thubsdav jdly 30 1031 i the acton fkee press paob thru qijjp 3krez lvvbb lazt gtnry the bigger man iiye l umutgn yhg lumber stood in whlto plle1 j on tho whuxf bciild the llttln s lako mid tlw loading of tho bonnie duno would txiflii tho following day captain trovor hod wmiplouly rcrttted tho old khoonit and hiul ar- rajigcd for tho insurance on tho car and thovesne tlw uiimlo liuitn was hid own property many a trip had ho iirndn with hereon tho lake tmforo lie luul denortod ball fin- btoam and anally fon- iwam all navigation for n lito ahor when during tho world war tlm gov ernment hatl nwept tho lako for vitutol tho lionnlo liuim with many tuiottu r had imii drawn from hor renting place to keep tho hlko trado going wow lu had neon uwiliii retired and but for tlm itohoino of young jlalph morton wmild srotally havo muled hor duyii peat fully ut hor old wharf eleanor trovor waa thlfikljig ualph and hu plan oh jiiui walkixl alowly down uw moping pathway to thn wharf ihii waa to moot hbn and htr rath r tluio to dlflciiha the nnal arrjuui nuiiu fori klooiior would ixi returning to tho tech nical school lu olovoluiid on tho morning train llir vacation in thu dour little homo town wtui ending all too noon ait hn auipiwid ilboard tho ikhooner aim lu minted at thn cabin ladder looking down hu could gllmpmi throo paint of fimit ono of whlrli nh rocogntad iui belonging tp hor father lonm ono laughed i why if you am ufruld to make th trip dikvld wn run ouiilly put wmi ono iiliio in your puuc ald 0iptuln trovor toiittly davo novor would toko any rl kn runlndud ualph morton unploaiiuitly again ho laughed and thorn wiui a taunt in tho laughter elounor rm down into thn cuhln sight of hor the two young mm who stood facing not h other lookml very mloepuh david graham a ifucn redden od halph turmd uwny with an iuuioi tlvo hwuylug of hlu nhouldcru hello david nald eleanor oftorln iter hand to him for thui win tho unit time nhu hud soon him during lier vaca tion wluitii all tho urgunuut no argiunont replied david forcing a jimlle i had junt aiiggcjlud to tho captain that tlio llonnlo dunn in water logged and uniciworthy and iu rliky trying to will hi r loaded with lumber to olovelund and i nay the old craftti as good na over ro joined captain trevor indig nantly i need another man on the trip and i ajiked david to come if huii ufruld ill hunt up another im not afraid replied david tjulotly im going along but x do miiallou the wisdom of tho wholo undertaking will bo all right provided wo have fair weather u thing of which wo cant he hiiro in october jie agalnat the undertaking became it wiuint liln miggentlon no hen knocking the bonnie dunu an unteaworthy ex- plalned ualph blgnlilcantly ive alroauy liold the limd in olovoland and therou notliing to do but deliver tho gondii the lako utooiiieru are junt about through the nuinmer chedileii and huron t chance to jnck up imi vuiiy money for wo got thu lumber from tho fumoni lioreabout at rock bottom prlcei we help them at thn noino time wo help oumelvea it i gtuki bunlnetui davo knowi it all right hes wire boraiuifl he never thought of it himself thatll tho icret of t boyal said the captain sternly all right im ju tt tolling him re joined ralph david remained nilciit but htn face was very white and lcanor tciutcd minethlng of tlie tension within yet the could not condemn ralph for hln out- burnt lever iilure she was a iniall girl she had regarded ralph morton an tint bravest boy in hor world it wan hu who had led expodhlonu out on the ire when lake krlo won partly tromi over lie luul been the moiit daring and venture- name in juiull boau vjm wiui aluayn a recklesn awlmmer if any man had a right to berldo another for cowanlice sho felt that ralph was that man gho liked david but that which had just ivappened had not drawn her cloier to him intteadit neemed to have mndo her closer to ralph it was ralphs idea of buying tho lumber from tho former and belling it in cleveland that was giv ing her father this opportunity by again putting the old nchooner to une what right luul david to criticise ourely a seasoned sailor lllto captain trovor