thtmeday jxjns 25 1031 the acton free press paoa savbh tearing others down ho matter what your uf work is or what ydu have to do be careful that qu jtell the- truth and let your llo ring true lot u your dd bo kind onea on othera do not frown you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down if aaked to peok of other men reply with gentle grace remember that this world la largo and all may find a place for truthfuinew and kind worda resolve to gain renown you cannot build youmclf up by tearing others down when others do not treat you well and strive your name to blgit b no coat down remember this truth always aecka the ilffht resent ye not their evil deed nor meet them with a rrown you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down do unto others as you would havethem do unto you forget ye not that others claim nomo tights as well ait you let perfect truth and honesty your every effort crown you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down by entertaining evil thoughts no good la ever gained ohe unjust word with vllo intent a thousand hearts have pained- put then a brldlo on your tongue for u u ever known you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down jn all your act loan bo sincere of othors speak no 111 ir you have nothing good to say tis better to keop still heed not the ovilspeakrrii tongue nor gosalp or a town you cannot build yourself up by tearing others down twknty yhars aflo pmcn the umatt of the frw lpr at thurwday jtin so 1011 pall wheat is beginning to yellow llatydng has commenced the crop la short in this section the new corner entranco to the mer chants bank is now in use the dry weather has affected the fcmall fruits and some of the crops dr e d ault has disposed of his double house on frederick street to mr sunderland taylor big bremens demonstration on bat urday dominion day at the request of the piro brigade the ladles aid of the methodist church will serve meals in tlio church school room on dominion day some forty member or acton l o l paraded to the baptist church on bun- day evening rev dr and mrs an u iff hold faro- well to a large number or members and friends or the church on monday morn ing they left by tho 1116 oi m train en route for montreal wliero they will the sunday school lesson for sunday june b itkview tho second quarters lessons second half of the olmonth course deal with jcsun tho worlds fjaviour as recorded lp tho oospcl or luke oolden text ood so loved the world that ho gave hla only begotten bon that whosoever belleveth on him ahuiud not prrlah but have eternal life jno 3 16 lewum 1 jetftis tear he humility cen tral thought simplicity and jcir-crtaco- nent are among the hlglwwt of human utiles the alternative banter lesson deals or course with the llcsurtcctlon ieaon if tlio parable or tho prod- lkb1 bon central uiought tlio love of the father lesson sil wives and ijuarua w all mankind there is a day of reckon ing and readjutmeritomollmr here always hereafter fvshon iv lord teach us to pray afc at oil other limes uie model hero u tlio master lcaon v jesuft in tho house of zao- chaeus ohrut hi tholiomc neom pardon and peace lesson vi tin parable of tho pom tho principle and practice of rightful ntewordshlp are hero nmpliosiaed ljutson vil jean as king the story or tho trlumpluu ten try into jerusalem lesson vih jesus prepares lor the supreme luur of his earlihly mlnnon and institutes the kurds bupier lesson ix tlio agony hi uio garden jesus bows to the fathers will lesson x jesus crucified mails debt with uie crowning sacrifice lesson xl jesus rlsea from the dead and liavlng completed iii atoning work ascends to ills father lesson xii btresaes the thought that the walk and conversation of a follower of tlio lord is to bo such aa to aid and not impede others barbers itch and ringworm are lkved by ulo umj of ivnujlas egyptian liniment quick certain rwiults re lieve uio most obstinate case reside rev cliarles d draper and mrr draper and family are expected to ar rive from ueamsvlllo this evening mrs d mokeown has had uio build ing at tho corner of willow and amu streets torn down and hiw lot win