i- tt li ttli year no 21 thursday evening decimiier 20 1020 acton ontario canada thursday ivkning mzcemnfr 20 l2 four homeprint phrcs five cents slfiirclf gwuittb luieh qllfiirrli of dmutott acton mlnuter uv c it iool s- pairoiiatfc wuiow dtrt 1100 n m the minister oubject wliftt will lv now about uio ncvit year 2 30 p m dun day school lesson imiowshlp through worship 7 00 p m the minister oubjcct tied mid vein will make a now year thursday 730 p m praise and prayer crrvlce everybody welcome llribitrriuii knox cnukcii acton minister hv a c klwart l a manse willow qtrt j 00 p m sunday school lcson fellowship through worship 7 00 p m thr- minister subject wllit luc offers thursday 7 30 p m prayer meeting btrangcni leaving address with tho nshcni win bo called upon by uia pastor arlnii isuntiat qlliurrlj pabtoiia toiasytn wellington otreet 700 p m tho pastor 2 30 p m illule school 1100 a m the pastor i monday 000 p m u y p u and prayer mrcung everybody welcome unclassified small advertisements l hampson wanted men wanted to cut wood apply to wm e anthony lot 31 firth line emjucsitw phuni- 412 wanted oood second hand cutter will pay cash o rooertson r r no 1 acton hound lost on tuesday all white with black spat teward for information i weadqk acton card of thanks mr and mrs qeo com crv 111c apprccl- ur very much the many kindnesses shown their little ton fyfc while he was confined in the hospital no lone these little acta and friendly visits to cheer him up and the kindly helpfulness shown arc all gratefully remembered at tiob holiday season it gives us pleasure to tell you how much we appiudciate your priend- ship and patiionaok may our service con tinue to be a factor in the prosperity we wish for you dotuno the domino year johnstone rumley come to t aits at guelph par your next palrnf eye glasses prices and quality are iuqiit satk faction guaranteed uy government quallftcd optometiuoth tait optical co 110 wyndiiam st established 183s phone3100j guelph wonderland fuiday deckmueu 27 the haunted house mystery melodrama starring chester conkiln and thclma dodd comedy this way please fox news saturday dkcehbett ib the 1iujan i lor ring 1 tain on novoxro com edy tlic chickens pux ncwa tulhi1ay dltembeu 31 feature picture no 5 cif the aco of uotland yard comedy creation wednesday niiw yeailh iay mallntse- at 300 p m woman disputed the love und hutc drama of an outcast womans redemption star ring norma talmadue and ollbert roland it u gkegouy son bttflftotmmftffraictmgrmteffflttot beginning at once not even waiting for the calendar january clearances with sharp pfite reductions christmas is over and new ycnr will soon be here but there arc weeks even months of winter went her htill nhend in which to enjoy the wearing of u new coat frock or hot that will add new est to your present wnrdrohc heres the opportunity to finish the winter smartly at a very 3moll outlay all thefurtrimmedcoats every one of our lovely winter coats now in fitock takes another drastic markdown m r all the stylish frocks f of fashionable silks and the popular lightweight wool- lens every frock reduced for a speedy clearance c h every hat must go i all the newest models in felts velvets and glistening metafiles priced for a clean sweep out a complete new outfit at less than half regular cost d macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario oub motto quality and service christmas week specials mixed nuts per lb almonds per lb filberts per lb 19c 20c 20c bkazils pur lb walnuts per lb itanuts per lb 19c 19c 18c 6 table apples for 25c french creams per lb rock candy per lb 25c 18c christmas mixed 1 q per lb ioc gum drops per lb kisses per lb chocolate diops per lb 18c 30c 25c 10 lbs gran cq sugar oc oranges large per dozen 59c oranges medium size af per dozen wv fancy grapes per lb 25c ckanberiiles per- lb holly pel lb holly wiiea1iis each 25c 25c 25c a happy new year to one and all chatored white stores i jonhs acton ont anoihick ylaic is dkawinc to a ilose and we auk ilfvilegel io kxikess ouk aimueciation oi- the couhtes1es that have keen shown us nulilng ii2j and to extend to you ouk sinceke wisiits iok a happy new year c b swackhamer willow stukut acton ont a tlic communitys social side of life vinliortt to uul from town during uio puwt week an gleaned by l