could be trusted to know whether or not his own boat wiui iieaworthy kleonor returmyl to hor school the following day and two weeks inter a letter from her father apprtwul her of the nailing dato of tho bonnie duno she conld vuiaii all that would ipalhw or from childhood she had boon familiar with snob procdodlngn i he iloimu dune would follow tho tug until sho was welt outside the pier headh then tho lowllnu would be cast off oopm trevor would put tho whool over tho vosiiol would loon slightly from the wind as her sails fllll and tho gurgle of water would become audible beneath hor bow a mlnty rain was falling when ho went down town on the street ear nho caught gjlmnsett of a gray sheet of vugun- nobs whldi sho know was tho lake liy noon tho ratn had ceased and tho dny had become oppressively warm even for the middle of october bofnrn bed tinin the wind veurvd to tho northeast and foi tlwi first time her nilnd bociunn flued with misgiving tlhn had littlo hope that llor full mil woill defer tllo trip herauso of thhatcillug wiauirr thn lion ti to dunn was orobably out piwni tint hike lhe iuhotl wiui within vlw of tho lako and klcauor found iitudy difficult the nuxt day uilol ww touting ngidnit tl wliulown and ut tlnui she caught gllmptcs ut rushing waves ihut hung tliitjiithlvt at the brv ukwator mp4utlng nuuit high in spray mid foam j ht re wcrn ulioiitly hhapoi of ntolbiirii uiiiwi r- lng with their deep whittle the dronlnij of tho foghorns iui tin y ntriiuuhul toward tinfuty twlro she caught vague out lined of schooners driven like wavo- bmttnii iiiii htrdi before the fury of the gain unahlj to miter the harbor by mi uns of iull ulono they iui i nut hor ouuldo and hobitt d signal for llign m huh worn iyt pnrnt oecuuletl with inoro important shipping hi tho lunch hour nho roimilm d at tho window it had stopped jh etlng uud tho turbulent water was plainly vlslblu for mills fthe could so two w lionnoni ntriilulng at thtlr luichor cabin tlillr di k i a mnothr of rtihini fun ni tihe could iii the hliu k llnui of the break wutern appearing luul ll ap pearing under tumbling nmi i buddenly nho imit forward prumilng hi r fiiee agilnut the pane another patch c udll llcanor klilw the jloimlu dime too well to have any doubu regarding thin latest arrival poor old iloiinle dunel oho had in eu ntonu toiied lndt ed id r nalli lud blown out of their boltmpli and ehe lay low and hi avy on tho watei moving with a stuugeilng motion to the impuli of tlm vave1 that ncaicely lifted her iui they iwcpt hem ath her keel it wu obvloh i that her ieativi had opi ncd ului wits wnterloggi d iii david had nald ijii anor wiui thankful that she hud liorhed harbor before idle hud gone ti pluct i umllr tho feet 01 tho nit u aboard the anxious girl could noo that the ichouner no longer anuerid to her rud der except ifor the nmall patch of nail iitralued above her how to keep her to her iour0 jhe wai helple ji drifting toward tlio two anchored ficliooiilm ihe tried to pilu acrocli tin ir bows but tho ntnuige attraction that druwj nhip i to gether like chlp1 in a iool hud affected thn bonnie dune alio stopped und it became char that her lower rigging had fouled on the jib boom of the nuire it ve liel lor breuthles i nilnutci tho two fillip i clung together and eleanor saw the fore- topmost of the qonnlo dune bend like a whip and nnap off cloie aljovo thu croitrtci falling part way to tho deck i he two ichooucrn i epanited and with drunken swaylngs the bonnie dune drifted on to kleanori horror she came to grclf aguln with the other ichooncr and till 1 time tho fouling was more irloin on both uhipi muii ran wildly to and fro some of them with axe i which they iiwung in an attempt to separate the i ntangled ship i tho entire upper part or the bonnie dunu appeared to dln- lnlergrato tho foremost broke clono above the deck the mahimuit snapped uelw tho cronstreei surrounded by floating spars n entanglement of cord age nnd loosening mil in tho doomed schooner niowly turned until her how was headed toward tho open lako tho water broke white over her bowfi and raced along her decks isvldcntly ahe had let go