con tract to contractor cameron for thu erection of a double house on the rltc tho tepworth league service this week wan of a patriotic character mr d henderson m p addreuied uio meet ing speuklng or tlin magnitude or our fair land it geography wealthy popu lation etc john loliuunan bricklayer hntl a nar row escape from serious if not fatal injury in guelph hut week lie fell backwards otit of an upstairs window a distance of about twenty foot when examined no boned wore found broken and hi doctor cxpocnhe will 10011 be about again mauitli cookbmyth at toronto on bntur- duy june in 1011 by rev canon oody bulney john cook or wlimlncsr to rottercn wlnnlfriml duuuhter of w t smyth of brampton lute of acton newtonivkns at the prehyterlm miuiw doorrcetown on juno hi 1011 by liov r k cameron john nelhon newton jo rinnlo iveni dauifhtor of mr t p7 iveiv both of llmehouie bulireliaualfamat the njildmro of tho brulet ijurenti toronto on june jo by rev dr oriihiun rev v o burri11 b a piuitor lliiptlut church acton to qeorulnu b dauuv ter of mr wlllliim onjiiun toronto prevent chick lokm among the factor whlcli contribute to uio huge toul or chick loss annually most or which are preventable aro eluded chick stolen chicks poisoned trorn eathig aalt rat poison paint from old can drinking kour milk from gal vanbod dlahoa chick drowiwml in puddle or so chilled hi rain tfmt thy d le chick stepped on by attctidaiibi horttoft or other animals chick hung in vlro nettlngi chicks burned through caroleasncft hi operating tho brooder chick drowned in too large drinking veiuuils- pallii liorrcul or other rvf eptoclc areleimly lert flllled with water near the chicken run and chick killed by dogr chu rat ttkunkji roiten raccoona hawk rrows owls weavel etc look over jour plant and equlpinont try to foreue where such lowea might take place ajij aim to prevent them slats diary by boos farquhar friday ant emrnys sister has ro- tn ba f tw trip out- thruwuui wn and she wai at oro 3uuso this evnlng and thwy at tier whut kind of a trip alio had and how did nlio injuy tlio nectiwry and she sel not no good becu the mounttn and uio bur gullys whltch they called ouvy- kui was so big they spoilt the view of neeniry baterday ant emmy is wirrytd about yung george ihu bocuz sht lurd he had ben takelug nuduen for four yenrs and she was wandering if he had finely got well alter oil ivrwmly alio says she u in faver of ruboeu hlfcumul of tu much liiml- hii bunday film olutcli 1 all ways trying to say a wise crack and unlay u called up pa on uio telepltono and bed ooma over for dinner and get a tear full am having new corn for dinner but we dldne go because ma dukscnt like hew corn itumigh alio liken to nt out car full it sronift munday p has had tho teltplunc tuk out of uie house beeux p4oplo uhc it to play joakn on him i41 tilte at three uila morning uwt bell rung and when pa oimwercd the fella at the otlwr end of uie wire d hollo i your luuno crunch and pa sod gracloua no and uie uther fella nor g anit you glad of that tuesday well wo have ifot uio tclefono back in are houie ugeii on acct of ma all moht mut twlng invited to a bridge party yeatcrday after uiey hail tuk tho telefono out of arc hnune dont no if the fono co iiail a hand in uio skeain woxuulay well uley got a new walt- ores at uio resteroiit and i ges sim is l other absent minded and etc bocux to ll ite when wo won in uiero why ma culled her back t tell tier uioy was a fly in her supo and sho went uj lchlnd the counter and brung ma fly swatter thlrsday i have ben thinking very korloua today about getting marryed and i think it will bo a good plan if i marry a girl with plenty or mutiny so i will bit able to glvu her about evry thing ne want arter wo are marryed i am full of ldear itt mtwtt of tlwui are tjulet xlaent loant you know a corrector of pultiiouury troulilfi many testimonials could lie preiienled showing the grtat efficacy of drthomov eclectrui oil hi correcting dlaordcni of the nplrutory prooeinea but the jvat ufctlmontal l experience and the oil li commended to all wlio nuffer from theao dliirderii with tho certainty that they will lnd teller it will