Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1930, p. 2

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mm iago tw tiif acton frff pr css thursday july 3 1030 1iayin1 hi 11001 wo hifu play sllllmll thnan hliltdilvr tluyn myl but it lots of iiml and itratlo aim a uu laai tmr tiay how much u iiin and dim i raja t do adding but i know llml ones are very mull ami hi i miswar iwr iu hoi l ull t tlllllll iii bill mix fkanlfee on uoino what vouuk vit koli llml place up oh ulo tllll observed 1- uio tummgr bouder u whom oalob ktimumt was pointing out uio halurcji of ui mouth look 10 prtly and bao- suiny a if somebody worked among uiu ujwur ull uio thuu jouiubody doc replied oolnb auu- unuuy uiat tlm way lie uiu hu 4u lld quite s spoil iflluli motuod wt hiil jid was goin to no caleb want u i no lrmu bout everything uml tui round horn raise fur a llvln did niua m ootcn of everythbig and then ho l ati ujuittnm- nobody in thoneparta i nu any tiulluu of gltlui money out ui turn ho do in well 1 won r muiow xatl0alob with n vituut lib 1ml venture into fariulu w waa like lot of folks from uie clly ud lutuurtid uiybody oil mako money iaim lum ho lie laid out to go lnui mat uui lis want reedy to tako any tuuia aooul it any moron lio wu lit inicltiiinjio ha il to do like rllu puuiri lied road lot about culuvatlou boln uiu mino as fertliscr mid so it la ui to iirumi pbit but you vo nut to liavo uu lertuxr too veuve sot to havo muiuu lo start wlui mid uiuu uiu iiwo juu lioe um more yuu git aaebee lie d have raised souio p tatora u iwd dioaud tlm ground lieavlor uid nu worked iii un mi much ail bo did in ida flower gudoti but lio dldn t do lluit orowui iuurp work but hi ilowora waa yly to bliu and lm auruly puyod x haver ao aucii flower i ho worked in them many an hour when ho ought r vo bimn lioelii ujnungat l taura 1 utaoo wliethor lu got hu aood fuck oil ui 111 l later but if lis did thai u waa all ho done and uiat iviui tbo end of hi ptatermlaui tlw oxt yeajr it waa ooury aeema to me and uio noxt onions and uion mabba uio iwit wa uio yaar ha nggored thorn wmi bltf mousy for a fumar ui cabbage hut tltey waa all about uia aiuno a his p laur ventura um had uiu iou with ileus aiuno all city fanner do aa i aald lio wouun t take any advloa ho nagcrwd it all out and ho tnada up liu uilud aoobt bo o d buy utuo chicken ohaaper than lio could growod hen or pullet tliat viu what had buy bo ha ataxtad out and whan lio found fanner uut had aomk young chicken had go in and burtur for oth ha to liv hi pick and lu wu d lighted wlion uioy lot bun pick the blgffect euid moat fornavl one 11a nnilfrt immrf tlm nilghhn ull lut- oulled out of about every brood utat wu hatcbad and in u10 and i alid a poso ha had aomawhefe about a hundud and fllty bi llkelylooun chlnkwm b fora ha found ouihl the boarder looked a iftuvubuml 1 don t aeo yet aba lubmlttdd oaub atloned they waa all rooster uvaxr one oc em ho explained and for a man that uurtbv an egg farm a hmdnd aodulty rooatera 1 too many aao n bane at- au anybody od havre told him if hed aakad but be went into aomethin he dldn t know without taun guidance but he waa wllllii to learn after that and fo aoma roaaou be com to me i waa ready for him and i aay ons tune i had a man workln for nu wbea x used to have crew in the wood tambnfa and one prlng the foreman 1 bad made a note in the wagebook about thla man it read ooano un t mueh of a rlverdrlvcr but he a pretty fair wbiatler mow i y you adn t ttlfh ftf b fanyi mw hrn relink but ule jffrrr rph0 siinrt tpry a sense oe i1um0k njixjim pooimiixju itoiuaiiu hd m rur fu wlum lmwirlt nrlml tbn aklppnr iiiuiiki u h aru to bu an ful anotlmr inch of llal mi ui port iui unit dutl woiltd hu plunged 1 wl mf iht duh an inaattm nyjtg hii lite oook broud tiwo fliiubod dimp rnl and iui brohlliwi bnavlly will y huvu uinikj mr icnlly iukii uio akitipur luilding it lurgo carving