i i the acton free press thuiu3day ootoogji 201031 the home op slje arton 3fr flrrfia j qiw dilloo c w n a t mill html autn oululu tl aubwrlplkii pru i 4o wr yr in advanca ulb ilia- uilltuf lu off in t unlil htaua til lla which ubcrlutlon r 1l1 la imlkatctl in tho addrean label advkutiking jtatrs for mnll uncla-l- fil kvrrtimriia ul in tlir 1uiii mm rlc will 1 loimil ut liead ol wlunm du ality uitvcrluinu rutca on a indication c a dills kdltor bait vroprulor telerilones- kdltorlal and rualntaa omc ueulcoco the ijist straw tho lire menace is indeed a drend tlmt nil fear but perhaps the farmer is the most helpless victim of the hciid in that once started ho is ut its mercy until it burns itseir out the many farm fires in the neigh boring county of wentworth have given rise to the suspicion that they have been started by u mentully deranged person the farmer as well as every othc individual is operating at the present time under sufficiently harrowing circumstances this drend of tho firebug swooping down and firing his barns would seem like the inst straw in the present circumstances the insurance companies will undoubtedly be so hard hit that an increase in rates wilt be inevitable and no man can afford to take flic risk of allowing his policy to lapse all comics the northern news says that citizens of kirklond lake have been enjoying the big jokes occasioned by tho lack of fact contained in the brcery stories of the rambling journalist of the toronto stur the demand for the sensational on the part of many of the city dailiesto the exclusion of the facts has mnde them come to bo regarded in the rural centres as very amusing and entertaining but fur from reliable as a source of information the news points out ns typical of the writers inaccuracies the fact that a few months ago 1000 men registered as being out of work while the city journalists estimate is 08 if the editors of the weekly journals took similar liber ties with the news of their communities the news paper office would be an embarrassing place to re main but then again wc read that the selling feature of some of these journals is the 20 comic strips every day and the puzzle features love mo l4ve my dog- the literal adoption of the above slogan is hardly appreciated by the average individual who uses the drinking fountain ut tho post ofllco for the sinking of his thirst it was told tin- vuvv phiiss that some pet dogs are held up to this fountain to have u drink in view of the fuct thut this is a public drinking fountnin it seems unfair that those without so fond ii liking for these pets shourt be forced to drink unknowingly at the same fountain the main street trough was elenrly arranged for tho con venience at the animals of the fourfootod variety huhinettt condition the current issue of the business mmimnry of ths lliink of montreal gives cunadinn conditions at this time as follows unsettlement of international cur rencies has been the outstanding event of the past live weeks sterling exchange dipping below 150 in new york and thrtfohnndinn dollar to ki cents some recovery has since occurred but values are uncertain and until stabilized a new element of huurd enters into foreign trade franco has received large ship ments of gold from new york the hank of france increasing its store to upwards of 2500000000 money has risen in price generally many european countries having increased rate for loans to safe guard gold reserves after the manner of the hank of england and in new york rates have also risen in canada the government has prohibited the export of gold except under license iiow and when the exchange situation will be stabilized is not apparent righting adverse trade balances will help and this through necesity a being brought about in more than one country linemploymeiit at home and abroad and heavy deficits in national budgets involve costly relief measures and increased taxation us well us mounting debt measures of relief are more com prehensive in canada than a year ago and entail larger public expenditure in trade there is indica tion of a halt in commodity price decline for a con siderable period prices have remained fairly steady and while there is still an oversupply of world stores of cotton wheat sugar copper rubber and lumber prices would seem to inve touched bottom edltohhal notes one result of the exchange rotes finding it we enn do a lot of things we formerly considered unattainable is that we are in canada that another draft of 4000 men have been taken to the northern construction camps wonder how many of these came from the rural sections of