Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1931, p. 2

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mob tlw the acton free press tjtohsday awhjbt jt 10j1 the home or qjljr artoti 3tn flw0b ucmur capstluh wkly nw ataotutliin urmlrr ontrioqmllec dmlua c w n a the acton ikeejkes l kl- mill stcet afcln nt th ir lre dultdinh ptl 1 indlutl hi wm lb- advrut1s1ng hatbsvcw v rate will loind i 1 f plsy mlvertulntf rao sppuctlau c a dills editor nl lroprletr teleliiones editorial nd builoe offlco uebldertco back to school the school bolls will ring utfiiin on tuesday and the pupils will resume their studies in higher forms for another term in the proccsii of becoming fitted for lires duties the school year jiibt passed is ope that you may remember with pleasure or regret if success has crowned your achievements n continuance of application to studies will undoubtedly be your resolve if on the other hand failures were met with and the year was not one which you will re member with pride the time is now to make resolve to rcqtify the mistakes and make this term one that will obliterate the failures of the past year everyone at some time fulls short of the achieve ment thoy have aimed ut but constant failure without b desire for improvement can make only for a life of failure now is the time to buckle in a years course of study can not be ubsorbed in less than a year employment measure locally and throughout the country the task of registering the unemployed is now being carried on and will bo completed before the ond of the mouth measures to cope with the situation are engaging the attention of governing bodies whether the ap plication is merely a sedative or a cure for the ill remains to be scon lifter a trial of the experiment to the ajcragc mind it appcampeculinr that in the midst of plentytbountcous crops and apparently enough for all want should exist alongside wherever the fault may lie it is mans blunder and as such ii is quite apparently mans duty to find a remedy is commendiblc also that the remedy takes the form ot employment rather than a dole no canadian that is worthy of the name would desire to accept a dele and remain idle he will desire to be busy and jiot a burden to the country and while the wages may r bo as largo as the past few years have seen lictw hfce anxious to give value for measures which are culculnt cd for his betterment in a time of stress it is n time when all must do their share in relief uud how ever small that share may seem it is equally im portant there is no place for the drone at this or any bthcr time tart of the dominions life tomorrow will usher in the season of exhibitions and fairs when the canadiun national exhibition opens its doors to the world and all may gaze at many of the wonders of the world from the largest to the smallest fair each has a place in the buildjrg and shaping of tho dominion think buck a few years of what constituted the attractions and exhibits of any of these exhibitions and in their growth is portrayed the development of canada many will saythbtthoflrjcrqxhitui0 smaller fairs that thoy ratio into insignificance and yet there is n different interest and atmosphere about the small fair that makes it hold a lure that is missing from the big exhibition to get n reflection of canada in a broad sense it may possibly be best obtained at a largo exhibition but to get an intimate mirrorage of the life and endeavors and a renewal of acquaintanceships it can only be found at the rural fairs both are decidedly different in their coverage both are essential in the life and entertain ment ofthe people of all cvasscs tho season is here let it take its place in the pleasure and proht it af fords in a few weeks its activities will be over and the late fall and winter season will follow at the right time anyway to the average ratepayer tho news that the county rate will bo lower this year than last year will be welcome it may be somewhat difficult tounderstand that this is tho fact in spite of the statement that expenditures of the county body are tho same this year as last each year it seems has its own methods of financing and thus it came about that a certain debenture amount was provided for twice in the same year new methods of accounting and bookkeeping bring about careful checking up in many lines of business and apparently the county council has prov en no exception if there ever was a year when the rebate will bo appreciated by the municipalities and tho ratepayers it is this year when all bodies arc experiencing financing difficulties immigration to canada i immigration to canada during june 1031 showed a decrcaso of 70 per cent compared with june 1030 tho figures being 3161 and 13171 respectively ac cording to a statement issued by hon wesley a gordon minister of immigration and colonization tho total immigration to canada in tho three months april 1 to junc 30 1031 was 10188 compared with 40800 in tho corresponding three months a year ago tho greatest decrease this year is shown in immigra tion other than that from the british isles and he united states tho present small movement from continental europe consists almost wholly of wives and minor children of europeans already permanent ly settled in canada total immigration for the first three months of the present fiscal year april 1 to june 30 1031 compared with the tame period a year ugo consisted or british 3826 compared with 10587 united states 4807 compared with 051 other countries 1555 compared with 23701 editorial notes third purly candidates did not receive much en couragement in the quebec elections on monday those who never do any more than thoy get paid for never get paid for anything