iffif jflv i ji j iii tjwrtftr the acton free press birth mwti del baiaimt ar el um tollnua ramal turtba bmi awarftarm sen deates bmi uesmorial urda jae i pn um nut lo seaa oubbt at um oeruru oapltel oel- bry on jusaaa ibo tourand xklkd moarthubat br residence 41b kins william btreat hamilton on tuesday july laao mrs juua a ua formerly of acton in her nth lqoiyqn ridayjuly 4 180 letters io the editor v mt oak- monday holiday three weeks ftm tbe glorious twelfth oomea on saturday tbe election la juuftlil overtwo weeks away la now genef among if um nay amp la abort tlulum tbe parsonage wbltsltw alt july 1930 to tha kdlior aoto fmjf psxaa acton ontario dear air i thought you might ilka to know a few thin about the country where i am now si wbltelaw la about 10 nuiaa north of edmonton on tha northern denfc of the peace hlvoi where dvavllgbj tjonmnikoea nbnirr xso 4 nx and eaaaaa about 1100 p m at thb sim of year uctfktdlns tha niiiiiiiiiinyainnil of dayr llgnt my s la baaed upon testi mony end not acuta observation but tha evening boura are never very dark we are engaged at firueunt upon construction of fenotor oamp work waa continued until 10 jo p m quit pieseantly if the frlnuy aatlyluoa of a law maequltoeft were eliminated from oanidderauott j too country here la bush- the lend la oud composed of leal mould clay but it has to he cleared flm jnirther west in the dlatrieeaumiund- log rmirvtew which la at present tha tend neighborhood news namaaswbya a severe electrical 110101 peaeed over here is saturday evening last ura joseph uuies house on tha ouelpb jtoao waa struck and aughtly hmed ura zjttle waa in the houae at tha utaa there were a lot of ielaphonea put out of tmfaalnn the a united cureb choir eang at the aherfoylelualted ghunjh an niversary on bunday evening leat mr and mra c a darby and dengh- uar mlaa mary darby of kjiuchbujl 1 yjalted- ntulvee and friends at dundaa aeton orangemen will join in omop demonatratkn at hamilton 1 mr peotae benton haa had hli etorel improved hy ccagratl tha jrourth of july wad quietly apont here a m united btetee people in town xl la never too early to begin i oh- laanyour onuaraa eeuooairal lor the ngote of others anton culeens band wl milton urease iodge in tbe oon at bouon on saturday the hay crop now bejnf harvested 1 no ea neey ae uauau but otoer wum give ptuinaae m a dumper yield oe aoex of the abton uaohltw vim ran 1 j nu4i ine amnping faayerwaen 4ajui a dumber of our readera and umuta ium oumt u na ouu w aee km new bwornvuuiaqa preea la operer- i letter 1 1 wty i very i letter in thla 1 n mw u m i leaaiaafire neenrining the neta in wnion am is ifmrt will be a wun m by former fraenda here j in jpairy lka haa bean ao gootf tnac moat oulaena have applying xor nd taodtruag their euaaailveiy rata- man j a local wy fnwtn lad is wornring why uauwaya haa to rain on tbe ii ptrp oay bt albana on wiujnatf aua cue united and lyeaby taren yeetarday oa got apmnkled ewungmaned wuh afaw buofcetet m water baiura much oa wstf doneff a la reporud that a motor front mam tf ton arrived to town with a real oaigo of wet goods to enjoy a days tuning tha nantng permlta wars how ever not ee eeeuy aaourad aa the uquor pontuia and tha party had trip fntnua i cntrrrn jnta srt j mba jtjtju a maarxhob of a 1 km julia a maaaabctr died at herhonaa ai king whuaaa btreas haaaibon atlyeiad topt in ft ujulyabwmtiaror on 1ueeaay najytttpg jrwaavtjral waskal i r ittimiag ite ssaottiobc mamba u w mioaem end b ac mcdonald bar whan- wbm waa to tlbatooaiwai arraamd that ah lor tbaro and what hit aa for yaan atvatoaatt o aoton an invamd pnuna prevalla but here the llgnt pop- tmx tunoer has to ha removed wuh aome uduernnitht the hwl broken and then put o ctap tma territory in oonae- quenoe is wore zaoenaly eettled tjie peopja reibdm rjrovlngupyhelr noma- nttni bubttlog tnetr mmi and tni a piaoe lor tnamaalvra ln the aun we have not had muob of tha aun of ltrfi nut he m ooum newer now oon- unuea rauna maae uie roeae almost lwr pamauue