her anchors hleanor for tho flrnt time could make out the figures of men upon her thn o forward one aft and another on the piled lumber of the dock lond they a ere all there nnd it iieemed to her they nuuit bo comparatively nafo a tug would come presently and tow them in to her horror she saw the iparo widen ing between tho bonnln dime and the other schooner which nho knew had not moved somebody spoke behind her ahcfl a gonnerl shed dragging her hookii kloanor whirled from the window lhe roallved now that the anchors of tho iloimlo dune wore not holding icud that she was inevitably drifting in upon the breakers thats my father out there nho cried frantically my father i dont you understand sho was conscious tluit some one thrunt her hat upon her head and that two of the ntudents were hurrying her to the elevator forcing her u put on her coat as they went on till do she braced herself against the wind and with a young man on each side rocod ucrosi tho street turjied at tho first corner und finally reached tho plnr from which fiht once more glimpsed the nchoone- bho win lower in tho water now yet uos not sinking part of her deck load had been swept into the sea by tho wuvch and the galo was lifting tb laiviened plunks one after another like the open ing leaves of a fan utvd hinging them overboard kntangled in spam and cord age the lumber clung oltwo to tho schooners sides tug was juit putting out to win 3 the lifeboat and nhe cnllctl to tho surf- iiieii to hurry bobbing in clouds of spray thn bout followed the pitching tug wlowly toward tho wreck tho tlmu taken doomed intormlnablu but finally nho now that the tug had brought thu lifeboat iui near as it could to the wind- ward of tho bonnie dune in the lifeboat n man stood up nupiortnd by those on each side of him in hln hundv was a coll of rope which ho swung to- ward tin- ready hands on tho wnvlt that vulud u cuuh it it fell abort and he begun to roll it in rleuuor under ytood uiat if th- linn ouid to pusnei rrom the llfeltoat to hut men on the wnx i tlmy ould draw to tin in a eubu and ottach it to tho stlimp of tin broken must down thlt taunt llliti th ciw could slldu over tho turmoil of tho pitching luiutxif imtween tin in and tl niirrboat onm past thu hinder if tin fill the 1uut miild puk them tip a if h in and lucaln tho niirfnuui fulled to eiuit hit line to tho wr- k it foil short rach tiino lend liho iathut tllo tlmu li which r jkiie could lx oftx t d wuji grow log nhort hho rimld me tho tluree on thi cubln roof although nho could not a that dlitiinco rihoguhv any of jhem shi llad lililg atro drelded their uleilltlim ll hi r own mind tlio one who stood up- right by tho mast wnn her fattier an other who kept clo1 ui him iui if h mh v n libn from flipping wui uulph klorutu i ho imn crourhlng n ar thent two muni b ditvld oruhum mow she saw tho niun by the most itixniklng to the 0111 mum ut iilm ntly urrlvid uud ndili 11 they inbdoii uftor onsultlng with tho otlu thry rlrnrfl tho tjilwi of a long vopo und tho one nho jellovd to be her full laid it in loone tolls on the abln rihtf while two clhini nhlokled it fiom th force of the gale no that it would not tangle but would run out freely another man brought up a block of wood which in r futlur tli d to the t r e end of the line iti r heart utood iitlll and tear 1 htirrnd hi r eymi as she saw the one kltumor knew tun it lie ralph ji rk olf hi 1 ollikhii and unlace uud kuk otf hit 11 hoi a ytnen the lift iniat ould not piui 1 the hun to the wreck uulph won going to try to carry it to the boat it wui a di ipurute ehiuire 1 ho tlmbi ru jiur- oundlng the bonnie dune wi re not in vlolmt motion all ut tho name time but iui each wave en it piuii d tin y iicttlid into the trough cnihlng together and clung there for u few hint ants almot niotlonli 1111 in tin ie few iiitants a man inight find footing on tho un itable floot and run a few nit pi thin 111 the re it of the following wave piued undi r him the limbers would separuto and let him through and returning with terrific force rrtlih him it was better for one man to din thun five and tin ru wiii u rhance that he might git