Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1930, p. 3

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trhunsdatseprnibkft laioso the actofl free press paok ttea v 3fret jprpbh bnrt gtnnj the leap for life by husberi gordon oahtek m dave yoipovor stopped to consider what lisppons wlwin a clrouh haves town it is nothing nhort of ti miracle take the town of bobhs- villo a circus iuid- just depnri d from dobbsvlllo among other feature this rlrciia had only two cluwni ono ntronif mail ono fortune teller- and one danxlovll bicyclist it lirfi behind it luty of tin first twenty or thirty of tho u t ond a dosci or uio third and ono email dare devil bicyclist not yet out or krammar ftcliool oooku wood u junior ut hlh ictiool and his wmill brotlu c ulsoii botte r known ui younif hplintur hud wllne-eu- ed tho circus final im rformunun and thcro undrr tin ureal spread or ilupplntf canvas tho younger brother bad tmdor- gono an tnte re filing jumgu during tint uiroc bourn uinong strange animals marvcllejui mtuxtrlaiut from tlie orlemt and daring femts or strength and skill bplbitor hiul grown into a full sized stick of kindling and then promptly caught fire inn bloan was invisible but oxccdlngly hot did you boo tho wuy ho did itl tho mull boy was baying way up on uuvt narrow ilncuno jinks i thought kuto lied crash first tiling tho way his old bike wabbled lie made wabblo on purpose oeorgo observed dryly just to fool the kids and make om shiver he did not i splinter wan defiantly indignant lie did not oeorge yawned and slrotohod splinter blazed on triumphantly bang i roared that old gun and swish i away he went like greasod lightning juid then wheel oeorgn bet you he jumped forty foetl tot chance sold george splinter a blue eyort flaslied but he lield hi tongue after a few momenta he announced x can do that i you inquired oeorge how where on my old bike green glopo dy it aoons x eoii get ready then ooorge who until then had seemed of asbestos caught fire also tho park of a great idea began to glow within wm bay kid i that ifl i wouldnt le burprlsed if thatwai a pretty ftood liunoli of your just occurred to mo look why couldnt wo advertise it and charge folks a dbno apiece to see you lo it it ii be greatl we could form a little company no said upllntcr oeorge frowned why not tdon scored cat i ald3eorgirttrtd baii dismally to ruminate on his 111 luck in having such a selfwilled aggresalve stubborn lituo runt of a brother oeorgos tiny spark might have soon burned itself out had he not right after supper picked up the june issue of the beetle the high school magaxlne the third page bore the lmprefieivt announce ment of a prize picture contest the beetle it appeared offered a prise of five dollars for tho beat picture nhowlng liow m student at high acliool hvd enjoyed the summer vacation oeorge wrinkled hi forehead nd thought of wliat bo would buy it ho luul five dollar then he thought of splinter artdmils hair brained scheme for getting a third thif kid would craabtthe brook pf course lie always did crash no matter what he tried and after ins crash the bicycle which was already hi a bad way would probably he ruined beyond repair oeorgos frown deepened me must talk the idea out of the small boy head then be himself would mount the machine ride down tho slope and get splinter to take a snapshot of him justas he aallcd grandly ocrosajlw brook the picture couldnt fall to win the prise var a fa w aoorgolookcd troubled then hla face assumed an ex pression of great virtue too had to have the kid all aivd hurt himself mother might not like it no he couldnt have that happen ha must insist on splinberh being cautious the boy was too young to be a daredevil blcyllst the next morning oeorgo nurprlsod hl brother by helping him to repair tho bicycle by noon splinter was satis fied with it its a good old bike declared tho small hoy it 11 do the trick hope so aald oeorge doubtfully what splinter would have said of a really good bicycle may bo eurmued from a glfuvce at the ono they had repaired it hod no tires and no chain a chain would have been useless anyway for it hadnt a workable pedal hie seat wah wobbly and tho fork and several- of tho spoke not to mention the wftcpls them selves were bent as if from hard riding it had lost its youth and beauty yet the doredovll not yet out of grammar school was satisfied with it it was a good old blkp v