y thursday july 31 1030 tup acton free pkbs8 pa thrar berbv sono dewberrlne blue herrlee truumt are a few berrlea itau wet all rfmfj of i know i hrlowbnrrlm aqitawberrue napwrruauawberrle iii lornai wjinbl crowl it juu are nimble yuu wiltond tllmh- barrlna red velvet oaah one i and l your luck 11 at ud eborry pall icach little maldan and maul nffvw refuse herrlee losan or anoaepqrrtae brlni thamfemnother to can i sol you did merrily your duty berrtly now that lt whiter huleed hare m um prtae you won blnoe you were wlae you wont seol you heva jam on jour bread mrf carolyn davlae tiib art ov growing old rr the teat of youth u a reeatneea to take up a new thing or adapt to new eircurraitanccq wta that u nmau ou ace baa not yet wot any grip a hurnor- ut aaye thwt a man i anldora aa old aa be awela pr a woman aa young aa aha ays aha la however there la thin- we anr all doing at tha iune 1 rs the daya of the patriaxcha yet faffing etrength faith feouttlna and opporbm- itlaa brine a imw eperteno to ever man and woman who uvea fnto um little and evenuee eaeh must team ror himself the leaaona that ace alone can teach and rind hla own adjustment to oondlllnna whlohare not alwjtya wet oome to ui i auppoae few men bay gone into voluntary retirement from the activities of we without teettnf lonely hnol neglected a4 thnea it la a ouay age the competition of buatneas the demand upon ute time of thoae who muet bear the burden of our civilisation tend to loaun our real home ufa and what old people sometimes feel la neglect there are more hontea for old people than- ever before more old age pensions and the hands of church and atai readier than in other days to carry relief to the aged but tills u not ttuicr the heart of those who are no longer to the old places hi the home the burinf and tbe church but wo muat adjust ourselves to uum obaogea without feeling w are neglected and let other do what w were glad to do m other days and cherish no memorlea that would breed envy or resentment did ace seems to he a haunttnc spectre to some cane and crutch cray hajr and wrinkles are prooe to makathe soul alt on the western porch and watt the twingm and evenfanr wett- and after that the dark but wa muat not surrender to the yean vloc and character are the two greet exception to the law of old enpji decay for it ta not snow on the bead but snow hi the heart that make for old ace- so impertwptrfely we allp from one stage of ufa to another thai u fr possible to keep the summer warmth of a young heart under tha wtntar white of snowy looks iplnd fanny crosby the sweet fjoapetttneir t ntaetythree aaid x dfc not intend to crow old she truly had the secret alasl ft is bard to be old without rellclonto feel that thjawertd la cohtfl away and nothing better corning but did eolt honorable if it be endowed with a copd christian character to such the pasting j of the years has no power to make feeble or decrepit thtr laapa man wltfun a um yean run away here and making us old ao eternity ooroea nearer to endow us with ererlasoac yotrth henry u field tnrother of cyrus wirflgfah dp years said and much as you may love ufa there is nothing to tt quite equal to j tha holy calm of the tired pilgrim wbanl at last ha comes into the land of beulah and la ta full view of the delectable mounjattt ai uw i completely gone my bow the old home noeued under the hill wrtb the one orchard beside vc say none of the farms about seemed to roe to btf ae attractive aa they need to be why the old monaughton farm above and the nampehtre place just natow th nrninta1n fill iiwwt randersan ratm keem to have lost much in thilr appearance jn my boy- lhood days 1 thought all unas pieces looked attractive but dufferm school u a redeeming feature it stands there at the aide of the mountain road a oonstant invitation- to the bays and gbis of that aeouop of the scotch block ito come and partake of the educational privilege ea freely provided for them there the aohool luelf never looked neater though it seems funny to