waanea away hnogea and pra- veniea auui aervioeaor a weak trains are now running regularly rgaln gnu mto mihor roeu ta in sood ahepe exoapt xur a eueicn between r ana twlti fiaune sou lb of the lofijewaoa uver la k rna atreain aa uta eroaamg whtoh la itoaoa kivar x own where we rauiway motors boceea txi iraowiuy laaoion use uie aatna- bridge tarn oanas nte to tne loraly hejgftt 01 00 wet wun no peroeptlble speed u in proper aignuy tney aiopawaos a toe hign lanq umy supuort maslny a nooie dmut in tne grouuu adwn wneh oacjc tmu away to jaae ainaoaika tnis uaumu onawn la hevuy wuooeo w apenue anu popper to uu ope of the tt tu roem wiun their young ana nave oeeii seen uut woooeu rnhim iwuaa ana aweepuig nver aoanng nanca iueaont a nuoae apaotacte not anon for- uha woivi ooroing many souaa to aee rrom the newpoint of matertal proa- paiivr toe paopia require batter aoon- uuiao returns lor their produoa this la toe secret of tne return to power oisthe jf a oorwnnwm unoex mr brown- me iyong iraugnt hauia and advantages tawcan at moiated oonamionb keep tne ptwaa o prouuoe oown ana uw pnoea 01 pumnaas vary bigo num tne viewtmwnt of social banent toe moat oonaptuuoua need is medical urvape tne neareet doctor ana hae- ptmus are ib nines eitner wmjf u nortn or aouui bare tha extra iistaiaw tney live to travel to meoaoai wuuo abora la a una opening here iut puimio epuited vwi man from tbe- ae 01 reaicwiarav- umputbtu tbe ouatwaaing need is ee- ttumi ana oonuuuoua religion aunoe m una oanoouoatwn wun oompetma iwigmkut organ nation a no- one environ iarung eikhign to provide proper re- ugioua i tor uu oommuiuty yours jtouwraiy o b oassmora mra wn j marjeyand family of milton ranad retauvaa and mends knatohhtill over tha weekend ukn1c souuol tbe fouuwtng are the promotions mads after lhe reoent summer iiinminiuhni 1 jr iv to br ivtwiima stewart honors jdwood johnston bobert sterrut on tnml bt ix to jr iualalne olhaoo honors ward orarf buue btewart uiuie atesrltt lyia jtvans on uial jsf x la -jtvll- krtlin warna booaaa jerry uumrte oeaaginl kvana r x to br alf audrey mec arthur arthur aardaner vera m hunt teacher t t jtii baixbtatad mr and mrs xioroy dale and mra tartan vtatton margaret qlaasay of oeorgatown ware onteunday a the hptna of mr alf ura vrank blnnle returned home tm monday after apendlnf a month visit ing friends in toronto lira k kentnar mr and mra ncbt mcatoery mr and lira henry huu visited ouelph friends du sanday mr and mrs bert hogers epen sunday at wasaga beach msnsasa and mr jack campbell spent the weekend uelvule united church bald their sunday school plcnls to oat last week mra kirk aneveon returned to their home in toronto after apeodjna a jreck tutmuf ac uto homa of mr and mra john mokachntt uumtouatt mr and mrs uckechnle of toledo ohio are apandlag a holiday in lima- bouse ur and ura bwood harris and mrs brown of mint mtohlgen vtsuad haae on saturday ulaa lulu cjalvert of aoelph spent tuesday with frtanda here miss evelyn stoekford mra oos and mr ope of georgetown war vjeltora on urm lane la quite 1u at tha homa of her daughter wni benton miss xlta moffai of brantford visited at the parson on monday umehouae young people spent a aoosal wstng sf nharehlh i tils wsek ami mpnrl f1avoumq w1tu ffbdit hdd xvaryona knows how muob better jamon pie tastes with gratod smon rtnd waa wiuwut jrww however reaias how widely can mk use of fruit peel iur navormg urated orance and lemon rind are used ny the beat oooka to flavor cake- pies oread deaaertt frastlnga fuungs in grating only the ysbow portion of the rtnd should be iaovwd thla yellow portion eon tains tbe oil cells from which coma lbs volatile uua that give the flavor thla yellow portion when grated may or mixed with aggar mrs harrison of oak wood haa re turned to her home alter apending two months with her daughter mra jftjun- m fc uhe jcverton branch of the womens jnttuutb met on tburaosy last at the noma ox mrs arthur olow tbe bvanon and oaprlnge institutes intend botoing a garuen