splinter pushed it to the beginning of ofrcen slope which swept in a grace ful curve down to tlie narrow sluggish brook tthat- meandered through the rrjeadow r the bock of tho house ho had put bis cap on backwards and hi eyes were alert as if he were interested la the multitudes who luul gathered to watch him do his daring stunt t oeorge went into the house and got ills camera when he joined his brotlier splinter was talking with a companion young wullam poyster custard peysurs kid brother whom oil dabbsvtlle called if the in had no right in wl am tho numo oeorge lean d his throat now wan the tlnif for him to nw rt lib authority and have hli brother from injury iuid hln motlu r from gn at dal of worry say kid lu bigan i vo iw n thinking till thing ov4 r and it jch in lt nw youtit fooluh to try it what if i am muir sp uu lure ronllnind oeorge uiirnci t- ly you 11 hurt your i if jrtak uoiiio- thlng probably you wouldu t sin d u urn replleil hplhiu r oi org looki d injured after all kid i in your hrotlu r can i hi ip h mhntor wai indig nant all right wlmii you hold uio bike wlille 1 get on no wait luild oeoruo luttn kid int mo try lt jlrut will you youi iaid npliivw youd only rail and unuuli urn blkol nlxlol oeorgo cleared libt throat tell you why kid liio beetle j offering a prize for a good puture horls what 111 ride driwii nnd you tuku a uiup of tnu just as i jump tlie brook huh said splinter wliy dont you got down there youruolf and toko o snap of me7 wouldn t do has to be a high scliool dtudnnt splinter n pride was injured- im not good enough bey well the bike aint either i wiam no no protested oeorgo impatient ly it isnt that dont core what it k jld splinter wiom a fine brother you arol oxclohnod oeorge splinter threw one leg over tho wheel oet on behind if you wont x dont care wlio i do it with i all right i wtlll oeorge cried with sudden decision 1 11 savo you from a fall in spite of yourself i 1 11 get a picture tool wlom can you take a snapshot wlom wasnt sure but there was one thing he could do he could lbp i tliould like to try he said all right here its set right stand ten yards off and snap lt when were hi the air above the brook and oeorgo pasaed the camera to him cajneroth ore nltlie nald twiam then lie scuttled down tlie hill fiftyfifty on tho prise money in quired splluwr yes i suppose so oeonro asserted hope tlie kid takes a good pictured as wiam went into position on the opposite illdo oftllchrook oeorge and splinter mounted the good old bike tho one behind tlie other tho small boy insisted on steering and oeorge wisely decided not to argue tho matter nowl cried splinter oeorge gave a push with his foot and tlie bicycle lurched forward tlie back wheel which had a piece of rope tied round the rim to keep it from coming apart bumped heavily every time the rope touched the ground and tho bent front wheel squeaked shrilly each time tho- bent part of the rim came round and scraped the bent fork as if com plaining at tlie bumping tha its mate was gutting as tlie hill became steeper tlie bumps became heavier and tho jiqueaks louder young wiam standing there by the brook camera in hand looked as if ho luul forgotten how to close ids mouth he too luul attended the circus and seen the tall baldheaded bicyclist make uio leap iorjie but now the stunt seemed to him safe and easy compared with what splinter and oeorge were doing on the decrepit bicycle wiam uttered excited ciiucklca and crlcjuas he- watched the two daredevils sweeping down tho lon ittretch toward a natu lateoff at tlio brook splinter feet were drawn up on the fork and his ovrtis were extended full length clutching the handlebars hli chin was thrust for ward aggressively oeorgo behind him was clutching with hands and feet to koep from being jolted off wiam thought oeorge wasn t quite at ease iaiid thakotlil they ro coming thomel exclaimed tho small boy us ho bent excitedly over tho camera hattllng shrieking bumping wabbling and jouncing came tho bicycle llko some strange runaway machine wlom had begun to dunce in his excitement a dozen yards from tho takeoff ho saw tho front wheel slow to tho right ho gioipedt exporting sudden disaster but oeorges luuubt shot forward to the handlebars juid tho wheel recovered in that way with two palm of hand to guldu it in its old age tho bicycle struck tho tokooff and ait if with a dying erfort idiot upward and outward