me chat the entrance door is at the beck and nob at the front as it was when i waa a punt there there to on thing x- aonfeeaz did pot like when i was taking tn the old school and its surroundings and tb was the tunmledawn pile of winter wood beside the front of the echool tbe pre would look a hundred per cant beuar if ehla wood ware neatly piled at the i back the bigger jfaoya and gtrls ould put it there in two or three recesses after the aohool reopens and by so doing wouvi grmtly enhance tjb ou qablb window ttawws a uttle gable wmw la purple t kneel an the darkneaiv and the stare peeped in tender benediction otbt heavens auasdhanv- softly thro tha gathering ahadowa breathed that uule tender prayer ror the undhnnwdi faith of flhlmhrcd a far diviner air good and so was i ood was good t bunny moments stretched befonc and the after dreams were colored by the hoes the future wore where a maiden used to linear a the closing of the day race as freah and fah aa maythne uoto mugniar eyas ofhw neemtoc ughtly of the future with a heart etnoere and true ta aiand l hand in hand with love eternal all the- future way seemed fair in that utile alder cottage toutlf had never met with eere ah the years hava brought me s x am tsvd and weary no there u silver in my ueesea there are lines upon my brow and my heart to filled with longtnc just once more to kneel and pray by the uttle gable window of that cottage far away u if afontgomery well 1 waa good to esq ale back homo again and to have a chat wtth him t ho vetui come and go yea go in m w swaoe a in all the artainouwiu of bir1suan ufa and find at last that webave bead an the while undargomc preparailon not aw death bat t for higher ufa for wider ferrloe tor profondar worship the folwwta ttnea author unknown may aerve as a sttmg close and tbougb x walk wtubyou no inore the world wuimov just as befcri tie weet tt should be so let each hto hoose tn order est tbit he may leaew wtthoot nsjfai whenaver oaued to go bt thomas july 11 10m ooodyrak rutnt to ontnrd at b deatoton of tha ooodyear ttre d bubi hr ootoareot a ulodern fmotoryln quenoa aires wt npon the alta has been eonounced ioanstnwrtfcm of the pbutt a one atory building 0 by 400 fee itarted july i v tb factory to he known aa the oood- year tire a bubber oo of arcenthtaajis i located in vjurt a suburb of bnenoe alga si 16 tngea north- j wflator tlia cfty up the la mata rtvar capacity of the new floth amerloan plant wfimlt wlu beuturntrtg ouv ttrea byinimkut u i i end a tbnusen4qb per day payroll y af thjftory is eprpeoted to thcluda 400 eanployeea the booth anwrlcan factory win be tbe ninth ooodyear plant others being j located follows united state turn osaada two tttojlaiid and autraue each one the oompany atoo operatea lta own tuu fabrio mini at eaten points tat worth america cotton pwrtatlow tnarlcona ana robber plant fhlupntoea a cooiuhraiibd urttu otrjl tbe obolest act ever sawhaty st rm 0taart a railway cogmeerv to the ajpfrfjcan i vaa stpme months io on the run be waw york and albany we were uttle let and were travalac fmft when i ew two uwe girts onlbetraok atralcht ahead a ftwtojbt wm qpmldst nbrlb on the oppoatte track on ot the tw nyr tht ar and fyi jstoclier thji other one aaaajigsit v4v3 fclwi between the mt wt f rexanaibjl ww vwftgmn1wetw toro adewtoe u jm fftut tm and s per catno lbffl l her mxhfpai abe ca ataateuuar a stw aa pow wahtrmttsming of dnraa t woum bare been ho dmpped cai on wuf rvgt brtebe aoaroely had tone to wji- vt-ime- httaboaojrh4tog4 pomitra back hour this aplrtt of homecoming which grows upon people as they grow tn years after leaving the boyhood ojre gjrlhood home seems to be baoomtna more in sistent aa the years fqlhy this year u seeing this to be an undoubted feet week after week former realdenta are coming back o visit thou former homes and shake hands with as many as nttosfbfeot the frfcuda of yore akjtown old- dtmeyed thjon has ob- aervedthli to be true as nearly every week i have met former realdenta who have come