Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1930, p. 3

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wkdnksoav dboemdkk u 1bs0 th actxn jfree press paob thrms qjb 3frpp fhrrbb 8hnrfr tnry a christmas telephone alice e allen m oorothy loft her playthings in u heap on the floor bhe pulled her chair to the usluphopo on tho desk she h imbed liuo ll ilrr curly head reached tho moitlmrcc bhe unhookod tho receiver and put it to her ear just on father did number said a voice so quickly that iorothy jumped twotwonlnoslx she said clearly that wan what futhur raid in a mliiut close to dorothys ear it aoemud another voice spoke ifellol it wild pleasantly la this honta chiuh asked dorothy oji much uko her father an poulblo yea said tho voice- sweetly wnit u it dorothy hesitated ymi dont hound just like banta claim she nald well x tun the voice lnughnd hut who in that mini little girl im dorothy grant dorothy grant tho voice sennnd surprised dorothy hastenod to explain dorothy araiit 334 iark imoco nhn bald dont you know me oh sold the voice or course i do nowl but ive never been you ham 1 you are mr john grants little girl urn you not dorothy yes sold dorothy liut you sec he isnt home ho isnt ever cept bumlnyu and ohrlntmasofi anil thanksgivings and such days thats why x had to ask you there isnt any one in tho house cept rhoda and sofia sofias no old sites deaf you arent deaf yutttru you bantu olaus not yet laughed tho volco i can hear you quite well go on bolts takes caro of tho houso and fattier and rhoda taken care of me rut they dont understand about evelyn and tomorrow when father bo hero it will be too late oauio tomorrows christmas and you must give chrlitmat gifts on christmas mustnt you yos said tho voice what is it you want dorothy its about evelyn i didnt hoar it myself till rhoda told mo today when she dressed mo that k i didnt hoar all of it you dont know evelyn do you why no x think not i was just about turn you didnt cause you hoc youve never glvon her a single thing she says and shes older rj mo a little tlhos always been lamo but whos never been sick till now think of being flick at christmas time and tho doctor says sho must have fruit and nlco thlngh to eat and nhn cant you see because ithoda says it took every cent thoro was saved to pay up tho doctor when doa evelyn live its 3j monroe street ive boan thore with ttluulu and its up ovor and over so many nuirs i dont know how youll over got there an you so very stout not so very i climb stairs yet quite easily i know youd help mo if you only knew about itl cried dorothy what- doei evelyn deed moit besides the nlco things to cat ho nuodn moit everything maid dorothy 1 bought hor u teddy boar with my own monoy she just had to have him but a dolly is qulto neceeisary too dont you think so very and nomo picture books oh i and a chair that wont hurt her back a soft comfy ono a pretty gown atid some sltppont and flowors most anything you have left over cried dorothy in grout excitement evelyn would like anything cause sho hasnt anything to begin with i see said the volco gently well ti6iri6v6tycliirl ashf ortcvoiyri nowt isnt there something youd uko or your self dorothy dorotliy hesitated there is ono thing she said slowly ive never evon told father hut i do want nt dreadfully what is ltencauraged the volco i wonta mother ull my very own nald dorothy barbara has ono and connie and maudo has one and two braudmothers besides why even evelyn has a mother a sick one mlntrdlod you know when x camo and x would uko another ono yes tho volco id uko a pretty llttln ono with dimples like connies motlior she isnt hardly cvor real cross oven when gonnlo tear hor gown and jihli kisses connie real often and putt hor to bed every elnglo night und tolls her stories but most any kind would do ir father liked hor bhod have to stay here you know a mischievous little laugh sounded in dorothys car but in a mlnuto tho voice said h that all dorothy yes thank you bald dorothy as father had taught hor you door quaint llttln thlngl cried tlie voice may i come to see you real eoon why of course banta olaus tfald dorothy but wasnt banta glaus funny to ask that father asked dorothy father hod surprised hoi by coming home botore her bedtime and she was telling hlmajl th hannrhfxt of course hog comin doesnt lie always why should he ask if iwj could father churklcd what number did you ask for dolly he kilui twotwonlno six said dorothy the one you always nay tather gave a long low whl tie then he aski 1 was hani is voire deep and grurf dorothy sluvok her hi ltd it wiui low euiel sweet and every little way it had laiiglis in it aim said after dorothy had gone her happy way to ilm i inland mr john grunt went to the telephone twotwonhiosl ho said in a moment tin rr ame to him