arflhhhs oil arimi jtfrcr- jfrr hh tiiuiii nioymi un mao niu viiahs cjiith the winter klnn anil hi iihiiii r what hull v li to make itliirt 11 ill give ild the a rrjiubou tit in til bc thrin li or nnawlmlh ijj ami i wild iu 1 will hind the rh and give thrm nil i twill nil iv in nan laughing urn hold and guy liil lhr children cli new years day ktorni cltiud loosing thr lty vry snowdrifts mid hy it spnrkllng light r skating delight alvira janes nerves mzzii dr aiimond 3wffiwwwwsmhwwm i nnld tlh- n irll i wind blowing will 1 111 fn up lhr do they i if l ddln k that him t 1 li ilki- i and so wc all u 11 help them thr dorm 1 ir rnsl and give thn ill h ii ne w years day its joy rani he lost bcle clcd chronicles of ginger farm written hp tally for tlie fro prima by rwinioiini i clauke 0 nit down mm jolm you look rlrrm tuckered oiitl al vlru jane folded thr nllni llttl woman in lirr ample rinlinici ind nlmoit before she knew it setllid irr comfortably in hrr sleepy lioltov hnlr nnd slid n linock under hrr fcrt thrrr you look better already in nld in ii bright cheery tone nf voili let me lake your wrnpi its full thre lours before supper time mid it n pity ighbor iieroin tin- way ranl i i it le 111 while twinvv viauk ago mil arc coming in irrciy iliinlcd on thr market llrl hn ir amir ury lrll i l n e hnd jolly fun trcrt hill ildiit diiy llilt inn nt urn mi hiii told thr mc- jiiu on miln olrrrl lo ahon these lots ud- propirly ui mr watson irhi nf innw fell on weighing in now ox- you in-ud- i feel wo like snow in winter in fact i might go our further and nay we juit love iii not only doci it make the road better for cut irr und sleighs but it provides ii iplcndld protective covcr- inn for thr fall vihcut und dear known 11 needs it yes vjg have a great af fcctlon for enow but sleet why that a home of another color it is ull very well for those who judge the otati oh dear i really rnvy vlru poke the hlliu one y gel upiet or have nerves thoyi lul things no wearing you kno ulcc howling nil the thiic and the chll- dii u have to ancalt around the home like shadows hanson lrllii me u inuli and forget the worries but tjhsecun t whtii those ncrvca arefiuklng thcmselvls out in all directions jolr deurl i know thefhiould be ijlad ttlmve me dead ahirvjanc who linct been in and out of the covykltclicn wjlilcjier ncliihbtir luineiitcd liercwwl fate now net a dainty tray on the tabic by the slim oni there nothing like raupberry ryruii and cold spring water for settlhi ml crlc cnpcclally on a cold day like dili and hcrco a hit of splec cake to no ulontf i take crcat pride in my pice cuke not that i feel top loftl- of the weather from the ohcltcr of town housed on they walk fnuuly along the atdewalk but it is quite a different mat ter tor lhtmc out in the country where one hi exposed to the full fury of the atorms that blow neither doca it help when there are any i title extra chores to do fur instance this morning wc had a veal calf to ship and as the truck driver u afraid to navigate our lane partner hud perforce to take the calf down as far tut the road did i ay partner took the calf i should have nald the calf took partner i to see the two of them tfolnu ilckctyaplu down the lane wiu u nljiht worth watch inc and 1 did watch but i kept my- self discreetly hidden from view in case my mirth should appear unseemly it i ometlmco happem that the purtlclpatoi of b comedy are unconscious of its humor ao it in whe to govern oneo at titude accordlntily thti calf wan cvl dently out for exercise and when it had bro tight partner aufcly down to the road the truck not yet having arrived it put tn the time by runnlnjr round tn circles partner not wishing the little creature to stranjrlo itself as it only had ft snap rape round its neck thought he had better run round in circles too and so the two of them kept tt up until the calf got dizzy and fell over and then partner being dizzy too oil about it but l it doc a on hood u toko it out of the oven hit hi and puffy and umelllng like the odora of araby the bent thats what our in in li ler called it i suspect til a i mr aruby must have kept a perfume uhop 1 m great for knowing folka but f ouldnt jul place him und didnt want tj let on to parnon smith that i dls- rcmembered the name declare i do feel a heap brighter already remarked the hlim one some of the ugly puckrrs on her forehead had othed themselves out and there wao thi