free ptem mr earl cooper wan hero from tor onto mr uurd mcdonald of detroit wai mr harold kennedy wna home from dr troll mr eutfene mcphcrnon wai home from ironto mr howard g latham was home from rorth mi ir tl coah of detroit u here atewart malcolm of toronto wbji fur the holiday mr glanlry mackle of toronto wan hiiinr for the holiday mclvln dron wui liomn iron aylmcr for the holiday jt dram p ton mlu violet cross man wan home from toronto over tlie holiday mlm ettlc diub of toronto la apend- tiii a few days at her home here mr ired pmnk of dlrmlnflham n y nprnt chiiatmao with friend here mlvi itoncca hurst of richard land- itig la holidaying at her home here irs annie somcrvllle u home from toronto for the christmas holiday r and mrs l d poroen of detroit npciit qjjvstnjaa with acton friends mli1 florence newton or toronto ipent christmas with acton friends mr and mrs cole spent christmas at eden mil la with mr coles parents mrond mrs o il drown epent chrlitmos with friends in kitchener muis olodys huffman was home from toronto for the christmas holiday messrs qeorpc and alfred diana p of toronto were home for the holiday mr edward ryder and miss margue rite ryder were home from hamilton miss jean kennedy d a- is spending the christmas holidays at her home mr charles mclcod of toronto spent he holiday at his parental home here mr j elvtn gamble of toronto unl- crilty u hxj it day in u at his home here mr jack rcld of kitchener is opend- ia a couple of weeks at ills home here mr and mrs prank brown lnff ol tct- ii to spent christmas with acton friends mlss jean barber of manltowanlnsls spend lnu the holidays at her home here tr und mrs milton watson of ham ilton art- holidaying with their parents ir edward huftman of pontlac mich la spending holidays at his home ir and mrs roy wonbaroush of toronto are visiting their parents n town ulss margaret j macdonald d a la home from toronto for the christmas holidays mr and mrs earl ii vincent and dllllc spent christmas with friends in hamilton mr charles mclaughlin and r miss ilelllnuur of detroit spent christmas a mclaughlins ir and mrs archie currle and family spent christmas wltji the orahams crcwsans comers mr and mrs john dell and wuva of toronto spent christmas with acton relatives and friends ir cecil brown of toronto spent hunday with his parents mr and mrs i ii brown bower avenue mr and mrs william williams will tlebratc their diamond wedding onnl- ltmiry on saturday december 2fl miss jean mcdonald or hastings spent the weekend with mr and mrs r l johnston and other acton friends miss mac william of toronto spent christmas at the home of her grand parents mr and mrs wm wullam mr and mrs lcroy brown and master nuriuan of toronto spent sunday with hla parents mr and mrs o ii brown mr wu1 wilson is attending the annual tusls boys parliament hi toronto this week as the tncmber fiy ii alt on county mkra jessie mowat u a and marie mount ii a of toronto arc spending lh christmas holidays at their home here mr mid mrs 1 a mclean and billy of chealry spent christmas at the home of her pai c n la mr and mrs wm john- otonr mlmes wlnnlr and marjorle iteld of oiuiiin-vllk- apint the holiday at tlic h me at their parents mr and mrs r 11 held here mr and mrs raymond loyns of inronto spent christmas at the home ol j the i otter a parents mr and mrs atifi3i anderson mr and mm nel mceachcrn and dorothy of waterlo are ipcndlng the ctirutmat holidays at tho homo of mr and mrs win mulltn mr and mrs john creamer and son of ohliiiwa arc holidaying liero with mi- crrumrrs parents mr and mrs 11 guldhum bower avenue mrs clordon mac kay bruce and muriel of toronto are spending the chrlstmsi holidays wllth mrs emma wjiisborough and mrs prank day rock- mr joe haaekhomer of toronto call- i 1 on ai tun relative a on christmas t-vi- while en route u ouelph to spend th- holiday with his brothrr mr rolph lmurklionirr mra will laird of windsor who has brrn uttiiutlim her mother mrs tho cumbtr for srvrru months during her llliusn left on tuesday for her home fur tl tylldys tlie community christmas tree over six hundred trentjj given out by saiiu claufl und tlie true blue lodfrc all of chlldliood and much of older element was out in full force an christmas eve and axsembled at the cor- of mill and main g tree to at