r mi uoiu of ml acton smjprtbb tlswtoer caia wmr mmhh amocbtitm lfwatwouqbi ditmh c w k a tba tub acton wkxx mtksk u albua ttmradar at the vukm btukua till sum acum- omlia- laia- e r jat cluwatad additional lo oflc suwk t data pettm itkdlamtee m hbntbau mtam will be i 0 a dtus edibm 4 fraprietor rrmstnohbi- bditarinap4 gtesall iroyin honcalrlno jlmy wiuon avo a very ttcong argument on the condition of canada in iw addroas at newmarket reoeotly when fijio tald when the present government assumed olf joe in 1021 it did so with a dollar which waa rated at q4 cents and a stupendous debt and itvaafroelyredletedthat no government could survive jtrtllat tittiea tte senktor edwards wtqwas prominent- jo the financial world often id as he tooksomdljr at our small children they will naver hve to wjaeday wuttnolr children see the day when the canadian dollar will he accepted at jta face value within two yoaitfce uefictts had ceased and a small surplus ap peared bur best of atll par dollar was wen quoted t a slight premium hydro boteny isaihmrmarijiwkim mullotas some interesting inlonaation waa contained in the report of goroitiiasiogicbjjrrcqancpaj ajagnatn fiheydro in a yayoyt aitreslaatiiaat t waaak itne report stated thstoaasjilaaioa awavecntiea bpv the tattpfaia year of the now dbvetopnin7a7cinp the tojal revenue derived from the operation of all hydro properties indadlnghyarocloctric alhrays and we mlinlcipililif irivemi6flt 4 flurftmiint ayatcmaand odtera w and thatijrrttiia end ofulwti fiscal year there wens 37ooiiralottatobierataupx 4jm5 rplle of line 1044 miles of which wero ooostracted during the same tarelvmonth period jlf and mr boy waee of wanter- ttlto ere bauaalons at the potottl botnee at tin w m waee and mr and mm a hz jaoob w svijulheruno eountant a h beak of montreal received t quick dee- dmdizkalbmlyi waeliltaiwpqrt-atklt- ohaner and left on two hours potlw m a tinhar evenlnc ftl vtatarta park when toe jaxrierf wooi not- waa oelled one of um eonleatanta was mrsv 17 who hiitnr and pitched forward on her head she ra taken home in an lumooadouai condition but to able to bo fbutbw mm a toed of hay to the hoar on wedneedey rtimd floatawty wa xbe hired man beard the fall and found the body of tus ompfajw- ftttm anwgot hwwb club wntai aid a iflapaa inu rvdouionatratlon art tuawoarattanmn and orenmf th no iwnqierwlbrrbliu sir and mrkh ifaxwau are bauoar- uim plotoa ura jatm look la boudayuic for a wtk tn uiukoka jurj aadjmra a p uwvannal and family am houdaylua at pfoton jaom and tod kurt an houdaytna t honor atarbor on a flanlnf trip afia jaa o wuaon iavlaiuag tur rtaufftter w torontocor a few days a pear trta on radial rgopor la attraotlna onawldwabla atuntloa tt uw jim tonaed peara on it and la slatt in bloom aoilcn u nihar uwwual mlasaa pfauw danuft and uarlon xiepaurural tgjoyvda boattrjp tfafaugti tba thouaand latawda ovwuw weknd word tjaa boon reevttvd 4wn chaaraiauuraul dundaa tormo apptoby la tn a oartoua oooduioxi and vltki bopw are bald out far tua rworaj on friday attomooa fln broko out on tbe roof of the raafdanoo of air howard jforaaek ptaa ijlofe and bafora it waa axtlnauiabed tba roof waa daroacad to tba axteat of about tmoo 0au pfetrawma and a nrb auendaneo jobavaayratona buatneaa trip to acobaavowiv masdrns ratonrrtain out of a bloae hlu the exaggeration of the daily- papers in magni- xyiqt inaj dents in the smaller communities to wg scare beadihg and lengthy articles is often amusing those resident in the community beingthjia glorifi ed thaarjiaton hcfeajd sad last week if ovary thing we read in the metropolitan papers is as inaccurate as the story of the shooting of russell fiowe we are all wasting a lot of time nda lot sympathy and the orillis ptokcttimca b also amused at the battle that tho city dailies nuktv out of a utile difrerencopf local opinion in the municipal government of oriwa it would aeem tnat the dty pajj5rsjnjjicirrijah fiu- sensailonalisra magnify what ttcomnraqities consider rather trivial matters wo have noticed like eipcrleflces locally and can