ghost of a amllc on her face that a right my dear and alvlra cve her shoulder a loving pat if ou wont mind ill sit right down o my meiicung we cun talk all the uume i want to tell you about my nerves nerve7 why alvlra jane you can never make me believe that you ever hud mjcii dreadful tlilngul alvlra bit off the end of her thread and calmly gazed into the eyes of ttlc t3llm one ito true true an gospel ihc sold and they were far worse than yours i was sick for two ueclu with the grippe when baby mella started to crawl around and i felt desperately mean and shaky when i first got up the children seemed fio noisy and rudi and henry was no olumsy upsetting things and banging doors that i took iu the lounge and wouldnt budge an inch for anybody 1 worried if they made a fuwi over roe and i worried if they left me to myself until there ho living in the house with me ii 1 1 n xk literary uncle ty will hold il ill lull liuhjitl resolved that cnn- nili urn no in ed a navy mi i mii wlllniirn agent of thr o 1 ii it willirloii inr been pronn 1 to til nipditaiil position of agrnt il ii illn a ijiulinj nlli j iiil opuird with two mil iii m iltlii m hull liil week it alii in mlnlrlt iiliow on tucs- du i i iitiin in the town hall wo a gnat iii imii nuinbrr of i m ung prouriiinnii ui received with i nthusl- imii tl alb in tan well be roud of in l voiiu men i club muii tli in ii mil lulereit was mnnl- flil in th miinlelial nonilnnl una on mmiiiii i he tiamii of twentythree ill- n u i put in nomination for the inil p miuii if follows itecve geo ujiit in tihj 11 aickhnmer coun- illlnt ah 1111 murray mcdonald j ii d inn a i ilriiun w k k -u- iii john whiiamt jjr gray j t lilim l m hinderuon wm c kper jutiii kiiiiij bchoul trutecs w illartt rhimiui ij m henderson john wil li mi dr tiri john a mwnt j c wll on j cooper dr antlin j ii reed ni uton r llurt as dr gray and icnvc iiiiiirkhajner retired at the nom inal ion mretlnj mr jljnds uns eloctrd j arrlunatliui fell over the calf at this stage the truck thc docur nround a nur wh driver come along and rescued our he wdu do more b tban nl bovine acrobat quit fl dbay tale hnt niedlcine she was on angel ft bon l ange and it was through her and tin bhssed lxjrd that i put njy ncrvca under i have been busy tills week most slats diary by hobs paiiqoiiaii tin- ry upjiroprltiu loo unit urt uu follnwti wirn nicir wuuiii old pai uletk lliiv ami ih- nim- nm juliloui fl u i in nlr li fruuriinl wllh pine i drriiin that we attain nie via ami ijlt lhr hull mi inite r lllllle i fn ipnwah- vny j rtlly lhr gunil ulhliei of my old pal ix-lil- inint 11 jlint over dlmly yrillh nlllir wr fpilit til flll ohrlnlinan hii th r iikalllig on lb old mill pond 7 k menu hints wiiv kat ani o it an ot an i ramie i umicthlui more than ft li ty bile or a round article to pluic a hull- in lhr chrlitmiui tiuicklng in fad inrrftil nniilyi11 ihown tint in ateriige oranie paueiies one liun- iln d r iilorli i nf food value two of lliie an rut wirn protein und the re- ma in line ninety- one are riiibohydnileu a lor mini nil the orange rontalii iililiini liu phoriii and iron tin hiallhiclvlnie vlumlns are not abrnt for i ii n i in a and vitamin i and vita- iln an all there i ho i u ik haw adopud the morning itnc lulr habit and the fruit rup id rrult naiad habit therefore hove n inn ii to iirnlih the body with the initn dli nli it nt edit utmltw for new and novl illilira llauwlitiu i4as auj hucgnallatui tin niw yktvntiirt with new yrur table van klfls f by our ills new year and rnld to rnili ntli day we have forgok noni hut that night i iiiy business directory il to iipuk from heavrn rlfl l n i ml ui me li ulvrn dk j a mcniven 1hyaluu hhii rurjcooti ofticn and jteuldrnro comer ho avenue and idtfln otrtet- i am thy king and yn mnhrcdid h by thre i row li it that on thin new thou hait no gift f me lulm year- day jds1 i or nin you in jail for mor nkvonf an old poiituait dear utile b to speak and trampled them duat i hope nevermore to rise terribly busy and my busyness bjifl been almost entirely with needle and thread i have made pat u must wonderful thick warm overcoat out of a ladyb durbcry which i had bequeathed to mo and fof molly i made a nnvy kilt from an oldfashioned skirt which waa very much gored and trimmed necessitating end- iaw joins in the manufacture of the kilt and each join had to bo skillfully hidden under the fold of a pleat now if i had