long dtotanomvavjattfae frtanda of their joulh aroonr these have been tar and mrs 6 w hill of afooroe klob who recently several weeks in visiting about acton and vtomtty che scenes of their child hood mr and mrs john agnew of winnipeg were hare this month vtctt- imj old frlende old aoenea tbe graves of dear ones and the places dear to them ta thair eexly day jar and mrs aent wppniay of haw ljakeard were h oomtng undarvteatdlnnnittlea of travel through washedout roadeto meet former sonoobnatos and friend of their youth mt and mrs j w hum phries and daughter of winnipeg were bare a few day ago to look over acton whlfh gave them shelter and bus and friendships a quarter enturyeit and no doubt there were others whom x tailed to meet or leamabout during the peat week an tnt vkntor wee tn town in the person of ajoxrotauotrtl6makatonewan an absufwie of twentytwo years from scenes which were held eeered in hto memory jljojc wasaqdoua to visit thaalte of his fathers borne which was for yeanrthe noina of the laie cunsom adafna at- the oorner of mul and- john streets he eouldfrndl nb trace of tt at all t4m location was ohuteratod from hto tnemory he was rather no when hto friend of early daya and hto political enemy at election times john oamaron pointed out tot ptm the fact that the furniture and undertaking block of jo js tumjey now obouptoa ths sfte of the home and garden of his rather the late john t rwot whilehare ur efuot took a trip out to bannockburn ochool wbere for some urns be taught the young idea how to inoofc here he found few changes bo those effecttd were decided imnrore- jnepjta thapnmitomandepvlronments naturally l a bannookbum mr illot took iljftndty took orer the clar- rldgefarm which nl hto days aa teacher at bannoeahurnv was known as xjordon hau wbate be waa ai frequent vtonor and where one resided lor whom be fanned vary amnere regwda bare groat ohangea had taken ptoos tha od hotgw where ao many happy day bad been pent wm gone endvthe attt ooonptod by a handsosne brink twaldenoe tbe big frame earn was gooa hving ancumbed to fire durtng tbe aodoal threablny last fell button wae glad toaee thai a one new ateel struotnre had rtoca from the ahea of the too which was oaoaldered ideal barn in the earuer days afsx etoo noted that theoourae of ths fmotu trout stream rwjnlr through the plaoe bad been ibralghtened down algjreey f w thmwmte ien mirrad fem wastwardanit jthatrme osment highway now frooto the yrtrojmdary of the old farm intorrocated w tosrhethar ha had bean toylsirtheow farm homeataad on the i- ifcaiegigifljtjg tnatieartlokwawtbeohang nkvrr qn tjuck we wen struck the other day by the remark that a certain friend waa never on umfl at anything two boys were dlecufeuic intfttog- a certain girl to a plonl w had been gotten up in k hurry and they spoke of one girl who wae good fun once ahea ready but wtth no more aenae of tlme than a poluwog we recalled a certain preasber of wbom it was said that he waa never known to be ontimaat afi- thing whether a proeohtag servloe r weddmg or a funeral marty hiulness man are often gaeatly exasperated by the tardy hablu of their nptoyeea it to very annoying when a certain time his hbea eat for coauftenclng a thing to have a soore of people held up by the wholly avoldanle latenom of kmee one who mlaaed the oar or waa delayed by the reef that fhe alarm did nofxgood or my watch stopped or some other euuajly poor exnuso usually tha oommerclal world he a vsyy snort and drastic method of curing tbia and after utter experience the tardy on learns that it to one thing whtfth btsunaes will not forgive the i in 1 tnpj the yiniwtariflnri- mapr rabt- x underatand remarked mr wll- uns eaauauy at the supper table mat mia oaborne la- yanking about enter tttny tne author duh why yea replied mrs wttkta with animation and a hint of surprise tn her voice but how did you hear of ttrr i rode out with oaborne tonight end hn tt nt t fflril she wmnt wtvt up her mmd what to serve far re ments a alow unite spread over tbe