aeo ttm fanny sideabauaation as well as moat other oonv munhieo- about a year agpwo beard a citdalljr repraaaatadvoronrfba to supply its rcsdara with all tho inside information on a subject with which wo laere jairly conversant 1 1 however was- only a proaoaalad nava 4evaiopad fnto a reality which was possibly just as well for all conoerried- tbodaoioa jujo great institutions but their function la not the acoomtadescriptians of the local events in tho smaller t communities i during tho raaatth of june there wwre- reported to the w ooro board 0307 accident as against 7670 during juno a year ago and 000 during june at 1928 there wero 40 jatalaccfdenta in june this year in the first six months of 1030 the accidents reported numbered 30298 a decrease of 5217 from the number for the same period a year ago but an incrcasojaflooo over tho samo period of 1028 the fatal accidents for the six months period were as follows jft30zj3 1929 22 1028 276 the rotaf henefita awarded in june 1030v amounted to 9s of which 40316329 was for compensa tion and 10379243 for medical aid this brings the total benefits awarded during the half year ending june 30 to 9fl 139c877 as compared with 3091- 6407s daring tho corfsayojoding period of 1029 and 351512417 during thcrssme period in 1928 lanlnlewjntleparlt more andmoro our cltizena are coming into a tealixatjdnfttiriwpnderfol possibilities of the park lnd the surroutididga around fairy lake not once fcutulto freueotlyi it is the topic of convcraationi find oitjseds point out what might furthef be o- gomplished in making this a spot for which acton woufil soon become noted it is now quite a usual thing tq see groups of tourists making it camping grnnnrt andnot aaign of jny- description along the way has- hftfin n direct attention to its j1tfywhhhnc th work at the entrance and on down around abounds has been well spent money m iw tf the gtwttaad gn6vwdvave4 are at preaent ifferit might wc aa o jre la well bo mapped out tor each tear and t iy ciuxoo wholtakea ihe time to visit actona park fbfffl view the expenditure with approval some at- pv now be given to the batlug fadufjaa jartberwtsflws4fapijtfi vjui the noxt part nf the prognuime the fisbiag anany sy u cxceuent and certainly it ha attracted jbm r oott noy acton mm a wonder- fmpt tffthis tine gnmn and tho interest citizen aia ajiulfig in h attgra yrfi o jf hi aplaiidlri if r community lv j iqmtkkiai wy ahoert jhm weaksaww i wath only- two week tflelictlotj time it would eeem that thecxeaejttannilalng oampalgn is one of naumo thnt hafc been gpoiwced jjetone jitohtoeoting pm been held thne jfar for either can ididate bothpartiaslmvthw local comrjiltt smdotb fajriy active but are not menbug m electort wlti any more than personal nxcnangn wtie utldotbtrjdly rlio ansamer wet4lierrhap ilnahv ineotiegs to totftb tbo vuttcr tbtrsdjo and the fall new- flfatipoihwa ell thespoeche and ptfdnn of ghe leadar of both f artlea furnish tho electors with enable them to lrroeitba wtelhgeot view f tw questi llpo mmte e tho rao tbmajfpmfi the envlfbndgetofj omirto be wittmdjng tlieiaharfnfor fhe vyitf ottooefpfulrrt ofoourte both partja dietieacbwisafb the elajotion intou tqp6maaaaiy the flpal ceoiii iifrr jujj iwa queatiom thexlow hawing power have tbelrlrecorrfef aixoaplilmsyai wlhng uhssw thai itl iimamg tho prnmisojowenipibynieut relief by hon mr bennett and the possib11ittof immediate construe ion of the ist lmrrenoe watarway aa a means to ward relief are apparently scohted at by the fanners 8un aahtalr win the labor vote the sun says a session of parliament fir the relief of unemployment would enlighten no one jwcaua the causes of unemployment are well known but it would- jamyaflinotovolutiojm nation anrldivertour politics for a tuneprobably for atbng time to a struggle tidjatroy-whatisxon- temptuonaly termed the exjadqgaocial system the paemiseof a owaal wnouycawskllan is clearly in sincere from kingston to cornwall in the narrow stretches of river the international boundary and tho ship channel are the same and in the wider