party at the farm of mr b o- thoropeon in aid of tbe oemetery mrsbd mrs serron visited oaledon frtenda 1 sunday mr and mra murray ouelpb town ship visited mr end mra bead on rjunday jar and mrs cuff slmona and family detroit ceiled fit the homa of mrs j m asm aarah xverta tune at tbe borne of her brother h and mrs albert bobertaoh and family of i are vistung in the o also with wl taoberteoo gravel road and at tha mntbau saturday in naesagaweya the sunday school of the united ohurch picnicked at stanley park on rfcy mr ankertnan of toronto haa pur chased the bcndsreon farm on tbe ofth tine and moved in for the eummer the lime works have again clnaed down and left a number of men without am- i ploymcttt which to say the least la un fortunate lev mr burnley of o the preacher la tha sixth un jhureh on sunday m mr mnl iaani alaininwi tub oubb or bauiyuunkss bui oootor rm different im axraldj aeoewte of people my hands and feat seen oif and f oanasaia and if x walk into a room in sure to lall over aomething ruiw can ever get over lit am uoctor loosed quubuoally at tha mlw tuuuevelupod pay batore hto wnen x waa your age be mid slowly i was about ea you are only worse x was poorer nigger slower m ecnooi 4k mora awxweru it was real torture tur ma to meat people especially women akuu sir is oareiovt 1 saw eomuuf towards ma two guts whom 1 knew by sighl they ware rou areeeed and jolly 1 thought of sjpping oown a aloe etreet but x h in tne eaasdiae lonf block and hadt to laoa them suuueniyi o a cow ui ode of the aide yards rerhapa if x loum at cm to pe onvtog bar any jug nanua ana teat wouion abow uatbering a nanoiui ui pehoisa ano oalung to bar buyhuy boas i i started her off 1 yio ums oama to wnara i was vigor- ousiy ariving tne rift isom bar nhosan j pasture men adeer jottd treble votos uummi ifum tbe bouse you nay what ara you doing with nassagaweya council at tha meeting of kassagaweya coun cil on july i the following accounts contract reoord advertising 440 uugbt and white adverusmg 1j0 o h turner mating j flayer to aoelph aeneral boepltal 10j clerk poataga acoount 7ja iteasurera postage account a0 uoijeodors postage account 2m mtu uuperlntenoenta vaueher 2j3h4 mov w u a brand otervlewed the coundu on behalf of ura robertson ihhabamall rtbllrtren la in very straigbuned tore umsis noes mi uecioeei to assist her to t v1djm per month lor four month council sojourned to meet on i at one oclock john marshall clerk wwff kdkn mxxjl0 the young peoples society of tha united churches to ouslph jreabytery day- during tha afternoon when a baseball game waa ha progreaa be- w j taylor of tha united church here had tha m to be hit m the head with a baseball bat during tbe weak gp ha 1 reported to be g ting etoog very well in tha f at jua rurrr mrrtsyasrafltrnuvelajten part m the anniversary aarmoea at aberiayla on sunday in bis absenoebev jonn lattle took the services here wtg and evening ana dr k t kyitti at tba utone ch in tba uternoon there eras no evening service in tbe presbyterian ohurch bees ae bev w b i of ffken ftifnffnri tha rart servlos that an evening servloe waa to be held at juen mills on tbaransy evening under the aus- tba united ohurch a woaeatul garden party vas held in jftdilhitton park when the ionic mai quartette of brampton cams up and put on a good pnigranime during tbe m isilng tba flurnlby bnriofll orchestra pao aome good music which waa much appreciated tne tt sunoay school oonvwn- ljlott of kramoaa township waa haldst sdsa mills last jrctdiy aftemoon and avenbxg jn tba fnaaytarlan ohurch on radar avenmc m terrace oar- dens apolitical manniif was heed in the miarsau of mr j b mdchtll of ouejph the liberal candidate for south weulng- ftittira use where the enttra peal ground one mixed with sugar was tba cause of crest anxiety to bar this ayaartdaughsars faneae la tor maw oaisana mratmoarihiir hadbk at bar hna hers for sons thas ta order tp jtvwjwe omw tortog xr to has sansm and bad bar with bar ta xtamo- ob up to tba ttntiaba ws