community clirlstmas tree to thin malting and expectant throng old oanti claua arrived with a big sleigh load clrrutmaa treats and with the band playing jingle bells and such a cheer as greeted tlie jolly old rellow arriving the old chap soon got down to hi work or distributing treala the nand played several selections and the boys and girls nil passed tn front of t old chap and each won given ao1ruen- croua bag containing candles nuts and an orange every ehlld received a treat and even the bandsmen were generously dealt with and then the bond led in singing of christmas carols and the crowd dispersed on its happy way of mrb thoa iuhi1 nelmin margaret jnnit ho on wldoa ol j nomas lush died at the home of her cuthbert p lush nrion tnwnhlp i sikurday in her fl3rd year blu- wm nufnucr of the united church and lived iiinuivlllc us yiun where her hiibiind i i und for the past 15 year mul uvrd i clarkon und in nrlon township ghe is mirvlwd by mvcii joiui and four i dniilhtit- reuben f clnrlcon howard himlsvlllr harold and cllilord wlnnl- pr ira imprrlal bujk cuthbert and aeorge nelson toviniihlp mr a duncan winnipeg mr- p d hartley ntjnori towiuhlp mr ii allen tor onto and mr dri itewell dauphin manilobii iilio live imers mr a rud- dell ahitrove mr t k plekurd oueniey sasik and mlw edith minnie and emma ol aiunnti ontario various news items wonent iiutllnle mretlnf the rnmliii inotithly meetliig of the wotmn iiiitluite will be held on thurdiiy jumiary 2 at 2 30 oclock at lin- home of mrs win evauxmalix utrerl peiue note chanije oftljfll- oil cmiiiny lleiumej openittonk on irlilay of lal wlek the oeynuck vuley oil co reyrfned their drilling openitloiii at thefy well about two miles wet of acton when operation censed last pilni a depth of jfljli feet hud been reimrhed the drilling outfit is b inn run by to shlfl- and working da und night and ha- drilled over ixtj feet in the week mr seynuck vitui his rharce pilte natlfled with tlie opiralloiis and indication thui far encouihered uniqu irbtnuin ilft the kuu5 harry n moore after many ni spending a christmas eve the tree which stood in a command ing position at the corner was beauti fully decorated superintendent wilson who attended to the lighting has cer tainly made an excellent job and tlic decorations of the tree by die ladles and their helpers were certainly fine to the true blue lodge and the wlll- inj- helpers and all who made this com munity affair to successful uie uianks every kiddle will undoubtedly be voted to all the little onei were shut in on accaoiil of illness the ladles of tlie lodge distributed the christmas treat and over six hundred of the christmas gifts were given out it proved a moot enjoyable community i t freeman i journal in dublin event for acton and the surrounding during the tronblou limes they uere countryside afterwards in london for several years if there are any children who were v hen mr moore w u in juuniajlni iatle to be present on christmas even i there two or three jears ago they ond receive their treat from san la clous jciuoe back to america and mr moore they will be supplied with a bag of li nou on the editorial suill of the christmas good things by calling at tlie j philadelphia rnord when her illness home of mrs browne willow street as developed luit ununer mrs moore raine long as uie supply lasts the commit- u her home in cuiiadu at irotpjul- and rcddlck the beloved wife of hurry n moore of the editorial luir of the phila delphia record jjassed away at the mount royal hopltal montreal on the hth inst mrs moore was a daughter ol dr rcddlck of ottawa formerly ft lronuols mr moore was a trained nurse and when her husband went lo the war in 1tunce as a captain slit accom panied him as a nurse lar two year she was in the hospitals of englandonrt france in 1011 mrs moore accepted a position with the french army as an ambulance driver uie duties ot which look her into the flithtiiik zone bile was also active during demobilization after the war she was with her hii1and foi several ears when he was editor unique christmas remem- lii lame ret rived at the- knii putiii of lire from firms wiu lilat of tlie kellogg company from i on don it was a nub- tantal l7ed box eoutaliilng u fhie as- ortment of the vurlotlt breakfast foods iiiniifiutiiieil b till- ilriu and a