a volt e low and uweet with laughi in it in ihln mliii ann in claus ho askod yen and this is mr grant ytl you had a conversation with my hltle daughter thli morning mbui clatm yes bless the child how did oho know me and my number bho didnt but bin ii tho child sho trli d the only uumbi r ih rt membored and found you live was trying to got bantu oluus ban to claim yej annie claim laughed i mule rutand now sho cried xhut wan why sho asked if x were deaf yet and stout how funny uiul nwoot and di ar of her i well thanks to her and to evelyn ive play d bantus part and had the lovolloit chrliitmns i ovur had no far it wis good of you annie said john grant good annie clam quditloned one would do anything for dorotliy would one anything one could amended annie in inwplelous haste you have bve lyns glfli ready askod mr qrmt all rtady you should wvo and dorothyi dorothys i he one thing nhn wants nil told mo amile in it ready not quite but annie tomorrow is chrltmiui and chrutmai glfli must bo given on christmas a ml chlovoun little laugh rlppltd ovor tho wlro dorothy stipulated that in tho selec tion of her gifts her futhur myst be pleaied nald annie olaua that neednt bother you yo hovo known his proforonco for a yiur and morg havent you youi unhfui ho has changed lila mind no hai nt annlu and never will dont you believe that yecs wtll como over to my chrlitmiuitn o to morrow night you and dorothy evelyn will bo horo well talk thing i over ulinnk you well comn without fall but dorothy and dorothys father will be muiiy dlinppoluud if dorothys gift i mt ruidy perhaps it will bo annie renlly but annie claim hud rung off little jim christmas sve sighed utto 4lm newspaper boy aho stood gazing in a toyshop window tho poor little chvp was blue with cold his clothes were in rugs oh ocol dont i wish i worn sumo kid that was going to got that bicycle jumpuig aravy id takcll hkln on anybody h nose for that oh boy i just then a big car stopped at the i vi rb mid a lady slipped out bhe looks like mrs tlanta clnui thought little jim with all them riys aik look at the glats he w wearing on her hand i he lady wt nt into the store and afti r lnipectllig thi- toys in tho window nhn dm lded on jims bli yrln ioor jim bit his ii pi to keep bank the tears tu rm d awuy and nturted ficroti the road and sti ppi d in front of the big cur just us it started l hey took the limp body to the hos pital the lady looked kindly nt llttln jlni for he n minded hi r of her own ihtle boy nt hrmii- who wui banning up his nto king for flniita olium klsstnef the dirty fan nlu gavif the doctor ordoru to spare no ixpuuo but jim did not rully iu he should all night long ho lulkid about tho tidy who bought the bicycle wlilli- the nurse south d bin lull ing htttti with hi r looi hand i hi re s romethlng on the rhlldn mind mild the due tor joinetliing about a bltyi le i bllleve i know said tho lady x junl bought one and was leaving tho itore win n wu rati the child down x wonder if tlanta olaus were to idavo hlm the bicycle and toys like other rhll- dnn tonight if it would help to make him well it might siild tho doctor but lu lu no run down und ntarvid i doubt if he will be able to get around in a month towards morning utile jim gabuul comic loilsnei i and us he opmrd bin eyuii and looktd around in amiunirnt he saw the beautiful rid bicycle why there is a train and a new suit hiums and stockings and everything i rubbing his cyci ho looked t the mi rue i aint hi heaven am i oh no flnntiy youre right horo on oiirlh laughed the nurse good morning son bant l cliiui wau pretty good to you wasnt he mild tat dor tor ihev aint all mine are thry said tile little fellow weakly youre irtiro there aint no mlutaku no inny they are all youni bantu clinui dot mt make ml taken wh it ti your name bonny iiiked the doctor jimmy curren whlro b your home jim i aln t got ono ifnve you no father or mother ankid the lady no i aint thoyru dead and i noil papers and sleep nt tho army hall i aint never had any ono and santa claim novrj- gave inn nothing hi fore tho lady kissed him how would you uko to hava mo for a mother little jim you opening his eyes wide gonhl now 1 know who you aro youre mm santa claus dorothy hardy cook haying boni know young people are often urged not to he tuiluimed to say i dont know the advice ja iiquinl yit there la nn- othir iilde to thli matter some of you are too willing to say i dont know ant to keep on uaylng it you aro not aihained of bolng ignorant nor of re maining ignorant a young fellow wan taking dinner with for tlliciifuilon nt arly every one at tin table had a positive opinion about it und the womin who sat next the young man luked him hdw h felt more doubtlcui from a kindly wish to draw him into tho conversation than becaujuj sho win particularly