ontario at a meeting of the brampton busings mens association it was decided to enncel the wednesday halfholidny that has been observed in the summer mouths the quotation on the american coins in god we trust has a rather pointed meaning at the present time for the rest of the world with its reduced value of currency it seems that roger babsou is willing to stake bis reputation that good times ore just around the corner if they arent his wont be the only reputation that will be lost editor forster of the oakville star makes a debatable stotemeriuwhen he announces the gather ing of the weekly newspaper editors in oakville as brainy men of wentworth peel and hulton small wonder tho migration to cityward the county council is to be commended for its action in tho interview with the minister of high ways regarding the construction of the third highway across the southern part of tho county in the ar rangement to lower the countys share the depart ment admits that twenty per cent of 800000 is a heavy item for an electorate to pay that is not bene fitted in any way we have maintained from the but- set and we are still of the opinion that hulton should not he called upon for one dollar for expenditure on this third southern highway 1 the province can assunutrouly eighty per cent of the cost the other twenty per cent should be absorbed by toronto and hamilton who are the greatest benefnetors of this link between these two cities if the counties can bo saddled with highway construction costs without their consent why in all fairness can the cities not have the burden placed on their shoulders where it rightly belongs halt6n is struggling u titter a de benture debt that it will take years to overcome if there is any highway in the county that will benefit haltoninns it is the completion of tho link from acton to milton yet the county council is told it must provide a percentage prohnbly ten per cent and twenty per cent if it hadnt been objected to of 800000 for a highway it doesnt need or want and forego the construction of one tlmt is badly needed it is again a case of the cities win at the expense of the rural sections small wonder that the boy on the farm is lured cityward rather than remain tn the farm or in the smaller community ns the highway construction programme is but typical of city and rural discrimination a speaker at the recent congress of the american college of surgeons suggested the removal of the appendix from nil children we suppose reduced rntes would prevail on such quantity business by the end of november 1031 over 28000 head of cattle will it is expected have been exported from cnnuda to great britain weekly shipments for some time past have averaged from 1000 to 1200 head it is forecast that ontario liquor sales will show n decrease of 7000000 if they would drop another 40000001 we can foresee the people of the province us a whole in much better condition both financially and morally chronicles oi ginger farm written hpedatly for the free vram by gwendoline p c labile the liquor control board has another problem on its bunds forged labels tor canadian bootleggers are being used in canada we understood the boot leggers were to disappear under this form of temper ance promotion the legions activity in endeavoring to make re- membrnnce day truly significant is to be commeudedj if it is to be nothing hut another public holiday it will be far from the original intention it comes on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour gold production in ontario continues to increase almost every month the september output is valued at 3 850 284 the highest on record in any month tho total production from the mines in ontario for the first nine months of ll31 had a value of 31300 ou the total value of the production of the 12 months of 1030 was 35518802 hoiiko in ulruj iff iay jiilol ocriutlon- uly oliiuip tcwiit u lutrlc l n piuuilnu ur iuui vftuh riom his lxx behind tho idujuii jitovi lvifi ail tuihwitliitf ifrowl from mmii imrt f tli furm a rwmtr wihih forth il chiil lent 1m u cull and iock- 4lmxlliilm cij tlur iuijwit from llll- olhur dlrocltuii tlut ipiirrowit uro twit- u rlny and chirping in urn hli bimh uiitur tlm window jlimm our kllutiut ii purrlntf on tht rutf ut my fiil mul tho kuttk on the nuwii u nlnuhnf iui inuclnu liujwinm iiontf but uicmj rutt tho only munwli that iitrllcu tho ir thn children iiir uwjy lo a inluhlwtrii to w wimn tilln iuui liiruur w puttlntf hi thins ut 11 thrnhhijf vih ivrythhiw ij wonder fully ulct and it lit 11 wolromi ijulilmiui utlrr iho wtck wn huvii luul you know how it it minii- wiikii