wheel cried wiam crash and he won looking at oeorge und splinter and the bicycle skidding in throe different directions along tho ground ihpllntorj you did itl orled wiam oeorgu got slowly to his feet them was a triumphant light in his eyes as bo looked from tho shattered bicycle to his small brothor splinter was sitting on ground lioldlng bis stomach for several moments he rolled hla eyes and gtmpdd iiidii lie grinned wo did itl it wasgrvatl sure riidl lucky i grabbed tho handlebars thwtfc why we crashed retortffd splinter fhlh wiam mktal mast the yatchman and the aviator have in common tho necessity of pitting tholr kuowlodgo and aklll agalruit the wind in order to reach a given destination but this summer marks tho first time tlie experience of aeronautical engineers has been brought into play to solve a yacht ing probli m j ho probwim is ono which aviation has long had to combat that of reducing weight without larrtriclng itn ngth and as a reiiult of uiti application of ai ro- nalitlral xprletic4 the i homo syndi cate yaibt whirlwind whl h is win- jxitirig for tho honor of tl u ndlng the aim rlcnti flip ugalm t sir i lumum ilp- toiim hutttt hhiimrorlc will have n mast itrongor than tho ordinary woimii n ilhpmnt but with a r dilution of ho- twh n 1 t0 to 1 401 jkunul i in wt luht mr paul ifamtnoiid of the tliomo syndicate who phiml tho ordor for tho whirlwind with trainl hmihotr fumoai yoi lit di i lunor coin elvt d the idea of rihu lny thu onvi n li anal wmh1 n majj with a metal miltt im luvliig that pi rli nro gained in ulroruft dt iln aoujd jiult in u llghu r and utroiikr mimt ilinh a mat would bo i ujw r lor to a wooden ono in cvtnt of hnukugo iui it would only burkh while u wood n nuud will tpllntr with atl ndaut thuiktr to tho low col oharloi a llndbeirgh atlviiied mr hammond that thu aoodyoitr- pptlln corp in akron could duilgn und con struct u nuilal must aiuf ooodyoar-ep- plln nghiloni undt r dire ctlon of dr karl anuilj in builder of more than 70 zeppilins lmmeillately we ut to work i lie mni made of m especially ttremu aluminum alloy wiui modelled ufttr lit rreihoff j design of a wooden imuit in order that hlii wld wximrutuoo us a designer might be utilized and also that tho itnjuo tyiwi of fittings und accei- sorles as for tlie wooden must might bo used the lower part of tlie new mast consliu of two semi circular cylinders connected by flat nldo plates while tho upper part on account of tapering con sists or two noml circular conical parts connected by tapered flat sheets in order to utilize the full strength of the metal in event of buckling tile two flat sides of the moot were connected by a truiiillka struoturo which very noticeably increased tho rigidity of tho most tho circular seotlons wore re inforced by bulkheads to insure agubist corrosion aluminum clad slieetfl were used all parts wore subjected to anodic treatment and paint ed with aluminum pigmented varnish thnfl being given tlie bent protection known at tlie present time remarkably rapid work was done on tlie mast tlie completed structure being ready for shipping within 60 days after tho design was begun tlie mast which is 105 feet in length wan recently trans ported to theolty island shipyard new york where ooodycarzeppelin workmen made tlie final assembly chronicles of ginger farm written bpeelolly fr the free press by uwindounk i clarke local lnim ical pride la bnned on affection for tho place in which you live and is almost an natural a sentlmont as family pride llko family pride it may be useful and stimulating or lt may bo futile and dead ening a proper local prldo manifests ltaclf in study of thb history of the community und its founders in a desire for a thorough knowledge of the institutions industries and people of tho community and in acquiring familiarity not only wltli tho topography and tlie eternal as pects of the place but also with its spirit anyone whoso local prldo is strong enough to impel liim to uoh study will become lnbued with an ambition to contribute to tho improvement of uio community ho will be in hla turn one of tho makers of its history local prldo tliat nnus its expression at home is an admirable trait there is however a kind of local prldo that u frequently exhibited only by people who one away from home and that li not to bo con mended it is usually a mark of narrowness and prejudice a man noed hot sacrifice or