bought these things or even bought new goods to moke them i prob ably shouldnt mention the fact but hav ing made two really presentable gar menti out of old ones i feel it ut some thing to write home about surely it b pardonable to feel a little glow of pride after making mimcthing out of nothing as it were the children of course were delighted i and they are beginning to develop ideas of their own as reanrdj style pat announced today that he thought he would let hh hair grow whats the idea askod daddy oh if i let it grow long said our young hopeful i can brush it back tli joke lies hi uii fact that pat has hardly any hair at fall for hi age and what tlujrc is is lp unruly that wc cant even get a decent parting half lbs time such u tunc as they arc liavlng lhc days getting backwards and for wards to school the sleet storms have been terrible but it is more than my life li worth to suggest that they stay at home and oo partner takca them off every morning in the cutter mid they sure look a regular figure of fun when i thing to worry about every day they start out besides oil their own have a new abject and f think you clothes they each have ail overcoat of w conquer yourself and gain a fresh their daddys urupped right around lease on life them and all you can ceo of the chll- whenever i woke up through th dren is their eyes yesterday as part- n i tried to plan whot i should nei had already made hvcd trips to worry about it was most morning be- tavn wftll wheal i volunteered to fetch f i hit on the right subject if theres th kiddles from school the wind was w1 thing i despise to sec it is ijiade blowing when i started and then it pujjed crooked so i chose that ftrit started to sleet again and t ffi yjc tnlrbc came in with my early my fcot into the again oh tell me do cried the hlhn one there were tears in her eyes and tier hands trembled she slid down on her knees before alvlra jane and laid her hot head hi her lap tell me and help me she gasped and ill bless you every day of my life o lovey dont do tjiatl wc must never kneel to mortal man or woman llhcr only to the good god who has pity on our infirmities lean back in your chair comfortable- like ill hold your hand so nancy used to say 1c put new heart in her to grip some thing strong as i said before continued alvlri jane there was no living in the houe with mc id been scolding little sajnuel sumcthtng terrible when he ran out of sobbing leaving the door part ly open mary he cried i dont love this muwer weve got now a bit i wish she was a deader i dot me too lisped baby mella then my eyes were opened i knew my children were turn ing against me my own flesh und blood rlnlng up in judgment because of a i mothers selfish whims when nurae brought my supper tray i told her ui well as i could how tilings were going an you must stop it right now she said with authority u needed som to take mc in hand and lay down the law strong and hearty youll to worry for awhile its grown lo socond nature pick out a ccr- shr dfdent cure about hts fuehar what she wanted to no about was his past and meb- by the fuciicr wood take care of itself and after she ctun out she walked past tho atom and looked very wish fully at a fcr coat in the windoe i wundcr what she found out enny ways salerday jake and mc went over crest the crick this a a looking for itablts but none and wc was prltty ionic and i fergot that ma if wnod for nie to plu tjistmlnt i tryed to i u late but it diddent t ticrni and i diddent enjoy celling t mii to eat jer mutch faunday tln was a stranger at chlrch thl a ni not n unit tug pa it was a unman uhlhi home use to be here in town ma thot she looked like a j married woman but pa scd he felt u ihr w irked for hi r own uvetng muuda a trie lady cum in for tall tonltc and she ast pa how long had hlni and ma been marryed and he i id her md she scd my it seems like it w us lotigi i than that d assent it and pn utiut rid and replied yes it does stem like it but it oliu i guess ma herd him it it outside of that tt was i ur pn int i cnlng lurodiii 1 1 tther ed we shud ought t trj awfully hard to make good at enny thing w tiy uelt i think i cud good at must enny job f i diddent gel find an ijuilu rvry time wcduesda jain told mc today that iiim she got behind nie my cars was i big tin reminded her of fl lovelng cup i gui ts all wlinen is alike except dlllciiiit names but whald she lo a forchen teller