iilfn iumivo u wnidl currant pudding lliu uupulii of th tluiibtiim dtiuulud a ptn ilint froiipxuiputidlnf laid with uviry algu of wvirn iiiortloii alld it ovi r thu udgo of um bh oiiro thn muu a p uui j in n luyhuf down knkfo und uttu m upplbd btiui bund to thn pluhi uml pualud l slowly ujmia uio ulili at tbal mr kuy a srvlty gnvu way in u bullnw of hiugliu r and uiu took uji- ublo ti ciiiiuiln bu uiiiotlniut anouior jucoiiil dujtliihl from the on m priuio- td ulioul uio dimlttluiklng hu llulu ubouo nu liuad un unit tlin llluhlnnil fltng or the ballot dwilu jujtud tbu bimuwalu what bo troublln yn unywuy ha add a lroublln inn rrbid um took huakl- iv lhuy bo drlvlii um d muiiufd ttioin two fhuio don t bo uiioumr cook tmllhi out o tit john it can lulu bettor llggy- milf nor ui un n wlnil ihi uio troubtn ankud dm biwwtdii uui cook pobitud tragically toward uiu cabin i h y maktt a fool u ovorylhlng i carrlua ufl ail win 11 tiny oau it to um liuit crumb i ho ikolaliuid what d yu uiliik thoy bo at now but pulliu and jiftulln uio dull round ilka it wu a puutilwon o titoluuaiui mind yur eyu yolu uiu nklppir or yell mauli ma ugu iou iii bo clean dimiuntod aforit wo oroaaua tlu until i ualx that dnaporato ny la um tlmn for work ii ium aii i lulu la um lima fur mi iiuhrt vo havo dmruwu lioura in it to ranipngn round ynr ealbry liumiiii ring down y mr duifm iui armur- plallng your pirn anil wlun ulglit oom- i want yu to tiiuko ovirylhlng funi ui u to y r 1m rui f imvir wotka at tilglit air trim um cook what wuru you doing lout nlgnt7 uotliinijr linn y inuijl ihi mom careful to biavu tivirytlilng in tlie galloy hli almpu burom yu hun in aid ttm ekivpur muku all yc ur dali urji fail to uia dck lail m thai wo 11 ntvl havo a mpuutlou of laut iilgbta dlmuihahco man ailve cook um umaah ah tutu r utat wuit on hut night round thn guilty wiu iiimugh to klmlltif lb twrvue oi liabrw dor pilot jhu umk waa buwlldntihl ui bawlider- od uiat lio waa imtlrily oil hla guard 11ml un td racket luui nought to do witli uui atr im npllod iluru twere two o um yurdji tuinblln off um fore- uiant oh ut thai all uuclabuud um aklp pur will mr icilly an i w ro wrong iui uiiillnuud and in norry to liavu lioublud yu cook vo iw whuii uia 1 min un bang woke um up uitit lhiug i uuiugbt wah lhcfo goiaaoiuu u oook aiuif unajiiiliuf around hi uio guilvy wulf 1 m aorry to havo iroubliml yn oook an x 111 glad it wan nouilng worua uian what yo nay hat waa by far thn worut ulmi uiat uio poor cook had ovi r mculvud and ovury man of both watctma had huard it lio utraluhtway bucanm um laughing ii lot k of uio wholn alilp forward a wall iui alt ajui jio humiliating won uie komollmth iioaii twould bo a ploanuru mumory of uiat morning rldloula uuit youre ptwuy fair flower grower why dontt you valee atuff you hvo luck with and ilk to work overt i aaid mocvn that to nim caleb went on nough to ewt blm thlnkin anywaj anil to aotna purpoee you on notice xv known blm to aend awajr m mall ja- of poale and ait more cash money for etn than i got for a twoboa wagon load of ptaters mot that x be grudge it to birohe works for it but w what hes fitted lor as my woods- bosa said xf you cant be a riverman do wht you on do best u its only whistling flukvsnrxna wuau m aim roreevexe yean canada ha led the world in aerial survorbig and last year aonsoudated that leadership by applying for the flrat time in any country aerial method to geodeua reoonnalaaanoo and irantfmwtsllfflii about 70000 square miles were covered by aerial photographs in 1030 by the royal canadian alt force and tlie qan- adlan oovenunent department of in terior of this area 31000 vquare milt war vertical photograflhy and 48000 aquara rnues obuciue vertical photo graphy is uw io mtp rough country or where great detail li required while the obuqae photography has a field of its own lp mapping and exploring the groat hinterland the results