faces at the table for mrs osbornes dtouks to apendtng money was welt known in feet a joke to thdje who came most often hi contact with her tn the aoelalt or charitable affair ottflctbwn -yes- rwamed mil jsmb lead me wtoousl suggest aoeaethmg that would be sattjornjldot know but she said wung ahd not too exj penarre what did you tell her tlh x mentioned sttsjloped oysters theyre mostly breadcrumbs you know and a fruit aatod and perhaps lee cream and cake end coffee how did ahe take w well she looked und of acared but aha said shed think tt over you odghi to suggested fuh cakes and beana aald rbodj the high- school i of the family or just plate of that eheaper and you get roll with em free whats the matter wttb hot dogar from johnnie the boy boout- or corned beef hasht piped up jsddle too much work to prepare tt rcrnartpd hla stater why not an allday sucker she ootjlrpaaa tt round hi turn suggested r wuklna the only one at4he table who had offered nothing to the aympoatum was orandpa hobrhklsa now as tjhey puabed back their ehahs remarked dryly to hto eohhvlaw oopd idea joh bu tall her to jhaye the swefcnr made at colored glee market will not wait on deal sjoea through whether with or with out bbn or her rven aoolety haa lta own method fjpoygttreotmg this fault the one who 1 always behind tune aoon discovers that he to toft out otyfttnga of which he doe not wish to be deprived and be wonders why it is it beams hard to oonvlnoe anyone that they are to blame in thto matter but the alarm dock tha need of time to dress properly the aocjdenu which are often blamed for the tardloea are but broken reeds eniter soon rated at their true value we can onjlve a person for being let once but the habit can never be blamed on ihe clock nor on anyone else we are ourselves to blame for our lateness the reason we do not get there on tune to aunpty that w do not start soon enough hlointst niddrb to what do you attribute your great aaer asked the city visitor of orandpa even hoskln x really cant ay yit answered grandpa eautlously tneys several of henteetlmonlal fellers adfckertn with gems or tdotjght our dlsaatlafactlon with any other jutlort to the biasing eyldence of fan- mortalttr etmerson they are the weakestminded and the tnardestheerted men that most love i4ungeruakbx i the devil kneweth hto own and to aj particularly bad pay-master- orawford fear to more painful to oowardfoe death to true coufagsvfih p sidney our ancestor raveavetbd the iron age tbe golden to before uaast pierre it u not telktratbqt walking that vfu bring- ua to heaterim henry laws te no invented theyri out of ehournjtawses aartoaj farmers equipment he tvwparsd to protect your potato crop fmmbugr and blight by rising amenate of lhne relieve your oattto from the oravtng of chewing bones by usma bona phosphate be aura to use ohna ns a chance oo any of your re quirements call on us for fall per- uueer goods controlled by largest fertlltonr plant tn oanada j wbarberee proclamation civic dolxdat tnoampllanoe with the custom whloh ispvalld- 1 or aaaoyyeara monday atoust will be observed as a olvto llouday far iwo and i hby proclaim that day as a civic hquday for acton and respect fully request that all our ajthwis observe it as such- a mason reeve reeve office town ball acton july u ibm 41 ttgem lookoitt tbhtjgr jfp drbdomo s tknorsis addressed to the undersigned and endorsed tender i for dredging burlington channel oof hwlir be received until is weleek neen dayugat aavug taesday angurt s m i tender will not be considered unlesb oondtuona aet forth therein cofnbtned apecmoatlon and form trpder can be obtained on application to the undersigned also at the office ofthe district engineer equity building tor onto ont tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work the dodges and other plant which are intended to be employed on thto work shall havebeenduty registered in canada on or before the thirtrnrst day of december- ibm or shall have been oon- tructedand nstmcmdjh oa since 1date jrft