Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1931, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday january 23 10s1 rilk houk of uip artun jfrrr xb u onlrlo quebec dmafcm c w m a in tlifl vrt iiuiiiuk uill slice aclwjnuru 1- ttuuirlpllmt id alllikil ffi in 111 ualtl stla the il to whirl glmifpjln twul ia indicated on the add label uates1 i ami 1 mil ii tlv ad vef tin in if 1 a oills editor and frrun iklephonkk- editorial and llualneea office uldence buildiiuzand construction in our covntry building and construction contracts awarded in canada in 1030 amounted to 50oidqoo the 1030 total was 20i ppr cent less than in 1020 when tho total vqluc of contracts was 570651800 it is pointed out that 1020 was the most active year for building that canada has over known and was 221 per cent higher than the total in 1028 the second highest year for tho value of building ever recorded- the 1030 total is only 34 per cent below that for 1028 of tho amount spent for building and con struction last year engineering works accounted for 300 per cent business establishments 331 per cent residential 204 per cent nnd industrial plants 00 per cent canada is certainly not stagnating in the matter of her building und construction programme cmuulah incrawed cold production gold production from the mines in the province of ontario for the first nine mouths of 1030 had a total value of 26213324 an increase of 1480020 over the production in the corresponding period in 1020 during the nine months under review ore milled aggregated 2828871 tons compared with 3012720 tons for the threequarters of 1020 the latter figures indicate that average ore values for the current year are running somewlmt higher than those of last year cnnndu is the third largest producer of gold in theworhj south africa holds list place nnd the united states second tho prospects are that it may not he long before canada overtakes the united states in production of the precious metal most of the gold produced in canada comes from the mines in northern ontario a section of the province also rich in several other kinds of minerals no time for allow those who upheld the bennett regime with all its promises of a cureall for tho sins loid at the door of the lute kinpj administration are now apparently beginning to worry about tho meeting of these promises we get this alibi from the brampton con servator when the king government went out of office last august it was apparent that canada was headed straight for a deficit in national finances for the current yenr that would approximate 00000000 this meant a reversal of over 100000000 from the 45000000 surplus fcf 102030 no new government nor any power on earth could stem the joint tide of world depression and old government inefficiency in eight mouths there were definite income reduc tions to be expected from the shutting off of liquor exports from tariff changes from income taxes for 103b in fact almost every source of federal revenue was badly hit and depressed foreign trade accomplish ed the rest now at a time when a surplus of funds is most sorely needed for relief and emergency work funds are lowest and this journal goes on to wonder how the situation will be met it was considerable of a puwle at the time it was put forth but we thought mr bennett and his colleagues gave nsurunce that the thing could be done as we said recently its the fulfilment of the promises that is most desired not alibis chronicles of ginger farm wrluea 8petul7 tmr th wrwm by awknuoufta p clakiuc bust control one or tho moot useful publication which has been published by the pd- oraj department of agriculture recently in tho fifth iln tho wrlcs of htudlea in plant dueiueii belntf rorrled out under tho direction of tho dominion uotaiiu thin study deal with control method for duemen of cereal forafrn and fibre rrojui it contains tho latent findings of uut oomlnmn research tatjhtorlea of plant pathology at wtnnip saxkx toon and edmonton the subjects dealt with include hot only general rules use ful in thu control and cradjea ion of cereal duuoaca but pc recommenda tions for urn treatment of a wide variety of apecmu- crcal diseases the crop dtiiul with lncltido wheat outs barley rye com millet ha minflrcwprav alfalfa wiil rlovur and common clover litis circular no 133 mew sferl is available without charm on rppttcattarr to the iuijllcatlons branch of the department at ottawa kkkiqrick argument ijttn me four yearn old wlien told that a noua from the cellar was a bur- tflur replied oh but i dont believe in biimuir ita eiuty to sneer many people waste a large amount of reverence on the professional sneerer when they hear some one sneering at the countrys great men sneering at the human race sneering at the ideals men have held sacred they get the idea that a man who has such a poor opinion of everybody and everything must him self be a sort of superman thnt is a big mistake little men can anccr quite as effectively as great men and are much more likely to do so do not waste any reverence on the professional sneerer in stead of being 11 superman he is generally n poor specimen instead of being profound he is super ficial instead of being dourngeaus he is n mercen ary seeker for the shekels for he has capitalized impudence and found it profitable when death says to him thats enough and the pen drops from his hand the great things at which be sneered will be found unchanged unharmed the only injury he caused it will appear was to