uro julit porhului cvin to thi- point of monotony otluri urj jimt oidhiiny workadny vcikn and otlkru tiuubi an- jitt 0110 mud nuli from ihhmlnif to id thtit luui ihhii oik- of tho latter variety h iilarled with the iicwji that tin- threiih- inu nuichlne wun mining lo our urn oarly thli week other llini we have lt it up by but iihui the evil hour could not be iwilponed any more one jf tulr teluhboili were thrcihhlk cm tue4uyulll lhi machine wu- to move into our place wednesday ijcmmj r coutm- tucdav was a day o preparation partner lud quite 11 few litt miliute john to tin hi the barn while i wai hiuy in the hoiie inaklnk 11 1 lack of plea etc and then the child ren came home md i discovered put had imen rather badly hint at mliool u he perfoice had to be kept at home the next day uml hln injuries bathed and othorwlic cured for wednesday morrunir i hltchiwl up prince und went oil to town for fupplui coming homo liibmit eleven llfteui i wiui horrlllcd to uw the threihlnu machine on tlu rmul aheiul of me my flnl though l uiui of dinner had they liad it if tliey hadnt would tliey wimt it lmtftro iwolvu and what wait i to ulvo them plenty of meat in the buuuy of coune but of what une wm a ureal chunk of raw incut for a quick meal hut ulory lw thoy hint had their dinner and uo my pulw re turn vl to normal after dlnuitr one of our neuthbojii came over to help mo and in llttlu whl wo hatl enouuh yodd fond cooklnu t fortify a tfurrlfion of men once lu a while partner would come in with a mouuchcwn bau tluit needed at tention the telephone neemed to rlnit abcrtit every half hour but apart from tlmt wo had no interrupt lonn und were able to work away until nix oclock and then canie that but minute mrhl thuniday wiui a lovely bright warm day and the tlirwhlntf proccedexl from daylight to dark without a hitch the machine pulllliir out about nix oclock to go to another nrlifhbor11 partner looked end felt m if he bad had enough thresh- ln for a time and io he lured 11 man to ho tho next day hut nine oclock wednesday nltfht our man phoned to miy he couldnt no but if he found 1 man looking for a job he would hit ui know lie did not phone w wo 0t in touch with mime other fellow who prom ised to do the job for ua kverythlntf mid o k and wo went to lied with ah eiuiy conscience kuowtnif the threalilnu would lie atumded to cuul partner have a chance to cot the tmreneiui from hlii eyes and the dust out of hlu lungn the next mornlim our nelnhlor phon ed and said there wele two men there and both of them wild they were from ciarkoiil it wait loo funny for any thing by the tlnffi we ot thlnuti iitralghtened out we found one of them won the one we had hired and the other fellow had been ient along by the man wo had previously entfatfod but who mild ho coud not come there won no thin u for it but to leave one man at the threshing and lye the other man a job at home today partner thought he had better do the job hlmwlft lmdiy i thohght wan a good time to tret everything iitralghtenod up again extra dliheii put away that only iee day light when threnhern arrive towelii wash ed etc hut i would have been jmt iui far ahend had i nut on the jlooptep and interviewed the various calleni an they arrived llnit of all came the roaileru which i had ordered in readlneai for next year then came the oil truck partner wiu out un i hiul to arrange a muetlng be tween the oll niiin and lite oil barrel lie had not been gone long before a travelling iialeiman appeared on the iicenu and even the tact that there w m no money in thc hnuui did not curb his enthumiuiin tim next caller wiui a man neeklnjc nurplui farm produce for nhlpment to tlie ulrlcken people of the prallii thatll all right but what about the poo in onltrlo the man we had working for im yeiiterday had hln wife and four chllditn to keep und in lib celar there are two bjigti of potatoes and a few hu- ktitu of appieii jdmrt it been mild tint charity beglnir ut home without a doubt prairie fnrmeui ieed wifilttunci we have been through the 11111 ounielvoi and know what it meanii but jcll lite people in the went are not impnvevlihed there are plenty of thuin that nuiat be in ii position to help their leui rornlnate neighbori when the feller commlttika of thin pro vince jippoui to thn furmerumn umlr vari ous hnuttnna how many llnu2 will they meet with the tmponim oh fvm iiorry we kttd itliinty of b wo did notmthd hut wo sent it aill out wentl nljpf rnninilttooa that trprly orgmih are in u butuir pomttion to know what u tieeded in uulr iwn community than individual mid it would be fairer countin tiik inoikm a