abate his lovo of home in order to rocognue tlu superior claims to general interest that some other plsee offem proidn ait jockl pride is likely to be called when it expreisea i away fro h la us bump- tlous hypercritical and petty it re tards the mental growth of tho man who a utters from it for ho is soldom one who at homo allows any local ptjdc of a con utructlvo character lkmonkln laun1iry ani kanthy lho lemon is perhaps tho most useful or fruits not only docs it enter into the preparation of ul sort of dishes but it may bo used in almost any room in tlio homo lemon juice may bo iubtltuted for vinegar in any recipe that calls for tho luttor oxcept pickling it may beuddod to sweet inllk to sour it suitably for cooking or a small amount of lemon juice and grated rind may bo udded for flavor when stowing such dried trulu as prune flgu and peaches in the laundry linen or muslin may bo bl cached by moistening- with lemon julco and spreading on tlio grass in tho sun iron rust fruit or ink stains may be removed by rubbing tho spots well with lemon covering with salt and placing in tho mm with obstlnato spots lt may bo nocesury to repeat ibis process sovpral time s yeth sold wiam land thukoth it wath grout i oeorgo smiled tolerantly ho could af ford to be generous ode as you got a good picture dldnh you kid wl ams face suddenly went blank nhayl be exclaimed the jokoth on me i wath too blamed ex tinted i for got to tlmap itl llfo is qui t on a farm well some time it juit at pnw nt i would give any thing to havb noiiio of that ninnotonnu i ejuutniih which lii imppojud to bo round nil u farm but ut which i have in vor yet had a milflelnuy i rt ully bellovo whin our llfo h too crowdid with either wink or pie a urn or a combination of bolh we iiiijj a lot whli h would olln r- wl toutttbutu to out jiupplni u and pt ae ii of mind of e ourno dllfe re nt people have different leli eu and while ui jnmn to be alone would be a ixil eun other wimlel bei petrified at uni vi ry lih a apropo eif thing vhleli hitppen to up- rut our equilibrium hut night im inn und i had i tiled down u a quiet oven- lug ho with it inugaluf i vllh iom i e wing tho uiudriil were in bed and luuiep when iurois the iitlllm i i of the night we heard wild neit e e hlng that awful nervewracking ruo iinel fall of tire lire siren i ran out and saw thei uky uhgry with the rt ft oet ion of a lire uhlch did not mm so very furawuy plro is suoh benumbing terrifying thing at that distance one could only look on and wonder what it wiui whono pluco it waa and whether any pcoplu or anuiiftls w in danger such a tremendous blaze it appeared to bo and yet by about ten o clock all wo could ie it wiu a very faint glow no wo con- cllldid that porhapii after all it weis not ruch a very bod fire ilut wo heard thin morning it was a frame house tho people wore away and only a few pieces of furniture wero saved iho pity of hi apart from tho financial loss think or those things gono beyond rocall which luuit have becoms endeared to uiolr owners by cloo asiwclatlon in family ufo souieuniau wo trcoiuro our qoos- seshtomi too lightly but each ono pf us would roallzw their truo value onco they o taken from us i wonder how lt would be if vta took a mental survey of everything w have and ask ourselves just what value we sot upon them and how lt would affect us to lose them it could not do any practical good but it ewould at least make us more contented with tlio things which via have instead of worrying over tho things wo havent got i know thoro are things hi our house which no amount of insurance could evor cover things which have nrj value beyond that of uontuuent and yet can be found in so many homes bomo have pictures letters perhaps it might bo tlio lftjt pencilled nrrawl from wan ders or again it might be a pair of little wee uiocfl rubbed and worn as baby feet last wore them yesbo many things money can buy a now dining room aulte a pliuu imit money can never replace those things which have their valuo in our heart partner it away thli evening helping ouo of our nclgltborrt with his chores thli time instead of tho blind loading tho blind lt la a case of a cripple helping a cripple because our neighbor who wan so good in helping us when partner unit hurt hla foot is now a cripple himself ho had his foot run over by a wagon when khls horses run away from him this morning and it is terribly bruised