obtained last year were more than usually suooesaful in aerial photoflranhy ohw aerial photograph are used not only tor mapping but for watarnower investigations timber crula- ing and eathnatlng geo investlga- tlona and various engineering purposes in fact the aerial photographs provide the means of assuring in a material way the ultimata analysis of the resources of a district as an ft area of ores 4j00q square mho was photoi graphed in northern british columbia for the purpose of taking stock of its natural resouroce the prel fwagrta tnrlfamtit uut this work was so ajowaotory that a wide field or useful- 1 been opened up for aerial re- u buatl 0mk ye gut o hoiuhi o humor aald tliu boauwaln vo etui t me a joko joke i rutoitad uiu uok allow nw u jnku an i lailglln with any man but iiuiult me an i got duupurato angry yore wrong right uiom by aald uiu othnr va dun t know a joko from a liuull if umy didnt oat yor dulfo nurd uioyd bo liiaultlu yo but an tiiuy do out inutiar umu uio way uuty acta ba nuuglu but harmlia jokbi limy 111 lull liavu uiolr jolu cook to help puaa uio umu yo xpoot um txhr men to play crlbbuuo all uio day an all uiu ulght an um ballur umy enjoy tlmlr jiikovum bottor umy ii treat yo at ulo audi laat v yago mike cormoy wa cook an lio all but died ha wa uiat vuxnd wlui uuun two jokora but whun wu got liomo dldiit uiay n ginif- b tifiiil out o thou own pockou run dollar oxcutlmod the cook iloaii it do surely bo worth twenty to havo tho very wit o yu driven out o yor akulll va juiu a pretty high tally on y r wiui mmk itcollud tho boatawaln a uio skipper did twit stand a watoh lie and uiu mate were able to take all their meal togutlmr rho skipper luui commanded uio uunlioani for six year and kelly liad aailed with lihn a mate 0x1 uiroo previous voyagaa itiey knew each ouwr ways and character and wora very good friend tho almplcat sort of hiunor amused uiem both immenaely and utplr uuu bi joke wa idenucal tlie cook was tlieir favorite target and nothing was too clumsy or extra vagant for one tu let ny at him and um other ujapplaud7 nowalealujiliujlo get hardened to it when for two whole day nolumr uia skipper nor uu inace lauglied once at his expense true uiose two day were enough to sober the moclghthearted mariners for during that period uia barken una fled from her cours in the clutch oi a gale of wind ou the second night the royal and topgallant yards broke clear of the foretopnuut mid fell to the deck just forward of the galley with a terrific crash and clatter mo one waa hurt and but little damage was duna however and by dawn the fury of the gale luui greatly abated when the boatswain lookod into ji galjey before breakfast he remarked to the cook that uie sunbeam had been blown jmveral hundreds of mile out of her course x be mighty glad to hear ye say ao replied tlie cook twill give em aome- thln to uiink on but itiakln a fool o me i a liad two day o reatau xm uilnkhy 111 maybe have a wpllln days more wliat with half the rlggln plowed away an all uia good tune lost uiey u not feel ilka j ok la oook ye ba ignorant o the skippers true lister replied the boetswaki if yo think a breath o trouble like thla litnro be agobv to turn him from hi fun lad if he was to fan overboard plunk into a shark mouth had ba aracklii joke ou it afore it swallowed him aye someuun would be orackln haven t a doubt retorted tho cook now dont be gottln too oourageous cook warned the boatswain somewhat notued by the othorw levity uarkt aye tu just what x was expecun there he be on the poop abawlln for ye to lay aft the cook groaned and shuffled reluct antly from uio galley both watobe were on deck trying to look as if occupi ed with their own thoughts but every man with hu ears slanted aft on the break of the high poopdock stood the skipper and ur kelly when tho oook wiu amidshlpf the skipper halted him with a languid gesture o the hand xjook ad