obflrm to go awttts nojgaltsj tsm srsimldsugbtaar iai bow- in tbs aarjbum mlmmalutl tba suv a a jsddy b a- b d tm em tnttti1 ohurch y a fjjlead of um dioiaiaj for a namber of yaa hartagf snarva of aba sarvloa at hs jwoss sod at tha csavs atmuton a wnbwpf aeton itiattvas sod jrlenda wahbra hobden sably m stroke mrs johrlsttaa uordan tn of w h hordah warden of 0uon ootmiy pawed away auddenly at lealoerios on lake shore boad wst at oakvlus last vrtday tlis iste uo avftaden who was in iwr atfayaloui year was a dstmhtw of us 1st wuuaaa mckay of tba middle bosdsbd waa wwaly knofn throi tba anth41rtct us la aunrlvad j-m- husbandl three n mrs w i shaw hawmarkatj mrs prj ohaw wa rj mo mra jfo busban and two sou q osopn sd4 w at uordeu of oakvfus sl mrvloaawm imud on monday snnbbonind war largely attended after lbs prtvata earrtoe at tha ismuy shabby man wandarsd into ft rary smart resta aays tba tatlst and ordered so elaborate lunch at fint tot waller was dubtoua sbbut serving inta but tba cortomars obvious ease lb his aurotoduiga and uja- as oellant aboloe of diihss resasured wo at last when ibebui was pntwaua be attgr eotttteouary xpr the jnsxukfsr who appeared presently oood day said tba customer akly do yon raoaueot that a faw jnootbs ago a jaostay and htyd jouy good meal without paytagfor it i do answered tha mansger grimly and do you rsfnatfihar what you did- to nun pursued the other yes air said the trtiiigt fiercely kicked him out of tba plftqev well then id the enaiomar rung istsuraly and turning hia back to the ofllelsl do you aitad obliging as agstart tbe aasnaal smvlabchool plonio tbe united church hare was hm saturday saenaootvjttl xxhlblubn park tn the way yotxng people to enjoy them mr oeorga tarranee arrtved taotae last ek front ttyrvfa hhilt island where he haa been taacntog ecbool tba pmtwa- yea be has secured a ecbool i at aluaton where he oommancaa after the bottdays a few of the holiday vlsttora who were b 1 i mt sod ui a s rlchardaon and femlhr f vtoswand ir other tnatn- berabf my and mrs j b richardson fatnltjr of oaakpb and uuford bay maaabara of mrs wa vrankra family f tlimrnh and toronto hr franeia 0walln of vlctort hat- jr ttsil- rtsttor bare and at sunday school convention heldln the presbyterian church on jnriday july c tbe opening as of the afternoon m ay bev mr mooracken keports of the various schools of the township were given ur oeorge the visitation to tba schools revealed in a lack of interest on the part of the parents who failed to realise tnelr responsibility to their children and gave in eat credit to tha irf and t for their earnest efforta in up- boi the good work among the young valuable discussion on ways and means helped ta tbe interest of tba eession mra rev gaudier gave an artrtraae on tbe bible and the child which pointed practical and highly oomnaod- ed the church choir provided music tor the session xl barrio bill closed with prayer plonio lunch was served tba devotional ser- v10cs0j4ha evening was led ny rev m o qexunerr tbe united ohurch choir provloed music rev mr mooraakan aoaratsed the meetltaj on sunday school woe m general mr o harris and mr boashi of bockwood gave excellent reports on the reoent sunday school convention- bed m toronto mr smith of rooawood waa elected president tor the coming year tba meeting closed with praise and prayer on saturoay evening a heavy electrical id ram storm passed over lightning struck no 6 public school shattering r ch4tntmy frgftiy f- doing- mw damage in general 0r rupert u xceraie lost a horse hi tha same storm jtr ryde past teacher of mo ft la to be cong in having three out of you can imagine the rest mane a rkuouious spectacle of tnyaalf in my con fusion i stepped into a patch of sand bura wuh uvf bare feet the pam maps me wince jjost my balance end fell into a muddy dueh i can still tux thoae girls laugh 1 i hid out in the haymow for two days to think it over when oae l told my mother that i had been vsuuuev ano she wisely qrof ceeod oehssw me as a