interested in hit idea his mujuuor was oviutlvo however and lilt hor nouo the wiser a friend who dropped into tho youths foom at tho boarding houso the following even ing found hlm rending the book in ques tion he hud been ashamed to say x dont know and hud de term nod that ha would novor again have to say it at ififtht where that particular book wai concerned tho worlds wiaeit havo to say i dont know in a sense it is nothing or which to bo luihamod you young people who accept ignorance complacent ly and luako no effort to turn dont know into do know however aro in the wrong when an unwllllngnojis to con fi nii ignorance drives you to change ignorance to knowledge it is lucky for you that you are ashamed to say ji dont know i kwokming him aft kit maiuliacik the following litter to the elltor and tho aniiwer appeared in ono of tho lo id- ing family papers recently it li worthy of reproducing find carerul ponmal ca- pccully by the joung folki dear udltoi i have been going with i young man for aomu thuo iuul cure foi him very deeply not long ago however a veiy iinfortunato happening occurred which greatly alfected hi attitude to ward tho church und church members because ho found ono ponoh whom ho hud tiimtid unworthy he hiii taken the attitude that ull church numbers are hypolrius and rofuim to have anything further to do with tho church we h id made plans to be married this year but i hardly know whut to do slnco thh matter has como up x try to bo us good a chrlitlan a possible and religion has a very df op true meaning to mo much us i lovu j x ta not brllnvc either of uu eould bo happy together under tho ex ljitlng clrcumutanct s it has caused rather itralmd relations to exist between us now and i cannot help feel ing it would bo much wor if we wero married what shall x do shall i milk to-ba-iulofrjuid- my mind tolls mo it bent or shall x go iihmd with our plans to bo married hoping to win j over to my point of view us my hi art dictate i want to much to do what in right and bout for both of us m b ihoio is an old miylnir that a girl who marrlci a man with the idea of changing or reforming him in doomed to disap pointment i ho eujes htvlwhlch hrlh proven untrue are tho exception and not tho rule would it not ho wiser to ghzo tho young mi tin a chance to recover his balance before risking tho happtucsh of both ho has received a shock but if ho is made of tho right stuff lie will come to his nouses boforo long and roalixo that wo cannot judge a wholo group of poopla by tho fallings of one or two judas bo- trayed christ but all the disciples wero not condemned because of tho unworthy act of ono ihrough the dbiolplon chris tianity has developed into tho most powerful forco in tho world slnco if j lii so childish us to lot uu unfortunate occurroncn spoil out of tho greatest experiences in hlii life you aro fortunate in find lug this out before it is too late millers worm iowdora will not only expo worms from tho system but will induce healthful conditions of tho system under which worms can no longer thrive worms keep a child in a continual state of restlessness and pain and there can be no comfort for the little ono until tho cause of suffering bo removed which can be easily done by the use of these powders which are vrry hffoctlvo the oil of the lurmer- a bolllo of dr thomas eclcctrlo oil in tho farm houso will save many a journeyjor the doctor it is not only good for the children when taken with colds and crohp and for mature who suffer from pains und aches but there aro directions for its uso on sick cattle there should always bo a bottle of it in the house do youd friends last some young people havo a now set of friends every she months they visit them in january and hi or constantly 0 john and illy alfred and mario and if they come around in juno they moke pie acquaintance of walter and may harry and elizabeth 7ho ethers havo vanished as completely as if they hud never existed the proplo who change their trli nds with the heahonu are pretty sure to ooinn to the end of jjfe friendless ptrc as wo grow older frliidshlps are not w ranlly formed ihe- strong friendships of the gri at majority of people am rool- id bark in tin ir youth bcliool rrli iidft colli go friend- old m lghbors somehow hll a plaro no one elto ever bill it 1 1 or the utmost importiun e that our frit ink i hnuld lust home young people wear out thi it frldids by t ontlnually uppiallng to them for anil tancl not long ago a ymmg plan owm d that he had lnut u good friind by asking hlm for friqumt loiuui and ho wili vory indignant about it too tred hiii a line hilary he said and i knew lie coulel lot inn have ten or twuity dollars now and tin n without nvitr feeling it i didnt always pay him biu k right away but he knew he would not bum miy money by mo