more than they do elbert hubbard nonmetallic inincruls manufactured in canada in 1030 were valued at 210013078 these minerals were fabricated in 1180 factories and guvc employ ment to 20032 workers it is quite apparent that it takes more than a de pression to shake the faith of quebec in its political traditions after thirtyfour years of continuous power the liberal government was returned to office again on monday the globe on tuesday gave the quebec elections the main headline und the british government change second plucc the mail and empire had the headings reversed it all depends on ones interest as to judgment of importance of things statisticians generally seem of the firm belief that an upward trend is business is just around the corner many of them predicted the present conditions und we did not want to believe them but now everyone seems desirous of listening to their message the aylmcr express takes the local band to tusk for only playing the first few bars of the national anthem and says it should never be abbreviated on curtain occasions it is not proper to render the whole selection such as the reception of the lieutenant governor or governorgeneral sinco the royal canadian air force made its first experimental flight in connection with aerial map ping over lake winnipeg hi 1022 the total number of photographs taken from aeroplanes in canada is close to a half million the science of aerialmapping has been developed to a highdegrec the liquor control board is to be commended on their prompt action in refusing to allow a man sitting at the top of a flagpole to drink beer publicly some people and newspapers seem to take a particu lar delight in trying to create embarrassing circum stances for those in charge of law and order john aird jr is truly a forgetful chap u neglected it seems to mako mention of those paltry amounts of 50000 and 125000 which he received for services from t the provincial hydro commission attdrho biurfntmstsxonrptny in his ci t yin com returns these big business people sometimes be come big by yarious means which look just queer to us ordinary folk among tho leading- industries of cariada slaugh tering and meat packing is near the top of th6 list there arc 70 plants in the dominion devoted to the industry which last year had a total output valued at 10402003 there are 24 plants in ontario 17 in quebec nine in british columbia eight in new brunswick six in manitoba six in alberta three ir saskatchewan two in prince edward island and one in nova scotia chronicles of ginger farm wrtuoo spills hy tm onindounir ciaw every year wo leel a sense of grautade when the last sheaf 1 safely tucked away in ttut barn the last load of hay in the mow and nothing bavins accidents can hurt the product of a years growth but this year rwell gratitude is too mild a word to express uie sense of relief that comm to us at the ootnnletlon of harvest the weekend storms have made ot har vest a very long drawn out affair indeed and even now we cannot nay it 1 all in the barn because the barn simply would itot hold it so a stack of barley had to bo built outside to await the coming o uie thresher we have had two men working for u this week except one day when neither of them came so x had to take a turn in tile mow it was barley we wore vetting in uiat day and after stacking away each load x came out ol the mow sat down on the nrat thing that came handy and spent the interval between loads removing barieybeards from my stockings and slioe and thuua nam my hahds and feet one time wont into uie house and a neighbor plumed to tell me uie joyful news uist our cows were la another neighbors oat field away x went after those cows uie pamture field wait hard and lumpy and as i walked or rathcr stumbled along ui fact was brought lioine to me uiat i had by no means extracted all uio thistles from my pedal extremities x would will lngly lulvepold a dollar for a needle on uiat trip so uiat x might have sat down hi the middle of tho pasture and extract ed those minute duturbtrs of u pence x nccm to remember in uie dim piust reading a porm culled tlu pilgrim and the lvtti it wow about a mail wlio wlshuil to do pnianco and wont a long journey on foot wlui peas in his nhoes now if there u any one of our rodi who is anxlouit for original methods of doing penance x can uioroughly recom mend uilstlefl especially tho very flu variety which cannot bo wen or even felt ut tlmrct but wlileh ho nicely cm bedded under the outer skin and can linict oil much misery an our worst cinniy could wiril upon us but away with unpleasant uioughu x liavo got fiumuthmg really beautiful to vrlto about olio morning thin week at a time when town peoplo were juat rollln over in bej for their lout nnoose x was out in tho garden picking tomatoes x am not tak ing uiy cluuiceii especially when ono old lien lias found thoy are particulars pleasing to her palate and on the way out x stopped to pick a few dead bloama oiy tha petunia when on uie very plant from which x won picking utere war u little wee humming bird it made not tlut slightest attempt to fly away and x plckcdlt up very gently in my hand in ttie lioufw x let it go in the nunroom and found it could fly a little bit but not enough for 1u own protection tlio thought of a cat getting such a tiny lilt of undefenceless loveliness was more than i could stand no x kept my little blnllr in uie liouui nearly all day it would perch on my finger while x held it near a vate of gladioli and its long thin tongue would dart in and out of tho sauny blooms sucking uio juiced from uie beautiful flowers then it would ret for awhile still perched on my linger and chirp away u- merrily as a cricket its long thu