the souls of those silly enough to listen to him the recent trouble that milton has been experienc ing over its last municipal election should prove nsa warning to other municipalities which might easily be caught in the same predicament the election regulations are matters not to be trifled with if the municipalities would save themselves a certain ex pense and trouble in any election where the contest is keen uud an issue is at stake a small technicality may be discovered and change the whole election and bring on the issue again in most clectibns these items would not be hurd to secure too often the regulations provided are not strictly observed very often the candidate ore not thoroughly nware of th6 stipulations set forth for their compliance in tho excitement of the contest rules that seem mere formalities are forgotten and not observed by people who know full well that they arc part of the election code milton is no different from many other mini icipalities in this respect we would judge they aro in the midst of a rather unpleasant experience and we believe that if every municipality would take a lesson from this experience and endeavor to ncquainl themselves with tho requirements of the law and see that thoy are observed they could avoid an occur- rence of such an annoyance the election laws have undergone many changes in tho past few years a cortslltltuyorthesctsssary to keeptfuliy informed an effort also to make the changes fewer on tho par t of the provincial government wo keah m toward eliminating a iot of tho confusion i ttdltottlal notes so far we have refrained from a hockey editorial but judging from the developments of the past week the subject matter is still capable of being written about the fears of those who thought wc might not have a real canadian winter are beginning to be allayed now since the first real snow storms of the season this is thrift week and the truest thrift is judicious spending or investment study your needs and practise the truest economy this week and every other week whoever it was that said that the winter months were dull must have made the expression before the evenings were taken up with curling hockey and entertainments the warden ot hnttnn county will he chosen at the meeting of the county council next tuesday reeve masons claim to the honor seems to be now generally conceded as the time draws nearer mr m a james senior editor of the bowman- ville statesman celebrated his eightythird birthday last week tim fkiir piirss joins with scores of others in extending congratulations to this veteran editor election laws judging from the aftermath of election seem to be rother loosely observod tho recount in toronto is bringing about some startling disclosures and milton will have trrhnvc a complete new election in orillia the press reporters were debarred from part of the proceedings of the council meeting this is a condition that is not conducive to the best interests of the community as u whole and shows a decided weakness on the part of the ruling body the cobourg sentinelstar last week mnrked the completion of one hundred years since that paper was first founded it is planned this year to issue a special centennial number the cobourg sentinel star is in the front rank of weekly newspapers today ontario brought into operution last year 130000 horsepower to lead all canada in electric extension the province of quebec came next with 122700 horsepower followed by british columbia with 71000 horsepower saskatchewan with 42000 horse power new brunswick with 21000 horsepower itnd nova scotia with 5100 horsepower the family socks arc darned so i can sit down with an easy conscience that in a far aa aocku are concerned but it would not do to bond my thouutiu a- travel in along the toad of other undoiin tanks methlnka my conrlisice would bo far from easy even if it went no further than unanswered- letters uut no x abnohitely reiuiio to think erf un- lleanant things that u until i havo to what a mercy it la our thought aro within our control this week one of our many blrsstnga lma been forcibly brought to my atten tion but i didnt notice it until it wasnt tliere whlrh being explained mealia that our hard water pipe unrung a leak and no wo had perforo to carry water in from oulldo for all our require men u in tho hoiute there are plinty of farm tmmplt wk havoto do this x know we had to do it ounielvei out in tho wit but when wo took over thin farm th wuter wok already piped mi thlii lii the ilrnt time wu have had thin job to do and dont llko 11 one little bit qf roiirnn the water pall him u way of being empty each time partner eoiiicji along or if it lnt empty when he come hi it li wore ho goes out m x cant pntu tut one of those long mlfierlng wtunen who upend lialf their waking bourn uji a wuter carrier of ono thing x urn certain xf we were m this fix and had a car x hhould be wanting to sell tl cur 10 an to alford tho expeiim of having water piped to the hoiiie 1 know of ono place miles from here where there are two car and a trnctnr but water h itill curried hi from ouuldi uncj im an might be expected the woman doen ittofit of tho carrying thi plumber la coming on uatnrduy morning to put in 11 new length of pipe suturduy morn ing jirt think of it but we huvo waited for mirly u week m x daro not nay it wait inconvenient to add to our dltreji our ntipply of foft water hull ulno given out ami i havo had to melt imow for my washing melted iinow make the lovellect