he h a oaltn clear woloe when will ye learrr thaf there u a proper tuna for yoryhtngr the oook looking very unootnfortable rubbed some dry dough off hu left wrist and maintained a discreet alienee want re to learn that lesson oook keep douglas xatpoan unimcnt hand- a sure apeed- remedy for bums gpndnaj fakma blood poisoning aottjoonunued the sklpoer in a voice uut oonut wartf abaldftd feet invaluable for ulfljunm and mtuoular rneumatum waa both aad and gentle and ye per fectly audible from the wheel tkl the dally pajutaguii of rabbi wit unit fol lowed ucuiutily uttraolud lib attuiltuin 1 hough tioiumr uiu aklppor uor holly roahavd uiat uiu ruihi joking had af- fixiud him ut all ttvrli uflly tlm poor man got into uie habit of lying uwikt liour ufter liour in hi lonuly bertli brooding ovur hlu injury umy vo mudo a fool o me lio would 1 wu imvur uuluuimd o ltioaelf 1 now x fuala llko a dog uut twill and wlien uio anchor goes down ayu twill uid umu though 1 never i 1110 own llttla harbor again at iaiit um uuiibcaiu ruachod uiat liraxillau porffor whlcirlier mxtbof flab wan intended ulioro leave wa forbiddiai tlm cruw for uut city wu full of mixed race and tho climate wa coii- aluurud uiilmalthrul for lilfan of nortlunil llllwml ihii-i- 4low vaxf- w 1 ul idcapc from ridicule jiutt over uie rail carod not a snap of the nngora for um aklppur ordur ur fur um danger of uio atrange city ou uie nlgiit of umlr uiud day in port lio wunt yulully to hla burui and inado up a small buiidlo oflouitiuf wrota a note roquuung ujo skipper to liund over hi wage to hi tuouter and put it in hu soaman cheat umu suiuluig back to um galley 1m alultod a luiiall bag with fragtiiuiita of food takun quickly and wluioub dlscrlnilnatloii from pots and pan half of a cold dun chunk of holloa boaf wlui a bono hi it a plaoo of driedappla pic and a alab of g uigurbroad l he night wa dark and murky noiseless a a shadow tlm oook moved across uie deck ovor the rail and into tho unknown or half mi liour um oook wandered aimlessly along narrow misleading strvat wltb lua change of clouilng under jii left arm and uie bag- of provision in lu right hand lie wa looking for auiot lodging for uu night but could iuid no sign of wliat ho wanted ii oon felt tired and unpleasantly wt lie halted mid triad to work out uie points of uui compass and wlille he was thus employed a sudden shout of dismay a snuffling of boots and uie quick play of naked feet sounded clooeon uie right from um mou of a narrow side st lie stepped forward olid peered round uia comer and uie re by the dim light of a gas lamp projecting from uio wall of a warehouse ho saw ono man defend ing himself against uirae the slnglu lighter was armed with a stick wlui which lio uid about huu with more vigor than skill the oook moved cautiously round uie comer uid advanced toward the strug gle uy a chance of tlie fight the lace of tlie hian with uie suck was turned full upon him and it was uie face of the skipper i without a moment healtauon sprang forward swung uie bag of food up and back and gave vent to a bellow of indignation as he brought it down upon the heajd of ono of the ruffian tl follow went down to the bavomaut wlui- out a murmur and tlie other two fled into the darkness r ye 11 have to lend a hand here said uie skipper faintly otis o those pirate gut lil knife intawue tlie oook druppedtiubbag of food step ped close and put lit arm around hu commander slioulders 11 lend ye a hand sir he said why tu you oook murmured the kipper aye sir will i tote ye along to a doctor no lad take me aboard x can walk if ye hold on to no next morning the cook aet to work in the galley a if be had never contem plated any oth so of aouvlty blnce the incident of tlie night before all dread of the skipper funllng battf adad away lie felt uiat a man who owes you his ufa cannot make jbu feel ilka very much of a fool no matter how hard he