ixiiuid of roller of their special blend even the christmas rard accompany um the llf wit- oultandlng and entirely dif ferent in rxprrldk lin- good will ol hi linn needier to siy tile lhouglil- luiuv which prompud the expression and gift wil appreciated tee arc anxious tliat every child should from tin live a christmas treat from this com munuy tree jenl montreal tin ui the hospltul in fuurral wu held at iday 10th liirl and headon collision i n electric line near norral ties up traffic all thou injured mali- inx good rracnws an accident of a rather serious nature i badly crippled traffic on the canadian national electric lino last thursday hen a westbound cor collided with a lowplow in a headon collision the accident occurred ifbaut a mile or so i west of norval first reports gave a list of nlno ccrlously injured and a number who had suffered minor injur- les but later reports ore fortunately not nearly so serious i tlie official statement reads as fol lows at 1205 p m electric car no 5 westbound in charge of conductor a williamson and motormon o dobou or the toronto suburban district of the canadian notional electric railways hided with snowplow no 333 running at first section of no 0 caslbound at a point one mile west of norval the following members of tlie train crows were injured and removed to grace hospital upon arrival of a special car at st clair avenue terminal superin tendent p r pbwlle conductor a wil liamson and conductor e dobson tlie following members of the train crews were slightly injured motormon dohson lineman w hodfics arfd matorman p j clark who were able to proceed to their homes all members of the train crews are residents of tor onto reports received indicated that six passcngcra were sllfihtly hurt but were able to continue their journey to dcsthia- uon immediate dry word of the accident was received dr williams and dr macaj- utcr of georgetown were rushed to the i io and every facility was provided by the company co give adequate medical i attention to tho injured and reopen the b for operation the case of tho accident is under investigation it is said thai oil the men who were in the accident have recovered sufficient- ly to resume their positions except j3up- i rlntendcnt fowllc who is reported to be i making very satisfactory progress and i suffering mostly from shock following the tdent traffic was resumed on tlic uia i evening i iroquois o interment whi miule in thr family plot ir- tin cemetery lllrrr itev t albert moore ij u the father of mr harry iroquol mi humljy kith inst and ui the runrruiut iroquois holiday wishes from england mayurlrnc f arton in prrunal letter s ndi christmas and nrw year wist ea to our citiscna mu yors parlor municipal olllers acton london w 3 december 10 120 my dear mr mi ire please ace pt ny very sincere thuuk- f ir jour kind a id must welromr letlr of the asth n vember lust conveying coruratuhuii ui the mayoress and myself upon our l for the current we ha v good lion but believe me none is more welcome oid appreciated than that from mrs moore and yourself we value it very much and would like you both to know how encuuruglng it is to receive such cordial tokens of hope fur a successful yiar of office 1 remember quite well uie visit of mrs moore and yourself to tills town four i nv yea aiju whn and hcur that the visit iucti happy memories ve tm opportunity too infrequent of llirnt cltlseni of our i da tlie visit i inn to n j all in many oi us were prlvili it is gratifying t holds for you boui believe me tills i all delighted to 1 unfortunately all laclcomun- such ei sister town in cut mire was frullful ways your visit to our umu is often recalled lo me by the canadian hag which tccupli3 an honored place in the muyor s parlor at these ofllces mid no doubt the replica of our borough arms in your town in u reminder of this town and l the many friends which you both und your fellow citlwus have here i hud a high uphllon of our live little newspaper the alton gazette but it 1- even hlghlr when i know that it l he medium whlrh keeps you informed 1 dot igs ofhceits elected of uie llaltan county live stock im provement association last week at a meeting held at ulluni on wed nesday december lo a hallon county uve stock improvement association wus fcrtprd with the tallowing off leers