allay inflam mation in tho bronchial tnbcji wvv battalions liy with tho arrival of the bright unny dayit of hpriiitf and envly laihiniur unit tho wealth of bloom new growth bring the bee battalions rosumc their luinuul work or storing honey candau an nual lumpy crop range into millions of pounds gathered iii at iiplirlf located throughout thu entire dominion all know that the phjverbal biify ben sets a conimenilublo exiunple and lit t hiike dtoros or honuy iiccumulnti in th hcnlthy tilve a betfer appretutlou of tho mngultmlo of tho task which i uie bee in building up uulr xtorei ii afforded by flguren jutt releued by the beo division of the dominion dejun- wwhito athftfaimu balueed by asthma tho constant trnln of anthma brings tlupauent to a dreadful slate of hopeleri exhaustion early use nhohld by all mean be miule of tho rumouii dr j d kellogga aiiuima itemedy whlrli inore than any other act quickly and purely on the air powuiucii and bring blowjid help and comfort no homo where anthma la preacnt in thi lenit degree nhoiild be without this rrcrt remedy himlik bkjmmklt kalabk when uie day u hot the houtwif trie to prepare dinner with iui uttic exerctio iui poiiilble standing over a hot oven lr by no meaiu the mcwt pkn- ant tak when tin nun wiiiui hotir than tho oven ltjclf the wilii d hui into the nunimer mual exceptlnimlly well furthermore the uuut does not need to be one that tl- nulrci u great deul or elfnrt kveryone know how eitilly u toniuto may he ijlc 4 and combined with lettuce leave mid miiyonnakr to make a mitiut vmlt nciu- nlly ifiuln luelf to milnd u uell a the tomato an oranito cut in thin illc cup watermelon balu and cup cantaloupe ball may be wrveo wlh a french tlrelng on crip leuven of lettir r and everyono will he plenred with th reiult when you have iome rtrawbcrrlei liy thii little recipe three r four oranue iilteel halved one ihfo pineapple quar tered ganilfh with four laric riv nn- hulled iitniwberricn top with a marsh mallow half tfili of cotmio s il 0 imj nerved on a leaf or two of lettuce if you wihh a dre king mix two part orauiio nnd one part lemon juice sweeten it vill alut iieforo nerving tho sat ad bprlnkle thla juice over fruit and lettyc 1i yob kvicu stop to think by tedliam h walto ohawnoe oklolioma t a grehan atlvertlrlng hianngcr or the dublin f reland independimt new iamin ltd uayt that advertising luui nothing in the world to do with trick or illuilon i ntrevi thli point ror tho reason ulit i find a good many people worn to imagine uiajt there li fioinethlng llluidonary weird or uncanny something beyond the ordinary nude standing of plain men oiid wonitn about udvertlnlng i want to impress ikmi you uio fact uint uierc lr 110 such thing advertising there may be that at rtnt jurht 1 burtllng to untkr itand or puzzling to contemplate but ud ertlilng ban nothing to do wlui tricks or illujiloiin borne wrlteni on advertising uuwpbrowod fellows who revel in sounding phraieology that read 10 well but uiiimlly mean rut little have elide on red to clothe their thought on adver- ting in innguhgo generally more lm- prconlve than helpful we find theii men telling in about jiuch thltuti a the pycholory or buying the law ol mental domination the buying angle in hela t ton to miiti mentality and no on i implore you never to worry about thii nchool of thought the plain mini of bulneji has no time for thlt type of mind it 1 simply an effort to nir- round a matter of simple honcit hu ineji with u cloud or unreality a a method of doing birlnct udver- tlilng l one or the oldest nnd nimplet things in the aorld it began when the lumuin rare woke up to the neee utv cf exchmge uud barter and that in 1 mighty long time ago in it easiest uiklcrjtood form advertising iimry means directing nttcnbnu to tho fact that you have something to sell in other word advertising is selling or the attempt or tho elfort to sell and that itdvertliilng which sells most effectively and at the lowest output in relation to uin profit nmluwd per sale h the be t advertising you dont need any better description of advertising than that and need i add that i am thlnkln nil the time of advert