stretches tho boun an ahip onusjand recrosa ae they wind th o many tolaatns- i tia therefore impoasilbe to effect acanaduantaawuwtthpiit tres- passing on the territory of tho united stntc of course abthing is beyond tho powers of modern engineering andjo we may aasumetfaat given the money mrv bennett rnay jwlld behind gananoque- brockvilte iroqttpis and mofruburg through- the laurentian rock a cataadian canal aixhundned foot wide and wc should say not lca than jthiindrcd feet deep to alfprd a tweatjhflve feet if anyone disputes theneedof width of ajsrhundred feet let hirnrainber that great f1enjoupn cannot be- permitted to toachjockv kditobual notes a losing team certainly has its handicaps to thissommer and the hockey team of last winter ritd llwpamsvtt andfcloasang uprieaatelagiarj tt aylmer soup are likely to entirely displace the hlghlyadtertiaed campbe b rtfaatthe duty on american soup baa been fqcreaaed to b5- simcoe rel the editor of thg furs pwtas appreciate the many mndly referenoeaittsd aetdtt n n tbethneomt bftyiflfttr annfverssry end me gwdw axpreesed f offlrietrdand wthwi another man has pontmlnsd suicide at niagara pall this latest ooo tdok the precaution to pro long the aenmtldnaby acaong himself lnatrong barrel end he lao rwnsiajad ewtimsf bl fmibsjnjtw iff the daily prea v if ha taken tho amtrieui cflttgres yearmnd a half to pas its tariff bill the canadian bill passed fa threehek thna and y thoanicensctalttv flfwer but the mind ofwcttmte ahswasiwvhar9g amaa a ii jstu- c a tbejjtag coach aflondon preepreaa nsiat0aiieipharv their otrdut- f to bffef rnertlogiip hfioajkmreftot itloncaawff only mmjhjesijyimjng auih of aoooitgiushment uhded t to earth tb be mobbedwamaanbralladrljc 0 thelr mpg3rxhiicbmrng bck to ertb lwya eetn 9sa dlturhingipiiomanfle rl h t tvi 9wilblva ktiiunfywv ssli ri pvpvtosho by lxtoa orace byara oaut and icm purdyttfw balrauorj oar- oftloanv wars abran a raoapuott to abe joaal ana on mdar eretuu tby jkauuur rrassaaawarta baoeltd too lata for xat wak tbaraliua trdnpar th xadtas laid aodrty at um i jmttad ounxch bald on wi evanln omaat wefc waa a cood tba weatbar man favored tttom rb a ona ojcbt and tbara waa a good crowd promt to noy the ttn prosrairuna put on by tba paarl nawton woaoart oompany of toronto mr and urn w f darby and famuy knatcbbou vultad rmlatlvaa aayl fiienda at lowyffla on sunday mr and mrs o t wuaon and famuy rtnrtrhtrii rlattad rauuvea and frlenda at oampbabtttla on sunday tba annual aobool plenlo of no s and boboola in ivaaamswoya waa bald on tba na s aoboot froundi teat prlday attamoon tbara waa a good pvograaima of aporta and swnaa which was enjoyed by tba lare crowd p jborna of tba rarnwrs hava oooubaoead haybifr tba crop will not ba baavy m this yaax utta nnmber of people from haaaa- awwaya attended tba dubun old boys reinuon on dombnon day are w ooorioubaaparebaaad a -ttoa- vwdbso ooaawtth ohleaao mr j aiwauowst a tbe oolf unka or tbe wiuouahby apanda- the- waili anda on bla f7a are ptoaann to have evunabla amraljy wlu ui aaaa for new road crader cor the township mrs wafted kennedy of knatobbul under the doctor car at praaent we hope aha may aqou to able to be around ssaln i nuinber of ibe atria of the suralar sohoot and twrna paoplea paue are aotaur oatnp tba 4qpeuitdayaf -laat- oraeowoooi offioera- and and mambere at cjmdhbedtev a v u and vtottjna arttbren to the mnnbar ofaaoat aava au i mi mnla chnreb 1fbitatrtitvnld mr and mra h- t blgi and- mr v clayton apant sunday vtth st oatbar- biaa rbda mr and sara b louaneed of lon wamweekend vuuont wtth mran4 air j m bteel mr and mra f b walker of ibwoodv apantba bouday with mr and mrs laavoreriand mr davad can mr and mra w j ne otrmdioo ware bandar visitors spa laaafl b at of pontlao mlob apes a law day wtth ber pmranta mi wafa jwlattqh- vs m honoaraon a barrett and wl ormkof btmmpton apant watkend owapma atlaar hunhw atraw amk mrajava ioicon and maw balaaeiabcr ttannto were matl nf mr anit lfrs 1 ft boma tonowm an operation at tha ohiatph oeearal iofpitaj tn wnlofa be mx9rkt