but nftrr h whlln hr tmgim to fllld ikouiios wlu n i iiukod him for a louu and at iiuil his mount r change 1 uiward die iuiii- pletely x havi n t any use for any one who lint reiuiy to help a follow when lie an luid so i just called the whole thing oir that exp rh nee c ould bo dupllrfttetl hi innumerable liutunces one wlio feels that he is being made ue of li likely to ruont tho fiyt with a thnrniiglmcjli that muki s an 1 nd of friendship do not lmiwei i your frli nd by tuiklug hlm to help you out hi thlngi when you could on well help youn if wllllinu yale snydlr loo bdv klllimikovimknt a prolnlm nt employer has raid that ho doe i not wi ih any young mm to work for him who is too busy to im prove hlmulf some young people who have flulilwd school and taken their plan u in the ranks of wugeeiarni rs ueid u keep this statement in mind to be too himy to improve onun self rende rs one m unsatljifuctory worker l lftmprovomcnt li not m e e jirlly u thing that takes a nut deal of time it i hould however bo systematic ono of the important thlnu i about it is hold ing the lilua of progress steadily iwfore ones oyci vlfteen minutes a day given to improving rending is worth morn than un hour mid threequarters spent on the nunc reading somo leisure evening in tho week the time h tho untie but when tho thing is kmo overy day tho i nttro day li toned up thereby there is leiu danger of slack work and silly iimuu mints if tho thought of making the most of ones self is emphasised overy twentyfour hourii it should be remembered too that thoro is no lack of harmony between improving ones ioirand having a good time hearing una music contrlbutci to tuch improvunt nt but this may becomo if it 1 not now one of the kieiunt of lifes joys good reading cornea to bo t vastly greater ph asure than tho read ing of trash can nojlbly be do not become frightened by the name classic for it is a trm that includes any number of delightful thlngo no ono ui too busy for self-lmprovo- ment gordon a olcanon thl dictionary thais uhiii tluro aro plonty of dictionaries that leem to lie regarded rather in tho light of ornnments the owners keep on mis pronouncing words mlinpolllng wordi u lug tho wroffg word when all the ttmo theio li a dictionary at tlulr elbow act tho dictionary habit if you aro not exactly certain whether tho o or 1 comes first in the word do not write tho two jutt allko and put the dot some where between look it up and bu sure if you hear a word pronounced in tin unfamiliar way do not conclude immedi ately hut it lswrongao to tho dic tionary and bo sure do not stick to me iinlnglcsii und tiresome slang with holp at your elbow tho dictionary that li uied goes far toward making the dlffrr- enro between a cultured person and on uncultured one sale of reconditioned used cars evary ilnr lifted hero h a heal jlnrgnin 1028 whlppot 1vur sedan just uko new thin car has very small mileage and has boen pri vately owned 1037 star six coupe a bargam 1030 whlppot four coach 1030 whlppot six coach 1030 pord coupo only run five hundred miles 1030 ford ooocli small mileage 1021 essex sedan 1038 essex coach 1030 essex oottah 9 iso 000 real bargain pords chevrolou fzboo up j h mcnally norfolk street guelph a co0perative movement new lleiaelers a wider held a great er local newspapor all these mean little lo actoiiotliftr than the realixalion of a personal ambition if there isnt coopera tion to make the community a greater centre we believe there is that unity of effort let us continue to work co-opera- tively toward that endeavor enthusias tic of our community and enthusiasts of our individual share in this work of help ing the community first with an unshaken faith as acton grows and prospers in like measure will those who serve wll the requirements grow and prosper have you a message mr advertiser have you a message to give each week to these host of readers is there any reason why these readers should be your customers are you en thusiastic about the service your business place is able to render these customers have you a message that these readers will appreciate hearing about wehave the means tiie free press actons home and community newspaper is the best means of getting that message to the read ers you want to interest we lay no claim to-being- the best or greatest but we will ingly invite comparisons the improve ments and growth have been steady ac complishments with the one thought of service to the community in mind we have the facilities may we serve you reader interest quality in workmanship a willingness to serve make your comparisons as you willwell be content with your decision the acton free press constantly striving to maintain leader- ship for acton with a representative newspaper

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