lilug 111 the nevw- pipcrs the greatest advertising media man liar yet produced vntkkkktkih in canaba shocking mannkoh 1 tho pobulous forties mr moado mlnnlgnmdo ailmlt fneung dlwwwy jhau iuhrnmuna of thir manuals of lquctui tlwil jnkulaf rnvealitf to him how elementary wus the instruction ap parently needed by young jwrson oven hi the supposedly polite circles of uio day young ladle were solemnly wan- aaainst balancing tiioinstlvisti upon their chairs v their legw ex ton 1- ing their feet upon the andirons wlmlr- ing theniftelvrs with complucency in 1 klaus folding their khawlil inntead or throwing them with graceful negligence upon a table udtlng a pernon by tho button or collar whirling a dialr arou id oiiune leg luld shaking wltli tlulr fici the chair of a nelgldxir tjiideilrtnljiri awkward 11 eiirtrrt all hilt mi mliiiiltirrimtei iinutnliiluntnt really be- uiiih when ho flndi what tho meiitorn rogord on noctsiiary t nay in respect to toliu nuuiner ijullen nhould never llne with thulr ulovaii on unktut uiilr hands are not lit to imj seen aroused in him a pain nil miiplrlou that ltulliti wltli hand not fit to be neon wirro willing limteud of taking palnu to make them itt to cover nil denclenrle with gloveii nor it lu to ihi noted ha uiolr lnstruc- trrui in manners any reprehenlon to imuiuiw on their doing so it uliuy app that wile at taltlo luld that in uio very yearn when female delicacy rruulllty and ruiorcaj aiuumlo churm were mml admired were frequently apt to iitulf their moutli too full or ncklcssjy toko blteii or boinit or grutle which could rot bo maurat4d at any mte the dutv of a gentleunui present on such an un fortunate occasion is made clar if at dinner a lady should raise an unnnumgealo portum to her mouth you uld cense all eoiiversatloii with hei and look steadfastly into the opposlti part of the room ivwmlbly the odvlco carrier a kuggo tlon of finer manners on the part or our grandfather uuui of our urundmothern a balonre i uum resitorwl a volume of etiquette for young men bring a mas culine error in beluivjor to book w up palling rrunkneu the rilling generation of elegant in america are partlcukorly rtmiuestiml to observe that in polltdim society it 1 not quite comme tl faut for gentlemen to blow their noiei with their finger t-s- lieclally- when in uio street u practice infinitely moro common than refined in uio family both a u matter of christian duty and correct deporbnrnt tho hunband wui expecud to exert an uutliorly tempered by bunovolont con sideration and the wire to bo alurnyn docile mild and submissive uome- timen yield your wuihe to her mm fclmery a popular wrlur of the clay per suasively nuggeit to married men do not find it hard to yield somctlmciil think you tt is not difficult for her to give up alwoyr and in the token of friendship or home the centre of the affection by the ilev j n doitforth dublhijed hi boiitnn in 11144 occur the porfoct pic ture of uio motlcl family of tho fortlcn the father given hls kind command tho mother joins opprove and children all attentive stand then each obedient move tills finest orange pekoe tea costs less than others dnthuii from the gardens we keep do expenses with shredded wheat as a vermicide an excellent prepara tion is mother graves worm textermiu- etor it has saved the lives of countlrsi children ive found one way of get ting bbtter broukfusts for less money i servo shredded wheat i dont know any thing else thut gives so much nourishment and costs ho little its so easy to digest that every one likes it too especially when i cover it with fresh fruit shredded wheat is whole wheat nnd with milk it contains every food clement wo need for growth and good health ttic canadian shredded wheat company ltd time tables at acton gobi isaia dally except sunday 6ji jc dully except sunday 1005 sjoo daily 138 pun dally except sunday 818 pia uunday only 00 pjm lolng xvtmi dally except sunday toftjm daily except sunday 0 08am dally except sunday 3 3bpjn dully except sunday 818 pjm- dally except sunday 714 pan dally 1033 pjn sunday only 1018 m thnf a flngtralu tho tlmr given in thbl uble are tor staiidard tims canadian