forchen teller ast i zfnl f f long ago- her did foe want i x y highbacked to leni sum things i tin eadlni u i about her hubends i yv lj u to fucher and ma re- i mmder wonldi t yu vnlht rrrfl plyed and ed o out in t rain is wtadd 2i fub little grandmother stitching true- ana iters am trrei and birds ng yur threads of scarlet and blue ynu nhaped thr words nine yearn it be tears ilng purple and grild hhrii icr cndicatt and there ls a stain ioti prick jour your thrrad r lltllr grandmnthc sun hiibipi and tangle hy ilmly llarrlay macicdoniic or khuit horvrn hi i nip diced pineapple j rup grapefruit rut in plr j cup apple rut in plcci i cup orange srellonri j cup confectioners iiugar orange ice combine the fruits and add nug mix and chill thoroughly wlirn ready u serve put some of the fruit and syrup in an individual nrrvlug dbih and plan oi it a hall of orange ice vanilla itlcr puddino 1 package von 11 la junket j cup maple nugar 1 pint milk 1 cup boiled rice place rice in bottom of dessert ulassed sprinkling mnple sugar over it dissolve junket in lukewarm milk and pour over rice let stand bi a warm room until firm then chill any loftovers of cereal etc may be used instead of the pumpkin pie 1 cup steamed strained pumpkin 1 wll at mil dr r iia ge no rim l 1 vi rythlnii am free ah tin nil willi t hat yi ni did ijoi1 le hol my wife ynu k ii jul yo wife an id only in jail fll r twi week fjiil n all then i ktli liung strraft inii tier lord just because thou art a icing i aniwered tremblingly io ivhnm belongn the whole wide world and heaven and earth and sea i niver thought that thou wouldst care por new years gifts from me i heres nothing in my uttlrwwiv costly enough for thee ml eiiltd replied uie loving voice i seek not thine but thee ihou eanit today my heart rejoice olvlng thysrlf to ue miller wo i po hutui u riv n will not only ormn from the system but will healthful conditions of the siyi iter which worrm can no longer worms kp tin child in a con- iliiual blali of rentlevnein and pain mid ifit r ran he no comfort for the mlli inn until tin cauii of suffering li removed which can he easily done h uu u of tlieie jkiwdrrs which arc irr enctlvc hill thai i might have thee for mine owi i died on calvary 1 wni for tlito i left my throne child five thyself to mr and all around waa still ii that nrw years day 1 heart made answer lord i ju1 and i gave myself away alter jane mulrhead ear with whteli corns and warts removed hy hollowayn com ile- ntrongest recommendation riiono no 33 p o ilox 3 haol nash fanmekm lurruler h notary iullli conyiiyaner kte f iiciiuyman hiocb acton oni money lent on mo1ra uauv020 m u 5 00 aauirdayn la 00 oclock becomes president of firestone company grave and weet yoitr shlnlnff head ii merely you oruss your slippered feet 0 dear little quaint uttle ellen lee 1 wish you could look up and speak to me orace crowell the old man during uir christmas season with ts happy house comings grandmother and grandfather have been much in evi dence in the lunlly feastlnga and holiday i making and their presence lias brought ppff and itladncss to many homes i think it has ui he gcierally admit ted thai grandmother u the heart of tin homo wherever she goes she luu through her long experience the faculty of makbig other folks happy she und erstands them better than any other member of the family and her presence u an aaurancc of good times to nil i the little children cluster about twr kntcs the scni nnd daughters rejoice in her happy and helpful mood and tin- old folk join her in interesting rem iniscences and stories of the old days the pioneers days when thi teaspoon salt teaspoon ginger teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons cinnamon 3 eggs i cup canned sweetened condensed milk 1 cup warm water unbaked pie crust mix ingredients in the order given ii r into pan lined with unbaked pie crust bake in a hot oven 450 degrees for about ten minutes then reduce uir temperature to moderate 350 de grees p and bake for about thirty- hive additional minutes or until the fill ing has set upsidedown caice in a cold frying pan place 3 table spoons butter and 1 cup light brown sugar melt these and add 0 ripe peach es peejed and sliced pour over this a batter made of i egg beaten 3 cup light brown sugar cup hot milk 1 cup flour and l teaspoons baking pewder mix egg sugar and salt add milk stir in flour to which baking powder is added