beak won about half on inch in length and its peacock color body about two inchon from head to toll it denied to bo a mature bird and i think either it had got tunned tn some way or the morning air had chilled it because by five oclock there did not beem to bo any thing the matter with it go uie children ond x took it out to uio flowers and let it go vor quite a whlln wo watched it oh it flew happily from bloom to bloom tlun it seemed to tire and perched on the nearby fence chirping chirping allue time and to our ifarprlso there van a whin a and two mom little humming birds came and talked m their lost brouior hw about hair an hour thoy darted in and out among the flowers and uie sunshine and then tlioy all flew uway out of night and liavo not sinco relumed i am afraid i wasted quite a lot of ume with my htuo birdie but x do not regret it if we cannot take time to delight in uie beautiful things which god lias created what is uie use of uvlng7 we create for ourselves and take tlma for other pleasures which ire not lialf so beautiful oh my little hum ming bird and are often blind to tha nights and sounds of every day lire which if we will can nil our lives with a peaceful happinejka not round in the pursuit of artificial pleasures one day this wwk x hod a friend come to me mo wlio has experienced great fcorrow sorrow which is greater uiuil losing honujjkne we inve jor awhile wt sat oiitilde in tho cool of tho evening and preiuntly she said how beautiful tlu sound are liewl x looked at her uhltwtlieed-her-habhualty-worrlideg- preftslon hod given place to a asd yet peaceful look and x was glad iio very gud that her receptive soul could see und hear natures tneisage to her there u ho wtrrow ko great no trouble so overwhelming but what nature hoi some messsge for us if we are attuned to hear it and many are the lmvtanreh a new st john ms a new manuscript or the gospel of bt john was discovered mx jqauelkcbir in egypt the manuscript says the living age is believed to date from ap proximately the year four hundred and l therefore one of tha oldest manusertpta of uie new testament it is also uie earliest manuscript extant of st john in the coptic language it was dug up in an old christian cem etery excavated by mr guy bruntun rep- raenuuve of the british school of archaeology hi egypt tho cemetery contained coptic and itoman graves that appeared to have lain undisturbed for at least uilrtecn hundred years inside a rough jar waa found a until bundle about tho sloe of a mans rut it was wrapped in linen and obviously contained somn christian scripture in coptic ex amination of tho packet was begun in england by olr hinders potrte who found uiat it contained a tall narrow book of paprus uiat tiad been doubled across and tightly tied uirrby seriously damaging uie manuscript after fortnlglttw skluful treatment however blr hinders was able to separate the fragile leaves from one anouier iln founo uiat there were fortyuiree leaves most of uiem in good condition written on both sides hi oopuc letters the numbers i the pages indicate ulere must havo bren nearly a hundred the book is beauti fully written and tho height of uie page and uie condition of uie book suggest that it was a church copy coptic is written in greek cliaructer with lialf a dozen extra letters bo hatf the manuscript can oatilly be compared wltli tho oldest of tho greek ulbucal manuscripts these are uio codov v lcanus now at tho vat iran in i torn which lit assigned to uie- fourui century a d tho code hiiiaulcu now in l rograd or ivnlngrad allliough thanka to xrof kirsopp ijucos pains photo graphic copies are now available and the codex alcxandrlnux now in the llrltiiji muicum ort persons greatest work being accom plished after forced lnacuvlty retire ment from active life which has given them tune and greater opportunities ij appreciate tho wonder of natural lire there ut no depression in nature cashalltle yes but flowers that are left bloom as brightly birds sing as sweetly and animals that belong to the open do not slacken tn vigilance in their right tor existence an old favoiutk xk may at iwimu george auked tin maid may who ho had her iruouiliig why muyonnulm and uieu chu rild oh mayoiinalie la drew lug ctnsdhtn shredded wheat h 100carutdun grain eat two shreddcj whcut biscuits a day and help canadas prosperity p if i expect to exercise i eat shred4ed wheat wo are inviting trouble when we rush out from work oat u hearty lunch and then try to pi ay golf i confine my lunch to two slirodded wheat biscuits with sliced peaches and a pi teller of cream and milk ah the nourishment i need and so easily digested diat it doesnt interfere with my game iic canadian subxddcd wheat oqmpanxlta made iti canada ith canadian wheat shredded wheat with all the bran of the whole wheat weekend wisebuys at new store i hamilton ont til j week 113 store fsrrolk new store hamilton ont hiu week pickles 36oz lar vkby s ulil ish lou j 19c luv dill ilckuis ig ta 19e sx j vkcoraif fnjt pull joc vju fjiscuits lb i jof cm ckackurs pi lie chmli tka biscuits pig scu omjl sjr w flour 24lb bag kellou cohni ijuclis pig 27 qij cd ackijis 1 plgu 2c jars a 97c 107 137 rings 3 do 50c rubbers 2 do 15c s ill hi tw ketchup igbtl 19c spmul trlitm samp flakes 37 super suds narlht juice k 2 spaghetti lo 19 vll oxo 1 ox 19c nl to 10c can ow rf butter lb 25c com ptj tuot ppj bread 24oz lof 6c cjr m ou cheese lb 25c 4 bananas lbs for small oranges per dozen medium oranges per dozen large oranges per dozen 22c 35c 50c le per dozen ontario onions 1u lbs for celery per hunch potatoes per peck 30c 17c 40c 15c mill street acton ontario if you expect to sell you 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