mid dliecuirs in charge for 1030 preolrtrnt a o m bruyna lune- of jlil llie mayo we try at ael ir up to in ul v ay nd i hope m no doubt nn all lltti ourselves are ihlukllui of christmas ml vk want to lake this opportunity o sriullhg to you both and lo all tin other cltiwiis of your town our wurme- jood utshei for a happy chrltula am u prosperous new year thank you win limn tin your irltei th kind vntlmeiil of uhlih ue heurtll ipr lill fine woiu in arton post orflce tin- pitli-nri- and courtesy of the post oilier si ilf during the trying experlenc- r of pletlmtli mail the taking in and ililiii mu u chilmas parcels the sortliiiji of lh- gnat volume of mall mat- i i foi a tu i week has been admirable pi in vrn in until 10 p m they nuk 1 inr niitly in the effort to serve the puiilic wiji promputude consistent wilh iucuiie and pij1 olllce require- itnnli the heaviest miul in the history hi ulilr wiui handled no miind iy i compriid two dray loads ol mall matter j here wrrr about 10001 irtten uul ltinl in tin morning delivery alone and huiuheils uf christmas parcels post- master mallhrw und hb ntan are worth j of thr gralllud of the people uf liu iiminiinlty for the smooth and atlsfai lory ojiriutloii of the pout oftlce di rliu hi isl week of congestion christmas tree tn- t tin- value of tlli itli were htiuilel mi l ticket holdirs lit the town ilil oi ili uy evening u connection ill ui lii makers concert and i il the results were us i hut in lii- mgur prizes half ton of v i li irn urunipujii jean iipl i in lty mrs putrlck mrs i ni- r a white mrs bull miss m i ill i h us tom troop goods l he vuhie of sj mr wuller i ods to th value of 11 il 1ted davi- oi mis richardson liromptou mr ralph mr liuiitalii mrs k alger mrs woods gikid- to the value or 1 00 percy winds alex mrlsnac w wordu mr hi iluinth hub edwania rockwood o els tu th value of ic mac mcdonald w mlddleum florence tjult o musules hill urwlshaw the remainder of the piesents were lo the value of 5c and 10c s me ticket holders were not on hand to rieelve itulr preseiils they can recelvu the some by calling at tho home of ft ed coles the total receipts were sfiim and the epndltures were too 20 during the distribution of prizes solos wiir given by mua jessie coles and mr lniist coles alld rlgby cross gave us a ehuriictfr ming singing in the rain and a mouth organ sextette gave selcc- tluus mr f e mccleary mode a splindld tiuiui claus and distributed chrislmiis prrsents from the tree mens cluii entertain the silkdan teachers ujul officers of tho sunday school of uie united church i lal thursday evening uie mens club 1 of the united church entertain rd the si holm leaehrrs and otflcers of the hlllldny behool and the cradle roll de i iurtiuenl at seven oclock the guests were sealed at the barumet in the school roini crucl rs wen- provided fur the i ungslit and a i iriil uuny lime spent am ul were well fed from the menu i pi i red urn nerved by tlie men the i of wulters app an d in regillatluli vvliite apiun- mid shirts siieves and i mu with white j tickets during uie 1 uppii iioui the tiuiidav behool prches ti loiuillmleil several splendid atdee- kev aihii walhur assoclalr edllo of sunday behoul jiubllcutlous uddrived th eholar following ihe banquet he wi i iiiirudiiird ui the gathering by mr h p mimir mr wallace is u man v ho lihv- young prople and a writer ol ni expeiinte with his illustrations mi sli i hi h gave a most in teres ting i hi to th yiiuug piople und held their i ipt iiltiiitliin all ihiuugh ills dlsiourse ii i adiln wa- eerlalnly uppreelttletl by and wus helpful md nldrnt duncan campbell 1st vlcopr ofrat 2nd vlccprrsidentwaller dennis milton secretary a p mncvannrl milton lyeasurrr edwhi ilnrrpp milton trafalgar joseph howard jos wlll- mott w h uurgax esqucslng tlios bird j f robert son wesley murray nelson waller rcadhrad john pcttlt nassagaweya allmi mahon ien chta- holm rlchaid 1 mu atlnij loclcy schedule open tuiaurruu nlcht io toor row night will ore the opcnhi the o 11 a junior hihkey sehedul aiuni with milton in tin opponent- e junl r irani luis had plenty of ma lul tu hoose triiii and should give i till the tile their matrrial mra william small kilbride an- inmnrrs the engagement of her thhd jaughter kuutwlh mac to robert j weir compbeilvtlle themarrluge ui take place