national bxkotwo kailways dally except sunday 716 un dally 038 am dally 11s4u dolly 31s pjn dolly s p m dally j 868 pjn dally 018 pm dolly except saturdnyit bun- days and holiday 1318 am saturday sundays and lloh- day only saturday sunday and holi day only dally except sunday dally daily dally dally 353 pin dally 813 pin dally 8 s3 pm dally except saturday sun day and holiday 1133 pm saturday sundays and holi day only 1033 pm saturday sunday and holi day only 1333 am the time vlvin in thhf table are lat dayluiht bavlnfi time teroalo termlna k4 ktreo n4 hi ouir amtt- weight dilicnd by special eapr frourht freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto shredded 1110pm ilom 0 s3 bjn bbbm 133 pin vith all the ban of the whole wheat help canajidh prosperity hy talm two shredded wheal biscuit a day if you except to sell you must advertise ai mcrtet of htiidh conducted over u period of 0vo year it has bouii found by wciki- ing hives that alt avoraue o 31000 beet per hive wine their busy way in ncirch of sweet lieotar from day to day durlnn the height at the acuaon on hl return to ottawa from the llritlkh ktniptre jyadn vulr aires k nash pfiultrj intipoctor of tho i j dominion dcpiirtnicnt of agriculture static thut while oniadlani ore cscn- tlnlly a iiiw tuantlty in thit imrt t south auiurlca the canadian ktlublt proved tlui hlg attraction of tho ihow interest in canada in been ntlrrrd ni nivor before and the con tracts muu may im oxpur led to bring much of ik-ih- lit to canada ho won mi intircmlnr future in the developemtiit of export i ol poultry brooding htoclc and at time- tn-lhmt-it- f hk for the poultry- industry hi canada eitit grading in ounnda gives dhiihion 1 x portera a real advantage in the reiipcct to jtojwndablo qualjty hi a market whri quality n yet 1 to put it mlidly iiurgidy a multcr of imulltcrcnpc spare the children from miliurlng irii worm by udng millers worm powdcrn a moit elfitttve vermifuge with whlrh ta cimhit the w inaldlourfoe of the yoinij and nclplcji it h an excellent worm dt stroycr and when its fpiulltte become 11 in a1ioiiehold no other will be liwd the medicine nctn by ltielf re- milrlug no purgiitlie to uwut it and 10 thnroiikhlv thuu nothing more in deilrcl 11aili1v ihovt 1ikkt continuing fiedlng tcits an to thrt rela tive vilue of iummer feedii fofjuirk production under prairie condition tiu diuninlou kxperimental station at ufoti mcjmtiir kiiiwattihuwanhim in kgg auiln found tirlej y ulone tuierlor ux a fied for growing plgn to either oitt lilone or a mixture of barley and oitt- ihirloy gave greater ghis cost ct to feed and showed u striking increahc in act return siar he of fued tonight is the fumily reunion it has been a weekly event ever since the young folk scattered to various towns each to make his or her own way in the world it started when dick left to work in a neighbor ing city dick vasfuu of enthusiasm hut apt to he just a little bit wild so dud started the habit of calling him once a week just to keep him under the parental influence then helen was married and moved away and mother must needs make weekly voice visits with her and now betty has taken a position in another town her voice comes home each week too dad and mother gather all the uevsjmdpassit on to the others it keeps the f tmily together and the cost of the three evening calls is less than a dollar livening rj ott attyotut lialiantosldllo cajh a- gl ji 7 pwt local ttmi just glvt 7og milamts the uumhtt you warn li sptetls up tht itvlc4 if you ilomt know tht milan mm htt infortnaliom will look il up for you dally and kaktltound except sundays holidays m0jtf dolly 1000 ojn dally 30opm dally 630 pm dally iooo pjn sundays and holiday only 7m pjn westllound dally 0 oft oji dally 1 os pm dally 4 05 pm dally 703 pm dally except sundays and holldnyn 1005 pm bun day n and holiday only 1305 am act at once now ii the time to clean up your jilow account fiend your tx to kelly aiken hurceurul calleclern for 8 yearn uangkv1ixk tliay of itwtului savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings gueum ontario subscriptions for all magszines taken at the free press office