v tender must be accompanied by ipted cheque on a chartered bank to the order of the mhrtoter of llo work for 8 per cent of tbe price but no cheque to be- for i five hundred dollars bond of the dominion of oanada or bonds of tbe canadian national railway oom- there waa pawky hunw or era it ready wttf in the remark of a boy wbd coming hotne one sunday afternoon wtth a string of trout waa suddenly oanfronted by the mtauter ttore was noway of pe but the box wwtth sbondrdcheo mmlster he emlahnedt eenwhael 3dd ainountt requueu to maae the troohrgpt for nabbtn worm on a sundayf tlie weutonhto way tejoto taf- i n bssjardins i3epartrnent of public i works ottawa july w iffio ki5 ill tm lut wotum ntinir rtj iiu hm twi ivmtb fauilootifcriiua and xuml th nakk ue wt m tamv twtrw rmtaxwa notbv 1w py njmwa fait undo- letr dlnaf k ak to wr nd imjw- wo havfe jiut lostalled ono of thonoy roll- taallng brake machlnoa of govariment atahdard every motorist la 4nvfad i ta como in and h free turfing of the brakes on their earfcif may save yon inoonvenience when away on a motoring dip and considerable time we supply tiio markers v if your brakes ar found 0 kr- the tost la abolutoly free for all rs cu loyally time and aocuro thltborvlce ctiikrplyaaouoi ijeboto salea an sarlce ilppllil 1m the people of tbe earth do me homage i am die herald of success for rrien merchants manufacturers municipalities and nations i go forth to tell the world the message of service and sound merchandise and the world listens when i speak there was a day long ago when by sheer weight ofsupcr m could tiheahoyeth6 common level without me but that day has passed into oblivion for those who have used me as their servant i have gathered untold millions into their coffers i sell more merchandise per dollar of salary paid me than any other sahsman on the face of the earth the fabled lamp of aladdin never called to the service of its master genii half so rich and powerful as i am to the man who keeps me constantly on his payroll i hold the business of the fieasonsinthe hollow of my hand xcouunand- the legions of fashion mold the styles and lead the world withersoever i go i drive unprincipled busi ness to cover and sound the deathknell of inferior merchandise frauds are afraid of me because t march in the broad light of day whoever makes me their servant for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish hand i have awakened and inspired nations sent mil lions of men to fight the battles of freedom beyond the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the bills nations and kings pay me homage and tthe business world bow9 at my feet i sowbroad fields for you to reap a golden har vest s i ain the master salesman at your service i i a m a dvettising i awaiting your command at mm agtqn rie press national auto body fender col rvh mttrlmt b us tmton bujioa mm imar la r oim faiima i boatdoji avauon ooaxrar silverwoods ice cream j b ueishman acton hills supbuor srobat j h parker son ca8whols1kring airxo tors anonms sur ooimm t0u i as monaolx brakes w ban n m of tha tlrtlrt auo nsn- auoum jty battery electrical service 169 woolwidi sumrt goetpk wolfonds auto wrecking r new and uskd pabxs fob aix uakk9 op cabs warm max anam flpawawawawawafafawjav bhnharra extra dry 2jrfgerrale now sou m cxokbt ll- jgjuxdsav woks cab lu0sbhmf oil royalties wot atocfci or abarae ta rtayuto 1 v 3 ivadtnc ooanaajafl hut urao dtsr enaa and cwnarahip rroduotna properuea only ua- inertlata monthly ratorna tti ua r a f insurance pouciks adaptable for every kb- quirkment your partknlar needk wid becetra oar partien lar attention oojreuii ca rsutaxt ho obuaanox frodericltxwrig atetvraeeantalrm sfisoa notice to patrons of this k3tabushment v during july and august examinations on thursday friday and saturday only of each week kindly write in or phone loolw for an- pointmonf lens grinding and quick repair department operating aa uaual t lr a d saya0blh c unoa nmxoraa anui stdimrunrfor ad taken ft the fnx plsm i ij