may try dont mind bis little joke now poor fellow sure hed be a dead man thu mlnutabutjfor me he muttered before breakfast time ur kelly looked mat the galley door w4iu a wold willi ye lio said pulitoly iu tnk rohowd him aft wiuioul a uuuur ho kiiiiw bu own valila mid lull that n amount rldlculn could ugujn maka him aclm flui that name liuui and iiiiraukiliig iu una of fooluli- hi ni i in y found um aktpper in hu both i if um innr cabin looking pu1 ill tin lai but rmiiarkably plnaa lmk iithl hi yu liapvoimd along jii t in tlm iibk o time laul night iluup t bboiu mi cut uiioau wailod for hid ouulii llm i lub mid fnlliwod mo llktt hadowa wtuiu f u tar tod out ltr c auiuii i 11 in w too liiiali wauh chain jin ii i tog iimwlf up an that a fact 1 d i a i ut man now nxtk if it w i it you ki 1 u not uxk wliat yo won lhank i air aald um cook calmly hut will ye ull tim whal it won yo nit him with ufckud um sklpxr a hug i pllixl tho ouu r will took by uie way im wunt down i d uwi ar yu had um bag full o m iron or maybo wnno aaniplmi o yc coiaiu aald thn akliiprr ior a moi n umru waa albnico mid hi n um oook broke into a buaky of uiitthuir um aklppr mid um mate unkil and luiumd witli xpruwkmi pi ujmh iiinprtui oa uinlr fitux ur icilly wave tauglit turn bun tor aid uio bklpocir all nit mail can d anollii f a kxrttur turn uiaii lliut esoopt rim jim hvo his nfo ayo il r it bo a grand uilng hah um inuui 1u wall bav b atur ulu oontluuid tlm uklppi r hu a gokl a ook un nvi r 1 suiimi wlui aiivbow um cimik conuiiuad to cltucklu ori uplivd with uio grvat joko if uuy only knew uiat um akippnr wu riglitr uiat for a fact uut would ba murdei had gouo down under um wlght of dun uid plul uut umb lgnormioa was lialf um joko puj im rhurkiixl and aiuirtnd ijulujtoruottlng wtiorn lio was and uiat uiuakfaut waltnd in um galley liy uiwirgu 1 think all uu joko bo ajdriklu him at oiicul uxcuimod mr k uy uut um aklpper now gaxlng at l ho ujok wlui a look of gcntlo envy mid inijulry in hu cyox ahook lus head i un afraid 1ms got a joko all to hllilmlf im bald llavill an1 jonathan in frfcjttllluuj ono cold full day uuclo jack minor wlui dullghu ui fw 1 big tlm great liocka uf oujiaaa ytoji uiat oonm each spring aiiu uuiumn u iiu iwmo grounds aaw a wduudud gandur jloaung on a pond uutillua hu houirit a oliaigo of allot had imakliod it wing and it would uuvor ny again l o save um gaudor a life uiujui jack uinpuutvd iu whig uui oird sukhi uio opuratlon well uid soon wun uhiii to enjoy it food and awuii mound wlui uio ouiars uut winter wa coining uie geeaa mui ruutno uiuir long journ t uw uiuui it scuniad uiat uia injured bird would boon bo loft aluue and thou a ulruigo uilng happauod oim guidar juiyixl round unwilling to luava hu crlp- pieti oompaiilon uio two waro nvlduutly iricnd armwttiravo dosort hlii chum though instinct told linn 1l was time to go and uiough thou- uandu of hlu ft how ware oiling tho air wlui uiolr clamor as uiey loft um poou io atuy muunt that uiu gandor would micruicctlio frmmimn so dwir to all wild ijrciuujlajlrubally mvur aaln would lie jiilu ulo long wudgo of bis comrades ou uiolr jounmy never would he rind among tlmni a ciiuacn hialu no im would hvu ilka a tamo gooao uid hi um cold wuuuior lie would bo atiut up lu a oai n wlui uie poultry ulo two wild geeso werenot a pair romombor uio canada goose mate for life uiui for um male to stay wlui hu injured partner would not have been ml range uut uioau two woreguidora just frleuda um remarkable friendship was the talk of um country side tlm neighbor called urn wounded bird david and hu do voted friend jonathan no wonder lavld loved jonauianl no wonder they wore always cloli together as uio nights grow longer uui tho days colder till ail uiu onua ware froaen hiiinntlllng vary practical resulted ue- oauso of uie interest aroused by winged david uid loyal jonathan the louicitt of uiu duuict peutluued