and sore partner has by no moans recovered tho use of his pedal extremities but jin thliiku ho can do wonders when he gets on to his crutch and his stick lho doctor said today it would be an other two weeks before ho would bo able to do very much but still he 1a ulready able to do a few more barn chorea than ho could at flrsi so we feel ho is making a little progress even if lt la very slow in the meantime any tlmo i can persuade him to stay in tho house i can ulwayt be sura of getting a little help with my conn big and pickles tim dally papers make qui to interesting reading uiese days what with bread prices milk prices and tho daylight saving problem as far as daylight sav lug 1j concerned people in mcvt parts of tho country do scorn to bo waking up to tho fact that it is an absolute farce i wlo u thatof having foist time restricted to tho holiday months i hope i never have to send tho children to school again on fast tlmo for lt is llttlo short of a nightmare to waken tho cluldren give tliiyti their breakfast and get lunchea ready ami have thorn away in good tbno for their halfhours walk to uchool never if lt can bo avoided do i woken a child from iilotip ait i ulways feel that if jhoy are sufficiently re ted they will wakon of uiolr own aocord canada rcemn to bo trying to adopt so many customs which havo been found to work well in kn gland but yot xlont seem to bo so iiuccewiful here und i think it 1 because wo ouly- go in for half tiiliuurtit in tho old county jfait tlmo wiui taken as a matter of course benulie lt was uniform all over tho country in going from ono town to another there wan no occasion to wonder which time they were on as onoh town was the name from tho tlmo daylight saving wa i in olfoot to the tlmo it wont olf and the sumo with regard to tho early closing act for fihopk copers a weekly halfholiday li not optional but compnlmiry for every shop ull tho ye round and tho fthopkoopor is liable to a heavy tlno if he soils anything nftor ono otjook on early closing day neither are tho assistants allowed to work once tho shop is closed some where on tlio promluh of every place of business there li supposed to hong a large copy of tho factory act no tliat employers and employees alike may bo hilly cogn burnt of tho letter of the law of course tho sanio as everywhere etso people do find a way of evading tnio law and lt is not an uihhoard of thing for a wellknown customer to walk round to the backo small shop and borrow pound of sausages or a packet of tea for which lio will probably pay for thty next day in a casual kind of way to avoid troublo for both himself and the sliopkcoper from whom ho borrowed i however details llko thli can hardly bo said to aftevt th main linue gcnorally speak ing a law onrti in forco is as inflexible an the law of tlio mode s and porslous lin ii nun howls by sarbara i lfrooks tti mi mb r lho a low bliiu lxwli tliat your grandmolhe r uii tl u nil with rn amy ituflo chit ieust eirte c ho had fhiljiud itkliig lt she would glvei erne to you eemipaiiltd by it i lire or crusty liomo- inado lire ud tljirkly i pre ml wltli i tretw- ixi ry jiuit unci ull you to i it quietly on the ider pow h and eat it while n liter mary uen ilnl hlng hi r niiinle on did hie e tvtr to tei o good ic lt dlel thijw i rhup it wiu the wiy that rrakulmolhi r n uio it pet hap i h wai tlier faltering liuliij of jht 1 list waltz tlut mary ul i i ndi ring on tin organ hutlmiuro ilut tin leum for id tkhctablllty wui partly duo tei the little blue bowl of tour o all of uu uro not fqrtimao noiigh te have tin bowls that our gianel- mothcrs had tin y prubahly have in en glvon to uiniu i pint te i aunt who knwi them be hhul looked door i of the china leu 1 1 but the ret aro very good sulutl- tpte i the in xt tlmo yeiu are i hopplnp purt hilrf fer a few re nti it te t of mixing bowb which tim be jiud hi aunait any hade of attire that you deulre lbey are alinoit unbre akablo and handy for uio mixing of cakes rookleit tnd saliuhi you fool that you aro doing iomething dllft r- ont iwim tho uiunfi old thing when you work wltli dlshos of tho color about which i ww li are always i lnglng and nrtlita always raving lho throe smallest bowls may bo used oonveiilently and charmingly for tho serving of broakfast cereals to your family lut somo crbip crunchy corn flukes into a shining blue bowl top lt with bright berries or sliced golden