bake 30 to 45 min utes when baked turn upside down un large platter serve hot with whipped cream or sauce mrs icalter milwau kee wis dr j h johnson d d sld dental kurftsan ohlc utll street in the cooper block telkpiione 45 a j buchanan d d s htfilaj eurreon office over harvards drug store hours 0 a in until 0 p m evening by appoint nt c- u rirtlnns closed all day wldnjjy p w peahen d d s l d i ni i surzran 0 sucrcwor to late dr j m bell phone 20 mill strlet acton mihcklla neo j h country young and all the settlers were gaged tn building up homes and home kiii- lovelng i hlrsdai ma suys i got to stay home u j iilte ntj uitrk and study my lea ns well if that b the caw- i wont alf to warsli my fete so often enny surroundings ncvcrtheli r4 grandfothcr and grant welcome at the christmas ham a dickens says ct onc ot hb hose hair was turning gray if time had lightly upon it in passing 7 j bcmlat least ulc age gjltierlnc characlou ttiat it ttxiked sjilashed hi- j thoughtful piopii iiil managemtnt ol ithekuing ureedlni then it agahi and i found it impossible to keep both eyes open once so i alternately shut first one and then the other and whll busily employed like a pernor dance prlnci i was thus inking and blinking afrilcted with st vitus very successfully landed me into a snowbank i however j ul timately reached town found the kid- dies did a little shopping and then hit the troll far home uy thin time il was nearly dark and sttll sleeting and whi i reached homo i found partner proper ly excited at our being out an a bad road in the dark ho read mc a regu lar lecture asto the dangers of the road in llacscin condition with cars aklddlnjherc and there but as i told him if the things that nearly happen could kill us we should ull bo dead long ago we had a letter this week from friends our tittle grcet-ffrand- itvc hhe will soon be years old and aliu i vrythlng that i r own home or anything that is read th herfrum tills gets clock in england mother is still u a hundred and is still very intcnaudl goes on in hci i the newspapers fry ila about cicyen o- comes down stairs by herself gives her own orders for provisions for the day and stays up until nine oclock at night- she is blind and deaf but her intellect is as sharp today as it was thirty years ago she i wee woman and the mothii dren all of them living bond has been dead for years i think these little wlrey woniei must be comprised entirely of wlllpowci and energy and what they can accom plish in a days work la truly umozlug this little great grwtulinotlier of ours would have made a splendid pioneer j read a the tiniest f nine chti- but her hus- good many breakfast i asked her to make the shade as crouked as possible and said no matter how jjiuch i tell you to change 11 juslftejjve it to till night she smil ed thats good for a beginning be sure in keep it up everybody that came in my room wanted to fttrtghten thai shade they knew how i jjfltcd to see it but i calmly told thcja to 1 aluii whenever fell like xlyhig off ut a tangent i remembered that it was the crooked shade i must worry uboul and you cant think how it helped all the time i was reading my bible uud praying for strength lo hold myself m check so tlint i could once more be an uutanoout wife and mother next dy it was a bunch of faded flowers in plain sight then a chair in the middle of the floor then a book upside doum m the bookcase it gol to be a regular puiaj finding tilings to worry about hut i grew strong and hearty and the children were just wild with dcltght on my birthday wc had grand liniiil party under the trees henry soil i played a a ii lea with the children mid m v nerves had taken to tlumsnlvea wings i and llowu away whenever i begbi to n hi i fussy i pull that shade crooked a reminder of past days its as uooil us ii dose of medicine oh you dear lovely alvlra jane 1 no straight home and try your remedy tiled thr hllm one throwing hrr urn mound her neighbors neck there a hymn about counting your blessing and ill certainty count you o one c m ne finns herald ihould be selected in uu mil blfon the marked birds arc put tip to fatten select only strong ueli dev loped females as undeveloped alolk are usually pxir breeders care ihould bi takt n in plckbig out the young i mali muki sure that any masculine laoklni blid ire taken oul and fattened lul market as they too are undesirable specimens distinguishing the t in young