coioshax cont11act l wldi mu re 1 fiilln to r veal iinyn i win hiu ov r u in lo it o trouble of c u lung hi nuinln r irtmnnli ontaliied h tin wet i idle r eve l u narrow tl field the m ml r r 1m mill oiiluhwd h lh itrltlih w ut indie y t like um halm in tho human hrud and lh liturnlu lhe ulghlnky themt lidaiuli 11m not i mim- eroiui oh to lm ihyind ounlbig it would probably lako a year to voy- ngii around and take u complnui efuifi of the liland memlmrit of tho wit lildlen incliulblg ijermudu thirteen of umj hflluli inland oolnnli un vbilunl kgulurly by unern of lu camullaiui nat- ifniarti uiel plying to and from montreal ilullfjx oalnt john h 11 und hmlon the lhlrtien viilud by the canadian niuimali ijidy llneru are the leading llrltlih lland coloulmi and among tliem tlui imwt interesting of all the garlb- lniui eounlrlei yet they are but i umill portion numerlrully itiirmudii which li not itrlctly tip4-ak- ing it pirt of the wel indlen eomprbeii aoo ijlanili jtrie liahiumui number 700 the leo win d and windward ihiuil of any imporlance numtkerwell over a uconi to kidd to tlili lure porto hire hall and uuu oiinilnun m nihil ud jinnalca and cuba probably the total of tho wiut indlcti luandi counting even tint imull- lit it wll over two thoiiumt uniuno yoiiu riavr and hlijni it in onhir to be nucceiwful work along lhe linn of your ylrbi flimio dinner u nnikn it fu i ore imciuimi they nhould have been urtliu iuui nutnu arluiu full twauno they nhould lmv ben faimerri 1 not try to run counter u your iiatunt your endowments cihmuj tlie work you can do imjlt it lake more than finding your pliicn in lhi world however lo make you u- cyuiful jr nudlng your- puce in mm thing iu4 nlllng il in another to wlect the work you are nlted forcalla for good jpilgmeut and a wlin doc lh ion but to do the work you are nlted for de- uuuidi indiuit ry patient atul purhl unee 1lnd what you can do well and then do your 1mm with 11 that u all lheie l u mueejj 8ek hlimtt poultry chop report rowilved by um poultry dlvulon of tho department of agriculture at otluwu lu duui minuiiil tlmt tho poultry ci op all ovet canada thlt year will bo rterlrtertty fihort wuuu specialized production hiui i x ponded nvjtcrlally in quelx under the club movement tho i i ulr 1 ivdvlneen are finding it- more pmfltuhle a live oilv rather thjin byf their pitullrrvlliwkii kng irlccs have been dlmtpptlng with iaiiuiucnt in avy inarkellngii of dfued poultry and at thn mime time chick prixluotloti for 1u3i woi decidedly oir lho poultry which rome onui the market thin fall howevur will pioliuhlv thow a high de gree of hnbh lwjiiujii of lhe uhiludjulca of feeibi and mo i of it will iell on m luulnof oiflclal griideh price will pn- hubly ixi a big fjclor conliolllng volumo in luik them if there in any iurphu pro duce that could be uhlpped lo the weit and then uiul ii of courm lint 1 ony my idea it may not miund logical but i gueii everyone ti entitled lo their own opinion 1 pnrlclrv oitometuist will viuxt aoion on monday november 2 u l anyone nurfnrlng trom bytutraln 7 ilefitlvo vbilon or hcadaoha 1 mrj nhould not iiiux tho opportunity of v 7 fw 1 eomniltlng this nyenlght upoclalut y j appolntmenbi may bo made ltb j ur a t drown drugglai v oonuultation pltttb oitkfl llouw 0 m till 4 th trmar you i and the gate may have our sjecrets i thciel no lw agaimt ii i i but well tn t1m worm carrolvs save you money j pork beans 1 5 special aytmer choice quality sieve 4 no 2 tins cake mixture jue a1j wir 1 rlvor 1lb pkg 19 si1 wiu condensed milk 3 uortlm cc nw usuui cli biscuits 25 victory wt mix j pickles oi 40 special a pammn soap scotch mints lujufi lu- tft- hmtoj 1 lk1 1uc 1iuyi kuttctrrs 1bvii ui oq comfort lobars 39 spcul a i cuanmr- panshine 3 tns 20 solp week special i canlll ou llu s4fu minoimliat q ll hvf bvhj or- iuuihinirs j um car ij mill j uoi i m oats 6 iu rouiii kfu exam x mloca iu cjuh glh uhiti llllank 1 iu 19c 25c 10c soup 325 sundries unclu anooin luihime wonolviuksjiittu bj ut lie lima hiians j iu ajc mustaid ifr48c sitvo 90 a t cw wilu swianr ooh iki1m 25c 19c wmato juicb v1w tuj ihjmpk1n 1q 1 n- j li4 ic c 49c mm pum clw iionfly 1tl u 39c hs1 for hallowe en chocolates lb 29c buthltk k 0 gum drops 2 tfei 7c jellv beans pound 19c nuts lb 23c kisses 1q pound lt rock lb 17 medium oranges per dozen oc large oranges rja pur dozen 3uc lemons mn per dozen 4uc 3 bananas 1 ih for lifc cranberries q per lh loc heao lettuce f for ench 1uc 6 sweet potatoes 1j lbs for luc ferrinh royal york smecia1 shortcake l picch in a pound 5c value r lb 23c carrolls limited znmill street aeton ontario v