matter of fact x had visited myself i reasoned thpt my fears of other people were groundless ana foousa ana that i had been silly 10 imagine that tha wbow world waa wetuiug me the roads and all tbe world were tree to everyone and i re solved to use them without fear was a nght of course but i won and x learned that people are not to be loarea or avoided but to be loved and enjoyed im not lonesome any more you see that everyone cabs ma doe now we all enjoy lu why not live as jrou go along why doctor x anppose that i but there atlli trying to believe that im dinerent from everyone else im im going to have triends aa other wools havel and with ohtn up and cj una boy started oil to seek the great auverrture of iriendahlp lour pupus pan entrahoa exsjitbiaitaaj w mon one wno honors ux ryde bsseeeulvap- pnach hi the pulpit a position in preston school our beet wiabes go wth he and mrs ryde our worthy hiacaamitn mr barry mcintosh has taken over the arkeushopj end wnl operate rt on mondays and ipursoaya of each weak mr and mmrj wright and children of detroit also mr ahd mrs o bough- ner of st thomas ur and mrs h wnght and children of toronto ur and mrs o xiocker of krin spent the wuceani at the parental home mrs wludnw many friends are leased to know aba la able to be home om tha hospital sergeant horanoe oandler la ta camp carnng height london with the wellington kloof miss marjory la thai 1 isuaat of mlm pasmora bockwood also i wj a oartyla tt hauoaytng at balltoa- i iad and mrs rorj oansuer is spwnd- uuj a few days with toronto friends tart t the womens missionary bcieiyoftneirvshyterian church mat at mrs rom wilsons homw i with ft pood uttendspoe the chief ttoaotlon uf the meetmg bemg an address by atus n anaa of acton who in a few weeks expects to be en route for van couver and from there to koke japan where she expects to engage ta mjswlon- ary work the preebyteiian sunday school picnic waa held at joogewood park on tues day afternoon a few nightatsfo a large pita of hard wood bloc and limbs of wood bk to mr mcpwran mysteriously disappear ed it being on the side of the uuelpb road the moves made ft clean fat- sway ojcms o tuououx alient victories over favorite tirmptalloni tbeao are the auent threads when woven together gleam out ao brightly in the pattern of hie that jod approves oood men era always preaching to the bad by the erarnple of their lives and hi way they often do mora good than isajtety wxu aamuabev wour anud xntkbmi b wldeepread totereat4n tha work of lbs h safety committee is evident tbjvugnoutthslrwtao the commit- teal la truly repres of every aeo- uou ja every oommunity one or more nun ta public or acnilpubuo poaltjous havo scoapted invitations to join the j advisory oommlttee axid many i have aubttotted to the breouuve exoel- lant tufpoftians sod ideas which are betas taotuparated lit the progrsmme aalnjprevlous y4ars the work of the oommlttee will obnalet prtatnpmuy of an advarttslruy cswpsitw in dally and weakly newspapers andotner puhucs- uona bad to god hqltwfirtflt fui well as puhljd msetlnsa ftlfn will be used tbgm will be safety postern in arfean4 fuung jdatlons abdaafety fojders for totirlats tba watchword of the bjgfcwsjrsaffty oonunitjes u osroourteay h ootn ido bgpsfj to driving ls yooowork in past years is tadimtsd by tha fact ioitoaloptitotrafxwisun mftdlrib ontario lb gptt of tbt mr and mrs avsrett b lavtaeas of otf on ou iitv jfec tm awyrlosbwewowatoptfl-l- bar bfw5 partes wedartarn wrl t lakint forbls tax vnr ms totjve -ttibfllg- tob jmsrsctar iljv vmv tows ctonreh has lost a 5f3s pabuo servloa was nald ta h of wltlartirs teawssacn ipston xiawat of boms for th weafceod ounday for a v4u ojtfdtaara oalriiday erentab mr and ura oeorgs laverty lbs t jynob mrs james wataon and mrs a s royoe motored to alton to tlau ttadr hojs who are in the boy seousjanm tbers aa a result of the fine areathar on sunday larpa number were at the bark during the afternoon on monday evening a p soolal time waa spent at the homa