thor goveninuutt to have um land for two wiu ale mile round rcscrvod a a bird sanctuary lu which no hunter should be allowed to shoot uia govonuneutasrued and now thank to jonathan each year many uuiusands of hu specw enjoy pu- acuoii uiertf 1oor jouauuuil lie had yet to pay um full price of iiu friendship at dusk one oven big a great owl cams swooping down to proy upon uie defeuoeli david- it was jonathan uiat rushed to rescue jonathan uiat with wings and angry hus put uhiuwlf in the forefront of uie battle an act of pure scuaaorulool escape was easy for him fcir no owl would pursue lilm far through the air uut lie ohoao to stay and nght for davids ufa tlie owl was bold and eroo unable to reach lis easier vlo- im it got a grip un jonathans head wlui its cruel talons and drove them into uie gander brain mr miner wlio was too late to avert um tragedy set a trap among uie feathers of jouauian s poor torn body and when uie owl returned to iu reast it was caught uid killed next day tho telephone bell rang fre quently as nelghbora called up to inquire about tlie death of jonathan and to ex press their sympaihy just a wild goose one of uie millions uiat fly to and fro between uie far north and the sunny souuil uut what a friendship i a kubuc nam 1 i tvu1 y oomo aft oook the aklppor an alabama man telu of an od negro in birmingham who became possessed of a seedy and forlorn looking dog to which be promptly assigned tho name afbre- jefforaoar ib was asked how old you hit upon such a name as moreover for the dct 1 gits it outen de bible he replied the biblef aurtc aah doan yo member when it says when leaarus lay at de rich mans gate moreover de dog ocsne an ilck bu orwr t chronicles oi gingerjfarm written bpmklauy tmm tea rrw fty 1wkndounk r lxarhe lumg yari ago bnfitro motor pownr waa part of uui llnnniigbui a oquipmont 1 walk oh into m of the large xlre- ktatlou in knglmid mid waa bitnreauid mid mirprund at tlw lucufiru taken inaura pd and anlcuncy in tlnica of iimigitiicy jlioro waa tlm place foi ciuli luiiui to liu id and uiarn imnmdlata ly alx va it wa it own partlrular har- um wbrti um lira alarm rutg horui wid nnjmd ul uinlr pbuauj a spring or soma auch contraption wa muaaud uio uie jlianiov utuially fit tripod oil ui lla rightful nwimr mid imy pinali hi un tlma uimi it takna to uu tnou iioim and lra oiiglnii nim away to uiu aooii of action niw i likv juat boii wwidsrlng wlmtiifr uiina audi ajflcutnt outnt ct not bu duylmrd for a wouuui when called liom lutnit in a super ruali hurry wlui guimeuu ahntdy rnduoed tu a minimum kklti ly it would not ba uo gtnat a uut ur ttouu 1 ci uio brain to invent atuu thing of uiu iiatuin 111 ink liow i would suiipllfy malter if we could juat pull a wiring and nnd ouraaive properly rlul mid in our right hi bid falihig uiat i wlili kiunooue would bivmit kllk suook- luga guarmitaed not to tun a uiread a luui pulled on lu double qulok urns uid powdor uiat rafuau to stick after one lias got sutflcuuit on to take uui alibn on tlm end ut muta uoaa after hurrud ablutkuut witli aoap uid water of com to you will undaraimui unit mrluln cvuiu liavo biuugbt about uicsc modlutkuia as btdacd umy huve was this way uia oumr day it looked very much ilka rain so i loft tlm kiddle u wituuo wlui uiu brvukfaat dulms uid jiwki um out u the turnips lioping to got a few row doua before uia rsin came well x liad liurdly got hold of um bualiieks end of um h us liandle wlmn i wa called back to um house move youraolf said iarumr mr ubuot u going by to iroundou uid you can got a rldo wlui him if you are ready hi ton lubmitae x told nun you would bo i uiought a few uibigs about partner uid hla optbiilatlo usauruhoo but i did not stop to argue um point bi fact 1 was lialf way up ttm stairs before he had nnuhod talking uid um fact uiat x really was bislde uiat car hi lea minute u sulfloioiit uxpbuiatlon of uio foregoing remark and