the latter part nr december mr ribert jvquniry of vbjtoria ii c visited acton rtlrnd during the week ii ji spending tib- christmas hullduyi with his parents arid brother mid sister ut the farm home vicar fergus it m hfteen years since m ourncy luis been home from uie west master fyfe homervlllcvtio llttlo three yearold son of mr anos- qeo bomrrville wlui has been con th hospital in ouelph for treatment h for several iwuitlu la uiftlrlriitly im- th proved to be ahlo to return huiue ii iliuti which uie hrcley play fuliirr will br dniwn and lhi- tans jvlll dj well to give tin m liberal support and rniouragtiiielit in tin three loril oiiiies thy will play in their schedule re- meinbei the llrsl one la tomorruw night on monijuy the llr1 kmne ju the inter- mediate jerles will be held 111 aitim and j the contestant will be urumplon if i any our game in tile ihedllle ran ue i said to be more rrttleal than the others it will u- this open in fixture the alton boy will be out at full sllrugth this opening gam will undiinhteitlj be a real tester of ju 1 where they will he likely to iland in the gioup it will br the opening game anyway mid uudoubl- i fdly will draw a big ciowil und provide some iai tlulll foi the fani the trams wn itady to give tlie fans some real key till iu let all in- there lo and then imiila cluui was ushered in mold liu- jingling f belli mid the failing and illimiuvrrlng of u sextette of ilowus ill yiuuikslers wen- amused by the uili null the distribution of orami and boxes of chrisliuus cmidles nuts ami balloons was eari led out by tiunta tluui and his iliwn iilslatanls the whole i vent vu manag d by lh- mens club memnns and only two lady super visors were nil lid in to assist a fcatine lh u is causing keen copi- p lltlou turning the scholars was the ot i uf mr walla e ljuipply three l iks to ah of th ijid mul girls of hi iiindij hilmol wltiilwire umsl regu- 1 i in lliflr aitiiduue during the year rili lvkninu mjjial iniistr of uio th the hill tin puyalla window of uie bo was the sign inirter i the window luieir the plarard dickens all thl week for i do the inking irishman lead first nd then thr plitirtl hr blurted mikui may tike the jnbl dickens in ik all tlielwiek frr foor dolluis ael oils new arena was formally opened by itecvc miwnn njid prominent citizenfl on clirihtnuw nijrht although nkating on the new arena has been in progtrnji for over a week tho formal uiienlnu of this splendid new municipal enterprise- won carried out very appropriately on chrlntman nlghuuoevb mason and counclllurs nclsan iunsn and harrison mid mr and mrs ii p moup mr r j iccrr and mr p a hmlth were present to officiate at tli opening ccremonlcji reeve manon an chairman npoke ot tin- accomplishment in having this splendid new building ond impadpql young people wouldtfilto tall measure ut enjoyment from the facilities provided end all would ailot to make uio under- taking u real cucccoo mr 1 1 v moore police magistrate who wui tnc first speaker was very happily introduced by reeve mason an om of our oldest citizens who retained hli interest in the young peoples c- tlvitlci notwltlm ton ding the fact ulat ho had this month celebrated ms oolden wedding annlvcmary mr moore utter v ishlnc the large audience of skaters ind citizens tho compliments of tins happy christmas tide said he was proud 1 1 be osnoclatcd with an enterprise of an official municipal character provided f r the pleasure and hcaltljiul recreation ii the young people of the community he was still young enough to desire to j uir young people have proper and adequate opportunities for enjoyment lit- experience was that where younr people were given reasonable attention the reaction was for their betterment and that of uio community mr moor x peeled to see the membera of tho lockcy club give a good account of iiemselvea during the season and ho assured those interested in uittt manly sport that so long as they played uio game and behaved themselves tn a sportsmanlike manner they could depend upon the interest mid loyalty of tha i- opc of acton in their behalf as one uf the larger ratepayers of tile mun- kipullty he had pleasure in thanking tlie reeve ond council for cndomlng this important municipal enterprise tho building committee for securing for tho town on arena second to none jn