the line u i thin reach of thou in the lift boat thati ralph thats ralph i crl d ihi girl iu the titan ntoml block in hand upon the bulwark waiting for thn rlht momi nt iliuld nly lie made the leu and for junt a moment nho saw him amid the pitching timhi r 1 ai the next wave legan to 1 1 parate tlie lumber under hli feet he swung and hurled the line a nob caught in her throat he wlii gone thn mil f mi 11 picked up the block of wood deiiuhcd the line and made it fait to a itout cable the four mm on the wreck drew the cable to them and it wai fastened to the npmntered stub of the malnnuut one by ono they slid down it and she counted them as they wore pulled on hoard the lifeboat casting off thi towllno to the tug it started for nhore ulevwor saw one of the nurfmen bend quickly over the side clutch some thing in the water and with his mate aid drag it aboard blie knew that it wiu ralph poor bravo ualph como she giuped to her companions wo mint hurry i they ran across tho pier toward the coast guard station which tho lifeboat would reach long before they did they had to make their way along the wharveii which were crowded with people a cordon of police won holding back from the life tfnard station kloanor naw the ambulance with doctors and nunoi waiting the report ran through tho crowd that thu horolc man who had carried tho line was still olive incred ible iui it fucmed no bones were broken it was thought that he would live the explanations of the young men who were with hor got the three put tho police cordon and lslcnnor run into the station straight into tho anm of her father ai she clung to him she saw the other men a raves and wllnon and then ralph morton oho gazed at tlm hitter til bewilderment but it wai you you who got the une to them she faltered no klcanor replied ralph it wa 1 a bigger man than i who carried the mile still dazed eleanor went with her father toward the door to an inner office v hero a young doctor stood tho door was partly ajar and before sho reached it it wiui pushed entirely back and two men appeared with a iitrotcher on which nho could nee david ills eyon were cloned but as he was carried paut her they suddenly opened why hello kleanorl ho mulled if the umn of voice in whh h you ipi uk li important what you nay with it is otf n more so j ho volco lit the tone thn tlrubn of the violin bpnw h is tho olr ytfli ptuy on it altliough you may liavo all the out ward lumbhuu o of a uftitlcniati and all the inward grace pf on angi i yet if yeni 1 xpnmu yoiinii if in rorelesji or common- pla or crudit liuigllngo uio cultivated world will say thy speech imtrayeth thou your kocr t will bo mit you ure not of thn ulirt to wlumi our knh ilih np m h lit a 1h uutiful implernont to bo uil delicately r fnemlly as tho need is hit never in eilumily jfow bee jl111 win wiui ifoail om yoiitdy nope lxit i wirrlm notir agii iloy liuly vn your pliier one maine aln dh nhlsli iiumplil awful i y 1 feller yejir yep luid y ur t jiuv nope and nit for no for fi how of mister guy or tmm or pi ruou fhiihi und a hiiiidrnl otlu r crudltli 1 uko theni eiiull tlie t ar wry day and oft n tin y xirocimd not out of tho mouths tof uie ignorant and tho uneducated but from those that have luul ulitmdiuit jvorumlly to h urn ti iim uk in a moro 1 mly way hornet lmih the careleisness is dluje i the rivihlt of a f ellng uiat toi pn cine a speech savoni of a sort of mental fopplshncji unuortliy of a man it lt a mil lake one can up ok iood ntrong icnglldi without lug a prig or j pmdiuit but no one can iiwak uio lan guage hf the crude and ignorant without tluroby not only making hlnuulf auto- mittlcully one of tlieni but what li not no ofti n a rct wed putting his fiunlly too into that class lor unliss we take tlutilght to the contrary our habitual npeeeh through lifts is fur more what irn at homo until what we li arn in iehool when uiercforo you speak ignorantly or lioorlshly you are announc ing to oil within hearing that your fonuly lite luul un all acquuhilatirit with pruning knife of education millers worm powders aro swoct and palatable to children who show no hesitancy in taking them