ioftet wuter and x uould love to me it all the time if it would only rome up through thu pump in between melting mww and rarrylng water x havo been huilly employed cun ning meat partner bought u quarter of beef it uiui a big animal mid the piece we had weighed ono hundred uml fortylive poundii about huu of it we freeze and use an vo uiint it thn other half it lny intention to cnu for iumnnr uie i have already put down ten umlera and ahull prohibly have about tuenty more my method tt to cut the meat into mtiiilt chunk put it in the tealeni raw with u tcnnpoonful of wilt and no water the jan are then placed in the boiler with cold uuttr enough to cover brought to the boll and boiled from three to five hours according to the mze of the ncaleru they are then put away in thu cellar and forgotten until tho buy iummor duyi when unexpected visitors arrive and we ray how glud we are they called the panic iitrlcken thought ovm strikri up what ihill wo have for illnner7 then it 1 we remember our canned meat and wo are quite happy knowing that jebicd beef with frch crbp lettuce to thu niceit thing onu could wuli for on a hot uunimttif day thero were four meetings x wanted to go to tlill week but x war only able to attend one and that wan our annual auxiliary it in always a wonder to mu why io many women find annual meet- ingii in connection with any yiclnty dull and tcdlmui surely the election of offlrern nhoulri bo a mutter of great interest to every member and lmtend of being the imuctt an it too often li the annual meeting iihould be tho lnrgeiit held during tho year every time a noclcty dlea out there ahould b an in- pient held probably nine tlmoit out of ten tho verdict would be death through lack of interest it might bo quite illuminating if each member of any koclety would unnwer truthfully why do you lielonyj to thli iwclety bhnll we think about thnt why li iy keltv m to vr-urmlax- interet for the coming year and what of the- work thnt in being done are we reaily to glvo thlugit a boost ot what good appointing officers umcui we iitoy behind them tho captain cant run hlil nhlp without the crew sometime what we know ought to lie done li not alwuyti what we like to do and the primary piirpomt of any nnciety li not to give tti membcra u good tlmol if we do have a kmk1 time that li incidental and more likoly to happen if we keep awake and taku a keen intcrctt- in whatever work li in progruui kipling uoyu the gnmo la more than the player of tile game jvnd the nhlp huiiloro than tho crew i what u world of truth in two tihort linen nnd how applicable ixitli to public life and in tho home about 80000000 wils spent in canada i 1030 on hydroelectric power development and installations and it is expected that fully um006000 will lie spent for a similar purpose during the next three years it is gratifying that our own coun of halton is s ing in this extension of electric power and especially in the rural districts the hydro plant here is ijupdlyjuxnowdowcriiiicstqiurmeralprcjuiaeanonth west east and south milleri worm powders will drive wornm from the fiyntem wit limit injury to the child thn powdcrti are io eauy to tako that the mojl delicate ntomnch can an- nlmllate them and welcome them ai qveedy enson of pall bttoiuiie they promptly remove tho wornii that raime the pain and thuii the i littering of the ehlld in relieved with m fitorllllg u remedy at hand no child ihimltl milter an hothi from wormn thu noistkukk iifk x4itlu timiehor hi x glru boarding school hutte what penton ti thti verb utinln hopefully maxciillm pcrnont timchertrieplrringvrhf v nmumihno inirkon in my llful steady progress through the ups and downs of 114 years xll through the many changes and fluctuations in the economic situation during the list century and more the bank of montreal has maintained an unbroken record of successful operation and sound progress in serving its customers and canada as a whole in this fact lits assurance of a continuance of that success and progress in the future r bank of montreal established 1817 total assets in excess ov lko0uouu00 j acton branch l b siiorey mnnnccr iolls iweekehd wisebuys will iinipaiing liaml u lop proftu from everyday food requkmnw not lon n king advrtittd you wilt find carrol ii ptic conaulcntly lowr vry articu in our moc ticketed tor lw and all our good arc uarantcd must quality cabrotls special fvih keuuuendered pue 15 lard 45 special eamk ilrmnd good qiiajity tomatoes i 251 smcialayltncr tlwmf tocnajo catsup 2 aa 27 special ayloocr rnuuj cli il i a ii 2 135 wiliu colli iiilne vnfer jellies ho d lu 5 plsi 25c pudding 8 pto 23c tat quale tolled ont quuk tu- rruur siyl iiit cocktail z no 1 un 10e minced chicken iwvi bind iln 17c carroll ov tntbianl wrappl lli llroatl 11 3iox tk cocoa rownli old eollh 1lt ii 23c coffee cncw a blnd lb 45c soui omiuij cbollo 3 cll 1j spllpi wml naphtha soap 4 ban 1 5c clcnicgiilfitlnllsc floor wax ftft 31c butter zx cheese ii eggs 34c 28c 30c sikcui ui co nwi kj 31c cottage rolls 27c ham bologna 23c no tall till salmon siiawriajhaj crom dfamj ttj salttmm anull tin sefial cmolli oujiingl syu jtineeiiieaa 2 special liblry muwemml outd ijc stoj curfca udycnoll spaghetti carroll rulk sa special mccormlck ckofoiato malt biscuits 25 13c 23 s ouni 30c ljrk in 1 o ii- lit onnd 23 chrluuachixobu mallmn lb i 29c special dlv v sodvaf4rs2 2 special mccormlcv jaraaty crm soda 4l pia tt7t 8e mill street aeto ontari

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