do not can t be nattered they like to have praise when thry fcil they have corn id it undeserved commendation gives them 1 ttle sutlsfacuou and often pre judices litem against uie amiable tiul injudicious person who haa conferred it hie hoii of winning praise in on im portant sttmuhn to them and probably iu on i vi r jiiiwa quite indifferent to pi il i ti dlspjird lo undervalue it even th uuh the ill aire li rerrlve it may be ei uu le htwirlul us u motive with i vanclng years our pi nl is arc our wages sold her in n tn the whiter a iulc ii would muki life brighter for many people if lhat lort wire m in generally under l i ulan it la 1 he ordinary person f 1 that w hen iu payi lo have any thing il nn hi pays lo have 11 well done anjl that he is nccivlng uollilng more than in paid for tact approval is uu oulv upprictauin tliat he permits him oclf to olfir 1 come to you becauic you re so pleas unl n lady oatd to a salesgirl in a elipjrun nt a tore anil tin salesgirl was in re pleasant than ever to cviryone that day pi rhak one of uie n asons for the intlu trial dlonu nt uial prevails every ah n l that in the complicated organ i xutl to of labor and capital there are n w no liasanl li imi ly rt lauons between iul ir ind tinployii no riluttiiiis hi whlqh tlu re la any oplhirtuiilty to add prill i to uu m mey wag rt lhc wagis hi uiiiiuy uvir which dlwatl fai tlnn bi oft li ani tlluigneably ixprnuud might u tliurn wnn nut u unainii able it tluy win urctuupanli d with juiiii p r uial anil ttlun n uxpn ilun of praise a lluiulanl ti uu j umg a lubrliant l lh mlddli aged and elderly prubu h ti tlu voi i along olve it wlien j yuii luui tly eon and only thui weaumhind due at actonholly at 10 os a m 4 05 p m and doily except haturdaya oundays and holldaya at 7 00 p m on oaturdaya sundays and holidays only at 10 05 p m east bound daily al 0j5 fl m 12 05 p m and 7 35 p m ranidhiimm subscription u vk wfo to that friend far away the most acceptable of gifts for 200 the actonfree press forone year to those wlio have made their home far from their ain folk nothing is quite so acceptable perhaps as news of the old hometown doings of uie boys and girls they used to know their happiness joys and sorrows as reflected every week in the news columns of the local newspaper your boy or girl sister brother or bosom friend will appreciate the acton free press more than any thing else it will be a constant remind er of you 52 weeks in the year as good as a letter from home subscriptions for all publications we can attend to your subscriptions to all publications no money orders to make out or letters to write you pity the regular subscription price only in sonic cases less jve attend to all the details and enclose a gift card rom you troubled are your outstanding collccuona oirylng- you do you need uie money now ucd up if so send your list to a firm of collccuan gp clallsls who will relieve your ivorrj quickly kelly aiken the cellftcuan specialists owen baunj oraufevlue uualpb jack stewart cleaner dyer regular call and deliver service to acton tuxsdny thursday and saturday mornings fob peompt and efficient fifnvici phone 103 acton or leave goods at vi m coopers odorless cleaning truecolor dyclnc savage uperior erv1ce by every standard ol comparison savacus glasses are better if its new we have it a d savage r 0 eyesight bpeoialiqi bavagl building quelpii right at the luit office opu every wednasday afternoon the acton free press the allyear christmas gift as an outetabluhaj firm we arc in a ruluoa to glv ton ui jiltmt chlotant sotlm savage co jewellers lowed wykduaji httteet auelfu diamonds wkau voa require one piaiiirf we have only one quality the bkut watches ttnujibcpero it yoa can dod no vet wttoarately prlaej tjmfljnnnp nppnpnnpihhiw watyfuunu andvalzkelt h itnh amu plnc1lu itenuirinj anj ueuiodculiu duiw in our workrootus

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