gceni ciubi i mjitderuhle concern to many yet tin dlirerciiciti in the sex arc ouiti inurli d tukr uu bird in question and itimim it mom the jock leave it loose in a pui in sight of the flock and ll tin to tin i nil the female has u vi icr with a hlijh noti and of a double diind utilli ttn malt is bass hi sound ii 1 of ijiiru note in sililtlng hi male choose the dar ing gander than the flllld one us the nun mi i ullnc tip i in uu perineal in gn ilu will be ltl4 chuuee as u seldom does tills charucte gives it precedence and listens with uc- fetence ui its opinions who can deny unit such reverence is soothing lo tin human mind and that it compen sates us for uir loss of many pleasures which are peculiar to youth can there be a mure pleasing sight liiat a whltehalrcd grandfather sur- lounded by the children and grandchll- the case in scores of homes ng the past day or two ne or whom vied with each other testifying their homage and affection the g run deli lid ren hang about the grandparentii at such a uroc aa chrlsl- ulldc especially cntcrtahi them with their childish prattle and each endeavors to lonvlnee them that they love hereabout during father i grandmother their father ur hun on chrlstm fall in tin flection of s breeding i jlistlfi id pi to three hi ting id ki t- thi ui b th- all nthei elve a happy new year most revealing book tills week hetrs apparent by piiltltp qlbbs any- u uitng by this author l worth reading but liphr by dlvm thu book i found particularly interest lllg ui view ut uie uneimlness prevail ing in many homes in regard toi uie a year in which to nrt freedom of uie rising generation mr a year lo truit hltn hour by liiuir ouihs j believe i should auy sir phillip a f tl1 l- celestial soa rtujio t iu i- i- a jrar to love as ne er infore n aibhs as i utnk he was knighted afte tltr war anyway lib diaructcrs arc the flefit of the free and arc a perpetual aauroe of unxlcty to their parents hut til uu end they show thuinselves to be trustworthy generous and morally sound but terribly afraid of anyone discovering uulr food qualities beneath uielr out ward ahnwbig of rarefree fun and friv olity whether we ugru wlui tho hook or not it at any rate set us thhillilg aiul a book that even does that has ac- cutiipllsliel aometlung o jmuit di ur lord that thli may a year of service grand or 1tn c chi er wllh ihy preicnee ull its ditv fand chsnge each prayer to glud ion prulcii mrs n ohina jor years mother raves worm if terminator hau raukrtt a reliable woi pn und it ulwuy jimlncalni rcjiutauau pi on a lllg geei llhlllty from de ll t when the breeding in in o when once they ire tid dlfhriui jimtluga can be an lourllilr dprlcu the winter li si iiirate out lrf ttie snrtng lutiic with uie siunr fenajes ieviiiu mating fcusui seldom good breedvrs un ii iars old but iho pcrivdl f a uond breeder is of left fulii jrirs i rnjulie very little tlous- n in rni utulher ull they iiiitntloii from dnp snow al lpirliiinital parm olj of ii ii breeding geese rr- i througlioul the cullrt uii to misseas mine vigor prhii uini uilce which arc put utile all itnh- geese rc- a drj hu f iruw tempera lyre i lint thrm as they carry ot ol feathers and down binding gltsc sparingly during r about sixty per cent of ii huuld bo green feed such oi alfalf hay which lias been hi and well c tired cabbagi poind juallugb etc the grub h ni id huludi rijiwu puru com nli mid oats peed twice daily and miilng during cold vhi ii thr spring opens up eug ut illiiiiiluted by the fced- wtt iimr 0 tjle mmll uiadr ils fto ground oats i iid bran jwu1 p9ru wu tt imwamr of u fttd jrtom tin k i fonie off the grass uiiiinii limn the graas ataru i ipilng it l necessary u sun grand- not less than they you ever uiought rolks did it to you uils christinas season thai the children that arc in the world keep u older people from growing old and cold in 6m tempcrment they cling lo our garment- with their little hands and impede our progress they wean us back iviih their pleading eyes from cruel car they really never i and why should nor hie young cling around and com fort uie old folks cheering their gloom with happy millies cluuiilmafa 11evehikh christmas afternoon when the i a dinner had been given full mid the children wllh uielr uiya iiils were tattered uirough the and older folks lyul mull guiullut for a hftlk d fanckd troubli encumber as al i plum puddino 1 package chocolate junket 1 pint milk 