uut load for some audi invention as x iiavo- specified utruige u say it was a married mm wlio extend ed uil remarkably foolhardy hivltatiuu and you would thiuk im would be suffic iently eupariciloed ui know batter which goo to aiiow uiat it take a long tune fur evun uid best ofteen to loam wis dom x liappoiird to mention to ur ulutk my idoa for um aforesaid invention but ho aoctuod o uiilnk it would be more to thopoinorlhcr were soniaoonlrlvauce whuroby a man oould pull a string uid und hu supper already at euch tlma when hu wife was uiiavoblably de tained at socul functions x uilnk uut would bo quite a brillbuit idea myself or amuior way out of uie dirflculty would be to liavu a largo stock othoalui bbaiulu on luuid x moan uut new variety wluch u being so widely adver- tbiod uid said to contain all uie vita min uui calorie uooessary to a well balanced meal why worry about meat uid salads uid fruit uid whatnot when you can got uia whole business at one go x think rtl try it out on partner uid ime wliat he think ml lit x had another brahiwava this mom- liufca x do have these lapses occa sionally ttiey are painful while they las to uie rest of thef mhybut few application of uie loo bag to my head and x soon recover x was looking uirough um new teleplione directory and x noticed uie oxtenalon phone seems u be wry much hi lavbr and x was won- dosing whether it would be possible to liavo one of these oouvenienoes placed out hi the turulp held you see now the children are having holidays c have so much more uruo because there are no lunches to fuss with and no homework to worry about so i toh partner i prepared to do more work outside think i bavo tnenttoced before x am hot at all fond of having the back oi my neck oareased with the end of a cows tall and so x mads a contract with partner that x would leave the a alone and instead x would undertake to uiui uid hoe the turnlpc we have in about an acre of them which makes about seventy rove and x have just done tan so far xt sure is sumo job and i can myself at it for weeks on end so it would certainly save a good many trips to uia bouse if x could nave the telep along with me visitors must hunt for ma hi tlie turnip field uid if thny want to enjoy a sociable afternoon cup of tea they must plcnlo with me among the turnips farther says ho thinks be must come to tho rescue and do soma of the tioelng for me but x am not sure that x want him to ttunk how nice it will be at uie long last to see a wonderful field with every root evenly spaced and say to myself alone x did ul yes really wiu be wonderful when that time pomes there u ono good uilng about it it u close and handy to the creek by uie way why do so many persutantly speak of it as the crick the other day for rest and refreshment x went to paddle my feet in the water and the ant tiling i did was to alt on a tmstls now dont laugh all you who read xt really isnt considered good form to laugh at another person misfortune and after all x didnt alt on ikfvery lone just at present we are recovering from an overdose of patriotism pat erected a flag in the front lawn and every tbn wo went by we were required io salute had be not removed it x anvaure we should soon nave been his uajesty moat loyal subjects however the deflgw u past wrst of all the flag staff broke and than the wind tore tho fugfrorn its soik and after that it was removed to a tent made of aaoju which the anudren nave recently erected so the danger u past and we breathe again without going in fear of being brought to book for i treason hints diary uy fumui paliqmiau crldsy wi ii at played poal oftli o wcitr yi i bu idy h if liny g d yi ilk jaiw wa win u i called ht lu ui um room for a book of 2n utainpa i got to thinking a boo i it ami it in a funny thing about a klaii you cant have it wlui out glvoln it to bum 1 cuo batnrilay i u w i mado a inlwi tako umlui win ii i was at illuu