tho county for a commodious wellbuilt structure suitable to the requirement i such a utility in all its appoln ants nd for their personal supervision of all tin details of construction and in secur ing conveniences for the comfort of skaters curlers and spectators ho leuked forward lo a very satlsfactosr outcome hi the history of actons arena as a municipal hutltuuan mr h j kerr was the second speaker- as a citizen who was always interested in actons progress he was proud ot tho hlrvement in erecting till new arena lie spoke of tho possibilities that were op n d up ii this new building for other tports il- utility for fau fair and other purposes a well as for rink and winter functions was painted out and of ooutso m kerr had a fund of stories to give t i the audience too dr e j nelson who la chairman of purks committee and quperlnton- dnt of the rink expressed and put v oies of appreciation to tho bond for llieir services on this opening night to tin men who made the ice under dif- llcultles messrs r j mcphcrson and jus mills and to the building commit tee and especially mr j m mcdonald who had made such a splendid structure l he crowd joined in hearty appreciation o these services and then reeve mason officially do- rlartd the rink open and the band start ed in to supply music for the skaters thr carnival was in charge of mr il m mcdonald as announcer and the judges were mra a mason mrs u r moore and mrs j c matthews coun cillor harrison and mr j c mfttthows ere clerks and distributed tho prizes the number in costume was jpt vry large this year owing undoubtedly to the opening coming at tho christinas time when everyone is busy prlus w4ro awarded as follows best costumed lady florence new ton and edna hlnton costumed man alfred bishop and gordon cook heat costumed couple with prlxas ippllcd toy councillor harrison mr alfred hlshop and miss florence new ton liest original comic joan dcardmare leu gurden liest costumed boy under 13 with prize supplied by mr j m mcdonald eddie footllt best costumed qlrl under 13 with prizes supplied by reeve mason edna hlnton and dorouiy coxc the skaters were then given full usa of uie ice mid the hand supplied music fur skating for the remainder of tho evening tkune details concerning tho new arena might be in teres ting in connection with thin formal opening the structure was erected by tho eustcrii steel products and supervised d built from plana made by messrs j m mcdonald mid councillor c han- n it has been built mid equipped com pletely for the estimated expenditure of he debriilure issue of 115000 of course inch individual supervision and help as been given mid nil the equipment imiuble from the old rink ulvcn by uessrs heuxdmure co who have also icrii instrumental in helping in many lays the ice surfuce li 75x175 feet and the ruling acrouiiuodutlun is for about 800 h u00 w ith u toloi capacity for opec- alors of over lfluq persons there is a eserved seat section of 200 seats sub- i ribed tor yearly fur all events there are four dressing roams equip ped with hockey lockers u commodious cl stand refreshment booth juid ticket booth thr curling rink has two splendid liiuts of curling lec mid splendid club roiii with glass partition allowing mem- bi rs to look out over the ice and watch lilt- tiame a upleiidld view of uio curling rink may be secured from tho arena i roper loo two rooms have boen provided for the inllltlii department hi excliongo for tho old drill nh id properly and grounds upon alilch it stood the structure li enclosed in sheet steel and the main girders currying uio span over the ice surfaces ure steel with wood i hissed nd girders dr e j nelson b tiupcrlntcndcnt of the rink william luunnden sccretary- rieasurer mrssri r j mcphcrnon and jas mills have cluirgu of tlic ice making and carrtaklng mid uie whole of acton owns thr building te u ii ll walll- til illlt ill iii ltd belter lane dicloua li- h vutlled ii hi old sunday ttclioul mr r oarney of victoria h c ad dressed the united church uunday uchuol last uunday ufternuoii he ob served in eat changes ui tho personnel since hr wus a boy in the tchool thirty vais ago mr a t llruwn uie hup- erinteiitliit wui tin only pcrton ho could teiiiembei us being ihri u member mr out nc has been an active uunday uibool uorlcr lu his western homo