13 cup raisins 13 cup dates 13 cups figs 1 cup water i cup sugar i tablespoon lemon juice teaspoon cinnamon fc teaspoon clove cut raisins dates and figs in smal pieces add water and coot slowly un til tender add sugar and boll untl thick add lemon juice cool slight ly place in bottoms of individual des ert glosses warm the milk unul trlflt mure than lukewarm not hot remove trom stove and dissolve in it uie choco late junket add spices jiour over fruit and let stand in a warm room until firm chill before serving top wlui whipped tconi and maraschino cherry the reason i bought a new car and traded in my player piano as first payment i didnt know mry accepted player pianos as payment on new cars i they dont usually but the sales- i man ls a neighbor of mine judge j announcement has recently been made iilii f mr n c zr bisl srtwrjrn hant career harvey francis nunan dskblndf account books of all kinds made i order periodicals of every deocrlpuo carefully bound itullng neauy a prompuy danfl wyndham street ouelpb on over williams store card co clasot and dyers guelph ontakro mvuuw fiuliicu willi 1909 as a salesman and has had a most brilliant career harvey s firestone at left rubber pioneer and to one and all we wish a very happy new year h w to ra ay ambitious rellihlr aaiuc once pan itor pa uhl tnj 5 ita artr tostoc klectrtclty uachjnlst nnclcylnii s dmm barbss d issv- scuoou ltd mm headquarters 1g3 iunc st w toronto enlotoe smtota to coat hj 0011104 or auj jr- srtof standard rovalties one or the mieit becurttkal to bo hd bale a a lianl and cood dividends eery month tororrruulon fuull e tor the iclni wluwut obllsatlon to joit tt w dawson r o box a ukampton dlctrtct itenreientntlvc llaw obuuuni tar s afulu m edwards co iiakiks ok heal homemade acton buead hulls upon friliidi oi dear old grandmother 11 town sal iiildltlftig calmly oler uie ayi now far past and lje fotlowllia fou0lii dimlyg he ijuhl duj in u11 and minsit iut ur wi uiiislu s of our faded roses uie baek to llnl this somber chris iifl sy h rm mulji un wllhl durkri diet iho lam glialii ui 1 and in hi mujji urowlng dcip and holy chrlsl llh tiahy fun 00d llltitm atti tyv for th old yari luu siwus vmraflr u been great yar but wtiti grcau hopss w sdvaftcj taio duifuituv wc iiuaji uu auumun one and sit for ihclr uppoci m die pat sad twad our ftort to hum th cnaiilfliisnr of duir caaiuunt all through the coming yew- rlsy fomt n year ba wuh j07 sad tufipiacu rtputc may hcsllh irtunniy and conttt inicnl b dis ti of dui ocuaung yesr vtmu in du mcsxuons jieepar tot ih liotuiay by ijujppmg si cakoolls iat ghoul upuu uie jvr hi niilu tytt uil dcip un- 3 gulfal s 1 im e in 4h stodal glassxxys stcawncdby if 3y snscisl qwloi singsrtoisr pineapple marmalade sp awjiio aiocolatc bisttuits far uu 3c jcviu feara spread esc table figs p iu i j fabd datds p7 kauai q i ijirht 1 lt ilir n hi illhl thr nlliol home blrild lt lth spmuj fancy cojiambj table raisin spjcaaliji ousiuy tlu u who wast born minger hisi gludllened hope and res i tirat beluud lour not si a stisnfr lint tirry lrd our 1rknd and christ mas gurst cradled tn poor ertll with j htull of g uk d to lirred- hrllllty ind hatcli- ii1 be ecu to hn v and hul loualy lin- ipiilj 11 iul f grit where the geese 1 iuui if th re li not the giinind the birds lild wllh drinking water lapcruui ntal larm ot- the d pi uee an und she ulth muc linens oi rjoikt wary and new year n during 1030 and tt r old r r broi gladness to her dear heart nus poia another christmas h to the credit for hrr kind i mhrll 1u1 her good i wish xu itll a happy abundance of prperjly othei t fol have christ- jl- 1 the ma a t i ir p l hni i etlliu card whirl i mr iiruut unie etllol ly chrlsunoj tliu major a r 1 mincemeat x age fancy ojlfuu nsvj ostailjgetf 4se ssc 6gc canoy fancy ih mission figs fancy 2 pig pout wine annojiri bl pig o3b mixiidnuts iu 19 puyuucunj bacon cottago rolls 30i cheese llaj e shoktcakd i1 frcaav pr lb oat cakes mtcareuch pt fig 17 ginger aje llhul or j suijir at lot lupfr lununiimllan al thftra lbtltfn tti a lufilc 4jv ddncuil oi it ila lot ili tutltlt carrolls tea tit pul at u pwthaij tor smlttttiua ol nuf j ftflli ihtlrubta j m o- ultc for wjty rsmi pw kmulj oj jj 6i jj j coffee tb liaitnubx owivk for i 4r- cmalj ov jcoff carrolls mill street the door of qorluiiity ffitvie small ady yill ojkn the unit lo whatever yu are siekinj e acton orititiin f a mmtuzi