rnui lioumi for aupp wli n 1 at illlauirar hoiue for illnimr it a luuu an rgg sup dluin r uid iiu ast m how i wood ilka in haun toy igun anil i ml all riln uid mini 1 lluhday- atit lumny all way tliot uhan tung wa auirt tdinlof ikkibd mix t and tlw n altar lla had ixplamd to lur whut it wa im sed im wmidorod win n uie luius man wood got to aro h and an kniiny go qi im cus alio hhot uiat pa wa ulanuiung hor munday wall wo have dualikxl to gut u taipplu huu w wa can liavo liuiuiy to vpiod on art biood tlm yr round mid uuilui pa at ant kmmy wcwmi aim llko ui go long u um apiary and aim roplyod mid mid aim oodii all tlm ap aim wmiuid ui koo ui wwku agii at tlm kimloglckol giudnti lauaday x uaon jake erly uiu a hi uid im wmitod me to go long iu um crick wlui liliu im kod hu was supood to wlrk toilay uid x sod aro you suppoaod co wtrt af the rrtck and ho and no x am hiippoaod to wlrk at lioma uun x sacii uut point uid wa had a very good time all day wnuday x tuk my now xlarmonlcka up to jaima houiui ahd played it for liar this nvntng uid aim d i rnnilndad hor of dalltel wobataf and x sod wliy dunlol wubuuu- dlddont play a ilar- monlcka did be uid aho reply od and sod no i tio ho dlddaiit alio u offly daiiu sum times llilraday pa ba got into tihhbm at uip tioom iupr offira wr lir wirks ageu uiey was a tiro at uio mayors liouso und pa roto um liosd lino fur tlm story ilka uil mayor liouao uunu itoa hi hu pajamas and x gaa y 1 lucky u have a job to wirk at sence uiat braku new price red label red rose aotionh hpkak touukk than vvowta wli son u uia boss in 7 asked the vullor uui orfloo boy wlui iiu chair ultod back uui huig stritnlwvlout on hu dnak look oil at uio collar but mado no reply x asked if um boas u hi said the visitor xliqojlice boyglaneed thlnt-bttt- rmalucd silent dldn t you hour mo uui yuitor ilctnandad almrply of oourso x hoard you uiswered uio boy uun why dont you answer my ques tion albrbhw in or ubt now ak you retorted the boy a lie groused hu legs on um douk doe it look like ut uiaiiksglvlng mmuis souloffering m qods morolas are for all the world i wherever our flag js uufurlad bid all tlm people come and share our many bloaalngjt rich and rare annette kolin more power and pickup of conrhc it is an njje of machinery but mnnpower is utill the most im portant factor in human achievement shredded wheal is a power food it is rich in the elements that build mus cular and mental energy- making it an ideal food for children shredded wheat is nothing but whole wheat supplying every element that growing bodies need delicious with milk and fresh fruits shredded at vith alt the bran of the whole whea17 thkcjuuduuishilkoduwatcohpmiyuni why a merchant to write an advertisement has to have thine to ull about that b why it pays to study thcae ttmttarey which contain itfems of financial tntenat to yoo i specialoulrh nfl krrf fmu salmon walnuts wf mi roml fnnru ii ai tuna meat for the hunch box whether ile man of the house lalcs his lunch at thchop or out m the back field of lie farm ith a h ippy task providini fortiim when you call to our aid carrolls grocery strvici steuppy sandwich siiurtstions for any occasion und tilwnys at cartuolls kiipremely low prices olives mason jar xlb tins sweet quarten lb j larye tin ctrto r fc lilt jjf ii p sauce ui 2kc shrimp a f 21c icrrlnn llincmln chocolate limit k iii 2 5c siimnn l stillttnge it 36c mind union 3gc llxippul ilxmfiiu ii c citam chtitctii2fiii 25c 1umcx ii n 4 apico1iiliu 2tc sf m i ii ltaicii m k4jtbn t sjru brtry j enjav 4o r 34 rttul franco llraul i t uvm peas 9 waf thun mp calay with 3 cakei at i3o one cake vree htuls mtmtard tin 7 31 lir tiima 111 r mil himittril ji ilritld ir iiitit jia 3l nitcitt soup lrc illlklh if ik 0r stoptes under a single proprietorship ttriow vrttjjttrru butter fancu w urigrd 31c 4 mill street acton ontarid

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