peached and note tho beaming face i uiat greet you when you onter tho breakfast nook if you look carefully you may nee oetldl- locks peeping lh at the window and hear her uy and thoro s um papa boor with his great big bowl there tho mamma betar with her inbetween bowl and theres tho baby bear with hli teeny weeny bowl in tho winter tbno when it is jack proit who li hanging on your window fill tlio bowls wltli steaming liot cereali a pleadng and healthful com- bmatlon may be made by adding oll- brtui t the cooked coroals use ono- fourth os much allbran as you liavo cooked cereal servo this for supper with cream ajid lionsy uuno avonbig before an open flro and watch tlie renoc- tleinn which tho bist glowing embers cast on the blue bowla if it it sunday morning and you want to give tho family a treat mako woffles take tho largest and mnallit bowl from your sot uto tho largo o for mixing and tlie small one for boating egg whiten it takes no time at alt and hcrols tho roclpo allbran waivle3 i mi cup flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablcopoomi uugar 3 eggs bcparatod 1 cup sweet milk i cup incited shortening ioup allbran sift tho dry ingrodlenu beat tlio egg yolks and combine with tho milk add to tho dry ingredients and mix well add molted shortening and tho allbran add tlio stiffly beaten egg whites iqako in a hot waffle iron until tlie mixture ceojes to iteam an interesting variation of tlio above rcoipe la ft nilcd waffle when ready to boko the waffles put just a little batter in the iron and allow to hake for a minute or two without putting uio cover down take a spoonful of your favorite jam and carefully place it in tlie centre of tho bakjpg waffle tour on enough more batter to cover tlio jam and ever so gttitly nut the caver down and leubako until there is nb more steam rising from the iron sprinkle with powdered agar and servo in tho following breakfast aionre dow melon with lime rrbp bacon ullbran waffles flllod with black berry jam coffee this great healing oil must banish eczema and skin troubles or your moiiey back make up your mind today that you uro going to glvo your sulu a real cjianco to got well nevoitmuid what caused lb youve probably been llko a lot of other ttlier pt opln convinced that tho only thing to use was an ointment or salvci somo of therm nrej very good but in tho big majority of coses thoso sticky solves ninthly clog uio mires and tho condition primarily romulns tlio same oo to li j llaiihurd or any good drug store totluy and got on original bottle of moonos kino raid oil full strength 1 ho very first application will give you rejlof and a fow short treatments will j thoroughly convince- you that by sticking faithfully to u for a short while your skin troubles will bo u thing or tho pant ouo bottle wo know will show you be yond all qiinstlon that yoll have ut hut discovered one suro way to nature your skin to porfocl health lloniombor that moemes kmorald oil a olran powerful penetrating on nopto oil that does not stain 4r leave ttiis flavour will please you more tlian any other salada tea fresb from tlie gardens no friend like an old friend for thirtyfive years millions have shown preference for shredded wheat over all other ceretrl foods and its so easy to understand why its the whole wheat in its most digest ible form the crisp crunchy shrcdsi encourage thorough chewing and the more you chew t the better you like it so easy to serve a juick break fast because it is readycooked deli cious for any meal shredded heat withail the bran of the whole wheat tuc camjuluun iircddcd wheat co mi amy ltd be certain of safety build with gyproc fire can hurl your home to destruction unless a fireresistant ma terial such as the new ivory coloured gyproc wallboard is used in its constructiont inexpensive perma nent easy to apply gyp roc wallboard does not buru it is ejeactly what you want for fircsafc walls ceilings and par- tiiioiis when you build remodel or repair ask your dealer today for full information on gyproc wallboard or send for interesting free book building and re modelling with gyproc gypsum lime and ala1ias1inf canada s limithd iarls ontario ire p roof i greiuv rcfildua und that it intut vivo romplntn ftattufacumi or your money olujcrrutly refunded for rtaki by j k mackenzie the georgetown lumber co limited acton ont acton ont

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