of council lor films molenu aniiiiilh luve jsben memeora of the prvshytarun ohuroh gstbared together to give mr maioolm smith and mbs agnea walker aoms token of reroemhranoe before tnelr ap proaching winldliig mn fli tv sunday school supernltesdent and both sunday school and oodetegatlon met on tbe occasion to honor tbe contracting parties mr fedwta fearen acted as chairmaa lor a brief pneraaune of re aoloe and a dust followed by tba tkm tbe address betas read by jean swanston wheo at tbe i time metsnb oyril anderson arid xulot pataaraon presented the couple wttb an end table and eleetrlo floor lamp mr smith repued hrtefiy thanking tbe gathering for their llnsighlfiilnw for he sod miss walker and afterwards tbe gathering joined ta are jolty oood by set w mocraoken and mr joba buntor fatkrarad- after ilia lwasaailamiai community stagtas waa enjoyed fay thf ptt followed by luaasky onnttsts previous to the programma mrs- jss wjukm lincoln 0ha8kd bis utxue boy laughter was abraham i4noolns -wsy- eaoape from tha eolftipri ratpooslhllitlee and aadnesa that ufa brought him an old springfield friend of his called it the presidents ufa preserver ijnooln was bind of hu llttla boys and enjoyed then childish ways one morn ing when unoota was living in sprlntt- the msrttlmes bold a proud and well- merited btaoate iourist popularity aa well as being a favorite territory lor nouday- mskare from all parte of eastern canada and united states their many seaeljle reaortarouatat ejidboautlful little village snug towns dotted along the bay of cuody have a special attraction for thoae who wish to combine comfort with eoenlo beauty golf and ft wida variety of other ports with ftthtaf and aalltag and tbe wbole jwith modern and direct trans portation st iumrsw with its well- known and exotlla xtanrtaata boeld there as at us more famous mnasjrn taboouand la to be found one of the ouutandtng lgbole enu courses tat ft hard- we must carefully distinguish between the abe of tact and the presence of principle john drnvldeon s the wisest tbe moat annoyed at the lose of tlmevxaante suenoe is the element ta which- great things fnihlwi themselvea together that at length they may exfmrge funformed and majestic into the daylight of ufa which thsy are bextoeforth to rulavoar- lye fob youb fielo glasses telkscofeb qoqqukb btc t4it optlcalrco 110 wrndhnt 8tam gtmtph usb and oavk pood flavob and monet loo costs panniaa while food spoilage waste dollars it le false e to take money from one part of the family budam to bay good freth looda ualeas p baa already taken made for pteqty of loe and a good lea box to fcsap tbca foods hi tbe sees fjwtb palatable ojaadttiona all the way to lb table begxrdleaa of the- s lea b u la the only re frigerant which prsas tbe savor 1 in the aumauallmo joe not only keeps food oool and fresh but prevents waste on the table by it mo 1 to keep foods fresh sweet and wh and toprotecs thelr rkntner navora requires mora than ice provides alt that la clean and cold enough to keep foods xreah dry en to prevent sapid zeoaat enougn to retard the drying otavox- meat- cheese butter eggs fruits and vegetables it thus prsssrvse the savory healthful jut nnd rtn navpra of foods h luoat preoloua thing about food u 1u flavor bxoaeatvaly dry cold dj flavor out and once lost u la sot forever w evans agent far beafrew bafafcaaetaee ektra mens comuinatiqns penmans makehort sleeves knee length goud vaiuo iu iaj -ow- jpccial this weekfoc mkns kauihujoan 9ii1r1h anl uiiawkhh short sictfvtis tiikie luniu urawent kcguiur jitc bpccial lur i stanjjauo slljitlinuh black and white him and white b tripes regular 40c bpccisl jor 1 laajjul hum vkkih anu iujooeus all cdlgrs in stock neguiar price hoc bpecisi tot r 75c 50c 30c 69c j- laviw iulncxistikiluii silk while snd colon oood heavy weight regular price 106 bpecisi tor 150 lavustr au dua how 10 iuixn while mad colon bizm t 1 and la a special per pmif 5hic special tn grocery debt choice dates p n iuc lvv choice prune par lb