they will certainly bring worm troubles to an end ihey ore ntiengthonlng und stimulating medicine correcting tho dliord r of dlgeiitlon that woimn cause and impart ing a healthy tone to tho system moit beneficial to development ioils 1 kit catch over 41000100 pounds of lobster woro caught off the counts of nova cotli new brunswick pilncc kdward island and quebec in 1130 the largunt iiluco the record catch of 1017 which totalled more than 47000000 pounds of last years catch nearly 10000000 pounds of live lobilors werrf exported to tho united uates with boh ton and new york the principal buyom and about 5000000 pouncui wore canned 1 mont of the lobsters caught off onn- dlun chores iuue from no via ocotiu which lost year aecounted tor a 10211000 pounds new brunswick u hdoooo poundi prince kilward island ooludoo pound r and quobee lloailooo ounds making a total of 41013000 pouudn canadian matwwu toronto anmlial 1hsiimm tt4hmlljminlvcf one seeing is worth a hundred tcllmft a chinese proverb ex tremely apt in its application to the canadian national exhibition huge costly permanent buildings housing disphys from the ends of the earth are set like gems in an exquisitely landscaped 350acre nark along a mile ana a half of lake ontarios shore over ten miles of paved highways wind about the many beautiful structures and the hundreds of engaging attractions throughout the entire fourteen days of the hfty- third canadian national exhibition there will he features displays spott afloat and ushore art music and performances of magnifi cence and diversity make toronto your rendezvous dur ing the canadian national exhibi tion aug 28 to sept 12 ask travel agents about special reduced rates by boat train or bus send for literature describing this years exposition luftrviittom now htwg acctpttd for ouihtia plamorous sptctacu of thi uasttrn wortil nightly grand- stand pageant also for thi 4 conctrtt by tnttrnattonally famous exhibition 2000voicll chords th coltstuni gkanjdstand pageant orient a rtstrvtd stats 100 box stall 150 each 5 or 6 chairs in tdch box exhibition 2000voice chorus sat a 29th thurs stpt 3 tuts sept hand sat sept 12 ground floor rtstrvtd 75c- box chairs 100 j aug 28 o septj2i93i worlds greatest permanent exposition 55 consecutive year i2ioooooo invested im buildings park equipment am harris hw waiiirs 1rtiutnt gnrrhl mtr across the street yet miles away there they are thousands of customers daily going in and out hut as far as were concerned tlicy might as well he miles away jim weve got to lace the truth theres noth ing wrong with the customers were to blame ever since we cut down on our advertising weve been culling down on our number of customers theyre going over there jim where theyre invited every day yes customers are busy everywhere looking for goods to replace the worn out or depreciated things which they passed up in 1930 and 1931 is a replace ment year a recovery year and people arc buying iu ever increasing volume because they have lo bui they are careful in their buying they want to learn about the goods they soon will own they scan ihc advertising pages more closely than ever before in thousands of homes tonight men and women are deciding what they are going to buy tomorrow and where are you in on these home conferences do you have a representative an advertisement to tell how you can serve will they come lo your store or go across the street or down in the next block or to another town lo a competitor who is adequately telling his story in advertising a in aclon you enn hit in not hitiinly on port of iiicae conferences but on aix of them you can do it at one advertising investment concen trate in the acton free press it oltciu you 1 u hciirini in practically every home in acton and dis trict it is rend by thousands of coplo for ila adver tising information you have guaranteed attention your message in the free press is sought out by people who are in the market for merchandise its ability to produce results is attested to by 56 years years of successful performance for advertisers the acton free press halt on countys largest all homeprint newspaper