aasraaajtnrnad home on r sissyta fi laidod whsra dean nurxtnc bar dauxbterimra j jjuaaton forn pawo imonthi prnran tb re m of k straw shad on th proderty oclaw davis otroa town una arm on itaday lasi mr jajaaa hurren lost tils balance and u about cwsaw tesae btda bahuiwan a i tn ecaim wtb fpiewpathttilt and sprajnad fart and lffcjwrooata iiuoairsd al iu weak ui lira j alikans a mockftobebu a anderson edobrteon atedad um hoaaa raoea ntratiord oh wednaaday mr faahlay ana tn muaas peaway and urs grtahev of toronto wars wstk- nd ttattors wtth mr cnd km m k mr motavlari sunday at mr jabn matoennldw mt vletor teflder of tb apant th vntf wmh mr and mrs j itt of tor onto bpent tbe tiouday in town mrs rev ntordey andebudran are bouomymawlu3tlalvai at nlptaoa bflra ot btukay attended- the dean rattnkm at sandhill on mraodtatsm a w owen sound teat weak- vtatun trewnai- kalaa matwei dickie of ssora ftaued laat week for amatand she wul also vlalt atrtha oonttneot uok who built tbe steat obatrvatory had a peculiar way of teaung the younk fevowa who applied to faun for joba he would direct the applicant to go into the wooda dig un a youn- tree and plant it upalde down mthsobaervatoitgnnmda the branchaa m the earth and the roote auddn in tbeveir if tb youn man did u n was told wjtbout nuktaur objecttoma and toflowed jnatrucoona unplloltly he aeenred the job up anowed that be knew how to obey order a qua ltfik aootht in tbe men who worked under htm if the applicant objected that nioh a plane- fbolub and uaeleaa he waa out of luck it warnl that uok wanted planted he wanted ordera obeyed with the matter of tbelr wladom lert nun rf total fares to canada advanced britishers ooadinvwkb im tfclr fanow fhaf a far full ituot ipptjpy jd cjotkgom at business directory dr j a mcniven i mtt dr sutherlanc at bmutulwul vlli actan tpatfu xni twrd tridmrm at eh month or to itani or ttmtmio ran twum u wr j uum mmtolfeoaudd of uw pwonto pdbuo whi iniiliin umb bom for uwbnuoat lln widmn jrtillwl irtmii muufrtndjmnr rwtora te towo on tumday u tovhat ntobi fln r btodimm mook uu wmk mu lln brlok knlllnn rtth rtoi mid mun aobftnbmd i jplonan wwhinn to par fiketess meals for throarm days you dontneed hot meals in summer 1 nor jdtchen fire to toast the house wife bring shredded wheat into the home with its message of health and comfort cover the biscuits with milk or cream and fresh fruits it takes only a few moments to prepare this deli- cious reless meal and the family will enjoy itl a welcome relief from heavy foods and such a wifesaver timejfir a change vte for liberal progressive candidate mr nn4mr o ahtoni td duldrra it toronto apant to ho mx 1 mtbm fat fajafer v mr ud unatmit niotgnyi to iduoo on 8unop4atcbon opuwjotrtk uwmtiinililiiiiiii vntai ttuoiwaa a mrtduri rkiai tka honour mrbmtd- iwiii raitii x vtyiuilon hfttr fnnliiiti naitnb vmjinovuto ararlow im but wlm l m t wojlii t tbo prothuran ijjimlor rki tk 4m ofiojm rjibuiyoiuslotsuui noiniiii it bmtfsvirjmk- onbf u means tlxo stop dgna on btreata and highways re thortv for your protection they protect yon anil all other drhran only totlia extent that you obey them theres stop sign at every intersection otthe kings highway and aimterctionwinady other i main highways and btreetb t sura you heed them rtyoudo not andan accident reaulta you are responsible r you cannot depend on other drivers while yon- may have oompued with thelawiby ooming to a full btop youlshould still ejerciao care in entering the traiee stream of a mainirighway thjbiftane of safety en all ofrw amdmtrftm f rvisj m1 wmrffiowjbmim mni block mohxt lpt on mmiilni upb or j h johnson ddbljxt omea um btrmmk b um ibnt iww4mdir francis nunan maple grove dairy guarantor iuwmid uw i s painting and house aecontion uraroras a dittr huorhoms in ktchabd u- blanche boui aoton tirehospital battery- service a a fatconiiriixib tvionhono 1tb0 haoduuuu straa olatk sawawj 3be our mew fox scabfs r jramrrgacrnnrjn fmuunt utwydtn st goriph i famtms jevajaafujtq j jind vegettttie crap i ato4ry- ustnt im aaaato jot ijusaa g w m a 4