sfmrterry jimi i b m tor 15c 22c 7uwfcx qvakiuttohkd om wllh caaaa oiuavl emit aiud pkklf ft boasm kafcarr w far aadfcc 15c 8c 35c mclean co many seasonable items at aixiakce nuammmk i our stock of plant inscctucufiea ta ttj fr kiog bag killer arsenate of lime aracosmr at gwjrf parte green m atnsll or btrgys qjancstfra geg a garden tools hoes kakeav spwrfirs flose in plain and corrngptedv woirtrs arxot srtftirispl lawn mowers faj p good wariety- nil a widths prices to suit yoor n- 5 screen doors and wtn4ow screcnav manv attea arxtc aft sixes oar stock is complete owr prices i w d talbot aixianck chain habdwasasiflee mill and main stnet phaaax a7 choice meats always at patiebsons vull uom c the wry otulomi of ipmtc wa ilwuitw um out you wwlb4 okn wippiy jour era omd to tuw ot umta prime roasts of beef choice cuts of pork select pieces op veal bacon and cured meats oood homemade sausage in ftolput ja haldlr a out of awal ittu rou oould daaua tbat you 111 not md a our eounttca aouchi rltfttaapt rlcnk out hcba and aold riant la maata iwu auy a paityaon ar tha twat you c pattersons meat shop to dbuvbb pkomptly phonk its specials thti fri and sat a granulated sugar tbs for 54c 4 packets handy ammonia or i lb sliced corned beef or 3 iba icing sugar for i lb blue boy coffee 3 quaker corn flakes or 3 cakos lux soap for i javel water for 2 bsc 2se 21e 1 bottlo patorsona malt vinegar i lb dates for 1 dundee orange marmalade for i heina tomato ketchup s 10c 10c 10c 25c 25c nelsqn go mjxl street acton phonk s7 j cadesky ortoaono eyesight spbciaijst whx hi at a t browitb vana btoaa aotoh monday august 11 should not mtoa the vpottunlty of wmeulung 1111 eyesjght apecuttsl appointments may be mads wob wr a t brown ewuwtat cx3nbrjitatxol afbatav i omeesvawm- a aa ob 4k4 furniture verandajchairs fro ssso and tuui camp cot and mattress l jzt tkso folding couch numattress crotone covort 12j0 quality window shades jj 1 m curtaln rods from 15c up unoleuma concoleums and oilcloths ilssa as3jww- l jtowaokao and uk jsml ohsinpionrtlp baa been tt aafc xhmr on ttie bay mdow fjrt in aomo of the moat beaau- fuljomwoi1daoejniry panes reeently opened hosbaby cftaraa wide raie o sfjtettatnmant tncattdbig tennis golf asllmg flahhig bjnfct horseback rltlhic motormg ettbar m tbssea or in the aalt wsbwpool with plate giase w and ptonvstv- sde foraveewore nailing undce tba wanda of tba hotel oood kaotartiip roads glr eoen to aoores of qusioi nms vlutge aoma of them la the tvibgalln oountty sovne oitbiitorio tnotdent snd trsgady beta too the tnodem sptolst will often lieav th oldwortd ox wain taking it latiutvy way down tbe ootmtoy road ujput abows hsbdepilnff div into the pines bote pool bvangelms at oray put the gstbetint toto ea m- txestby few mtnotea when aba bald op penal snd asked for tbe nearest eorreet welgnt which was glvna by llsitaret uccracken toward the ekne rafresh- ntsttts ww twrvedfay mambna of the ohuroh wblob were enjoytd by all a vou of thahk wsg moved by mr joan suntor and ssoorided by mr anlxice- ijiittibtfer lhe of to molgwi ffshuly ia qivjjrtdgthelrhomal the boosajon tba beat voabs i tba obarob and niahy frssnds follow mr atjuooim amith and mjw aneswalkar m their baw ufa tbs rboekwood jqametary ptwm neat and tidy appaaraboe dua to tbs pa of tbirbuttr mr vsjjhwsma i wradbvmisod flr boty to par biie takh down the xormar wetbodli holrsw kiiiawy l fthwm holiday audrtw the name is sufficient butternut bread bieh at buttor swoci a jjit sold at following acton grocers bad wklvj w jowa superior siorehht naonco hnjoutor w naibltt lawn mowors soroon door hardware hy fork tumlp hooa- window screens 10x38 40c fork handles calcium arsenate iba or i arsenate of lead 4 ibs or i paris green 1 lb for m10 l80 7bo 40b ms binder twinb 600 ooi per lb i bidder twine 650 foot por v hope bnjjey aitd doalty bay took p b palnta varolaba v bihialal t ooiinlry abowttf obumbandatataa al j una at at pactoijyat lvv v dominion bakeries limited guelph m m m mi frvrr srss ptafi 1- fii-